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Preliminary fractal analysis of fracture spacing inferred from an acoustic televiewer log run in the Basel-1 geothermal well (Switzerland)


Abstract and Figures

Development of a geological model for an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) reservoir requires a characterization of the fracture network. Previous studies have identified fractures from an acoustic image log run in the crystalline basement section of the Basel-1 well and described fracture sets and fracture zone characteristics. Using the Cantor’s Dust method, we investigated the fractal behavior of four major natural fracture sets intersected by the Basel-1 well. These sets are differently distributed between 2600 m and 5000 m (i.e., the logged depth) along the well below the rotary table of the rig. The obtained fractal dimensions (D) vary between 0.35 and 0.60 for the four fracture sets. Similar D values ranging for sets 1–3 in the interval between 2600 m and 3000 m emphasize the role of the geological setting in the distribution of fractures. Moreover, the spacing distribution of sets 2 and 3 show a clear power-law distribution.
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An Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) seeks at ex-
tracting heat from deep underground by circulating a
fluid between injection and production wells. In most
EGS projects, fluid flow occurs essentially along
fractures as the matrix permeability is small (Genter
et al. 2010). In general, the low permeability of such
reservoirs prevents production at economical rates.
The enhancement of fracture permeability to facilitate
fluid circulation is required. One approach to enhance
and create the permeability is to perform hydraulic
stimulations. In order to design and assess EGS res-
ervoir stimulation strategies, development of a geo-
logical model with representation of lithological do-
mains and characterization of the fracture network is
required. This characterization includes a correct sta-
tistical distribution of fractures and fracture set prop-
erties. Such a geological model is crucial for geome-
chanical simulations during the life-time of an EGS
reservoir, too.
The existence of fractures within the target EGS
rock mass plays a controlling role on the mechanical
behavior during reservoir stimulation. Valley and
Evans (2007) have identified more or less continuous,
local stress variations from analyzing wellbore fail-
ures along deep wells at the Soultz-sous-Forêts EGS
in France, and attributed these stress changes to the
existence of natural fractures cut by the deep bore-
holes. Similar observations were made at the Basel
EGS project in Switzerland (Valley and Evans 2009).
This paper aims at studying the distribution of frac-
ture spacing in the crystalline basement section below
Basel that was penetrated by the Basel-1 well.
Knowledge of the spacing distribution is a crucial
step towards populating a reservoir model with syn-
thetic fractures consistent with the observations ob-
tained from deep boreholes. For our analysis we used
the fracture data from Ziegler et al. (2015). Ziegler et
al. (2015) have characterized the natural fractures and
fracture zones characteristics (location, orientation,
set spacing, fracture zone thickness and internal struc-
ture) in the crystalline basement (“Deep Heat Min-
ing” project, Switzerland).The analysis was per-
formed using an acoustic televiewer log and other
logging data (e.g., bulk density and p-wave velocity).
For a complete description of the dataset and interpre-
tation methodology we refer to Ziegler et al. (2015).
Amongst the various fracture attributes such as per-
sistence, spacing, aperture etc., this study focuses on
analyzing the spacing distribution of fractures using
fractal geometry. A fractal analysis of fracture inter-
sections with the borehole is expected to improve our
understanding of the distribution of fractures in the
crystalline basement. We aim at quantifying the frac-
tal dimension of fracture sets spacing in the crystal-
line basement along the Basel-1 well using the Can-
tor's Dust method. We also studied the statistical
distribution of fracture spacing in different sets to find
any probable power-law distributions. The relation
between the power law exponents and fractal dimen-
sions is discussed, too.
Preliminary fractal analysis of fracture spacing inferred from an acoustic
televiewer log run in the Basel-1 geothermal well (Switzerland)
M. J. A. Moein
Geological Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
B. Valley
Center for Hydrogeology and Geothermics, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
M. Ziegler
Geological Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
ABSTRACT: Development of a geological model for an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) reservoir re-
quires a characterization of the fracture network. Previous studies have identified fractures from an acoustic
image log run in the crystalline basement section of the Basel-1 well and described fracture sets and fracture
zone characteristics. Using the Cantor’s Dust method, we investigated the fractal behavior of four major natural
fracture sets intersected by the Basel-1 well. These sets are differently distributed between 2600 m and 5000 m
(i.e., the logged depth) along the well below the rotary table of the rig. The obtained fractal dimensions (D)
vary between 0.35 and 0.60 for the four fracture sets. Similar D values ranging for sets 13 in the interval
between 2600 m and 3000 m emphasize the role of the geological setting in the distribution of fractures. More-
over, the spacing distribution of sets 2 and 3 show a clear power-law distribution.
The fractal geometry is a branch of mathematics that
deals with the quantification of repeating patterns on
different scales. Fractals have been widely used in
different areas of geoscience to understand these pat-
terns. Using this geometry, it is possible to quantify
the scaling of fracture attributes. In addition, it has
been used to cluster earthquakes and quantify induced
seismicity (Smalley et al. 1987, Enescu and Ito 2001,
Hainzl 2004). Scaling and spatial clustering of frac-
tures are important parameters that control the organ-
ization of the flow within a fractured rock reservoir.
Barton and Zoback (1992) have suggested that the
self-similarity of fractures in the Earth’s crust exists
on a very wide range of scales ranging from millime-
ters to hundreds of meters. Self-similar distributions
show scale invariant characteristics. There are numer-
ous observations in the literature reporting the fractal
behavior of different fracture attributes such as trace
length, spacing, RQD (Rock Quality Designation,
Deere and Deere (1988)), aperture, surface roughness
etc. (Velde et al. 1990, Power and Tullis 1991, Barton
and Zoback 1992, Boadu and Long 1994).
The intersection of fracture planes with a borehole
centerline can be represented as points along a single
dimension. If the distribution of fracture intersections
follows a fractal behavior, the following equation will
be valid for all r:
𝑁 = 𝑐 ∙ 𝑟 −𝐷 (1)
where N is the number of divisions that cover all of
the fractures in equally spaced divisions of length r,
D is the fractal dimension, and c is a constant. The
fractal dimension D is in the range 0 < D < 1. Here,
we will apply the Cantor’s Dust method to obtain the
fractal dimension of different fracture sets intersect-
ing the borehole.
3.1 Cantor’s Dust method (Cantor 1872)
This method tries to cover the intersection of fracture
planes with the borehole by successively smaller in-
tervals in each step. If the fracture intersections in a
set follow a fractal distribution, the number of inter-
vals containing fractures follow a linear trend with
slope m on a log-log plot. The slope m of this line
equals to 1−D. A detailed description to obtain fractal
dimensions with the Cantor’s Dust method is given
by Velde et al. (1991).
3.2 Power-law statistical distributions
It is assumed that the true spacing of fractures in spe-
cific sets follows a power-law distribution. Valley
(2007) has studied different statistical parameters us-
ing different distributions for different fracture sets in
the Soultz-Sous-Forêts EGS. He has extracted power-
law exponents for different sets by fitting a line to the
linear section of plots showing log(cumulative num-
ber) vs. log(spacing) and obtained a wide range of ex-
ponents ranging between 0.63 and 1.06 for four frac-
ture sets in the GPK3 and GPK4 wells. While
lognormal distribution shows a better fit to the spac-
ing distributions derived from borehole imaging at
Soultz (both wells), the spacing distribution obtained
from core fracture logs shows a better fit to the power-
law distribution (Genter et al. 1997). This deviation is
mainly due to the bias imposed by the censoring ef-
fect. The censoring effect is due to the resolution limit
where short fractures are not completely observed
(Bonnet et al. 2001). Moreover, the spacing might be
influenced by truncation effect due to incomplete
sampling of long fractures.
The crystalline section below Basel was penetrated by
the Basel-1
well between 2507 m and 5000 m (all
depths given in this article are measured along hole
from the rotary table). A
total of 1164 natural frac-
tures (certain and uncertain) were identified in the
logged interval between 2600 m and 5000 m (Ziegler
et al. 2015, Fig. 1). Out of these, 1035 fractures were
grouped into six possible sets based on their orienta-
tion. Some of the sets may be conjugate pairs. In this
study we do not take the uncertainty rating into ac-
count and studied all fractures that were grouped into
the largest sets 14. The number of fractures in sets 5
and 6 is too small to perform a statistical study. The
number of fractures in different sets and their mean
orientation (dip direction and dip angle) are listed in
Table 1. The distribution of four fracture sets along
the borehole is displayed in Figure 1a, while Figure
1b and 1c show the p-wave velocity and smoothed
density. It can be seen that the fracture frequency in
the first 400 m is distinctly higher than in the rest of
the borehole and p-wave velocity is less. This was
suggested to likely reflect a paleo-weathered zone
since the interface with the sediments lies at ~2507 m
(Ziegler et al. 2015).
Figure 1. a) Histograms of all fractures (1164 fractures) and set 14 vs. depth in 10 m bins. b) Smoothed p-wave velocity versus depth
using a moving average filter with a window length of 100 m. c) Smoothed density log using a moving average filter with a window
length of 100 m.
Table 1. Number of fractures in sets and fracture set mean ori-
5.1 Cantor’s Dust method analysis
Table 2 summarizes the results of fractal dimensions
using Cantor’s Dust method (see section 3.1). Set 4
has the highest D value, while set 3 has the lowest.
Set 3 occurs in two intervals, between about 2600
2957 m and 40004261 m (Fig. 1a).The fractal anal-
ysis of the different intervals shows different fractal
dimensions of 0.45 (26002957 m) and 0.59 (4000
4261 m) for set 3 (Table 3). This might be due to the
slightly different geological context for these two in-
tervals: the upper interval is located within the more
fractured section of the rock mass presenting also
lower p-wave velocity (see Fig. 1b) while the lower
interval is located at a depth with smaller fracture
density and no velocity anomaly. Indeed, the first 400
m interval reflects a rock mass which is different from
deeper sections (see section 4). The fractal dimen-
sions of sets 13 in this interval are reported in (only
a few fractures of set 4 occur in the interval 2600
3000 m). The similar D values suggest the same dis-
tribution for the three fracture sets in the top 400 m of
the logged section. At least, set 1 and set 2 may be a
conjugate pair conform to the Hercynian direction
(i.e., striking NW). This might reflect the same origin
of the fractures.
Table 2. Fractal dimension of sets 14 along the Basel-1 well
Fracture set
Table 3. Fractal dimension of set 3 in different intervals
Fracture set
Table 4. Fractal dimension of different sets in the top 400 m of
the logged section
Fracture set
5.2 Power-law distribution of spacing
The exponent of power-law distribution of fracture
spacing were determined similarly to Valley (2007)
(see section 3.2). For this analysis, we computed true
fracture spacing by considering the mean set orienta-
tion which is oblique to the borehole and correcting
the spacing measured along the borehole. Although
the spacing distributions are not entirely linear on a
log-log plot, the linearity was sufficient for sets 2 and
3 over about two orders of magnitude. We picked the
longest range of spacing with linear distribution and
determined its slope m (Figs 2 and 3). According to
the discussion in section 3.2, the observed spacing
distribution is affected by the censoring and trunca-
tion effects. For set 2 and 3, there is a good agreement
between the power-law exponents and the fractal di-
mension (actually 1D) obtained with the Cantor’s
Dust method as can be seen in Table 5. The spacing
distribution of set 1 and set 4 do not show a power-
law behavior and no clear linear section is seen. Fig-
ure 4 shows the spacing distribution of set 1 as an ex-
Figure 2. True spacing distribution of set 2 showing a clear
power-law distribution.
Number of
Mean dip
Mean dip
Figure 3. True spacing distribution of set 3 showing a power-law
distribution for more than 2 orders of magnitude.
Figure 4. True spacing distribution of set 1, showing no evident
power-law distribution.
Table 5. Power-law exponent of sets 2 and 3 compared with the
fractal dimension given as 1D.
Fracture set
exponent (|m|)
Based on the Cantor’s Dust method the intersections
of different fracture sets with the Basel-1 borehole re-
veal fractal dimensions varying between 0.35 and
0.60. Low fractal dimensions (closer to zero) indicate
highly clustered sets (sets 2 and 3), while higher val-
ues correspond to more evenly distributed fracture
sets (sets 1 and 4). The fractal analysis of the three
fracture sets (sets 13), occurring in the upper 400 m
of the logged crystalline section, shows very similar
fractal dimensions. This can be interpreted as same
clustering behavior, which might reflect an influence
of similar formation processes. At least, set 1 and set
2 may be a conjugate pair of tectonic fractures con-
form to the Hercynian direction (i.e., striking NW;
Table 1). As discussed in section 4, the uppermost
portion of the crystalline basement rocks has been ex-
humed close to the Earth’s surface before Permian,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks were de-
posited (Ziegler et al., 2015 and references therein).
The fracture frequency distribution and p-wave ve-
locities in this section are visibly different from the
deeper parts of the penetrated crystalline basement.
Different lithology, mechanical properties, rock tex-
ture and mineralogy, loading history etc., may lead to
different distributions of fractures. Different fractal
dimensions for different subintervals of the fracture
set 3 might indicate such an effect with a stronger
clustering possibly due to the overprint of near sur-
face effects for the shallower interval (Table 3). How-
ever, the variation of fractal dimension with increas-
ing depth for different sets is a topic for further
Although the statistical distribution of fracture sets
is highly affected by censoring and truncation effects,
power-law distributions were observed in two sets
(sets 2 and 3) for about two orders of spacing magni-
tudes. We found that the exponents are very close to
1D, with D previously obtained from Cantor’s Dust
analysis. Thus, it is possible to obtain the fractal di-
mension of a fracture set by using its statistical distri-
bution if it follows a power-law.
The fractal dimension of different sets intersecting the
Basel-1 geothermal well, utilizing the Cantor’s Dust
method, varies between 0.35 and 0.60. Low fractal di-
mensions correspond to low degree of clustering
along the borehole. The fractal dimensions of three
present sets in the first 400 m might reflect the same
origin and fracture types. At least, set 1 and set 2 may
be a conjugate pair of tectonic fractures. Different li-
thology, mechanical properties, rock texture and min-
eralogy, loading history etc., may lead to a different
distribution of fractures. Moreover, the power-law
exponent of the spacing distributions of two sets is
very close to 1−D, obtained by Cantor’s Dust analy-
sis. It shows the possibility of obtaining the fractal di-
mension of fracture sets by using their statistical dis-
tributions (if these follow power-laws).
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Program under grant agreement No.
608553 (Project IMAGE). A special gratitude is
given to Dr. Keith Evans for his guidance and con-
structive criticism in performing this research.
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... Fractal geometry has widely been applied to characterize 1D scanlines in natural fracturing systems (Boadu and Long 1994;Ledésert et al. 1993;Manning 1994;Merceron and Velde 1991;Moein et al. 2016;Roy et al. 2014). Here, we review the available techniques to estimate the fractal dimension of fractures intersecting 1D scanlines. ...
... An example of this methodology extracted from the work of Valley and Evans (2014b) and Valley et al. (2016) is presented in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1a shows the deviation from the mean orientation of the maximum principal stress Shmax and its variability along the Basel borehole. ...
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Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) intend to extract the heat stored in the earth’s crust by circulating a fluid like water between injection and production wells. The heat exchange between the fluid and high temperature (ideally higher than 150°C) host rocks permits producing energy from production fluid. Since the host formations of desirable temperatures are mostly found in crystalline low-porosity basement rocks, the fluid flow is developed through the fracture network. However, the natural production rate from these reservoirs are typically lower than economic thresholds. Thus, commercial developments of EGS reservoirs require permeability enhancement or creation through hydraulic stimulation, in which massive pressurized fluid is injected into the target reservoir. High pressure fluid injection increases the pore pressure and reduces the effective normal stress on fracture planes, and results in shearing of rough surfaces or creating new fractures that are expected to enhance the permeability of the rock mass. However, displacement on fracture surfaces induces microseismicity, which may include destructive events, too. This particular problem has led to suspension of two geothermal projects in Basel and Saint-Gallen, Switzerland. Hence, the main challenge in developing commercial geothermal developments is to enhance the permeability without inducing damaging events. Induced seismicity is a complex interaction between pre-existing fracture network, pore-pressure propagation and in-situ stress conditions. Thus the preliminary step towards a reliable seismic risk and hazard assessment, is characterizing the fracture network in different scales. Nevertheless, fracture network characterization is a challenging task at early project stages, especially when a single borehole penetrates the target reservoir. The primary source of information on the natural fractures within the reservoir volume stems from the borehole data. In addition to that, induced seismicity reveals some information on the 3D structures within the reservoir volume, too. Furthermore, the local stress heterogeneities in borehole scale is largely controlled by the slip on fractures and geometrical characteristics of the network. Thus, the potential relations amongst the fracture network, stress heterogeneities and induced seismicity would result in practical implications such as constraining the 3D clustering and length distribution of fracture as well as maximum seismic magnitude forecast during the hydraulic stimulation. The preliminary step toward exploring these relations is to characterize the fracture network from borehole data. Borehole data may be characterized by scaling laws to study potential scale-invariance and possibly relate it to the scaling of stress heterogeneity and induced seismicity. Before establishing such relations, the limitations of fracture network sampling and power-law scaling of borehole data should be clarified. Detailed analysis of synthetic and borehole data clarified that the correlation function delivers the true fractal dimension of fracture patterns. The analysis of natural fractures derived from borehole images of two geothermal reservoirs of Basel and Soultz-sous-Forêts confirmed the fractal spacing of fracture sets and the entire datasets, in more than two order of magnitude. Further analysis on the synthetic 3D fractal fracture networks (a network in which the spatial distribution of fracture centers are scale-invariant and the fracture length follows a power-law distribution) revealed the possible limitations and associated uncertainty of using available stereological relationships (the relationships among the 1D, 2D and 3D spatial distribution of fractures in a fractal network). Further analysis on the available borehole data showed no clear trend of correlation dimension with depth. Induced seismicity patterns also tend to exhibit scale-invariant characteristics. A detailed analysis on the seismicity in the Basel geothermal reservoir exhibited the potential scaling relationships in clustering and size distribution of induced events. Synthetic fracture networks as a representative of rupture planes interpreted the clustering and size distribution of induced events and clarified the effect of microseismic specific influential factors such as hypocentral location uncertainties, existence of a fractured zone and repeating events on the observed seismicity. The similarity between the scaling characteristics of induced seismicity and fractal fracture networks led to introduce a statistical seismicity model, which includes the spatial clustering and size distribution of potential rupture planes. This model could forecast the maximum seismic magnitude of induced events based on the scaling of early seismicity patterns in hydraulic stimulation with increasing injection time and stimulated volume. Adopting the hypothesis that stress heterogeneities are strongly controlled by natural fractures and their geometrical characteristics, a novel stress-based tomography was developed in a Bayesian framework. This inversion technique is capable to characterize the fracture network and its heterogeneity in deep geothermal resources. This technique used local variations of in-situ principal stress components (at least one orientation and one magnitude) along boreholes and the prior information on the fracture network. The Markov sequence compared the simulated stress profile with the observed stress profiles on the borehole and accepted possible realizations using Metropolis-Hastings (MH) acceptance criteria. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm stored a large number of realizations in an ensemble. Then, a selection of accepted realizations visualized the possible fracture locations and corresponding lengths in a fracture probability map. This technique was successfully tested on simple synthetic and complex outcrop-based fracture networks. Finally, the stress heterogeneities in borehole scale shows scale-invariant characteristics in different wavelengths. Adopting the same hypothesis that the stress heterogeneities are controlled by slip on natural fractures, 2D fracture networks were generated to relate the scaling of stress heterogeneities and key network characteristics. Analysis on the synthetic data showed weak reverse correlation between the fracture length exponent and fractal dimension of stress heterogeneities. In addition, fracture density largely affected the stress profiles on boreholes.
... An extensive amount of field observations also supports the hypothesis that fracture network attributes such as spatial patterns, length distribution, spacing and aperture follow power-law statistics (e.g. Allegre et al. 1982; Barton and Zoback 1992;Boadu and Long 1994;Bonnet et al. 2001;Lei and Wang 2016;Moein et al. 2016;Tezuka and Watanabe 2000;Torabi and Berg 2011). In order to parameterize fractal DFN models, it is crucial to reliably estimate the scaling exponent (i.e. ...
Conference Paper
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Engineering an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) requires a proper understanding of the fracture network properties from small to large scales in order to create a reliable geological model for reservoir simulations. As deterministic identification of all fractures in a reservoir is practically impossible, stochastic approaches known as Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) are used. This consists of parametrizing a statistical realization of fracture networks constrained by direct observations from borehole images and/or outcrop data, if available. DFN models can be used to study the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) properties of fractured rocks and to simulate the processes associated within: I) fluid circulation, II) flow and heat production as well as III) seismic response to hydraulic stimulations. Fractal DFNs are based on multiscale fracture network characteristics and are constrained by the scaling properties of fracture network attributes such as length (or size) and spatial distribution. The dual power-law model is a mathematical representation of fractures that parametrize fractal DFNs with two scaling exponents: 1) scaling of spatial distribution using two-point correlation dimension of fracture centers in three dimensions and 2) power-law exponent of fracture length distribution. Direct measurements of fracture length exponents from borehole images or cores are an unresolved challenge and the resolution of geophysical investigations is not sufficient to image the natural fracture networks. In contrast, the spatial distribution of fractures may be precisely characterized using borehole image logs and cores. Currently, the depth-dependence of spatial clustering of fracture patterns in the earth's crust is not fully understood, although it may be required to anticipate deep reservoir conditions from shallower datasets. Here, we study such a depth dependency by using the two-point correlation dimension of fractures along the boreholes as a reliable estimate of the fractal dimension. We investigate the data stemming from two deep boreholes, GPK3 and GPK4, drilled into the crystalline basement rocks at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site. Recent analyses unraveled no systematic variation of fractal dimension with depth in any of the boreholes at the one standard deviation level of uncertainty. This conclusion may support the hypothesis of generating fracture network models with only a single correlation dimension using the stereological relationships in reservoirs up to 5 km depth in crystalline basements.
... Fractal geometry has been widely applied to characterize fracture intersections along 1D scanlines in natural fracture systems (e.g., Boadu and Long 1994;Ledésert et al. 1993;Manning 1994;Merceron and Velde 1991;Moein et al. 2016;Roy et al. 2014). Here, we review the available techniques to estimate the fractal dimension of fractures intersecting 1D scanlines. ...
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We present a methodology for generating fractal fracture networks in one, two and three dimensions that respects the dual power-law model, in which the scaling characteristics are set by the two independent parameters: (1) the correlation dimension that pertains to separation of fracture centers, and (2) the length exponent that governs the distribution of fracture lengths. Synthetic fracture distributions were generated to evaluate the stereological relationships between the scaling parameters of 2D and 3D networks, and the scaling of fracture intersection points along a scanline through the network. The results showed that it is not possible to estimate the 2D and 3D fractal scaling parameters of the correlation dimension from the 1D correlation dimension of fracture spacing from scanlines through the network, even if the length exponent is known a priori. Synthetic 1D distributions of fracture spacing of known correlation dimension were used as a benchmark to test the consistency of estimates of fractal dimension derived from box-counting, two-point correlation, and power-law fitting. The results showed that the correlation dimension obtained from the two-point correlation method provided the most stable and reliable estimate of the fractal dimension of fractures on 1D scanlines or boreholes. Application of the two-point correlation function to the observed fracture distributions along three deep boreholes in crystalline rock at Basel, Switzerland and Soultz-sous-Forêts, France showed that the distribution was fractal over more than two orders of magnitude in scale, and in all cases the fractal dimensions was in the range 0.86–0.88. Similar results were obtained for fracture sets of common orientation within the wells, although the fractal dimension ranged between 0.65 and 0.75. This constitutes strong evidence that fracturing in rock masses penetrated by the wells follows a fractal organization.
... These images provide limited information on the location and orientation of fractures if they cut through the borehole. Statistical analysis of fractures on boreholes or analogs permits the definition of fracture sets (Ziegler et al., 2015) and also provides the spacing distribution within each fracture set (Moein et al., 2016). However, a deterministic reconstruction of three-dimensional (3-D) fracture networks from even a few boreholes is difficult. ...
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Information on structural features of a fracture network at early stages of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) development is mostly restricted to borehole images and, if available, outcrop data. However, using this information to image discontinuities in deep reservoirs is difficult. Wellbore failure data provides only some information on components of the in-situ stress state and its heterogeneity. Our working hypothesis is that slip on natural fractures primarily controls these stress heterogeneities. Based on this, we introduce stress-based tomography in a Bayesian framework to characterize the fracture network and its heterogeneity in potential EGS reservoirs. In this procedure, first a random initial discrete fracture network (DFN) realization is generated based on prior information about the network. The observations needed to calibrate the DFN are based on local variations of the orientation and magnitude of at least one principal stress component along boreholes. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sequence is employed to update the DFN iteratively by a fracture translation within the domain. The Markov sequence compares the simulated stress profile with the observed stress profiles in the borehole, evaluates each iteration with Metropolis-Hastings acceptance criteria and stores acceptable DFN realizations in an ensemble. Finally, this obtained ensemble is used to visualize the potential occurrence of fractures in a probability map, indicating possible fracture locations and lengths. We test this methodology to reconstruct simple synthetic and more complex outcrop-based fracture networks and successfully image the significant fractures in the domain.
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The development of a geological model for the reservoir of an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) provides an essential framework for geomechanical models that simulate reservoir behaviour during the stimulation and production phases. The geological model describes the spatial distribution and scaling of discontinuities within the reservoir as well as lithological variations. In this paper we analyse logging data from the 5 km deep well, Basel-1, located in Switzerland to investigate the natural fractures and zones characterised by high fracture frequency in the crystalline basement. The logs extend from 2.6 km depth, about 100 m below the weathered palaeo-surface of the granite, to a depth of 5.0 km, and include acoustic televiewer (UBI), density and p-wave velocity. The results of drill cuttings analysis were also available. Two previous analyses of the UBI log have been made. Considerable differences in the distributions of natural fractures in the crystalline basement were found from the three analyses. The differences in large part reflect the difficulty in distinguishing natural from drilling-induced fractures. Poor quality images in the open-hole section below 4.7 km resulting from stick-slip motion of the UBI sonde were radically improved by applying a novel correction method using accelerometer data. This led to fewer natural fractures in the open section than recognised in earlier studies. Fracture frequency decreases with depth from 3.1 fractures/m near the top of the logged section to 0.3 fractures/m below 3.0 km. Orientation cluster analyses revealed a complex pattern of up to 6 potential fracture sets along the well, some of which may be conjugate pairs. Only set 1 (steeply dipping to W–SW) is present along the entire imaged borehole, the other sets occurring over limited sections of the hole. The mean orientation of set 1 does not coincide with prominent NNE-striking Rhenish lineaments (faults) of first- and second-order in the Basel area, but strikes subparallel to the maximum principal horizontal stress. Fractures belonging to set 1 are spatially clustered and form localised zones of high fracture frequency. Zone lengths ranged up to 100 m, but were more typically tens of metres, and below 4.0 km the zones consisted predominantly of fractures belonging to set 1. Zones of high fracture frequency did not necessarily coincide with low density or low p-wave velocity anomalies, as might be expected from fracture zones with damage or higher porosity.
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This paper presents a detailed and complex analyses of the spatio-temporal evolution of seismic activity between 1976 and 1998, in a broad area surrounding the epicentre of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake as well as in the source area. Various precursory changes in seismicity, such as quiescence followed by increased seismic activity, b-value and fractal dimension (correlation dimension, D2) anomalies appear approximately two years before the occurrence of the major event. An increased level of background seismicity is clearly observed after the occurrence of the Kobe earthquake, particularly in the northeast extension of the source area. All these ‘anomalous’ changes in seismic activity before and after the occurrence of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake appear in a relatively large region surrounding the epicentre of the main shock as well as in the source area.
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Attributes of several thousand fractures were collected in three boreholes of 2.2, 3.6, and 3.8 km depth, penetrating the Soultz Hot Dry Rock reservoir (France). The fractures were sampled from cores and from several high-resolution imaging techniques such as borehole televiewer (BHTV), ultrasonic borehole imager (UBI), formation microscanner (FMS), formation microimager (FMI), and azimuthal resistivity imaging (ARI). A comparison was made between the data collected on cores and those provided by different imaging techniques. The comparison clearly establishes that the different wall-images are not as exhaustive as the core data and cannot provide a complete characterization of the fracture network. Discrete fractures thinner than 1 mm are not properly detected. This is also the case for discrete fractures closer than 5 mm, which appear only as single traces. The imaging techniques are, nevertheless, very powerful for characterizing altered fracture clusters. Whatever the technique used, the fracture strikes were correctly sampled with the different systems. This comparison allowed us to calibrate the fracture population data obtained from the imaging system in order to correct for the filtering effect introduced by the technique itself and by the alteration of the rock mass.
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The concept of fractals provides a means of testing whether clustering in time or space is a scale-invariant process. If the fraction x of the intervals of length T containing earthquakes is related to the time interval by x -then fractal clustering is occurring with fractal dimension D (O c D e 1). We have analyzed a catalog of earthquakes from the New Hebrides for the occurrence of temporal clusters that exhibit fractal behavior. Our studies have considered four distinct regions. The number of earthquakes considered in each region varies from 44 to 1,330. In all cases, significant deviations from random or Poisson behavior are found. The fractal dimensions found vary from 0.126 to 0.255. Our method introduces a new means of quantifying the clustering of earthquakes. INTRODUCTION Many studies have been performed on the distribution of earthquakes in time and space in order to better understand the earthquake generation process and possibly assist in earthquake prediction. If the occurrence of each earthquake was totally uncorrelated with other earthquakes, then the distributions of earthquakes would be a random process. The random distribution of point events is known as a Poisson process, and the mathematics of this process is well understood. In studies of regional seismicity, distributions described as nests, swarms, and clusters are often observed. Even after the elimination of aftershock sequences, which are correlated to the main shock, the seismic distributions are not Poisson. Regional examples include southern California (Knopoff, 1964; Johnson et al., 1984), central California (Udias and Rice, 1975) Nevada (Savage, 1972), New Mexico (Singh and Sanford, 1972), Fiji-Tonga-Kermadec region (Isacks et al., 1967), New Zealand (Vere-Jones and Davies, 1966), and southern Italy (Bottari and Neri, 1983; De Natale and Zollo, 1986). A variety of statistical methods have been applied in order to quantify deviations from random occurrences (Shlien and Toksöz, 1970; Vere-Jones, 1970; Vere-Jones and Ozaki, 1982; Matsumura, 1984; Dziewonski and Prozorov, 1984). In general, these approaches have been empirical in nature. Just as Poisson statistics model purely random processes, fractal statistics model processes that exhibit scale-invariant properties such as scale-invariant clustering. Mandelbrot (1967, 1975, 1982) developed the concepts of fractal geometry and fractal dimension, and applied them to the description of many natural features such-as coastlines. A fractal curve is defined as a curve whose length or perimeter P is a function of the length of the measuring rod 1 such that
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Observations of breakouts and drilling-induced tension fractures (DITFs) in two 5 km deep boreholes of the European Enhanced Geothermal Project of Soultz-sous-Forêts, France have been combined with the analysis of pressure data from stimulation tests in all 3 deep wells to obtained a description of the state of stress in the granite down to 5 km depth. The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress, SHmax, in the 5 km deep reservoir is found to be N169°E±14°, in accord with previous results from the 3.5 km reservoir. Analysis of pressure at the casing shoe of the deep boreholes during stimulation permits the profile of Shmin magnitude to be extended down to 5 km depth. Finally, by combining all available information, bounds were set on the magnitude of SHmax. The result is a linear characterisation for the stress state at Soultz that is valid between depths of 1.5-5.0 km (excluding the effects of local stress heterogeneity).
The frequency, orientation, and aperture of macroscopic fractures in the crust and their effect on physical properties over an appreciable depth interval (1829-3450 m) are characterized. Over the range of apparent apertures measured with confidence, the frequency of fractures with a given aperture is found to decrease as the aperture increases. Fracture frequency does not systematically decrease with depth in the study interval. No significant correlation is found between fracture occurrence and lithology, and both fracture spacing and aperture are uncorrelated with fracture orientation or depth. The majority of fractures encountered in the well strike NNW-SSE and dip steeply to the west. Hydraulically conductive fractures and major faults indicate that fluid conducting fractures are a subset of the overall statistically significant population and are not related to the San Andreas fault or to the orientation of S sub Hmax in an obvious way.
Accurate description of the topography of rock surfaces is essential because surface roughness affects frictional strength, the flow of fluids in joints and fractures, the seismic behavior of faults, and the formation of gouge and breccia in fault zones. Real rock surfaces can be described using self-similar and self-affine fractal models of surface roughness. If a surface is self-similar, a small portion of the surface, when magnified isotropically, will appear statistically identical to the entire surface. If a surface is self-affine, a magnified portion of the surface will only appear statistically identical to the entire surface if different magnifications are used for the directions parallel and perpendicular to the surface. At least two parameters are required to describe a fractal model; one parameter typically describes how roughness changes with scale, while the other specifies the variance or surface slope at a reference scale. The divider method and the spectral method are in common use to determine the best fit fractal model from surface profile data. Power spectra from self-similar surfaces have slopes of −3 on log-log plots of power spectral density versus spatial frequency, while spectra from self-affine surfaces have slopes other than −3. Power spectra can be interpreted with greater facility if dimensionless amplitude to wavelength ratios are contoured on plots of power spectral density versus frequency. The topography of many natural rock surfaces, including both fractures and faults, is approximately self-similar within the 6.5 order of magnitude wide wavelength band of 10 μm to 40 m. Within smaller wavelength bands, natural rock surfaces may exhibit self-affine behavior.
The Cantor's Dust method of fractal analysis has been used to describe the regularity of fracture patterns in geological materials seen on a two-dimensional surface. This linear method of analysis is well adapted to a determination of two-dimensional phenomena. The determination of the fractal dimension, D, indicates that it varies regularly as a function of the orientation of the analysis direction. This is taken to indicate that there is a relation, unexplained as yet, between the regularity of the fracture pattern and the forces which produced it.The use of the Cantor's Dust method on naturally fractured materials ranging in dimension from 3 mm to 45 m in maximum dimension indicates the fractal nature of the fractures found in natural materials. The analysis method can also be used to identify local variations in the stress field which caused failure, such as the fractures in a feldspar compared to those in the host granite, etc. The method appears to be a sensitive descriptive measure of the failure patterns in rocks.
Over the past 20 years, the Soultz experimental geothermal site in Alsace, France, has been explored in detail by the drilling of five boreholes, three of which extend to 5 km depth. Data on geology, fluid geochemistry, temperature, microseismicity, hydraulics and geomechanics have been collected and interpreted by the various teams from the participating European countries and their international collaborators. Two reservoirs have been developed within granite at depths of 3.5 and 5 km. The reservoir at 3.5 km was formed from two wells, 450 m apart, both of which were subjected to hydraulic stimulation injections. The system was circulated continuously for 4 months at 25 kg/s in 1997 using a downhole pump, and yielded results that were extremely encouraging. The impedance reduced to 0.1 MPa/l/s, the first time this long-standing target had been attained. Construction of a deeper system began shortly afterwards with the drilling of 3 deviated wells to 5 km true vertical depth, where the temperature was 200 8C. The wells were drilled in a line, 600mapart at reservoir depth, and all were hydraulically stimulated and subjected to acidization injections. The 3-well system was circulated under buoyancy drive for 5 months in 2005 with injection in the central well, GPK-3, and production from the two outer wells, GPK-2 and GPK-4. This showed good linkage between one doublet pair, but not the other. Further acidization operations on the low-productivity well led to its productivity increasing to almost the same level as the other wells. Construction of a power plant at the site was completed in 2008 and a trial circulation with a production pump in one well and the other shut-in was conducted with power production. Downhole pumps are now installed in both production wells in preparation for long-term circulation of the system. In this article we present an overview of the principal accomplishments at Soultz over the past two decades, and highlight the main results, issues identified, and lessons learnt.