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Faunistic data of several significant tortricid species from Spain with descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)



The contribution brings an overview of the 38 most interesting tortricid species captured in Spain during several field trips by the author. Four species are described as new in terms of Science, i.e.: Oporopsamma dunaria Sumpich, sp. n., Spilonota gallinerana Sumpich, sp. n., Eucosma gustavelsneri Sumpich, sp. n. and Epinotia tecta Sumpich, sp. n. The species Cnephasia daedalea Razowski, 1983 and Cydia trogodana Prose, 1988 were noted for the first time for Spain; the previously unknown male genitalia of the first mentioned species is described and illustrated for the first time.
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Sumpich, J.
Faunistic data of several significant tortricid species from Spain with descriptions of four
new species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 39, núm. 154, junio, 2011, pp. 141-153
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
Madrid, España
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SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología
ISSN (Printed Version): 0300-5267
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de
Non-Profit Academic Project, developed under the Open Acces Initiative
Faunistic data of several significant tortricid species
from Spain with descriptions of four new species
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
J. S
The contribution brings an overview of the 38 most interesting tortricid species captured in Spain during
several field trips by the author. Four species are described as new in terms of Science, i.e.: Oporopsamma dunaria
ˇumpich, sp. n., Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Eucosma gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n. and Epinotia tecta
ˇumpich, sp. n. The species Cnephasia daedalea Razowski, 1983 and Cydia trogodana Pröse, 1988 were noted for
the first time for Spain; the previously unknown male genitalia of the first mentioned species is described and
illustrated for the first time.
KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, new species, first records, Spain.
Datos faunísticos de algunas significativas especies de tortrícidos de España
con descripción de cuatro nuevas especies
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
En este trabajo se aporta una visión general de las 38 especies de tortrícidos más interesantes capturadas en
España durante algunos viajes de estudio realizados por el autor. Se describen cuatro nuevas especies para la
Ciencia, a saber: Oporopsamma dunaria S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Eucosma
gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n. y Epinotia tecta S
ˇumpich, sp. n. Se citan por primera vez para España a Cnephasia
daedalea Razowski, 1983 y Cydia trogodana Pröse, 1988; de las mencionadas especies, la genitalia del macho de la
primera era desconocida y se ilustra por primera vez.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, nuevas especies, primeras citas, España.
To this day, 428 Tortricidae species (AARVICK 2011, YLLA & MACIÀ 2010) were known from
Spain. Although tortricid species are, in the framework of the Spanish Lepidoptera fauna, quite a well-
explored group, new faunistic information is continuously appearing about the occurrence of individual
species, that is, in many cases, new to some of the Spanish provinces and sometimes even to all of
Spain (for a selection of quotations, see the work YLLA & MACIÀ 2010). The present contribution
strives to enhance knowledge regarding Spanish Tortricidae and extends the diversity of Spanish
species by another five species.
Material and methods
The presented faunistic data were acquired by the author (with some exceptions) during
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011: 141-153 CODEN: SRLPEF ISSN:0300-5267
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occasional visits to Spain between 1996 and 2010. All the stated data are based on determinations by
the author and are supported by the collected material placed in his collection. Part of type material is
deposited in the Collection of the National Museum of Natural History in Madrid. Therefore, these data
are not repeated by individual species, the exception referring only to the newly described species and a
few findings by colleagues. The species identity of a major part of the findings was confirmed by
examination of the genitalia; these preparations are stored in glycerin, in plastic tubes under a concrete
The materials were collected mainly by attraction to light at nighttime. A list of the localities
visited is included in Table 1, where some additional information (province, altitude and detailed
information about locality) is stated; the information is not repeated further in the text.
J. S
142 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011
Table 1.– Alphabetical list of visited localities.
In the following overview of the species, only those species, which are, in the author’s opinion,
interesting in faunistic or other terms, are mentioned. Other, mostly more common species are included
in outputs processed in the framework of cooperation with the SHILAP Scientific Project.
Phtheochroa ecballiella Huemer, 1990
Mediana, 28-IV-2003, 1 specimen.
Phtheochroa cymatodana (Rebel, 1927)
Castejon de Monegros, 26-27-IV-2003, 6 specimens; Alto del Calar del Gallinero, 17-18-VI-2007,
2 specimens.
Albarracín Teruel, Sierra de Albarracín, vicinity of Albarracín city, 1100 m
Albatera Alicante, route 8 km North of Albatera, 300 m
Alto del Calar del Gallinero Almería, Sierra de los Filabres, Alto del Calar del Gallinero, 2000 m
Belalcázar Córdoba, Belalcázar (30 km North of Peñarroya)
Belchite Zaragoza, vicinity of Belchite village, 440 m
Benicasin Castellón de la Plana, Benicasin, 250 m
Castejón de Monegros Zaragoza, Los Monegros, vicinity of Castejón de Monegros village, 570 m
Colativi Almería, Sierra de Alhamilla, road from Turrillas to Colativi Hill, 1000 m
Colmenar de Oreja Madrid, Colmenar de Oreja, Valle de San Juan, 600 m
Finestrat Alicante, Sierra de Orcheta, vicinity of Finestrat city
Huebro Almería, Sierra de Alhamilla, vicinity of Huebro, 700 m
Las Hondanadas Cuenca, Sierra del Escornadero, Las Hondanadas, 1200 m
Mediana Zaragoza, vicinity of Mediana village, 500 m
Monegrillo Zaragoza, Los Monegros, vicinity of Monegrillo village, 560 m
Monteagudo de las Salinas Cuenca, Monteagudo de las Salinas, 1030 m
Níjar Almería, Sierra de Alhamilla, vicinity of Níjar, 560 m
Playa de Aro Gerona, Costa Brava, Playa de Aro, 40 m
Punta Umbría Huelva, vicinity of Punta Umbría city, 9 m
Río de Baza Granada, vicinity of Baza, Río Baza near Salazar village, 810 m
Santa Pola Alicante, Santa Pola, 1 km South of Balsares, 50 m
Senés Almería, Sierra de los Filabres, road Purchena-Senés, 1600 m
Tabernas Almería, Tabernas environs, Rambla de Tabernas, 400 m
Torre la Sal Castellón de la Plana, Torre la Sal, 0 m
Torres de Albarracín Teruel, Sierra de Albarracín, Torres de Albarracín, 1100 m
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Phtheochroa ochrobasana (Chrétien, 1915)
Santa Pola, 26-27-IX-2005, 1 specimen; Finestrat, 28-IX-2005, 1 specimen; Tabernas, 18-19-X-
2009, 3 specimens; Albatera, 20-X-2009, 1 specimen.
Phtheochroa syrtana (Ragonot, 1888)
Santa Pola, 26-27-IX-2005, 6 specimens; Finestrat, 28-IX-2005, 2 specimens; Albatera, 20-X-
2009, 4 specimens; Tabernas, 18-19-X-2009, 4 specimens; Río Baza, 16-17-X-2009, 2 specimens,
Castejón de Monegros, 22-IX-2005, 42 specimens; Monegrillo, 21-X-2005, 17 specimens.
Phtheochroa rectangulana (Chrétien, 1915)
Río Baza, 16-17-X-2009, 1 specimen; Tabernas, 18-19-X-2009, 1 specimen.
Cochylimorpha peucedana (Ragonot, 1889)
Torres de Albarracín, 4-V-2003, 2 specimens.
Cochylimorpha meridiana (Staudinger, 1859)
Castejón de Monegros, 11-X-2009, 1 specimen.
Aethes scalana (Zerny, 1927)
Castejón de Monegros, 20-IX-2005, 6 specimens; Monegrillo, 21-X-2005, 6 specimens;
Albarracín, 23-IX-2005, 1 specimen; Tabernas, 18-19-X-2009, 1 specimen.
Aethes perfidana (Kennel, 1900)
Alto del Calar del Gallinero, 17-18-VI-2007, 2 specimens.
Aethes languidana (Mann, 1855)
Albatera, 20-X-2009, 2 specimens.
Aethes moribundana (Staudinger, 1859)
Colativi, 15-19-VI-2007, 13 specimens; Huebro, 29-IV-2008, 1 specimen; Albarracín, 3-V-2003, 6
specimen; Torres de Albarracín, 4-V-2003, 1 specimen; Monteagudo de las Salinas, 29-IV-2003, 1
Remarks: Very variable species; however in the collected Spanish material, only uniformly
yellowish colored specimens were represented or specimens with olive tint but without distinct dorsal,
subtornal and subapical blotchs (Fig. 1).
Diceratura amaranthica Razowski, 1963
Colativi, 15-19-VI-2007, 8 specimens.
Cnephasia daedalea Razowski, 1983
Belalcazar, 29-V-1999, 5 11 (Fig. 2), 2 00 (Fig. 3), M. Dvorˇák leg. et coll., J. S
ˇumpich det.
Remarks: In total, along with two females of C. daedalea, M. Dvorˇák also captured five males,
which were not known. Furthermore, the male genitalia are described, and the genitalia of both sexes
are illustrated (Figs. 21-24). The species was until then known only to be found in Sardinia. New
species for Spain, the first record from the European mainland.
Male genitalia (Figs. 21-22): Uncus in the form of a finger, long, slender, from a lateral view
slightly bent. The valva is narrow, broader at the base, narrowing from the last third to the end. The
sacculus is very long up to 4/5 of the valva, slightly bent at the end and densely covered with short
spines. Very distinctive proximally directed triangular process in the middle of the sacculus. The
aedeagus is narrow, slightly bent, without thorns, spines and cornutus.
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Oporopsamma dunaria S
ˇumpich, sp. n.
Type material. Holotype: 1(Fig. 4): Spain, Huelva, Punta Umbría, 0 m, 14-15-X-2009, J.
ˇumpich leg., National Museum of Natural History, Madrid coll. Paratypes: 14 11, 17 00 (Fig. 5), the
same data, 9 11 and 10 00 in coll. J. S
ˇumpich, 5 11 and 5 00 in coll. M. Dvorˇák and 2 00 in coll.
National Museum of Natural History, Madrid.
Diagnosis: Compared with the only known member of the genus O. wertheimsteini (Rebel, 1913)
(Figs. 6-7), it differs by its significantly smaller size and narrower forewings less elongated to apex.
Also the genitalia of both sexes are of a more subtile shape, namely the male genitalia are a third
smaller. The uncus is narrower and longer, the socius is shorter, the valva is broader, the sacculus has
two distinct spines, the aedeagus is longer. The female sterigma is only a little sclerotized; the ductus
bursae is narrower, longer.
Description: Wingspan 12.5-17.5 mm (average for males 15 mm; 16 mm for females).
The prevailing color of the forewings is whitish gray to gray, distinctly spotted with black flakes.
Male median fascia are very indistinct; only the lining of distinctive black flakes is often distinct; the
female median fascia is distinctly darker than the wing color and is also lined with black flakes. A gray
fringe in color of the wing. Hindwings light gray, slightly lighter in base of the wing. Fringe whitish
Male genitalia (Figs. 25-26): The uncus slender and longer, not pointed; basal lobes covered by
short spines; the socius very short. The valva is quite broad, broader in the basal part. The sacculus is
long, in the middle proximally protruding, spirally rewound, terminated with two distinct spines. The
aedeagus thin, bent, without cornuti.
Female genitalia (Fig. 27): The sterigma thin and slightly sclerotized, slightly expanding in the
center; a funnel-shaped ostium; the collicolum is slightly sclerotized. The ductus bursae is slender and
moderately long; the corpus bursae is elongated and oval-shaped.
Bionomics: Probably strongly preferring sandy habitats similar to O. wertheimsteini. Thus, also
the occurrence in the autumn season is similar.
Distribution: Spain. Only known from type locality.
Etymology: The name is derived from the name of the habitat where the species occurs.
Oxypteron schawerdai (Rebel, 1936)
Finestrat, 28-IX-2005, 6 specimens; Santa Pola, 26-27-IX-2005, 1 specimen, 21-X-2009, 12
specimens; Río Baza, 16-17-X-2009, 2 specimens; Torre la Sal, 29-IX-2005, 1 specimen; Monegrillo,
21-X-2005, 1 specimen; Tabernas, 18-19-X-2009, 2 specimens.
Ditula angustiorana (Haworth, 1811)
Playa de Aro, 24-29-VII-2002, 2 specimens.
Ditula joannisiana (Ragonot, 1888)
Colmenar de Oreja, 12-13-X-2009, 2 specimens; Albarracín, 23-IX-2005, 10 specimens; Castejón
de Monegros, 11-X-2009, 6 specimens.
Paramesia alhamana (A. Schmidt, 1933)
Castejón de Monegros, 23-V-1996, 3 specimens, 8-V-2008, 2 specimens.
Isotrias cuencana (Kennel, 1899)
Monteagudo de las Salinas, 30-IV-1-V-2003, 2 specimens; Torres de Albarracín, 4-V-2003, 2
specimens; Albarracín, 3-V-2003, 1 specimen, 19-VI-2007, 2 specimens.
Argyroploce unedana Baixeras, 2002
Castejón de Monegros, 20-VI-2007, 1 specimen.
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Thiodia couleruana (Duponchel, 1834)
Santa Pola, 27-IV-2008, 1 specimen; Albarracín, 3-V-2003, 1 specimen; Tabernas, 2-3-V-2008, 6
specimens; Senés, 16-VI-2007, 1 specimen.
Thiodiodes seeboldi (Rössler, 1877)
Santa Pola, 26-27-IX-2005, 2 specimens; Finestrat, 28-IX-2005, 4 specimens.
Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n.
Type material. Holotype: 1(Fig. 8): Spain, Almería, Sierra de los Filabres, Alto del Calar del
Gallinero, 2000 m, 17-18-VI-2007, J. S
ˇumpich leg., National Museum of Natural History, Madrid coll.
Paratype: 1 1(Fig. 9), the same data. In coll. J. S
Diagnosis: It differs externally from Spilonota ocellana ([D. & Schiff.], 1775) and Spilonota
laricana (Heinemann, 1863) by the larger size, pattern of the forewings and lighter hindwings. Male
genitalia with a differently shaped socii (Fig. 30), aedeagus structure, significantly weaker, thinner
coverage of the sacculus by bristles and a slightly shorter thorn on the cucullus allow for reliable
identification of the species.
Description: Wingspan 17 mm. Head and labial palp dark grayish-brown; labial palp of a
pendulous shape, with inside light flakes. The antenna filiform. Forewings narrow, tapered at the apex.
The prevailing color is gray suffused by brown flakes (commonly absent in S. laricana and S.
ocellana); a whitish to white fascia in the third closer to the body clearly tapers to the lower edge of the
forewing (in contrast to other species). The external edge of the basal blotch is almost straight or
slightly curved in the direction of the costa (usually distinctively raised in other species). Forewings
light gray, unicolor, a fringe of the same color. Hind legs are generally brightly colored with brownish
flakes, the ends distinctly circled with dark flakes all round (circling is indistinct from that of other
species and only from the upper side); both pairs of spurs are thin and relatively long.
Male genitalia (Figs. 28-29): The socii conically tapered; tapering is very distinctive at the end (in
contrast with other species). The valva is long and very narrow; the caudal angle of the sacculus is only
slightly raised; the neck of the valva is very slender, the dorsal lobe of the cucullus is rather shorter; the
needle-shaped thorn on the lower side of the cucullus is notably shorter compared to other species; the
aedeagus is very short with one elongated cornutus.
Female genitalia: Unknown.
Bionomics: Both specimens were captured in mid-June on a mountain rock steppe.
Distribution: Spain. Only known from type locality.
Etymology: The species name is derived from the name of the locality where the species was
recorded for the first time.
Epinotia obraztsovi Agenjo, 1966
Colativi, 15-19-VI-2007, 6 specimens; Níjar, 30-IV-2008, 1 specimen, 13-14-VI-2007, 1
Remarks: Compared with E. dalmatana (Rebel, 1891), images of E. obraztsovi are whiter, and the
black marks are more distinctive. The black dorso-postbazal blotch tends to the costa at an angle of 30º
(right angle in dalmatana) (Figs. 10-11).
Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi Agenjo, 1969
Castejón de Monegros, 20-IX-2005, 2 specimens, 11-X-2009, 2 specimens; Monegrillo, 21-X-
2005, 1 specimen, Río Baza, 16-17-X-2009, 2 specimens; Tabernas, 18-19-X-2009, 5 specimens.
Remarks: This endemic Spanish species was described from the surroundings of Madrid and has
been recently recorded in Almería (YLLA & MACIÀ 2010). The frequency of findings in the autumn
season indicates a wide distribution in Spain; the first records from Zaragoza (Figs. 12-13) are
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Eucosma gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n.
Type material. Holotype: 0(Fig. 14): Spain, Castellón de la Plana, Torre la Sal, 0 m, 29-IX-2005,
J. S
ˇumpich leg., National Museum of Natural History, Madrid coll. Paratypes (49 11, 9 00): 48 11
(Fig. 15), 8 00 all data as holotype, 35 11 and 4 00, J. S
ˇumpich leg. et coll., 2 11, J. S
ˇumpich leg.,
National Museum of Natural History, Madrid coll., 11 11 and 4 00, I. Dvorˇák leg. et coll., Tarragona,
Delta del Ebro, environs of Tortosa, 26-V-28-V-1996, 1 1and 1 0M. Dvorˇák leg. et coll.
Diagnosis: The newly described species may resemble some darker specimens from the E.
hohenwartiana group, mainly E. parvulana (Wilkinson, 1859) and some smaller specimens of E.
obumbratana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); however, female genitalia distinctively differ in terms of the
very broad sterigma. It is unmistakably different from other species thanks to the dark coloration of the
front wings, its small size (with low rate of variability), the season of occurrence and preferred habitat.
Description: Wingspan 13-15 mm. Head and palpus are creamy light. Forewings are brown with a
distinctive dark brown suffusion from the base in direction of the apex. The costa up to 2/3 is spotted
with light flakes; a distinctive cream-colored costal strigulae in the direction of the apex. A whitish to
creamy speculum, clearly lined and almost ball-shaped with inner black spots and refractive flakes. The
dorso-bazal blotch is overall brighter and in some cases a light cream. Media fascia is well-developed;
the subtornal blotch is light brown. The fringe is light, darker in the direction of the apex. Hindwings
are unicolored, gray; the fringe is slightly lighter. Sexual diformism is indistinct, with darker hindwings
seen in the females. Low variability in size; prevailing specimens with a wingspan of 14 mm; in terms
of pattern, there are lighter and darker specimens.
Male genitalia (Figs. 31): Very similar to related species. Valva broad in basal half, neck of valva
rather slender, ventral incision of valva distinct, cucullus invariably oval with distinct ventral lobe.
Aedeagus broad, short.
Female genitalia (Figs. 32-33): Postostial part of sterigma very broad, distinctly terminally; the
lower edge is significantly incised. Cingulum is medium-long, weakly sclerotized. Corpus bursae of a
globular, almost even shape. Signa unequally sized; the bigger one is massive with a flat end.
Ovipositors are as long as apophyses posteriores; the eighth segment is short and triangularly pointed
Bionomics: Numerous type series were acquired in early autumn on the ecoton of large wetlands
located near the seaside with dominant Phragmites spp. and Juncus spp. Individual records in the
spring season indicate two generations.
Distribution: Spain.
Etymology: The species name is dedicated to the excellent Czech entomologist Gustav Elsner
Remarks: E. gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n., from Spain published by YLLA & MACIÀ (2010) as
E. flavispecula Kuznetzov, 1964. Despite the considerable similarity of the species’ genitalia (typical
for Eucosma species), E. gustavelsneri varies significantly habitually, mainly by the absence of a cream
speculum and a cream fringe, which are typical also for aberrant specimens of E. flavispecula.
Moreover, E. flavispecula has no spotted costa while this sign is well-developed in E. gustavelsneri and
it has also narrower forewings (Fig. 16, see also color illustration in works of RAZOWSKI (2003) or
FAZEKAS & SCHREURS (2010)). Female genitalia of the newly described species, which often bear
more characteristics in the case of the Eucosma species, have distinctively shorter apophyses
posteriores in proportion to ovipositors and notably broader sterigma. Basic differences also include the
season of occurrence (E. flavispecula occurs in summer) and habitat preferences: E. flavispecula
inhabits open, mainly meadow localities with occurrences of the host plant Centaurea juncea, while E.
gustavelsneri is known only from swamps near the seaside (see also YLLA & MACIÀ 2010) where the
linkage to plants from the Asteraceae family is highly unlikely. The mention in MASÓ et al. (2001)
work relates probably also to E. gustavelsneri species. They mention also a subdominant occurrence of
E. obumbratana from marshes in the Llobregat Delta, in Barcelona.
J. S
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Epiblema similana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Monteagudo de las Salinas, 29-IV-2003, 8 specimens.
Epinotia tecta S
ˇumpich, sp. n.
Type material. Holotype: 1(Fig. 17): Spain, Cuenca, Monteagudo de las Salinas, 1030 m, 6-V-2008,
J. S
ˇumpich leg., National Museum of Natural History, Madrid coll. Paratypes: 17 11 (Fig. 18): the same
locality, but 29-IV-2003, 8 11, M. Dvorˇák leg. et coll., 30-IV-1-V-2003, 2 11, J. S
ˇumpich leg. et coll.,
Spain, Cuenca, Beamud, 1415 m, 2-V-2003, 1 1, M. Dvorˇák leg. et coll., Spain, Castellón de la Plana,
Benicasin, 250 m, 5-V-2003, 4 11, J. S
ˇumpich leg. et coll., the same data, 2 11, M. Dvorˇák leg. et coll.
Diagnosis: The newly described species is probably related to the species Epinotia thapsiana
(Zeller, 1847); however, it is habitually unmistakable. Male genitalia differ by the roof-like termination
of the uncus, the presence of two cornutus in the aedeagus and an overall broader valva.
Description: Wingspan 14-16 mm. Head and labial palpus are dark, with dark ochreous hair on the
forehead. The basic color of the forewings is white with distinct dark markings and ginger dusting. Basal
blotch dark brown just like median fascia; speculum is white with distinct black spots. Costal strigulae
are distinct and white. Hindwings are dark brownish-gray, with a fringe in the color of the wings.
Male genitalia (Figs. 34-35): The uncus is long and thin, apically extended with a roof-like
termination. The socius is large, triangular and sharply terminated. The valva is broad; the caudal angle
is indistinctly raised; the neck of valva is narrow, the cucullus is broad and rounded, proximally
protruding. The aedeagus is short with two needle-shaped cornuti.
Female genitalia: Unknown.
Bionomics: All specimens were captured in early spring on open mountain habitats
Distribution: Spain.
Etymology: The species name is derived from the shape of uncus termination (tectum = roof).
Cydia blackmoreana (Walsingham, 1903)
Punta Umbría, 2-3-V-2009, 20 specimens, M. Dvorˇák leg., det. et coll., other several tens
specimens were observed.
Remarks: Only recently was the species found in Spain (SKULE & NILSSON 2008). It seems
that in the south of Spain, this species is locally very common.
Cydia strigulatana (Kennel, 1899)
Monteagudo de las Salinas, 6-V-2008, 2 specimens; Las Hondanadas, 7-V-2008, 1 specimen.
Selania resedana Obraztsov, 1959
Níjar, 13-14-VI-2007, 25 specimens.
Dichrorampha iberica Kuznetsov, 1978
Monegrillo, 21-X-2005, 2 specimens; Castejón de Monegros, 20-IX-2005, 1 specimen.
Cydia intexta (Kuznetsov, 1962)
Belchite, 25-V-1996, 2 specimens; Monegrillo, 24-V-1996, 8 specimens; Castejón de Monegros,
23-V-1996, 1 specimen; Finestrat, 28-IX-2005, 7 specimens.
Cydia ulicetana (Haworth, 1811)
Monteagudo de las Salinas, 30-IV-1-V-2003, 9 specimens; Alto del Calar del Gallinero, 17-18-VI-
2007, 1 specimen.
Cydia ilipulana (Walsingham, 1903)
Níjar, 13-14-VI-2007, 1 specimen.
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Cydia trogodana Pröse, 1988
Alto del Calar del Gallinero, 17-18-VI-2007, 2 specimens; Senés, 16-VI-2007, 1 specimen.
Remarks: C. trogodana was described from Cyprus; later, RAZOWSKI (2003) mentioned this
species also from Italy and Greece and illustrated genitalia and images of these specimens with which
the Spanish specimens are conspecific. (Figs. 19-20, 36-37). New species for Spain.
Cydia interscindana (Möschler, 1866)
Monegrillo, 21-X-2005, 1 specimen.
I would like to express my acknowledgments to my colleagues, Marek Dvorˇák and Ivo Dvorˇák,
for the provision of their collection material and the pleasant times shared during our field trips to
Spain. I thank also to Jan Skyva for the provision of his voucher of Eucosma flavispecula Kuznetzov,
1964. I am especially indebted to Dr. Antonio Vives for valuable comments on the text and translation
of abstract into Spanish.
AARVICK, L. E., 2011.– Fauna Europaea: Tortricidae. In O. KARSHOLT & E. J. van NIEUKERKEN (eds): Fauna
Europaea: Lepidoptera. Fauna Europaea. Version 2.4., (update 27 January 2011).
FAZEKAS, I. & SCHREURS, A., 2010.– Microlepidoptera Pannoniae meridionalis, VIII. Data to knowledge of
micro-moths from Dombóvár (SW Hungary) (Lepidoptera).– Natura Somogyiensis, 17: 273-292.
RAZOWSKI, J., 2003.– Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Europe. Olethreutinae: 301 pp. Frantisˇek Slamka, Bratislava.
SKULE, B. & NILSSON, D., 2008.– Actebia (Parexarnis) photophila Guenée 1852 - a noctuid species new to
mainland Spain and Europe-and records of Cydia blackmoreana (Walshingham, 1903) - a micro-moth also
new to Spain (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Tortricidae).– SHILAP Revta. lepid., 36(144): 431-434.
YLLA, J. & MACIÀ, R., 2010.– Dos nuevas especies de Tortricidae para la fauna de la Península Ibérica y otras
citas de interés (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).– SHILAP Revta. lepid., 38(150): 205-213.
J. S
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CZ-582 61 C
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148 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011
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Figs. 1-8.– Imagos of recorded tortricid species. 1. Female of Aethes moribundana (Staudinger, 1859), Colativi.
2-3. Cnephasia daedalea Razowski, 1983, Belalcázar. 2. Male. 3. Female. 4-5. Oporopsamma dunaria
ˇumpich, sp. n., Punta Umbría. 4. Male, holotype. 5. Female, paratype. 6-7. Oporopsamma wertheimsteini
(Rebel, 1913), Hungary, Örkény, 16-IX-2005 (J. S
ˇumpich leg. et coll.). 6. Male. 7. Female. 8. Spilonota
gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Alto del Calar del Gallinero (male, holotype).
141-153 Faunistic data of sever 10/6/11 11:21 Página 149
J. S
150 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011
Figs. 9-16.– Imagos of recorded tortricid species. 9. Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Alto del Calar del
Gallinero (male, paratype). 10-11. Males of Epinotia obraztsovi Agenjo, 1966. 10. Níjar. 11. Colativi. 12-13.
Males of Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi Agenjo, 1969. 12. Castejón de Monegros. 13. Tabernas. 14-15. Eucosma
gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Torre la Sal. 14. Female, holotype. 15. males, paratypes. 16. Eucosma
flavispecula Kuznetzov, 1964, Slovenia, Bertoki near Koper, 27-VIII-2010 (J. Skyva leg. et coll.).
11 12
13 14
15 16
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Figs. 17-24.– 17-18. Imagos of Epinotia tecta S
ˇumpich, sp. n. 17. Male, holotype (Monteagudo de las Salinas).
18. Male, paratype (Benicasin). 19-20. Imagos of Cydia trogodana Pröse, 1988. 19. Alto del Calar del
Gallinero, male. 20. Senés, male. 21-24. Genitalia of Cnephasia daedalea Razowski, 1983, Belalcázar. 21-22.
Male. 21. General view. 22. Detail of valva and sacculus komplex. 23-24. Female. 23. General view. 24. Detail
of sterigma komplex.
17 18
18 20
141-153 Faunistic data of sever 10/6/11 11:21 Página 151
Figs. 25-30.– Genitalia of tortricid species. 25-27. Oporopsamma dunaria S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Punta Umbría. 25-
26. Male, paratype. 25. General view. 26. Detail of sacculus. 27. Female, paratype. 28-29. Male genitalia of
Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Alto del Calar del Gallinero (paratype). 28. General view. 29. Detail of
cornutus. 30. Socius of Spilonota gallinerana S
ˇumpich, sp. n. (left), Spilonota laricana (Heinemann, 1863),
Czech Republic (middle) and Spilonota ocellana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Greece (right).
J. S
152 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011
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Figs. 31-37.– Genitalia of tortricid species. 31-33.– Eucosma gustavelsneri S
ˇumpich, sp. n. (paratypes). 31.
Male, Torre la Sal. 32-33.– Female. 32. General view, Torre la Sal. 33. Detail of sterigma: Delta del Ebro (left),
Torre la Sal (right). 34. Male genitalia of Epinotia tecta S
ˇumpich, sp. n., Monteagudo de las Salinas, paratype.
35. Valvas (upper row) and terminal part of uncus (lower row): Epinotia thapsiana (Zeller 1847) (left), Epinotia
tecta S
ˇumpich, sp. n. (right). 36-37.– Male genitalia of Cydia trogodana Pröse, 1988, Alto del Calar del
Gallinero. 36. General view. 37. Detail of aedeagus with appendage and cornuti.
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 39 (154), junio 2011 153
34 35
36 37
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... Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi is an Iberian endemic known from the type locality in El Regajal (Madrid) (Agenjo 1970) and a few localities in Huesca, Zaragoza and Lérida in the northeast (Sauter 1999;King 2003;Sumpich 2011;Ylla et al. 2015;Redondo et al. 2020) and Almería and Granada in the southeast (Sumpich 2011;Ylla & Macià 2010) (Fig. 1). ...
... Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi is an Iberian endemic known from the type locality in El Regajal (Madrid) (Agenjo 1970) and a few localities in Huesca, Zaragoza and Lérida in the northeast (Sauter 1999;King 2003;Sumpich 2011;Ylla et al. 2015;Redondo et al. 2020) and Almería and Granada in the southeast (Sumpich 2011;Ylla & Macià 2010) (Fig. 1). ...
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Eucosma callei sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the Iberian Peninsula. It differs from its Iberian congener, Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi Agenjo, 1970, in external appearance and genitalia. The 5’ barcode fragments of the mitochondrial gene COI (the DNA barcode) are presented and confirms the description of this new species.
... The European fauna covers 57 species (Aarvik 2011), with 46 species already analysed and figured by Razowski (2003) who also added four unplaced species. Only relatively few taxa have been described in recent years from Europe, namely E. apocryphoides Budashkin, 2009, E. halophilana Budashkin, 2009, E. ukrainica Budashkin, 2009, E. gustavelsneri Šumpich, 2011, E. bimaculatana Labonne, Nel & Varenne, 2017, as well as E. paulorosea Tsvetkov, 2020and E. fulvana suncretana Tsvektov, 2020(Budashkin 2009, Šumpich 2011, Labonne et al. 2017, Tsvetkov 2020. The latter taxon, however, is a subspecies of the disputed E. fulvana (Stephens, 1834) belonging to the species group of E. hohenwartiana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and allies (Agassiz & Langmaid 2004, Haslberger & Segerer 2016, Huemer 2013. ...
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Eucosma subvittana is resurrected from synonymy with E. cana (Haworth, 1811) and redescribed from extensive material collected in Greece (Crete) and Tunisia. It is distinguished from the similar E. cana by constant differences in wing pattern and the female genitalia, whereas the male genitalia are inseparable. A lectotype of E. subvittana is designated in order to fix the identity of this species. Adults and genitalia of both species are figured extensively. Furthermore, the DNA barcodes (cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 1) of both species are clearly divergent. In comparison, several cryptic taxa of related species-groups are genetically inseparable.
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In this paper we review the 169 species or subspecies of arthropods previously considered endemic to the Sierra Nevada and update their status. To do so, we have reviewed all the existing literature on each taxon, from the original article in which it is described to any other article where its taxonomy and distribution is updated. We have also looked for information on possible endemic species or subspecies that may have been overlooked in the initial list, or that may have been described later. We considered four categories: 1) endemic, in the strict sense, those known only from the Sierra Nevada massif, 2) subendemic, occurring in one or two massifs or areas in addition to Sierra Nevada, 3) non-endemic, species that were considered endemic but live in three or more massifs or others areas, in addition to Sierra Nevada, and 4) not present, those that were erroneously cited as endemic to this massif but whose distribution does not include, either in the past or at present, Sierra Nevada. As a result, we have reviewed the status of 198 species and subspecies, of which 147 are endemic in the strict sense, 35 subendemic, 13 non-endemic and 3 not present. We also highlight the presence of 6 genera that are monospecific and exclusive to Sierra Nevada. Also, as a consequence of the extensive bibliographical revision, some of the dates of description or the names of some taxa have been modified. Finally, we highlight some species described from Sierra Nevada but which have not been found since their description, especially the case of the tettigonid Sabaterpia paulinoi (Bolívar, 1877) which we consider as possibly extinct.
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Invasions of species into ecosystems cause their transformation and, in certain cases, their degradation. The study was carried out to determine the extent of the invasion of Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859). For this purpose, the following aspects were analyzed: distribution of the species in different countries of the worldі, history of invasion of the pest in Ukraine, degree of damage to plantations of different box (Buxus L.) species and colony density in certain areas. The chronology of the distribution of C. perspectalis was studied using literature sources and international databases: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE), European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). The information on the history of the species' invasion in Ukraine and in particular in the Chernivtsi region was found in the literature, using the database of the National Biodiversity Information Network (UkrBIN), through questionnaires and personal observations using the route method (counting the number of C. perspectalis on a certain route). The degree of damage to Buxus sp. shrubs was determined visually using a scale. The density of C. perspectalis in each area was assessed by total counts and direct counts in situ with a parallel assessment of habitat size. It was found that the expansion of C. perspectalis beyond its native range began in 2006 from southwestern Germany. In 15 years, the species has occupied the territories of about 40 mainland and island countries of the North American and European continents. Since 2014, after the invasion of the Zakarpattia region, C. perspectalis has begun to spread throughout the Ukrainian territories. Currently, the secondary range of the species is represented by 14 regions. The presence of C. perspectalis has been detected in 16 settlements of Chernivtsi region, where the degree of damage to box shrubs is mostly severe. The density of caterpillars on most bushes is up to 100 individuals/m2, which indicates the high damage of the species. Key words: Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859), invasive species, damage, expansion.
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Se aportan datos de cuarenta y siete especies pertenecientes a los clados Ditrysia y Apoditrysia del Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar, parte de las cuales son nuevas citas para la provincia de Almería.
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Update of the catalogue of Catalan Tortricidae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). An update of the catalogue of the Catalan species of Tortricidae is presented. The total number of species now reaches 346, three of which, Capua vulgana (Fröhlich, 1828), Cydia semicinctana (Kennel, 1901) and Dichro-rampha gruneriana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851), represent the first records for the Iberian Peninsula. Resum. Es presenta una nova addenda de nou tàxons al catàleg de les espècies de tortrícids que viuen a Catalunya, tres dels quals, Capua vulgana (Fröhlich, 1828), Cydia semicinctana (Kennel, 1901) i Dichro-rampha gruneriana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851), constitueixen la primera citació per a la fauna ibèrica. Amb aquesta addenda, la xifra total d'espècies puja a 346.
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Contribution to the knowledge of Microlepidoptera, with new mentions for Spain and other contributions of interest (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Abstract Caloptilia perseae (Busck, 1920) (Canary Islands, Gracillariidae), Megacraspedus peyerimhoffi Le Cerf, 1925, Dichomeris ustalella (Fabricius, 1794), Dichomeris limosellus (Schläger, 1849, 1849) (Gelechiidae), Bactra simpliciana Chrétien, 1915 and Dichrorampha agilana (Tengström, 1848) (Tortricidae) is included for the firsth time for Spain. Additional information for Oporopsamma dunaria (Sumpich, 2011) (Tortricidae). are mentioned. The females genitalia of Spilonota gallinerana (Sumpich, 2011) and Eucosma albarracina (Hartig, 1941)(Tortricidae) are presented for the first time.
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The females of Cnephasia heringi Razowski, 1958 and Gypsonoma obraztsovi Amsel, 1959 are described and illustrated. Females of C. daedalea Razowski, 1983 are associated with males of C. hellenica Obraztsov, 1956, resulting in a new synonymy: C. daedalea syn. n. of C. hellenica. The formerly unknown female of Dichrorampha rilana Drenowsky, 1909 is described and illustrated.
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28 species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna and four species deleted, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors in the last year. In addition, second and third records for the country and new food-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of papers mainly published in 2010 concerning the Portuguese fauna is included.
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The species Eucosma flavispecula Kuznetsov, 1964 and Aethes cnicana (Westwood, 1854), are reported for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula. Additional records of other seldom reported species of the same family are also included: Aethes scalana (Zerny, 1927), Eucosma gonzalezalvarezi Agenjo, 1970, Stictea mygindiana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Pelochrista fulvostrigana (Constant, 1888), Pelochrista turiana (Zerny, 1927) and Pelochrista bleuseana (Oberthür, 1888).
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Fazekas, I. & schreurs, a.: Microlepidoptera Pannoniae meridionalis, VIII. Data to knowledge of micro-moths from Dombóvár (SW Hungary) (Lepidoptera). Abstract A list of 436 species of micro-moth recorded from the area around Dombóvár-Gunaras (Tolna County, SW Hungary) is presented. Most of the material is from light traps, and several rarities have been found personally by Arnold Schreurs and Imre Fazekas between 1985 and 2009. Faunistic and biological notes on 35 species are given. Structure of genitalia and morphological characteristics of wings are illustrated with figures. Specimens are deposited in the private collections of Arnold Schreurs (NL), Willy Biesenbaum (D) and in the collection of Regiograf Institute (H). One species, Coleophora alnifoliae Barasch, 1934 is new to the fauna of Hungary. 14 species of Microlepidoptera are recorded as new to the fauna of the Transdanubian Hills: Borkhausenia fuscescens (Haworth, 1828) (Oecophoridae), Coleophora pseudorepentis Toll, 1960 (Coleophoridae), C. artemisicolella Bruand, 1855 (Coleophoridae), C. onobrychiella Zeller, 1849 (Coleophoridae), Sorhagenia lophyrella (Douglas, 1846) (Cosmopterigidae), Aristotelia subdecurtella (Stainton, 1858) (Gelechiidae), Caryocolum blandulella (Tutt, 1887) (Gelechiidae), Gynnidomorpha alismana (Ragonot, 1883) (Tortricidae), Apotomis betuletana (Haworth, 1811) (Tortricidae), Eucosma flavispecula Kuznetzov, 1964 (Tortricidae), Pammene regiana regiana (Zeller, 1849) (Tortricidae), P. aurita Razowski, 1992 (Tortricidae), Phycitodes inquinatella exustella (Ragonot, 1888) (Pyralidae) and Catoptria permutatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848) (Crambidae).
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During field trips in 2006 and 2007 to Southern Spain, two specimens of the North African noctuid species Actebia (Parexarnis) photophila (Gn.) were recorded at light near Tarifa by the Danish lepidopterist Peder Skou, new to mainland Spain. The specimens were amongst material from the area also counting numerous specimens (>>100) of the Tortricid Cydia blackmoreana (Walsingham, 1903) (pers. comm. Ole Karsholt, Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark). This species is new to Spain, too. The male and female genitalia of A. photophila (Gn.) are pictured for the first time.
Dos nuevas especies de Tortricidae para la fauna de la Península Ibérica y otras citas de interés (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
  • J Ylla
  • R Macià
YLLA, J. & MACIÀ, R., 2010.-Dos nuevas especies de Tortricidae para la fauna de la Península Ibérica y otras citas de interés (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).-SHILAP Revta. lepid., 38(150): 205-213.
Fauna Europaea: Tortricidae
  • L E Aarvick
AARVICK, L. E., 2011.-Fauna Europaea: Tortricidae. In O. KARSHOLT & E. J. van NIEUKERKEN (eds): Fauna Europaea: Lepidoptera. Fauna Europaea. Version 2.4., (update 27 January 2011).
61 Česká Bělá REPÚBLICA CHECA / CZECH REPUBLIC E-mail: (Recibido para publicación / Received for publication 2-III-2011) (Revisado y aceptado / Revised and accepted 3-IV-2011
  • J Š Bělá
J. Š. Česká Bělá, 212 CZ-582 61 Česká Bělá REPÚBLICA CHECA / CZECH REPUBLIC E-mail: (Recibido para publicación / Received for publication 2-III-2011) (Revisado y aceptado / Revised and accepted 3-IV-2011) (Publicado / Published 30-VI-2011)