
Enter the triple bottom line

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... In the same year, the Envision [25] sustainability rating system was developed in collaboration between the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) [8,25] in the United States. The Envision system is focused on physical infrastructures, including all civil, energy, and transportation infrastructure types, and it addresses all stages of a project's life cycle, including planning, design, construction, operation, and end of life [24,26]. ...
... The second part of this study involves a rigorous analysis of the SRS categories, followed by their recategorization under both macro-impact categories and the three core pillars of sustainability: environmental well-being, social well-being, and economic wellbeing [4,8]. In alignment with the Global Guidance on Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators (2016) and other environmental indications, credits related to climate change, energy consumption, land use, water resources, and quality improvements were classified under the environmental pillar [9]. ...
... The concept of sustainability relies on three main pillars, which are based on the environment, society, and economy [8,9]. Although no rigid boundaries exist among these three dimensions of sustainability, the effective impacts of SRSs on each field were explored and presented in the following, analyzing the relative influence of the three pillars on sustainability ratings. ...
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Sustainability rating systems (SRSs) have emerged as indispensable frameworks for advancing the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of road infrastructure. Despite their growing adoption, their integration as authoritative tools within infrastructure planning and development remains limited. This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of eight leading SRSs—CEEQUAL, Greenroads, GreenLITES, GreenPave, I-LAST, INVEST, BE2ST-in-Highways, and Envision—focusing on their structural frameworks, criteria weightings, adherence to the three pillars of sustainability, and alignment with international benchmarks such as ISO, EN, and ASTM standards. By considering the three pillars of sustainability, the analysis of the eight SRSs reveals a disproportionate focus on environmental well-being (43%) and social well-being (42%), with economic well-being receiving minimal emphasis (15%). Furthermore, this study identifies notable deficiencies in the integration of critical international standards, including ISO, EN, and ASTM, which constrains the comprehensiveness and global applicability of these frameworks. Key findings suggest that the current SRSs inadequately address the principles of a circular economy, risk management, and social equity, highlighting areas for methodological enhancement. This review offers critical insights for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners seeking to refine sustainability rating systems for road infrastructure. By consolidating existing knowledge and proposing methodological advancements, this study contributes to the evolution of SRSs into comprehensive, globally relevant tools for sustainable infrastructure development.
... A integração de práticas vinculadas aos domínios Ambiental, Social e de Governança (ASG) e a promoção da RSC emergem como temas de notável pertinência nas deliberações estratégicas de organizações, de forma global (ELKINGTON, 1997;FONSECA et al., 2011;NEJATI et al., 2011;PONGPAEW, et al., 2014;PORTER;KRAMER, 2011;RIBEIRO et al., 2014;VALLAEYS et al., 2009). ...
... Seguindo o protocolo PRISMA, o processo de seleção foi realizado em quatro etapas principais, descritas a seguir e ilustradas no fluxograma PRISMA (Figura 1): (Elkington, 1997). ...
... Campus Area -Small Campus Area -Medium Campus Area -Large O tamanho do campus pode influenciar práticas ambientais (Elkington, 1997). ...
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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a integração das práticas de gestão sustentável e Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) nas universidades brasileiras, com foco na contabilidade gerencial, entre 2010 e 2023. A pesquisa adota a metodologia de Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL), abordando os desafios e avanços na incorporação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) nas decisões estratégicas das instituições de ensino superior. O recorte teórico-conceitual baseia-se na literatura sobre contabilidade gerencial e as práticas de ESG, destacando sua importância para a promoção de uma educação mais sustentável e socialmente responsável. Os resultados evidenciam que, apesar das dificuldades na adaptação às normas contábeis, a implementação de ESG e RSC nas universidades proporciona vantagens estratégicas, como maior transparência financeira e alinhamento com os ODS. A pesquisa conclui que a integração das práticas de ESG e RSC com a contabilidade gerencial é essencial para a promoção de uma gestão universitária mais sustentável e para o avanço nos objetivos globais de sustentabilidade. Este estudo contribui para a literatura acadêmica, oferecendo subsídios para gestores e profissionais das universidades.
... [18,20,22,23] Long-term economic benefits. [6,18,19,21,23,24] Barriers Sources ...
... Long-term economic growth was also found to be a driver behind decarbonisation in the supply chain. Ref. [24], who first coined the phrase 'triple bottom line', highlights that businesses need to prioritise profit, people, and planet together in order to help build economic resilience in the long term. Ref. [21] identifies that the early movers towards supply chain decarbonisation are driven by the efficient business models that carbon neutrality offers, resulting in long-term economic growth. ...
... Firstly, this study found that 'cost savings and competitive advantage' are a major driver towards emission reduction in the automotive supply chain. This is consistent with the academic literature, which found that long-term economic benefits can be gained through efficient business models and building environmental resilience [6,18,19,21,23,24]. However, this research also finds that insurance companies are driven by the short-run cost reductions that automotive supply chain decarbonisation offers. ...
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The automotive supply chain is one of the top eight value chains that cause 50% of global emissions. Despite its significance, limited literature has researched the role of insurance companies in addressing automotive supply chain emissions. This research explores strategies developed by insurance companies for addressing carbon emissions in the automotive supply chain in the UK. It employs a qualitative multiple case study approach and conducts in-depth analysis of main drivers, barriers, and strategies in four insurance companies in addressing automotive supply chain emissions. It finds that cost savings and competitive advantage, changing mindset, impending regulation, market changes, and increased connectedness are the main drivers. But further progress is slowed down by five main barriers: ‘the complexity of tracking and quantifying emissions’, ‘conflicts of interest in the supply chain’, ‘skill shortage’, ‘lack of accountability’, and ‘profit prioritisation’. To overcome this, the study establishes five main strategies for insurance companies to follow: ‘circular business model with green parts and repair-over-replace methodologies’, ‘supply chain collaboration’, ‘quantifying emissions and setting key performance indicators’, ‘higher weighting for ESG in tenders and policies’, and ‘education and awareness’. If followed correctly, businesses will be able to achieve ‘emission reductions’, ‘gain competitive advantage’, and ‘reduce costs in the supply chain’. Taking into account these findings and the academic literature, this study develops a framework for insurance companies to mitigate automotive supply chain emissions. This is one of the first papers to study carbon emissions in automotive supply chains from the perspective of the insurance industry. It provides practical implications for the insurance industry in developing carbon emission strategies in automotive supply chains.
... Today, organizations are facing growing internal and external pressures that encourage them to adopt sustainability practices, a behavior that is consistent with mimetic isomorphism [20]. Consequently, in the last decade, the measurement of organizational success-once based solely on profit-has led to a new framework based on sustainable development [29], grounded in three interconnected and overlapping pillars: the TBL [29,30]. ...
... First proposed in 1994 and then in 1997 in the book Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business [30], the TBL approach to evaluating business performance encompasses and promotes socially responsible and environmentally sustainable business practices by balancing the social (people), environmental (planet), and economic (profit) dimensions [8,[29][30][31][32]. ...
... First proposed in 1994 and then in 1997 in the book Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business [30], the TBL approach to evaluating business performance encompasses and promotes socially responsible and environmentally sustainable business practices by balancing the social (people), environmental (planet), and economic (profit) dimensions [8,[29][30][31][32]. ...
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This study offers an analysis of existing research on sustainability and its link to accounting and management control in the port sector. Existing studies do not provide a comprehensive discussion of management accounting and control tools in this context, despite recognizing the relevance of the topic. A scoping review was used as a methodological basis, with the aim of mapping the literature on the role of accounting and management control, as well as their relationship with the triple bottom line associated with the various levels of sustainability in this sector. The results point to a diversity of tools used in developed countries, where interest in efficiency, sustainability, and strategic alignment stands out.
... A growing number of studies have supported TBL theory as it provides a holistic perspective on CSR performance, focusing on people, planet, and profit [26]. The term "Triple Bottom Line" explained its three main components: "people, planet, and profit" [27,28]. To support sustainable development globally, recent academic studies expand this notion to include social, economic, and environmental components for CSR measurement [26]. ...
... The fact that CE can safeguard existing resources to provide the best possible output, contribute back to customers and society, and support commercial prospects for recycling and remanufacturing cannot be ignored [41,42]. Our discussion on TBL theory insists on compliance with the three primary components (3Ps) of CE, i.e., "people, planet, and profit," that are largely correlated with CSR performance [27,28]. It is significant to emphasize that the CE operations are underpinned by economic effectiveness [43,44]. ...
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The businesses are becoming more committed towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation. Also, the Circular Economy (CE) approach has become more prevalent as a growth strategy. This article aims to investigate the impact of people, ecological productivity (planet), economic efficiency (profits), and research and development (R&D) of the CE model on CSR performance in China’s highly polluting sectors. Data are collected from two datasets, including Bloomberg and China Wind databases. This study selects panel data from 2906 listed polluted Chinese companies from 2015 to 2020. The study constructed a multiple-fixed effect model to meet the research aim. The empirical results show that listed companies’ economic efficiency (profits) has no significant impact on CSR performance. In addition, the social dimension (people), ecological productivity (planet), and innovation development (R&D) have significantly had a positive impact on the CE model and CSR performance.
... In response to these challenges, calls have been made for the use of sustainable or green cryptocurrencies (Alzoubi and Mishra, 2023;Patel et al., 2023). In keeping with the concept of the triple bottom line (Elkington, 2004), sustainable cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that prioritize economic, environmental, and social sustainability. They aim to minimize the ecological footprint, promote ethical practices, and contribute to social and economic well-being. ...
... Socially responsible cryptocurrencies might support useful initiatives to contribute to resolving social issues. The third pillar of the triple bottom line (Elkington, 2004) is economic sustainability. In this regard, users may perceive sustainable cryptocurrencies as offering cost savings over traditional financial instruments. ...
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This study fills a void in the literature on the intention to invest in sustainable cryptocurrency. It examines the behavioral antecedents of individuals‘ decision making in this expanding financial industry. A mixed-methods approach that combines partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) is used to gain an understanding of the factors that lead to acceptance of sustainable cryptocurrencies and the obstacles to investing in them. This study is valuable for investors, policymakers, and managers in the digital currency business, providing practical insights and strategic implications. The study’s findings underscore the relevance of regulatory frameworks and government assistance in fostering the adoption of sustainable cryptocurrencies. The study emphasizes the importance of customer trust and sustainability in influencing the adoption of sustainable cryptocurrencies. It advances the theory of sustainable finance, technology adoption, and behavioral economics. The study’s limitations and recommendations for future research offer a path to further the understanding of this developing topic.
... Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) theory has many academic and corporate predecessors (Brooks & Oikonomou, 2018;Daugaard, 2020;Dumas & Troy, 1995;Widyawati, 2020;Yesuf & Aassouli, 2020) which have argued that companies / organizations should engage in social activism to address social issues rather than just profiting for shareholders for over a century. This ESG Award theoretical basis formed based on the triple bottlem line (TBL) (Alhaddi, 2015;Elkington, 2013), Adaptive governance of social ecological system (AGSES) (Folke et al., 2005;Karpouzoglou et al., 2016), stakeholder approach on green organizational identity (Herdiansyah et al., 2016;Prianto et al., 2019), and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) (Darus et al., 2013;Dusuki & Abdullah, 2007). TBL framework is just the start despite popular belief. ...
... A more complete approach and creating this complete approach to sustainable growth. TBL in order to environmental protection will be a major governance and market challenge in the 21st century (Elkington, 2013). A stakeholder approach may involve contradicting and reinforcing business strategy philosophies (Freeman & McVea, 2005). ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to obtain the possibility of designing an award matrix for pesantren by exploring and analysing the potential application of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects. This study aims to identify key indicators relevant to ESG in the context of Pesantren and to assess how environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance implemented. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a qualitative approach that combines a comprehensive literature review with simulation-based analysis which supports in obtaining the results of the ESG award design for pesantren. Conduct Systematic search using parameters “environment”, “social”, “governance”, “pesantren”, “Indonesia” to get some important aspects in compiling the matrix indicator. Google Scholar and Scopus report 2006-2024 years of publication. Screening and selecting relevant articles by title and abstract to establish relevance. Several ESG methodologies (Refinitiv, Morningstar Sustainalytics, Ecovadis, LSEG) reviewed and equipped with analysis of scientific articles in Indonesia and English language. This step aims to obtain the results of the design of elements, aspects, indicators, case studies by previous ESG researchers and practitioners, and the mechanism for calculating and classifying awards based on the scores obtained from a matrix design. This matrix will be supported by pilot tests based on simulation analysis at AMQ Islamic Boarding School, East Java, Indonesia. Findings: The ESG Award is made possible to give appreciation to pesantren as an educational institution that has a strategic role in sustainable development. An ESG Award Matrix for Pesantren which is each level includes specific criteria tailored to the pesantren context with a total of 12 indicators across 4 environmental indicators, 4 social indicators, 4 governance indicators so three-tier ESG award system in consist of bronze, silver, and gold. Simulation based in AMQ pesantren that received the silver category with a score of 3.55. It suggests AMQ Pesantren is making significant efforts in ESG areas. Particularly in social responsibility based on that score as silver in ESG Award. Research limitations/implications: Empirical research and monitoring-evaluating steps are needed to provide a framework for Pesantren. Further research is possible to measure and improve this ESG Award for Pesantren. Practical implications: to suggests an approach to the development of environment social governance awareness and engagement program to increase capacity, institutions, production, human resources, sustainability also. Originality/value: The novelty in this study is an analysis involving the creation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Awards designed specifically for Pesantren in Indonesia. The process includes the development of a comprehensive ESG framework that combines Islamic principles and cultural values that are unique to Pesantren. This framework is designed to introduce and assess and appreciate the sustainability performance of these religious education institutions. This award system is organized in three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
... Facilitators may find it useful, at this fourth and final stage, to guide learners through a discussion of how leadership relates to the overall responsibility of an organisation. A useful model here to consider is the triple bottom line (see Figure 3) -which views responsibility in balancing an organisation's financial, social and environmental performance (Elkington, 1997;2013). (Elkington, 1997;2013) In terms of facilitating a constructive debate at this stage, learners can be guided to explore how leadership, based on the organisation's core ethical values, can be effective in balancing financial performance (profit), social performance (people) and environmental performance (planet). ...
... A useful model here to consider is the triple bottom line (see Figure 3) -which views responsibility in balancing an organisation's financial, social and environmental performance (Elkington, 1997;2013). (Elkington, 1997;2013) In terms of facilitating a constructive debate at this stage, learners can be guided to explore how leadership, based on the organisation's core ethical values, can be effective in balancing financial performance (profit), social performance (people) and environmental performance (planet). Learners can continue their discussion by defining leadership as the capacity to direct, guide, and take actions related to people, planet and profit. ...
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These teaching notes explore values-based leadership and ethical decision-making within the financial services sector through a fictional case study of a regional bank's response to a localised economic crisis. The notes delve into the implications of leadership decisions, organisational values, and stakeholder trust in a high-pressure environment. They discuss the misalignment between stated corporate values and actual behaviors, examining how public perception, media coverage, and internal ethics impact organisational reputation. The narrative highlights the importance of honesty, consistency, and transparency, as well as the challenges of financial instability, high-pressure sales culture, and the ethical implications of executive communication.
... Contrary to the perspective of smallholder farming systems, which emphasises the complexity of sustainability, this study applies a simplified approach to operationalise sustainability (Sroufe, 2017), and applies relevant sustainability concepts and models available (Elkington, 2013;Schaltegger et al., 2016;Yao, 2017), to influence the advancement of GFI sustainability. ...
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This study investigates the Gross Farming Income (GFI) sustainability of smallholder farmers in the Free State Province, South Africa, against the backdrop of declining contributions to both provincial and national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While South Africa's agricultural sector has demonstrated growth in commercial GFI, smallholder farmers continue to face persistent challenges, including limited access to markets, un-inclusive financial instruments, and less relevant skills development programs. Using a mixed-methods approach with data from more than 385 respondents, the study explored demographic, operational, and market-related determinants of GFI. Quantitative analysis revealed strong associations between GFI and variables like farming practices and market linkages, while qualitative insights underscored the critical role of skills development and commercialisation strategies. The research culminates in a proposed GFI Sustainability Framework tailored to the region, emphasising diversification, improved recordkeeping, and enhanced market access as pathways to sustainable income. Policy recommendations include targeted interventions to empower smallholders, bridging of infrastructural gaps, and unlocking of broader rural economic opportunities. This work contributes to the new knowledge on sustainability by providing a model that can be easily replicated for integrating smallholder farmers into South Africa's broader agricultural economy, with positive implications for food security, poverty alleviation, hunger reduction and removal, and finally rural development.
... Thus, the triple bottom line model is defined as the one that organizations must comply with in order to be designated as sustainable, measuring their success, not only by the profit they generate but also by their performance at the level of economic, social and environmental dimensions (Elkington, 2013). As such, corporate social responsibility has become increasingly important at the organizational level. ...
Purpose Sustainability, based on the principles of sustainable development, is supported through human resource management practices that enable the attraction, development and efficient management of organizations' employees. These sustainable practices bring various benefits to organizations, the environment and their employees, so should consider how employees are treated and how their well-being is promoted through actions that value their health, development, work–life balance and the provision of adequate working conditions. Design/methodology/approach We conducted a bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review. We identified 644 records from the past 52 years related to the four-day workweek and performed a two-step analysis. From these records, we selected 104 organizational-focused papers and analyzed them using VOSViewer. We categorized this initial sample into 10 clusters across five dimensions: societal, environmental, organizational, family and individual. In the second step, we thoroughly examined eight papers to understand the impact of this work arrangement on people management. Our analysis revealed that the primary effects of a four-day workweek are improved satisfaction, productivity and work–life balance. Findings Findings show that four-day workweek is mainly studied at a macro-level, and it still lacking research at the organizational level, namely on the people management topic. However, it was possible to identify elements that are considered fundamental to take into account for the success of organizations that intend to adopt this working method, namely employee satisfaction, production levels and the balance between their personal and professional life. Practical implications The study’s development is crucial for academia and entrepreneurship, serving as a foundation for future research on the impact of the four-day workweek on people management. The detailed characterization of scientific documents and identification of the most relevant aspects in pertinent areas provides a foundation for understanding and exploring this work model. It underscores the importance of considering factors such as satisfaction, productivity and work–life balance, exposing different results obtained in various scientific productions and offering a detailed view of the existing literature on this topic. Originality/value Findings show that four-day workweek is mainly studied at a macro-level, and it is still lacking research at the organizational level, namely on the people management topic. However, it was possible to identify elements that are considered fundamental to take into account for the success of organizations that intend to adopt this working method, namely employee satisfaction, production levels, and the balance between their personal and professional life.
... Studying ESG reporting disclosure quality can reveal insights to improve the effectiveness of ESG communications between companies and their stakeholders, which may finally lead to more successful business operations satisfying different ESG needs of stakeholders [8][9][10][11]. The readers of ESG reports are mainly the stakeholders of companies, who need to know more about the impact of environmental and social issues on their individual interests. For example, the shareholders (investors) seeking growth in their investments may want to know how the business's financial performance will be affected by environmental and social activities [12]. ...
Since 2016, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“HKEx”) has required listed companies to issue Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) reports annually. The purpose of ESG reports is to inform stakeholders and the general public of listed companies’ performance in ESG aspects. For big corporations, issuing ESG reports and reporting their key performance indicators (“KPIs”) are not a problem because they have been doing so voluntarily for years. Rather, it is a challenge for small and medium-sized listed companies (“SMEs”) to report properly because they may be lacking in knowledge, skills and motivation, etc. In particular, the quality of quantitative measurements on ESG data disclosure remains variable. This research effort adopted a scoring methodology to assess the relevance and completeness of the environmental KPIs, which are semi-mandatory to disclose. A total of 138 SMEs were proportionately selected by a stratified sampling method based on the 11 categories of industries set by the Hang Seng Industry Classification System. The disclosure quality of these selected sample companies’ environmental KPIs was assessed by scoring. We found that the average disclosure quality score was a low 1.98. “Energy Use Efficiency” was the highest performing KPI, while “The Environment and Natural Resources” was the lowest-performing KPI. Across the different industries, Industrial Goods achieved the highest disclosure quality score, while the Telecommunication industry hadtheworstscore. This research also explored some ofthecommon problems faced whilst reporting environmental KPIs.
... They assert that the value of a business can no longer be measured solely by traditional metrics, such as profit (obtained by companies) and price (paid by customers) but must also include the impact on the environment (Bahadur & Waqqas, 2013). One famous jargon highlighting this notion is the triple bottom: People, Profit, and Planet (Elkington, 2013). ...
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We investigate the relationship between carbon allowance and stock return. We argue in favor of the expense hypothesis: the relationship between stock returns and carbon allowance is negative due to the greater net impact (operational cost exceeds reputation benefit) of rising carbon price. To verify the hypothesis, we employ the modified Fama French 3 Factor Model. We employed data from 139 European Union companies which comprise 86 Carbon-Intensive (CI) companies and 59 Non-Carbon Intensive (NCI) companies. The data is of monthly frequency from January 2010 to October 2023. Augmented Mean Group estimator is applied due to the presence of cross section dependence and slope heterogeneity. We found that carbon allowance has a significant negative relationship with stock return in Carbon Intensive companies. Our result is robust under an array of checking schemes. The study shed a new light on the field of energy economics, especially on how investor response for carbon allowance adoption by companies.
... Corporate sustainability refers to a company's efforts to integrate economic, social, and environmental objectives into its business operations. The concept is often framed using the "Triple Bottom Line" (3P) approach, which includes Profit, People, and Planet (Correia 2018;Elkington 2013). Studies highlight that organizations focused on sustainable development aim to meet the needs of the present without compromising future generations (Lungguran and Sumani 2022). ...
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This study analyzes the Business Transformation Strategy for achieving sustainable corporate performance at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Tbk) using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Key factors, actors, objectives, and strategic alternatives were identified to determine the most critical components driving the company's transformation. Governance emerged as the top priority factor, emphasizing the importance of robust governance structures in ensuring transparency and accountability. The Directors were found to be the most influential actors, underscoring the need for strong leadership in steering the transformation process. Improving operational efficiency was ranked as the highest priority objective, reflecting the company’s focus on optimizing processes and enhancing productivity. The most important strategic alternative identified was the implementation of best practices in operational management, particularly through methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma. The study concludes that effective governance, leadership involvement, operational efficiency, and the adoption of industry best practices are key to PT Pupuk Indonesia’s successful business transformation and long-term sustainability.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden die Nachhaltigkeitspositionierungen von Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst im Kontext organisationaler Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen untersucht. Mithilfe der Dokumentarischen Methode wird ein qualitativ-rekonstruktiver Ansatz verfolgt, um die vielschichtigen handlungsleitenden Orientierungen der Positionierungsfindung offenzulegen. Hierfür werden die Komplexität, die Kontextabhängigkeit und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen individuellen, sozialen und organisationalen Ebenen analysiert. Zentral ist das entwickelte Sphärenmodell, das die endogenen (individuellen), mesogenen (sozialen) und exogenen (organisationalen) Dimensionen der Positionierungen integriert. In und zwischen diesen Sphären positionieren sich die Angestellten in Spannungsfeldern zwischen Selbstreflexion, sozialen Dynamiken und organisationalen Vorgaben. Die Studie liefert einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Verständnis der komplexen Vorgänge und Interdependenzen, die für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung nachhaltiger Veränderungen in öffentlichen Organisationen entscheidend sind und bietet so eine bereichernde Lektüre sowohl für die Wissenschaft als auch für alle, die sich mit der Transformation von Organisationen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigen.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung In diesem Kapitel werden die methodologischen Grundlagen und methodischen Verfahren, die für diese Forschungsarbeit verwendet werden, detailliert vorgestellt und deren Auswahl begründet. Zunächst wird auf das Erkenntnisinteresse, die Zielsetzung und die Fragestellung der Arbeit eingegangen, die den Rahmen für die nachfolgenden methodologischen und methodischen Betrachtungen abstecken und als Bindeglied zwischen der Theorie, dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung, den methodologischen Überlegungen und dem methodischen Forschungsdesign fungieren. Es wird auf das dialektische Verhältnis von Theorie, Methodologie und methodischen Verfahren Bezug genommen.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchung lassen sich in insgesamt drei Hauptkategorien einteilen, in denen sie in den folgenden Abschnitten dargestellt werden. Die erste Kategorie gibt einen Überblick über die untersuchten Fälle und stellt diese sowohl in ihren formalen als auch inhaltlichen Charakteristiken dar und synthetisiert sie auf der inhaltlichen Ebene.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung Die sinnhafte Beachtung und Darlegung von soliden theoretischen Grundlagen in der Wissenschaft sind essenziell für jegliche Form der Erkenntnisgenerierung, da sie eine gemeinsame Plattform für Verständnis und Diskussion bereitstellen und die Möglichkeit bieten, auf früheren Erkenntnissen und Theorien aufzubauen. Dieses Kapitel widmet sich explizit dieser Aufgabe mit dem Ziel, ein umfassendes theoretisches Fundament zu etablieren. Zunächst wird die grundlagentheoretische Rahmung gesetzt.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wurde der Themenkomplex der Nachhaltigkeit in den Organisationen des ÖD mit dem Fokus auf das nachhaltigkeitsrelevante Verhalten der Beschäftigten umfassend untersucht. Das Hauptziel der Untersuchung bestand darin, neue Theorie zum Verständnis und zur Klärung der Frage zu generieren, wie Angestellte des ÖD den wahrgenommenen Anforderungen des Konzepts der Nachhaltigkeit vor dem Hintergrund ihres beruflichen Alltags begegnen.
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung Aufbauend auf der grundlagentheoretischen Rahmung und der gegenstandstheoretischen Verortung der Untersuchung, welche im vorangegangenen Kapitel vorgenommen wurden, gilt es nun, sich einen Überblick über die bisher gewonnenen Forschungserkenntnisse im Gegenstandsbereich dieser Arbeit zu verschaffen. Methodisch verortet sich das Vorgehen zur Ermittlung des Forschungsstandes im Bereich des Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR).
... 10 Triple Bottom Line ist der englische Begriff für ein Dreisäulenkonzept und wird trotz gewisser Unterschiede zu diesem üblicherweise synonym verwendet. Für detaillierte Informationen zur TBL empfehlen sich: (Elkington 1994(Elkington , 2002(Elkington , 2004Norman & MacDonald 2004). ...
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Zusammenfassung Nachdem die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung in dem vorangegangenen Kapitel detailliert und strukturiert dargestellt wurden, gilt es nun sie abschließend zu reflektieren. Nach einer Reflexion zu methodischen Aspekten und der Güte der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden die Ergebnisse zusammenfassend dargestellt. Daraufhin wird ein Rückbezug zu den gegenstandstheoretischen Konzepten individuellen Entscheidungsverhalten durchgeführt.
... The social component, namely the established ecological worldview of the population, plays an important role in achieving the strategic development goals of the state, especially when it comes to greening the economy and the energy sector. J. Elkington is one of the leading experts in the field of sustainable development and corporate responsibility, considers sustainable development management through the concept of three P's: people (social sustainability), planet (environmental sustainability) and profit (economic sustainability), where the importance of the social component of sustainability comes to the fore [39]. The importance of social aspects in achieving the goals of sustainable development and eco-modernization of energy is also considered by the authors in Wüstenhagen et al. [19] and Walker [40]. ...
... Dengan kata lain, bisnis modern tidak hanya berfokus pada profit, melainkan berusaha untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap keberlanjutan ekosistem yang baik dengan tetap memperhatikan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini diwujudkan melalui pendekatan yang disebut dengan triple bottom line yang melibatkan tiga pilar utama: profit, people, dan planet (keuntungan, manusia, dan lingkungan) (Conway, 2018;Elkington, 2004). ...
Buku Pengantar Bisnis ini menghadirkan panduan komprehensif tentang konsep dasar dan prinsip-prinsip yang menjadi fondasi bisnis modern dan berkelanjutan. Pembahasan dimulai dari pengertian bisnis, mencakup berbagai fungsi dan aktivitas yang berperan dalam menciptakan nilai dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Bab-bab awal memperkenalkan konsep bisnis dan jenis-jenis perusahaan, termasuk perusahaan kecil dan waralaba, yang sering kali menjadi langkah awal dalam dunia wirausaha. Lanjut ke aspek pemasaran, buku ini mengupas konsep strategi pemasaran, perilaku konsumen, dan analisis pasar, memberikan dasar yang kuat bagi pembaca untuk memahami cara merencanakan, mengelola, dan menyesuaikan bauran pemasaran. Bab tentang produk dan penetapan harga menggambarkan berbagai jenis produk dan metode penentuan harga, memberikan wawasan tentang cara mengembangkan dan mempertahankan daya saing produk dalam pasar. Buku ini juga membahas strategi distribusi dan promosi, serta pentingnya riset pemasaran untuk memandu pengambilan keputusan yang lebih efektif. Di bagian akhir, pembaca diperkenalkan pada konsep bisnis berkelanjutan dan kewirausahaan sosial sebagai strategi untuk menciptakan dampak positif bagi masyarakat sekaligus mencapai keberlanjutan bisnis di era modern. Dengan studi kasus, ilustrasi praktis, dan analisis mendalam, Pengantar Bisnis ini berfungsi sebagai panduan dasar bagi mahasiswa, pengusaha pemula, dan siapa saja yang ingin memahami dinamika dunia bisnis secara holistik.
... Sustainability is multidimensional, applicable in all areas of life and measurable in different ways [7]. The triple bottom line approach (TBL), with its ecological, economic and social dimensions, is the most appropriate and widely used to represent sustainability in a holistic way [8] and was described by John Elkington in 1994 [9]. The lack of a clear definition of the term 'sustainability' allows companies to use it strategically, which can create an impression of environmental and social responsibility that does not necessarily correspond to reality. ...
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The increasing importance of sustainability in our society also affects horticulture. Ornamental plants are a multi-billion-euro business in Germany, with EUR 4.1 billion for potted plants, EUR 1.5 billion for fruit/ornamental shrubs as well as cut flowers and EUR 0.3 billion for flower bulbs, identifying potted plants as the largest stakeholder. In terms of sustainability, the potted plant branch in Germany is interesting due to its almost year-round production and cold winters. For example, a decision must be made as to whether a greenhouse should be heated all year round, possibly with fossil fuels, or whether cuttings should be imported from warm climate zones. In order to provide a farm manager with information about the degree of sustainability of their own production and to communicate sustainable production, an assessment method is necessary. As there is no comprehensive sustainability assessment system in German horticulture so far, especially in the field of potted plants, this study aims to fill this gap. This article reviews the state of the research of theoretical sustainability assessment. As the most important topics of sustainability assessment and as essential components of the framework, the system boundaries, indicators, base value, measurement level, target values, implementation, acceptance, data collection, assessment, aggregation and weighting, as well as communication and certification, are identified and discussed. An integrated framework for the assessment of sustainability in potted plant companies is developed.
... This study is based on the idea of sustainable development as outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, which states "The SDGs reflect an understanding that sustainable development everywhere must integrate economic growth, social well-being and environmental protection" (United Nations, 2015). This ideation of sustainable development is based on triple bottom line approach (Elkington, 2004) which reflects a strong association between the economic, social and environmental dimensions used in the TBL philosophy and the economic, social and environmental development components of SDGs. Although historically, sustainability as an idea was perceived as a financial viability, which was later broadened to include social impact (Pfeffer, 2010;Dempsey, Bramley, Power, & Brown, 2011;Vallance, Perkins, & Dixon, 2011) and environmental impacts of business activities (Ekins, 2000;Brennan, Binney, McCrohan, & Lancaster, 2011). ...
Purpose This study aims to understand the association between employee emotional capital, organizational commitment and implementation of the targeted sustainable development goals (SDGs) by businesses. It explores how the various emotional competencies possessed by employees of an organization and accumulated in the form of a capital, can be utilized to ensure effective pursuit of SDG implementation by businesses. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on extensive literature exploration to identify competencies crucial for SDG attainment by a business. The conceptual model built on the same is then tested by conducting a survey on working professionals. Subsequent statistical analysis is conducted to establish the relationship as defined in the theoretical model. Findings The results of our analysis indicate a relationship between organizational commitment and emotional capital of the employees. In line with our conceptual framework, the statistical analysis also corroborates to the idea that emotional capital can improve the SDG attainment by an organization by influencing the organizational commitment. This study also identifies the specific emotional competencies which can play an important role in this direction. Originality/value This study connects the dots to establish a micro-meso-macro framework which can facilitate active participation of individuals and the businesses in achieving the SDGs. This study presents strong managerial and academic implications by identifying specific intervention areas which can and be focused upon by managers and academicians to focus on SDG implementation.
... Industrial ecologist John Ehrenfeld further characterizes it as "the possibility that humans and other forms of life will flourish on the planet forever" [2]. To ensure long-term prosperity, it is essential to focus on the interconnected networks of the three primary pillars of Sustainable Development: Environment, Society, and Economy [3][4][5][6]. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has since introduced a cultural pillar, resulting in a model of four main pillars for Sustainable Development [7][8][9][10][11]. ...
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Recent research in Sustainability has gained increasing attention within the past years, particularly regarding methods and approaches for designing sustainable products and services to address environmental and societal challenges. However, there has been limited exploration of incorporating cultural materials into the design process, which could enhance the cultural sustainability of products and services. This article aims to investigate the potential of integrating traditional royal costumes into fashion design to foster sustainability values and behaviours in contemporary society. A descriptive study focused on the Nhat Binh robe; a formal dress worn by noblewomen of the Nguyen Dynasty (1802–1945). The findings reveal that this traditional costume is rich in visual elements, offering a wealth of inspiration for fashion designers. However, existing products and services have yet to fully leverage the emotional and visual aspects of this unique cultural material. To creatively and sustainably preserve and promote traditional cultural values, this study proposes a model for incorporating traditional cultural materials into fashion design through co-design activities. This model emphasizes close collaboration between designers, artisans, and fashion consumers, with the goal of safeguarding traditional cultural values while advancing sustainable fashion. By fostering collaboration among them, the model has the potential to encourage a sense of ownership and emotional connection to the products, enriching consumer experiences. It not only addresses existing gaps in the use of cultural elements in fashion design but also positions designers to play a pivotal role in the future of sustainable fashion.
... CSR aims to create long-term value; it is not only an opportunity for companies, but also a reflection of the expectations of customers, employees, society and other stakeholders, by taking advantage of business opportunities and comprehensive risk management linked to new economic, social and environmental challenges [4,36]. Stakeholders have been shown to react favourably to responsible business practices [37,38], with employees being a critical part of this group, generating a social impact [39]. ...
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In the turbulent and dynamic post-COVID business environment, strategic management (SM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) must increasingly adapt to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders and improve outcomes. Within this context, the total compensation (TC) system can play a pivotal role. This study aims to evaluate the importance of the TC system as a human resource management (HRM) tool that is mediated by the organisation’s strategy and a socially responsible factor in organisational behaviour. Our analysis explores various TC policies, including both financial and non-financial elements, and examines their relationship with SM and CSR policies. Using structural equation modelling on a sample of 205 employees from multinational technology companies based in Spain, we demonstrate a stronger relationship between SM and non-financial TC. Additionally, the indirect effect of SM on the social aspect of CSR is notably stronger through non-financial TC. These findings could have profound implications for practitioners, suggesting that the effective implementation of non-financial TC systems can enhance SM and foster socially responsible organisational behaviour. Moreover, aligning SM with CSR policies through robust compensation systems could enable companies to achieve competitive advantages by increasing workforce commitment and engagement.
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Este trabajo tuvo como reto discutir diferentes modelos y conceptos económicos que sustentan el desarrollo económico, analizando el surgimiento de las "Nuevas Economías" desde múltiples perspectivas. La investigación se centró especialmente en la intersección entre el turismo y el desarrollo local, destacando los acuerdos de colaboración entre múltiples partes interesadas necesarios para la protección y regeneración de los entornos naturales. La investigación adoptó un enfoque sistémico, utilizando ejemplos prácticos que contextualizan el turismo como un vector de desarrollo sostenible y colaborativo. Se analizaron acuerdos de colaboración entre diferentes actores para ilustrar cómo las acciones colectivas pueden generar un impacto positivo en las economías locales y globales. El estudio también consideró la innovación como catalizador para promover el desarrollo sostenible. El estudio identificó que nuevas alianzas y conexiones, especialmente acerca del turismo y el compartir de espacios y conocimientos, son fundamentales para materializar acciones colectivas destinadas a proteger los bienes comunes (Commons). Se encontró que el desarrollo sostenible depende de la colaboración humana y la corresponsabilidad hacia la naturaleza, actualmente en desequilibrio debido a la acción humana. Se concluye que es fundamental reconocer y valorar el regionalismo y el contexto del Sur Global para promover un desarrollo social más igualitario e inclusivo. El concepto de regeneración debe integrarse en la economía de impacto, promoviendo una relación más constructiva entre el desarrollo económico y la preservación de los ambientes naturales, con todos los agentes de este ecosistema, incluso la Madre Tierra.
Achieving sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns is crucial for realizing sustainable development, aligning with the sustainable development goals 2030. However, the absence of comprehensive and unified metrics detailing SCP strategies poses a challenge, and current literature often lacks SCP-specific dimensions, merging them with broader sustainability concepts. Furthermore, existing sustainability models lack clarity on responsible actors and their role in balancing these dimensions. This research addresses these gaps by scrutinizing current sustainability and sustainable development models. It introduces the ‘womb approach,’ proposing distinct dimensions for sustainable development and SCP patterns. The study also formulates a unified strategy list adaptable to organizations of varying sizes and types, facilitating SCP pattern implementation.
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This research delves into the emergence of eco-entrepreneurship, examining the motivations, obstacles, and effects that shape environmentally conscious business practices. Using a qualitative approach, the study analyzed data from interviews and case studies of eco-entrepreneurs in industries such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. Key findings indicate that eco-entrepreneurs are driven by intrinsic values and regulatory incentives, showing a statistically significant association with sustainable practices rather than short-term profitability (p < 0.05). Profitability analysis demonstrates that eco-friendly businesses are becoming more competitive, with the profit margin gap compared to traditional businesses narrowing to less than 5% by 2018. The study concludes that eco-entrepreneurship not only supports sustainable development goals but also provides economic advantages, emphasizing the importance of enabling policies and green investment incentives. Recommendations include establishing robust policy and financial support systems and promoting sustainable certifications to improve market competitiveness.
The framework of stakeholder pressures in sports industries, and in the specific case of football, has been used to identify the reasons why management bodies incorporate interested parties into their business strategy. This is primarily contingent on the pressures that interested parties generate. One of the most influential stakeholders is the fan base, given the emotional attachment that this type of sport evokes in them, commonly referred to as “the fan's affective connection.” Despite the existence of studies on diverse typologies of fans, no investigation has been conducted into the impact these have on the sustainability outcomes of football clubs. Moreover, most existing studies have focused on European leagues, with a pronounced emphasis on the environmental dimension of sustainability. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of diverse fan types on the sustainability performance of Colombian football clubs, with a specific focus on the triple bottom line approach. To this end, two major fan typologies—active and non-active—were defined based on the findings of the literature review, as well as the pressures associated with solidarity-based factors. A conceptual model and an estimation based on the structural equation model related the different fan typologies and their associated pressures to sustainability outcomes. The results indicate that among the solidarity-based pressures, fans valued social commitment the most, followed by the promotion of women's football and the fight against racism. Environmental engagement was the least relevant, but still positively rated, suggesting the need for awareness-raising efforts to extend fans' sustainability practices beyond the stadium. The findings of this research can inform strategies for football clubs to engage fans and improve their sustainability performance across economic, social and environmental dimensions.
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The Sustainable Development Goals have set a new global standard for sustainability, requiring significant corporate involvement through the adoption of sustainable practices. Corporate Governance (CG) is acknowledged as a crucial factor influencing Corporate Sustainability Performance (CSP). This paper aims to identify research gaps in the CG-CSP area through a systematic review of literature based on articles indexed in Scopus from 1993 to 2022. A total of ninety-four articles that examine CG as a predictor of CSP were selected and analysed using content analysis. The findings indicate that research on CG-CSP has increased in recent years, leading to the development of a conceptual framework highlighting existing research and revealing gaps in research methodologies and CG elements that influence CSP. Future studies should focus on utilising qualitative or mixed-method approaches and investigating the behavioural aspects of various corporate governance stakeholders.
This study explores the intervening role of corporate reputation within the nexus of moral and social responsibility, green practices at work, and organizational performance. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can utilize moral and social responsibility and green practices at work to enhance their competitive advantage while fulfilling their social obligations. Employing a quantitative approach, the research utilizes survey data from organizations in India and applies path analysis to test the hypothesized relationships. The findings confirm that moral and social responsibility, and green practices at work, positively influence organizational performance. This study offers new insights into how green practices at work and social and moral responsibility are not only ethical imperatives but also strategic assets that enhance both reputation and performance, particularly in emerging markets like India. The results underscore the importance of integrating moral and social responsibility, as well as green practices at work, into organizational strategies to boost performance and reputation. Business leaders and policymakers in emerging markets can use these insights to foster a culture of ethical behavior and sustainability, driving long-term success. By emphasizing moral and social responsibility, this research highlights the broader societal impact of ethical practices.
This study examines the impact of green perceived value and green perceived risk on repurchase intention mediated by green trust in Adidas green products. This study is explanatory and employs a quantitative methodology. The study's population comprised individuals who purchased Adidas green products. This study employs a purposive sampling technique. The sample size consists of 190 respondents. The data utilized in this study were gathered by questionnaire. The acquired data were analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) PLS. The findings indicated that Green Perceived Value positively enhances repurchase intention and trust. Furthermore, Green Perceived Risk adversely affects repurchase intention and trust, while Green Trust enhances repurchase intention. Green Trust can enhance the relationship between Green Perceived Value and Green Perceived Risk regarding repurchase intention, but its mediation role is partial. This study highlights that to increase repurchase intention, Adidas should focus on high green perceived value through consistent product quality and emphasize its environmental commitment to attract younger consumers. Although green perceived risk is low, Adidas should minimize negative risks and maintain product quality. Additionally, green trust plays a crucial role in strengthening consumer confidence and attracting new customers.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are crucial in driving innovation, creating employment, and fostering economic development. To achieve these goals, they collaborate with various organizations, including universities, to extend their internal resources and capabilities, thereby scaling their efforts. However, inconsistent results and vague theoretical conclusions harbour ambiguity and a lack of paradigmatic analysis, hindering scholars’ ability to integrate and advance insights and harness the full potential of SME‐university collaboration for impactful outcomes. Our systematic literature review addresses these issues by providing a comprehensive and up‐to‐date understanding of the literature on SME‐university collaboration. Our review encompasses 145 peer‐reviewed publications from 1981 to 2023, showcasing the diversity of research regarding journal outlets, publication timelines, methodologies, empirical contexts, theoretical lenses, and themes. Our review reveals three paradigmatic collaboration logics: technology transfer, knowledge co‐development, and value co‐creation. We analyse and synthesize these insights to propose an overarching conceptual framework for theorizing SME‐university collaborations and supporting future research. We combine these to articulate theoretical and policy implications and present a future research agenda.
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In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and escalating environmental challenges, the nexus between innovation and sustainability has become a linchpin for business viability and societal impact. This research delves into the multifaceted relationship between innovation and sustainability in contemporary business environments, exploring how strategic integration of innovative practices aligns with environmental and social responsibility imperatives. The introduction posits a critical inquiry: How can businesses leverage innovation to fortify their sustainability initiatives and navigate the ever-evolving global landscape? This sets the stage for an exploration into the theoretical foundations within the literature review, unveiling the intricate frameworks and empirical studies that underpin the symbiotic relationship between innovation and sustainability. By examining key models and paradigms, this section establishes a comprehensive understanding of the impact of innovative sustainability practices on organizational success. The intersection of innovation and sustainability is vividly illustrated through compelling case studies. These exemplify successful integration strategies across product development, operational processes, and supply chain management. Furthermore, technological advancements emerge as transformative catalysts, enabling businesses to embrace environmentally and socially responsible practices. Navigating the future requires a nuanced examination of challenges and opportunities. An analysis of barriers, including cost implications and resistance to change, is juxtaposed against the identification of strategic openings for businesses to spearhead sustainable innovations. Strategies for steering this innovative course are delineated in the subsequent section, emphasizing the crucial roles of leadership, organizational culture, and collaborative partnerships in fostering environments conducive to both innovation and sustainability. The implications for business practices resonate across multiple dimensions, from heightened brand reputation to increased stakeholder engagement. The economic benefits derived from harmonizing innovation with sustainability goals are underscored, solidifying the argument for a dual commitment to business success and societal well-being. This research concludes by summarizing key findings, reiterating the paramount significance of integrating innovation and sustainability for future business resilience. The delicate balance required between economic growth and environmental-social responsibility is emphasized as a critical factor for sustained success. As a compass for future exploration, recommendations for further research pinpoint potential gaps in understanding and beckon scholars to delve deeper into the dynamic interplay between innovation and sustainability in rapidly evolving business landscapes.
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In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and escalating environmental challenges, the nexus between innovation and sustainability has become a linchpin for business viability and societal impact. This research delves into the multifaceted relationship between innovation and sustainability in contemporary business environments, exploring how strategic integration of innovative practices aligns with environmental and social responsibility imperatives. The introduction posits a critical inquiry: How can businesses leverage innovation to fortify their sustainability initiatives and navigate the ever-evolving global landscape? This sets the stage for an exploration into the theoretical foundations within the literature review, unveiling the intricate frameworks and empirical studies that underpin the symbiotic relationship between innovation and sustainability. By examining key models and paradigms, this section establishes a comprehensive understanding of the impact of innovative sustainability practices on organizational success. The intersection of innovation and sustainability is vividly illustrated through compelling case studies. These exemplify successful integration strategies across product development, operational processes, and supply chain management. Furthermore, technological advancements emerge as transformative catalysts, enabling businesses to embrace environmentally and socially responsible practices. Navigating the future requires a nuanced examination of challenges and opportunities. An analysis of barriers, including cost implications and resistance to change, is juxtaposed against the identification of strategic openings for businesses to spearhead sustainable innovations. Strategies for steering this innovative course are delineated in the subsequent section, emphasizing the crucial roles of leadership, organizational culture, and collaborative partnerships in fostering environments conducive to both innovation and sustainability. The implications for business practices resonate across multiple dimensions, from heightened brand reputation to increased stakeholder engagement. The economic benefits derived from harmonizing innovation with sustainability goals are underscored, solidifying the argument for a dual commitment to business success and societal well-being. This research concludes by summarizing key findings, reiterating the paramount significance of integrating innovation and sustainability for future business resilience. The delicate balance required between economic growth and environmental-social responsibility is emphasized as a critical factor for sustained success. As a compass for future exploration, recommendations for further research pinpoint potential gaps in understanding and beckon scholars to delve deeper into the dynamic interplay between innovation and sustainability in rapidly evolving business landscapes.
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En esta tesis se exploran, a partir del sistema socioecológico en el que participan los productores rurales palmeros, los lineamientos necesarios para promover un desarrollo sostenible y equitativo de la palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) en México. Para esto, se abordaron dos enfoques complementarios: el del vínculo entre la calidad de vida y las contribuciones de la naturaleza a las personas y el del modelado participativo de sistemas socioecológicos. En el primer enfoque, explorado en el artículo llamado: “Contribuciones de la palma de aceite en paisajes agropecuarios en Campeche, México”, se analizó la percepción de la calidad de vida en diferentes ejidos que tienen como actividad económica la palmicultura. Se indagó sobre cómo las plantaciones de palma contribuyen más allá de la venta de frutos, en comparación con otras actividades locales. En el mismo se destaca una visión positiva, no solo de quienes se dedican directamente a la palmicultura, sino también de las personas que habitan el ejido. En el segundo enfoque, presentado en el artículo “Oil palm growers’ prospects for sustainable oil palm production. A case study from Campeche, Mexico” se documentan los resultados de aplicar el modelado participativo del sistema socioecológico de la palmicultura y su posible evolución en el futuro. Se exploran especialmente las limitaciones que enfrentan y la visión a futuro (anticipación) de los productores. Se menciona que, a pesar de desafíos como la falta de apoyo técnico y la percepción de abandono gubernamental, los productores están dispuestos a ajustar el sistema socioecológico en el que participan, incluyendo la creación de nuevos vínculos con grandes empresas agroindustriales y la academia. Estos enfoques se complementan, ofreciendo la perspectiva de los productores ejidales sobre la visión de un desarrollo sostenible de la palma de aceite en Campeche. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de considerar aspectos sociales, económicos y ecológicos para lograr una gestión sostenible del cultivo en beneficio de la naturaleza y de las comunidades locales.
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O constante aumento no consumo de recursos e na frequência de desastres naturais impulsionaram a busca por soluções mais sustentáveis na engenharia geotécnica, destacando-se a utilização de solo-pneu e resíduo da construção civil (RCC) em estruturas de contenção. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a viabilidade da aplicação destes materiais em muros de gravidade, empregando como estudo de caso um talude localizado em Jaraguá do Sul/SC. Para tal, realizou-se o dimensionamento de estruturas compostas por materiais convencionais, utilizando concreto convencional e gabião preenchido com gnaisse, e materiais alternativos, aplicando solo-pneu e gabião preenchido com RCC. Posteriormente, foram desenvolvidos orçamentos considerando comprimentos de muro de 5, 10 e 15 metros e comparados os resultados atingidos. Identificou-se que os muros construídos com materiais alternativos possuem dimensões similares aos convencionais. Além disso, para todos os comprimentos verificados, o muro de gabião com RCC apresentou economia apenas em relação ao muro de gabião com gnaisse, enquanto os muros de solo-pneu exibiram os menores valores. A geometria esbelta do muro de solo-pneu exibiu valores inferiores à escalonada.
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The creation of successful innovation ecosystems, like Silicon Valley, is challenging due to significant cultural, infrastructural, and resource differences between regions. In this context, the Innovation Reef (I-Reef) model emerges as a promising alternative, offering an approach for regions with limited resources to develop successful innovation ecosystems based on cooperation and mutual benefit among participants. This model has great potential to promote regional development, especially due to its focus on retaining and sharing the value generated. However, the role of I-Reef in sustainable regional development still needs to be further explored. Thus, the objective of this study is to deepen the theoretical understanding of the I-Reef model by analyzing its contribution to sustainable development. To achieve this, a comparison was made between I-Reef and established models such as business, innovation, knowledge, and entrepreneurial ecosystems. A systematic literature review conducted on Scopus found 704 articles published in the last three decades. The purpose was to identify the similarities and differences between the models of innovation business ecosystem models. The results show that there is alignment between I-Reef and the different ecosystems on several points. A central aspect of I-Reef is that it relies on a strong network of mutually beneficial relationships, much more oriented to sustainable development than the other models, which is a key factor in generating competitive advantage and development for the region. This characteristic is either not addressed or not placed at the core of the ecosystems discussed in the literature. For future research, empirical studies and validation of the I-Reef model with experts are suggested, as this theoretical study lays the foundation for more in-depth analyses.
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Sustainable construction can be defined as efficient resource use with ecological design. Three pillars are required to achieve sustainable construction: environmental protection, social well-being and economic prosperity. An increase in sustainable construction awareness among industry stakeholders could help improve levels of implementation. This paper aims to assess levels of awareness among UK practitioners and identify the barriers that inhibit sustainable construction. A mixed-method approach with questionnaire surveys and interviews was adopted. Questionnaire were distributed using MS Forms through social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp) and the researcher's contacts. The survey concluded with 127 useable responses. Interviews were also conducted over MS Teams with eight professionals with different backgrounds. Respondents for the interview were conveniently gathered through snowball sampling. Data from the questionnaire survey were analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha and RII were calculated for the level of awareness of sustainable construction practices and barriers to adoption of sustainable construction. Transcripts from the interview were thematically analysed using NVivo. The findings showed that the industry practitioners have above-average levels of awareness. Sustainable construction practices that respondents were most aware of was reduce, reuse and recycle. Respondents were not as aware of newer sustainable practices such as digital twin. Surprisingly, the most prevalent barrier was not cost. According to the respondents, the most prevalent barrier was a tendency to maintain current practices. Many real-life experiences are documented in this research. Insights into current practice in the industry and key barriers to adopting sustainable construction are identified. Addressing these barriers could improve the adoption of sustainable construction in the UK.
This essay focuses on a wide and evergreen, always particularly challenging, issue, which can be summarized under the label of “quality of work”, looking at it from an organizational perspective. Therefore, and more precisely, it offers some suggestions with regard to the role that Human Resource Management can play in helping to precise better this concept, to improve its contents and to work to increase it.
Conference Paper
The Fast Fashion industry is a highly polluting industry generating much concern in the academic world. The paper maps the global sustainable trends in the fast fashion market found in 2 databases, Scopus and Web of Science, from January 2000 till July 2023 and contains a literature review of these trends and dimensions. The fact that we want to offer a complex view of the actual trends in the global fashion industry reflects our research gap, which may significantly impact tomorrow's sustainability. The trends are also further discussed and addressed and will be of high value as they better understand the barriers to adopting these sustainable trends on larger scales, leading practitioners to announce proactive solutions for a better and more sustainable future. From a theoretical point of view, we want to expand the knowledge of what the sustainability of the fashion industry on a global level can look like based on different components and dimensions. Similarities were found in analyzing the trend from the two databases as general directions for the international trends.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between environmental pressure, green logistics strategy (GLS) and sustainability performance as well as the moderating role of competitive intensity in the relationship between environmental pressure and GLS in the context of the Ghanaian Manufacturing firms. Design/methodology/approach The study included a thorough review of the literature and an empirical questionnaire-based data collection with responses from 220 participant manufacturing firms in Ghana. The data collected was statistically analysed using the PLS-SEM software. Findings The findings of the study indicated that environmental pressure positively influences the implementation of GLS. Again, it was revealed that there is a significant relationship between GLS and sustainability performance. Likewise, the study also found that environmental pressure significantly influences sustainability performance. Also, competitive intensity was found to moderate the relationship between environmental pressure and GLS. Practical implications This study gives insight into GLS and sustainability performance and also suggested that when managers in manufacturing industries adopt green practices as a result of environmental pressure, sustainability performance will be achieved. The geographic scope of the study area and time constraints were some of the research's limitations. Originality/value Although there have been studies carried out on the subject of green logistics, this study is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between environmental pressure, GLS and sustainability performance within the context of developing economies such as Ghana. Also, this study shows how intense competition in the market can moderate the adoption of GLS.
This study probes the relationship between price and traded volume in electricity exchanges worldwide. Deploying the generalised method of moments estimation on panel data from the day-ahead market of exchanges in 20 countries for the period 2015–2020, this study finds that an increase in the share of exchange-traded electricity in a country's total electricity consumption significantly reduces price. A critical analysis of the Indian electricity exchanges in this study reveals that even after 13 years of operations, consumers do not derive surplus as is expected from commodity exchanges.
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