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The value of agricultural crops as an eco-system service: Calculation methodology connected to ahydrological model



Due to its specific hydrologic/hydro-geologic situation, Hungary is risked by extremities in water resources aggravated by direct and indirect anthropogenic effects and climate change. The mitigation of these risks could only be feasible by means of landscape scale planning. Latter would be advanced by comparing the natural capital of the possible land use scenarios. A fundamental aim of an R&D project (WateRisk) finished in 2011 was to elaborate a tool for these kinds of studies. A complex decision support system (DSS) was developed during the three year long project. A key element of the DSS is the environmental-economic module, which is able to estimate the profit of agricultural crops. The main topic of this article is the presentation of this calculation methodology.
Tájökológiai Lapok 10 (1): 12. (2012)
Összefoglalás:    
   
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So m l y ó d y 
So m l y ó d y 
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Természeti tőke és tájhasználat
Az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások és a természeti tőke fogalma
co S t a n z a 
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A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke
Ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások és tájhasználat
        
    
       
 
d e Gr o o t 
Természeti tőke mint a döntéshozatal egy lehetséges pillére
     
     
ma r j a i n é Sz e r é n y i 
  
d e Gr o o t
co S t a n z a 
 
           
     
       
      
  
A mezőgazdasági hozambecslés
       
       
    
Ko z m a zS. 
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        
    
Hu z S v a i
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       
Pe n n i n G d e v r i e S
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  
 
 
 
      
Hu z S v a i 
 
        
          
ta r n a w a 
dó K a 
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke
   
   
  
       
Ko z m a Ko n c S o S Ko n c S o S
       
A WateRisk integrált hidrológiai modell
          
     
Ko n c S o S Ko z m a Ko n c S o S
jo l á n K a i 
 
    
        
           
 
Ko z m a zS. 
1. ábra
Figure 1.
jo l á n K a i jo l á n K a i 
 
        
A döntéstámogató rendszer környezet-gazdaságtani modulja
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke
2. ábra 
Figure 2. 
    
Pe n n i n G -ro w S e l l 
 
    
        
  
  
         
  Ko n c S o S 
 
un G v á r i 
       
     
Ko z m a zS. 
A mezőgazdasági haszon számítása
    
 
      
  megva-
lósítható      
        
 
  
     
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke
   
3. ábra 
Figure 3.
Hozambecslés adott növényre és cellára
 
  
      
        
an t a l bo c z me n y H é r t 
ra d i c S 
       
Ko z m a zS. 
Hu z S v a i      
     
     St e d u t o    
     
  
    
        
 
        
    
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke 11
    
4. ábra 
Figure 4. 
 
 
Hozambecslés a teljes modellezési területre
      
     
Ko z m a zS. 
  
A mezőgazdasági modul értékelése és továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei
       
 
       
 
         
        
      
      
  
     
jo l á n K a i jo l á n K a i Ko n c S o S 
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke 
an t a l j   
bo c z e
co S t a n z a r., d’ar G e r., d e Gr o o t r., Fa r b e r S., Gr a S S o m., Ha n n o n b., li m b u r G K., na e e m S., o’ne i l l r. v.,
Pa r u e l o j.,ra S K i n r. G.,Su t t o n P., v a n d e n be l t m.
d e Gr o o t r. S.; al K e m a d e r., br a a t l., He i n l., wi l l e m e n l.
  
d e Gr o o t r., Fi S H e r b., cH r i S t i e m., ar o n S o n j., br a a t l., Go w d y j., Ha i n e S -yo u n G r., ma l t b y e., ne u v i l l e
a., Po l a S K y S., Po r t e l a r., ri n G i. 
Ku m a r P
dó K a l. F
el m q u i S t t., ma l t b y e., ba r K e r t., mo r t i m e r m., Pe r r i n G S c., ar o n S o n j., d e Gr o o t r., Fi t t e r a., ma c e G.,
no r b e r G j., So u S a Pi n t o i., ri n G iKu m a r
P.      
eu r o P e a n en v i r o n m e n t aG e n c y 
Hu z S v a i l, ra j K a i K., Sz á S z G
v a n it t e r S u m m. K, ra b b i n G e r.
jo l á n K a i zS., Ka r d o S m., Ko n c S o S l., Ko z m a zS., mu z e l á K , b
jo l á n K a i zS., Ko z m a zS., mu z e l á K b., Ko n c S o S l.
 
ba r a n c S i á.He r n y á K 
Ko n c S o S l.So m l y ó d y l.
Ko n c S o S l., jo l á n K a i zS., Ko z m a zS.
Ko n c S o S l., Ko z m a zS.,Ka r a K a i t., de r t S zS., un G v á r i G., tí m á r G.
Ko z m a zS., de r t S zS., Fo n y ó Gy., jo l á n K a i zS., Ka r d o S m., Ko n c S o S l., mu z e l á K b., li S K a b., Pa r d i t K a
G.    
     
Ko z m a zS. 
Ko z m a zS., Ko n c S o S l.          
     
KSzi-bme Ko n z o r c i u m 2009
ma j r a i n é Sz e r é n y i zS. 2011
mcco w n r. l., Ha m m e r G. l., Ha r G r e av e S j. n. G., Ho l z w o r t H d. P., Fr e e b a i r n d. m.
me n y H é r t z.
mi l l e n n i u m ec o S y S t e m aS S e S S m e n t 
no v á K y b
Pe n n i n G d e vr i e S F. w. t., ja n S e n d.m., t e n be r G e H.F.m., ba K e m a a.
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Pe n n i n G -ro w S e l l e. c., jo H n S o n c.; tu n S t a l l S., ta P S e l l S. m., mo r r i S j., cH a t t e r t o n j., Gr e e n c
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St e d u t o P., ra e S d., HS i a o c., Fe r e r e S e.,He n G l., iz z i G., Ho o G e v e e n j.
Su P i t i., Ho o i j e r a. a., v a n di e P e n c. a.,
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ta r n a wa á., Kl u P á c S H., ba l l a i., jo l á n K a i m
A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke 
      
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... Agricultural crop production is currently the most important provisioning ES of the region. We used a dynamic crop yield calculator integrated in the WR IHM to quantify cereal production [32]. The applied method is based on the logic described by [33] and calculates annual attainable crop production from site-specific potential yield data and simulated water availability. ...
... Based on county-level statistical data, a 30:70 wheat-maize proportion was utilized in all scenarios [34]. Crop specific parameters were adjusted according to relevant Hungarian literature and historical yield data of [32,34]. ...
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During the 20th century in the Hungarian lowlands the emphasis was put on maximizing provisioning ecosystem services (ES), which caused the weakening of regulating and other services. With the growing environmental pressures, it is crucial to apply a more adaptive landscape management. This, however, leads to territorial conflicts, as large areas with water-tolerant land cover (i.e., wetlands, meadows, riparian forests) are needed to buffer extreme hydrological events.We present some findings of the WateRisk project, a research that focused on the possible solutions of these conflicts. In a scenario-based case study, we analyze the outlined issue for the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve, a 510 km2 lowland catchment heavily affected by excess water. Scenarios were evaluated with an integrated methodology that focuses on the water budget and the total values of ES. The efficiency of the drainage network was found to be minor/moderate as it provided only -1–5% reduction in the spatial extents of inundations, and it contributed only ~20% to the elimination of water coverage. Furthermore, comparing the present (defense-focused) and the alternative (water retention focused) scenarios, the latter turned out to provide higher monetary value for the summed individual and social benefits of ES. This underlines the need for extensive adaptive measures in both water management and landscape planning to create resilience and the ability to cope with contemporary environmental challenges.
... Furthermore, soil texture information is essential input data in erosion-, biodiversity-, ecosystem service-, crop-, meteorological-, and hydrological prediction modeling. Some model inputs require spatial information representing topsoil features (Ács et al., 2014;Ballabio et al., 2016;Fodor et al., 2014;Kozma et al., 2012;Saxton and Rawls, 2006;Vereecken et al., 1989). ...
• Maps of physical soil properties were compiled for differing layer depth distribution. • Synthetized maps were aggregated of maps created for standard depth layers. • Directly compiled and synthetized maps were compared by various tools. • Differences and similarities of the two types of prediction were identified. • Conclusions were drawn on possible risks of soil map synthetization.
... The most commonly used classification system for texture is that of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Shirazi & Boersma, 1984;USDA, 1987). Soil texture information is essential input data in meteorological, hydrological and agricultural prediction modelling (Ács et al., 2014;Fodor, Pásztor, & Németh, 2014;Kozma, Derts, Kardos, & Koncsos, 2012;Saxton & Rawls, 2006;Vereecken, Maes, Feyen, & Darius, 1989). Degradation of land caused by wind erosion strongly depends on the texture of topsoil, therefore mapping of deflation requires the knowledge of soil texture of the uppermost soil layer in proper spatial detail (Borrelli et al., 2014;Mezősi, Blanka, Bata, Kovács, & Meyer, 2015). ...
Spatial information about physical soil properties is in great demand, being basic input data in numerous applications. Soil texture can be characterized by different approaches, such as particle size distribution, plasticity index or soil texture classification. In accordance with the increasing demands for spatial soil texture information, our aim was to compile a topsoil texture class map for Hungary with an appropriate spatial resolution, using the United States Department of Agriculture soil texture classes. The ‘Classification and Regression Trees’ method was applied because it is widely used in Digital Soil Mapping, and has numerous advantages. Primary soil data were provided by the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System. A digital elevation model and its derived components, geological and land cover map, and appropriate remotely sensed products together with the soil map featuring overall physical properties provided by the Digital Kreybig Soil Information System were used as auxiliary environmental co-variables. The resulting map can be used as direct input data in meteorological and hydrological modelling as well as in spatial planning.
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Due to former soil surveys and mapping activities significant amount of soil information has accumulated in Hungary. Present soil data requirements are mainly fulfilled with these available datasets either by their direct usage or after certain specific and generally fortuitous, thematic and/or spatial inference. Due to the more and more frequently emerging discrepancies between the available and the expected data, there might be notable imperfection as for the accuracy and reliability of the delivered products. With a recently started project we would like to significantly extend the potential, how soil information requirements could be satis fied in Hungary. We started to compile digital soil maps, which fulfil optimally the national and international demands from points of view of thematic, spatial and temporal accuracy. In addition to the auxiliary, spatial data themes related to soil forming factors and/or to indicative environmental elements we heavily lean on the various national soil databases. The set of the applied digital soil mapping techniques is gradually broadened incorporating and eventually integrating geostatistical, data mining and GIS tools. Regression kriging has been used for the spatial inference of certain quantitative data, like particle size distribution components, rootable depth and organic matter content. Classification and regression trees were applied for the understanding of the soil-landscape models involved in existing soil maps, and for the post-formalization of survey/compilation rules. The relationships identified and expressed in decision rules made the compilation of spatially refined category-type soil maps (like genetic soil type and soil productivity maps) possible with the aid of high resolution environmental auxiliary variables. In our paper, we give a short introduction to soil mapping and information management concentrating on the driving forces for the renewal of soil spatial data infrastructure provided by the framework of Digital Soil Mapping. The first results of (Digital, Optimized, Soil Related Maps and Information in Hungary) project are presented in the form of brand new national and regional soil maps.
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SUMMARY - Estimating attainable yield under water-limiting conditions remains central in arid, semi-arid and drought-prone environments. To address this need, FAO has been developing a yield-response to water model, AquaCrop , which simulates attainable yields of the major herbaceous crops. As compared to other crop models, AquaCrop has a significantly smaller number of parameters and a better balance between simplicity, accuracy and robustness. Root zone water content is simulated by keeping track of incoming and outgoing water fluxes at its boundaries, considering the soil as a water storage reservoir with different layers. Instead of leaf area index, AquaCrop uses canopy ground cover. Canopy development, stomatal conductance, canopy senescence and harvest index are the key physiological crop responses to water stress. Evapotranspiration is simulated as crop transpiration and soil evaporation and the daily transpiration is used to derive the daily biomass gain via the normalized biomass water productivity of the crop. The normalization is for reference evapotranspiration and CO2 concentration to make the model applicable to diverse locations and seasons, including future climate scenarios. AquaCrop accommodates different water management systems, including rainfed agriculture and supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation. Simulations can be carried out both on calendar and thermal time, and the developing versions will incorporate effects of nutrient regimes, particularly nitrogen, and of soil salinity. AquaCrop is mainly addressed to extension services practitioners, consulting engineers, governmental agencies, NGOs and farmers associations.
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Linking biophysical aspects of ecosystems with human benefits through the notion of ecosystem services is essential to assess the trade-offs (ecological, socio-cultural, economic and monetary) involved in the loss of ecosystems and biodiversity in a clear and consistent manner. Any ecosystem assessment should be spatially and temporally explicit at scales meaningful for policy formation or interventions, inherently acknowledging that both ecological functioning and economic values are context, space and time specific. Any ecosystem assessment should first aim to determine the service delivery in biophysical terms, to provide solid ecological underpinning to the economic valuation or measurement with alternative metrics. Clearly delineating between functions, services and benefits is important to make ecosystem assessments more accessible to economic valuation, although no consensus has yet been reached on the classification. Ecosystem assessments should be set within the context of contrasting scenarios - recognising that both the values of ecosystem services and the costs of actions can be best measured as a function of changes between alternative options. In assessing trade-offs between alternative uses of ecosystems, the total bundle of ecosystem services provided by different conversion and management states should be included. Any valuation study should be fully aware of the „cost‟ side of the equation, as focus on benefits only ignores important societal costs like missed opportunities of alternative uses; this also allows for a more extensive range of societal values to be considered. Ecosystem assessments should integrate an analysis of risks and uncertainties, acknowledging the limitations of knowledge on the impacts of human actions on ecosystems and their services and on their importance to human well-being. In order to improve incentive structures and institutions, the different stakeholders - i.e. the beneficiaries of ecosystem services, those who are providing the services, those involved in or affected by the use, and the actors involved at different levels of decision-making - should be clearly identified, and decision making processes need to be transparent
A WateRisk egy jelenleg fejlesztés alatt álló integrált dinamikusan kapcsolt modellrendszer, mely komplex vízkészletgazdálkodási problémák vizsgálatát hivatott ellátni. A dolgozat ennek egydimenziós nempermanens, nyílt felszínű és nyomás alatti vízmozgás számolására alkalmas numerikus almodelljét mutatja be. A modell hibaelemzése céljából egy tesztsorozatot végeztünk el, melyben a nemzetközi és hazai viszonylatban is jól ismert amerikai fejlesztésű HEC-RAS-szal, valamint a BME VTT1D modellel hasonlítottunk össze. Vizsgáltuk a vízfelszín-profil, valamint a mederszakasz középső és felső szelvényeiben a vízállás idősor változását egyszerű és összetett (hullámtérrel rendelkező) prizmatikus medrekben, dinamikusan változó felső vízhozam peremfeltétel hatására, konstans illetve szintén dinamikusan változó alvízi vízállás peremfeltétel mellett. Vizsgálatunk kiterjedt továbbá változó keresztmetszetű mederalakra, műtárgyak hatásainak elemzésére és az időlépés és a szelvényköz változtatásának érzékenységvizsgálatára. Mind az egyszerű-, mind az összetett medrek alkalmazása esetén a WateRisk jó egyezést mutatott a HEC-RAS modellel a kiszámított vízmélységek tekintetében, továbbá alkalmasnak bizonyult vízkormányzási műtárgyak szimulálására is.
Conference Paper
Quantitative state and future of water resources in Hungary is briefly reviewed. A novel scientific approach is suggested to evaluate possible future scenarios. The key element of the proposed DSS is a novel integrated hydrologic model system (WateRisk Model System, WRMS). After brief evaluation of the state of art the methodological aspects of the model development are reviewed. Major novelties include the fast simulation of large regions using hydrologic description coupled with fully dynamic 1D hydrodynamics. A pilot study was carried out to validate the WRMS. Results of manual calibration indicate promising agreements, but also set the course of further development.
Despite the growing body of literature on ecosystem services, still many challenges remain to structurally integrate ecosystem services in landscape planning, management and design. This paper therefore aims to provide an overview of the challenges involved in applying ecosystem service assessment and valuation to environmental management and discuss some solutions to come to a comprehensive and practical framework.First the issue of defining and classifying ecosystem services is discussed followed by approaches to quantify and value ecosystem services. The main part of the paper is focussed on the question how to analyze trade-offs involved in land cover and land use change, including spatial analysis and dynamic modelling tools. Issues of scale are addressed, as well as the question how to determine the total economic value of different management states.Finally, developments and challenges regarding the inclusion of ecosystem services in integrative landscape planning and decision-making tools are discussed.It is concluded that the ecosystem service approach and ecosystem service valuation efforts have changed the terms of discussion on nature conservation, natural resource management, and other areas of public policy. It is now widely recognized that nature conservation and conservation management strategies do not necessarily pose a trade-off between the “environment” and “development”. Investments in conservation, restoration and sustainable ecosystem use are increasingly seen as a “win-win situation” which generates substantial ecological, social and economic benefits.
APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) is a software system which allows (a) models of crop and pasture production, residue decomposition, soil water and nutrient flow, and erosion to be readily re-configured to simulate various production systems and (b) soil and crop management to be dynamically simulated using conditional rules. A key innovation is change from a core concept of a crop responding to resource supplies to that of a soil responding to weather, management and crops. While this achieves a sound logical structure for improved simulation of soil management and long-term change in the soil resource, it does so without loss of sensitivity in simulating crop yields. This concept is implemented using a program structure in which all modules (e.g. growth of specific crops, soil water, soil N, erosion) communicate with each other only by messages passed via a central ‘engine’. Using a standard interface design, this design enables easy removal, replacement, or exchange of modules without disruption to the operation of the system. Simulation of crop sequences and multiple crops are achieved by managing connection of crop growth modules to the engine.A shell of software tools has been developed within a WINDOWS environment which includes user-installed editor, linker, compiler, testbed generator, graphics, database and version control software. While the engine and modules are coded in FORTRAN, the Shell is in C++. The resulting product is one in which the functions are coded in the language most familiar to the developers of scientific modules but provides many of the features of object oriented programming. The Shell is written to be aware of UNIX operating systems and be capable of using the processor on UNIX workstations.
Az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások közgazdaság-tudományi megközelítése
  • Majrainé Szerényi Zs
majrainé Szerényi zS. 2011: Az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások közgazdaság-tudományi megközelítése. Magyar tudomány 172(7): 788-794.
1979: kukoricáról a termelőknek Mezőgazdasági kiadó, Budapest millennium ecoSyStemaSSeSSment 2005: ecosystems and human well-being: synthesis. island press, Washington, dc. isBn: 1-59726-040-1 nováKy b
  • Menyhért Z
menyHért z. (szerk.) 1979: kukoricáról a termelőknek. Mezőgazdasági kiadó, Budapest millennium ecoSyStemaSSeSSment 2005: ecosystems and human well-being: synthesis. island press, Washington, dc. isBn: 1-59726-040-1 nováKy b. 2009: Az éghajlatváltozás, hatásai és az intézkedések az ipcc negyedik értékelő Jelentése tükrében. tájökológiai lapok, 7(1): 241-268.