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Evidence of interpersonal violence or a special funeral rite in the Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce in southern Poland – a forensic analysis


Abstract and Figures

This study uses anthropological and forensic medical analyses to determine the cause of fractures found in the remains of 15 individuals buried at a site associated with the Globular Amphora Culture (2875-2670 BC). The intent was to determine the mechanism underlying the injuries and to indicate the types of tools that might have inflicted the blows. The fractures were diversified in their forms, but the majority of the injuries appear to have been inflicted by a flint axe, which is frequently found in graves of the Globular Amphora Culture. Apart from the forearm being severed in one of the victims, all the remaining skeletons showed from 1 to 4 injuries involving solely the skulls. The grave might contain victims attacked by invaders who executed the captives, or else the feature is ritual in character and it reflects the beliefs of the Neolithic community.
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Original Article Received: October 10, 2015; Accepted for publication: February 10, 2016
DOI: 10.1515/anre-2016-0006
© 2016 Polish Anthropological Society
AnthropologicAl review • Vol. 79 (1), 69–85 (2016)
Evidence of interpersonal violence or a special
funeral rite in the Neolithic multiple burial from
Koszyce in southern Poland – a forensic analysis
Tomasz Konopka1, Anita Szczepanek2, Marcin M.Przybyła3, Piotr Włodarczak4
1Department of Forensic Medicine, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Cracow,
2Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Cracow, Poland
3PRYNCYPAT Marcin Przybyła, Poland
4Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
AbstrAct: This study uses anthropological and forensic medical analyses to determine the cause of fractures
found in the remains of 15 individuals buried at a site associated with the Globular Amphora Culture
(2875–2670 BC). The intent was to determine the mechanism underlying the injuries and to indicate the
types of tools that might have inicted the blows. The fractures were diversied in their forms, but the ma-
jority ofthe injuries appear to have been inicted by a int axe, which is frequently found in graves of the
Globular Amphora Culture. Apart from the forearm being severed in one of the victims, all the remaining
skeletons showed from 1 to 4 injuries involving solely the skulls. The grave might contain victims attacked
by invaders who executed the captives, or else the feature is ritual in character and it reects the beliefs of
the Neolithic community.
Key words: Neolithic, Globular Amphora Culture, multiple grave, violence, skull fractures
Recent decades have brought many new
reports of skirmishes and warfare, doc-
umented for various European Neolith-
ic societies (e.g. Walker 2001; Wahl and
Trautmann 2012). This is conrmed
by signs of injuries left in the bones of
skeletons. The location and nature of
the marks clearly indicates intentional
acts of violence (e.g. Meyer et al. 2009;
Lorkiewicz 2012; Schulting and Fibiger
2012). Traumatic injuries that are found
in the skeletal remains provide the most
direct evidence of violence. The distinc-
Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce
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70 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
tive features indicating violence include
the nature of the injuries, such as their
location on the body, signs of healing,
and types of damage that could be as-
sociated with the implicated weapons
(Schulting and Fibiger 2012). Sometimes
items of weaponry, such as arrowheads,
are embedded in human bones (Meyer et
al. 2009). Traumatic skull lesions often
occur as fractures induced by different
types of edged weapons (Kaufman et al.
1997). The most important task in pro-
viding proper identication of an injury
is to distinguish violent trauma from
postmortem modications.
Previous excavations have shown that
societies of the Globular Amphora Cul-
ture buried most of their dead in mul-
tiple or collective graves (categories of
graves after Duday 2009). Some of these
graves contain burials showing traces of
ritual practices, such as dismembered
or partially burnt bodies (Nosek 1967).
However, such remains have not yet been
subjected to medical forensic analysis.
Evidence of lethal violence by pur-
posefully inicted injuries can be found
in other regions of Neolithic Europe,
for example in graves of the late Neo-
lithic Corded Ware Culture discovered
in Eulau, Germany (Meyer et al. 2009).
From earlier times (the Linear Pottery
culture), a collective grave with 34 indi-
viduals, some of whom had injuries char-
acteristic of those sustained in a ght,
was discovered in Talheim in Germany
(Wahl and Trautman 2012). Another
example of victims of violence associ-
ated with the Linear Pottery Culture is
found in collective graves from Schletz,
Austria (Teschler-Nicola et al. 1999). In
both of the above-mentioned cases, the
funeral rites typical of the culture were
not maintained; the victims of Talheim
were haphazardly heaped in asimple pit,
while in Schletz, the corpses were cov-
ered with soil in aditch surrounding the
settlement. In addition, in both cases,
the bodies were buried some time after
death, which is indicated by marks of an-
imal foraging.
The newly explored multiple grave
of the Globular Amphora Culture from
site 3 in Koszyce (southern Poland) is
a spectacular discovery, providing very
valuable information about the problems
discussed here. The key to interpreting
this nd is to determine the nature of the
injuries found in the skull bones of near-
ly all individuals. Injuries were found in
the skulls of males, females and children;
therefore, no selecting process was em-
ployed that would take into account age
or sex. The most important question to
answer is whether the feature is indica-
tive of rituals involving human and ani-
mal sacrice or whether it is a multiple
burial of people who died in some tragic
circumstances. To resolve this dilemma,
aforensic medical analysis of the injuries
identied on the skeletons from Koszyce
was performed.
Material and methods
In 2011, during the archaeological res-
cue excavations conducted on site 3 in
Koszyce, an assembly of two features,
dated to the turn of the Late and Final
Neolithic and related to the Globular
Amphora Culture, was discovered (Fig.
1). The grave (feature No. 523) con-
tained the remains of 15 individuals of
variable age and sex. Rich burial goods
consisted of: six pottery vessels, seven
int axes, 47 other int artifacts (tools
and akes), three bone tools, 13 boar
tusks, eight amber ornaments, two bone
pendants and six animal bones without
signs of heating. Based on eight radio-
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 71
carbon dating procedures, the absolute
chronology of the grave was established
at the interval between 2875–2670 BC.
Close to the human grave, an animal
burial was discovered, which contained
skeletal remains of seven pigs (Przybyła
et al. 2013).
The ages of the deceased were esti-
mated using classic investigative meth-
ods based on skeletal development
(Scheuer and Black 2000), and the sex
estimation of adult individuals was
based on anatomical dimorphic fea-
tures (Ubelaker 1989, White and Folk-
Fig. 1. Multiple burial No. 523 from site No. 3 at Koszyce. A – Location of Koszyce on the map of Poland,
B – Mutual location of a human grave and an animal burial place, C – Photography of a human grave.
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72 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
ens 2005). The anthropological anal-
ysis demonstrated that grave No. 523
contained the remains of 15 individu-
als (Table 1). All age categories (infans
– maturus – senilis) were represented.
The distribution of age and sex, which
includes older children, adolescents and
young adults, resembles the living dis-
tribution rather than typical mortality
proles (Paine 2000).
Taking into account the age, sex and
number of individuals in the burial, it
could be hypothesized that these indi-
viduals belonged to the same commu-
nity. The remains did not show the oc-
currence of any long-term illnesses, and
the process of growth of young individu-
als did not differ from the same process
observed in contemporary rural popula-
tions, which indirectly points to relative-
Table 1. Anthropological classication of particular skeletons and description of injuries.
No. Age Sex Injuries (type of fracture in parentheses)
1adultus female
A round opening, 4 cm in diameter, in the anterior part of the
right parietal bone (IV); an oval opening measuring 3×3.5 cm in
the superior left part of the occipital squama (IV); afragment of
an opening in the margin of alarger bone defect in the posterior
part of the right parietal bone, with a3.5 cm long arch (IV).
2infans I
(1.5–2 years) undetermined Numerous fractures forming along rectangle, 4–5 cm in width
and with one side ending with an arch (V).
-maturus female
Above the left superciliary arch, arounded opening 3.5×2 cm in
size (VI); in the anterior part of the right parietal bone, arounded
opening measuring 5×3 cm (VI); in the central part of the right
parietal bone, arounded opening measuring 2.5×2 cm (VI).
(16–17 years)
In the center of the right parietal bone, arectangular opening
measuring 2.5×0.5 cm (I); in the anterior part of the right
parietal bone, an irregular opening measuring 2×1 cm (II); at the
junction of the right parietal bone and the occipital squama, an
irregular opening measuring approximately 1x1 cm (II).
5adultus male
In the central part of the left parietal bone, adrop-shaped
opening measuring 3.5×2 cm (IV); in the center of the right
parietal bone, oval cracking of the external table of the skull only,
measuring 3×2 cm (IV); in the frontal squama, asmall, irregu-
lar opening (II); in the central part of the occipital squama, an
irregular opening measuring approximately 2×1 cm (II); adefect
of the proximal epiphysis of the right humeral bone with visible
parallel aking of small bone fragments; defects of the proximal
epiphyses of the right radial and ulnar bones at the same level.
6infans II
(13–14 years) undetermined
In the central part of the right parietal bone, in the margin
of alarger bone defect, afragment of asemicircular opening,
17–18mm in width; in the occipital squama (IV), in the margin of
alarger bone defect, marks of two separate arch-shaped open-
ings, 3 and 4 cm in length, with margins expanding towards the
interior of the cranium (IV) (IV); in the anterio-lateral part of the
left parietal bone, an irregular small defect (II).
7infans I
(2–2.5 years) undetermined No injuries can be unambiguously determined.
8adultus female
In the left part of the occipital squama, in the margin of alarger
bone defect, afragment of around opening approximately 3 cm
in diameter (IV).
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 73
ly good living conditions (Szczepanek
Postcranial skeletons of all the indi-
viduals were well preserved, but their
skulls were considerably fractured. The
aim of the forensic medical analysis of the
reconstructed crania was to determine
the mechanism by which these injuries
had occurred and the types of tools used
to inict those injuries. The rst stage
of the analysis is to determine the time
(ante-, peri- or postmortem) of traumat-
ic incidents visible in the skulls. If there
is any noticeable evidence of healing, the
trauma was unquestionably antemor-
tem, but it may take at least aweek, and
often more for such changes to be visi-
ble on the surface of a bone (Kaufman
et al. 1997). Unfortunately, when only
bone remains are examined, no method
No. Age Sex Injuries (type of fracture in parentheses)
9infans II/iuvenis
(15–16 years) undetermined A regular rectangular opening measuring 3.5×1 cm in the left
lambdoid suture (I).
10 iuvenis male
In the right and left part of the occipital squama, two round open-
ings 3.5 cm (IV) and 4.5 cm (IV) in diameter; in the posterio-lat-
eral part of the right parietal bone, in the margin of alarger bone
defect, afragment of an opening approximately 3 cm in diameter
11 maturus male
In the central part of the right parietal bone, adrop-shaped
opening measuring 2.5×3.5 cm (IV); in the left part of the frontal
squama, an irregular opening (II).
12 adultus-
-maturus female
In the frontal squama, on the right side, in the margin of alarger
bone defect, afragment of an irregular opening (II); in the occipi-
tal squama, on the left side, in the margin of alarger bone defect,
afragment of around opening approximately 4 cm in diameter
(IV); in the right side of the cranial vault, the bones are partially
13 infans I
(5–6 years) undetermined
In the left parietal bone, close to the coronal suture, alarge
fragment of around opening approximately 4cm in diameter (IV);
in the posterior part of the left parietal bone, an irregular opening
measuring 1×1.5 cm (III).
14 maturus-
-senilis female
In the posterior-lateral part of the left parietal bone, an irregular
opening measuring 2×1 cm (III); in the central part of the occip-
ital squama, an irregular opening measuring 5×4 cm (II); in the
central part of the frontal squama, an irregular opening measur-
ing 1×0.5 cm (II). One of the skull fragments forming the cranial
vault is partially charred in spite of the fact that the remaining,
perfectly matched fragments do not manifest any signs of being
subjected to re.
15 maturus male
In the center of the left parietal bone, in the margin of alarger
bone defect, afragment of an oval opening, 1.5 cm in width (IV);
in the center of the right parietal bone, an irregular opening
measuring 3×2.5 cm (II); in the area of the left lambdoid suture,
afragment of an irregular opening in the margin of alarger bone
defect (II); afracture of the left mandibular ramus, the margin
of the fracture is not perpendicular but has an oblique course,
expanding internally.
Table 1. cont.
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74 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
is available that would allow for unam-
biguous determination of whether aper-
imortem fracture was inicted when the
victim was alive or soon after death. Nev-
ertheless, there are known properties
that allow for determining whether the
injuries occurred within this perimortem
period, during which the bones demon-
strate adegree of elasticity and generally
retain some soft tissue, or whether they
occurred in the postmortem period, after
decomposition of the soft tissue (Maples
1986, Wieberg and Wescott 2008, Chris-
tensen et al. 2014).
The skulls of the individuals buried
in grave No. 523 demonstrated a total
of at least 36 blows (Fig. 2), which al-
lowed for the investigation of various
cranial fractures, the majority of which
were inicted with asingle type of atool.
However, incidental tools could have
been employed; in that case, presumably
int axes were used. As was mentioned
above, seven such artifacts were found in
the multiple grave. Apart from the anal-
ysis of the diversity of cranial fractures,
we also attempted to reconstruct the se-
quence of the events that might have oc-
curred before inhumation, and the possi-
ble motives of the perpetrators.
The investigation of the Koszyce skele-
tons demonstrated the presence of break-
age originating from the postmortem
period, predominantly involving the ribs
and other fragile bones, but to a lesser
degree also affecting larger bones, includ-
ing the skulls. The above breakage can be
primarily attributed to long-term pres-
sure exerted by overlying earth on bones
weakened by decomposition processes.
In addition to numerous breakages orig-
inating from the postmortem period, the
forensic-medical analysis of the skele-
tons also demonstrated the presence of
fractures that must have occurred in the
perimortem period, almost all of which
involved the cranium. In the well-pre-
served postcranial skeletal remains, the
authors succeeded in nding only one
perimortem injury. This was adefect in
the distal epiphysis of the right humeral
Fig. 2. Reconstructed skulls from grave 523 in Koszyce.
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 75
bone of skeleton No. 5, with the margins
showing visible marks of parallel ak-
ing of small bone fragments, as well as
defects of the proximal epiphyses of the
right radial and ulnar bones at the same
level (Fig. 3).
Apart from the single fracture of the
mandibular ramus (skeleton No. 15), all
the remaining signs of injuries were not-
ed within the cranial vaults. The facial
parts of the skulls, and in the majority
of cases also the bases, were so damaged
that no reconstruction was possible. The
authors also failed to reconstruct skull
No. 7 of an individual at the infans I age
(2–2.5 years of life). In view of the char-
acter of the grave, it should be assumed
that the skull was also damaged by in-
tentional injury. Investigations of the
remaining 14 skulls demonstrated from
1 to 4 marks each on the bones of the
cranial vault. The marks had the form of
holes that varied in shape, up to 4.5 cm
in size, with radial cracks extending from
the margins of the openings (Table 1),
and appeared to have been inicted by
atool with asmall striking surface.
The properties that indicated the
marks had been formed in the perimor-
tem period included internal beveling,
i.e. the opening being expanded towards
the interior of the cranium, and aking,
i.e. signs of small bone fragments aking
off the fracture margin. In one case (skull
No. 3), hinge fractures were found,
wherein small pieces of bone remained
attached to the fracture margin (White
and Folkens, 2005). In several instances,
the investigators observed concomitant
circular cracks surrounding the defect
at a distance of several centimeters. All
these properties indicate that at the mo-
ment of impact, the bones demonstrated
some elasticity typical for a fresh bone
and not encountered in dry bone (Chris-
tensen et al. 2014).
Investigations allowed for determin-
ing several types of fractures, the inic-
tion of which was not associated with
taphonomic factors.
Type I, arectangular opening demon-
strating internal beveling of the skull, i.e.
the surface of the break is situated at an
angle to the surface of the bone and the
opening in the inner table of the skull is
larger than the hole in the outer table
(Fig. 4).
Type II, an irregular opening, general-
ly small in size, demonstrating internal
beveling, with several (3–5) long cracks
radiating from the margins of the defect
(Fig. 5).
Fig. 3. Signs of fractures in the bones of the right
forearm and arm, skeleton No. 5. A – defects of
the proximal epiphyses of the right radial and
ulnar bones, B – defect of the distal epiphysis of
the humeral bone.
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76 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
Fig. 4. Type I fractures, skulls No. 4, 9.
Fig. 5. Type II fractures, skulls No. 15, 14, 5.
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 77
Type III, an irregular opening as in
type II, but with a concomitant cir-
cular crack surrounding the defect at
adistance of several centimeters. Such
acrack is an effect of deection of more
distant parts of the cranial vault (Fig.
Type IV, a round, oval or drop-like,
fairly regular opening, 3–4.5 cm in
length, 2–4 cm in width, with margins
being expanded towards the interior of
the cranium, and in the majority of cas-
es with signs of small bone fragments
aking off the fracture margin and con-
comitant radial cracks. It was the most
common fracture type in the investigated
skulls (Fig. 7).
Type V, numerous fractures forming
a long rectangle, 4–5 cm in width and
with one side ending with an arch. Such
afracture was seen only in skull No. 2,
Fig. 7. Type IV fractures; seen from above and on the left, skulls No. 1, 11, 1, 6, 5, 13.
Fig. 6. Type III fracture, skull No. 14, arrows indi-
cate the bone fracture lines.
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78 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
which consisted of very thin bones and
belonged to achild.
Type VI, an opening with margins
shaped as fairly regular arches with ara-
dius of approximately 1cm; close to the
margin, were concomitant arch-shaped
cracks of the outer table of the skull. The
opening demonstrated internal beveling.
Such fractures were observed only in
skull No. 3.
In skull No. 5, in addition to a type
IV hole in the center of the left parietal
bone, an oval crack of the outer table was
seen, similar in size and situated sym-
metrically in the center of the other pa-
rietal bone; centrally in the crack, there
was asupercial scratch. The scratch ex-
tended along the long axis of the oval de-
fect and measured 20×2 mm. The inner
table demonstrated several short, radiat-
ing cracks, with slight internal beveling.
The distribution of classication of
blow marks in particular skulls is pre-
sented in Fig. 8.
Two skulls displayed signs of charring.
Skull No. 12 showed an extensive defect
of the cranial vault, the margins of which
were charred spanning the major part
of its circumference. In turn, in the case
of skull No. 14, when all the fragments
(both connected to the skeleton and ly-
ing loosely in the grave) were retted
and glued, only asingle fragment turned
out to be partially charred. Interestingly,
Fig. 8. Distribution of blow marks in particular skulls with blow type determination.
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 79
fragments situated in its vicinity, includ-
ing those adjacent to the charred site, did
not show any traces of re.
The grave from Koszyce, showing such
an exceptional treatment of the de-
ceased, has become the rst Neolithic
burial in the territory of Poland subjected
to such an analysis. The burial took place
soon after the death of the individuals.
This is indicated by the anatomical lay-
out of the skeletons, the preserved bones
of the hands and feet, and the complete
sequence of all the vertebrae as well as
the mandibles lying close to the crania.
This feature clearly differs from the ex-
amples of multiple and collective graves
described in the introduction. An almost
complete absence of injuries involving
body parts other than the skulls proves
that the individuals buried in the grave
decidedly did not perish during hand-
to-hand ghting. The injuries seen in
the skulls were inicted in apurposeful
manner; they do not represent accidental
damages sustained during a ght. With
the exception of skull No. 1, where one
injury is situated in the apical part, in all
other skulls the blows were delivered to
the circumference of the head. Moreover,
none of the skulls displayed superimpo-
sition of blow marks, even if they were
situated on the same side of the head. In-
juries sustained in such an arrangement
are possible only when the victim is im-
mobilized and the position of the body
is changed after each blow. It cannot be
ruled out that the strikes were inicted
The analysis of the character of the
fractures suggests that – with the excep-
tion of skulls No. 2, 3 and 7 – damages
seen in all the remaining skulls might
have been inicted by the same tool or
by tools of the same type. The most like-
ly tool to be used by the peoples of the
Globular Amphora Culture seems to be
aint axe.
The mechanics of cranial fractures re-
sulting from ablow inicted by a blunt-
edged tool has been studied by forensic
medicine specialists since mid–19th cen-
tury; experimental studies were carried
out by such authors as Messerer (1884),
Paltauf (1888) and Casper (1889). It is
these oldest reports that provided conclu-
sions indicating, for example, that ablow
inicted by a large-surface tool results
in a linear fracture of the skull surface,
while asmall-surface tool causes cranial
indentations. Experimental studies em-
ploying modern measurement methods
were continued in the forties and fties
of the 20th century. The most extensive
investigations were carried out by Gurdji-
an (Gurdjian et al. 1950, Gurdjian 1961).
Similar experiments, but on a smaller
scale, were conducted in Poland, in the
Department of Forensic Medicine in Cra-
cow (Smolaga et al. 1955). Experiments
carried out on corpses demonstrated that
tools with small striking surfaces wield-
ed at high energy caused indentation and
perforation of the cranium in ashape cor-
responding to the surface of the tool. If
the blow was inicted with acorner of the
experimental tool (e.g. ahammer head),
only radial cracks occurred, extending
from the site of contact between the tool
and the bone, while at the very site of the
contact, a non-characteristic indentation
was formed. In some cases, especially
when the striking velocity was low, con-
centric cracks developed that surrounded
the impact site at some distance. In all
cases, however, such openings showed
internal beveling (Gurdjian et al. 1950,
Smolaga et al. 1955).
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80 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
The shape of the cross-section of the
Globular Amphora Culture axe or chisel
corresponds to the shape of rectangular
openings found in the skulls of adoles-
cents No. 4 and 9 (type I). (Fig. 9). Most
likely, the close reproduction of the tool
shape in these cases resulted from low
hardness and possibly elasticity of the
cranial bones. Differences in the size of
the openings (3.5×1 cm in skull No. 9 and
2.5×1 cm in skull No. 4) may be aresult
of two axes having been employed. The
type II fracture in the form of an irregu-
lar defect with radiating cracks does not
allow for unambiguous determination of
the employed tool. Most likely, however,
this is the appearance of markings left af-
ter ablow inicted by acorner of aint
axe head. This is more likely in view of
the fact that this very type of a tool re-
sulted in the most commonly seen frac-
ture – around or oval opening (type IV).
It might seem that round holes were
formed following blows inicted by tools
with round-shaped cross-section; never-
theless, skull No. 5 showed marks that
helped to determine the mechanism by
which such an opening occurred. In skull
No. 5, similarly as in several other skulls,
blow marks were arranged symmetrically
on the lateral surfaces of the head, which
suggests that both strikes were delivered
with the same tool, one after another.
As a consequence of the blow, an oval
hole was formed in the left parietal bone,
while on the right side, there was only an
oval crack of the outer table having the
same size. However, in the central part of
the oval lesion, there is alinear scratch of
the bone surface.
As described in the experimental pa-
pers mentioned above, the formation of
an oval defect, in the case of a blow in-
icted by the blade of astone axe, is are-
sult of the bone deecting within aradi-
us of several centimeters from the site of
impact of the tool (as in type III fracture)
and the formation of a crack widely en-
circling the site (Gurdjian et al. 1950).
In this case, the entire fragment was
pushed into the cranium, resulting in
the formation of around or oval defect.
Bone fragments found inside skull No.
1 were successfully used to reconstruct
fragments that tted the round openings.
The scratch markings in the centre of the
oval in the right parietal bone of skull
No. 5 indicated that the employed tool
had a2 cm-long edge (Fig. 10).
Openings similar to the type IV frac-
ture described by Spencer (2012) in the
skulls originating from the Schild site and
belonging to pre-Columbian Amerindi-
ans of Illinois were interpreted as marks
left by blows inicted by acelt, which is
Fig. 9. Flint tools of the Globular Amphora Culture:
A, B – axe blade, C – chisel blade.
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 81
the ground stone bit of the hatchet com-
monly referred to as atomahawk.
Blow marks in the three remaining
skulls were inicted by other tools. In
skull No. 2, belonging to a child, the
fractures involved a relatively sharply
delineated area 10 cm in length and 4–5
cm in width. This could be amark left
after ablow inicted by abludgeon-type
tool; it is likely that a tool of the same
kind caused fractures in the skull of the
second child at the same age (No. 7),
which, in the case of thin bones, resulted
in complete crushing of the cranium.
On the other hand, acompletely dif-
ferent tool and most likely a different
mechanism of action were employed
in the individual numbered 3. The tool
employed had around cross-section and
adiameter of 1.5–2 cm. The opening in
the frontal squama appeared to result
from two perpendicular blows inict-
ed closely together with a tool of circu-
lar cross-section, with bone fragments
crumbling in between. Delivering two
blows spaced so closely together with
a similar force suggests that they were
struck in a more precise manner than
in the case of the other skulls. Possibly,
the perpetrator hit an intermediate tool
placed against the head of the victim,
as when apunch or a chisel is hit with
a hammer. Archaeological literature on
the Neolithic era mentions tools of this
type fashioned from a section of deer
antler. A case was described of nding
askull with atool dened as aperforator
lodged inside such ahole (Ahlström and
Monar 2012).
All of the above-described bone in-
juries were sustained perimortem. This
is conrmed by both the character of
the margins of the damaged bones (see
White and Folkens 2005, Fibiger 2012,
Fig. 10. A mark in skull No. 5 – an oval crack of the outer table; in its centre, a linear scratch at the site of
the stone tool impacting the bone.
Download Date | 3/17/16 5:15 PM
82 Tomasz Konopka, Anita Szczepanek, Marcin Przybyła, Piotr Włodarczak
Christensen et al. 2014), and the ab-
sence of signs of bone healing mani-
fested as bone tissue regeneration. The
term “perimortem” accounts for injuries
that might have constituted the cause of
death of the buried individuals, as well
as injuries inicted soon after death,
when the bone still maintained the prop-
erties of living tissue. In consideration
of the circumstances and motivations
of the homicides, most likely of aritual
character, an analysis of such prehistoric
cases escapes the experience of forensic
medicine, which is mainly based on con-
temporary cases. However, interesting
information in this respect was provid-
ed by skull No. 14. Finding within the
skull a single charred fragment side by
side with others, showing no thermal
changes, indicates that only this frag-
ment was exposed to re. This in turn
suggests that in the period between in-
icting the blows and burying the body,
the fragment must have been complete-
ly detached from the remaining parts of
the head and exposed to re. Such alarge
fragment could not possibly have fallen
out in consequence of ablow to the head.
This implies that bone fragments were
intentionally removed following the ad-
ministration of a blow to the head and,
most likely, the dissection of the epicra-
nium. In such a situation, blows to the
head from several directions might have
aimed at “splitting” the skulls, possibly
to gain access to their interior. Should
this be the case, the justication of acol-
lective murder was most likely provided
by religious considerations that sanc-
tioned a blood sacrice. The fact that
in almost all the skeletons, the damage
involved only the skulls also points to
ritual activities. Such ascenario is typical
of ritual injury is encountered in various
prehistoric and historic periods. A fo-
cus of violence mainly to the head of the
attacked individual likely springs from
both strategic and psychological reasons
(Fibiger 2012). It should be emphasized
that in Koszyce, injuries were found in
the skulls of males, females and children;
therefore, no selecting process was em-
ployed that would take into account age
or sex.
It is also not possible to completely
rule out ascenario in which the individ-
uals buried in the Koszyce grave were
killed by strangers, also for ritual purpos-
es. The assailants might have belonged to
the same material culture as their victims
(the Globular Amphora Culture), or else
represented adifferent model of culture,
associated with the late Neolithic period
(the Corded Ware Culture). Neverthe-
less, the burial of the dead must have
been performed by members of their lo-
cal group.
An alternate theory explaining the
collective homicide is the performance
of a specic burial rite, during which
the corpses were subjected to such pro-
cedures. An element of these rites may
be the opening of the skulls. To date, no
such practice has been described in case
of the Globular Amphora Culture; nev-
ertheless, the majority of the analyzed
funeral objects originating from the cul-
ture were studied in mid–20th century
and no forensic-medical examinations
were performed. Obviously, in such asit-
uation, it should be assumed that all the
individuals buried in the Koszyce grave
died at the same time by causes leaving
no markings in the bones, e.g. in conse-
quence of an epidemics, ood, freezing
weather or another natural disaster.
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Neolithic multiple burial from Koszyce 83
Summing up the considerations of the
genesis of the multiple grave from Ko-
szyce, one may propose two hypotheses.
The rst possible scenario is that the in-
dividuals buried in grave No. 523 were
killed by their kinsmen or by strangers,
who thus fullled aritual act that reect-
ed the beliefs of their community. Alter-
natively, one might consider apossibility
that the majority of the individuals bur-
ied in the grave were killed in arite asso-
ciated with the burial of asingle person.
The latter hypothesis assumes that
delivering blows to the head, most like-
ly associated with opening the skulls,
occurred after death, which might have
resulted from natural causes. Possibly, in
this way, aspecic burial-associated rite
was performed.
Despite their variable character, all
the injuries seen in 12 of the 15 inves-
tigated skulls might have been inicted
by asingle tool type – aint axe or chis-
el. Depending on the force of ablow and
most likely also on the hardness of the
bone, the tool might have caused a rec-
tangular indentation, an irregular open-
ing or around or oval hole. The three
remaining skulls demonstrated injuries
that might have resulted from ablow de-
livered by abludgeon and a chisel-type
tool of small diameter. The location of
injuries in the skulls excludes scenarios
in which they were sustained in combat.
The authors thank Mark Toussaint, Uni-
versity of Nevada, Las Vegas for language
correction of the text.
Authors’ contributions
Each author has prepared his/her own
part of the manuscript according to the
subject of interest and the nal version
is the result of ateam work. TK: forensic
medical analysis of skull fractures (idea
of manuscript, introduction, methods,
results, discussion, conclusion); ASz:
anthropological analysis of buried In-
dividuals, interpretation of the funeral
rite (introduction, material, methods,
discussion, conclusion); MP: analysis of
archaeological material, interpretation of
the funeral rite (introduction, material,
discussion, conclusion)
PW: analysis of archaeological material,
interpretation of the funeral rite (intro-
duction, material, discussion, conclu-
sion). All authors have critically read and
approved the nal version of the manu-
script for submission.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that there are no
conicts of interest.
Corresponding author
Tomasz Konopka, Department of Fo-
rensic Medicine, Jagiellonian University
Collegium Medicum, Grzegórzecka 16,
e-mail address:
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... Penetrating perimortem cranial trauma patterns constitute important evidence of episodes of interpersonal violence in prehistory that, on many occasions, proved fatal. These injuries have been frequently documented in the archaeological record of Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe (Wild et al., 2004;Schulting and Wysocki, 2005;Meyer et al., 2009Meyer et al., , 2015Meyer et al., , 2018Jiménez-Brobeil et al., 2009;Nájera et al., 2010;Schulting and Fibiger, 2012;Fibiger et al., 2013Fibiger et al., , 2023Chenal et al., 2015;Konopka et al., 2016;Dyer and Fibiger, 2017;Madden et al., 2018;Sánchez-Barba et al., 2019;Alt et al., 2020;Janković et al., 2021). The head is one of the main targets in violent interpersonal confrontations at close range, especially when the intention is to cause the greatest possible harm to the opponent (Lovell, 1997;Brink et al., 1998;Kimmerle and Baraybar, 2008;Smith, 2017), often proving fatal. ...
... It is not always possible to determine the object used as weapon from the resulting cranial trauma, because the shape of the fracture is without a clear morphology or too ambiguous to be associated with a specific object (Schulting and Fibiger, 2012;Fibiger et al., 2013;Martin and Harrod, 2015;Janković et al., 2021). However, when weapon identification has been possible, among the blunt objects suggested to have been used as weapons during the Neolithic we find: stone maces (Schulting and Wysocki, 2005;Madden et al., 2018), wooden clubs (Schulting and Wysocki, 2005;Teschler-Nicola, 2012;Smith, 2014;Dyer and Fibiger, 2017), antler picks or spears (Schulting and Wysocki, 2005;Ahlström and Molnar, 2012;Gummesson et al., 2018), stone axes (Meyer et al., 2009;Konopka et al., 2016) and stone adzes (Wahl and Trautmann, 2012;Meyer et al., 2015;Moreno-Ibáñez et al., 2021). Several previous experimental studies have aimed to define and identify the characteristics of fracture patterns caused by blunt objects, such as maces or clubs (Gurdjian et al., 1950;Thali et al., 2002a;Kroman et al., 2011;Dyer and Fibiger, 2017;Dyer, 2019;Ruchonnet et al., 2019). ...
... Neolithic axes and adzes are objects that would have seen daily use as tools for different tasks, such as agriculture or woodworking, and also fulfill a dual role, at times being used as weapons when required. They are therefore termed weapon-tools (Golitko and Keeley, 2007;Harding, 2007;Meyer et al., 2009Meyer et al., , 2015Schulting and Fibiger, 2012;Konopka et al., 2016;Moreno-Ibáñez et al., 2021;Fibiger et al., 2023). No experimental studies have been carried out with these weapon-tools to date because their combination of blunt force trauma and sharp force trauma characteristics (Alunni-Perret et al., 2005;König and Wahl, 2006;Kimmerle and Baraybar, 2008) allows them to be differentiated from blunt objects such as maces or clubs most of the time. ...
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Interpersonal violence in the past is studied from different perspectives, one of which is experimentation. Using analogues to the human skeleton it is possible to replicate fractures found in the archaeological record and understand how they were produced. The main objective of this paper is to describe and differentiate sharp-blunt force cranial trauma caused by stone axes and adzes, to test previous interpretations of an archaeological case. This will create a comparative frame of reference for future studies. In the present experiment, seven Synbone polyurethane spheres were used as analogues to the human skull. These were covered with rubber skin, filled with ballistic gelatin, and fixed in a way that allowed some mobility when struck. This system creates a skin-skull-brain-neck model. A replica of a stone axe and adze were used as weapon-tools, simulating a face-to-face attack. The results of the experiment showed that there are a series of characteristics that differentiate the fracture pattern associated with each one, confirming previous bioarchaeological interpretations. The differentiation between both weapon-tools through the resulting cranial trauma allows conclusions about the direction of the blow and the position of the attacker with respect to the victim. This provides a better reconstruction of the most likely scenario surrounding the confrontation and the possible cause of death of the individuals, which is especially important during the Neolithic period, when this type of cranial trauma is very common.
... The lesion, therefore, would probably be related to an intentional blow concentrated in that area. This hypothesis is plausible considering the chronological context of these individuals, given the high frequency of interpersonal and even intergroup confrontations during the Neolithic and Bronze Age, often involving children and adolescents (Jiménez-Brobeil et al. 2009;Meyer et al. 2009;Schulting & Fibiger 2012;Fibiger 2014;Lewis 2014;Brinker et al. 2016;Konopka et al. 2016;Osterholtz & Martin 2017;Alt et al. 2020;Fibiger et al. 2023;Moreno-Ibáñez et al. 2024). However, it is not possible to rule out accidental trauma. ...
During the early development of archaeology in Spain, many of the materials obtained from excavations were later forgotten in museum deposits. However, re-investigation of these collections with contemporary methodologies can still contribute valuable knowledge. This study presents the case of El Bosquet Cave (Mont-ral, Tarragona, Spain), located in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula. This cave was excavated and documented in 1956 and the recovered materials were transferred, years later, to the Reus Museum, where they are currently located. Our results provide a more precise Middle Bronze Age chronology for the site in addition to bioarchaeological conclusions on the human remains from four individuals. Of note is a healed mandibular fracture in one of the individuals. Trauma observed in human skeletal remains reflect the conditions and risks of human groups in relation to daily activities or may be the result of interpersonal violence. In the Iberian Peninsula there are very few documented cases of mandibular fractures in prehistoric populations. This study contributes to the knowledge of the populations of the recent prehistory in the region of Catalonia and highlights the importance of reanalyzing the collections that are deposited and, in many cases forgotten, in the different museums of the territory.
... These were grave 523 and pit 506, the latter with the skeletons of five pigs (Fig. 2). These finds have been comprehensively studied [Przybyła et al. 2013] and have been the subject of additional specialist analyses [Konopka et al. 2016;Schroeder et al. 2019]. Tested by various analyses, including archaeogenetic ones, the grave with the remains of 15 murdered individuals (Figs 3 and 4) has become one of the most spectacular discoveries in the history of research on the Neolithic of Lesser Poland. ...
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The grave of the Globular Amphora culture from site 2 in Koszyce, near Kraków, has already been the subject of a separate monograph and specialised analyses. This article addresses the chronology of the mass burial, resulting from a comparison of 23 radiocarbon dates obtained in three laboratories. The chronometric data were then juxtaposed with the results of isotopic analyses of strontium (87Sr/86Sr), carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). The analysis of the results indicates that the burial from Koszyce should most likely be dated to around 2880–2870 BC, which is slightly earlier than assumed in previous studies. It comes from a time when the Final Eneolithic barrow communities of the Corded Ware culture had already been present in the loess uplands of western Lesser Poland, and the burial ritual of some of the GAC groups was evolving towards the ritual of the Złota culture. The similar dating of these cultural phenomena makes it difficult to determine which community was responsible for the mass murder committed at Koszyce.
... (38, 70, and 71)). In the following Bronze Age, the face of conflict changed even further, to include specialized weapons of violence and large-scale battles likely fought by dedicated warriors (72). ...
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Bioarchaeological evidence of interpersonal violence and early warfare presents important insights into conflict in past societies. This evidence is critical for understanding the motivations for violence and its effects on opposing and competing individuals and groups across time and space. Selecting the Neolithic of northwestern Europe as an area for study, the present paper examines the variation and societal context for the violence recorded in the human skeletal remains from this region as one of the most important elements of human welfare. Compiling data from various sources, it becomes apparent that violence was endemic in Neolithic Europe, sometimes reaching levels of intergroup hostilities that ended in the utter destruction of entire communities. While the precise comparative quantification of healed and unhealed trauma remains a fundamental problem, patterns emerge that see conflict likely fostered by increasing competition between settled and growing communities, e.g., for access to arable land for food production. The further development of contextual information is paramount in order to address hypotheses on the motivations, origins, and evolution of violence as based on the study of human remains, the most direct indicator for actual small- and large-scale violence.
... Исследование коллективного захоронения представителей культуры шаровидных амфор (2875-2670 до н.э.) в Кошице на юге Польши позволило описать различные переломы, большинство из них, по-видимому, было нанесено кремневым топором [Konopka et al., 2016]. Только одна из них затронула посткраниальный скелет (предплечье). ...
... Furthermore, at Schöneck-Kilianstädten, the killing was done by stone adzes and by arrows (Meyer et al., 2015), and in Halberstadt, the people were killed by the use of lethal BFT to the back of the head (Meyer, Knipper, et al., 2018). In Koszyce, most of the cranial lesions appear to have been caused by a blow with the same type of weapon-possibly a flint axe/chisel or stone axe (Konopka et al., 2016;Schroeder et al., 2019) ...
Objectives To provide a comprehensive analysis of perimortem cranial injuries found on human remains from the Eneolithic (ca. 4200 BCE) mass grave discovered at Potočani, Croatia, to test if the assemblage is a result of a deliberate violent episode on a massive scale. Materials and Methods Standard bioarchaeological analysis, including inventory of the preserved elements, minimum number of individuals, sex determination, age at death, as well as pattern and distribution of trauma, was recorded. Results A minimum of 41 people are present in the sample. Both sexes and almost all age groups are represented, with a prevalence of children and young adults. Four blunt force antemortem injuries are registered in three adult males and one subadult while perimortem injuries are recorded on 13 crania with a total of 28 injuries. The distribution of perimortem injuries is not patterned with age, sex, or siding, and their location is on lateral, posterior, or superior parts of the crania. No “defensive wounds” or other type of injuries are observed on postcranial elements. Discussion The injuries, manner of disposal of the bodies, radiocarbon dates, and other available data strongly suggest that the Potočani sample represents a single episode of execution during which the Potočani people were unable to defend themselves. The Potočani massacre is the oldest such example in southeastern Europe and provides additional evidence that indiscriminate violence on a massive scale is not a product of modern societies.
Skull injuries, especially those caused by interpersonal violence, are not uncommon in archaeological contexts. However, depending on the state of preservation of the skeletal material, it can be difficult to determine the cause of the injury. In the present case of a Corded Ware double burial from Knittlingen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), the analysis of a healed trepanation and an unhealed blunt force trauma is relatively conclusive. However, due to the dimensions of the injury, none of the customary weapons appear to be a suitable candidate. For this reason, the hitherto ignored object group of bone chisels was taken into focus and examined for its suitability as weapons. As a result, the polished cutting edge in combination with the average muscular strength of an adult seems indeed to be sufficient to cause fractures to the skull. Nevertheless, it would be premature to interpret bone chisels from the Corded Ware culture as weapons in general, as only the present case is known so far. It therefore seems much more likely at present that in the case of Knittlingen a bone chisel was used as an accidental weapon-tool.
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Objectives To test a hypothesis on interpersonal violence events during the transition between Chalcolithic and Bronze Age in the Eastern Pyrenees, to contextualize it in Western Europe during that period, and to assess if these marks can be differentiated from secondary funerary treatment. Materials and Methods Metric and non‐metric methods were used to estimate the age‐at‐death and sex of the skeletal remains. Perimortem injuries were observed and analyzed with stereomicroscopy and confocal microscopy. Results Among the minimum of 51 individuals documented, at least six people showed evidence of perimortem trauma. All age groups and both sexes are represented in the skeletal sample, but those with violent injuries are predominantly males. Twenty‐six bones had 49 injuries, 48 of which involved sharp force trauma on postcranial elements, and one example of blunt force trauma on a cranium. The wounds were mostly located on the upper extremities and ribs, anterior and posterior. Several antemortem lesions were also documented in the assemblage. Discussion The perimortem lesions, together with direct dating, suggest that more than one episode of interpersonal violence took place between the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age in northeastern Spain. The features of the sharp force trauma indicate that different weapons were used, including sharp metal objects and lithic projectiles. The Roc de les Orenetes assemblage represents a scenario of recurrent lethal confrontation in a high mountain geographic context, representing the evidence of inferred interpersonal violence located at the highest altitude settings in the Pyrenees, at 1836 meters above sea level.
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This work is already published in the International Journal of Paleopathology: The most direct evidence of interpersonal violence in the archaeological record are the signals on the skeleton. Violent confrontations have been an important aspect of human behavior through all periods of our history, but during the Neolithic there was an exponential increase. Our objective is to reconstruct the way in which a trauma in a Neolithic – Chalcolithic cranium was caused, identifying the timing of the fracture, the object used and the direction of the impact. The cranium belongs to an old adult man, from the collective burial assemblage of Cova Foradada site (Calafell, Tarragona, Spain). It was analyzed macroscopically and microscopically using a micro-CT scan, comparing this fracture with multiple archaeological and forensic cases. The fracture is located on the right parietal bone, and it presents all the characteristics of a perimortem trauma, which was probably the cause of death of the individual. In addition, the same cranium presents two healed antemortem fractures, probably related to previous violent events. The object used was identified as a stone adze by the resulting fracture pattern, and the blow was made from the back of the individual, probably by a right-handed attacker.
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The study of human remains from the perspective of forensic taphonomy facilitates a holistic understanding of ancient funerary behavior, and it is even more important when dealing with commingled assemblages. This is the case of Cova Foradada (Calafell, Spain), where more than 2500 disarticulated, fragmented, and commingled human remains, both burned and unburned, were recovered, belonging to at least 23 individuals. This study aims to reconstruct the taphonomic history of the site and identify the funerary treatments applied. Radiocarbon dating indicates the use of the cave at the beginning and end of the Neolithic, and taphonomic analysis has enabled us to differentiate a third period of funerary use. The results of this study have revealed that burned and unburned remains present in the cave constitute two different accumulations separated in time that were mixed due to multiple post-depositional agents and processes, including anthropogenic activities. The cremation pattern of the burned remains evidences the cremation of green bones, probably whole bodies, inside the cave, representing an intermediate practice between collective burials and the individual cremation characteristic of the Late Bronze Age. There is, therefore, repeated use of the same space with a sepulchral concept, from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age, but involving different funerary practices: inhumation and cremation.
Tim White and Pieter Folkens, the team behind the bestselling text, Human Osteology, Second Edition, have created the ideal concise guide for professional anthropologists, osteologists, law enforcement officers, and forensic specialists working with human bones in the field or laboratory. In addition to essential text information, hundreds of photographs are included, showing a maximum amount of anatomical information and providing a valuable tool in comparing specimens for rapid identification across the broad landscapes of law enforcement, forensics, anatomy, archaeology, and paleontology. Book jacket.
Developmental Juvenile Osteology was created as a core reference text to document the development of the entire human skeleton from early embryonic life to adulthood. In the period since its first publication there has been a resurgence of interest in the developing skeleton, and the second edition of Developmental Juvenile Osteology incorporates much of the key literature that has been published in the intervening time. The main core of the text persists by describing each individual component of the human skeleton from its embryological origin through to its final adult form. This systematic approach has been shown to assist the processes of both identification and age estimation and acts as a core source for the basic understanding of normal human skeletal development. In addition to this core, new sections have been added where there have been significant advances in the field. Identifies every component of the juvenile skeleton, by providing a detailed analysis of development and ageing and a detailed description of each bone in four ways: adult bone, early development, ossification and practical notes. New chapters and updated sections covering the dentition, age estimation in the living and bone histology. An updated bibliography documenting the research literature that has contributed to the field over the past 15 years since the publication of the first edition. Heavily illustrated, including new additions.
Tim White and Pieter Folkens, the team behind the bestselling text, Human Osteology, Second Edition, have created the ideal concise guide for professional anthropologists, osteologists, law enforcement officers, and forensic specialists working with human bones in the field or laboratory. In addition to essential text information, hundreds of photographs are included, showing a maximum amount of anatomical information and providing a valuable tool in comparing specimens for rapid identification across the broad landscapes of law enforcement, forensics, anatomy, archaeology, and paleontology. Book jacket.
Forensic Anthropology: Current Methods and Practice-winner of a 2015 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association-approaches forensic anthropology through an innovative style using current practices and real case studies drawn from the varied experiences, backgrounds, and practices of working forensic anthropologists. This text guides the reader through all aspects of human remains recovery and forensic anthropological analysis, presenting principles at a level that is appropriate for those new to the field, while at the same time incorporating evolutionary, biomechanical, and other theoretical foundations for the features and phenomena encountered in forensic anthropological casework. Attention is focused primarily on the most recent and scientifically valid applications commonly employed by working forensic anthropologists. Readers will therefore learn about innovative techniques in the discipline, and aspiring practitioners will be prepared by understanding the necessary background needed to work in the field today. Instructors and students will find Forensic Anthropology: Current Methods and Practice comprehensive, practical, and relevant to the modern discipline of forensic anthropology. Winner of a 2015 Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association Focuses on modern methods, recent advances in research and technology, and current challenges in the science of forensic anthropology Addresses issues of international relevance such as the role of forensic anthropology in mass disaster response and human rights investigations Includes chapter summaries, topicoriented case studies, keywords, and reflective questions to increase active student learning.