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Salvia officinalis of different origins Antioxidant activity, phenolic and flavonoid content of extracts

  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden "Jevremovac"

Abstract and Figures

Salvia officinalis L. plants originated from continental (Mt. Pleš, Serbia) and Mediterranean part of Central Balkans (Luštica peninsula, Montenegro) grew under the same conditions in Belgrade. Various extracts of plant material, collected during summer and winter season, were analyzed for the antioxidant activity and phenolic and flavonoid contents. DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays for antioxidant activity, as well as total phenol and flavonoid content, were measured spectrophotometrically. Phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of the extracts mostly depended on extraction solvent and harvesting season. The extracts of plants originated from Serbia showed stronger antioxidant activity. Generally, plants collected in summer season performed higher activity. Among tested extracts, ethanol extract showed better antioxidant activities compared to other analyzed extracts.
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Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol. 27(1) - January/February 2016
KEYWORDS: Salvia officinalis, sage, antioxidant activity, phenolics, flavonoids.
Abstract Salvia officinalis L. plants originated from continental (Mt. Pleš, Serbia) and Mediterranean part of Central
Balkans (Luštica peninsula, Montenegro) grew under the same conditions in Belgrade. Various extracts of
plant material, collected during summer and winter season, were analyzed for the antioxidant activity and phenolic and flavonoid
contents. DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays for antioxidant activity, as well as total phenol and flavonoid content, were measured
spectrophotometrically. Phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of the extracts mostly depended on extraction
solvent and harvesting season. The extracts of plants originated from Serbia showed stronger antioxidant activity. Generally, plants
collected in summer season performed higher activity. Among tested extracts, ethanol extract showed better antioxidant activities
compared to other analyzed extracts.
Salvia officinalis of different origins
Antioxidant activity, phenolic and flavonoid content of extracts
Salvia (sage), one of the largest and the most important
aromatic and medicinal genera of the Lamiaceae
family, comprises about 1000 worldwide distributed
species (1). Salvia species are reported to have antioxidant,
antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, neuroprotective,
antiin ammatory and other biological activities (2-8). Salvia
of cinalis, known as Dalmatian sage, common sage or
garden sage, is a perennial subshrub native to the northern
coastal region of the Mediterranean, but widely cultivated
in many countries (9) due to its culinary and medicinal
signi cance. It is used for food preservation, as a spice for
avouring, and for treatment of many diseases (2).
Free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are well
known inducers of cellular and tissue pathogenesis leading
to several human diseases such as cancer, in ammatory
disorders, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (10). S.
of cinalis is proven to be biologically active, and promising as
antioxidant agent of natural origin (5, 11-18).
The aim of this study was to determine and compare the
antioxidant potential, phenolic and  avonoid contents of
different extracts obtained from plant material of Salvia
of cinalis L. originated from continental part of Eastern Serbia
and Mediterranean part of Montenegro, cultivated under the
same conditions in Belgrade and collected during summer
and winter season.
Plant material
Salvia of cinalis plants from their natural habitats at Mt.
Pleš (Eastern Serbia) and Luštica peninsula (Montenegro)
were transplanted in Belgrade and cultivated under the
same conditions. Plants from Pleš were transplanted in
December 2008, and plants from Luštica in August 2009. After
ve seasons living under the same environmental conditions,
aerial parts were harvested in vegetative stage during winter
(December 2013) and  owering stage in summer (June 2014).
Preparation of plant extracts
Whole aerial plant parts (10 g) were grounded in small
pieces (2-6 mm) in the cylindrical crusher. The extraction was
performed successively, in a series of consecutive extraction
and  ltration of plant material, by increasing polarity solvents
(100 ml of dichloromethane (DCM), chloroform (CHL), ethyl
acetate (ETAC) and ethanol (ETOH)). The plant-solvent
mixture was exposed to the ultrasound 1h before and after
24h-maceration at 30°C. The liquid extracts were  ltered and
evaporated under reduced pressure by the rotary evaporator
(Buchi rotavapor R-114). The obtained crude extracts were
stored in the fridge at +4°C for further experiments.
Experimental measurements
Crude extracts of S. of cinalis were dissolved by methanol
to obtain stock extract solution at concentration 500 μg/
mL (w/v). As standard antioxidants, BHA (2(3)-t-Butyl-4-
hydroxyanisole) and BHT (3,5-di-tert-butyl-4 hydroxytoluene),
were dissolved in methanol in concentrations of 100 μg//
mL and tested for antioxidant activity. All of applied
spectrophotometric measurements were performed using
JENWAY 6305UV/Vis spectrophotometer.
Determination of total phenolic content
The total phenolic content (TPC) was measured using
specrophotometric procedure (19). 0.2 mL of extract solution
and 1 mL of 10% Folin–Ciocalteu reagent were mixed and after
*Corresponding author
1. Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac”, Faculty of Biology,
University of Belgrade, Takovska 43, Belgrade, Serbia
2. Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118,
11080 Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia
Ana Alimpi
Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol. 27(1) - January/February 2016
assay was performed (22) with some modications. Fresh
ABTS+ solution was prepared 12-16 hours before use by
dissolving ABTS in the potassium-persulfate solution (2.46
mM). The ABTS+ solution was dissolved by distilled water to
obtain an absorbance of working solution 0.700 ± 0.020 at
734 nm. 50 μL of test samples and/or standard antioxidants
were mixed with 2 mL of working ABTS+ solution and after
incubation of 30 min at 30ºC, absorbance was recorded at
734 nm. Distilled water was used as blank. ABTS activity was
calculated from ascorbic acid calibration curve (0-2 mg/L)
and expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents per gram of dry
extract (mg AAE/g).
Ferric-reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) assay
The FRAP assay was performed (23) with slight modications.
FRAP reagent, prepared freshly to contain sodium acetate
buffer (300 mmol/L, pH 3.6), 10 mmol/L TPTZ in 40 mmol/L HCl
and FeCl3 * 6H2O solution (20 mmol/L) in proportion 10:1:1
(v/v/v), respectively, was warmed to 37°C prior to use. 100
μL of test sample were added to 3 mL of FRAP reagent and
absorbance was recorded at 593 nm after 4 minutes. Blank
was prepared to contain distilled water instead of extract.
The same procedure was repeated for standard solution
of FeSO4 * 7H2O (0.2-1.6 mmol/L) in order to construct
calibration curve. FRAP values of sample were calculated
from standard curve equation and expressed as μmol FeSO4
* 7H2O /g dry extract).
Statistical analysis
All experimental measurements were carried out in triplicate
and are expressed as average of three measurements
± standard deviation. Pearson’s correlation coefcients,
calculated between TPC, TFC and antioxidant assays,
were interpreted according to Taylor (24). Calculations
and constructing of the charts were performed using the
MS Ofce Excel, 2007. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
used in order to calculate critical value from F-test (F)
and p-statistical signicance (p) for analyzed characters.
Statistical analyses were performed using the package
Statistica 5.1 (25).
six minutes was added 0.8 mL of 7.5% Na2CO3. Absorbance
was recorded at 740 nm after two hours incubation. The same
procedure was repeated for standard gallic acid in order to
construct calibration curve. Phenolic content of samples was
calculated from standard curve equation and expressed as
gallic acid equivalents (mg GAE/g dry extract).
Determination of total avonoid content
Total avonoid content (TFC) was measured using
specrophotometric procedure (20). The reaction mixture was
prepared to contain 1 mL of extract solution, 4.1 mL of 80%
ethanol, 0.1 mL of 10% Al(NO3)3 * 9 H2O, and 0.1 mL 1M solution
of CH3COOK. After 40 min of incubation at room temperature,
absorbance was measured at 415 nm. The same procedure
was repeated for standard (avonol quercetin) in order to
construct calibration curve. Concentration of avonoids in
samples was calculated from standard curve equation and
expressed as quercetin equivalents (mg QE/g dry extract).
DPPH assay
DPPH (2,2-dyphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical
scavenging method (21) with slight modications was
performed. Stock solutions of extracts were mixed
with methanolic solution of DPPH (40 μg/mL) to adjust
concentrations of 10-100 μg/mL (v/v) of reaction mixture
(2000 μL). Methanol was used as a blank, while methanol
with DPPH solution was used as a control. Absorbance
of the reaction mixture was measured after 30 minutes in
the dark at room temperature at 517 nm. The decrease of
absorption of DPPH radical at 517 nm was calculated using
Inhibition of DPPH radical (%) = [(AC-AS)/AC] * 100%
where Ac-absorbance of control and As-absorbance of the
test samples at different concentrations. IC50 values (μg/mL)
were calculated from DPPH absorption curve at 517 nm.
ABTS assay
ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline–6-sulfonic acid)
Table 1. Yield of extracts, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant activities of S. officinalis extracts.
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation; N is the number of samples
* Values within column are signicantly different (p<0.05)
a BHA (IC50 13.37 μg/ml) and BHT (IC50 17.94 μg/ml)
b BHA (2.82 mg AAE/g) and BHT (2.75 mg AAE/g)
c BHA (583.72 μmol Fe (II)/g) and BHT (445.34 μmol Fe (II)/g)
Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol. 27(1) - January/February 2016
obtained in this study are consistent with previous ndings on
S. ofcinalis, with high efciency of ethanolic extract (16,27,28).
The ethanol extracts showed very strong DPPH activity, close
to synthetic antioxidants BHA and BHT (13.37 and 17.94 μg/ml,
The measured ABTS activity proved to be higher in the extracts
originating from the locality Pleš than those from Luštica (1.11 mg
AAE/g and 0.99 mg AAE/g, respectively). Stronger activity was
obtained in the summer season (1.18 mg AAE/g), comparing
to winter season (0.91 mg AAE/g). Among examined extracts,
ethanol extracts performed the strongest ABTS activity (1.77
mg AAE/g). In the ABTS assay (15), IC50 values of antioxidant
capacity showed a similar range of activities as well as in the
DPPH assay (12-95 mg/ml and 8-94 mg/ml, respectively).
FRAP activities of S. ofcinalis plant extracts originating from
the locality Pleš (613.81 μmol Fe(II)/g) was stronger than those
obtained for Luštica (593.79 μmol Fe(II)/g). Extracts showed
higher FRAP capacity in the summer season (662.22 μmol
Fe(II)/g). Ethanol extracts of plants showed the strongest activity
(1157.72 μmol Fe(II)/g). The results obtained in this study are
consistent with results of other authors who have measured the
FRAP activity of extracts of S. ofcinalis (29). It was reported on
the strongest activity of ethanol extract in the analysis of the
antioxidant activity of dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and
ethanol extracts of the aerial parts and roots of 14 Turkish Salvia
species, using a FRAP method (6). The extracts obtained using
higher polarity solvents were more effective radical scavengers
comparing to those obtained using less polar ones (16).
Previously reported data on antioxidant activity of S. ofcinalis
methanol extract tested using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays
showed that activity varied depending on collection site and
harvesting time (7, 8). Comparing the antioxidant activity in the
vegetative and fruiting stage of S. ofcinalis from two localities in
northern Tunisia, DPPH and ABTS assays showed stronger activity
in the vegetative, while FRAP assay showed stronger activity in
the fruiting stage (8). In the present study, differences in the DPPH
activities of extracts were caused by plant origin, harvesting
season and extraction solvent, while those in the ABTS and FRAP
assays could be attributed only to extraction solvent (Table
1). Similarly to phenolic and avonoid contents, antioxidant
activity of extracts varied depending on plant part, solvent and
techniques chosen for extraction as was indicated for other
Salvia species (6,12,18). Our results are in agreement with above-
mentioned data.
The correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenolic
and avonoid contents
Based on the values of correlation coefcients (r) shown in
Table 2, it can be concluded that the antioxidant capacities
of the extracts (measured using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays)
were strongly correlated to total phenol (r ranging from
±0.695 to ±0.975) and weakly to total avonoid content (r
from ± 0.065 to ± 0.255). The results indicated that the total
phenols are more responsible for the antioxidant activity than
total avonoids as it was previously reported (12). The strong
correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenolic
content in plant extracts was obtained in previous studies (4,
5, 8, 16).
Antioxidant tests were strongly correlated between each
other, especially FRAP and ABTS tests (r=0.962). According to
previous reports, it was established a statistically signicant
strong correlation (r ≥0.669) between DPPH and ABTS
antioxidant activity in all tested genera of Lamiaceae family,
whether they are examined as a group or separately (16).
Extract yields, total phenolic and avonoid content
The yields of extracts were expressed in percentage (%) of the
dry weight extract compared to the initial mass of dry plant
material used for successive extraction (Table 1).
Yields of extracts varied depending on the origin, season and the
solvent used for extraction. The yields of plant extracts originating
from Pleš (2.50%) were higher than those originating from Luštica
(2.03%). The yields in the summer and winter season were very
similar (2.29 and 2.24%, respectively). The highest extract yield
was obtained by dichloromethane extract (3.23%), while the
ethyl acetate extract showed the lowest yield (1.47%). Extracts
yields were mostly inuenced by extraction solvent. Similar results
were obtained before using successive extraction (6). Yield
of methanolic extract of Salvia species varied depending on
collection locality and harvesting time (7, 8).
Results of measurements of total phenolic content (TPC) and
total avonoid content (TFC) are presented in the Table 1. The
total phenolic content was generally higher in the plant extracts
originating from Pleš (98.84 mg GAE/g) comparing to results
obtained for Luštica (96.36 mg GAE/g). Extracts of the summer
season showed higher phenolic content (110.26 mg GAE/g).
Type of extraction solvent affects the efciency of extraction of
phenols as indicated before (6). It was found that S. ofcinalis
from different collection sites showed TPC ranging from 207.48 to
251.73 mg GAE/g (7), with the highest yield in the fruiting stage
comparing to vegetative and owering ones (8).
The values of total avonoids content in the extracts were
measured as 31.75 mg QE/g for Pleš locality and 29.30 mg QE/g
for Luštica locality (Table 1). Higher avonoid content was found
in extracts from plants collected in summer (34.64 mg QE/g )
than in winter (26.41 mg QE/g), which is consistent with previous
reports (8). The highest content of total avonoids showed the
ethyl acetate extract (37.74 mg QE/g), while the lowest content
of total avonoids was obtained in ethanolic extracts (27.30 mg
QE/g), which is consistent to previous reports on Salvia species
successively obtained extracts (6). Several authors (3,6,7,18,26)
concluded that differences in results of yield of total phenolics
and avonoids could be caused by genetic and environmental
(climate, location, temperature, fertility, pests and diseases)
factors, the plant part used for extraction, time of sampling,
choice of the extraction solvent, extraction techniques, etc.
Considering the plants in our study were cultivated under
the same environmental conditions for ve years, statistically
signicant differences in total phenolic and avonoids contents
of extracts should be attributed only to harvesting season and
extraction solvent.
Evaluation of antioxidant activity
Antioxidant activity of extracts was evaluated using three
parallel test assays (DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assay) and results are
presented in Table 1.
DPPH activity of S. ofcinalis extracts, originating from Pleš
and Luštica, was measured as 28.28 μg/ml and 48.62 μg/ml,
respectively. Summer season extracts were more successful
against DPPH radical, compared to extracts of winter season
(30.02 μg/ml and 46.89 μg/ml, respectively). Ethanol extracts
showed the strongest activity (16.93 μg/ml) while chloroform
extract was the weakest (57.35 μg/ml). It was reported that
successively obtained ethanol extracts of fourteen Salvia
species showed the strongest DPPH activity comparing to their
dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extracts (6). The results
Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol. 27(1) - January/February 2016
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extracts of S. ofcinalis are proved to be valuable as an effective
and safe source of natural antioxidants, but observed variations
in yield and antioxidant properties could serve as basis for the
selection of plants with high level of polyphenolic compounds
and good antioxidant properties for future commercial
exploration in public health.
Authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of Serbia for the nancial support
(Projects No. 173029 and 173030).
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Table 2. Linear correlation coefcients (r) between antioxidant activity and total
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... The evolution of flavonoid levels was influenced by several genetic and environmental parameters, including climate, area, temperature, fertility, parasites and diseases; similarly, extraction efficiency depended on the diffusion rate and solubility of the solvent [23,39]. This was demonstrated by Do et al., where the ethanolic extract presented a ratio 4 times higher than the aqueous extract according to polarity [40]. ...
... Rasmy et al. revealed that the ethanolic extract (80%) of S. officinalis has better free radical scavenging potential than the aqueous extract [41]. followed by the dichloromethane, acetate and chloroform [23]. Mekhaldi et al. showed the high capacity of methanolic extract of S. officinalis compared to the essential oil [42]. ...
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This work aims the valorization of a medicinal plant known by its traditional use, Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae), by phytochemical characterization and evaluation of the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of their extracts. The antioxidant activity was assessed by the DPPH method and the antibacterial potential was determined by the diffusion method. The quantitative determination revealed that the ethanolic extract has a content of 8.04% for polyphenolic content and 17.4 % for flavonoids. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of S. officinalis showed that the ethanolic extract of S. officinalis presented the higher antiradical effect manifested with IC50 of 0.106±0.001 mg/ml. In addition, the antibacterial activity showed the strong capacity of S. officinalis methanolic extract to inhibit B. subtilis, M. luteus, E. coli and S. aureus with a diameter inhibition zone of 27.06±1.49; 15.43±2.23; 11.6±0.52 and 11.5±2.17 mm respectively. While the activity of the ethanolic extract was 26.62±2.97 mm against B. subtilis, 16.51±2.36 mm against M. luteus, 13.62±0.55 mm for S. aureus, P. aeruginosa (12.30±1.59 mm). The macrodilution method (MIC) showed a range of 625 to >5000 µg/ml. The study of the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of extracts of S. officinalis suggested that this plant represented a natural source of bioactive molecules with very important biological activities.
... In addition, it has been found that the studied Salvia taxa have the highest ABTS radical scavenging apart from S. suffruticosa in 25 µl and S. tricholoda in 50 and 100 µl ( Table 5). The several literatures showed that Salvia species strong DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities [33,34,35]. ( [11] found that sage has rich in total phenolics which is measured as 64,98 mol GAEs/g dry plants. ...
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The goal of present study is to find the penolic contents, antioxidant activities and antimicrobial capacities in the seeds of five Salvia L. taxa two of which are endemics (Salvia euphratica var. leiocalycina and Salvia euphratica var. euphratica). The flavonoid and phenolic acid are determined by using HPLC while the antioxidant activities are determined based on different methods. Also, the antimicrobial activities of some Salvia species are determined by using the well agar method. The current study found that the studied Salvia species have low flavonoid. It has been found that Salvia euphratica var. euphratica has high vanillic acid, ferulic acid and rosmarinic acid among the studied taxa. Similarly, it has been found that Salvia euphratica var. euphratica has high DPPH and ABTS radical scavening capacity in all concentrations. It has been also found that Salvia euphratica var. euphratica has highest total phenolic content (372,63±0,87 µgGAE/mg) whilst Salvia tricholoda has low total phenolic content (46,41±1,71 µgGAE/mg). In addition, this study demonstrated that Salvia tricholoda has lowest metal chelating activity (37,35±0,51%). Furthermore, present study found that the lipid peroxidation levels of the studied Salvia taxa are between 18,21±0,37 mg/kg and 21,03±0,22 mg/kg while it has been found that the antibacterial properties of the Salvia taxa under study are altering.
... That a high total phenolic content is not necessarily synonymous with a high antioxidant capacity is also evident from the literature. Some studies have found a good correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity as determined by various assays, e.g., in red, white, and rosé wines [38], in wild vegetables [39], in S. officinalis [40] of different origins [41], and for some Malvaceae family species but not for others [42]. On the other hand, one study [43] found no correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of a different species of sage, S. macrosiphon, and another study [44] found that methanol/water extraction of S. officinalis resulted in the highest antioxidant capacity (including lowest TBARS), but the aqueous extract obtained by decoction resulted in the highest total phenolic content. ...
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Lipid oxidation is the primary non-microbial reason for quality deterioration of meat and meat products. Lipid oxidation can be prevented or delayed by antioxidants. In this study, 15 sage (Salvia spp. Labiatae) extracts (five genotypes, three harvest times) were tested for their ability to reduce lipid oxidation (peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) in ground, uncured, cooked porcine and bovine meat (60%/40% mixture) during 14 days of refrigerated storage. Additionally, total phenolic content was determined, and the antioxidant capacity of the extracts was measured as radical scavenging activity (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay), reducing power, and superoxide anion scavenging activity. All 15 sage extracts were able to reduce lipid oxidation, though showing expected differences depending on genotype and harvest time. The extracts of S. officinalis accession from Foggia, Italy performed better than the other genotypes when looking at the entire storage period and considering both PV and TBARS. Of the applied methods for determining antioxidant capacity, superoxide anion scavenging activity proved to be the best determinant of the ability of sage to reduce lipid oxidation in the meat sample.
... В связи с чем фармакологическая поддержка антиоксидантных систем организма может оказывать терапевтическое действие. В этом плане несомненный интерес представляет лекарственное растительное сырье, а также фитопрепараты, содержащие комплекс различных биологически активных веществ, таких как фенольные соединения, органические кислоты, аскорбиновая кислота, оксикоричные кислоты, полисахариды, обладающие антиоксидантными свойствами [3][4][5]. ...
Objective: to study the antioxidant and antiradical activity of extracts from the tuberous pea herb. Materials and methods. The study object was tuberous pea herb collected in Kursk region in 2020-2021 during the flowering period of plants. The antioxidant and antiradical activities of aqueous and aqueous-alcoholic extracts from the herb of tuberous pea were investigated. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by titrimetric method based on the interaction of potassium permanganate and reducing substances contained in the extract from raw materials of tuberous pea herb. The antiradical activity was studied by spectrophotometric method according to the ability of extracts to inactivate 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl. The content of phenolic compounds (direct spectrophotometry) in terms of chlorogenic acid and flavonoids (differential spectrophotometry) in terms of rutin was determined. The obtained data were processed by statistical analysis. Results. By the example of the use of different extractants: water and alcohol of different concentrations, we investigated their influence on the antioxidant and antiradical activity of tuberous pea herb. The analysis of the experimental data obtained showed that all the extracts studied have antioxidant and antiradical activity, with the maximum activity found in extracts obtained from the herb using 50% and 70% ethyl alcohol as an extractant. The maximum content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids was also found in the mentioned extracts, which indicates a correlation between the antioxidant activity and the content of phenolic compounds. Conclusion. The results of the conducted experimental study allow us to conclude that the tuberous pea herb harvested in the flowering phase can be considered as a promising medicinal plant raw material of antioxidant orientation.
... Besides that the content obtained with acetone extract from S. officinalis L was the highest content TFC (43.25 mg QE/g DW). Sonja Duletić-Laušević et al[15] found that alcohols extract of Salvia officinalis L plants originated from Belgrade have revealed to be more efficient in extracting phenolics constituents. Abdeslam Et-Touys et al[16] studies give that The TPC of MeOH, n-hexane and EtOH extracts from Salvia officinalis L of Morocco present the highest content. ...
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Algerian Salvia Officinalis L aerial parts were extracted with pure solvents in increasing polarity (hexane, acetone, methanol and 80% aqueous methanol. All extracts were examined by assessing their content in polyphenols and the antioxidant levels were evaluated by two in vitro tests using spectroscopic and the voltametric methods. The quantitative assessment of total phenols and flavonoids by the colorimetric method make it clear that the extracts are very rich of these compounds. The hydro-methanol and methanol extracts gave the highest DPPH and . 2 O radicals scavenging activities (12.15 μg/ml) and (0.704 mg/ml) respectively.
... These TFC values were slightly higher than those reported by us for the ethanolic and hydroalcoholic (4/1 (v/v) ethanol/water) Salvia officinalis extracts (13.56-25.03 mg QE/g extract) [7], but close to those obtained for ethanolic extracts by Duletic-Lausevic et al. (27.30 ± 8.48 mg/g extract) [44]. Interestingly, the extracts prepared at 80 • C, either in absolute ethanol or in water-ethanol mixture, had very similar TFC values (5.16-5.78 ...
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To improve phytochemical stability, polyphenolic extracts prepared from Salvia officinalis L., which is a valuable source of phytocompounds with health benefits, were embedded into mesopores of silica, titania, or titania-ceria materials. Ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts were prepared by conventional, microwave- or ultrasound-assisted extraction. The influence of the extraction conditions on chemical profile, radical scavenger activity (RSA), and antimicrobial potential of the extracts was assessed. The extracts were characterized by spectrophotometric determination of total polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophyll pigment contents, as well as RSA. A reverse phase HPLC- PDA analysis was performed for the identification and quantification of extract polyphenols. The extract-loaded materials exhibited an enhanced RSA compared to the free extract after several months of storage, resulting in better polyphenol stability over time following embedding into a mesoporous matrix. Selected extracts free and embedded into mesoporous support were tested against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923; the best antimicrobial activity was obtained for S. aureus. A slight improvement in antimicrobial activity was observed for the ethanolic extract prepared by ultrasound-assisted extraction following embedding into the TiO2 matrix compared to MCM-41 silica due to the support contribution.
The extraction of phenolic compounds from natural sources is crucial for their utilization in various applications, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. However, current extraction methods often suffer from drawbacks such as low yield, long extraction times, and the use of harsh chemicals. The present study aimed to assess in vitro the antioxidant activities of solvent extracts from different wild plants (green tea, al sidr, and sage), in addition to introducing a novel, environmentally friendly method for extracting phenolic compounds from different wild plants and finding the best solvent system for extraction of different phenolic compounds. In the present work, 15 solvent extracts from 3 plant samples were evaluated against 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4) as non-radical reagents and compared with ascorbic acid as a natural standard antioxidant, in addition to the analysis of the chemical constituents of promising extracts from wild plants using HPLC. The obtained results revealed that both methods go in parallel, showing that the concentration of extract and incubation time are dependent and proportional to the concentration of phenolic compounds. Buffer-ethanol extract from green tea plant recorded the highest antioxidant activity when compared with other solvent extracts, with more than 95% against the DPPH radical method, but the activities decreased in the case of the KMnO4 method. Thus, the HPLC analysis of aqueous extracts of promising buffer and buffer-ethanol solvent systems for the 3 plants showed a highly complex profile, containing approximately 14 and 18 different components. From these compounds, gallic acid recorded the highest concentration for green tea in both extracts at 982.06 and 275.06 µg/ml, respectively. While rosmarinic acid recorded the highest concentration for sage in buffer-ethanol extract at 395.93 µg/ml. From the obtained results, it could be concluded that the solvent extracts of plant samples are rich in different active ingredients, especially phenolic compounds and their derivatives. The extracts from green tea, especially with buffer solution, are more acceptable when compared with other extracts. Buffer, ethanol, and ethanol-buffer extracts (from al sidr, sage, and green tea) recorded high concentrations of phenolic compounds and their derivatives and exhibited antioxidant activity, respectively.
Background : One of the biggest and most significant fragrant and medicinal genera in the Lamiaceae family is salvia (sage). Sage infusion can have numerous health advantages, including anti-mycotic, anti-carcinogenic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative effects. By lowering free radicals, antioxidants are the chemical compounds that stop or postpone the oxidation process. Lipid oxidation causes color changes, texture problems, odd flavors, nutrient loss, and the creation of hazardous chemicals. Aim of study evaluation of the activity of Salvia officinalis extracts as antioxidants., Methods: Investigated was the chemical detection of active substances. the existence of an active substances and the use of aqueous and alcoholic extracts separately for toxicity test in mice in three concentrations: (10, 20,40 %) it was given orally and the dose ranged between (0.1-0.2 )ml twice a day. Leave the mice for 72 h with monitoring to determine the toxicity of the extracts or not, and evaluation of oxidative stress efficiency by using the DDPH method, Results: The presence of these compounds in extracts of the sage plant, which are compounds that have an effectiveness against cancer cells, which lies in the removal of free radicals (OH. O) they contribute to protecting cells and tissues from active oxygen, The toxicity test results of the aqueous and alcoholic extract showed that they were free of toxicity after oral dosing of mice, The active compounds in the prepared extracts have different polarity, in addition to the use of two different solvents, (water and ethanol), which lead differing results of the effectiveness of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts as antioxidants compared to the gallic acid. Conclusion: The tests for the detection of the active groups of the extracts showed that they are affected by the nature of the solvent in terms of polarity, which affects the type and concentration of the groups extracted and the nature of the extraction, The toxicity test results showed that the aqueous and alcoholic extracts were non-toxic, the results of the antioxidant activity test showed that the alcoholic extract of the sage plant is more effective than the aqueous extract.
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The botanical family Lamiaceae, which comprises around 230 genera and 7100 species worldwide, is of great importance for medicine, cooking, cosmetics, and the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. Notable members include Sage, Mint, and Sideritis. This review focuses on S. officinalis L. (S. officinalis), commonly known as sage, and in particular its bioactive constituents and their potential medicinal applications. Extensive searches of databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were conducted. The research emphasizes the antioxidant properties of S. officinalis due to its flavonoids and phenolic acids. Both in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate its effectiveness against bacterial infections. Recent research also suggests that S. officinalis has the potential to extend the shelf life of various foods by reducing lipid oxidation, making it an important ingredient in the food industry as a natural food additive. The findings underscore the potential medicinal applications of S. officinalis, including its pharmacological, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, as well as its role in food preservation. Despite existing controversies , S. officinalis proves to be a natural and healthier alternative for various applications, in line with today's consumer preferences for natural and sustainable products.
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One of the biggest and most significant fragrant and medicinal genera in the Lamiaceae family is salvia (sage). Sage infusion can have numerous health advantages, including anti-mycotic, anti-carcinogenic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative effects. By lowering free radicals, antioxidants are the chemical compounds that stop or postpone the oxidation process. Lipid oxidation causes color changes, texture problems, odd flavors, nutrient loss, and the creation of hazardous chemicals. Aim of study evaluation of the activity of Salvia officinalis extracts as antioxidants. Investigated was the chemical detection of active substances. The existence of an active substances and the use of aqueous and alcoholic extracts separately for toxicity test in mice in three concentrations: (10, 20, and 40 %) it was given orally and the dose ranged between (0.1-0.2) ml twice a day. Leave the mice for 72 h with monitoring to determine the toxicity of the extracts or not, and evaluation of oxidative stress efficiency by using the DDPH method. The presence of these compounds in extracts of the sage plant, which are compounds that have an effectiveness against cancer cells, which lies in the removal of free radicals (OH. O) they contribute to protecting cells and tissues from active oxygen, The toxicity test results of the aqueous and alcoholic extract showed that they were free of toxicity after oral dosing of mice, The active compounds in the prepared extracts have different polarity, in addition to the use of two different solvents, (water and ethanol), which lead differing results of the effectiveness of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts as antioxidants compared to the gallic acid. The tests for the detection of the active groups of the extracts showed that they are affected by the nature of the solvent in terms of polarity, which affects the type and concentration of the groups extracted and the nature of the extraction, The toxicity test results showed that the aqueous and alcoholic extracts were non-toxic, the results of the antioxidant activity test showed that the alcoholic extract of the sage plant is more effective than the aqueous extract.
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Background and Objective: Free radicals cause many diseases in human and their neutralizing by antioxidants reduces risk of cancers. Salvia Officinalis from Lamiaceae family is one of the valuable plants in traditional medicine. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidative and cytotoxic properties of ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of this plant on human prostate and cervical cancer cells.Methodology: In this study, in order to evaluate the antioxidative property, diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test was used andto investigate the cytotoxic property, PC3 prostate and Hela cervical cancer cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% bovine serum. The extract of Salvia Officinalis leaf powder was obtained through soaking method with 80% alcohol. The toxicity ofdifferent concentrations of extracts (12.5, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1000) on the cultured cells was measured using MTT assay at three times at 24, 48, and 72 hours. Findings: In this investigation, the antioxidative property was inversely relatedto IC50. The results of MTT test indicated that ethanolic extracts of Salvia Officinalis show highly significantdifferences at different days.Results: Ethanolic extract of the plant in DPPH method had a very good and the best antioxidative activity, while its cytotoxic property was very poor.Keywords: Cytotoxic, Salvia Officinalis, MTT test, PC3, Hela
This work is focused on the evaluation of the anti anti-inflammatory activity of fractionatedextracts of Salvia officinalis in experimental model of peritonitis. The extract of Salvia officinalis was produced by maceration with ethanol and fractionated by increasing the polarity of the solvents from hexane to methanol in a thin layer chromatographic column with Silica Gel 60 as stationary phase. The acute induced-peritonitis assay was used as model of inflammation, were the fractionated extracts of S. officinalis were administered subcutaneously. After 4h of induction of inflammation the number of total circulating leukocytes was not increased in animals that received the methanol extract. After the induction of inflammation, all animals except those treated with the fraction of ethyl acetate and methanol showed an increased number of circulating neutrophils. The results obtained suggesting the occurrence of inhibition of the total leukocytes recruitment in thecirculating blood after the induced-inflammatory process by ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts of S. officinalis in a single dose of 25 μ It was concluded that the extracts of S. officinalis could be used as anti-inflammatory agent.
Forty-six specimens of propolis which were collected by Apis mellifera were obtained from various regions of Brazil and extracted with 80% aqueous ethanol (ethanolic extract of propolis, EEP). The extracts were analysed by using determination of total flavonoid concentrations using the aluminum nitrate method, UV-spectrophotometry, reversed phase-high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC), and reversed phase-HPLC. Six samples of EEP, which contained high total flavonoid concentrations, were selected for further investigation. HPTLC indicated that the quality of flavonoid aglycones of EEP from the States of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil), Goias and Mate Grosso do Sul (closely to Southeastern) were similar, but were different compared to those of EEP's from Parana and Rio Grande do Sul, which are located in Southern Brazil. Reversed Phase-HPLC analysis of EEP's from Southern Brazil identified 7 flavonoid aglycones, whereas there were 9 from Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais and 7 from Goias and Mate Grosso do Sul. These results indicate that the plant ecology of Southeastern and Southern Brazil are different. It was also observed that all samples of EEP's demonstrated inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive, whereas Escherichia coli was not inhibited.
Few literature data are available on the antioxidants of Salvia verbenaca, Salvia aegyptiaca and Salvia argentea. Such lack of information prevents exploitation of these potential pool of compounds with strong antioxidant activity. So, in the present study, phenolic contents and compositions and antioxidant activities of methanolic extracts of four Salvia species, growing in various habitats, were determined. The total phenolic contents estimated spectrophotometrically ranged from (67.67-72.02 mg GAE/g DW) for S. argentea extracts to (112.93-161.37 mg GAE/g DW) for Salvia officinalis samples. The HPLC analysis detected the presence of several phenolic acids, particularly the caffeic acid derivatives along with flavonoids and phenolic diterpenes. Rosmarinic acid was found to be the most abundant compound in all analyzed extracts and showed its highest values in S. officinalis samples (13,680.22-18,378.00 mu g/g DW). Varying degrees of antioxidant and radical-scavenging efficacity of different sage extracts were illustrated. S. officinalis methanolic extracts had the strongest antioxidant capacity as evaluated by DPPH (10.08-3.37 mu g/mL), ABTS (644.85-766.30 mu M TE/mg) and FRAP (178.65-197.33 mM Fe(II)/mg) assays. Significant correlations between total phenolics, the most representative phenolic compounds, particularly rosmarinic acid and the antioxidant assays were verified. Variations of total phenolic contents and compositions and antioxidant activities between Salvia samples grown at different regions were significant. Salvias aerial part extracts could be valuable as an effective and safe source of functional food materials such as natural antioxidants.
In this study, cholinesterase inhibitory potential relevant to Alzheimer's disease and antioxidant activities of the dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts from the aerial parts and/or roots of fourteen Salvia (sage) species (S. argentea, S. bracteata, S. caespitosa, S. cryptantha, S. glutinosa, S. indica, S. microstegia, S. multicaulis, S. pinnata, S. quezelii, S. syriaca, S. tobeyi, S. verticillata subsp. amasiaca, and S. viscosa) were investigated. Cholinesterase inhibition was determined by Ellman method at 25, 50, and 100 μg ml−1. Their antioxidant activity was assessed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, metal-chelation capacity, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Total phenol and flavonoid contents of the extracts were also determined. The dichloromethane and ethanol extracts of the aerial parts of S. cryptantha were the most active ones against AChE (56.22 ± 1.07%) and BChE (33.80 ± 4.18%), respectively. The ethanol extracts exhibited better scavenging activity and FRAP. Anticholinesterase activity of 9 Salvia species (S. argentea, S. bracteata, S. caespitosa, S. indica, S. pinnata, S. quezelii, S. syriaca, S. tobeyi, and S. viscosa) is reported for the first time in the current study.
A basic consideration in the evaluation of professional medical literature is being able to understand the statistical analysis presented. One of the more frequently reported statistical methods involves correlation analysis where a correlation coefficient is reported representing the degree of linear association between two variables. This article discusses the basic aspects of correlation analysis with examples given from professional journals and focuses on the interpretations and limitations of the correlation coefficient. No attention was given to the actual calculation of this statistical value.