The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Mid-Laser radiation could affect the functional and/or morphological characteristics of mouse testes. Mouse testes were exposed 'in vivo' to Mid-Laser radiation, and testosterone (T) production by the Laser-irradiated Leydig cells was assessed 'in vitro'. Leydig cells obtained from non-irradiated testes were employed as controls. In addition, both Laser-irradiated and control testes were studied under the light and electron microscope. 'In vitro' studies have shown a significant increase in the basal and LH-stimulated (0.148 to 0.500 mIU) T production by Leydig cell preparations obtained from the Laser-irradiated testes (P < 0.01 vs. control values). In contrast, morphological studies have failed to show any differences between Laser-irradiated and control testes. The results indicate that Mid-laser irradiation may increase the steroidogenic activity of mouse testes, with no changes in their morphological features.