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The Interpretive Turn:
History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research1
Véronique Mottier
Abstract: This article reviews the field of qualitative inquiry, identifying three conceptual breaks: the
"orthodox consensus" of positivism which conceives the social world as a collection of external
facts and attempts to eliminate bias and subjectivity; post-positivist philosophy of science, which
concedes that objective observation of pure data is impossible but nevertheless tries to establish
criteria of "good" research practice; and the interpretive turn, which rehabilitates subjectivity and
views data collection as a mutual construction of meaning where the researcher is engaged in
"double hermeneutics" (GIDDENS). The interpretive turn has implications for history, memory, and
storage of data. However, while recognizing the interactionist and contextual nature of data
collection, the article points out that it is counterproductive to overemphasize its implications, as
some postmodern strands of interpretive research do. Drawing on the hermeneutic notions of
objectivation and the hermeneutic circle, it is argued that interpretive research data consist of
objectivations, and therefore lend themselves to storage and future revision, newly emerging
questions, and (re-)interpretation. Furthermore, data storage allows for data access by non-
specialists, including the subjects of the research. Archiving consequently potentially contributes to
empowerment, feedback and dialogue.
Table of Contents
1. Conceptual Breaks within Qualitative Research
2. The Turn towards Interpretation
3. History, Memory, Storage
1. Conceptual Breaks within Qualitative Research
Qualitative research in the social sciences constitutes by no means a
homogeneous, unified field. This text will first unpack the notion of qualitative
methods to explore some of the conceptual breaks within this field. Second, and
more importantly for the present volume, specific methodological implications of
these breaks for the collection, storage, and re-analysis of qualitative data will be
examined. [1]
Qualitative research can be defined in general terms as "multimethod in focus,
involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter (...) Qualitative
researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or
interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them" (DENZIN &
1 I would like to thank Randy SEEPERSAD for stylistic improvements; Max BERGMAN, Thomas
EBERLE and an anonymous reviewer for helpful suggestions; the IEPI, University of Lausanne
and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 61-66003.01) for institutional support. Some
sections of this text have appeared previously in MOTTIER (2001).
© 2005 FQS http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
Volume 6, No. 2, Art. 33
May 2005
Key words:
interpretive turn,
qualitative data,
history, memory,
FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
LINCOLN 1998, p.3). Beyond this general orientation, qualitative research does
not involve an a priori set of research techniques that researchers apply.
Following authors such as LEVI-STRAUSS (1963), BECKER (1989), or DENZIN
and LINCOLN (1998), the practice of qualitative research can be more usefully
conceptualized as a form of bricolage: a putting-together of a set of research
practices that aim to provide a solution to a concrete problem. In other words, the
choice of qualitative research techniques depends on the research question that
is being asked: it is problem-driven rather than method-driven. [2]
Beyond these general features, there are profound disagreements amongst
qualitative researchers on core issues such as the nature of qualitative research
or its fundamental theoretical assumptions. Such disagreements reflect a number
of conceptual breaks within the field of qualitative research. Any attempt to
present an exhaustive history of qualitative research is in itself contentious, and
the aim of the present text is not to do so. Rather, I will concentrate on three
major conceptual breaks within the field, in order to explore their implications for
the issues of history and memory, and consequently for the more practical
concerns of data collection, data storage (archiving), and secondary analysis of
qualitative data. It is important to point out that although these three breaks have
emerged successively, my intention is not to suggest a cumulative view of
historical changes in the field where one perspective is thought to neatly replace
the previous one. Indeed, all three perspectives are co-present within the domain
of current qualitative research. [3]
I will argue that, at first sight at least, interpretive-qualitative perspectives in
particular involve a potential distrust of the feasibility of secondary data analysis,
and therefore of the usefulness of data storage. I will therefore concentrate in
more detail on the concerns raised by interpretive perspectives in the social
sciences, and will address some of these central concerns. In its early decades
from the early 1900s to World War II, the field of qualitative research reflected the
prevalence of positivist perspectives within the social sciences more generally.
Qualitative researchers such as MALINOWSKI or the members of the Chicago
School aimed to produce "objective" accounts of their observations of society,
and to offer valid, reliable descriptions. Positivist conceptions of science
traditionally attribute a negative role to researcher subjectivity. What DURKHEIM
termed the researcher's "pre-notions," i.e. her pre-existing ideas or prejudices,
are regarded with suspicion. Following the Cartesian ideal of methodic doubting,
the subjectivity of the researcher is seen as a bias which obscures the accurate
view of reality, whereas the object of study, social reality, is conceptualized as an
external object. For positivist social scientists the concept of subjectivity, unlike
objectivity, is used pejoratively. It is seen as a source of bias that needs to be
eliminated from the research process. The research topic—the social problem
under investigation—is treated as similarly independent from the researcher. It is
"out there" and treated as "given." Consequently, provided the elimination of bias
has been successful, the process of data collection and the nature of the
collected data are seen as relatively unproblematic. Since the produced data are
seen as objective observations of external reality and independent from the
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
researcher, data storage and the re-analysis of data are in principle similarly
unproblematic (even though they tend to be rare in practice). [4]
Positivism remained for a long time the "orthodox consensus" in social science
methodology; this applied equally to qualitative research. Today, the orthodox
consensus is dead. It has been shattered over the past two decades as a result
of attacks from various quarters. Central to the crusade against the orthodox
consensus was the rehabilitation of subjectivity. Indeed, the hegemony of
positivist methods has been defeated by what RABINOW and SULLIVAN (1987)
have aptly termed the interpretive turn in the social sciences, that is, the growing
influence of disciplines such as ethnomethodology, phenomenology and
hermeneutics. In addition to the interpretive critique of positivist and objectivist
perspectives, other attacks have come from within a post-positivist philosophy of
science, in particular by authors such as POPPER, KUHN, LAKATOS,
CANGUILHELM and BACHELARD on the other. Post-positivist philosophy of
science is still concerned with problems such as verification or prediction, issues
that were central to the traditional model of natural science as represented by
CARNAP's logical positivism. Its proponents nevertheless clearly accept that
scientific inquiry is largely of a hermeneutic nature. Interpretation and
explanation, objectivity and subjectivity, cannot be clearly separated within natural
science research. As BACHELARD stressed long before KUHN, HANSON or
FEYERABEND, the objective observation of pure data is impossible. All scientific
data are already interpreted at the same time as they are being observed. [5]
Critical developments within the natural sciences have also contributed to the
decline of positivist views of science and to the revaluation of subjectivity within
scientific research. The logical-positivist model of natural science is currently
considered outdated by most natural scientists. Somewhat ironically, the
strongest remnants of positivism are now possibly to be found in the social rather
than in the natural sciences. Insofar as these approaches claim to follow natural
science "scientificity," they seem to be based upon a rather primitive and obsolete
view of natural science methodology. [6]
A number of post-positivist perspectives emerged within the field of qualitative
research from the post-War period up to the 1970s. Whereas positivist research
aims to offer "objective" accounts of reality, post-positivist perspectives recognize
the flawed nature of all methods, and therefore the impossibility of ever fully
achieving this aim. The aim of authors such as GLASER and STRAUSS,
CORBIN, MILES and HUBERMAN (and more generally, the grounded theory
school) was to increase the "scientific" nature of social science research by
developing as much as possible the equivalence to quantitative criteria of "good"
research practice. They shared a common emphasis on attempts to formalize
qualitative methods through the use of "quasi-statistics" and software packages.
From the point of view of data analysis, the concern with the elimination of bias
and the systematic nature of the analysis was further pursued. Similar to positivist
perspectives, post-positivist methods involve a relatively unproblematic view of
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
data storage and re-analysis, putting the central concern on the elimination of
bias during the process of data collection. [7]
For the past three decades, there has been a multiplication of new perspectives
that have been loosely grouped together under the label of "the interpretive turn
in the social sciences" such as hermeneutics, ethnomethodology, symbolic
interactionism, dramaturgical analysis, poststructuralism, and discourse theory.
Interpretive approaches share a common emphasis on the analysis of
constructions of meaning, of the ways people make sense of their everyday
activities and surroundings. In contrast to positivist and post-positivist
perspectives, subjectivity is seen as a crucial and positive component of research
in interpretive approaches.2 Indeed, interpretive perspectives do not define social
reality as an exterior object. The social world is seen instead as a subjectively
lived construct. Interpretive perspectives consequently abandon claims to
objectivity to emphasize instead the reflexive nature of the research process and
the subjective nature of constructions of meaning, both by the research subjects
and by the researcher. This emphasis on and indeed revalorization of subjectivity
involves a critical view of "data" (not a term that most interpretive researchers like
to use). Indeed, for interpretive researchers, data are not "given" observations of
external social facts that are independent from the researcher. Rather,
interpretive approaches recognize the constructed nature of "data," which are
seen instead as the outcome of a reflexive research process wherein the "social
problems" under investigation are themselves treated not as "given" but as
socially constructed. Symbolic interactionists furthermore emphasize the
interactive nature of data collection. As symbolic interactionists point out, data
collection cannot be adequately considered as a passive extraction of information
from participants by the researcher, but rather as a mutual construction of
meaning during the data collection—for example, in interview situations.
Consequently, a number of potential question marks arise as to the feasibility or
indeed the desirability of secondary data analysis (and therefore of data storage),
which the next section will present. [8]
2. The Turn towards Interpretation
As the previous section outlines, the different perspectives associated with the
interpretive turn in qualitative research consider the social world not as a
collection of external "facts," but as a subjectively experienced construct.
Whereas objectivist and causal perspectives privilege the notion of external social
facts, interpretive approaches are in contrast articulated around the notion of the
social and cultural world as a milieu of meaning (HERMAN 1988, p.45):
DILTHEY's Geisteswelt, HUSSERL's Lebenswelt, HEIDEGGER's Umwelt,
SCHUTZ's everyday world or common-sense world, WITTGENSTEIN's form of
life. From this perspective, following WEBER's view of social analysis, the goal of
the social sciences lies in the interpretive understanding of the subjective
meaning of social practices and of cultural artifacts, within a lifeworld that the
2 Arguably and more fundamentally, any research method could be considered to have an
interpretive component. This text, however, reserves the term interpretive for those perspectives
that are conventionally associated with the interpretive turn.
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
researcher is embedded in. It follows that the study of social reality as an
"external object" is a methodological impossibility. [9]
Hermeneutic versions of the interpretive turn have most systematically addressed
methodological issues relevant to data collection, data storage and re-analysis.
The term hermeneutics is generally used to refer to the interpretation of the
meaning of cultural objects (texts, documents) and social practices. The different
strands of hermeneutics share the idea that the subjective meaning of action and
words is grasped through the operation of interpretive understanding, although
there is a lack of agreement around the conceptualization of Verstehen (see, for
e.g., DALLMAYR & McCARTHY 1977). In DILTHEY's earlier writings, similar to
SCHLEIERMACHER's, the process of understanding is based on the method of
Erlebnis, consisting of the attempt to reconstitute the mental states of others. In
other words, Verstehen is thought of as the empathic re-living (Nacherleben) of
the original life experience on the basis of our own subjective experience. This
reconstitution is, however, doomed to remain incomplete. As GUSDORF (1988,
p.235) points out, between the original life experience and its reconstitution, there
is a fatal loss of authenticity. In later writings, DILTHEY came to see Verstehen
as the location of a text within its objective framework of meaning, including
cultural, historical and linguistic context—a view which is currently prevalent. [10]
Subsequent theorists, in particular HEIDEGGER's student GADAMER,
conceptualized Verstehen in relation to the interpreter's historical context, as well
as to that of the author and her original audience. For GADAMER, the point is not
to interpret an action through the motivations of which the individual has
subjective consciousness, but rather to concentrate the analysis on the form of
life within which the action unfolds and acquires meaning. From this angle, there
is a fundamental unity between subjective experience, language, and the
historical horizon of meaning. Given that meaning is embedded in a specific
historical and cultural context, the meaning of the object of research is irreducible
to the cultural meanings that envelop the interpreter. From this viewpoint,
hermeneutics is provoked by the encounter with incommensurable discourses.
This idea is radicalized in WINCH's claim that all language games (forms of life)
are unique (WINCH 1958). [11]
Hermeneutics shares with analytic philosophy an emphasis on the linguistic
nature of subjectivity. HEIDEGGER, GADAMER, RICOEUR, as well as the
WITTGENSTEIN of Philosophical Investigations emphasize first, that it is only
through the intermediary of a conceptual framework, which is of a linguistic
nature, that reality is apprehended. Second, it is only through language, through
shared meanings, that social agents give meaning to their actions. It follows that
the nature of meaningful action is fundamentally social (see DALLMAYR &
McCARTHY 1977, p.7; GIDDENS 1976, pp.52ff; WINCH 1958). The social
nature of meaningful action is stressed in the WITTGENSTEINian notion of
language game. This concept emphasizes that human action is embedded in
social conventions, which derive from common sense. Insofar as language
games are embedded in concrete forms of life, WITTGENSTEIN stresses both
the linguistic structure of subjectivity and its insertion in a concrete world.
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
HEIDEGGER conceptualizes subjectivity similarly as the embeddedness in
language and a concrete historic moment. HEIDEGGERian ontology considers
"In-der-Welt-sein" (being-in-the-world) as constitutive of human existence. Being
cannot be dissociated from being-in-the-world. This strong emphasis on the
historicity of subjectivity is an important move away from previously dominant
views on subjectivity as "pure" consciousness. As HEIDEGGER and GADAMER
point out, subjectivity is embedded in a concrete, historical world. In contrast to
HUSSERL for example, HEIDEGGER and GADAMER believe that subjectivity
accesses truth and knowledge through, not despite, its anchorage in the world. [12]
GADAMER interprets the fundamental embeddedness in the world as an
insertion in tradition. The individual belongs to tradition, and therefore acquires
the traditional meanings that are transmitted. "That is why," he argues, "the
prejudices of the individual, far more than his judgments, constitute the historical
reality of his being" (GADAMER 1989, pp.276ff). In relation to truth and
knowledge, traditional meanings are not a constraint upon understanding but, on
the contrary, a precondition thereof. It is only because the interpreter has a
certain pre-understanding of a text, based upon "constructive" prejudices, that
she can develop an interpretation. GADAMER (1989, pp.298ff) therefore calls the
prejudices by which we understand "true," as opposed to "false," ones by which
we misunderstand. For prejudices to have a positive role, they have to be made
explicit and transparent. In GADAMER's terminology, it is necessary to make
explicit the "fore-meanings." Pre-understanding is one of the conditions of
understanding meaning, and prejudices facilitate understanding. Within
GADAMER's work there is thus a revaluation of prejudice as a condition of
understanding. [13]
Such a position sharply contrasts with positivist conceptions of science. As
pointed out earlier, positivist approaches consider prejudice as a barrier to be
eliminated, preventing the observer from seeing reality as it is. According to
GADAMER, such an elimination of one's own horizon of meaning is an
ontological impossibility. Understanding is achieved instead through what
GADAMER calls the fusion of horizons, that of the text and of the interpreter. On
this point, GADAMER seems close to SCHLEIERMACHER. For the latter,
interpreter and author are each embedded in a precise Lebensmoment. It is
impossible to make abstraction from this specific historical and cultural context.
The access to truth therefore necessarily takes the form of a dialogue between
two epochs rather than the repetition of a historical life experience (see
GUSDORF 1988, p.324). The model of the dialogue involves the notion of
"listening to the truth of the other." For GADAMER, this involves a more
egalitarian model of knowledge, in contrast with the attitude of domination
towards the research object which he ascribes to positivism. [14]
Such a dialogue takes the shape of "situating oneself" within the tradition that is
under scrutiny. However, this "resituating oneself" is different from the Dilthean
concept of Erlebnis, or lived experience. The reproduction of the original life
experience is impossible, GADAMER believes. When we place ourselves in a
situation, we nevertheless maintain our personal historical horizon. Given that this
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
personal grid of interpretation is a fundamental part of our existence, it is
impossible to dissociate subjectivity from its horizon of meaning. "But into this
other situation," as GADAMER (1989, p.305) writes, "we must bring, precisely,
ourselves. Only this is the full meaning of 'transposing ourselves'." While
DILTHEY's Verstehen is never complete because new connections within the
original context of meaning can always be uncovered, GADAMER's classic
reformulation of hermeneutics posits that interpretations can never be final
because different meanings are constantly projected upon human expressions
and action.3 [15]
3. History, Memory, Storage
The turn towards interpretation within qualitative research has a number of
implications for the ways in which we think about the nature of social science
"data." First, as we have seen above, interpretive perspectives problematize the
notion that researchers can directly capture lived experience, and recognize
instead its mediation by the text as well as the reflexive nature of the research
process. As researchers we engage in "double hermeneutics" (to use GIDDENS's
term)—that is, we construct interpretations of interpretations. We try to
interpretively "read" the meaning of cultural texts by writing in turn our own texts.
Second, interpretive perspectives problematize the identity and the role of the
researcher in this process. It is recognized how issues of gender, class and race,
as well as the more immediate contextual conditions of the data collection, shape
the research process and the nature of the data. [16]
The most radical views proposed by postmodern strands of interpretive research,
especially, develop these critical issues into a fundamental critique of data
analysis and data collection. At the level of data analysis, postmodern authors
tend to take the biographical metaphor of social science analysis as "writing tales
of the field" further to argue that social scientific accounts are, primarily,
autobiographies. In other words, not only do we write stories about the social
world that we observe, but we write primarily stories about ourselves observing
the social world. Research accounts thus come to be seen as historically situated
author's memoirs rather than memories—raising questions about the usefulness
of storage of such individualized tales. [17]
At the level of data collection, if we overemphasize the interactionist and
contextual nature of data collection, secondary analysis of qualitative data would
similarly seem pointless. The interpretive turn in the social sciences importantly
leads us to recognize the cultural and historical situatedness of constructions of
meaning by social agents, and the interpretations that researchers develop of
them. However, this stress on historical situatedness of the research could
potentially imply deep skepticism towards the usefulness or even the very
possibility of re-analyzing (from within a different social, cultural or historical
context) such primary data. [18]
3 Postmodern literary theory argues similarly against determinate meaning, with the claim that
every decoding is another encoding.
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
And yet, there is no need—indeed it is in my view counterproductive—to be too
fundamentalist in this matter. It is possible to further draw on other contributions
of hermeneutics itself, in particular, on the notions of objectivation and of the
hermeneutic circle, to argue both for the possibilities and for the fruitfulness of
successive re-readings of cultural texts or textual data. As RICOEUR (1986)
points out, research data are both culturally and historically situated, and the
product of a process of objectivation. Once collected, any research material
acquires a certain autonomy from its original context of production as well as
from its original author—a detachment which makes re-analysis of such data
feasible. Furthermore, as GADAMER points out, the understanding of the
(cultural and social) text is dependent on its pre-comprehension. This pre-
understanding is, in turn, determined by its insertion in tradition which is itself in
constant transformation. As a result, the movement of the whole to the parts and
vice versa is less a means for achieving truth than a structural, ontological
condition of understanding. "The circle of whole and part is not dissolved in
perfect understanding but, on the contrary, is most fully realized" (GADAMER
1989, p.293). It follows from GADAMER's version of the hermeneutic circle that
interpretation is both conditioned by tradition, and never final. A text can be the
object of various successive interpretations in different historical periods. In order
to achieve understanding it is necessary to continuously return to one's own
prejudices, which are in turn constantly being transformed. As GUSDORF (1988,
p.203) puts it, understanding implies turning in circles or spirals of understanding.
The hermeneutic concept of the interpretive circle suggests that interpretation is
an endless process while postmodern perspectives similarly emphasize the
multiplicity and infinity of interpretations. [19]
The research questions that are applied to social science data reflect the
historical embeddedness of the researcher, as GADAMER importantly points out.
However, following the principle of the hermeneutic circle, our individual as well
as collective research questions change over time—as do our "social problems"
and policy priorities. The types of concerns that a given society considers
important, worthy of research as well as of policy interventions, are neither
"given" nor already "out there." They are socially and politically constructed, and
therefore variable. For example, issues of gender equality or ecological concerns
are currently important topics of public debate, social science research and public
policy, whereas previously they went unacknowledged. The storage of qualitative
data would allow for later researchers to go back to earlier studies on, for
example, urban poverty, to find that the same data could provide important
insights into processes of social and political change around gender as well—a
concern that the initial researchers may not have had, reflecting their own
historical embeddedness. Such re-analysis would be of interest not only to social
historians, but also to current policymakers for whom insights into processes of
social change over the medium and long term is crucial. [20]
Finally, to the extent that data storage also allows access to the data by non-
specialists, including the subjects of the research themselves, the storage of
qualitative data could also be seen as potentially empowering, allowing for
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FQS 6(2), Art. 33, Véronique Mottier:
The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research
feedback and dialogue. In this respect, it could be seen as a citizenship issue—
similarly, an important ethical concern which most qualitative researchers share. [21]
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Denzin, Norman & Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.) (1998). Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative
Research. In Norman Denzin & Yvonna Lincoln (Eds.), The Landscape of Qualitative Research.
Theories and Issues (pp.1-34). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1989). Truth and Method (2nd ed.). London: Sheed and Ward.
Giddens, Anthony (1976). New Rules of Sociological Method: A Positive Critique of Interpretative
Sociologies. New York: Basic Books.
Gusdorf, Georges (1988). Les origines de l'herméneutique. Paris: Payot.
Herman, Jacques (1988). Les langages de la sociologie. Paris: P.U.F.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1963). La "pensée sauvage" et le structuralisme. Paris: Esprit.
Mottier, Véronique (2001). Hermeneutics and Interpretive Validity: Limits to Interpretation. In Jörg
Blasius, Joop Hox, Edith de Leeuw & Peter Schmidt (Eds.), Social Science Methodology in the New
Millenium [CD-Rom]. Opladen: Leske and Budrich.
Rabinow, Paul & William Sullivan (Eds.) (1987). Interpretive Social Science: A Second Look (2nd
ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ricoeur, Paul (1971). The Model of the Text. Social Research, 38, 529-55.
Winch, Peter (1958). The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy. London:
Véronique MOTTIER
Present position: Professeure boursiere (Swiss
National Science Foundation Research
Professor), IEPI, University of Lausanne & Fellow
of Jesus College, Cambridge.
Major research areas: interpretative
methodologies; social theory; gender and
sexuality; eugenics.
Véronique Mottier
Institut d'Etudes Politiques et Internationales
Université de Lausanne BFSH2
Lausanne 1015, Switzerland
E-mail: Veronique.Mottier@iepi.unil.ch
Mottier, Véronique (2005). The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative
Research [21 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social
Research, 6(2), Art. 33, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0502330.
Revised 3/2007
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