Conference PaperPDF Available

New Forms of Employment And IT - Crowdsourcing

Please quote as: Leimeister, J. M.; Zogaj, S. & Durward, D. (2015): New Forms of
Employment And IT - Crowdsourcing. In: 4th Conference of the Regulating for
Decent Work Network, Genf, Schweiz.
New Forms of Employment And IT
- Crowdsourcing
Leimeister, Jan Marco, University of St. Gallen, University of St. Gallen, Department for Information
Systems, Müller Friedberg Strasse 8, CH-9000 St. Gallen,
Zogaj, Shkodran, Kassel University, Department for Information Systems, Pfannkuchstr. 1, 34121
Durward, David, Kassel University, Department for Information Systems, Pfannkuchstr. 1, 34121
New forms of value creation in the course of digitalization
New communication and information technologies have changed sustainably almost every field of
performance. Especially the Internet as the spearhead of the technological progress is the trigger and
companion of new developments and partially radical changes on an operational and individual level.
In the course of these new technologies the type of work changed fundamentally. This development
can be clearly observed on the so called Digital Natives, who grew up as a young generation in
industrial countries with digital technologies and the Internet. Live and work without digitalization is not
imaginable for them and new forms of work have replaced the old ones in a lot of areas (Unterberg
The ongoing digitalization has also (or especially) far-reaching implications for businesses and the
manner, how they coordinate and produce the performance process, particularly in the area of
knowledge-intensive work. The still growing networking enables the allocation of work, location and
time-independent according to other work organization principles. A big pool of workers is accessible
quickly and specifically through the network. Tasks are allocated to many individuals, the so called
Crowd. The members of the crowd can complete single task asynchronously and decentralized from
their own computer. Through this it is possible to aggregate information, ideas and solutions from
people all over the world with little effort and integrate them in the performance process. The literature
calls this concept crowdsourcing and it describes in general the outsourcing of business task to an
independent mass of people via the internet. (Howe 2006). The members of the crowd operate as
digital worker or crowd worker and take over tasks collectively, which are typically completed by
business employees. Crowdsourcing enables as a new form of value creation impressive results. They
range from very quick performances (e.g. translation of a complex text in a few hours), to so far
unknown performances (e.g. cartography of planets, the development of software and systems or the
creation of knowledge bases like Wikipedia), up to solutions for socially relevant questions (e.g.
crowdsourcing in the area of organization and financing of social projects).
Crowdsourcing enables a distribution of tasks in the context of software development, which exceeds
previous dimensions. The crowdsourcing-model is not only an innovative concept for the allocation
and the realization of business tasks, but a completely new type of work organization, which walk
along with (partially radical) changes on the business and employer side (Leimeister and Zogaj 2013).
So for example the communication and coordination processes change for the businesses, while
basically the type of task performance and working conditions change for the single worker. Against
this background the questions arise: How exactly does crowd work “works”? Which mechanisms are
used? How takes the performances process place within the limits of crowd work or crowdsourcing?
What means crowd work for the involved crowd worker, so for the single individuals, who perform the
tasks? Which consequences does crowd work have for the involved parties (crowd worker, businesses
using crowdsourcing)?
These questions should be answered in this paper, based on the current state of research and
knowledge. The discussion of such questions is indispensable against the background of proceed
digitalization of work in all areas. Although the software industry plays a pioneer role in this
connection, the past has shown that changes in this industry are characterizing for corresponding or
following developments in other industries. Before answering the scheduled questions, we define the
concepts of crowdsourcing and crowd work.
What are Crowdsourcing and Crowd Work?
The term “Crowdsourcing” describes a neologism formed from the words “crowd” and “outsourcing”
and reaches back to Jeff Howe, who used this term first in the Wired Magazine from 2006 (Howe
2006). This word composition clarifies how the terms crowdsourcing and outsourcing differs. The term
outsourcing describes the classical outsourcing of defined tasks to a third-party business, a
determined institution or an actor, while outsourcing in the case of crowdsourcing is addressed to the
crowd, an undefined mass of people (Leimeister 2012). Therefore crowdsourcing describes the
outsourcing of determined tasks from a business or an institution in general to an undefined mass of
people through an open call via the internet. This classical crowdsourcing-model distinguishes always
between the role of the principal, who is the so-called Crowdsourcer and the role of the undefined
agents, thus the crowd or in analogy to the first-mentioned term the crowdsourcees or crowdworker.
Beyond this the realization of crowdsourcing, initiatives takes place on a crowdsourcing platform,
which can be operated internal or which can be provided by a crowdsourcing intermediary. Figure 1
summarizes the different roles.
Fig. 1. Roles and mediation in the crowdsourcing-model.
Source: (Hoßfeld, Hirth et al. 2012, S. 206).
First, it has to be distinguished between the “internal” and the “external” crowdsourcing. For the
internal crowdsourcing the staff is functioning as the crowd. Therefore every employee of the company
can be described as a crowdworker. An internal platform (Intranet or internet based platform) functions
as crowdsourcing platform through which the crowd (= internal staff) can make contributions and
process tasks. On the other hand for external crowdsourcing the crowd consists of any individuals,
who have not to be associated with the company or the crowdsourcer. These are mostly external
people, so theoretical every person worldwide with an internet connection can function as
crowdworker. One the one hand the crowdsourcing platform can be operated, administrated and
managed by the business itself or on the other hand exists the possibility to consult a crowdsourcing
intermediary. These intermediaries build up an (active) crowd, which consist of internet users all over
the world and offer crowdsourcing using businesses the option to outsource their tasks through the
crowdsourcing platform. The two listed approaches (external and internal crowdsourcing) do not
exclude each other automatically, because a business which is using internal crowdsourcing can also
use external crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is not at all limited to the outsourcing of tasks to the
business environment; it can also change the internal company organization structure and the process
organization. We describe this new type of work organization as crowd work. The crowd work appears
as value chain and coordination model between market and hierarchy (cf. Figure 2) and distances
itself from already existing types of work. For example the IBM “Liquid” program is an initiative, which
should enable the outsourcing of 8.000 workplaces to an internal crowd. The Liquid-platform should
make an effective internal crowdsourcing possible, so that employees with spare capacity have better
work opportunities.
Fig 2. Crowd Work as value chain and coordination model between market and hierarchy
Source: Own diagram.
Crowd Work as new type of work organization
Against this background crowd work has to be considered as a new and already serious type of work
organization. It enables businesses to refer to a variety of workers (crowdworkers), who have different
knowledge, abilities, experiences and backgrounds. The use of crowd work can take place in different
areas of the value creation. The crowdsourcing principle is already used in almost all corporate areas
to outsource defined tasks and activities to the crowd.
The following figure shows some practical examples, which clarify that crowdsourcing is used by now
for different activities within the performance process (cf. Figure 3). This can be illustrated on the base
of Porter’s value chain, after which crowdsourcing is used for the primary value activities “production”,
“marketing and sales” and “after sales”, and as well for the secondary or supportive value activities
“research and development” “finance” and “infrastructure”. In this context crowdsourcing is not only a
temporary alternative for the processing of the task, but rather a serious one for the longer term.
Fig. 3.Crowdsourcing for different value activities.
Next to the possible use of crowdsourcing along the value chain, areas and industries already exists,
which realize defined phases of the service performance over crowd work.
In which areas is crowd work already used?
Modern information and communication systems, notably the internet, creates the technological
prerequisites for a cross-business cooperation with many external contributors or the crowd (Martin,
Lessmann et al. 2008). Crowdsourcing enables businesses to refer to a variety of workers
(Crowdworkers), who have different knowledge, abilities, experiences and backgrounds. Crowd work
is already used for different activities within the performance process (cf. Figure 4).
In this connection the crowdsourcing intermediary plays an essential role. Crowdsourcing
intermediaries are web platforms, which are serving as market places, where crowdsourcer and
crowdworker interact. The intermediaries support the crowdsourcing business to phrase target-
orientated tasks and solution demands, so that the crowd can process the assigned task as effectively
as possible. In addition the crowdsourcing intermediaries control the crowd as such and are
responsible for the activities within the crowd. Against this background they can be described as
“brokers” or mediators, who connect knowledge-seekers (crowdsourcer) and knowledge-providers
(crowdworker) by offering the necessary infrastructure for the crowdsourcing activities. The literature
gives an important role to the intermediaries, because they enable businesses to refer to a big pool of
resources (Zogaj, Bretschneider et al. 2014). As junctions in the network intermediaries help
businesses to compensate own deficits in abilities or resources by creating a connection to an
appropriate partner.
Against this background for example software companies use nowadays crowdsourcing
intermediaries, like TopCoder ( or CrowdCode ( for programming of
software applications through crowdworkers. The test of software is outsourced to a crowd through
platforms, like testCloud (, uTest (, testHub ( or PassBrains
( (Zogaj, Bretschneider et al. 2013).
The service of these intermediaries consists of testing (Usability-tests, functional tests) of different
software applications (websites, mobile apps, computer games) through experienced testers or
common internet users under real conditions. Therefore the software is not tested as normally by the
service provider. It is possible to carry out a crowd-survey for the upstream analysis and definition of
the demands, while crowd-ideation platforms are consulted for the design and draft of a software
Cross-sectional and support tasks, like e.g. Data entry, data structure and cleansing of data are
outsourced on the contrary through platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk ( and Elance
Fig. 4. Crowd Work in the IT and software development
Source: Own diagram.
The example of the IT and software industry shows the potential operating ranges of crowd work along
the performance process. The crowd can be used from the financing and budget allocation to the
implementation and up to the operation and maintenance of software. At this the crowdsourcing
intermediaries function as central control of the project coordination, as well as the management of the
single crowdsourcing initiatives.
How does the crowd work functions?
Different challenges in the area of management of the cooperation process arise from the outsourcing
of internal activities to the crowd, because the boundaries of the business dissolve and the business
can not only use the internal stuff for the performance process, but also the external crowd for almost
every activity. In this respect the question arises, what is the core service of the company and which
activities can be performed quickly, cost-effectively and top-quality by the crowd. In this context the
question is to clarify “how” tasks can be outsourced to the crowd or in general “how” they can be
implemented. In this connection challenges in the management of crowdsourcing processes surrender
(Jain 2010; Geiger, Seedorf et al. 2011). Work conditions and work design have particular importance
within the crowd work this means the forms of work in the crowd, the established incentive structure
and particularly the compensation of the crowd worker.
Management of the Crowdsourcing process
Crowdsourcing using businesses face the challenge to decide which internal activity of the
performance process could be outsourced to the crowd. The literature and practice clarify that almost
every value activity can be used for crowdsourcing. So that internal tasks can be completed
successfully by crowdworkers, these tasks have to be substantiated, described particularly and divided
in little (work) units (work or task decomposition). The knowledge needed for completing the work units
is correlatively low, so that many individuals, who are not highly qualified for specific (bigger) tasks can
contribute to the processing of the task. This approach is comparable to the principles of taylorism.
The goal is to increase the labor productivity through standardization and the decomposition of
complex tasks in smaller sub tasks (and with that also through higher distribution of tasks). These
smaller and common sub tasks can be completed by (possibly also low qualified or more easy and
quicker learnable) workers by utilization of learning, size and composite effects, which are more
effective and more efficient. This can also possibly increase the productivity and the speed of the
overall performance. Analogous to the industrialization of production processes, there is less effort
needed for the task completion of work planning, control and work coordination. Crowdsourcing or
process manager, who undertake the disposition and control of the work processes within
crowdsourcing, have to undertake different tasks than “conventional” project or process manager.
The central challenge within crowd work is to plan, implement and control the crowdsourcing process
with all associated activities. This demands to closely discuss all activities or options of action, which
are associated with the single phases. The crowdsourcing process is ideal-typical divided in fife
phases (cf. Figure 5): The first phase is for the decomposition of the tasks and the specification of the
solution or task demands. In the second phase the crowd workers (all or just a subset of the crowd)
are selected, who undertake the specific tasks in the third phase. In the fourth phase the handed in
solutions or contributions (to the overall performance) are compiled an evaluated, so that based on
this the crowd workers can be remunerated in the fifth phase.
Fig. 5. Phases and measures of the crowdsourcing process.
Source: Own diagram.
Working in the crowd: motives and incentive structures
During the crowdsourcing process the crowdsourcer initiates the crowdsourcing process. He defines
and substantiates the tasks, determines the incentive structures and utilizes the solutions, while the
crowdworker chooses and processes the assigned tasks. The processing of the tasks takes place in
the third phase of an ideal-typical crowdsourcing process. But here the question arises, how exactly
the work is carried out through crowdsourcing platforms, because the work process may differ
structurally between online environments with many participants and classical internal work processes.
Different studies show, that intrinsic motives like social exchange, the possibility for enlarging the own
abilities and the joy of (crowd) work play an essential role. But premium-based and monetary
remunerations (extrinsic motives) are the main incentive factors for crowdworkers. Moreover a high
autonomy is a positive factor for the choice and the type of work for crowdworkers. Respectively, in
practice different remuneration and compensation models exist. The rewards or remunerations vary
highly depending on the work form and the type of the tasks. While crowdworkers get few Euro cents
for some tasks, there exists also crowdsourcing initiatives which have high prize money up to 100, 000
Euro or US Dollar. The following table shows some forms of remuneration with their particularities.
Tab. 1. Examples of remuneration of crowd workers.
Source: Own diagram.
What are the opportunities and risks of crowd work?
Crowdsourcing became a serious alternative to task completion for many businesses in recent years.
Not only software companies, but also businesses form different areas (e.g. IBM, BMW, Audi, MC
Donald’s, Otto, Henkel, Tchibo, Sennheiser etc.) tend to outsource diverse tasks to the crowd from
innovation tasks (e.g. idea generation), to marketing tasks (e.g. logo design, advertising slogans), up
to general support tasks (e.g. performing calculations) (Leimeister 2012; Leimeister and Zogaj 2013).
Many researchers identify the opening of internal processes to the crowd as a high potential for
businesses. Some refer in this connection to the enormous knowledge potential of the crowd (Howe
2008), while others speak of the “achievement of the next evolutionary stage with regard to the value
creation” (Hammon and Hippner 2012) through the utilization of the potential of the crowd. On the
other hand different possibilities and opportunities arise for crowdworkers, which are only possible to
limited degree within the “classical” forms of work.
In contrast many reports discuss critically the risks of crowd work for both crowdworkers (internal
crowdsourcing) and businesses. So some reports warn against the creation of “digital sweatshops”,
because the remuneration of crowd workers is partially very little and also not guaranteed (siehe z.B.
Zittrain 2009). The risks for businesses are especially the release of internal knowledge through
crowdsourcing or difficulties regarding the control of work processes. The following figure shows the
opportunities and risks for both crowdsourcing using businesses and crowdworkers.
Fig. 6. Opportunities and risks for crowd sourcer and crowd worker.
Source: Own diagram.
The previous explanations show the different advantages and disadvantages on various levels of the
crowdsourcing concept. Nonetheless, these are more likely suppositions than profound knowledge.
With the current insights of this topic it is not possible to answer the questions which risks does the
implementation of crowdsourcing actually have, which active principles underlie here or what are the
effects of people, organizations or markets. Therefore research should have the topic of crowd work
as a new type of digital work and its corresponding effects on individual, organizational and structural
level on the research agenda. Moreover the economic practice has to consider the specific questions
about crowd work, so that this work model can be used effectively and sustainable in the future.
Crowdsourcing as work organization of the future? New ways and challenges of the
implementation of crowd work
The everyday life is strongly shaped by digital technologies. Hence, it is essential to every participant
to cope with the corresponding changes. Especially when the increasing digitalization changes the
market conditions and therefore new business areas develop. In this context crowd work is a new form
of digital work, which changes sustainably the organization of work. This paper has shown how
fundamental processes and mechanisms have been redesigned through the outsourcing of tasks to
an undefined mass of people. The crowd enables also a high availability of work forces that can be
assessed at any time. This makes it possible for businesses to use the needed human resources
completely flexible and according to demand. What does that mean for the future business strategy
and how does it change the crowdworkers perception of work. Moreover a fundamental change of the
conventional employer-employee relationship through crowd work can be observed. What is the
relationship between crowdsourcer, intermediary and individual crowdworker? At which levels do they
interact? Which interdependencies can be noticed and how do they affect the individual? We also
observe a change of the manner of tasks itself, which are outsourced to the crowd. Especially the
perceived meaningfulness of the single tasks and the task-related factors are changing through the
work within the crowd. In comparison to traditional work settings, crowdworker will possibly experience
a new type of fun or social exchange during their work.
Against this background the crowdsourcing phenomenon lead to technological, organizational, juridical
and social challenges, although it also enables new business models and services. In this context for
example, the so-called Crowd-enabled Lean-Startups describe a new business model, in which the
crowd serves as the central key of the enterprise. Traditionally Lean-Startups describe an approach in
the entrepreneurship research, in which all processes are as lean as possible (Ries 2012). These
Lean-Startups consist in the service sector of very small and agile Startup-teams. Mostly it is a one or
two person business, which uses existing infrastructures of third parties for the own operation. In the
area of crowd work such infrastructure is the platform of the above describes crowdsourcing
intermediary. Lean-Startups, which use the crowdsourcing principle and especially established
infrastructure of crowdsourcing intermediaries are called Crowd-enabled Lean-Startups. The new form
of startups offers various services to the crowdsourcers, particularly administrative tasks like
identification, selection, coordination and remuneration of the crowdworker.
The expansion of such services does not lead to isolated, short-term changes of businesses and
business areas. Rather organization and work structures can change fundamentally in the medium
and long run. Especially the businesses that want to use crowdsourcing have to face the challenges of
an effective implementation of crowd work. Here, a successful integration of the crowd’s solutions into
internal processes is essential. Moreover, the quality management and the effect of crowd work on the
own staff are important aspects for a successful use of this new form of work organization; this applies
for both internal and external crowdsourcing. The example of crowd-enabled Lean-Startups shows
how new business models develop out of crowdsourcing and describes the structural changes for the
participants. What are the consequences for the future work? How perceives the single crowdworker
his tasks? How could rules be established for a fair and good crowd work?
The present paper provides insights in the fundamental mechanisms of crowdsourcing and the
resulting challenges on different levels. Summarizing internal and external crowdsourcing has
opportunities and risks for both the employee the crowdworker and the crowdsourcing using
business. The crowdsourcing intermediaries are not negligible, which play an essential role in external
crowdsourcing, because they interact one the one hand with the crowdsourcing using business and on
the other hand they acquire and manage a big workforce the crowd. After all, there is too little
knowledge about interdependency, effects and design possibilities. This can be a call for the scientific
research, as well as for the economic practice and the policy to have the topic crowd work on their
agendas. The goal is to use the existing opportunities and minimize the risks at the same time. Hence,
the introduction of fundamental rules is needed, which ensure a “good” work in the crowd. Solid
knowledge of the different ways, principles and operating modes is essential to work this out. In the
area of cooperation-based crowd work was the collaboration engineering introduced as an possible
approach, which use existing know-how in the context of IT-supported collaboration to improve
collaboration within the crowd. The mechanisms and patterns of collaboration engineering, which are
already used in groups within the business environment, could also be efficiency enhancing within a
big, heterogeneous and external crowd. This example shows that we have to face these questions,
because crowdsourcing is becoming increasingly important at the time of digitalization of work on
different levels.
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... The parties involved in crowdsourcing can principally be divided into the two roles of the crowdsourcer or content owner and the crowd. The content owner is the principal who searches for a solution to a given problem, while the crowd consists of the agents solving it (Leimeister et al. 2015). The crowdsourcing process itself takes place on an IT-enabled crowdsourcing platform. ...
... This allows content owners to create and share tasks and allows the crowd to solve them collaboratively or individually and to submit solutions. If an intermediary operates this platform, a third role is created that of the crowdsourcing intermediary (Leimeister et al. 2015). ...
... Finally, a distinction between internal and external crowdsourcing can be made based on the location of the crowd. In internal crowdsourcing, the company's employees form the crowd and can submit solutions, while in external crowdsourcing, the crowd is formed by an undefined number of individuals outside the company (Leimeister et al. 2015). Crowdsourcing can be classified as a coordination model between market and hierarchy due to the possibility of assigning tasks both internally and externally (Leimeister 2012). ...
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This chapter aims to provide the reader with an introduction to crowdsourcing in general and internal crowdsourcing in particular. First, the elementary principles of crowdsourcing will be introduced, completed by a definition that will constitute the basis for this book. Second, different crowdsourcing typologies will be described to inform the reader about classifications of the phenomenon in scientific literature. Third, the crowdsourcing process is outlined to clarify the general procedure of this new kind of work organization. Lastly, the concept will be transferred to the intraorganizational context, describing and defining the concept of internal crowdsourcing which represents the main topic of this book.
... Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler hayatın her alanını olduğu gibi çalışma hayatını da derinden etkilemiştir. Özellikle teknolojik ilerlemenin öncüsü olarak internet radikal değişikliklerin tetikleyicisi olmuştur (Leimeister, Zogaj & Durward, 2015). Bir yandan dijital teknolojilerin gelişmesi, diğer yandan küresel rekabetin baskısı, değişen örgütsel stratejiler ve hizmet sektörünün genişlemesiyle birlikte pek çok alanda eski çalışma biçimlerinin yerini yeni çalışma biçimleri almıştır. ...
... Yine standart dışı çalışmada özel alan ve kaynakların işle ilgili olarak daha çok kullanılmasının yüksek düzeyde ev kaynaklı strese neden olduğu belirtilmektedir (Dursun, 2021: 132-134). Leimeister, Zogaj & Durward (2015) stresle ilgili olarak platform çalışanlarının süreklilik arz eden bir elektronik gözetime maruz kaldıklarını, kendilerinden aralıksız olarak işlerinin başında olmalarının beklendiğini vurgulamaktadırlar. Ayrıca özellikle internet destekli platform çalışmanın şeklinden kaynaklanan sosyal izalosyon yabancılaşma ve antisosyal olma gibi riskler barındırmaktadır (Eurofound, 2021: 23). ...
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“Çalışma Hayatında Değişim” isimli bu kitapta literatürde öne çıkan diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak çalışma hayatındaki değişim daha özel boyutta ele alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda kitabın birinci bölümünde çalışma hayatındaki değişim hakkında genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde çalışma hayatındaki en önemli aktörlerden sendikaların bu değişim karşısındaki durumu ve politika önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde değişimin en çok yaşandığı alan olan iletişime dikkat çekilmiş ve çalışma yaşamındaki değişimin kurumsal iletişime etkisi incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde geleceğin teknolojisi olarak ifade edilen ve gün geçtikçe hayatımızda daha çok yer edinen blockchain teknolojisinin çalışma hayatına etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde özellikle ekonomiler için son derece önemli olan ve bacasız fabrika olarak ifade edilen turizm sektöründe çalışma hayatının değişimine yer verilmiştir. Altıncı ve yedinci bölümlerde ise dünya ticareti için stratejik öneme sahip lojistik ve deniz liman işletmeciliği alanında çalışma hayatının değişimi analiz edilmiştir. Bu kitap çalışması, çalışma hayatı gibi karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bir kavramı daha öznel boyutta incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma hayatındaki değişimi ele alan diğer çalışmalardan bu yönüyle farklılık göstermektedir. Bu projenin içerik olarak daha da zenginleştirilebileceğinin farkındayız. Ayrıca kitapla birlikte ortaya koyduğumuz farklılığın bu alanda çalışmayı düşünen bilim insanları için yol gösterici olacağını ümit ediyoruz.
... Almost every type of software engineering activity can be candidate for crowdsourcing [39]. But in general, development and test are the two most common types of SC tasks. ...
... Functionally, participants in crowdsourcing can always be divided into two roles: the 'crowdsourcer' and the 'crowdsourcee'. The 'crowdsourcer' is a client who is looking for a solution to a given problem; the crowdsourcees are members of the crowd who are supposed to work out a solution (Leimeister et al. 2015). This applies to both external and internal crowdsourcing, both of which must be regarded as a closed system in this context. ...
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There is a need for a scientific and theoretical foundation in the description of internal crowdsourcing systems with binding, consensus-based terminologies and descriptions. (How) Can the already described subcategories and aspects of an IC System be meaningfully described and placed in an orderly overall relationship? What needs to be added to existing system descriptions, if at all? The present article concentrates on identifying existing descriptions and definitions in connection with approaches to systematize the development of an internal crowdsourcing system (Some aspects of this article will also be published in German. Please be referred to: Daum, M.; Wedel, M.; Zinke-Wehlmann, C.; Ulbrich, H. (ed.) (2020): Gestaltung vernetzt-flexibler Arbeit. Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis für die digitale Arbeitswelt. Berlin: Springer Vieweg). Since the phenomenon itself eludes allocation to an exclusively dedicated academic discipline, it seems appropriate to choose interdisciplinary approaches and to build on existing theoretical and terminological approaches from related sciences.
Der folgende Beitrag verfolgt das Ziel, (1) eine kurze thematische Einführung in den Themenkomplex Internes Crowdsourcing (IC) zu geben, um (2) die Lehren aus der Praxisanwendung von IC verstanden als Social Business-Anwendung nutzbar zu machen. Die dargestellten Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis – validierte Erfolgsfaktoren in der Anwendung von IC bei der GASAG-Gruppe und Lektionen einer „Business Case Study“ bei SAP – konnten im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Internes Crowdsourcing in Unternehmen“ (ICU) gewonnen werden.
This chapter provides policymakers with a HWID platform for regulating socio-technical HCI phenomena and issues. After a brief introduction to HCI and policymaking, the chapter presents policy work done on the HWID platform about sustainable digital work design. The HWID relation artefact Types I–IV are revisited from a policy perspective, and policymaking is discussed related to socio-technical HCI design for digital work environments, well-being at work, a notion of decent work, and more. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of geopolitical issues and reflections on benefits and challenges of HWID and policymaking.
Crowdwork is one type of crowdsourcing of work enabled by digital platforms and the global widespread of Internet connectivity. While employers find it a model of sourcing temporary labor to perform specific tasks with light employment obligations, recent statistics show that workers increasingly adopt it as a model of full-time long-term employment. This study examines workers’ lived experience to uncover how workers adopt crowdwork as a model of full-time employment. It does so in the context of a developing country in Africa—in particular, Nigeria—where international organizations and governments particularly find it holding potential to reduce the serious unemployment problems in these countries. Through an inductive research process, the theoretical lens of institutional work emerges as a plausible explanation of the research findings. It shows that crowdworkers in the context of Nigeria create full-time long-term employment of crowdwork through five interlinked strategies that mediate between the constraints of their existing institutions and their need to sustain crowdwork employment.
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Crowdsourcing has become one of the main resources for working on so-called microtasks that require human intelligence to solve tasks that computers cannot yet solve and to connect to external knowledge and expertise. Instead of using external crowds, several organizations have increasingly been using their employees as a crowd, with the aim of exploiting employee’s potentials, mobilizing unused technical and personal experience and including personal skills for innovation or product enhancement. However, understanding the dynamics of this new way of digital co-working from the technical point of view plays a vital role in the success of internal crowdsourcing, and, to our knowledge, no study has yet empirically investigated the relationship between the technical features and participation in internal crowdsourcing. Therefore, this chapter aims to provide a guideline for organizations and employers from the perspective of the technical design of internal crowdsourcing, specifically regarding issues of data protection privacy and security concerns as well as task type, design, duration and participation time based on the empirical findings of an internal crowdsourcing platform.
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Crowdsourcing has gained much attention in practice over the last years. Numerous companies have drawn on this concept for performing different tasks and value creation activities. Nevertheless, despite its popularity, there is still comparatively little well-founded knowledge on crowdsourcing, particularly with regard to crowdsourcing intermediaries. Crowdsourcing intermediaries play a key role in crowdsourcing initiatives as they assure the connection between the crowdsourcing companies and the crowd. However, the issue of how crowdsourcing intermediaries manage crowdsourcing initiatives and the associated challenges has not been addresses by research yet. We address these issues by conducting a case study with a German start-up crowdsourcing intermediary called testCloud that offers software testing services for companies intending to partly or fully outsource their testing activities to a certain crowd. The case study shows that testCloud faces three main challenges, these are: managing the process, managing the crowd and managing the technology. For each dimension, we outline mechanisms that testCloud applies for facing the challenges associated with crowdsourcing projects.
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Die Arbeit betrachtet das Crowdsourcing als ein aktuell diskutiertes Konzept für die Organisation eines überbetrieblichen, interaktiven Leistungsaustauschs auf der Basis von Web 2.0. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wurde dieser Ansatz bisher wenig beachtet, wohingegen sich in der betrieblichen Praxis bereits einige, z. T. aber stark unterschiedliche "Crowdsourcing Plattformen" finden. In Ermangelung eines allgemeinen Begriffsverständnisses ist es das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, das Crowdsourcing Konzept zu systematisieren. Dazu werden ein Definitionsansatz sowie ein Klassifikationsschema vorgeschlagen, welche aus der Analyse bestehender Crowdsourcing Formen und angrenzender theoretischer Konzepte abgeleitet werden.
Crowdsourcing is an umbrella term for a variety of approaches that tap into the potential of a large and open crowd of people. So far, there is no systematic understanding of the processes used to source and aggregate contributions from the crowd. In particular, crowdsourcing organizations striving to achieve a specific goal should be able to evaluate the mechanisms that impact these processes. Following a method of IS taxonomy development we propose a new taxonomic framework for crowdsourcing processes. In contrast to previous work, this classification scheme focuses exclusively on an organizational perspective and on the mechanisms available to these organizations. The resulting dimensions are preselection of contributors, accessibility of peer contributions, aggregation of contributions, and remuneration for contributions. By classifying the processes of 46 crowdsourcing examples, we identify 19 distinct process types. A subsequent cluster analysis shows general patterns among these types and indicates a link to certain applications of crowdsourcing.
Crowdsourcing als praxisgetriebenes PhänomenSowohl in den Medien als auch im Internet-Business wird Crowdsourcing mittlerweile als ernstzunehmende und innovative Wertschöpfungsform betrachtet und in vielfältigster Form realisiert. Der große Facettenreichtum dieser neuen Wertschöpfungsform wird ersichtlich, wenn man sich zunächst einige Crowdsourcing-Beispiele vor Augen führt.So profitieren zahlreiche Unternehmen vom enormen Wissenspotenzial unzähliger Internetnutzer, indem diese Organisationen ihre FuE-Probleme auf der Crowdsourcing-Plattform veröffentlichen. Diese überwiegend sehr spezifischen Forschungsprobleme, die von den Unternehmen selbst nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst werden können, werden von der etwa 250.000 User umfassenden Community (bestehend aus Forschern, Ingenieuren etc.) bearbeitet. Die potenziellen Problemlöser dürfen sich dabei über ansehnliche Geldprämien freuen, womit ein Gleichgewicht des wertschöpferischen Nehmens und Gebens im Zeitalter des partiz ...
Dieses Lehrbuch beschaftigt sich mit den Grundlagen, zentralen Prozessen und Methoden sowie Anwendungsbeispielen fur die systematische Entwicklung neuer Dienstleistungen (Dienstleistungsengineering) sowie deren Management uber den Lebenszyklus (Dienstleistungsmanagement). Ein Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der Rolle von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IT) fur die Gestaltung und Erbringung von Dienstleistungen. Das Buch bereitet den aktuellen Stand in Forschung und Praxis uber das Dienstleistungsengineering und -management lerngerecht auf und gibt Studenten wie Praktikern Theorien, Methoden und Werkzeuge an die Hand, um Dienstleistungen durch den Einsatz von IT systematisch zu gestalten und effizient zu erbringen und neue Formen der Arbeitsteilung und Wertschopfung fur sich nutzbar zu machen.