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Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2008), 2(2): 48-51 A Rashid et al: Trypanosomiasis in…
Case Report
Trypanosomiasis in Dog; A Case Report
*A Rashid 1, K Rasheed 2, A Hussain 1
1Veterinary Research Institute, Ghazi Road Lahore Cantt, Pakistan
2University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
(Received 19 Nov 2008; accepted 12 May 2009)
Trypanosoma are extra-erythrocytic, protozoan parasites of domestic and wild animals. It is transmitted by biting
flies and a cause of fever, anemia, myocarditis and corneal opacity. In the present study, Trypanosoma infection is
reported in a male bull dog of two years age at Lahore, Pakistan. Clinical signs and symptoms of infection are re-
corded. Confirmation of case was done by microscopic examination of Trypanosoma organism in thick blood smear.
Furthermore, their effect on certain hematological parameters was studied and concluded that there was decrease of
hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and packed cell volume (PCV) while erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR) was
increased in the infected dog. The animal was successfully treated with single dose of diminazene diaceturate at the
dose rate of 3.5 mg/kg body weight, intramuscularly alongwith the supportive therapy.
Keywords: Trypanosoma, Dog, Pakistan
Trypanosomiasis is a hemoprotozoan
disease of domestic and wild animals, spread
by biting tabanid flies. The disease is gener-
ally acute and fatal in canines (Soulsby 1982)
and a cause of fever, anemia, myocarditis and
corneal opacity.
Trypanosomiasis has been reported for
the past 70 yr in a number of populations of
opossums, wood rats, raccoons, armadillos
and coyotes (Olsen et al. 1964, Burkholder et
al. 1980, Grogl et al. 1984, John and Hoppe,
1986, Barr et al. 1991, Telford and Forrester
1991, Karsten et al. 1992).
All species of Trypanosoma, with the
exception of some strains of T. vivax which
produce a hyper acute and acute infection, char-
acterized by high parasitaemia, fever, severe
anemia and hemorrhages on the mucosal and
serosal surfaces (Urquhart et al. 2002).
Trypomastigote form of trypanosoma
enters host cells soon after infection, multi-
plies sub clinically, escapes the immune sys-
tem and spread throughout the body pri-
marily within macrophages. Parasitaemia de-
velops within a few day and peaks 2 to 3
weeks post infection, coinciding with clini-
cal disease (Barr et al. 1991). Anemia is a
cardinal feature of the disease in which red
blood cells are removed from the circulation
by the expelled mononuclear phagocytic sys-
tem. Later, in infection of several months du-
ration, when the parasitaemia become low and
intermittent, anemia may resolve to a variable
degree (Urquhart et al. 2002).
There are a number of effective trypano-
somacidal agents for dogs including suramin,
quinapyramine and diminazene but single dose
of diminazene diaceturate is effective in elimi-
nating the natural trypanosomiasis infection
in canine (Rani and Suresh 2007).
*Corresponding author: A Rashid, Tel: +92 42
9220136, E-mail: dr_asif_rasheed@hotmail.com
Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2008), 2(2): 48-51 A Rashid et al: Trypanosomiasis in…
The present report describes a case of
trypanosomiasis in a dog, its effect on some
blood parameters and treatment with dimina-
zene diaceturate.
History of case
A male bull dog of two years age was
brought to a private clinic at Lahore, Paki-
stan with history of anorexia, dullness and
persistent fever for three days. On clinical
examination, there was high rise of rectal
temperature (40.8 oC), pale mucous mem-
brane, bilateral lacrimation and generalized
debility. The dog was tested for the presence
of hemoparasites through blood smears (Coles
1986). For this purpose, hair was clipped from
the outer surface of the pinna of ear near the
margin. The marginal ear vein was pricked
with sharp sterilized needle after disinfection
with methylated spirit. A drop of blood was
place on a clean glass slide and smear was
made and air-dried. The smear was stained
with the Giemsa stain (Coles 1986) and ex-
amined under light microscope by using the
immersion objective. Microscopic examina-
tion revealed the presence of Trypanosoma
organism outside the RBC’s.
Hematological and therapeutical study
After confirmation of Trypanosoma
through blood smear, hematological exami-
nation included hemoglobin estimation (Hb),
packed cell volume (PCV) and erythrocytes
sedimentation rate (ESR) using the methods
as described by Benjamin (1978) was carried
out to check the severity of disease. For this
purpose, ten ml of blood was collected from
cephalic vein in heparinized vacutainer tube
containing anti-coagulant.
Simultaneously, treatment of dog with
trypanosomiasis was carried out with dimina-
zene diaceturate at dose rate of 3.5 mg/kg body
weight intramuscularly along with supportive
therapy including oral preparation of liver
tonic (Hepamerz) and vitamin E for 5 d.
Clinical signs and symptoms
There is limited published literature avail-
able regarding the prevalence of trypano-
somiasis in dog in Pakistan. In the present
study, microscopic examination revealed the
presence of Trypanosoma organism outside
the RBC’s (Fig. 1). The reported clinical signs
and symptoms were high rise of temperature
(40.8 oC), pale mucous membrane, bilateral
lacrimation, and generalized debility. These
observations were in agreement with the find-
ings of Rani and Suresh (2007) who reported
T. evensi organism in peripheral blood with
history of in appetence, dullness and persis-
tent fever since five days but the same au-
thors also observed bilateral corneal opacity
which is a characteristic finding in chronic
trypanosomiasis (Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2004).
Hematological and therapeutical study
Hematological examination included Hb,
PCV and ESR were carried out and con-
cluded that there was decrease of Hb and PCV
while ESR was increased in the infected dog
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Blood smear showing abnormalities in
erythrocytes with Trypanosama parasites
Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2008), 2(2): 48-51 A Rashid et al: Trypanosomiasis in…
Hb (g/dl) PCV (%) ESR (mm/hours)
Fig. 2. Blood Picture in canine trypanosomiasis
The results of the present study are in
accordance to Kjos et al. (2008) who studied
clinical hematology of canine chages disease
in Texas and reported hypoproteinemia, hy-
poalbuminemia, anemia (decrease packed
cell volume) and thrombocytopenia.
Diminazene diaceturate given IM once
at a dosage of 3.5 mg/kg was effective for try-
panosoma infections in dog and animal showed
good clinical improvement after treatment.
Supportive therapy was continued for 5 d. Si-
milar results were observed by Rani and Suresh
(2007) who treated trypanosomiasis in Pom-
eranian dog with a single dose of diminazene
In conclusion, clinical signs and symp-
toms along with the microscopic examina-
tion of Trypanosoma organism through pe-
ripheral blood smear suggested the case of
trypanosomiasis. However, it was difficult to
distinguish the species of Trypanosoma at cli-
nic so there is need of serological and mo-
lecular tests for the diagnosis of species of
Trypanosoma in Pakistan. Moreover, it was
also concluded that single dose of dimina-
zene diaceturate successfully treated the dog
with trypanosomiasis.
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Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2008), 2(2): 48-51 A Rashid et al: Trypanosomiasis in…
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