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A prevalence study of bovine tuberculosis by using abattoir meat inspection and tuberculin skin testing data, histopathological and IS6110PCR examination of tissues with tuberculous lesions in cattle in Ethiopia



Post mortem surveillances, for the detection of tuberculous lesions in particular depend on the work load time and the diligence of the inspector conducting the examination. The first aim of the study was to determine the trend of occurrence of tuberculous lesions in two abattoirs in Addis Ababa and Debre-Zeit ( Ethiopia). The second aim of the study was to determine prevalence of the tuberculin skin test results in 10 dairy farm areas in Addis Ababa. The third aim was to detect tuberculous lesions and causal agents from tissue samples of the respiratory tract and mesenteric lymph nodes of the slaughtered cattle. The ten year ( 1996 - 2005) retrospective analysis of the meat inspection of 2 455 289 slaughtered animals showed that 707 (0.028%) were found with tuberculous lesions in parenchymatous organs of which were 699 (0.052%) of 1 336 266 cattle, 4 (0.001%) of 534 436 sheep, 3 ( 0.001%) of 573 767 goats and 1 (0.009%) of 10 820 pigs. The tuberculous lesions found in cattle were statistically highly significant ( P < 0.01) than in other animals. The bovine tuberculin skin tests were conducted in Addis Ababa in 10 farm areas in 85 dairy farms having 2 098 cattle. Positive reactions were obtained from 9 farm areas in 41 (48%) herds which included 392 (19%) of the animals. In a current study, tuberculous lesions were found in 34 (3.5%) animals by the meat inspection surveillance of 984 cattle. Histopathologically, granulomatous inflammation was evident in 3 (8.8%) animals with tuberculous lesions. A highly sensitive PCR (IS6110) was positive in 4 of 34 (11.8%) animals with tuberculous lesions and in 1 (2.9%) of animal without lesions. The analyzed data and these study findings indicated that tuberculosis in cattle is an existing problem in Ethiopia which needs to be solved.
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
 
   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MTC
M. bovisM. caprae
M. tuberculosis
  
A prevalence study of bovine tuberculosis by using
abattoir meat inspection and tuberculin skin testing
data, histopathological and IS6110 PCR examination
of tissues with tuberculous lesions in cattle in Ethiopia
ABSTR AC TPost mortem
       
KeywordsM. bovis 
Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522 Original Paper
M. bovis 
M. bovis
M. bovis 
 MTC    
M. bovis
   
M. bovis
M. bovis
M. bovis
M. bovis
 
  
   
M. bovis
M. bovis
   
  
   
  
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
Part 1. Abattoir meat inspection analysis
of tuberculous lesions
Part 2. Analysis of tuberculin skin test
   
  
  
       
   
Part 3. Abattoir meat inspection
 
     
         
         
         
         
         
          
         
         
         
          
            
            
Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522 Original Paper
Histopathological examination
    
      
    
     
    
     
 
Molecular biological test
 
  
Statistical evaluation of results
Part 1. Abattoir meat inspection analysis
of tuberculous lesions
     
   
    
      
        
 
         
     
   
       
  
      
       
         
 
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
 
Part 2. Analysis of tuberculin skin test results
      
      
  6110
 
   
    
  
 
 
 
  
 
       
      
      
6110     Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522 Original Paper
Part 3. Abattoir meat inspection
Pathomorphological examination
  
Histopathological examination
HE staining
    
 
 P
    
ZN staining
Examination by IS6110 PCR
     
 
    
post mortem
     
M. bovis
 
  
  
     
   
   
 
 
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
   
 
 
P 
   
 MT
M. bovis
M. bovis
, M. bovis  
  
MTCM. fortuitum
 M. farcinogenes 
 
  
M. bovis
Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522 Original Paper
   
post mortem
 6110
 
  
M. bovis
  
    
M. bovis
M. bovis
 
 
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
 
   
Mycobacterium bovis
 
M. tuberculosis
   
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis  
Post mortemM. bovis
Mycobacterium bovis
cobacterium bovis
       
Mycobacterium bovis
  
Mycobacterium bovis
cobacterium boviscaprae
M. bo-
Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522 Original Paper
 
     
Mycobacterium avium
    
 Mycob acterium bo vis   
 
Mycobacterium bovis
   
Mycobacterium bovis
  
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
      
Mycobacterium boviscaprae
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium bov is  
   
Mycobacter ium bovis 
Dama damaCer vus
nipponCervus elaphus
 
Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (11): 512–522
 M. bovis
Mycobacteria tuberculosis
Mycobacterium bovis
  
Mycobacterium bovis
M. bovis
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium bovis
... Bovine tuberculosis is among the principal bacterial zoonotic diseases (Buncic, 2006)caused by Mycobacterium bovis a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex which affects many vertebrate animals and humans characterized by progressive development of granulomas in tissues and organs ((Brosch et al., 2002;Amanfu, 2006;Smith et al., 2006;OIE 2010). The characteristic granulomas are mostly in the thoracic cavity (Shitaye et al., 2006) and other parts of the body including the genitalia. The pathology of M. bovis is similar to M. tuberculosis in humans, causing chronic debilitation, coughing, and further spread to other organs (Taylor et al., 2007). ...
... Human infected through the skin can develop localized skin disease a form usually thought to be benign and self limiting. Pulmonary disease is more common in people with reactivated infections, the symptoms may include fever, cough, chest pain cavitation and hemoptysis (Shitaye et al., 2006;Ali et al., 2009) and this would occur only when some of the animals had active tuberculosis (Beals, 2007). The pulmonary form of tuberculosis occurs less frequently and is usually occupationally related (Kirk, 2003). ...
Full-text available
Zoonotic tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis is common in most developing countries like Nigeria. Bovine tuberculosis is a chronic infectious zoonotic disease of domestic animals and humans. It is characterized by formation of granulomas in tissue especially the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, intestines and the kidneys. In Nigeria bovine tuberculosis is endemic and mostly transmitted to humans through ingestion of unpasteurized contaminated milk and contact with infected animals. It is important to pasteurize milk before human consumption. The Fulani herdsmen that are predominantly rural dwellers should also be educated on the need to boil milk before consumption since they lack infrastructures for pasteurization. Tuberculosis causes great economic losses on farmers and is of public health importance. The meat inspection system should also be strengthened and designed to prevent the consumption of contaminated products. This review advocates that developed countries should provide educational and technical assistance to developing countries like Nigeria to promote the control of tuberculosis. In Africa heads of government, agricultural and health sector should create the infrastructures necessary for this to be achieved. Personnel at all levels of the control program should be properly trained.
... (de Kantor et al., 2012).. The disease is caused by some mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex that develop granulomatous lesions in different organs, especially in the lungs, lymph nodes (Acha & Szyfres 2001;OIE, 2021), liver and/or kidneys (Shitaye et al., 2006). In cattle, Mycobacterium bovis has been shown to be the main pathogen causing tuberculosis (Amanfu, 2006), which causes trade restrictions, morbidity and mortality of animals that consequently generate economic losses in livestock production (OIE, 2021). ...
... On the other hand, the prevalence found in this study presents a difference with the average prevalence (0.1% -1%), found in the Ecuadorian coast such as: Guayas (0.47% 16/3.425), Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (0.21% 6/2.778) (Proaño-Pérez et al., 2011); and in other countries such as: Argentina [0.9% (116,798/13,483,515) in 2009) (Torres, 2009), California, Mexico (0.12 and 0.46% in 1995and 1996 (Hernández et al., 1997) and Brazil [0.71% (681/954,640)] (Baptista et al., 2004) and similarly shows a difference with the low prevalence (less than 0.1%) in Ethiopia [0.050% (699/1,336,266)] (Shitaye et al., 2006). ...
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Prevalencia de Tuberculosis Bovina (TBB) mediante inspección post-mortem y cultivo bacteriológico en el matadero municipal del cantón Mejía (Pichincha-Ecuador) Abstract: This cross-sectional study was carried out at the Municipal Slaughterhouse of Canton Mejía between May 27-July 17, 2013 in order to estimate the apparent prevalence of TBB tuberculosis in slaughtered cattle based on macroscopic post-mortem inspection and isolation of M. bovis. In total, 395 heads of cattle were examined during the study period, of which 4 animals were diagnosed with tuberculous lesions compatible with the disease at the lung level, giving an apparent prevalence of 1.01% (IC95%: 0.28%-2.57 %); while, through bacteriological culture, isolates compatible with M. bovis were identified in 6 animals, giving an apparent prevalence of 1.52% (IC95% = 0.56%-3.28%). Risk factors such as age, biotype, sex and origin of the animals were not significant in the apparent prevalence of the disease. In conclusion, a significant prevalence of macroscopic lesions and of M. bovis was obtained without obtaining significant association of the factors that predispose to a greater presentation of visible lesions and of the pathogen, therefore, control strategies could not be redirected in the different populations that could be at risk. Creative Commons License Creative Commons License, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. nses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 1 Magister en Producción y Sanidad Avícola, Resumen: Este estudio transversal se realizó en el Matadero Municipal del Cantón Mejía entre el 27 de mayo y el 17 de julio de 2013 con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia aparente de tuberculosis TBB en bovinos sacrificados a partir de la inspección macroscópica post-mortem y el aislamiento de M. bovis. En total, se examinaron 395 cabezas de ganado bovino durante el periodo de estudio, de las cuales 4 animales fueron diagnosticados con lesiones tuberculosas compatibles con la enfermedad a nivel pulmonar, dando una prevalencia aparente del 1,01% (IC95%: 0,28%-2,57%); mientras que, mediante cultivo bacteriológico, se identificaron aislados compatibles con M. bovis en 6 animales, dando una prevalencia aparente del 1,52% (IC95% = 0,56%-3,28%). Factores de riesgo como la edad, el biotipo, el sexo y el origen de los animales no fueron significativos en la prevalencia aparente de la enfermedad. En conclusión, se obtuvo una prevalencia significativa de lesiones macroscópicas y de M. bovis sin obtener asociación significativa de los factores que predisponen a una mayor presentación de lesiones visibles y del patógeno, por lo que no se pudieron reorientar las estrategias de control en las diferentes poblaciones que pudieran estar en riesgo. Palabras clave: Prevalencia, Tuberculosis bovina, post-mortem, aislamiento, M. bovis, factores de riesgo.
... Apart from effects on animal production, it has also a significant public health importance [15]. Currently, the disease in human is becoming increasingly important in developing countries, as humans and animals are sharing the same micro environment and dwelling premises, especially in rural areas, and HIV infection increases individuals' susceptibility to TB infection [16]. It is estimated that M. bovis causes 10 to 15% of human cases of tuberculosis in countries where pasteurization of milk is rare and bovine tuberculosis is common [17]. ...
... Human infection due to M. bovis is thought to be mainly through drinking of contaminated or unpasteurized raw milk and under cooked meat. The high prevalence of TB in cattle, close contact of cattle and humans, the habit of raw milk and meat consumption, and the increasing prevalence of HIV may all increase the potential for transmission of M. bovis and other Mycobacteria between cattle and humans [16]. In live cattle, tuberculosis is usually diagnosed in the field with the tuberculin skin test. ...
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Mycobacterium bovis is the major causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and part of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). BTB has an impact on the national and international economy, affects the ecosystem via transmission to wildlife and is of public health concern due to its zoonotic potential. Although still present in some industrialized countries, BTB today mostly affects developing countries lacking the resources to apply expensive test and slaughter schemes. Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health problem despite near eradication in some developed countries. This study was conducted from early winter of 2015 to winter of 2017 to compare between conventional and molecular techniques for detection of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in Egypt. A total of 49 specimens were collected from four major abattoirs (El-Basateen-El-Monieb-Beni-Suef-Al-fayoum) to be analyzed bacteriologically and biochemically for: isolation, identification and confirmation of M. bovis with molecular methods. Only 19 isolates were found to be positive slow-growers Mycobacterium species by conventional cultivation method on solid medium (LJ medium and Stone brink) and identified biochemically to 17 M. bovis isolates and 2 isolates M. tuberculosis. Genotyping detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by amplification of ext-RD9 region by real-time PCR was carried out on positive cultures and directly on specimens. Out of 49 DNA templates extracted directly from specimens, 31 specimens were confirmed to be infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by amplification of ext-RD9 region by real-time PCR. This study reports the development and evaluation of a single-tube, two-targets, real-time PCR assay which can differentiate between M. bovis and M. tuberculosis. The multiplex real-time PCR target RD1 and RD4 using 2 sets of primers-probes. A 31 MTBC positive DNA from clinical specimens were identified by this assay as, 27 M. bovis isolates and 4 M. tuberculosis isolates. A 19 positive cultures were confirmed to be Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex were identified by this assay as, 17 M. bovis isolates and 2 M. tuberculosis isolates.
... For intensive dairy herds in Addis Ababa, infection with bTB has been estimated to cause a financial loss of 4-6% per year [22]. Condemnation of bTB-affected carcasses in slaughterhouses can also have an economic impact on the livelihoods of livestock keepers in Ethiopia [23]. In humans, the total incidence rate of tuberculosis in Ethiopia was 151 (107-204) per hundred thousand population in 2018 [24]. ...
... It is distinguished by the progressive development of particular granulomatous tubercle lesions in the tissues that are afflicted. The disease affects all age groups of susceptible hosts and is accountable for more deaths throughout the world than any other bacterial disease today (Shitaye et al., 2006;Gole and Hamido, 2020). ...
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Camel (Camelus dromedarius), Camels are an important livestock in Ethiopia and are raised in Somali, Afar, and Oromia (Kereyu, Borena, and Guji). They are used for various purposes such as transport, drafting power, ploughing land, festivals and rivalry as in dashing. The pastoral community utilizes their products such as milk and meat . However, they are also, susceptible to various diseases which can affect their health. One of the major diseases that affect camels is tuberculosis. Camel tuberculosis is a persistent disease that is characterised by the improvement of granulomas inside the breathing tract and associated lymph nodes. The mycobacteria are discharged from those granulomas and might contaminate different prone animals Camel tuberculosis is a chronic disease that is characterized by the development of granulomas in the respiratory tract and related lymph nodes. The mycobacteria are discharged from these granulomas and can contaminate other susceptible animals. Camel tuberculosis is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory system and the lymph nodes of the infected animals. It can also pose a public health risk in areas where people consume raw camel milk or have close contact with camels. The disease is caused by different types of mycobacteria, such as Mycobacterium caprae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis The diagnosis of camel tuberculosis can be based on clinical signs, history, tuberculin skin tests, post-mortem examinations, bacteriological and molecular methods. Public awareness and control measures are needed to reduces the transmission of the disease and its economic impact.
... Thus, BTB is endemic and has reported from different regions of the country (Asseged et al., 2000). The disease in the country is associated with decreased productive efficiency and carcass or organ condemnation in abattoir (Shitaye et al., 2006). The nationwide distribution of the disease and the economic loss associated with it has not been fully determined due to lack of good diagnostic facilities . ...
... Several workers had previously noticed typical histopathological lesions (17). According to (18), who showed in animal carcasses, post mortem identification of TB lesions typically suggests advanced stage bovine TB. The identification of lesions during the examination of slaughtered animals is the basis for suggesting the disease's occurrence (19). ...
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This study has been conducted to examine the macroscopic and histopathologic lesions of liver in slaughtered cattle at Al-Najaf City, and then the prevalence of these lesions has been listed. Liver of two hundred cattle slaughtered at the city slaughterhouse of Al-Najaf were collected from beginning of January to the end of March, 2019 for gross and microscopic investigations. Tissue processing has been carried out for specimens inspected as tissue lesions were examined under light microscopy. The results of the macroscopic and microscopic survey showed that there were variable liver affections in slaughtered cattle. The lesions were arranged from high percentages of lesions such as fasciolosis (32%) and abscesses (32.5%), to moderate to low percentages such as hydatidosis (19.5%), tuberculosis (7.5%), fatty degeneration (3%) and coagulative necrosis (1.5%). The main conclusion of our study revealed that there were high prevalence of liver lesions in slaughtered cattle in Al-Najaf slaughterhouse (4.69%), that lead to liver condemnation and economic losses.
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Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease with global distribution. This study aimed to describe its prevalence in cattle through a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies conducted all around the world. The research consisted of a systematic literature review following the precepts of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. Cross-sectional studies that described the prevalence of the disease using the diagnostic method through an intradermal test with bovine and avian purified protein derivative (PPD) were selected. Identifying articles was performed in the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Of the total number of studies found (n=1,839), 60 met all criteria and were included in this review. The overall prevalence was 3.27% (2.11-5.05%) for animals and 18.09% (11.20-27.90%) for herds. Analysis of risk factors for tuberculosis in cattle was found or performed in 50 studies. The heterogeneity identified among the works included was expected, given the differences in research design, year of publication, and the number of animals sampled. It is necessary to evaluate the insertion of new ante mortem diagnostic tests into control and eradication programs, which, combined with allergic tests, may identify the largest number of animals that presented an actual positive for the disease.
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Introduction Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) bacteria are the most prominent etiological agents of lymphadenitis in pigs. M. avium subspecies hominissuis (MAH) is a member of MAC and has been reported in many parts of the world to be the most prevalent non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) to cause mycobacteriosis in humans, mainly in children. Thus, the economic and zoonotic impact of MAC species are increasingly being recognized. In South Africa, little is known about the distribution of NTM and the molecular epidemiology of M. avium in pigs. Materials and methods In this study, lymph nodes including mandibular, mesenteric, submandibular, and retropharyngeal, with tuberculosis-like lesions were collected during routine meat inspection of slaughter pigs with no disease symptoms (n = 132), between 1991 and 2002. These pigs were slaughtered at 44 abattoirs distributed across seven of the nine South African provinces. Mycobacterial culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and sequencing of the Mycobacterium specific 577 bp 16S rRNA gene fragment were performed for species and subspecies identification. Results The majority of the isolates (each per sample); 114 (86.4%) were identified as MAH, 8 (6%) as MAA/M. avium subsp. silvaticum, 4 (3%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 2 (1.5%) as Mycobacterium intracellulare, and 1 (0.75%) as Mycobacterium bovis. The other isolates were identified as Mycobacterium lentiflavum (0.75%), Mycobacterium novocastrense (0.75%), and a Micrococcus spp. (0.75%). Using an eight-marker MLVA typing tool, we deciphered at least nine MIRU VNTR INMV types of MAH and MAA. Discussion Identification of known zoonotic mycobacteria, including MAH, MAA, M. intracellulare, M. bovis, and M. tuberculosis, from slaughter pigs has a potential public health impact and also strengthens recognition of the potential economic impact of MAC. This study has also for the first time in South Africa, revealed MAC MIRU VNTR INMV genotypes which will aid in the future epidemiological investigation of MAC in South Africa.
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Results of Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection in animals from six Central European countries (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) spreading over 610 402 km2 with a population of 11.8 million heads of cattle were analysed. In the monitoring period, 1990 to 1999, M. tuberculosis from animals was isolated only in two countries (Poland and Slovak Republic) from 16 animals with tuberculous lesions. These comprise nine heads of cattle (Bos taurus), four domestic pigs (Sus scrofa f. domestica) and three wild animals, an African elephant (Loxodonta africana), agouti (Dasyprocta aguti) and terrestrial tapir (Tapirus terrestris), originated form a zoological garden Gdansk in Poland. Steady decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis in humans was recorded during the monitoring period in all countries. The human population of the study countries was 68.03 million. In the period monitored, infection caused by M. tuberculosis was identified in a total of 241 040 patients with a decreasing incidence of tuberculosis found in all countries. The lowest relative bacteriologically confirmed disease was found in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Given the low number of infected domestic and wild animals, the epidemiological and epizootiological situation may be considered auspicious.
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The aim of this work was to study the presence of mycobacteria in tissue samples from four cadav - ers fixed with formalin, and tissue samples from a recently deceased unpreserved individual, who had a history of human tuberculosis infection, undergoing a post mortem (cause of death not related to tuberculosis). All were examined for the presence of tuberculous lesions and the specific presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and M. avium complex (MAC) members by microscopy, culture, and PCR analysis of four genomic elements (IS6110, mtp40, IS901, and IS1245). Microscopy examination after the Ziehl-Neelsen staining and culture exami - nation for the presence of mycobacteria were negative in all 22 tissue samples from the four embalmed cadavers. PCR analysis of IS 6110 and mtp40 was positive in tissue samples of tuberculous lesions from the lungs of two embalmed cadavers, and from intact kidney tissue of one of these cadavers. Microscopy and culture examinations of liver and spleen tissues from the unpreserved cadaver were positive for mycobacteria. PCR analysis, specific for M. avium subsp. avium, was positive in both tissue samples with, and without tuberculous lesions.
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e last outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in the Czech Republic was detected in 1995. Signs of diarrhoea, weight loss and occasional coughing appeared in one 14-year-old cow after giving birth for the thirteenth time. Two months after these symptoms had been observed, it had to be slaughtered and numerous tuberculous lesions were found in its lung tissue, including the pleura. Within three months after the confirmation of the infection and consecutive intra-vitam and post-mortem diagnostics, all 28 remaining head of cattle from the herd (nine cows, seven bulls, six heifers and six calves) and five pigs were slaughtered. Patho-anatomical lesions were detected in all animals indicative of tuberculosis, from which Mycobacterium bovis was cultured and identified on the basis of biochemical tests and virulence test in a guinea-pig. e culture of 33 samples of other biological material than tissues (milk and urine of cows, feeding water, scrapings from the shed, fodder and others) resulted in M. bovis being detected in three samples (scrapings from shed walls). By the spoligotyping method M. bovis subsp. caprae was found in six selected isolates originating from two cows, two heifers and two bulls. It may therefore be assumed that there was one source of infection in the herd, which was the first infected old cow. In comparison with 3 176 spoligotypes in the existing database RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, e Netherlands) and literary data it was found that this spoligotype was also found in Sweden, Bel- gium, Great Britain, Spain, Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. It was impossible to determine the source of M. bovis subsp. caprae of the first infected cow on the basis of results from database and from anamnestic data. Green fodder coming from the farmer's pastures near a forest could be considered as a possible source of M. bovis from wild ruminants like red deer (Cervus elaphus), which was found infected with bovine tuberculosis in another district of the Czech Republic in 1991.
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A total of 842 wild boar of differing ages, originating from 29 (37.7%) of the 77 districts in the Czech Republic, were examined during the hunting seasons from 2002 to 2005. Of them, 274 (32.5%) of the animals were wild specimens and 568 (67.5%) from game parks. Out of 786 animals, the following were included in the study: 668 piglets, 61 juveniles, 32 adult males and 25 adult females. A total of 2 704 samples from various tissues and faeces were examined: 309 separately collected faecal samples from 309 (36.7%) animals, 2 332 samples from various tissues and 63 faecal samples from 533 (63.3%) animals. Mycobacteria were isolated from 75 (8.9%) animals from 11 of the districts. Neither a causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, nor any other members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex were isolated from any of the animals. From one (0.1%) animal, M. avium subsp. paratuber- culosis of IS900 RFLP type A-C10 was isolated from intestinal lymph nodes, which was also isolated within the same district during other studies of cattle and free living ruminants. The causative agent of avian tuberculosis, M. a. avium (IS 901+ and IS 1245+), was isolated from 7 (0.8%) animals; among them tuberculous lesions were detected in intestinal lymph nodes, with gross tuberculous lesions visible on two animals. The causative agent of avian mycobacteriosis M. a. hominissuis (IS901- and IS1245+) was detected in lymph nodes without gross lesions in one (0.1%) animal. From 45 (5.5%) animals without lesions, atypical mycobacteria of the following nine species were isolated from pulmonary lymph nodes, small and large intestine, intestinal mucosa, and faeces: M. fortuitum, M. chelonae, M. scrofulaceum, M. triviale, M. terrae, M. phlei, M. abscessus, M. flavescens, and M. smegmatis. Due to a high density of wild boar and their large migration radius, they can be viewed as a potential source for mycobacterial infections as well as other infectious agents.
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During a five year period (2000–2004), the incidence of bovine and human tuberculosis in cattle and other animals from six Central European countries was evaluated: Croatia (HRV), the Czech Republic (CZE), Hungary (HUN), Poland (POL), Slovakia (SVK), and Slovenia (SVN). These countries, lying between the Baltic and the Adriatic seas, cover an area of 610 402 km 2 and had more than 68 million inhabitants and 9 330 264 cattle in 2003. Successful national control programmes against bovine tuberculosis in cattle were carried out up until. During the entire monitored period skin testing with bovine tuberculin in all cattle older than two years was carried out regularly either once a year or every second year. Five of these countries (CZE, HUN, POL, SVK, and SVN) joined the EC on May 1 st , 2004. CZE and SVK were officially declared free of bovine tuberculosis in cattle on March 31 st , 2004 (Commission Decision No. 2004/320/EC) and March 4 th , 2005 (Commission Deci-sion No. 2005/179/EC), respectively. Bovine tuberculosis was diagnosed in a total of 188 cattle herds in the study area: 145 (77.1%) outbreaks in small herds (< 10 cows) and 43 (22.9%) outbreaks in large herds (≥ 10 cows). The last cases of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in SVK and in the CZE were diagnosed in 1993 and 1995, respectively. During the monitored period, bovine tuberculosis was diagnosed in animal species other than cattle found in zoological gardens: in two Bactrian camels (Camelus ferus) in the CZK, in one Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris f. altaica) in HUN, in one bison (Bison bison) and one eland (Taurotragus oryx) in POL, and in one dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) and two bison in SVN. In wild animals, bovine tuberculosis was diagnosed in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in HUN (n = 14) and HRV (n = 1), in six red deer (Cervus elaphus) in HUN, in 14 European bison (Bison bonasus f. bonasus) and two roe deer (Capreolus capreolus f. capreolus) in POL. Infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis were also diagnosed in four cattle and two pigs in POL, in one cattle in SVN, in one dog (Canis lupus f. familiaris) in the CZE and in one dog in HUN. M. africanum was diagnosed in one hyrax (Procaria habessinica) in a zoological garden in HRV.
Multiple copies of an insertion sequence, IS6110, were shown to be present in the genome of members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis and M. bovis). Ten to 12 copies are present in various strains of M. tuberculosis, while strains of M. bovis contain only one to three copies. IS6110 was not detected in the DNA of other species of mycobacteria. Restriction endonuclease analysis indicated that the sequence of IS6110 is conserved across strain and species lines. Hybridization to the insertion sequence can be used to detect restriction fragment length polymorphism reflecting divergence in the sequence of regions flanking the various copies of IS6110. These differences were used to fingerprint various strains of the M. tuberculosis complex.
DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction technique was evaluated for rapid identification of Mycobacterium bovis. Two oligonucleotide primers of 20 bases in length were constructed to target a region of the gene encoding the M. bovis secretory protein, MPB70. The amplification reaction produced a single product 372 bp in size which was readily detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. All 84 strains of M. bovis tested produced a positive signal in the amplification reaction. In addition all isolates fro the M. tuberculosis complex tested, with the exception of M. microti, gave a single band at 372 bp. No amplified product was detected when 24 other species of mycobacteria and species from four other genera were tested. The sensitivity of the test was such that a single viable cell could be detected in the reaction. This technique provides a simple and extremely sensitive method of identifying isolates of M. bovis and other pathogenic M. tuberculosis complex organisms.
SUMMARY The sensitivity of the abattoir inspection procedure introduced for Australian export beef in 1976 was compared to a detailed necropsy procedure for the detection of tuberculous lesions in cattle. In a sample of cattle that were reactors to the tuberculin test, abattoir inspection failed to detect an estimated 47% of cattle with lesions. The detailed necropsy examination of cattle with lesions of tuberculosis identified 21 sites of infection compared with 13 to 18 in cattle examined by routine meat inspection procedures. Of the lesions detected during detailed necropsy, 15.9% did not involve the thoracic cavity or the medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes. The failure to detect lesions during abattoir inspection has its greatest significance in an animal with a single lesion. If the 245 cattle found with single lesions during detailed necropsy had been examined by abattoir inspection using the 1976 or the 1986 procedures, 0.8 and 8.9%, respectively, of these animals would not have been detected because the diseased tissues would not have been examined. If meat inspection is to provide an effective means of monitoring the level of bovine tuberculosis during the final stages of eradication, a procedure no less sensitive than that introduced in 1976 should be used.