
Powder processing and storage.

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The author considers firstly some of the aspects of powder behaviour which are particularly relevant to powder handling, for example flow properties and explosibility. Secondly, the design of equipment involved in the conveying and storage of powders as well as some of the equipment involved in the ancillary operations such as metering, granulation and mixing, is considered. Thirdly, the author illustrates by example that every operation carried out on a powdered material has implications for the consequent steps and thus the optimum design of a process can only be achieved by consideration of the whole process or system. (from paper)

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Carotenoids are organic pigments that are produced by plants, algae, as well as several bacteria and fungi. Carotenoids are a class of hydrocarbons consisting of eight isoprenoid units in reverse manner at the centre of the molecule. The major carotenoids are derived from 40-carbon polyene chain, which would be considered as backbone of the molecule.These pigment play an important role in human health acting as biological antioxidants. These has wide range of applications in cosmetics too. Carotenoids and pigments like β-carotene, Lutein, Antheraxanthin, Vioalaxanthin are responsible for the colours like pink, yellow, orange in various ornamental flower crops. The present review provides an insight into the potential source of carotenoids in ornamental plants.
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