
Theory today and tomorrow: an interview with Vincent Leitch

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Vincent B. Leitch, distinguished research professor at the University of Oklahoma, is General Editor of Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism (2001, 2nd ed. 2010), and author of books on literary and cultural theory: Deconstructive Criticism (1983); American Literary Criticism from the 30s to the 80s (1988, 2nd ed. as American Literary Criticism since 1930s, 2009); Cultural Criticism, Literary Theory, Poststructuralism (1992); Theory Matters (2003); and Living with Theory (2008). Peking University Press plans to publish in 2010 Theory Mapped, Critiqued, Defended: Leitch Reader. This interview took place in April 2009, and covers a number of issues such as a definition of "theory," the background against which theoiy rose, the relation of literary studies with theory, the relation of theory with literature departments and research universities, and the future of theory. AH this is discussed in light of "after-theory" or even "anti-theory," and provides a panorama under which theory has exhibited itself for the past fifty years.

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