
Optimization of wing parameters to achieve minimum weight at defined aerodynamic loads

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The paper presents the method suitable for optimization of parameters and applied to design aircraft subassemblies on the example of a swept wing. It outlines the assumptions that are necessary to develop a mathematical model and describes constraints that served as the basis to develop an algorithm and describe the corresponding procedures in the GRIP (Graphics Interactive Programming) language that is a part of the CAD/CAM/CAE Unigraphics system. The further part of the study comprises discussion how the wing parameters and the mass functional are affected by the rigidity constraints and strength constraints. The algorithm for designing aircraft components was finally developed with inputs to the multi-criteria design process "Web Modelling" of an aircraft body. The study also includes initial assumptions to algorithms originally developed by the author and dedicated to the modelling of components incorporated into aircraft structures.

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... "The solution of the 1D simplified engineering model of the wing indicated that a constant taper wing, with straight leading edge and having a tip ratio of 0.4, gives the best aerodynamic performance" that was the statement of (Akwaboa et al. 2009) after his trials to optimize wing weight while preserving aerodynamic performance through applying wing taper. Kachel (2013) used taper ratio in distributing wing weight and confirmed its positive effect. Adler (1947) compared the effect of sweep on wings of constant aspect ratio at Mach 0.925, he found a significant drop in drag with increasing sweep angle, while the optimum lift he obtained was at 30 • of sweep. ...
... In aspects of WIG craft unit design sweep would be more helpful in providing a wide range of flexibility in terms of enhancing the craft's stability, and its wing structural rigidity while keeping or improving the aerodynamic performance of the wing. The analysis of Kachel (2013) reveals that the variation of the backward sweep angle of the wing within a range from 0 • to 45 • improved wing's rigidity distribution, whilst the subsequent increase of the backward sweep angle is associated with a diminished effect of the torsional rigidity. Also, wing sweep can be helpful to adjust pitch control in the design phase, as pitch control is one of the main important topics in designing a WIG craft to ensure smooth and effective response of the unit, as flying near the ground or the ocean is dangerous and requires huge safety margins of control. ...
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The aerodynamic performance of a 3-D NACA 6409 wing in ground effect was examined numerically with different wing configurations. The influence of changing twist angles, anhedral angles, taper ratios, and sweep angles on the aerodynamic performance was examined and compared with based model. Structured mesh domains were built, and RANS turbulence model Spalart-Allmaras was solved with a commercial solver. Base model numerical results show good agreement with available experimental data. The results show that wash-in twist has a positive effect on wing aerodynamic performance near ground proximity, as well as anhedral angles. Although swept wings have a negative effect on aerodynamic efficiencies compared with non-swept wings, an optimum swept twisted wing configuration was proposed to achieve higher aerodynamic efficiency, while applying wing sweep. Tapered wings produced a slight increase in aerodynamic efficiency in a narrow range of taper ratios. Speed variation has no drastic or abrupt effect on results.
... Aerodynamic shape optimization is aimed at improving the performance of aircraft including drag reduction [1], range improvement [2], and weight minimization [3], by changing its shape while satisfying specified constraints. In the early phase, the optimization mainly relies on wind tunnel experiments and flight tests. ...
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Searching for a design scheme satisfying the requirements in aircraft conceptual design can be a time-consuming work because of the multipeak and nonlinearity of the design space. This paper proposed a rapid aerodynamic optimization method for flying wing aircraft conceptual design. This method is aimed at reducing the induced drag at the design point by adjusting the camber and twist angle of spanwise airfoil. Firstly, the mean camber surface of the flying wing aircraft was parameterized. Secondly, the surrogate model was constructed based on the points selected by the optimization Latin square method. Thirdly, the surrogate model combined with a multi-island genetic algorithm was used for the preliminary solution of global optimum, and then, the Nonlinear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian method combined with a vortex lattice method was used for searching the nearest exact best point from the initial best point. Finally, connecting with manual selection, the optimized flying wing layout scheme was obtained. The optimized results show that the induced drag coefficient is reduced by 10%, the pitching moment coefficient is reduced by an order of magnitude, and the lift drag ratio is increased from 26.3 to 27.3. The proposed optimization method decreases the time cost in aircraft conceptual design while achieving sufficient calculation accuracy. By using this method, the design space can be explored rapidly to search for the best design scheme satisfying the constraints.
... On the stage of component design the parametric or topology optimization of specific part of a product is usually applying. For example, for aircraft a lot of research is devoted to structural optimization [8][9][10], because the aircraft has high degree of reliability and at the same time should have a minimum weight. For all other products, it is important to apply optimization approach in order to reduce the number of testing and decrease time to market. ...
Innovative product development involves a lot of tools, methods, and approaches to create a better product faster and satisfying customer’s need. Two wide spread approaches are Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). However, there are not many software tools, combining methodologies PLM MBSE; one can mention LMS System Synthesis software, now is actively developing. It is used to create system models which include functional models able to describe system behavior in multiphysics domain. Therefore, when the system model of a product is multidisciplinary it’s not obvious what the parameters values describe the optimal state of the system. For these reasons, it is vital to apply multidisciplinary optimization techniques with the specific tools to calculate appropriate parameters of the developed system in the early stages of product development. This research is devoted to different optimization tools application, such as pSeven and Optimus Noesis, to the numerical models constituting digital twin for a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The results of this research, specifically formulation of the optimization problems, detailed numerical models and the calculations results, are presented in this paper. The main idea is that optimization should be applied not as additional tool for separate numerical models, but one has to apply it as a powerful means along with PLM and MBSE tools in order to ensure that the product will meet all requirements and reduce time-to-market.
... The parametric modeling of an aircraft wing is based on parameters which concern the shape, dimension and configuration of the wing. From the large number of wing parameters, the following can be listed (Kachel, 2013): airfoil specification, root chord length, wing span, taper ratio (ratio between the tip chord and the root chord), sweep angle, dihedral angle, twist angle, incidence or setting angle, number of spars (and their configuration), number of ribs (and their configuration). ...
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In order to take advantage of the sophisticated features offered by CAD and CAE packages for modeling and analysis during the design process, it is essential to build a bridge assuring a coherent link between these tools. Furthermore, this integration procedure must be automated so as to get rid of the repetitive costing effort. In this paper, a new automated procedure for the CAD/CAE integration, implemented for the parametric design and structural analysis of aircraft wing structures is presented. This procedure is based on the automation capacity available in modern computer aided tools via build-in basic programming languages as well as the capacity of the model data exchange. The geometric and numerical models can be controlled to generate a large variety of possible design cases through parameters introduced beforehand.
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A computational algorithm is developed and applied for optimization of beam and plate structures, subject to constraints on transient dynamic response. A continuous design formulation is retained, with dynamic response governed by partial differential operator equations. Adjoint equations are employed for sensitivity analysis and a function space gradient projection optimization approach is presented. Finite element analysis methods are applied for solution of the system dynamic and adjoint differential equations. Displacement constrained beam and plate minimum weight examples are solved, with a variety of boundary conditions.