
Experimental implementation of a split-type air conditioner for fault detection and diagnosis

  • Çukuro University
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The use of split-type air conditioners (STAC) is very popular in residential and commercial buildings and demand for these types of air conditioners is increasing year by year. Theoretical and practical case studies for fault detection and diagnosis of STAG constitute a vital part in technical services and refrigeration/air-conditioning laboratories of mechanical engineering. Fast detection of fault is quite important for technical services. In this study, a fault-test prototype of split-type air conditioner has been designed and implemented. In order to perform the performance analysis, sixteen different faults have been created on the control unit of this prototype. The behavior of the system has been also investigated under the normal and faulty conditions. The test results for faults are presented and compared with the normal operating results. In addition, solutions offered against the faults have been also provided for the participants.

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... S-transform (ST) provides an alternative technique which can overcome the limitations of the WT. Thus, the ST has already been considered in many different fields such as geophysics [16,17], cardiovascular time-series analysis [18], signal processing for mechanical systems [19][20] and power system engineering [14,[21][22]. The ST is an invertible time-frequency spectral localization technique that combines elements of WT and short-time Fourier transform (STFT) [16]. ...
... where K denotes the kernel matrix with ijth element in (20) and I denotes the identity matrix N×N, ...
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This paper presents an approach based on S-Transform (ST) and Least Square Support Vector Regression (LSSVR) techniques for predicting the fault location in a compensated power transmission line with the fixed series capacitor. The entropy features of ST matrix are extracted for reducing the dimension of three-phase current signal measured from the sending end of the transmission line. Then, the extracted features are applied as input to LSSVR for determining fault location on series compensated line (SCL). The presented method has been tested using model of a 400kV, 320km transmission line, which is compensated, by a three-phase capacitor bank in the middle. The results show that the proposed method is capable of determining fault location on SCL under wide variations in operating conditions (i.e. fault resistance, fault inception angle, fault distance, percentage compensation level, source impedance and load angle).
Troubleshooting of an air-handling unit (AHU) is a complicated process and requires high level of expertise. Any attempt of developing an expert system dealing with troubleshooting in AHU has to overcome various difficulties. This paper describes the implementation of AHUX, a knowledge-based expert system (KBS) for diagnosis the trouble of a typical AHU and for remedy. AHUX is to teach troubleshooting of AHU for the students and the non-specialized technical staffs. The system structure, its components and their function are described. The system has only 10 rules for loading a fact file and reaching a result for troubleshooting. The fact file has four types of fact acting as a rule. The process of diagnosis is leaded by the symptom. Each of symptoms indicates one or more of the assumption are false. The system has been tested and gave promising results. The AHUX and the Fault Analysis Table were compared and emphasized the motivation effect on training. The result of the evaluation was accurate and promising.
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In this study, two different refrigerant types R215/218/290 mixture and R123 are used in a theoretical analysis for a cascade refrigeration system’s low temperature circuit. This study presents comparison of energetic and exergetic performance of these refrigerants. A package program (EES) were used for solve thermodynamic equations of the refrigerants for the analysis to solve thermodynamic equations of the refrigerants. Results are presented graphically.
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The use of split-type air-conditioners is popular in residential buildings of Hong Kong. In new apartment buildings, the building re-entrants are the most frequent choice of the project team for placing the outdoor condensing units. Nevertheless, the effect of heat dissipation from all condensing units at a re-entrant can be detrimental. Improper condenser layout incurs energy wastage, equipment de-rating and malfunction problems. Because of the continuing changes in outdoor air conditions, individual air-conditioner usage and loading, accurate prediction of the thermal impact at a re-entrant is virtually difficult. Based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis incorporating with an energy performance evaluation model, the effectiveness of various condenser layout schemes in building re-entrants under steady-state conditions was explored in this paper. It was found that there are limited hard-and-fast rules to give definite solutions. Provided that there is no physical access problem, an alignment of condensing units facing inward to induce a positive inflow of air into the re-entrant is a desirable solution.
At this study, in the absorption cooling system in which LiBr-water couple is used, the effect of using the plate heat exchanger as pre-cooler to the performance of the system has been investigated. For this reason, an absorption cooling system has been designed and produced. The system is composed of generator, condenser, evaporator, absorber, solution heat exchanger, absorber pre-cooler, pump, water circulators and heaters, data acquisition and control system, vacuum pump, thermocouples, pressure and flow transmitters and energy meter. The experiments have been carried out with and without absorber pre-cooler and results have been compared. It is found that, the use of two small heat exchangers (economizer and absorber pre-cooler) is more appropriate than the use of a large heat exchanger with a heat transfer area equal to the total of the small ones. The use of absorber pre-cooler reduces absorber size between 6% and 14% compared with system without pre-cooler. A flow rate, which as small as 20% that of absorber cooling water is sufficient for the pre-cooler. It was found that, the required heat transfer areas and the cost of absorber could be reduced by the use of plate heat exchangers as a pre-cooler.
The objective of this paper is to discuss different kinds of performance evaluation criteria for evaluation of the performance of a smooth flat-plate solar air heater proposed by different researchers. The comparison of different performance evaluation methods had been reported and a methodology has been presented for comparison of different evaluation methods for the performance of smooth flat-plate solar air heater. In this paper, a detailed study of the various performance characteristics of a flat plate solar air heater has been carried out. In solar air heater various parameters on which, performance depends can be identified and their effect is studied. The prediction of various performance characteristics is useful in selection of the solar air heater that yields maximum thermal gain with minimum penalty. In order to yield the optimum performance for a given set of system and operating parameters, it is necessary to fix the appropriate values of the system and operating parameters of the solar air heaters. The net exergy flow is a suitable quantity for the second law optimization. It can be observed that net exergy flow increases with the increase of Reynolds number, attains maxima and then it starts decreasing. When aspect ratio increase, the net exergy flow decreases.
This study focuses on utilization and benefits of spherical ice capsules in district cooling systems, and describes the relevant study methods and results. Cooling carried out by means of the latent heat of ice will save on electrical energy. It will be possible to use an existing cooling system as a heating system in the winter, so that fuel will be saved on the one hand and pollution will be reduced in the other hand. Furthermore, the system's water content can be used as utility water after cooling by means of ice balls (capsules) made of snow. Thus it will be possible to obtain maximum cooling at minimum cost, to reduce pollution by a significant rate, and to obtain water. The renewable energy sources are biorenewables, hydro, solar, wind, geothermal and other energies Alternative transportation fuels are substitute fuel sources to petroleum.
This paper presents experimental results on the shut-down and start-up characteristics of a residential split system R410A air-conditioner with a capillary tube. During shut-down, the transient characteristics are evaluated by measuring the high and low side pressures and temperatures of the system. The dynamic behavior of the system after start-up is also investigated at the standard cooling capacity rating condition of which the dry and wet bulb temperatures for the indoor and outdoor are 27/19.5 and 35/24 degreesC, respectively. All experiments are performed in a psychrometric calorimeter. The cooling capacity, power consumption, dehumidification capacity and cycle characteristics after start-up are analyzed. The test results show that the cooling capacity and the coefficient of performance (COP) after start-up can be expressed as the combination of two exponential functions of time, approaching the cooling capacity of steady-state.
Preventive maintenance plays a very important role in the modern Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems for guaranteeing the thermal comfort, energy saving and reliability. Its key is a cost-effective Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) method. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes a new method by combining the model-based FDD method and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. A lumped-parameter model of a single zone HVAC system is developed first, and then the characteristics of three major faults, including the recirculation damper stuck, cooling coil fouling/block and supply fan speed decreasing, are investigated by computer simulation. It is found that the supply air temperature, mixed air temperature, outlet water temperature and control signal are sensitive to the faults and can be selected as the fault indicators. Based on the variations of the system states under the normal and faulty conditions of different degrees, the faults can be detected efficiently by using the residual analysis method. Furthermore, a multi-layer SVM classifier is developed, and the diagnosis results show that this classifier is effective with high accuracy. As a result, the presented Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis (MBFDD) method can help to maintain the health of the HVAC systems, reduce energy consumption and maintenance cost.
The bond graph method represents a unified approach for modeling engineering systems. The main idea is that power transfer bonds the components of a system. The bond graph model is the same for both quantitative representation, in which parameters have numerical values, and qualitative approach, in which they are classified qualitatively. To infer the cause of faults using a qualitative method, a system of qualitative equations must be solved. However, the characteristics of qualitative operators require specific methods for solving systems of equations having qualitative variables. This paper proposes both a method for recursively solving the qualitative system of equations derived from bond graph, and a bond graph model of a direct-expansion, mechanical vapor–compression air conditioning system. Results from diagnosing two faults in a real air conditioning system are presented and discussed. Occasionally, more than one fault candidate is inferred for the same set of qualitative values derived from measurements. In these cases, additional information is required to localize the fault. Fault diagnosis is initiated by a fault detection mechanism which also classifies the quantitative measurements into qualitative values; the fault detection is not presented here.
This paper presents a steady state simulation model to predict the performance of a small split type air conditioner with integrated water heater. The mathematical model consists of submodels of system components such as evaporator, condenser, compressor, capillary tube, receiver and water heater. These submodels were built based on fundamental principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, empirical relationships and manufacturer’s data as necessary. The model was coded into a simulation program and used to predict system parameters of interest such as hot water temperature, condenser exit air temperature, evaporator exit air temperature, mass flow rate of refrigerant, heat rejection in the condenser and cooling capacity of the system. The simulation results were compared with experimental data obtained from an experimental rig built for validating the mathematical model. It was found that the experimental and simulation results are in good agreement.
Chillers constitute a significant portion of energy consumption equipment in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The growing complexity of building systems has become a major challenge for field technicians to troubleshoot the problems manually; this calls for automated ldquosmart-service systemsrdquo for performing fault detection and diagnosis (FDD). The focus of this paper is to develop a generic FDD scheme for centrifugal chillers and also to develop a nominal data-driven (ldquoblack-boxrdquo) model of the chiller that can predict the system response under new loading conditions. In this vein, support vector machines, principal component analysis, and partial least squares are the candidate fault classification techniques in our approach. We present a genetic algorithm-based approach to select a sensor suite for maximum diagnosabilty and also evaluated the performance of selected classification procedures with the optimized sensor suite. The responses of these selected sensors are predicted under new loading conditions using the nominal model developed via the black-box modeling approach. We used the benchmark data on a 90-t real centrifugal chiller test equipment, provided by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, to demonstrate and validate our proposed diagnostic procedure. The database consists of data from sixty four monitored variables of the chiller under 27 different modes of operation during nominal and eight faulty conditions with different severities.