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Abstract and Figures

South Africa continues to receive substantial attention from scholars researching modern human origins. The importance of this region lies in the many caves and rock shelters containing well preserved evidence of human activity, cultural material complexity and a growing number of early modern human fossils dating to the Middle Stone Age (MSA). South Africa also hosts the world's smallest floral kingdom, now called the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR), with high species richness and endemism. In paleoanthropological research, improving our capacity to reconstruct past climatic and environmental conditions can help us to shed light on survival strategies of hunter–gatherers. To do this, one must use actualistic studies of modern assemblages from extant habitats to develop analogies for the past and improve paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Here, we present a phytolith study of modern surface soil samples from different GCFR vegetation types of the south coast of South Africa. In this study, the phytolith concentration and morphological distribution are related to the physicochemical properties of soils, the environmental conditions and the characterization of the vegetation for the different study areas. Our results show that phytolith concentration relates mostly to vegetation types and the dominant vegetation rather than to the type of soils. More abundant phytoliths from Restionaceae and woody/shrubby vegetation are also noted from fynbos vegetation and grass phytoliths are a recurrent component in all the vegetation types in spite of being a minor component in the modern vegetation. The grass silica short cells from these plants, however, suggest a mix of C3 and C4 grasses in most of the vegetation types with a major presence of the rondels ascribed to C3 grasses. The exceptions are riparian, coastal thicket and coastal forest vegetation, which are characterized by the dominance of C4 grass phytoliths.
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Modern soil phytolith assemblages used as proxies for Paleoscape
reconstruction on the south coast of South Africa
Irene Esteban
, Jan C. De Vynck
, Elzanne Singels
, Jan Vlok
, Curtis W. Marean
Richard M. Cowling
, Erich C. Fisher
, Dan Cabanes
, Rosa M. Albert
ERAAUB, Dept. de Prehist
oria, Hist
oria Antiga i Arqueologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Montalegre, 6, 08001, Barcelona, Spain
Centre for Coastal Paleosciences, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6031, South Africa
Dept. of Archaeology, Beattie Building, University of Cape Town, University Avenue, Cape Town, South Africa
Institute of Human Origins, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, PO Box 872402, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 85287-2402, USA
Faculty of Science, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, 6031, South Africa
Plant Foods in Hominin Dietary Ecology Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Deutscher Platz 6, 04103, Leipzig, Germany
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Spain
article info
Article history:
Available online 15 March 2016
Landscape reconstruction
Human origins
Modern soils
South African coast
South Africa continues to receive substantial attention from scholars researching modern human origins.
The importance of this region lies in the many caves and rock shelters containing well preserved evi-
dence of human activity, cultural material complexity and a growing number of early modern human
fossils dating to the Middle Stone Age (MSA). South Africa also hosts the world's smallest oral kingdom,
now called the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR), with high species richness and endemism. In
paleoanthropological research, improving our capacity to reconstruct past climatic and environmental
conditions can help us to shed light on survival strategies of hunteregatherers. To do this, one must use
actualistic studies of modern assemblages from extant habitats to develop analogies for the past and
improve paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Here, we present a phytolith study of modern surface soil
samples from different GCFR vegetation types of the south coast of South Africa. In this study, the
phytolith concentration and morphological distribution are related to the physicochemical properties of
soils, the environmental conditions and the characterization of the vegetation for the different study
areas. Our results show that phytolith concentration relates mostly to vegetation types and the dominant
vegetation rather than to the type of soils. More abundant phytoliths from Restionaceae and woody/
shrubby vegetation are also noted from fynbos vegetation and grass phytoliths are a recurrent compo-
nent in all the vegetation types in spite of being a minor component in the modern vegetation. The grass
silica short cells from these plants, however, suggest a mix of C
and C
grasses in most of the vegetation
types with a major presence of the rondels ascribed to C
grasses. The exceptions are riparian, coastal
thicket and coastal forest vegetation, which are characterized by the dominance of C
grass phytoliths.
©2016 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Recent studies on hominin evolution have emphasized the use
and effectiveness of phytoliths for paleoenvironmental re-
constructions (e.g. Barboni et al., 1999, 2007, 2010; Albert et al.,
2006, 2009, 2015; Bamford et al., 2006, 2008; Mercader et al.,
2009; Neumann et al., 2009; Rossouw, 2009; Cordova and Scott,
2010; Albert and Bamford, 2012; Cordova, 2013; Novello et al.,
2015). These studies are often paired with actualistic studies of
extant habitats, which can be used to develop analogies to help
reconstruct past environments. Phytolithsdthe silica micro-
remains formed in living plant tissuesdreproduce via the intra-
and extra-cellular structures of certain plants, and their composi-
tion makes them extremely durable and able to be preserved in
ancient soils and sediments for up to millions of years (Str
2002, 2004; Str
omberg et al., 2007; Str
omberg and McInerney,
2011; Dunn et al., 2015). Phytolith studies of palms, sedges, and
woody eudicots are commonplace in Africa, but most phytolith
studies of African paleoenvironments have focused on the grass
*Corresponding author. ERAAUB, Dept. de Prehist
oria, Hist
oria Antiga i
Arqueologia, Universitat deBarcelona, Montalegre, 6, 08001, Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail address: (R.M. Albert).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Quaternary International
journal homepage:
1040-6182/©2016 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179
family since it exhibits a variety of different shapes that have been
linked to differences in paleovegetation. Commonalities between
phytolith studies allows them to be subdivided into three broad
types of research: 1) studies of modern plants that are aimed at
identifying diagnostic morphotypes, which can later be used for the
identication of botanical remains in fossil records (e.g. Runge,
1996, 1999; Runge and Runge, 1997; Albert and Weiner, 2001;
Bamford et al., 2006; Fahmy, 2008; Albert et al., 2009; Mercader
et al., 2009; Rossouw, 2009; Cordova and Scott, 2010; Eichhorn
et al., 2010; Mercader et al., 2010; Radomski and Neumann, 2011;
Cordova, 2013; Novello and Barboni, 2015); 2) studies of modern
soils that investigate the limitations of phytoliths for reconstructing
vegetation and climatic conditions (e.g. Bremond et al., 2005a,
2005b, 2008; Albert et al., 2006, 2015; Barboni et al., 2007;
Barboni and Bremond, 2009; Mercader et al., 2011; Novello et al.,
2012; Cordova, 2013; Garnier et al., 2013); and 3) combined
studies of modern plants and modern soils for understanding
deposition processes of phytoliths and postdepositional effects that
may affect their preservation under different mineralogical and
climatic conditions (Albert et al., 2006).
Fossil and genetic records indicate that the modern human
lineage evolved in sub-Saharan Africa during the Middle Pleisto-
cene, approximately 200,000 years ago (Clark et al., 2003; White
et al., 2003; McDougall et al., 2005; Fagundes et al., 2007; Gonder
et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2007; Behar et al., 2008). Based on
recent genetic studies, the progenitor populations of modern
humans may have been located in southern Africa (e.g. Schlebusch
et al., 2012, 2013), and detailed records from numerous South Af-
rican archaeological sites shows the subsequent cultural and
behavioral evolution characteristic of modern humans, under-
scoring the importance of this region in our understanding of
modern human origins (e.g. Watts, 1999, 20 02; Henshilwood et al.,
2001, 2002, 2004; d'Errico et al., 2005; d'Errico and Henshilwood,
2007; Brown et al., 2009, 2012; Jerardino and Marean, 2010;
Texier et al., 2010; Marean et al., 2014). The south coast of South
Africa is also located in the hyper-diverse Greater Cape Floristic
Region (GCFR), which contains a high variety of edible plants
(fruits, geophytes, etc.) (De Vynck et al., 2015) and a rich marine
ecosystem (Menge and Branch, 2001; De Vynck et al., 2015) that
may have supported human populations throughout the Pleisto-
cene (Marean, 2010, 2011). Phytolith studies have already contrib-
uted to our understanding of modern human evolution in the GCFR
(Albert and Marean, 2012), but much remains to be resolved about
the plant resources that Pleistocene hunteregatherers used for
food, fuel, and other activities and the environmental and climatic
conditions present then.
2. Background to the research region
The GCFR comprises the world's most diverse extratropical ora,
both in terms of richness and endemism (Colville et al., 2014), and it
is comprised of ve oristically and structurally-dened biomes
that are distributed based on rainfall amount and type, soil con-
ditions, and the underlying geological substrate. Listed in terms of
the area of spatial extent, these biomes are: Fynbos, Renosterveld,
Succulent Karoo, Thicket, and Forest. Our study area is located along
the southern coast of the GCFR (Fig. 1) in a centralized area that
receives rain from both the winter-driven circumpolar westerly
systems and post-frontal events that are caused by moist air, which
is advected across the warm Indian Ocean to produce rain at any
time of the year (Deacon et al., 1992; Engelbrecht et al., 2014). The
annual rainfall for the study area varies from 398 to 510 mm
[supplied by South African Weather Service (Linnow, 2012 n.p)]
with the driest and warmest periods occurring in late summer. The
area generally has a moderate climate with an annual mean
temperature of around 18
C, minimum average of 6
C and
maximum average temperature not higher than 30
C. Frost occurs
The study area is underlain by the Palaeozoic deposits of the
Cape Supergroup that are characterized by Table Mountain Group
sandstones (associated with mountains and ridges and coastal cliffs
of the Cape Folded Belt) and Bokkeveld shales (associated with
coastal forelands). In the eastern part of the study area the Palae-
ozoic sediments dip in an east-west fault and are lled by the
Cretaceous Enon Formation comprising conglomerates and mud-
stones (Rogers, 1984; Malan, 1987). Much of the southern coastal
plain is underlain by Pliocene limestone of the Bredasdorp For-
mation, which has been covered by alkaline Pliocene-Pleistocene
sands of marine origin near the coastal margin. Inland of these
sands are found patches of older aeolian sands that are leached and
acidic (Rebelo et al., 1991). In comparison, shale and mudstone-
derived soils are moderately fertile, yet those associated with
leached sands are infertile. The calcareous sands associated with
limestone, calcrete and coastal dunes are also relatively infertile
due to their high alkalinity and subsequent low levels of plant-
available phosphorous (Thwaites and Cowling, 1988).
The vegetation of the region has been mapped at 1:30,000 scale
by Vlok and De Villiers (2007) and we used this assessment for
identifying vegetation units within our study area. Four biomes are
represented within the study area: Fynbos, Renosterveld, Thicket,
and Forest (Bergh et al., 2014). Fynbos is characterized as scle-
rophyllous, re-prone shrubland, which is associated with acidic,
infertile sands, and having a graminoid component that is domi-
nated by Restionaceae. Renosterveld is a re-prone shrubland
found on shales and mudstones where the graminoid component is
dominated by a mixture of C
and C
Poaceae. Thicket is a dense
shrubland dominated by large and leathery-leaved shrubs and low
trees that is associated with areas that are re-protected (deep
valleys and the coastal margin) and located on clay-rich soils and
alkaline sands along the coast. Graminoids only comprise a few
shade-tolerant grasses within the thicket. Lastly, forests are char-
acterized by a dense cover of evergreen trees that are associated
with re-free enclaves located in the foothills of the Folded Belt.
Graminoids within these forests comprise shade tolerant Poaceae
and Cyperaceae.
There is also a long and detailed record of human occupation in
the study area. Blombos cave, located near Still Bay (Western Cape
Province), preserves a detailed record of novel modern human
behaviors dating during the Late Pleistocene, approximately
70e100 ka, which includes early evidence for bone tools, marine
shell beads, pigment processing, and geometric artwork
(Henshilwood and van Niekerk, 2014 and references therein). Near
Mossel Bay, the Pinnacle Point Archaeological Complex (PPAC)
consists of a series of caves and rock shelters that formed in excess
of 1 million years ago (Marean et al., 2007). Preserved archaeo-
logical deposits in several of these sites shows distinctive behav-
ioral complexity that includes early evidence for marine resource
exploitation (Marean et al., 2007; Jerardino and Marean, 2010); use
of pigment (Marean et al., 2007; Watts, 2010); heat-treatment of
lithic raw materials (Brown et al., 2009); and the production of
microlith-tipped projectile weapons (Brown et al., 2012). Within
the immediate area of Pinnacle Point are several vegetation types
with different taxonomic and functional assemblages that would
have been accessible within the daily foraging range for a hunter-
egatherer (~10 km). This highly diverse ora would extend the
foraging opportunities for modern humans occupying the Pinnacle
Point area (Marean et al., 2014).
Studies of
O and
C isotope records in speleothems, have
provided high resolution records of climatic and environmental
changes at PP dating from the late Middle Pleistocene to the Late
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 161
Holocene. The speleothem record from Crevice Cave documents a
strongly C
plant ora from ~90 to 74 ka, and then an increase in C
plants during the cooler MIS4, which is coincident with a shift in
O that is interpreted to suggest increasing amounts of summer
rain (Bar-Matthews et al., 2010).
Diverse and detailed paleoenvironmental records have also
been derived from the analysis of large mammal and micro-
mammal fauna, charcoal, phytoliths and pollen from archaeological
and paleoanthropological sites at Pinnacle Point. Changes in
micromammal taxa from deposits dating to MIS 6 and MIS5e-a at
cave PP9C indicated climatic shifts, from colder conditions and
more open grassy environment to warmer and wetter conditions
and dense vegetation (Matthews et al., 2011). The phytolith study
from PP13B cave showed a low grass representation during the
earlier occupations, from ~160 to ~120 ka, which was inferred to
indicate the presence of Fynbos that naturally has a low grass
component (Albert and Marean, 2012). The presence of Grass Silica
Short Cell phytoliths (GSSCsdcharacteristic of C
grasses) during
MIS5c (Shelly Brown Sand) was interpreted as being indicative of at
least some summer rain (Albert and Marean, 2012).
This study aims to assess the potential for using phytolith
studies from modern surface soil samples to characterize the
vegetation of the study area of the GCFR so as to better identify past
environments and climate changes on the south coast of South
Africa. The ultimate goal of this study is the identication of phy-
tolith morphotypes and phytolith assemblages with the potential
to be used as proxies for the paleoenvironment, paleoclimate and
paleovegetation reconstructions at Pinnacle Point and other south
coast sites. The present study builds on, and differs from, previous
studies in South Africa that have been carried out by Cordova (2013)
and Cordova and Scott (2010) based on three aspects: i) our study
focuses specically on the south coast; ii) our study incorporates
the whole phytolith assemblage that is preserved in modern soils,
including eudicotyledoneous plants (here after eudicots) and
graminoids; and iii) our study accounts for the taphonomic pro-
cesses that might have affected phytolith preservation and thus
their representation in the phytolith record.
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Materials
Fieldwork was undertaken over four eld seasons (2006e2011)
on the south coast of South Africa (Fig. 1). A total of seventy-two
modern soil samples were collected during June (2006 and 2009),
November (2010) and from August to October (2011) from twelve
vegetation types corresponding to the general 5 biomes, namely
limestone fynbos, sand fynbos, mountain fynbos, grassy fynbos
(Fynbos biome), renosterveld (Renosterveld biome), strandveld,
dune cordon, subtropical thicket, coastal thicket (Thicket biome),
coastal forest (Forest Biome), riparian and wetlands (both azonal)
(Table 1). Soils were collected beneath intact (not impacted by
human-managed activities) vegetation at 5e10 cm depth in the
different vegetation types in proportion to their relative extents in
the study area. The study area has not experienced any tectonic
activity or signicant climate shifts over the past few thousand
years (Marean et al., 2014) thus the phytolith assemblages in the
topsoil should be representative of the modern vegetation. Since
renosterveld in the southern Cape has been extensively trans-
formed for agriculture most samples were from slopes too steep for
cultivation (Kemper et al., 2000). Several related aspects that might
have inuenced the conguration of phytolith assemblages and
their concentration and preservation in modern soils have also
been taken into account, including: vegetation type, dominant
plant species, soil texture, and soil pH (Table 1).
Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the modern surface soil samples by vegetation types and the major GCFR biomes after Mucina and Rutherford (2006).
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179162
Table 1
Description of samples provenance and main phytolith results: soil type and soil pH, estimated number of phytoliths per gram of sediment, total number of phytoliths
identied, percentage of weathered morphotypes and D/Pº, Fy, Iph and Ic indices.
(Long, Lat)
Dominant taxa Soil
of phytoliths
# Phytoliths
% Weathered
Fynbos biome
LF11-19 Limestone
Restionaceae; Asteraceae;
Carpobrotus acinaciformus
Sand 7.6 7700 22 15 eeee
LF11-23 Limestone
Themeda triandra;Olea europea
subs. Africana; Restionaceae
Sand 7.3 60,000 97 0 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.8
LF11-25 Limestone
Restionaceae; Protea repens;P.
Sand 7.2 74,000 30 4 eeee
LF11-26 Limestone
Restionaceae; Erica sp;
Sand 7.5 61,000 21 0 eeee
LF11-68 Limestone
Leucadendron coniferum;
Sand 7 160,000 62 5.6 0.6 1.3 0.0 0.6
LF11-74 Limestone
Leucadendron coniferum;
Sand 7.6 69,000 49 8.9 eeee
LF11-85 Limestone
Restionaceae Sand 7.3 71,000 68 5.2 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.6
SF10-05 Sand fynbos 34,34465,
Freesia sp. Sand 5.8 99,000 83 3.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7
SF10-06 Sand fynbos 34,34513333,
Restionaceae Sand 5.9 690,000 74 7.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4
SF11-37 Sand fynbos 34,35335,
Leucadendron salignum;
Leucospermum praecox;
Sand 5.3 300,000 89 2.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.7
SF11-42 Sand fynbos 34,20858333,
Poaceae; Aloe ferox;Osyris
Sand 3.5 2,900,000 211 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.8
SF11-43 Sand fynbos 34,20115,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;Erica;
Poaceae; Schotia afra
Loam 4.4 1,290,000 210 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.9
SF11-45 Sand fynbos 34,22953333,
Leucadendron salignum;Protea
repens;Leucospermum praecox;
Erica sp.
Sand 4.8 1,000,000 163 3.9 0.5 1.3 0.1 0.8
SF11-47 Sand fynbos 34,2928,
Leucospermum praecox;Erica spp;
Leucadendron spp.
Sand 5.8 290,000 109 1 1.0 1.6 0.4 0.7
SF11-62 Sand fynbos 34,21151667,
Restionaceae; Leucospermum
Sand 4.2 225,000 109 7.8 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.6
SF11-82 Sand fynbos 34,26395,
Thamnochortus insignis;
Leucadendron galpinii;
Leucospermum praecox
Sand 5.3 154,000 93 5.7 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.7
GF10-10 Grassy fynbos 34,08936667,
Themeda triandra;Eragostris
capensis;E. curvula
Sand 5.5 2,330,000 182 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.8
GF10-11 Grassy fynbos 34,08915,
Pentaschistis colorata Sand 5.9 2,340,000 175 6.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.7
GF10-14 Grassy fynbos 34,0533,
Poaceae Sand 5.9 1,310,000 153 4.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4
MF12-01 Mountain
Restionaceae; Cyperaceae Sand 5 900,000 127 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9
F/RV10-07 Fynbos/
Tritoniopsis spp. Restionaceae Sand 5.5 1,890,000 115 2.8 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.4
Renosterveld biome
RV09-01 Renosterveld 34,15241389,
Themeda tiandra;Brachiaria
serrate;Eragrostis sp.
Loam 5.4 2,410,000 155 27.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7
RV09-02 Renosterveld 34,15241389,
Restionaceae; Poaceae Loam 5.2 1,980,000 172 11.4 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7
RV09-03 Renosterveld 34,15229444,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;Searsia
Loam 5 3,400,000 130 11.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.8
RV09-07 Renosterveld 34,08574444,
Elytrotrappus rhinocerotis Sandy 5.4 2,040,000 104 19.7 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.6
RV09-08 Renosterveld 34,08585833,
Eragrostis curvula;Elytrotrappus
Sandy 5.8 2,250,000 193 19.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.7
RV10-01 Renosterveld 34,16553056,
Romulea ava Loam 6.2 3,000,000 201 4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7
RV10-02 Renosterveld 34,03324722,
Moraea sp. Loam 5.9 2,500,000 179 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.7
RV10-03 Renosterveld 34,01595,
Hypoxis villosa Loam 5.8 2,740,000 196 9.6 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6
RV10-04 Renosterveld 34,10858611,
Ehrharta bulbosa Loam 5.6 2,990,000 171 4.8 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.9
RV10-09 Renosterveld 34,28396111,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis Sand 5.8 1,380,000 177 5.8 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.5
RV11-04 Renosterveld 34,28876667,
Eriocephalus africanus;
Elytopappus rhinocerotis;Ruschia
Sand 5 1,480,000 230 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.8
RV11-11 Renosterveld 34,1148,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;
Eriocephalus africanus;Themeda
Loam 5.3 4,850,000 220 2.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.9
(continued on next page)
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 163
Table 1 (continued )
(Long, Lat)
Dominant taxa Soil
of phytoliths
# Phytoliths
% Weathered
RV11-15 Renosterveld 34,23876667,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;
Restionaceae; Asteraceae
Loam 6.8 130,000 64 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
RV11-22 Renosterveld 34,10561667,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;Searsia
graveolens; Poaceae
Loam 4.9 2,550,000 186 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.8
RV11-32 Renosterveld 34,11173333,
Elytropappus rhinocerotis;Aloe
ferox;Ehrharta villosa;Themeda
Sand 4.8 2,260,000 200 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.9
RV11-58 Renosterveld 34,29145,
Roepera morgsana;Euphorbia
mauritanica;Aloe ferox
Loam 6.3 620,000 187 3.3 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.7
RV11-67 Renosterveld 34,25323333,
Searsia glauca;Aloe ferox;
Euphorbia mauritanica
Loam 5.2 1,200,000 186 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.8
Thicket biome
StT09-04 Subtropical
Sideroxylon inerme Sandy/
6.1 450,000 94 13.8 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.7
StT09-05 Subtropical
Eriocephalus africanus Sand 7 260,000 79 16.8 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8
StT09-06 Subtropical
Searsia pterota Sand 5.3 1,190,000 127 15.9 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.6
CT06-01 Coastal
Dense shrubby vegetation Sand 8 150,000 61 39 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.7
CT06-02 Coastal
Dense shrubby vegetation Sand 8 230,000 68 26.9 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6
CT06-03 Coastal
Dense shrubby vegetation Sand 7.9 78,000 39 46.6 eeee
CT06-04 Coastal
Dense shrubby vegetation Sand 7.5 23,000 12 29.4 eeee
CT06-05 Coastal
Open grassy area of Eragrostis
Sand 8 76,000 71 5.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1
CT06-06 Coastal
Acacia karroo Sand 6.6 100,000 54 35.7 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.6
CT06-07 Coastal
Dense shrubby vegetation Loam 8.3 920,000 20 56.5 eeee
CT10-12 Coastal
Eragrostis rehmannii;Asparagus
sp.; Chasmanthe aethiopica;
Rhoicissus sp.
Loam 6 28,000 45 4.3 eeee
STV11-01 Strandveld 34,37883333,
Stoebe cinorera;Erharta villosa.
Sand 5.3 185,000 103 4.8 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8
STV11-16 Strandveld 34,4132,
Poaceae; Restionaceae;
Sideroxylon inerme
Sand 5.9 513,000 122 4.5 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.7
STV11-20 Strandveld 34,36381667,
Agathosma sp.; Asteraceae Sand 7.6 20,000 24 14.3 eeee
STV11-21 Strandveld 34,3731,
Asteraceae; Poaceae Sand 7.4 83,000 60 5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8
STV11-51 Strandveld 34,37893333,
Restionaceae; Olea europaea
subsp. Africana;Metalasia sp.;
Agathosma sp.
Sand 7.5 75,000 48 8.3 eeee
STV11-54 Strandveld 34,40275,
Metalasia sp.; Searsia graviolens;
Chrysanthemoides monilifera;
Thamnochortus insignis
Sand 7.9 7500 11 10 eeee
STV11-55 Strandveld 34,38378333,
Sideroxylon inerme;Chasmanthe
aethiopica;Searsia glauca;
Thamnochortus insignis
Sand 7.6 7500 11 22.2 eeee
DC11-18 Dune cordon 34,41866667,
Restionaceae; Chrysanthemoides
monilifera;Sideroxylon inerme
Sand 5.6 83,000 65 3.2 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.7
DC11-38 Dune cordon 34,39383333,
Roepera morgsana;Carpobrotus
Sand 6.7 7000 36 8.8 eeee
DC11-39 Dune cordon 34,43165,
Osteospernum moniliferum;
Carpobrotus edulis;Roepera
Sand 7.4 27,000 19 5.3 eeee
DC11-71 Dune cordon 34,3667,
Searsia glauca;Phylica ericoides;
Sand 7.9 22,000 9 11.1 eeee
DC11-72 Dune cordon 34,36693333,
Sideroxylon inerme Sand 7.3 37,000 21 0 eeee
DC11-73 Dune cordon 34,36998333,
Roepera morgsana; Asteraceae;
Carpobrotus edulis
Sand 7.8 28,000 27 0 eeee
DC11-75 Dune cordon 34,39611667,
Pterocarpus tricuspidatus;Phylica
Sand 7.8 38,000 13 0 eeee
Forest biome
CF10-13 Coastal Forest 34,06155,
Celtis sp.; Vepris sp. Loam 6 345,000 108 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3
RP11-13 Riparian 34,25971667,
Acacia karroo; Poaceae;
Sand 5.5 2,440,000 166 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.5
RP11-14 Riparian 34,26373333,
Acacia karroo; Poaceae;
Sand 6.2 1,240,000 203 3 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.4
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179164
The preliminary phytolith results of modern soils from the area
showed the presence of some morphotypes, similar to those
described by Cordova and Scott (2010) and Cordova (2013) as
papillated and non-papillated rondels and which these authors
describe as being characteristic of Restionaceae. In order to clarify
whether our morphotypes corresponded to this family we present
here the rst results of the analyses of four Restionaceae plant
specimens collected in the study area (Elegia juncea,Thamnochortus
insignis and T.rigidus and Restio triticeus) (Table A1).
3.2. Methods
3.2.1. Physico-chemical analyses
The physico-chemical analyses (soil texture and pH) of the 2011
samples werecarried out at Bemlab laboratoriesin Cape Town, South
Africa. The pH analysisof the samples from 2006, 2009, and 2010 was
carried out using a CRISON BASIC 20 þpH-meter and mineralogy
was analyzed using Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR), all at the Laboratory of Archaeology of the University of Bar-
celona. Infrared spectra were obtained using KBr pellets (potassium
bromide) at 4 cm
resolution with a Nicolet iS5 spectrometer.
3.2.2. Phytolith analysis
The phytolith extraction from modern soils and Restionaceae
plant specimens was carried out at the Laboratory of Archaeology of
the University of Barcelona. Methods for the modern soils followed
Katz et al. (2010). An initial sediment weight of between 30 and
50 mg was required. Carbonateminerals were dissolvedadding 50
of hydrochloric acid (6 N HCl). After the bubbling ceased, 450 ml of
2.4 g/ml sodium polytungstate solution Na
O] was
added. The tube was vortexed, sonicated and centrifuged for 5 min at
5000 rpm (MiniSpin plus, Eppendorf). The supernatant was subse-
quently removed to a new 0.5 ml centrifuge tube and vortexed. For
examination underthe optical microscope, an aliquot of 50 ml of the
supernatant was placed on a microscope slide and covered with a
24 mm 24 mm cover-slip. Quanticationof the total phytolithswas
based on 20 elds at 200magnication whereas morphological
identication of phytoliths took place at 400magnication. Mini-
mally, 200 phytoliths were counted for the morphological analysis
and when this was notpossible we analyzed only those samples with
a minimum number of 50 phytoliths in order to obtain as much in-
formation as possible (Albert and Weiner, 2001).
The phytolith extraction process from Restionaceae modern
plants is a modication of the methods described in Albert and
Weiner (2001) and Parr et al. (2001). Washed and air dried aliquots
were weighed and burned in a mufe furnace at 500
C for 2.5 h. The
ash was treated with an equivolume solution of 1 N HCl for 30 min at
C, to leave only the siliceous minerals where phytoliths are
found. The inorganicacid insoluble fraction (AIF)was centrifuged, re-
suspended in deionized water, and centrifuged again. The superna-
tant was discarded and the washing was repeated three times. The
pellet was transferred to a glass Petri dish and about 10 ml of 30%
hydrogenperoxide (H
) was added. The samplewas evaporated on
a hot plate at 70
C. More hydrogen peroxide was added as needed
until all bubbling ceased. The remaining residue was carefully
removed from the Petri dish, weighed, and transferred into an
Eppendorf tube for storage. Microscope slides were prepared using
around 1 mg of the nal fraction with Entellan mounting media
(Merck). Phytolith counting and identication followed the pro-
cedures described above for the soil samples.
3.2.3. Phytolith morphological identication and classication
Morphological identication of phytoliths was based on our
modern plant reference collection that hasbeen compiled from plant
species that are found in the study area (Esteban, unpublished data).
The study also includes the four Restionaceae specimens described
here. Reference collections from other study areas have also been
consulted (Albert and Weiner, 2001; Bamford et al., 2006; Albert
et al., in press). Additionally, the results were also compared to the
modern reference collection of graminoids from South Africa
developed by Rossouw (2009), Cordova and Scott (2010), and
Cordova (2013). Standard literature (Twiss et al.,1969; Piperno,1988,
2006; Mulholland and Rapp, 1992 and references therein) was also
accessed when necessary. The terminology for describing phytolith
morphotypes was based on the anatomical and/or taxonomic origin
of the phytoliths.When this was not possible, geometricaltraits were
followed. The International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature (ICPN)
was also followed where possible (Madella et al., 2005).
3.2.4. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis one-way ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey
Honest Signicant Differences (HSD) tests were performed on the
dataset in order to identify those morphotypes that are statistically
representative of specic vegetation types or biomes. These tests
account for the variation in total numbers of phytolith morpho-
types counted for each vegetation type and biome. The null hy-
pothesis in each test assumes that there is no signicant difference
in the distribution of phytolith morphotypes between the different
vegetation types and biomes from the GCFR.
The non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test was also used to identify
signicant differences in the mean values of phytolith indices be-
tween vegetation types since data were non-normally distributed
(ShapiroeWilk test for normality).
All statistical procedures were performed with the JMP-
SAS12.1.0 software. Samples from mountain fynbos, fynbos/renos-
terveld, dune cordon, coastal forest and wetlands were excluded
Table 1 (continued )
(Long, Lat)
Dominant taxa Soil
of phytoliths
# Phytoliths
% Weathered
RP11-48 Riparian 34,33896667,
Euphorbia mauritanica;Roepera
Sand 7.3 97,000 55 3.8 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.5
RP11-49 Riparian 34,32151667,
Acacia karroo; Poaceae Loam 6.9 4,300,000 220 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.6
RP11-59 Riparian 34,30161667,
Acacia karroo; Poaceae Sand 7.3 850,000 156 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.7
RP11-79 Riparian 34,04986667,
Acacia karroo;Albuca maxima;
Poaceae; Aloe ferox
Sand 4.7 1,170,000 193 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.5
RP11-80 Riparian 34,08223333,
Acacia karroo;Albuca maxima Sand 5.4 340,000 64 0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.5
W10-08 Wetland 34,0608,
Cyperus textilis;Stenotaphrum
secundatum;Arundo sp.
Loam 6 1,590,000 183 7.6 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 165
from the statistical analysis due to the absence of replicated sam-
ples from the same vegetation type or because phytoliths were
absent or identied in few concentrations as occurred for dune
cordon vegetation. Only samples from riparian vegetation repre-
sent Azonal vegetation.
4. Results
Table 1 lists the results of the analysis of the sediment samples,
which includes information about the samples, vegetation type,
geographical coordinates, the dominant taxa, the type of soils and
the pH of soils as well as the estimated phytolith concentration in
sediments, the total number of phytoliths that were identied, the
percentage of weathered morphotypes and the D/Pº, Fy, Iph and Ic
indices values. Table 2 lists the distribution of phytolith morpho-
types in the samples and their plant attribution (plant types and
plant parts). These morphotypes were later related to the vegeta-
tion type, the dominant plants, and the type of soil. All of the
samples showed an acidic to a moderate alkaline pH. FTIR results
further indicated that clay and quartz are the main mineral com-
ponents in all the samples but these minerals occurred in different
proportions depending on the type of soils.
Phytoliths were identied in different concentrations in all of
the analyzed samples. Renosterveld, riparian vegetation, and grassy
fynbos vegetation provided the highest amount of phytoliths per
gram of sediment (g/sed) (Table 1). In contrast, the samples that
were collected from limestone fynbos, dune cordon, coastal thicket
and strandveld vegetation had the lowest amount of phytoliths.
Weathered morphotypes showing irregular shapes and pitted
surfaces were identied in low numbers in all the samples and
almost never above 20%, with the exception of samples from coastal
thicket. Together with phytoliths, diatoms and sponge spicules
were also recovered from most of the samples, albeit in varying
amounts. Samples from riparian, subtropical and coastal thicket
vegetation contained the highest number of diatoms.
Grass phytoliths were common to all vegetation types analyzed.
Samples from limestone fynbos showed a low grass phytolith
component (Table 2). Among grasses, GSSCs were the most repre-
sentative morphotypes, together with the presence of prickles,
bulliforms fan-shaped as well as long cell with decorated margins
(mainly echinates) (Fig. 2aec, respectively). GSSCs have been used
widely as climatic indicators due to their characteristic morphol-
ogies that generally relate to different Poaceae subfamilies. For
example, rondels, which include trapezoids are common in C
Pooideae, bilobates and crosses in C
Panicoideae and saddles in C
Chloridoideae (Twiss et al., 1969; Twiss, 1987, 1992; Fredlund and
Tieszen, 1994, 1997). In addition to Pooideae, GSSC rondels have
also been identied in South Africa in the C
Ehrhartoideae and
Danthonioideae subfamilies (Cordova and Scott, 2010; Cordova,
2013). Finally, oblongs are common in C
Pooideae grasses
(Rossouw, 2009). Accordingly, GSSCs have been classied in four
categories: rondels (rondels, trapezoids, towers), lobates (bilobates,
crosses and polylobates), saddles and oblongs. Rondels were the
most common GSSCs recognized in our samples (Fig. 2def), while
lobates (Fig. 2g and h) and saddles (Fig. 2i) were also represented,
albeit in lower numbers. The distribution of grasses in the phytolith
record was traced using a ternary diagram highlighting composi-
tion differences among vegetation types and GSSCs (Fig. 3). Here
the category rondels include also the oblong morphotypes. The
latters dominate most of the vegetation types while samples from
riparian vegetation present higher proportion of saddles (Fig. 3).
Among eudicot plants the most representative phytoliths were
parallelepiped blockys, epidermal ground mass polyhedral (Fig. 2j),
eudicot hair cells (Fig. 2k) and sclerenchyma (Fig. 2l). Psilate and
rugulate spheroids were also identied in high frequencies mainly
in samples from limestone fynbos vegetation.
Other common morphotypes that were identied included large
spheroids, sometimes showing protuberances, with granulate or
verrucate decoration (~25
m) (Fig. 4aec) and spheroids showing
spiraling decoration, sometimes showing a double ring on the edges
m) (Fig. 4def). These morphotypes resemble those
described by Cordova and Scott (2010) and Cordova (2013) as being
representative of Restionaceae plants. They were mainly found in
fynbos, strandveld, and dune cordon vegetation (both thicket-
fynbos mosaics), and marginally renosterveld vegetation. Our
comparison with the modern Restionaceae plants (Elegia juncea,T.
insignis,T.rigidus and Restio triticeus) conrmed that these mor-
photypes correspond to Restionaceae plants (Fig. 4gel). In this work
we have chosen not to follow Cordova's (Cordova and Scott, 2010;
Cordova, 2013) distinction between papillated and non-papillated
rondels since they have, in fact, spheroidal shapes that can be
recognized when rotating phytoliths under the microscope. Elon-
gate phytolith morphotypes were also observed in Restionaceae
plants. Because these are also produced by other plants they were
not used here as representative of Restionaceae. Furthermore, psi-
late and rugulate spheroids (~10
m) were also identied in our
modern plants (Fig. 5aed), each having similar shapes, decorations,
and sizes to the ones that were identied in the wood and bark of
trees and shrubs (Fig. 5eeh) from our modern plant reference
collection in the study area (Esteban, unpublished data). In order to
circumvent any confusion with psilate or rugulate spheroid phyto-
liths, which are both produced in Restionaceae (Fig. 5aed) and
eudicot wood (Fig. 5eeh) (Table A1), the characteristic large gran-
ulate spheroids and verrucate spheroids showing spiraling decora-
tion from Restionaceae are both referred to here as restio phytoliths.
4.1. Phytolith indices
Phytolith indices have been used widely as indicators of aridity
[Iph (%) index] (Diester-Haass et al., 1973; Alexandre et al., 1997;
Novello et al., 2012); climate conditions based on the C
distribution [Ic index] (Twiss, 1992; Barboni et al., 2007; Bremond
et al., 2008); tree cover density [D/Pºindex] (Alexandre et al.,
1997eD/P index; Barboni et al., 1999; Bremond et al., 2005a,
2008); evapotranspiration and water stress [Fs index] (Bremond
et al., 2005b; Novello et al., 2012; Fisher et al., 2013); and aquatic
and xerotic grass dominance [Iaq and Ixe indices] (Novello et al.,
2012, 2015). Here, we used the D/Pºindex (Bremond et al., 2008)
to identify shrubby vegetation/tree cover density, which is dened
as follows:
psilate spheroids þrugulate spheroids
The Ic and Iph indices were also used to further characterize
grass distribution among vegetation types. We modied the for-
mula by eliminating the percentage, so they are dened as follows:
Ic ¼GSSC Rondelsðrondels;towers;trapezoidsandoblongsÞ
Iph ¼GSSC Saddles
PGSSCs Saddles and Lobates
Furthermore, we have dened a new phytolith index that is
specic to the identication of fynbos vegetation, which we term
the Fy index. Since fynbos is shrub-dominated vegetation with a
high Restionaceae and a low grass component (Bergh et al., 2014),
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179166
Table 2
List of morphotypes identied, their plant type and plant part attribution and the average of their presence in the vegetation types.
Total PPlant type Phytolith
Plant attribution Fynbos biome Fynbos/
Thicket biome Forest biome Azonal vegetation
Renosterveld Subtropical
Strandveld Dune
Riparian Wetland
Bulliform Grass leaves 1.7 3.6 7.0 4.7 13.9 4.5 1.6 1.5 7.3 6.7 1.9 4.8 6.0
Papillae Grass leaves 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 3.9 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Prickle Grass leaves 6.0 4.8 6.7 3.9 7.0 5.7 8.5 2.4 4.6 3.3 0.0 4.2 7.1
Long cell with
decorated margins
2.9 2.5 2.0 1.6 0.0 2.7 1.1 0.8 2.8 3.3 0.0 2.8 3.3
GSSC Rondel Grasses 20.9 26.0 24.6 33.1 10.4 37.5 22.5 24.5 30.1 31.7 21.3 28.3 26.2
GSSC Lobate Grasses 8.5 8.0 12.7 5.5 5.2 8.2 7.3 7.3 5.9 1.7 49.1 8.7 9.8
GSSC Saddle Grasses 2.2 3.8 3.4 1.6 12.2 6.3 6.3 26.4 5.0 13.3 10.2 22.4 2.7
GSSC Oblong Grasses 1.7 4.2 5.2 10.2 2.6 5.0 7.1 3.0 4.9 3.3 3.7 4.5 7.1
Total grasses 43.9 52.7 61.7 60.6 51.3 70.0 58.2 67.3 60.6 63.3 86.1 75.8 62.3
Restio morphotype Restionaceae 13.0 7.1 2.2 3.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 6.6 1.7 0.0 0.4 0.0
Total restios 13.0 7.1 2.2 3.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 6.6 1.7 0.0 0.4 0.0
Hat-shape Cyperaceae 0.7 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0
Total sedges 0.7 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0
Spheroid echinate Arecaceae 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Total palms 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Sclerenchyma Eudicot leaves 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5
Ellipsoid Eudicot wood
and bark
1.0 0.6 0.8 2.4 0.0 0.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Hair cell Eudicot Eudicot leaves 0.0 1.0 1.4 0.8 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0
Hair Base Eudicot Eudicot leaves 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Stomata Eudicot leaves 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0
Parallelepiped blocky Eudicot wood
and bark
3.6 2.2 2.2 0.8 2.6 1.6 0.7 0.4 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 4.4
Spheroid Eudicot wood
and bark
22.0 11.6 0.9 7.9 9.6 4.4 5.5 4.3 6.0 13.3 2.8 1.9 5.5
Vascular elements Eudicot leaves 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
Fibers Eudicots 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Epidermal ground-
mass polyhedral
Eudicot leaves 0.0 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.7 0.9 0.6 0.0
Fruit phyotliths Eudicot fruits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Total eudicots 27.4 16.7 5.4 11.8 12.2 7.3 8.8 4.7 10.2 15.0 3.7 4.5 10.4
Cylindroid Non-diagnostic 5.8 6.6 8.5 5.5 6.1 5.3 6.3 2.3 3.0 0.0 1.9 4.5 10.9
Non-diagnostic 3.4 10.8 18.1 15.7 17.4 11.2 11.8 6.2 13.6 11.7 5.6 9.2 12.6
Non-diagnostic 2.7 1.7 0.6 1.6 6.1 1.2 3.1 2.4 2.9 3.3 0.0 2.1 1.6
Total elongates 11.9 19.0 27.2 22.8 29.6 17.6 21.3 11.0 19.5 15.0 7.4 15.8 25.1
Non-diagnostic 3.3 3.2 3.5 0.8 6.1 4.0 11.7 16.0 2.5 5.0 2.8 3.3 1.6
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 167
Fig. 2. Microphotographs of phytoliths identied in samples analyzed. Pictures taken at 400. a) prickle (RV10-04), b) bulliform cell (GF10-10), c) elongate with echinate margin
(RV11-58), def) rondel GSSCs (SF11-42, SF11-43 and RV11-15), geh) bilobates GSSCs (GF10-14, CF10-13), i) saddle GSSCs (CT06-05), j) epidermal ground mass polyhedral (STV11-
01), k) eudicot hair cell (SF11-37), l) sclerenchyma (RP11-59). Scale bar represents 10
Fig. 3. Ternary plot showing the grass silica short cells, grouped by the three fundamental categories: rondels, lobates and saddles, distribution among vegetation types. Rondel
category includes also the oblong morphotypes. Legend: CT, coastal thicket; GF, grassy fynbos; LF, limestone fynbos; RP, riparian; RV, renosterveld; SF, sand fynbos; StT, subtropical
thicket; STV, strandveld.
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179168
Fig. 4. Microphotographs of four restio phytoliths identied in modern soils and Restionaceae modern plants. Phytoliths are shown from three different points of view by its
rotation on the slide. Pictures taken at 400.aec) large spheroid showing protuberances, with granulate decoration (LF11-68); def) spheroids showing spiraling decoration (LF11-
85); gei) spheroid showing protuberances, with granulate/verrucate decoration (Thamnochortus insignis); jel) spheroids showing spiraling decoration with a double ring on the
edges (Elegia juncea). Scale bar represents 10
Fig. 5. Microphotographs of phytoliths spheroids psilate and rugulate identi ed in Restionaceae plants (aed) and the wood and bark of eudicot plants (eeh). Pictures taken at 400.
aeb) Restio triticeus,ced) Thamnochortus insignis,e)Protea lanceolata,f)Leucospermum praecox,g)Elytropappus rhinocerotis and h) Protea repens. Scale bar represents 10
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 169
we dened the Fy index as the ratio of restio phytoliths and
spheroids psilate and rugulate phytoliths to the sum of GSSCs,
which is dened as follows:
restio þpsilate spheroids þrugulate spheroids phytoliths
As we pointed out above, spheroids psilateand rugulate phytoliths
were identied in the wood of trees and shrubs and in Restionaceae
from our plant reference collection making it impossible to distin-
guish each phytolithmorphotype from one-another. Considering that
fynbos is a shrub-dominated vegetation and Restionaceae are the
diagnostic family of the Fynbos biome, we have therefore assumed
that the identication of spheroids psilateand rugulate, whetherthey
are produced by woody eudicots or Restionaceae, are representative
of fynbos vegetation. Thus the Fy index provides a signal for the
presence of vegetation characteristic of the Fynbos biome. Further-
more, we assume that in samples from vegetation types devoid of
Restionaceae plants, and also having no restio phytoliths, spheroid
morphotypes might be representative of woody eudicots.
The KruskaleWallis test showed a statistically signicant dif-
ference between the D/Pºand Fy index values by vegetation type
¼24.92, p¼0.0008 and x
¼24.84, p¼0.008, D/Pºand Fy
indices respectively) with the highest mean ranks for limestone
fynbos (46.33 for both indices) and the lowest mean ranks for
grassy fynbos (8.5 and 19.5, D/Pºand Fy indices respectively) and
riparian vegetation (12.86 and 11.07, D/Pºand Fy indices respec-
tively) (Fig. 6a and b). Iph values also detected statistically signi-
cant differences between vegetation types (x
¼16.84, p¼0.0184)
with the highest mean rank of 39.93 for riparian, 33.75 for coastal
thicket and 32.5 subtropical thicket (Fig. 6c). There were no sig-
nicant differences in the Ic index between vegetation types
¼12.81, p¼0.0769). Nonetheless, samples from renosterveld
had the largest numbers of GSSC rondels, while riparian and coastal
thicket the lowest (Fig. 6d).
4.2. Fynbos biome
4.2.1. Limestone fynbos
The dominant vegetation of the sampled areas consisted mainly
of restios, Asteraceae shrubs and other eudicot small trees and
shrubs. Grasses were either absent or barely present (Table 1). The
few grasses that were observed corresponded to either Ehrharta or
Phytoliths from limestone fynbos vegetation were identied in
low concentration ranging from 7000 to 160,000 phytoliths g/sed.
This low phytolith concentration might be related to the restio and
Asteraceae dominance, which produce low amounts of phytoliths,
combined with the low presence of grasses (Table 1). Interestingly,
the only sample (LF11-23) where Themeda triandra (C
was part of the dominant vegetation also showed low phytolith
Out of the seven samples analyzed from this vegetation type,
three showed enough phytoliths for a reliable morphological
interpretation (LF11-23, LF11-68 and LF11-85). Although grasses
were not common in the vegetation type, grass phytoliths were
well represented in the phytolith record. Rondel phytoliths were
most common among GSSCs (mean: 51.3%) whereas lobates were
also less frequent (mean: 38.7%). Interestingly, we observed that
Fig. 6. Box plot showing the phytolith indices values among vegetation types. a) D/Pºindex [P(psilate and rugulate spheroids)/grass silica short cells] and the standard deviation
among the different vegetation types; b) Fy index [P(psilate and rugulate spheroids and restio phytoliths)/grass silica short cells] and the standard deviation among the different
vegetation types; c) Iph index [GSSC saddles/P(GSSC saddles and lobates)]; d) Ic index [GSSC rondels and oblongs/P(GSSC rondels, lobates and saddles)]. The mean values (mid-
line), standard error ±(box) and standard deviation (whiskers) are given for the four indices. Legend: LF, limestone fynbos; SF, sand fynbos; GF, grassy fynbos; RV, renosterveld; StT,
subtropical thicket; CT, coastal thicket; STV, strandveld; RP, riparian. Different letters indicate means that are signicantly different based on a KruskaleWallis test.
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179170
despite Themeda trianda was the dominant grass species from
sample LF11-23 area, which produces GSSC bilobates in high
numbers (Rossouw, 2009), it had the lowest counts of GSSC lobates.
Consistent with the vegetation, restio phytoliths were identied in
high frequencies in all the samples (Table 2). Hateshape phytoliths
from the Cyperaceae family were identied in samples LF11-68
although sedges were not identied in the eld. Eudicot phyto-
liths, mainly from wood and bark, were identied in high quantities
in all the samples analyzed, where spheroid psilates were the most
representative morphotypes (Table 2).
4.2.2. Sand fynbos
The vegetation present during sampling varied greatly in the
different sampled areas. However, eudicots such as Leucadendron
salignum,Leucospermum praecox and L. muirii,Protea repens, and
some Erica spp. were highly represented. Restios were also well
represented and grasses dominated in some of the areas (Table 1).
Out of the nine samples that we analyzed from sand fynbos,
those from grass-dominated areas exhibited the highest phytolith
concentration (SF11-42 and SF11-43). The samples having the
lowest phytolith concentration corresponded to areas where
eudicot plants dominated (SF10-05, SF10-06, SF11-37, SF11-47,
SF11-62, SF11-82) (Table 1). The exception was sample SF11-45,
which showed a high phytolith concentration and little grass-cover.
Overall, grass phytoliths dominated sand fynbos samples and
among those grass phytoliths that were identied, GSSC rondels
were the most representative morphotypes, accounting for 57%
(mean) of the different GSSCs (Table 2 and Fig. 3). Restio phytoliths
were also identied in high frequencies. Interestingly, samples
SF11-45 and SF11-47, which were collected from areas where res-
tios did not dominate, showed the highest concentration of these
morphotypes (Tables 1 and 2). Cyperaceae hateshape phytoliths
were also identied in some sand fynbos samples, and these
morphotypes were also observed in samples from limestone fynbos
vegetation, even though they were not dominant in the vegetation
(SF10-05, SF11-37, SF11-47 and SF11-62). Eudicot phytoliths
(mainly spheroids from the wood/bark) were identied in all the
samples in high numbers with the exception of samples SF11-42
and SF11-43.
4.2.3. Grassy fynbos
Grassy fynbos vegetation was dominated by grasses such as
Themeda trianda (C
Panicoideae), Eragrostis capensis and E. curvula
Chloridoideae) and Pentachistis colorata (C
(Table 1). Phytolith results showed a high phytolith concentration
with a dominance of grass characteristic phytoliths (mainly GSSCs
and bulliform cells) (Table 2). Samples SF11-42 and 43 presented
the highest grass content of all the samples. Among GSSCs, rondels
are represented in high frequencies in the two samples (GF10-10
and GF10-11), where Pentachistis colorata,Themeda trianda and
Eragrostis curvula and E. capensis were dominant (Fig. 3). Even
though chloridoids dominated in sample GF10-10, GSSC saddles
were identied in low frequencies. Conversely, sample GF10-14,
which was collected from a hilltop in the Brenton Lake area, con-
tained high frequencies of GSSC lobates and saddles. Restios and
eudicot phytoliths (leaves and wood and bark) were also identied
although in very low frequencies (Table 2). These results are
consistent with the low presence of these plants in this vegetation
4.2.4. Mountain fynbos
Only one sample was collected from mountain fynbos vegeta-
tion (MF12-01). The sample was collected from an area where
restios and sedges dominated the plant cover, but there were some
associated shrubs (Table 1). Phytoliths were identied in relatively
high concentration and were dominated by rondel GSSCs (Table 2;
Fig. 3). Restio phytoliths were not recorded in high numbers,
although these plants dominated the vegetation at the collection
area. Spheroids phytoliths were also identied in relatively high
concentrations (Table 2).
4.3. Renosterveld biome
4.3.1. Renosterveld
Renosterveld vegetation on the Cape south coast (south of
Langeberg and Riviersonderend Mountains) is considered to be a
distinct vegetation type on account of the high abundance of
largely C4 grasses and 50e70% plant cover (Mucina and Rutherford,
2006). The species composition of renosterveld differs signicantly
from any fynbos vegetation types due the lack of Proteaceae and
Ericaceae species. The dominant vegetation in the 17 samples
analyzed from renosterveld was composed of shrubs such as Ely-
tropappus rhinocerotis (commonly known as renosterbos), other
Asteraceae shrubs and various family grasses (C
Panicoideae and
Chloridoideae, and C
Ehrhartoideae and Danthonioideae)
(Table 1).
Quantitatively most of the samples from renosterveld showed
the highest phytolith concentration in comparison to other vege-
tation types, ranging from 4.8 to 1.2 million phytoliths g/sed. The
only exceptions were samples RV11-15 and RV11-58, with much
lower counts (Table 1). As with other vegetation types, samples
containing the highest phytolith concentration were collected from
areas where grasses were dominant.
All the samples showed similar phytolith assemblages with
grasses dominating and restios and eudicot plants represented in
lesser amounts (Table 2). GSSC rondels were the most abundant
morphotypes identied among grasses. The exceptions were
samples RV09-01, RV11-15 and RV11-58, which contained a higher
presence of GSSC saddles and lobates, that each made up around
30%. Sample RV09-01 was collected from an area where C
dominated, such as Themeda trianda and Brachiaria serrata
ePanicoideae) and Eragrostis curvula and E.capensis
eChloridoideae) along with Cymbopogon marginatus
eAndropogonae). Restio phytoliths were also identied but in
very low frequencies (Table 2). Though restios were recognized in
most of the sampled areas, they did not represent a dominant
component. Among eudicots, spheroid phytoliths were in slightly
higher frequencies with the exception of samples RV09-03 and
RV11-67 despite vegetation growing in these plots being similar to
the other ones. Nonetheless, we need to bear in mind that because
grass phytoliths were identied in very high numbers both restio
and woody plants, which are low phytolith producers, might
appear underrepresented in the phytolith record.
4.4. Transition fynbos/renosterveld
One sample was collected from this area where vegetation
showed characteristic elements from both fynbos and renosterveld
vegetation that had high grass presence, restios, and shrubs (F/
RV10-07). This sample was collected below Tritoniopsis sp. and
Restionaceae. The phytolith concentration was similar to both
grassy fynbos and renosterveld samples (Table 1). The phytolith
assemblage was dominated by grasses although restios and eudicot
phytoliths were also well represented. GSSC saddles dominated
among other different GSSCs making up 50% of the assemblage
(Table 2). No further characterization of transition vegetation could
be inferred through the phytolith assemblage.
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 171
4.5. Thicket biome
4.5.1. Subtropical thicket
Subtropical thicket vegetation was dominated by eudicot plants
characterized mainly by Sideroxylon inerme,Eriocephalus africanus
and Searsia pterota. Of the three samples analyzed from this vege-
tation type, only sample StT09-06 contained a high phytolith con-
centration (1.2 million phytoliths g/sed) (Table 1). The phytolith
assemblage from this sample showed low morphological variety
with a dominance of grasses even though wood/bark phytoliths
were also well represented. Among the grasses, GSSCs rondelswere
the dominant morphotype and lobates and saddles were identied
in much lower frequencies (Table 2).
4.5.2. Coastal thicket
Six samples were collected from the densely vegetated cliff area
around Pinnacle Point where Euclea racemosa,Euphorbia spp.,
Sideroxylon inerme,Grewia occidentalis,Lycium sp., Zygophyllum
morgsana and Cassine peragua dominated. Grasses were also pre-
sent in some of the areas, and Eragrostis spp. dominated in sample
CT06-05 (Table 1). Our results showed very low phytolith concen-
tration overall, with the only exception being sample CT06-07
(900,000 phytoliths g/sed), which was collected from a loamy
soil. Out of eight samples collected only four (CT06-01, CT06-02,
CT06-05 and CT06-06) contained enough phytoliths for a reliable
interpretation of their data. Furthermore, despite the diversity of
eudicot plants in coastal thicket vegetation, our samples showed
low morphological variety with characteristic grass phytoliths be-
ing the most abundant. Among these grasses, GSSC saddles domi-
nated along with lobates morphotypes (Table 2). For example, in
sample CT06-05, where Eragrostis spp. was the dominant plant
component, GSSC saddles represented the 92%. Whereas no palm
species occur in the GCFR today, spheroid echinates, characteristics
of the Arecaceae family, were identied in samples CT06-02 and
CT06-05 although in low frequencies. Spheroids and characteristic
eudicot leaf phytolith morphotypes were identied in low fre-
quencies in spite of the denser woody vegetation occurring in the
area (Table 2).
4.5.3. Strandveld
The dominant vegetation in our sampled areas was grasses
(mainly C
Ehrhartoideae), restios, asteraceous plants and other
trees or shrubs such as Stoebe cinorera,Sideroxylon inerme,Aga-
thosma spp., Searsia spp. and Metalasia sp. (Table 1).
Out of the seven samples that we analyzed, only three samples
(STV11-1, STV11-16 and STV11-21) contained enough phytoliths for
reliable interpretations. As with other vegetation types, the highest
phytolith concentration corresponded to areas where grasses were
dominant (Table 1). The phytolith assemblage recovered from these
samples is most characteristic of fynbos vegetation, whereas grass
phytoliths dominated in all the samples. Among GSSCs, rondels
were dominant and associated with lobates and saddles in most of
the samples (Table 2). This is consistent with Ehrhartoideae being
the most representative grass family in the area. Restio phytoliths
and spheroids were present in high frequencies in sample STV11-1.
4.5.4. Dune cordon
The vegetation present in dune cordon areas was characterized
by asteraceous plants and other shrubby vegetation with few grassy
elements (only Ehrharta villosa was identied). Dune cordon sam-
ples also had the lowest phytolith concentrations. No sample had
phytolith concentration exceeding 100,000 phytoliths g/sed
(Table 1) and only sample DC11-18 contained enough phytoliths for
a reliable interpretation of the data. Furthermore, grass phytoliths
dominated these samples even though grasses were rarely
observed in the understorey of dune cordon vegetation (Tables 1
and 2). Among grasses, GSSC rondels were the dominant mor-
photypes while saddles were also well-represented. Restio phyto-
liths were noted although in low numbers. Eudicot phytoliths,
mainly spheroids from the wood and bark, were identied in
relatively high frequencies in all the samples (Table 2).
4.6. Forest biome
4.6.1. Coastal forest
Coastal forest area was densely vegetated and dominated by
eudicot trees such as Celtis sp. and Vepris sp., as well as other
eudicot herbs and shrubs. The understorey was composed of
grasses, although they were not part of the dominant vegetation.
Our quantitative results showed relatively high phytolith concen-
tration (345,000 phytolith g/sed) (Table 1). In relation to
morphology, grasses dominated the phytolith assemblage making
up 86%. Contrary to other samples, GSSC lobates dominated here,
making up 50% of the total phytolith morphotypes identied. Few
phytoliths characteristics of eudicot leaves as well as few parallel-
epiped blocky morphotypes probably from the wood and bark of
eudicot were identied (Table 2).
4.7. Azonal vegetation
4.7.1. Riparian
The winter-deciduous Acacia karroo and other eudicot trees or
tall shrubs, as well as several asteraceous plants, dominated in most
of the sampled areas. Grasses were present as part of the dominant
vegetation for most of the areas in association to other herbaceous
plants (Table 1).
Together with grassy fynbos and renosterveld, samples from
riparian vegetation contained the highest phytolith concentration,
ranging from 4.3 million to 97,000 phytoliths g/sed. Samples with
the highest phytolith concentration corresponded to areas domi-
nated by grasses (Table 1). Morphologically, grass phytoliths were
the major component with a minor presence of phytoliths from
other plants (Table 2). GSSC saddles were the most representative
morphotypes. Although restios were not present in the sampled
areas, Restio phytoliths were identied in samples RP11-48, RP11-
59 and RP11-79. Hateshape phytoliths, characteristic of the
Cyperaceae family, were only identied in sample RP11-79, and in
very small abundance (~1%). Eudicot phytoliths, both from wood/
bark and leaves, were noted in low frequencies in all the samples
(Table 2).
4.7.2. Wetlands
The wetlands in our study area are seasonally inundated sites
that are adjacent to rivers and oodplains. Water levels may vary
throughout the year, but the sites are inundated for at least several
weeks per annum. Our sample was collected from the riverside of
the Little Brak River where Cyperaceae and Arundo grasses domi-
nated. Some eudicot trees and shrubs were also present. Phytoliths
were identied in high numbers (1,590,000 phytolith g/sed)
(Table 1). The phytolith assemblage was dominated by grass and
wood/bark phytoliths. Despite C
Panicoideae grasses dominated
the vegetation, GSSC lobates were identied in low frequencies
(Table 2). Characteristic sedge phytoliths (hat-shape) were absent
from the phytolith assemblage.
4.8. Statistical analysis
The results from the ANOVA test showed statistically signicant
differences in nine out of the twenty-two phytolith morphotypes
between vegetation types and in eight out of the twenty-two
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179172
phytolith morphotypes between biomes (p <0.05) (Tables A2 and
A3, respectively). Subsequently, we ran those signicant phytolith
morphotypes through a post hoc Tukey's HSD test, which is rep-
resented in Fig. 7 (phytolith morphotypes in regards to vegetation
types) and Fig. 8 (phytolith morphotypes in regards to vegetation
biomes). These results indicate that the null hypothesis can be
rejected, which stated that no signicant difference can be found
between the phytolith morphological distribution from each of the
vegetation types or biomes on the south coast of South Africa.
The ANOVA analysis also showed that parallelepiped blocky
(ANOVA, p ¼0.0378), spheroids (psilate and rugulate) (ANOVA,
p¼<0.0001) and restio phytoliths (ANOVA, p¼<0.0001) are the
dening phytolith morphotypes of limestone fynbos vegetation
(Table A2 and Fig. 7). No other vegetation type showed this pattern
(Fig. 7). These results are in agreement with those observed
through the D/Pºand Fy indices (Fig. 6a and b). The post hoc Tukey's
HSD test conrmed a clear separation among limestone fynbos
vegetation and the rest of the vegetation types (Fig. 7). Contrari-
wise, the statistical analysis conducted did not show any dening
phytolith morphotype in samples from sand and grassy fynbos
(Table A2 and Fig. 7). Nevertheless grassy fynbos vegetation is
characterized by the low presence of woody and restio elements
(Fig. 7).
Renosterveld vegetation is characterized mainly by a very low
presence of GSSC saddles (ANOVA, p ¼0.0024), spheroids (psilate
and rugulate) (ANOVA, p ¼0.0001) and restio phytoliths (ANOVA,
p¼0.0001) (Table A2 and Fig. 7). The post hoc Tukey's HSD test
showed that Renosterveld mainly differ from those vegetation
types belonging to the Thicket biome regarding the presence of
ellipsoids, GSSC saddles and irregular and indeterminate morpho-
types, and with limestone and sand fynbos vegetation types
regarding the presence of spheroids and restio phytoliths (Fig. 7).
ANOVA and post hoc Tukey's HSD test results identied hair
base phytoliths (ANOVA, p ¼0.0195) and ellipsoids (ANOVA,
p¼0.026) as the dening morphotypes for subtropical thicket
vegetation (Fig. 7). Coastal thicket vegetation is correlated with an
abundance of GSSC saddles (ANOVA, p ¼0.0024), irregular and
indeterminate morphotypes (ANOVA, p¼<0.0001), and spheroid
echinates from the Arecaceae subfamily (Table A2 and Fig. 7). The
statistical analysis did not show any dening phytolith distribution
in samples from strandveld vegetation (Table A2 and Fig. 7). Finally,
ANOVA and post hoc Turkey's HSD method demonstrated a clear
separation of riparian vegetation among the other vegetation types
by the abundance of GSSC saddles (ANOVA, p ¼0.0024) (Table A2
and Fig. 7).
When analyzing the phytolith assemblage in a broader scale
(vegetation biomes) it was observed that ANOVA and post hoc
Tukey's HSD test clearly differentiate the Fynbos biome from others
local biomes. Like our results of the limestone fynbos vegetation,
the Fynbos biome itself can be dened based on parallelepiped
blockys (ANOVA, p ¼0.005), spheroids psilate and rugulate
(ANOVA, p ¼0.0021), and restio phytoliths (ANOVA, p ¼0.0001)
(Table A3 and Fig. 8). ANOVA showed that Renosterveld biome is
mainly characterized by the abundance of GSSC rondels (ANOVA,
p¼0.0128) and a low presence of GSSC saddles (Fig. 8). The post
hoc Tukey's HSD test showed that the highest differences in the
presence of GSSC rondels are observed between Renosterveld and
Fynbos biome (Fig. 8). Thicket biome is mainly characterized by the
abundance of irregular and indeterminate morphotypes (ANOVA,
p¼0.0015) as well as the abundance of spheroid echinate phyto-
liths (ANOVA, p ¼0.0103). The post hoc Tukey's HSD test showed
that Thicket vegetation can be clearly differentiate among biomes
by the abundance in the presence of irregular phytoliths (ANOVA,
p¼0.0015) (Fig. 8). Finally, ANOVA showed that riparian vegetation
is correlated with the abundance of GSSC saddles (ANOVA,
p¼0.0027). The post hoc Tukey's HSD test showed that riparian
vegetation differs mainly from Fynbos and Renosterveld biomes
regarding GSSC saddle concentration and placed closely to the
Thicket biome (Table A3 and Fig. 8).
5. Discussion
5.1. Phytolith deposition and preservation in modern soils
Pre- and postdepositional processes may affect phytolith
deposition and preservation in soils (Piperno, 1988, 2006). Pre-
depositional processes are the factors that may inuence the
plant accumulation in soils and their subsequent release of phy-
toliths after organic material decay. External factors like the degree
of vegetation cover, the differential phytolith production in
different plants, and the life cycles of specic plants have all been
shown to inuence the pre-deposition of phytoliths in modern soils
(Piperno, 1988, 2006 and references therein). Other external factors
may relate to wildlife and consumption of certain plant parts such
as fruits or seeds, which when consumed will not contribute to the
soil component. Aeolian or re impact may also inuence phytolith
deposition in soils (see below).
South African grasses, for example, are high phytolith producers
while other plants such as trees, shrubs, restios and most geophytes
from the Iridaceae family are low phytolith producers (Esteban,
unpublished data). Furthermore, phytoliths from the wood and
bark of trees are often less well represented because these parts of
the plants live longer and their tissues are not often deposited in
the soils. In contrast, grasses and other herbaceous plants often
contribute a higher phytolith input in soils because these plants
have shorter life cycles. In areas with a dense understory it is
therefore more likely to nd phytoliths from graminoids and herbs
rather than from the trees themselves.
Our analysis of the sediment samples from our study area
showed a similar phytolith pattern. The samples that were
collected from shrubby vegetation, such as limestone fynbos, dune
cordon and strandveld, or samples that were collected from thicket
(coastal thicket) did not contain high phytolith concentration.
Conversely, samples from dense grassy vegetation, such as renos-
terveld and riparian vegetation, contained the highest phytolith
concentration. The differences in these cases are less likely to be the
product of actual vegetation changes rather than the dominance of
grassy phytoliths at the expense of plants that produce much fewer
phytoliths and the implication is that when grasses are present
then it makes accurate vegetation identication more difcult.
After their deposition, preservation of phytoliths in modern soils
is associated with the silicon cycle in which phytoliths are recycled
by plant roots immediately upon their deposition in the soil A
horizon (Alexandre et al., 1997; Derry et al., 2005). Soils with slow
development and under constant biomass activity might have low
preservation of the phytolith assemblage. Soils in the Southern
Cape are from slightly fertile to infertile (Thwaites and Cowling,
1988), with a slow development and under a low biomass activ-
ity. We assume that the rate of deposition of phytoliths in fynbos
vegetation (where perennial plants dominate) is lower than that of
other types of vegetation with a large representation of grasses
(annual plants). Consequently, the differences between the depo-
sition rate and the rate of recycling of phytoliths in the fynbos
vegetation account for their low concentration in soils.
Moreover, phytolith dissolution cannot be considered as cause
for their low concentration in samples since all of the samples
showed an acidic to a moderate alkaline pH.
Low phytolith concentration in very coarse soils or in very active
bioturbation soils has also been shown to be the result of phytolith
translocation (e.g. Fiskish et al., 2010). These authors showed size
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 173
dependence on phytolith percolation by water, with phytoliths
with a size diameter of 5
m being the most susceptible to move
downward. In our study, if phytolith translocation had occurred in
our samples with low number of phytoliths (limestone fynbos,
coastal thicket, strandveld vegetation types) then we would expect
to not see small morphotypes, such as GSSC rondels and saddles or
spheroids psilates and rugulates, what is not the case. Nonetheless,
this should be further tested by analyzing the bottom of soil
The presence of restio phytoliths in some riparian plots
where Restionaceae plants were not present might be related to
the alluvial character of these soils, and thus, restio phytoliths
might represent the runoff soil from up stream. Another likely
explanation of its presence can be explained due to their
transport in ash clouds after re events in fynbos vegetation as
it has been observed in other, although not-homologous, envi-
ronments (Aleman et al., 2014). Thus, either water ow or
aeolian transport or both could account for the small quantities
Fig. 7. Box-plots of the nine phytolith morphotypes pointed out by ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey Honest Signicant Differences (HSD) as statistically signicant different among
vegetation types. The mean values (mid-line), standard error ±(box) and standard deviation (whiskers) are given for the nine phytolith morphotypes. Legend: CT, coastal thicket;
GF, grassy fynbos; LF, limestone fynbos; RP, riparian; RV, renosterveld; SF, sand fynbos; StT, subtropical thicket; STV, strandveld. Different letters indicate means that are signicantly
different based on the post hoc Tukey (HSD) test.
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179174
of restio phytoliths in some riparian plots, despite the lack of
restio plants.
5.2. Recognition of GCFR vegetation types through modern
phytolith assemblages
Fynbos constitutes one of the most characteristic vegetation
types of the GCFR and thus the identication of key plants like
restios and shrubby vegetation in fossil phytolith assemblages is
critical to undertake accurate paleovegetation reconstructions. Our
results showed that limestone fynbos can be characterized through
the analyses of phytoliths from modern soils as well as by the
identication of certain characteristic phytolith morphotypes
(Fig. 7), such as restio phytoliths and spheroids. Our modern plant
reference study, however, has shown that both restios (Table A1)
and the wood of eudicot plants (e.g. Albert and Weiner, 2001;
Tsartsidou et al., 2007; Esteban unpublished data) produce very
few phytoliths per gram of plant material. The identication of
these morphotypes in our samples may be related to their good
preservation conditions. Previous studies have shown that the
stability of phytolith morphotypes do differ from each other with
spheroids showing the highest stability (Cabanes and Shahack-
Gross, 2015). Whereas no dissolution experiments have been con-
ducted on restio plants, their heavily silicied body suggests that
they might be relatively stable in soils and sediments.
Fire regime is another important factor in fynbos ecology, but its
role in phytolith deposition in soils has been discussed rarely. Fire
regime is responsible for the decay of shrubby and herbaceous
plants and the subsequent regeneration of shrubs and herbaceous
plants. Because modern soil phytolith assemblages represent an
amalgamation of the vegetation mosaic over a period of years to
several decades, the effects of re may favor a higher phytolith
deposition rate in soils thereby increasing the representation of
fynbos elements (shrubs and restios) in the phytolith record.
Therefore, an increased presence of spheroids and restio phytoliths
in fynbos soilsddespite low phytolith production of eudicots and
Restionaceaedmight, in fact, be related to the effects ofa persistent
re regime.
Furthermore, grass phytoliths were identied in all of our fyn-
bos samples even though mature fynbos (i.e. unburnt for ca.
Fig. 8. Box-plots of the eight phytolith morphotypes pointed out by ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey Honest Signicant Differences (HSD) as statistically signicant different among
vegetation biomes. The mean values (mid-line), standard error ±(box) and standard deviation (whiskers) are given for the eight phytolith morphotypes. Different letters indicate
means that are signicantly different based on the post hoc Tukey (HSD) test.
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179 175
10e20 yr) is characterized by a restio understorey with few grasses.
Grasses produce large amounts of phytoliths per gram of sediment
(Albert and Weiner, 2001; Bamford et al., 2006; Tsartsidou et al.,
2007; Esteban, unpublished data) and they are also most abun-
dant immediately following burning episodes (Linder and Ellis,
1990). Thus, the effect of re might be also responsible of leaving
grass phytoliths as component of the soils.
In addition to the characterization of limestone vegetation, our
study also showed how D/Pºand Fy (high values) indices can be
used for the identication of vegetation types with a high grass
component, like grassy fynbos, renosterveld, and riparian vegeta-
tion (low values) (Fig. 6a and b). This observation is especially
important because it provides insights into the true character of the
paleo-vegetation regardless of any overbearing plant components.
Sand fynbos samples, for example, showed a mean Fy index value of
0.6 with a high standard deviation of 0.5. This high deviation
among samples is caused by the presence of grasses in samples
SF11-42 and SF11-43, which showed a very low Fy values (Fig. 6b).
These results show that when grasses are present, its occurrence
might mask the correct identication of vegetation types what
might constitute a problem facing paleoenvironmetal studies
across South Africa.
Forest and Thicket biomes are characterized by dense vegetation
and dominated by trees and shrubs that are often succulent. D/P
(Alexandre et al., 1997; Barboni et al., 1999; Bremond et al., 2005a)
and D/Pº(Bremond et al., 2008) indices have been used to estimate
the density of woody elements in different habitats in West and East
Africa, but they have not been applied to South African studies. In
our study, we found that low D/Pºvalues (<0.20) are not represen-
tative of dense tree and shrub vegetation from the Thicket and the
Forest Biomes rather than being from Renosterveld and Strandveld
(Fig. 6a). These ndings imply that the D/Pºindex may not be a useful
tool to identify thicket or forest vegetation through fossil phytolith
assemblages when working on the south coast of South Africa.
However, ANOVA and post host Tukey's HSD test showed that
Thicket biome might be characterized by the abundance of irreg-
ular and other unknown phytolith morphotypes (probably pro-
duced by eudicot plants) as well as GSSC saddles as a secondary
term (Table A3 and Fig. 8). In regards to vegetation types, the sta-
tistical analysis showed that epidermal hair base (from eudicot
plants) and ellipsoid phytoliths are the dening features of sub-
tropical thicket vegetation. Nevertheless, because few phytoliths
were identied in these samples, results must be taken with
caution. Similarly, the statistical analysis showed that coastal
thicket vegetation might be characterized through fossil phytolith
assemblages by the presence of GSSC saddles, spheroid echinates
and irregular phytoliths (Table A2 and Fig. 7). Palms are not part of
the vegetation from the GCFR, whereas spheroids echinate from the
Arecaceae family were identied in samples from coastal thicket
and strandveld vegetation, although in very low percentage. Are-
caceae family produce large amount of phytoliths, namely the
spheroid echinate morphotypes (Bamford et al., 2006; Albert et al.,
2009). Thus the low amount recovered does not support the
presence of these plants but seems to be more related to contam-
ination by different factors, including human introduction of palms
for horticulture in the area.
As GSSCs have been linked to different subfamilies, their mor-
photypes can be used to differentiate between C
and C
and thus offer information on paleoecological conditions. We
observed that even though all the samples from the different
vegetation types show a mix of C
and C
GSSCs, there is a higher
presence of GSSC rondels, ascribed to the C
grass subfamilies such
as Ehrhartoideae, Danthonoideae and Pooideae (Fig. 3). The sta-
tistical analysis showed a signicant dominance of GSSC rondels in
samples from Renosterveld biome.
GSSC lobates (mainly bilobates) have also been recovered in
most of the samples from the different vegetation types while
dominating in the sample collected from coastal forest in Brenton
lake area (Table 2). GSSCs lobates are common in C
(Twiss et al., 1969), but have also been identied in the C
hartoideae and Danthonioideae grasses (Cordova and Scott, 2010).
Therefore, the grass attribution of bilobates should be made with
caution. Despite our results indicating a clear dominance of GSSC
lobates in coastal forest vegetation, more samples from this vege-
tation are needed to corroborate the statistically signicance of
these results.
The C
Chloridoideae subfamily is a short tropical subfamily
adapted to dry climates and/or low available soil moisture (xeric
environments) (Vogel et al., 1978; Tieszen et al., 1979). GSSC sad-
dles, characteristic of C
chloridoids, were identied in all the
vegetation types but dominating in samples from riparian vegeta-
tion (ANOVA, p ¼0.0024) and coastal thicket (ANOVA, p ¼0.0024)
(Fig. 7). These results correlate well with those from the Iph index,
which showed a statistically signicance correlation between high
Iph index values and riparian vegetation (Fig. 6c). Cynodon dactylon
would be a dominant grass in riparian (oodplain) habitats of the
Gouritz valley and are generally very common between thicket
clumps in coastal thicket areas. Thus the phytolith assemblage from
riparian and coastal thicket vegetation seems to record the pres-
ence of this grass species. Furthermore, this species occurs on
almost all soil typesdbut especially in fertile (loamy) soilsdand it
is common in disturbed areas like riparian environments. Conse-
quently, our results demonstrate that the distribution of GSSC
saddles in phytolith assemblages, as well as the Iph index, can be
used for identifying riparian and coastal thicket habitats through
the fossil phytolith record on the south coast of South Africa. Finally,
distinguishing between both riparian and coastal thicket vegeta-
tion (Thicket Biome) might be assessed by the higher presence of
irregular and unknown phytoliths probably from the eudicot group.
6. Conclusions
This study shows the potential and limitations for using phy-
tolith assemblages from modern soils to reconstruct GCFR vegeta-
tion. We found that each of the vegetation types in our study are
consistent with a mix of grass subfamilies from the C
and the C
photosynthetic pathway, which is consistent with the distribution
of grasses in the Southern Cape. We also showed that the co-
occurrence of restio phytoliths, high presence of spheroid mor-
photypes, and a high presence of rondel GSSCs from C
grasses are
the characteristic feature for the identication of fynbos vegetation,
mainly limestone and sand fynbos. Our demonstration of the Fy
index also showed that it can be used to identify limestone and
sand fynbos vegetation through phytolith assemblages. However,
as it was observed in samples SF11-42 and SF11-43, if grass plants
are present in the vegetation, it is not possible to identify fynbos
vegetation accurately. The D/Pºindex was useful in identifying
limestone fynbos vegetation, but it was not able to characterize
other vegetation types, such as forest and shrubland/thicket.
Moreover, our results also provided key details on identifying
specic GCFR vegetation types through phytolith analysis. In
particular, coastal forest vegetation appears to be related to the
dominance of GSSC lobates though a larger number of samples are
needed to corroborate this association. Similarly, saddles from the
chloridoid grass subfamily may be used to identify riparian and
coastal thicket vegetation when studying fossil phytolith assem-
blages. However, we contend that further studies focused on the
vegetation types occurring in Western (C
dominance) and Eastern
Cape (C
dominance) are needed to fully understand the phytolith
morphological distribution along different South African habitats
I. Esteban et al. / Quaternary International 434 (2017) 160e179176
with different environmental and climatic conditions. This, along
with the results provided in this study, might contribute to our
understanding of past environments and climate changes on the
south coast of South Africa.
Field and laboratory work was supported by nancial support
from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Economy
and Competitivity (HAR2010-15967 and HAR2013-42054-P) and
from the Catalan Government (2014-SGR0845). CWM acknowl-
edges the support of the National Science Foundation (BCS-
0524087, and BCS-1138073), the Hyde Family Foundation, and the
Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University. This
research was also funded by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. We
also thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive
comments on the paper.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
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... However, soil phytoliths can be translocated within the soil profile prior to their final deposition, and there are differences in the characteristics of this vertical translocation (Fishkis et al., 2009(Fishkis et al., , 2010Inoue et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2019). Additionally, surface soil phytoliths can be transported laterally under the influences of wind, fire, surface runoff, human activity and other factors (Bremond et al., 2013(Bremond et al., , 2017Cary et al., 2005;Esteban et al., 2017;Fredlund & Tieszen, 1994;R. Li et al., 2010;Twiss et al., 1969;Wallis, 2001). ...
Arid and semi‐arid lands are exceptionally sensitive to climate change. However, the application of phytolith analysis to these environments is hindered by the potential for lateral migration of phytoliths during wind erosion, which may affect the reliability of phytolith‐based paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Moreover, there is a lack of quantitative studies of the dispersion and deposition of phytoliths by wind erosion. Here we apply Sutton's equation and theoretical models from the field of blown sand physics and engineering to quantify the lateral migration of various phytolith morphotypes in the surface soil of sand dunes in the Horqin Sandy Land in China. Phytolith morphotypes and concentrations were determined in addition to sedimentary organic matter content and grain size. Combined with the analysis of plant communities, these measurements were used to quantify the lateral migration of phytolith morphotypes, and the results were compared with theoretical models. We found that phytolith concentrations decreased exponentially under an annual average wind speed with distance from the surface source; specifically, a large proportion of lateral phytolith migration occurred within the distance of ~3–5 m. There were significant linear correlations between the phytolith concentration and other environmental factors. A comprehensive form of Sutton's equation was used to estimate that a relatively large proportion (8.35%) of short‐cell phytoliths may migrate laterally on dunes that are vulnerable to wind erosion. However, large phytoliths are deposited almost in situ, and relatively limited lateral migration of wind‐transported phytoliths occurs in the Horqin Sandy Land overall. Our results provide a theoretical model and practice template for the application of phytolith analysis to soil and sediments, especially as a proxy of past vegetation and ecological change in the Horqin Sandy Land, and other areas affected by wind erosion. Additionally, short‐cell phytoliths in palaeoenvironmental contexts satisfy the criteria necessary to investigate the extent with frequent aeolian activity.
... The durability and composition allow phytoliths to be preserved for millions of years in different soils and sediments, making them important paleoenvironmental proxies (Osterrieth et al., 2009). However, the distribution of phytolith assemblages in soils and sediments is influenced by various geomorphic (Esteban et al., 2017;Qader et al., 2023a), dissolution and taphonomic processes (Fishkis et al., 2010a;Osterrieth et al., 2009). ...
... The reason for this may be that surface soil phytoliths assemblages represented the accumulation of phytoliths from the aboveground plant communities over many years. In addition, the phytoliths content and assemblages in the surface soil samples were affected by the phytoliths yield of the aboveground plant community and the interferences of processes such as dissolution, burial and migration of phytoliths (Wallis, 2001;Esteban et al., 2017;Golyeva and Svirida, 2017). Thus, the quantitative relationship between surface soil phytoliths and aboveground phytoliths might be complex. ...
... GSSC studies thus reasonably assume phytoliths to be suitable indicators of habitat variability (Vogel et al., 1978;Ellis, 1980;Gibbs Russel et al., 1990;Mulder and Ellis, 2000;Mucina and Rutherford, 2006). The southern African local potential of modern phytolith assemblages as proxies for paleonvironmental reconstruction has been well established through area-based, modern surface soil phytolith assemblages as comparative analogs (Cordova and Scott, 2010;Mercader et al., 2011;Cordova, 2013;Esteban et al., 2017) and also through the use of actualistic data to interpret fossil grass phytolith assemblages according to their association with known ecological requirements of the grass species that produce them, irrespective of taxonomic affiliation (Rossouw, 2009(Rossouw, , 2016Chazan et al., 2012). Plant modern material studied and drawn on to interpret the four archaeological samples from MC derive from Rossouw (2009), and relevant data and description tables available therein. ...
... The C 4 /C 3 ratio was calculated by dividing the sum of C 4 -diagnostic grasses by the sum of C 3 -diagnostic grasses and multiplying by 100, to clearly represent C 4 grasses in the C 3 dominated winter rainfall zone of southern Africa. The Fy index (a measure of the relative abundance of fynbos vegetation) from Esteban et al. (2017) was calculated by diving the sum of Restionaceae and spheroidal (woody) phytoliths by the sum of short cell phytoliths. Average index values for each unit were calculated using the average phytolith counts across the unit for each morphotype. ...
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The rock shelter site Klipfonteinrand 1 (KFR1), located on the edge of southern Africa’s Fynbos biome, was initially excavated by John Parkington in 1969. Due to difficulties resolving the stratigraphic sequence, the lack of age estimates, and generally poor organic preservation, the Middle Stone Age (MSA) components of the site have received limited attention. In this paper we report on the re-excavation, dating, palaeoecology, and cultural sequence recovered from a trench placed adjacent to Parkington’s original excavation. The refined sequence includes three stratigraphically distinct MSA components: a Howiesons Poort component dating to ~69 ka, and two earlier MSA components dating to ~85 ka and ~156 ka. These are overlain by two younger components dated to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Bedrock morphology at the site is complex, and the oldest component appears to be restricted to a small area of relatively deep (1.9 m) sediment accumulation towards the centre of the sheltered area. Phytoliths suggest limited change in floral communities near the site across the lowest three units—which include parts of marine isotope stages (MIS) 6, 5, and 4—reflecting the characteristic stability of the Fynbos biome. The stone artefacts in the oldest MSA component include large blades that are absent from the overlying strata, and that may be a distinct element of late MIS 6 technology in the area. Interestingly, neither the early MSA nor early Holocene components we describe here were encountered in the rear trench at the site, 3 m away, which instead produced a sequence dominated by marine isotope stage 2 occupation. KFR1 presents new insights into the archaeology of the earlier MSA in southern Africa, while also providing a cautionary note on the discontinuous and spatially variable nature of rock shelter occupation in the region.
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The Later Stone Age site Faraoskop Rock Shelter yielded the human remains of twelve individuals in an ash-rich sedimentary sequence that also preserved anthropogenic bedding features. This geoarchaeological study is concerned with the sedimentary context of the human remains, the reconstruction of the human activities that formed the ash deposits as well as the bedding features and the paleoenvironmental conditions during site occupation. To investigate these topics, we employed micromorphological analyses on the deposits coupled with micro-Fourier-Transform-Infrared spectroscopy and phytolith analysis. This approach enabled us to reconstruct site use patterns as well as paleoenvironmental conditions. Our analysis shows a break in site occupation between the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits at the site and before and after the interment of the 12 individuals. The Holocene ash deposits pre-dating the interments result from continuous use of hearths at a central location of the shelter with an increase in fire intensity over time. Site occupants also repeatedly used plant bedding features as living surfaces around the fires and phytolith analysis revealed the particular use of eudicots for some of these bedding features. The occupation of the site took place during grassland regimes with a shift to a shrubbier environmental context during the Holocene. Unfortunately, the direct interment context of the human remains was not available for this study and it remains open what cultural practises may have been preserved in the burial sediments.
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Aims Silicophytoliths contributes to the pool of amorphous silica that is incorporated into soils acting as an intermediate in the biogeochemical silica cycle. Soils of the Argentine Pampas are used for agro-livestock practices resulting in nutrient loss and soil degradation. In order to estimate how land use modifies different soil properties and how these alter the silicophytolith content of the soil, soil properties of different sites, silicophytolith content of plant species, dung and soils from different sites (pasture, cultivated field and reserve) were studied. Methods We examined soil, dung and plant phytolith contents and soil properties of sites with different soil use (pasture, cultivated field and reserve). Silicophytoliths from plants and dung were extracted by a calcination technique. Soil properties and phytolith content were measured or obtained by routine techniques. Differences between sites were analyzed by non-parametric and multivariate analyses. Results The production of silicophytoliths by crops was higher than another species. No close relationship between silicophytoliths produced by plants and those found in soils. The highest silicophytolith content was observed in the reserve and the lowest concentration in the cultivated field due to the extraction of the plants. Phytoliths had a significant correlation positive with organic matter and negative with pH. Conclusions Agro-livestock management modifies soil properties and the amounts of silicophytoliths in soils. Important changes in the silicophytolith pool are observed in the cultivated field. The results suggest that taphonomic processes in soils should be taken into account in palaeoecological studies.
This chapter introduces the concepts of micromorphology and microarchaeology, and provides a brief overview of the history of their application to African Stone Age sites. While many analytical techniques were first developed and tested on sites located in the Levant, today African sites are at the forefront of microarchaeological methods development, with particular emphasis on the integration of multiple methods and the analysis of anthropogenic sediment. Two case studies focus on the possible reasons for the abundance of microlaminations in South African cave and rockshelter sites, and recent developments in the study of controlled use of fire.
The shapes of individual opal phytoliths from grasses, silica bodies formed in the epidermal cells of the leaf, are indicators of the C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways. Pooid phytoliths are circular, rectangular, elliptical, crescent or oblong forms and occur primarily in C3 grasses, which are concentrated in high latitudes or high elevations. Chloridoid phytoliths are saddle-shaped, and occur dominantly in C4 grasses that grow in warm, arid to semiarid regions in which the available soil moisture is very low. Panicoid phytoliths include many variations of crosses and dumbbells, and occur largely in C4 grasses that flourish in warm, tropical to subtropical regions with a moderate amount of available soil moisture. Identifiable grass phytoliths, concentrated from soils, paleosols, sediment, archaeological sites and sedimentary rock, can be used to reconstruct the Cenozoic environment of a site or region. Taxa of the subfamily Pooideae grow in the higher latitudes and elevations. Taxa of subfamilies Chloridoideae and Panicoideae are restricted to the tropics and subtropics. The majority of extensive grasslands occur in continental interiors and are the dominant sources of identifiable phytoliths. High ratios of pooid to total pooid, chloridoid and panicoid phytoliths imply cool temperatures in the region. High ratios of chloridoid to total chloridoid and panicoid phytoliths imply a warm arid or semiarid region. Because the sources of phytoliths may be local or remote, the locations and directions of major wind belts and ocean currents must be considered in any interpretation.
The vegetation of the Riversdale coastal plain was classified and described using Campbell’s (1985) approach. Data collected included a subset of Campbell’s structural and higher taxon characters, as well as dominant (>10% cover) species, which would enable the recognition of communities to at least the subseries level in his hierarchy. The classification was produced using the Braun-Blanquet method of table sorting. Twenty zonal communities, at various hierarchical levels, were recognized and mapped. Non-fynbos communities included Afromontane Forest, Eastern Forest and Thicket, Kaffrarian Succulent Thicket and Dune Thicket Series in the Forest and Thicket Group, and Renoster Shrubland. Fynbos communities were Mesotrophic Grassy Fynbos, three subseries of Asteraceous Fynbos (Mesotrophic, Dune and Oligotrophic), Azonal Restioid Fynbos, Wet Proteoid Fynbos, Dry Proteoid Fynbos and six types of Mesic Proteoid Fynbos. The vegetation types could all be integrated into Campbell’s Fynbos Biome mountain vegetation concepts and modifications based on work on the Agulhas plain. The mapped communities are adequate for conservation planning and comprise an essential descriptive basis for future studies. The data on Proteaceae cover corresponds well to that of the Restionaceae for Proteoid Fynbos — together the two families comprise the only groups which could be used for a classification without requiring extensive floristic studies.
Classifications of grass silica-bodies are constructed for various purposes ranging from botany to archaeology. Specific organizational details vary with the experience of the phytolith analyst and the condition of the material to be classified. The first step in classification of disaggregated phytoliths, however, must be consistent identification of types based on characteristics that survive burial, ie, morphology. The defined types then need to be correlated with plant taxa at as low a level as possible. This paper presents a standard terminology for classification of silica phytoliths, focusing on grass silica-bodies. Morphology forms the basis of the organization, although it is correlated to anatomical origin where possible. Grass silica-bodies exhibit three general geometric shapes; eight types are defined based on outline of the base. In addition, basic three-dimensional structures are defined. The classification presents standardized definitions of the “classic” grass phytolith shapes reported in the literature.