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Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) improves performance and accelerates recovery of high-level Rugby players in field test: A randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study

  • Universidade Nove de Julho / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Abstract and Figures

While growing evidence supports the use of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) for performance and recovery enhancement, there have only been laboratory-controlled studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of PBMT in performance and recovery of high-level rugby players during an anaerobic field test. Twelve male high-level rugby athletes were recruited in this randomized, crossover, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. No interventions were performed before the Bangsbo Sprint Test (BST) at familiarization phase (week 1), at weeks 2 and 3 pre-exercise PBMT or placebo were randomly applied to each athlete. PBMT irradiation was performed at 17 sites of each lower limb, employing a cluster with 12 diodes (4 laser diodes of 905nm, 4 LED diodes of 875nm, and 4 LED diodes of 640nm, 30J per site - manufactured by Multi Radiance Medical™). Average time of sprints, best time of sprints, and fatigue index were obtained from BST. Blood lactate levels were assessed at baseline, and at 3, 10, 30 and 60 minutes after BST. Athletes' perceived fatigue was also assessed through a questionnaire. PBMT significantly (p<0.05) improved average time of sprints and fatigue index in BST. PBMT significantly decreased percentage of change in blood lactate levels (p<0.05) and perceived fatigue (p<0.05). Pre-exercise PBMT with the combination of super-pulsed laser (low-level laser), red and infrared LEDs can enhance performance and accelerate recovery of high-level rugby players in field test. This opens a new avenue for wide use of PBMT in real clinical practice in sports settings.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Laboratory of Phototherapy in Sports and Exercise, University of Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil;
Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil;
of Pharmacology, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil;
Multi Radiance Medical, Solon, Ohio; and
Program in Biophotonics Applied to Health Sciences, University of Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Pinto, HD, Vanin, AA, Miranda, EF, Tomazoni, SS, Johnson, DS,
Albuquerque-Pontes, GM, de Oliveira Aleixo Junior, I, Grandi-
netti, VdS, Casalechi, HL, de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho, P,
and Pinto Leal Junior. Photobiomodulation therapy improves
performance and accelerates recovery of high-level rugby
players in field test: A randomized, crossover, double-blind,
placebo-controlled clinical study. J Strength Cond Res 30(12):
3329–3338, 2016—Although growing evidence supports the
use of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) for performance
and recovery enhancement, there have only been laboratory-
controlled studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ana-
lyze the effects of PBMT in performance and recovery of high-
level rugby players during an anaerobic field test. Twelve male
high-level rugby athletes were recruited in this randomized,
crossover, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. No inter-
ventions were performed before the Bangsbo sprint test
(BST) at familiarization phase (week 1); at weeks 2 and 3,
pre-exercise PBMT or placebo were randomly applied to each
athlete. Photobiomodulation therapy irradiation was performed
at 17 sites of each lower limb, employing a cluster with 12
diodes (4 laser diodes of 905 nm, 4 light emitting diodes
[LEDs] of 875 nm, and 4 LEDs of 640 nm, 30 J per site,
manufactured by Multi Radiance Medical). Average time of
sprints, best time of sprints, and fatigue index were obtained
from BST. Blood lactate levels were assessed at baseline, and
at 3, 10, 30, and 60 minutes after BST. Athletes’ perceived
fatigue was also assessed through a questionnaire. Photobio-
modulation therapy significantly (p#0.05) improved the
average time of sprints and fatigue index in BST. Photobiomo-
dulation therapy significantly decreased percentage of change
in blood lactate levels (p#0.05) and perceived fatigue (p#
0.05). Pre-exercise PBMT with the combination of super-
pulsed laser (low-level laser), red LEDs, and infrared LEDs
can enhance performance and accelerate recovery of high-
level rugby players in field test. This opens a new avenue for
wide use of PBMT in real clinical practice in sports settings.
KEY WORDS low-level laser therapy, light emitting diodes,
sport, exercise, phototherapy
The sport of rugby consists of intense physical activ-
ity with frequent bursts of high-intensity activities
such as sprinting, tackling, and blocking inter-
mingled with short intervals of low-intensity activ-
ities (between 4 and 8 seconds) like standing, walking or
jogging. Preparation for play requires training to focus on
a combination of muscular strength, power, agility, speed,
aerobic, and anaerobic endurance (4,8,9,15,25).
Varley et al. (25) compared activity profiles between
rugby, American football and soccer players, and concluded
that rugby players have less running load in matches. How-
ever, the frequent collisions increase the high-intensity ef-
forts when compared with other noncollision sports. As
Address correspondence to Ernesto Cesar P. Leal Junior, ernesto.leal.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2016 | 3329
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
a high-intensity sport, rugby creates a higher physical
demand and requires better conditioning from players. Iden-
tifying methods that not only promote recovery but also
accelerate it are crucial to minimize accumulating fatigue
and risk of overuse injuries.
This is highly important in Rugby Sevens (7s), where the
number of field players is limited to 7 rather than 15 on
a full-sized field. This version of rugby increases the
physical demands on the athletes and potentiates perceived
fatigue. Moreover, according to tournament format, teams
will play several matches per day with only a few hours
between, to recover from physical and physiological stress
(8). Johnston et al. (15) state that symptoms of fatigue
appear immediately after a match and usually persist for
some days. Damage to large muscles, physiological stress,
and impairments in muscle function are commonly seen in
players, resulting in a decrease in field performance and
skill (15). It is necessary to employ strategies that enhance
and accelerate recovery after matches to best prepare the
athlete for the next match.
Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), with lasers or light
emitting diodes (LEDs), has been shown to prevent skeletal
muscle fatigue and accelerate recovery (20). Previous studies
have demonstrated that PBMT is able to reduce muscular
fatigue, increase contraction strength, and muscle perfor-
mance (16,19,20). Photobiomodulation therapy may prevent
the onset of fatigue during activity, thereby improving ath-
letic performance (20). Photobiomodulation therapy is
a nonthermal (11), commercially available modality that
can be used in a variety of clinical and athletic settings.
The effects of P BMT are related to photochemical and pho-
tobiological effects within the tissue, and are not attributed
to heat (11). Photobiomodulation therapy modulates biolog-
ical processes of cells on mitochondrial level, increasing the
oxygen consumption, and production of adenosine triphos-
phate (ATP) (13).
Several studies have demonstrated the positive effects of
PBMT on the improvement of biochemical markers related
to muscle damage and recovery (20), including blood lactate
levels. Furthermore, PBMT decreases the recovery time
needed between exercise sessions (16,19). More recently,
the literature showed beneficial effects in muscular recovery
when PBMT is applied using a combination of different
wavelengths synergistically (3,22), which suggests that the
combined use of different wavelengths may optimize cyto-
chrome c oxidase modulation, increasing the effects of
PBMT (1).
Currently, all randomized clinical trials performed in
this field demonstrating PBMT effectiveness in perfor-
mance enhancement and accelerating recovery have been
conducted in laboratory-controlled environment. To dem-
onstrate real world application and translation to clinical
practice, field tests are required to confirm the outcomes
seen in the controlled laboratory trials. Therefore, the aim
of this study is to analyze the effects of PBMT, with
a combination of different wavelengths and light sources
(lasers and LEDs), on performance and recovery of
high-level rugby players in a noncontrolled field test
Experimental Approach to the Problem
A randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
clinical study was performed. To our knowledge, this novel
study is the first to analyze the effects of PBMT on
performance and recovery in professional athletes in an
uncontrolled environment field test. Our hypothetical pre-
sumption was that PBMT can enhance athletes’ perfor-
mance in field test, accelerate blood lactate clearance, and
lead athletes to decreased perceived fatigue. The Bangsbo
sprint test (BST) (6) was chosen as field test because it
mimics key actions performed during rugby matches, such
as sprints, change of direction, and active recovery between
sprints (low-intensity running), and it is widely used by
rugby teams to testing athletes’ anaerobic performance.
We decided to assess blood lactate levels, because it is a bio-
chemical marker related to anaerobic metabolism and mus-
cular acidosis (7,14,21), and it is often monitored in sports
settings to evaluate athletes’ recovery. Finally, the fatigue
questionnaire (8) was used to evaluate athletes’ perceived
fatigue for each experimental condition tested. The depen-
dent variables measured were blood lactate levels; per-
ceived fatigue score (from questionnaire); mean sprint
time (ST-mean), best sprint time (ST-best) and fatigue
index from BST. The independent variables were, treat-
ment with 3 levels (familiarization, placebo-control, and
PBMT), and time for blood lactate (baseline, 3, 10, 30,
and 60 minutes post).
The study was approved by institutional ethics committee
(process 665.347), and written informed consent was
obtained from all volunteers. The number of participants
per group was determined based on a previous study
conducted by Antonialli et al. (3) using the same PBMT
device of the current study. A total of 12 high-level male
rugby players with a mean age of 23.50 (62.32) years
(ranging 19–26-year-old), height of 178.00 (64.79) cm,
and mean body mass of 86.00 (67.63) kg were recruited
from Sa
´Rugby Club (Brazil), and all experimental
procedures for this study were completed with no drop-
outs. Each athlete played a minimum of once for the Brazil-
ian national team with a mean time of sports practice of
9.33 (62.99) years.
Athletes were excluded if skeletal muscle injury was
present, currently use any nutritional supplement or phar-
macological agent, presented signs and symptoms of any
disease (i.e., neurological, inflammatory, pulmonary, meta-
bolic, and oncologic), and had history of cardiac arrest that
may limit performance of high-intensity exercises.
PBMT Improves Performance and Recovery in Rugby Players
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A simple drawing of lots was used to determine which
treatment each participant would receive at second and third
exercise tests. Photobiomodulation therapy device was pre-
set to either Program 1 or Program 2 which corresponded to
either active PBMT or the placebo treatment. The
researcher that programmed the devices only knew the
identity of the devices as either active or placebo, and was
instructed to not inform the participants or other researchers
about the specific device programming.
Randomization labels were created using a randomiza-
tion table at a central office, where a series of sealed,
opaque, and numbered envelopes were used to ensure
confidentiality. The researcher who programmed the
formed randomization. Thus, the researcher who applied
PBMT was blinded to which treatment was provided to the
volunteers. Blinding was further maintained by the use of
opaque goggles by the participants. Because this is a cross-
over study, participants who received Program 1 at second
exercise test, received Program 2 at third exercise test, and
vice-versa. Randomization was balanced to ensure that
50% of athletes would receive active PBMT at second
exercise test, and other 50% would receive active PBMT at
third exercise test, avoiding further learning bias in our
outcomes. The study conforms to the Code of Ethics of the
World Medical Association and required players to provide
informed consent before participation.
All exercise tests were conducted in an enclosed soccer or
rugby field. The 3 test phases, administered 1 week apart,
were performed on the same day of the week (Tuesday) and
time (1–5 PM). The average temperature inside the building
during the trials ranged from 26 to 288C. At first phase
(exercise test 1) all athletes performed the BST (6) to famil-
iarize with the procedure. No treatments were applied at this
phase. However, at the second and third phases (exercise
tests 2 and 3, respectively) either a placebo or active PBMT
was applied just before the athletes perform stretching and
warm-up according to randomization. All procedures are
summarized in Figure 1.
Blood Samples
Blood samples were collected from the athlete’s fingertips
before stretching and warm-up (baseline), and at 3, 10, 30,
and 60 minutes after BST at each of the 3 study stages or
phase (exercise tests). After finger asepsis with alcohol, punc-
ture was performed with a disposable lancet. The first blood
drop was discarded to avoid contamination with sweat, and
Figure 1. CONSORT flowchart summarizing study procedures. BST = bangsbo sprint test; PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2016 | 3331
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then 25 ul of blood was collected for biochemical analysis
through electroenzymatic method, according to the instruc-
tions of the portable lactate analyzer manufacturer (Accu-
trend Lactate Plus Roche, Roche Diagnostics GmbH,
Mannheim, Germany). The analyzer has a coefficient of var-
iation between 1.8 and 3.3% (intraclass correlation [ICC] r=
0.999), with good reliability for intra-, inter-analyzers, and
between test strips (5).
Stretching and Warm-Up
After blood sample collection (to establish baseline), athletes
performed a standardized warm-up and stretching; the same
stretching and warm-up procedure was performed at each
Figure 2. Sites of PBMT irradiation at anterior muscles of the lower
limbs. PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy.
Figure 3. Sites of PBMT irradiation at posterior muscles of the lower
limbs. PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy.
PBMT Improves Performance and Recovery in Rugby Players
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
phase of study. The stretching lasted about 5 minutes and
comprised dynamic stretches (30 seconds each) for knee
extensors (bilaterally), knee flexors (bilaterally), calf muscles
(bilaterally), and low-back and abdominal muscles. The
stretching was followed by a warm-up comprised of low-
intensity short running for 10 minutes. The stretching and
warm-up lasted about 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of
rest. At phases 2 and 3, the stretching and warm-up
procedure was performed immediately after PBMT or
placebo treatments.
Bangsbo Sprint Test
The BST was performed immediately after stretching and
warm-up procedure, and 5 minutes of rest. Therefore, in
exercise tests 2 and 3, BST started about 20 minutes after
PBMT or placebo.
The BST protocol consists of 7 maximum sprints 34.2 (m)
in length (A–E). The time of each sprint was measured by
infrared photocells positioned at the start (A) and finish line
(E) of the track (34.2 m). The athlete changes direction after
crossing cone “B,” to reach cone “C” (approximately 90 de-
grees), then runs to cone “D” and finally cone “E.” At each
sprint, the side to change direction is alternated (right and
left, consecutively). The first change of direction was per-
formed according to athletes’ preference in exercise test 1,
and the same order for change of direction was kept for
exercise tests 2 and 3 (6).
Active recovery between sprints was performed with a 25-
second low-intensity run of 40 meters to return to the
starting position on the track (F–A). The time of recovery
and return to start was moni-
tored with a manual chronom-
eter to ensure a consistent
return to starting position
within 20–22 seconds. Verbal
commands and cues were used
to encourage the athletes and to
provide feedback regarding the
remaining time for recovery,
and to start the next sprint (6).
According to Wragg et al. (26),
the BST has high reliability and
presents a subject mean coeffi-
cient of variation of 1.8% (95%
confidence interval, 1.5–2.4).
Performance was evaluated
by computing the average time
of sprints performed during
entire test (ST-mean) and for
the fastest (best) time (ST-best)
among the 7 sprints performed
at each test. In addition, fatigue
index was calculated using the
following equation: FI (%) =
(STmean/Stbest 3100) 2
100 to measure the percentage of decrease in performance
between all sprints (6,26). This index is important because it
shows the percentage of decrease in performance of athletes
over the repeated sprints.
Questionnaire of Fatigue
A quick perception of fatigue survey was administered
5 minutes after each exercise test to evaluate athletes’ per-
ceived fatigue for each experimental condition tested. The
questionnaire consisted of 8 questions pertaining to percep-
tion of training, sleep, leg pain, concentration, effectiveness,
anxiety, irritability, and stress. Each question was evaluated
according to a score scale where 1–2 points corresponded to
“not at all,” 3–4 points to “normal,” and 5–7 to “very much.”
The scores were calculated according to the relative impor-
tance of each question, and a lower score indicated better
general well-being perception, and a higher score demon-
strated greater fatigue perception (8). This questionnaire was
used in a previous study (8), and demonstrated a high reli-
ability and very good correlation (r= 0.63–0.83) with objec-
tive measures of fatigue and performance, which
demonstrates that this questionnaire is a sensitive tool for
monitoring fatigue.
Photobiomodulation Therapy. Photobiomodulation therapy
was applied employing MR4 Laser Therapy Systems out-
fitted with LaserShower 50 4D emitters (both manufactured
by Multi Radiance Medical, Solon, OH, USA). The cluster
style emitter contains 12 diodes comprising 4 super-pulsed
laser diodes (905 nm, 0.3125 mW average power, and 12.5 W
Figure 4. Bangsbo sprint test (BST).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2016 | 3333
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peak power for each diode), 4 red LED (640 nm, 15 mW
average power for each diode), and 4 infrared LEDs (875
nm, 17.5 mW average power for each diode).
TABLE 1. Parameters for PBMT.*
Number of lasers 4 Super-pulsed infrared
Wavelength (nm) 905 (61)
Frequency (Hz) 250
Peak power (W)–each 12.5
Average mean optical
output (mW)–each
Power density
Energy density
Dose (J)–each 0.07125
Spot size of laser
Number of red LEDs 4 red
Wavelength of red
LEDs (nm)
640 (610)
Frequency (Hz) 2
Average optical output
Power density
Energy density
Dose (J)–each 3.42
Spot size of red LED
Number of infrared LEDs 4 infrared
Wavelength of
infrared LEDs (nm)
875 (610)
Frequency (Hz) 16
Average optical output
Power density
Energy density
Dose (J)–each 3.99
Spot size of LED
Magnetic Field (mT) 35
Irradiation time per
site (s)
Total dose per site (J) 30
Total dose applied per
lower limb (J)
Aperture of device (cm
Application mode Cluster probe held
stationary in skin
contact with a 908
angle and slight
*PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy; LED = light
emitting diode.
Figure 5. Outcomes observed in BST, values are mean and error bars
are SEM.
significant difference compared with familiarization (p#0.05),
significant difference compared with placebo (p#0.05). BST =
bangsbo sprint test; SEM = standard error of mean; PBMT =
photobiomodulation therapy.
PBMT Improves Performance and Recovery in Rugby Players
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The cluster probe was selected because of the available
coverage area, and to reduce the number of sites needing
treatment. Treatment was applied in direct contact with the
skin with a slight applied overpressure to 9 sites on extensor
muscles of the knee (Figure 2), 6 sites on knee flexors, and 2
sites on the calf (Figure 3) of both lower limbs (22). To
ensure blinding, the device emitted the same sounds, regard-
less of the programmed mode (active or placebo). Further-
more, because the device produces a nonsignificant amount
of heat (11), the volunteers were not able to know if active or
placebo PBMT was administered. A total of 17 emitters were
used to apply the treatments, all sites of left leg were irradi-
ated simultaneously at first, fol-
lowed by all sites of right leg.
The treatments lasted about
10 minutes. The researcher,
who was blinded to randomi-
zation and the programming
of PBMT device, performed
the phototherapy. Figure 4
Photobiomodulation ther-
apy parameters and irradiation
sites were selected based upon
previous positive outcomes
demonstrated with the same
device (3,22). Table 1 provides
a full description of the PBMT
Statistical Analyses
The number of participants per
group was determined based
on a previous study conducted
by Antonialli et al. (3) using the
same PBMT device of the cur-
rent study; for sample size cal-
culation we considered the
b-value of 20% and aof 5%.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
was used to verify the normal
distribution of data. The col-
lected data demonstrated nor-
mal distribution, therefore the
data were expressed in mean
values and SD. The one-way
analysis of variance test fol-
lowed by the Bonferroni post
hoc test was performed to ver-
ify statistical significance. The
level of statistical significance
was set at p#0.05. In graphs,
data are presented as mean and
standard error of the mean.
The intention-to-treat analysis
would be followed a priori,
however, there were no dropouts in this study. The ICCs
for dependent measures were ST-mean (0.82), ST-best (0.62),
fatigue index (0.58), blood lactate (0.99), and perceived
fatigue score (0.40).
The average time of sprints (ST-mean) was significantly
different (p#0.05) between familiarization (6.91 60.24
seconds) and placebo (6.67 60.21 seconds), and familiariza-
tion and PBMT (6.55 60.21 seconds). Significant difference
(p#0.05) was also demonstrated between PBMT and pla-
cebo groups.
Figure 6. Blood lactate levels, values are mean and error bars are SEM.
significant difference compared with
familiarization (p#0.05),
significant difference compared with placebo (p#0.05). SEM = standard error of
mean; PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2016 | 3335
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For the best time among all 7 sprints (ST-best), there was
significant difference (p#0.05) between familiarization (6.63
60.25 seconds) and placebo (6.38 60.20 seconds), and
between familiarization and PBMT (6.38 60.21 seconds, p
#0.05). However, no observed difference between PBMT
and placebo (p.0.05) was seen.
Regarding fatigue index during BST, a significant difference
(p#0.05) was observed between PBMT (2.66% 60.61) and
familiarization (4.19% 60.98), and between PBMT and pla-
cebo (4.51% 60.95, p#0.05). No differences were observed
between familiarization and placebo (p.0.05). All outcomes
observed during the BST are summarized in Figure 5.
Although no statistical differences (p.0.05) regarding
blood lactate levels in absolute values among conditions
tested was observed, the percentage of decrease in the levels
was significant (p#0.05) in favor of PBMT, when compar-
ing both with familiarization and placebo at all postexercise
time points tested (Figure 6).
Lastly, the perceived fatigue was significantly lower (p#
0.05) when athletes received pre-exercise PBMT (20.16 6
3.63), when comparing both to familiarization (23.08 6
1.92) and placebo (23.50 62.50). Outcomes are summarized
in Figure 7.
This study details an important first step for the adoption of
PBMT by both professional sports teams and high-level
athletes, and represents the bridge between laboratory
controlled studies and real world clinical practice.
Bangsbo (6) proposes the use of the BST due the inclusion
of directional change and the active recovery between the 7
sprints. According to Wragg et al. (26), a reliable field test
must be sport-specific, and reliably represent the activities of
an individual sport. Only a few field tests contain these fea-
tures (26) that mimic the key actions performed during
rugby matches.
Although no change was found between the active and
placebo PBMT for ST-best, significant improvement was
observed in the ST-mean. It was noted that active PMBT
maintained an optimal running performance over the entire
7 sprints that lead to a significant decrease in the fatigue
index, when there is typically a decrease in performance as
the test progresses (10). Photobiomodulation therapy was
successfully able to maintain the athlete’s running speed over
the entire series of sprint tests.
Fatigue is comprised of multifactorial components and
can be generally characterized as a decreasing generation
of force (2,10,12). Girard et al. (10) explains that fatigue
development is associated with the intramuscular accu-
mulation of metabolic byproducts such as hydrogen ions
and blood lactate, which changes cellular pH. Metabolite
accumulation can impair contractile function through
inhibition of ATP production, which affects muscular
Blood lactate concentration is considered an important
biochemical marker of muscular acidosis and it is often
monitored in sports settings, mainly in high-intensity sports
(7,14,21). No statistical difference was observed in the abso-
lute values of blood lactate levels in between treatments or
when compared with the familiarization test. Higher levels
of this biochemical marker should be and were expected in
the active PBMT groups, because the athlete’s performance
was significantly better.
Therefore, it is reasonable to state that active PBMT
prevented the expected increase of blood lactate levels,
reduced muscular fatigue, and promoted faster recovery after
exercise bouts. These findings are consistent with previous
reports that observed the same beneficial effects of PBMTon
muscle recovery after a high-intensity exercise (17–19).
There was a significant decrease in favor of the active PBMT
compared with other 2 tested conditions (familiarization and
placebo), when the percentage change in blood lactate levels
were calculated.
As stated by Mohr et al. (23) in their review, increased
lactate levels indicate muscular fatigue or acidosis that is
associated with anaerobic metabolism during intense exer-
cise activity. High levels of blood lactate are related to
impaired performance during intense muscular contraction
(21,23). The average blood lactate levels 3–10 minutes after
exercise test observed in this study was 15.10–12.91
for placebo, 14.00–12.28 mmol$L
for familiar-
ization, and 14.11–11.95 mmol$L
for PBMT condition,
respectively. Our observations demonstrated that the exper-
imental condition with the lowest lactate levels also
Figure 7. Perceived fatigue, values are mean and error bars are SEM.
significant difference compared with familiarization (p#0.05),
difference compared with placebo (p#0.05). SEM = standard error of
mean; PBMT = photobiomodulation therapy; AU = Arbitrary Unit.
PBMT Improves Performance and Recovery in Rugby Players
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
correlated with lower fatigue index ratings, which suggests
that improved performance can be accomplished by
decreasing muscle acidosis in high-intense sports activities
by applying PBMT before activity. However, additional
research in this novel area is needed to provide insights into
other sport-specific activities, and about mechanisms
through which PBMT acts.
Our study employed the same short questionnaire by
Elloumi et al. (8) previously used with rugby players to eval-
uate perceived fatigue in rugby athletes among experimental
conditions, and was sensitive enough to assess physical effort
and perception of fatigue (8). Our outcomes demonstrated
that when irradiated with active PBMT, athletes presented
a lower index of fatigue perception. This finding corrobo-
rates with other assessments performed in this study such as
fatigue index in BST and blood lactate levels. According to
Halson (12), a reliable questionnaire must corroborate with
collected physiological data, and our outcomes have dem-
onstrated this.
It should be noted that the parameters chosen for PBMT
treatment in our study were selected based upon 2 pre-
viously published studies using the same device where
positive effects were noted (3,22). Antonialli et al. (3) tested
3 different doses against a placebo-control dose of 0 J, and
found that 30 J was the best dose tested (compared with 10
J, 50 J, and placebo), that significantly increased perfor-
mance, decreased the delay of onset muscle soreness, and
modulated Creatine Kinase activity. A crossover study per-
formed by Miranda et al. (22) found significant decreases in
dyspnea sensation, improvement in time until exhaustion,
pulmonary ventilation, and distance covered when PBMT
was applied before the progressive-intensity cardiopulmo-
nary test. The main muscular groups of both lower limbs
were irradiated. We used the same irradiation sites used by
Miranda et al. (22) to provide reasonable coverage of the
major muscles of the lower extremity needed to perform
the exercise protocol (BST).
Photobiomodulation therapy demonstrates a modulatory
effect on cytochrome c oxidase activity, and can explain
how PBMT improves performance while protecting skel-
etal muscle from exercise-induced muscle damage. This has
been considered the key mechanism for light-tissue inter-
action, promoting increase in cellular metabolism through
increased mitochondrial function (1). Furthermore,
Albuquerque-Pontes et al. (1) have demonstrated that cyto-
chrome c oxidase activity stimulation by different wave-
lengths and doses occurs along different time-profiles.
This suggests that PBMT stimulation can be optimized
when different wavelengths are used simultaneously (1).
These optimized PBMT effects were supported by Santos
et al. (24), when different wavelengths and doses were
applied immediately before tetanic contractions. They re-
ported positive effects on several markers of skeletal muscle
performance and the protective effects on skeletal muscle
tissue (24).
Finally, our outcomes demonstrate the potential use of
PBMT as a prophylactic strategy for performance and
recovery enhancement of high-level athletes, and it is an
important step for wide clinical use of this therapeutic
The same outcomes previously observed in controlled-
laboratory environment were confirmed in this study. Pre-
exercise PBMT enhances performance and accelerates
recovery of high-level rugby players, which may represent
a shift in current clinical practice with wide use of PBMT in
sports settings. Photobiomodulation therapy seems to have
the potential to keep athletes at higher performance level,
and consequently help to avoid injuries because of impaired
The authors thank all rugby athletes that voluntarily
participated this study, and to Sa
˜o Jose
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
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PBMT Improves Performance and Recovery in Rugby Players
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Increased ATP and cyclic adenosine monophosphate production, with reduced reactive oxygen species and lactic acid production (via improved clearance rates), may serve to promote greater anaerobic power and less fatigue complications during training [11,13]. Moreover, PBM may promote recovery by attenuating markers of muscle damage and oxidative stress, such as creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as muscular inflammation and soreness [10,[14][15][16][17]. Yet, the findings of PBM's effectiveness are uncertain due to variations in: environment (e.g., team/individual sport), training history, and performance endeavors (e.g., aerobic versus anaerobic energy systems) [16,18,19]. ...
... Pre-exercise tPBM has also shown improvements in local muscle performances through greater knee extensor maximal voluntary isokinetic forces and fatigue resistance [14], as well as improved postexercise recovery [14,16,24]. Implementing tPBM prior to anaerobic sprint testing (~ 6.8-s trials) may decrease sprint times, lactate accumulation, and perceived fatigue [17], while tPBM prior to anaerobic cycling tasks (30-120 s) has yielded conflicting research with many finding no performance enhancement or physiological alterations (e.g., heart rate, lactate) from tPBM [25][26][27][28]. However, some have demonstrated positive ergogenic benefits from tPBM prior to anaerobic cycling tasks such as improved oxygen uptake [28,29], prolonged time to exhaustion [29,30], and decreased lactate accumulation [30,31]. ...
... Indeed, the majority of PBM research has utilized tPBM, which targets single localized muscle groups via custommade light-emitting diode arrays [17]. However, recent developments from manufacturing companies enabled the ability to administer PBM to the entire human body, although very limited research has examined wbPBM [22,32]. ...
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This study aims to examine the effects of acute whole-body photobiomodulation (wbPBM), applied pre-exercise, on bouts of anaerobic cycling (Wingate) performances. Forty-eight healthy, active males and females participated in this single-blind, randomized, crossover study. Participants visited the laboratory three times to complete repeat (4 ×) Wingate testing, with one week between each visit. All participants completed baseline testing during their first visit and randomly received either the wbPBM or placebo condition before testing on the second visit, followed by the opposite condition on the third visit. There were no significant condition × time interactions for any variable (peak power, average power, power decrement, lactate, heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate variability (HRV), root-mean square of differences between R-R intervals (rMSSD), power in the high-frequency range (HF) average, power in the low-frequency range (LF) average, total power, LF/HF, or power in the very-low-frequency range average). A main condition effect was only noted for heart rate, where peak heart rate was significantly higher for wbPBM (145, 141–148 bpm) than placebo (143, 139–146 bpm; p = 0.006) and baseline testing (143, 140–146; p = 0.049) throughout the entire testing session (i.e., collapsed across all timepoints). Furthermore, HRV (rMSSD) the following morning after testing was significantly higher for the wbPBM session compared to placebo (p = 0.043). There were no differences in perceived recovery (p = 0.713) or stress (p = 0.978) scores between wbPBM and placebo. Implementing 20 min of wbPBM immediately prior to maximal bouts of anaerobic cycling did not improve performance (i.e., power output) or physiological responses (e.g., lactate). However, wbPBM elicited the ability to work at a higher heart rate throughout testing and seemed to enhance recovery through improved HRV the following morning.
... PBM is a non-pharmacological treatment aimed at decreasing the duration of the muscle recovery period. [1][2][3][4] However, the scientific evidence on the efficacy of this treatment is limited. 3,5,6 It is known that exercise increases the flow of mitochondrial oxygen and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in skeletal muscle. ...
... In this context, studies have shown that PBM can limit exerciseinduced muscle damage, improving biochemical and functional recovery and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. 3,4,[9][10][11][12][13][14] However, it is not yet a consensus on the literature since some studies showed no results or even worse results after PBM on muscle recovery after fatigue induction. 2,4,5 Besides, there is great variability in the application parameters (such as power, wavelength, irradiation time and energy) used in the studies, making it challenging to interpret the results and use them in clinical practice, even in sporting environments. ...
... 3,4,[9][10][11][12][13][14] However, it is not yet a consensus on the literature since some studies showed no results or even worse results after PBM on muscle recovery after fatigue induction. 2,4,5 Besides, there is great variability in the application parameters (such as power, wavelength, irradiation time and energy) used in the studies, making it challenging to interpret the results and use them in clinical practice, even in sporting environments. 3,15 Therefore, considering the divergence among the available results, a systematic review in this field is extremely important to determine the best criteria to be used so that it is possible to obtain a rapid muscle recovery and the return of sports activities. ...
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Photobiomodulation (PBM) appears to limit exercise-induced muscle damage, improve biochemical and functional recovery, and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of photobiomodulation (PBM) in skeletal muscle recovery after exercise, addressing the different types of lasers and parameters used. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) comparing the effects of PBM were included. The primary outcome evaluated was performance, and the secondary was inflammatory marker expression. The searches were conducted in March 2021. Fifteen RCTs that met the inclusion criteria were included. There was significant variability regarding the doses and wavelengths used, as well as in the types of lasers. However, in most studies, PBM promoted improvement of maximum voluntary contraction, better oxygen consumption, increased time to achieve exhaustion and fatigue, and decreased creatine kinase (CK), oxidative stress, and fatigue markers, mainly when used before exercise. Photobiomodulation applied before exercise, regardless of variations in doses and wavelengths, improves muscle performance and decreases levels of inflammation and fatigue markers. Evidence level II; Systematic review of level II studies. Keywords: Low-level laser therapy; Laser therapy; muscle function
... Previous research is suggestive of performance enhancements in athletes following PBMT [12][13][14][15][16], as is recovery from high-intensity exercise, which has most commonly been quantified via blood biomarkers [17]. Despite some auspicious results, other studies refute these claims, with evidence that suggests little to no impact on recovery [18,19]. ...
... Much of the existing research assessing PBMT on human subjects has been conducted through strict laboratory controlled clinical trials, often obtaining relatively low sample sizes [12,13,18,26,[29][30][31][32]. While many of these studies carefully controlled for administration of treatment conditions and the quantification of effects, few studies have assessed free-living use of PBMT while accounting for the inter-individual loads that are accumulated outside of the controlled laboratory setting. ...
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Research is emerging on the use of Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) and its potential for augmenting human performance, however, relatively little research exists utilizing full-body ad- ministration methods. As such, further research supporting the efficacy of whole-body applications of PBMT for behavioral and physiological modifications in applicable, real-world settings are warranted. The purpose of this analysis was to observe cardiorespiratory and sleep patterns surrounding the use of full-body PBMT in an elite cohort of female soccer players. Members of a women’s soccer team in a “Power 5 conference” of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) were observed across one competitive season while wearing an OURA Ring nightly and a global positioning system (GPS) sensor during training. Within-subject comparisons of cardiorespiratory physiology, sleep duration, and sleep composition were evaluated the night before and after PBMT sessions completed as a standard of care for team recovery. Compared to pre-intervention, mean heart rate (HR) was significantly lower the night after a PBMT session (p = 0.0055). Sleep durations were also reduced following PBMT, with total sleep time (TST) averaging 40 min less the night after a session (p = 0.0006), as well as significant reductions in light sleep (p = 0.0307) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep durations (p = 0.0019). Sleep durations were still lower following PBMT, even when controlling for daily and accumulated training loads. Enhanced cardiorespiratory indicators of recovery following PBMT, despite significant reductions in sleep duration, suggest that it may be an effective modality for maintaining adequate recovery from the high stress loads experienced by elite athletes.
... We have explored the isolated effect of photobiomodulation on muscular function, so we cannot exclude the possibility of a positive effect when the photobiomodulation is applied in combination with an endurance or strength exercise program compared to sham photobiomodulation. Despite being reported in previous studies (Peserico et al., 2019;Pinto et al., 2016), four sessions of photobiomodulation may not produce enough exposure to generate increases in muscular strength or endurance. Photobiomodulation prescribed with different parameters (type, dose, duration, etc.) may lead to different outcomes. ...
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Background/Objectives: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has gained traction in sports and exercise medicine as a non-invasive therapeutic for preconditioning the body, exertion recovery, repair and injury rehabilitation. LLLT is hypothesized to modulate cellular metabolism, tissue microenvironment(s) and to decrease inflammation while posing few adverse risks. This review critically examines the evidence-base for LLLT effectiveness focusing on immediate care settings and acute/subacute applications (<6 months post-injury). Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted, prioritizing systematic reviews, meta-analyses and their primary research papers. Results: Findings are relevant to trainers and athletes as they manage a wide range of issues from superficial abrasions to deeper tissue concerns. LLLT parameters in the research literature include wide ranges. For body surface structures, studies show that LLLT holds promise in accelerating wound healing. In sport performance studies, LLLT is typically delivered pre-exercise and reveals beneficial effects on exertion recovery, improvements in muscle strength, endurance and reduced fatigue. Evidence is less convincing for acute, deep tissue injury models, where most studies do not report significant benefits for functional outcomes over conventional therapeutic modalities. Conclusions: Variability in LLLT delivery parameters and findings across studies underscores a need for clear treatment guidelines for the profession. Technical properties of laser light delivery to the body also differ materially from LED devices. Sport physiotherapists, team physicians, trainers and athletes should understand limitations in the current evidence-base informing photobiomodulation use in high-performance sport settings and weigh potential benefits versus shortcomings of LLLT use in the mentioned therapeutic contexts.
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Introdução: O CrossFit® é uma modalidade de exercícios de alta intensidade cuja parte mais intensa do treinamento e campeonato é chamada de WOD (workout of the day). As competições são realizadas com vários WODs em sequência e em dias seguidos, o que pode causar fadiga muscular e aumento da propensão do atleta às lesões. Em alguns esportes, a fim de minimizar tais consequências, dispositivos terapêuticos têm sido utilizados para acelerar a recuperação muscular ou modular os prejuízos causados após o exercício extenuante, entretanto, não se sabe qual o melhor recurso para promoção da recuperação muscular mais rápida e eficiente em atletas de CrossFit®.Objetivo: Diante disso, o objetivo desse estudo é comparar os efeitos isolados e combinados entre três diferentes recursos terapêuticos: TFBM-CMe, TOC e CPI na recuperação muscular em atletas de CrossFit®.Metodologia: Será conduzidos um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, cruzado e cego. Com participação voluntária de homens atletas de CrossFit® de 18 a 36 anos, que serão aleatoriamente distribuídos de acordo com a ordem cruzada dos tipos de tratamento (controle/recuperação passiva, TFBM-CMe, TOC e CPI) a serem recebidos nas 4 semanas de procedimento. A recuperação muscular será avaliada antes de qualquer intervenção (basal) e 1h, 24h e 48h após a realização do WOD para indução à fadiga. As avaliações serão compostas pelo teste funcional, o Countermovement Jump Test (CMJ); percepção subjetiva de esforço/fadiga mensurado pela escala CR-100 e variáveis fisiológicas por meio da análise do estresse oxidativo. Os dados serão analisados estatisticamente e o considerado nível de significância será de p<0,05.Discussão: Através dos resultados da avaliação funcional e bioquímica do estudo comparativo, esperamos esclarecer qual o melhor recurso para ajudar no desempenho e retardo da fadiga muscular, consequentemente diminuindo o risco de lesão.
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We investigated whether the application of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) immediately after a standardized warm-up (WU + PBMT) or traditional PBMT (no pre-warming) would influence performance in intermittent testing and intensity variables. In a counterbalanced randomized crossover design, twelve female futsal players (mean age: 23.9 ± 3.8 years) attended four sessions. Each session involved either a standardized warm-up or maintaining seated rest for five minutes. Subsequently, PBMT or placebo (with the PBMT device turned off) was applied, followed by the YoYo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 test (YYIR1) during which we assessed heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, and blood lactate levels. The performance in YYIIR1 was superior ( p = 0.02) in the WU + PBMT condition (440.0 ± 59.0 m) compared to the WU + Placebo (353.3 ± 94.7 m), and placebo alone (no warm-up) (325.0 ± 67.2 m). We conclude that a combination of a specific warm-up before PBMT application improves high-intensity intermittent performance in amateur female futsal players without affecting intensity variables.
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Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between physiological, and parameters of performance analysis during karate contest. Methods: Nine elite-level karate athletes participated in this study. Saliva sample was collected pre and post-karate combat. Results: salivary cortisol (sC) post-combat 2 raised significantly compared to that recorded at pre-combat 1 (Δ%=105.3%; p=0.04 ; dz=0.78). The largest decrease of the salivary T/C ratio (sR) compared to pre-combat 1 was recorded post-combat 2 (Δ%=-43.5%; p=0.03). Moreover, blood lactate concentration post-combat 1 correlated positively to sCpost-combat 1 (r=0.66; p=0.05) and negatively to both salivary testosterone (sT) (r= -0.76; p=0.01) and sRpost-combat 1 (r= -0.76; p=0.01). There was no significant relationship between hormonal measures and parameters of match analysis. Conclusion: although under simulated condition, karate combat poses large physiological stress to the karateka. However, physiological strain to karate combat led to a catabolic hormonal response.
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The aim of this study was to analyse the acid-base balance and partial pressure of blood gases of participants during a 100-km run. Fourteen experienced amateur ultramarathon runners (age: 43.36±11.83 years; height: 175.29±6.98 cm; weight: 72.12±7.36 kg) completed the 100-km run. Blood samples were taken before the run; after 25, 50, 75, and 100 km; and 12 and 24 hours after the run. There were significant differences (p<0.05) between the mean values registered for acid-alkaline balance, buffering alkalies, and current bicarbonate in each segment of the run, especially during the third, fourth, and fifth segments of the run (i.e., between 50 and 100 km), and there were only significant differences associated with buffering alkalies and current bicarbonate during the recovery. However, all the changes were within the physiological norm. A significant decrease in the compressibility of oxygen was observed after 100 km (from 92.80±15.67 to 88.36±13.71 mmHg) and continued during the recovery to 75.06±8.60 mmHg 12 h after the run. Also there was a decrease in saturation to a mean value of 93.78±3.10 at 12 h after the run. Generally the amateurs runners are able to adjust their running speed so as not to provoke a significant acid-base imbalance or lactate acid accumulation. CITATION: Jastrzębski Z, Żychowska M, Konieczna A,
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From the very first reports describing the method of action of phototherapy, the effects have been considered to be the result of photochemical and photophysical interactions between the absorbed photons and tissue and not related to secondary changes in tissue or skin temperature. However, thermal effects have been recently reported in dark pigmented skin when irradiated with single wavelengths of 810 and 904 nm of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) devices even with doses that do not exceed those recommended by the World Association of Laser Therapy (WALT). The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal impact during the concurrent use of pulsed red and infrared LEDs and super-pulsed lasers when applied to light, medium, and dark pigmented human skin with doses typically seen in clinical practice. The study evaluated the skin temperature of 42 healthy volunteers (males and females 18 years or older, who presented different pigmentations, stratified according to Von Luschan's chromatic scale) via the use of a thermographic camera. Active irradiation was performed with using the multi-diode phototherapy cluster containing four 905-nm super-pulsed laser diodes (frequency set to 250 Hz), four 875-nm infrared-emitting diodes, and four 640-nm LEDs (manufactured by Multi Radiance Medical™, Solon, OH, USA). Each of the four doses were tested on each subject: placebo, 0 J (60 s); 10 J (76 s); 30 J (228 s); and 50 J (380 s). Data were collected during the last 5 s of each dose of irradiation and continued for 1 min after the end of each irradiation. No significant skin temperature increases were observed among the different skin color groups (p > 0.05), age groups (p > 0.05), or gender groups (p > 0.05). Our results indicate that the concurrent use of super-pulsed lasers and pulsed red and infrared LEDs can be utilized in patients with all types of skin pigmentation without concern over safety or excessive tissue heating. Additionally, the doses and device utilized in present study have demonstrated positive outcomes in prior clinical trials. Therefore, it can be concluded that the effects seen by the concurrent use of multiple wavelengths and light sources were the result of desirable photobiomodulation effect and not related to thermal influence.
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Many athletes, coaches, and support staff are taking an increasingly scientific approach to both designing and monitoring training programs. Appropriate load monitoring can aid in determining whether an athlete is adapting to a training program and in minimizing the risk of developing non-functional overreaching, illness, and/or injury. In order to gain an understanding of the training load and its effect on the athlete, a number of potential markers are available for use. However, very few of these markers have strong scientific evidence supporting their use, and there is yet to be a single, definitive marker described in the literature. Research has investigated a number of external load quantifying and monitoring tools, such as power output measuring devices, time-motion analysis, as well as internal load unit measures, including perception of effort, heart rate, blood lactate, and training impulse. Dissociation between external and internal load units may reveal the state of fatigue of an athlete. Other monitoring tools used by high-performance programs include heart rate recovery, neuromuscular function, biochemical/hormonal/immunological assessments, questionnaires and diaries, psychomotor speed, and sleep quality and quantity. The monitoring approach taken with athletes may depend on whether the athlete is engaging in individual or team sport activity; however, the importance of individualization of load monitoring cannot be over emphasized. Detecting meaningful changes with scientific and statistical approaches can provide confidence and certainty when implementing change. Appropriate monitoring of training load can provide important information to athletes and coaches; however, monitoring systems should be intuitive, provide efficient data analysis and interpretation, and enable efficient reporting of simple, yet scientifically valid, feedback.
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Modulation of cytochrome c oxidase activity has been pointed as a possible key mechanism for low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in unhealthy biological tissues. But recent studies by our research group with LLLT in healthy muscles before exercise found delayed skeletal muscle fatigue development and improved biochemical status in muscle tissue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate effects of different LLLT doses and wavelengths in cytochrome c oxidase activity in intact skeletal muscle. In this animal experiment, we irradiated the tibialis anterior muscle of rats with three different LLLT doses (1, 3, and 10 J) and wavelengths (660, 830, and 905 nm) with 50 mW power output. After irradiation, the analyses of cytochrome c oxidase expression by immunohistochemistry were analyzed at 5, 10, 30 min and at 1, 2, 12, and 24 h. Our results show that LLLT increased (p < 0.05) cytochrome c oxidase expression mainly with the following wavelengths and doses: 660 nm with 1 J, 830 nm with 3 J, and 905 nm with 1 J at all time points. We conclude that LLLT can increase cytochrome c oxidase activity in intact skeletal muscle and that it contributes to our understanding of how LLLT can enhance performance and protect skeletal muscles against fatigue development and tissue damage. Our findings also lead us to think that the combined use of different wavelengths at the same time can enhance LLLT effects in skeletal muscle performance and other conditions, and it can represent a therapeutic advantage in clinical settings.
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Recent studies with phototherapy have shown positive results in enhancement of performance and improvement of recovery when applied before exercise. However, several factors still remain unknown such as therapeutic windows, optimal treatment parameters, and effects of combination of different light sources (laser and LEDs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of phototherapy with the combination of different light sources on skeletal muscle performance and post-exercise recovery, and to establish the optimal energy dose. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial with participation of 40 male healthy untrained volunteers was performed. A single phototherapy intervention was performed immediately after pre-exercise (baseline) maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) with a cluster of 12 diodes (4 of 905 nm lasers-0.3125 mW each, 4 of 875 nm LEDs-17.5 mW each, and 4 of 670 nm LEDs-15 mW each- manufactured by Multi Radiance Medical™) and dose of 10, 30, and 50 J or placebo in six sites of quadriceps. MVC, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and creatine kinase (CK) activity were analyzed. Assessments were performed before, 1 min, 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after eccentric exercise protocol employed to induce fatigue. Phototherapy increased (p < 0.05) MVC was compared to placebo from immediately after to 96 h after exercise with 10 or 30 J doses (better results with 30 J dose). DOMS was significantly decreased compared to placebo (p < 0.05) with 30 J dose from 24 to 96 h after exercise, and with 50 J dose from immediately after to 96 h after exercise. CK activity was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) compared to placebo with all phototherapy doses from 1 to 96 h after exercise (except for 50 J dose at 96 h). Pre-exercise phototherapy with combination of low-level laser and LEDs, mainly with 30 J dose, significantly increases performance, decreases DOMS, and improves biochemical marker related to skeletal muscle damage.
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Rugby league is a team sport in which players engage in repeated high-intensity exercise involving frequent collisions. Recent research, much of which has involved global positioning system (GPS) technology, has provided coaches and sport scientists with a deeper understanding of match demands, particularly at the elite level. This has allowed for the development of training programmes that prepare players for the most intense contact and running demands likely to be experienced in competition. At the elite level, rugby league players have well-developed aerobic and anaerobic endurance, muscular strength and power, reactive agility, and speed. Upper- and lower-body strength and aerobic power are associated with a broad range of technical and sport-specific skills, in addition to a lower risk of injury. Significant muscle damage (as estimated from creatine kinase concentrations) and fatigue occurs as a result of match-play; while muscle function and perceptual fatigue generally return to baseline 48 h following competition, increases in plasma concentrations of creatine kinase can last for up to 5 days post-match. Well-developed physical qualities may minimise post-match fatigue and facilitate recovery. Ultimately, the literature highlights that players require a broad range of physical and technical skills developed through specific training. This review evaluates the demands of the modern game, drawing on research that has used GPS technology. These findings highlight that preparing players based on the average demands of competition is likely to leave them underprepared for the most demanding passages of play. As such, coaches should incorporate drills that replicate the most intense repeated high-intensity demands of competition in order to prepare players for the worst-case scenarios expected during match-play.
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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) immediately before tetanic contractions in skeletal muscle fatigue development and possible tissue damage. Male Wistar rats were divided into two control groups and nine active LLLT groups receiving one of three different laser doses (1, 3, and 10 J) with three different wavelengths (660, 830, and 905 nm) before six tetanic contractions induced by electrical stimulation. Skeletal muscle fatigue development was defined by the percentage (%) of the initial force of each contraction and time until 50 % decay of initial force, while total work was calculated for all six contractions combined. Blood and muscle samples were taken immediately after the sixth contraction. Several LLLT doses showed some positive effects on peak force and time to decay for one or more contractions, but in terms of total work, only 3 J/660 nm and 1 J/905 nm wavelengths prevented significantly (p < 0.05) the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. All doses with wavelengths of 905 nm but only the dose of 1 J with 660 nm wavelength decreased creatine kinase (CK) activity (p < 0.05). Qualitative assessment of morphology revealed lesser tissue damage in most LLLT-treated groups, with doses of 1-3 J/660 nm and 1, 3, and 10 J/905 nm providing the best results. Optimal doses of LLLT significantly delayed the development skeletal muscle performance and protected skeletal muscle tissue against damage. Our findings also demonstrate that optimal doses are partly wavelength specific and, consequently, must be differentiated to obtain optimal effects on development of skeletal muscle fatigue and tissue preservation. Our findings also lead us to think that the combined use of wavelengths at the same time can represent a therapeutic advantage in clinical settings.
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Recent studies have explored if phototherapy with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or narrow-band light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) can modulate activity-induced skeletal muscle fatigue or subsequently protect against muscle injury. We performed a systematic review with meta-analysis to investigate the effects of phototherapy applied before, during and after exercises. A literature search was performed in Pubmed/Medline database for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published from 2000 through 2012. Trial quality was assessed with the ten-item PEDro scale. Main outcome measures were selected as: number of repetitions and time until exhaustion for muscle performance, and creatine kinase (CK) activity to evaluate risk for exercise-induced muscle damage. The literature search resulted in 16 RCTs, and three articles were excluded due to poor quality assessment scores. From 13 RCTs with acceptable methodological quality (≥6 of 10 items), 12 RCTs irradiated phototherapy before exercise, and 10 RCTs reported significant improvement for the main outcome measures related to performance. The time until exhaustion increased significantly compared to placebo by 4.12 s (95 % CI 1.21-7.02, p < 0.005) and the number of repetitions increased by 5.47 (95 % CI 2.35-8.59, p < 0.0006) after phototherapy. Heterogeneity in trial design and results precluded meta-analyses for biochemical markers, but a quantitative analysis showed positive results in 13 out of 16 comparisons. The most significant and consistent results were found with red or infrared wavelengths and phototherapy application before exercises, power outputs between 50 and 200 mW and doses of 5 and 6 J per point (spot). We conclude that phototherapy (with lasers and LEDs) improves muscular performance and accelerate recovery mainly when applied before exercise.
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Abstract We compared the match activity profiles of elite footballers from Australian football (AF), rugby league (RL) and soccer (SOC), using identical movement definitions. Ninety-four elite footballers from AF, RL or SOC clubs in Australia participated in this study. Movement data were collected using a 5-Hz global positioning system from matches during the 2008-2011 competitive seasons, including measures of velocity, distance, acceleration and bouts of repeat sprints (RS). Australian footballers covered the greatest relative running distances (129 ± 17 m.min(-1)) compared to RL (97 ± 16 m.min(-1)) and SOC (104 ± 10 m.min(-1)) (effect size [ES]; 1.0-2.8). The relative distance covered (4.92 ± 2.10 m.min(-1) vs. 5.42 ± 2.49 m.min(-1); 0.74 ± 0.78 m.min(-1) vs. 0.97 ± 0.80 m.min(-1)) and the number of high-velocity running (0.4 ± 0.2 no.min(-1) vs. 0.4 ± 0.2 no.min(-1)) and sprint (0.06 ± 0.06 no.min(-1) vs. 0.08 ± 0.07 no.min(-1)) efforts between RL and SOC players were similar (ES; 0.1-0.3). Rugby league players undertook the highest relative number of accelerations (1.10 ± 0.56 no.min(-1)). RS bouts were uncommon for all codes. RL and SOC players perform less running than AF players, possibly due to limited open space as a consequence of field size and code specific rules. While training in football should be code specific, there may be some transference of conditioning drills across codes.