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Avocado: Characteristics, health benefits and uses



This study aimed to present a literature review about the characteristics, applications, and potential of avocado (Persea americana). Avocado is considered one of the main tropical fruits, as it contains fat-soluble vitamins which are less common in other fruits, besides high levels of protein, potassium and unsaturated fatty acids. Avocado pulp contains variable oil content, and is widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, and in the production of commercial oils similar to olive oil. This fruit has been recognized for its health benefits, especially due to the compounds present in the lipidic fraction, such as omega fatty acids, phytosterols, tocopherols and squalene. Studies have shown the benefits of avocado associated to a balanced diet, especially in reducing cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases. The processed avocado pulp is an alternative to utilize fruits, which can be used in various value-added food products. Fluid extract of the avocado leaves is widely used in pharmaceutical products, mainly due to the diuretic characteristic of the present compounds in plant leaves. With the increasing research supporting the nutritional characteristics and benefits of avocado, the tendency is to increase the production and exploitation of this raw material in Brazil, as also observed in other countries. © 2016, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. All rights reserved.
Avocado: characteristics, health benets and uses.
Ciência Rural, v.46, n.4, abr, 2016.
Avocado: characteristics, health benets and uses
Abacate: características, benefícios à saúde e aplicações
Patrícia Fonseca DuarteI Marcia Alves ChavesII Caroline Dellinghausen BorgesIII
Carla Rosane Barboza MendonçaIII*
ISSN 1678-4596
Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.46, n.4, p.747-754, abr, 2016
Received 10.13.14 Approved 09.08.15 Returned by the author 02.04.16
This study aimed to present a literature review about
the characteristics, applications, and potential of avocado (Persea
americana). Avocado is considered one of the main tropical fruits,
as it contains fat-soluble vitamins which are less common in other
fruits, besides high levels of protein, potassium and unsaturated
fatty acids. Avocado pulp contains variable oil content, and is
widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, and in
the production of commercial oils similar to olive oil. This fruit
has been recognized for its health benets, especially due to the
compounds present in the lipidic fraction, such as omega fatty
acids, phytosterols, tocopherols and squalene. Studies have shown
the benets of avocado associated to a balanced diet, especially in
reducing cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases. The
processed avocado pulp is an alternative to utilize fruits, which can
be used in various value-added food products. Fluid extract of the
avocado leaves is widely used in pharmaceutical products, mainly
due to the diuretic characteristic of the present compounds in plant
leaves. With the increasing research supporting the nutritional
characteristics and benets of avocado, the tendency is to increase
the production and exploitation of this raw material in Brazil, as
also observed in other countries.
Key words: avocado tree, avocado oil, unsaturated fatty acid,
bioactive compounds.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho apresentar uma revisão
da literatura sobre as características, aplicações e potencialidades
do abacate (Persea americana). O abacate é considerado um dos
principais frutos tropicais, pois possui as vitaminas lipossolúveis
que, em geral, são decientes nas outras frutas. Além destas,
contém proteínas e elevados teores de potássio e ácidos graxos
insaturados. Apresenta quantidade variável de óleo na polpa,
sendo esta vastamente utilizada nas indústrias farmacêutica e de
cosméticos, e na obtenção de óleos comerciais similares ao azeite
de oliva. Esse fruto tem sido reconhecido por seus benefícios à
saúde, especialmente em função dos compostos presentes na
fração lipídica, como ácidos graxos ômega, toesterois, tocoferois
e esqualeno. Estudos têm demonstrado os benefícios do abacate
associado a uma dieta balanceada, principalmente, na redução do
colesterol e na prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares. A polpa do
abacate na forma processada é uma alternativa para aproveitar os
frutos, passível de ser utilizada em diversos produtos alimentícios
de maior valor agregado. O extrato uido das folhas do abacateiro
é muito utilizado em produtos farmacêuticos, principalmente, pelo
caráter diurético de compostos presentes nas folhas da planta.
Com o aumento das pesquisas que comprovam as características
nutricionais e os benefícios do abacate, a tendência é aumentar a
produção e exploração dessa matéria-prima no Brasil, como já
acontece em outros países.
Palavras-chave: abacateiro, óleo de abacate, ácidos graxos
insaturados, compostos bioativos.
In 2011, world avocado production
reached 4.4 million tons, increasing about 20% from
2007 to 2011. Mexico is the largest avocado producer,
accounting for 25% of the world production, followed
by Chile with 8.5% (FAO, 2013). The increasing
productivity has occurred due to advances in post-
harvest technologies, reduction in trade barriers,
IPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Alimentos, Centro de Ciências Químicas, Farmacêuticas e de Alimentos, Universidade
Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS, Brasil.
IIPrograma de Pós-gradução em Ciência de Alimentos, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Maringá, PR, Brasil.
IIICentro de Ciências Químicas, Farmacêuticas e de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Campus Universitário, CP 354,
96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. E-mail: *Corresponding author.
748 Duarte et al.
Ciência Rural, v.46, n.4, abr, 2016.
strong health related claims, and increased incentives
and cultivated areas in the producing countries
Brazil is the 9th largest avocado producer,
with 160,400 tons harvested in 10,750 hectares, in
2011. Avocado is the 17th most produced fruit in the
country, and São Paulo state is the largest producer
(47.5%), followed by Minas Gerais (19.0%) and
Paraná (11.2%) (ALMEIDA & SAMPAIO, 2013).
Avocado is an energetic fruit with high
nutritional value and is considered a major tropical
fruit, since it is rich in protein and contains fat-
soluble vitamins lacking in other fruits, including
Vitamins A and B, and median levels of vitamins
D and E. It contains different oil levels in the
pulp, thus it is widely used in pharmaceutical and
cosmetic industries, and for obtaining commercial
oils similar to olive oil, because of their similar
fatty acid composition (BLEINROTH & CASTRO,
1992). In addition, this fruit has been recognized
for its health benets, especially due to the
compounds present in the lipid fraction, such as
omega fatty acids, phytosterols, tocopherols, and
squalene (SANTOS et al., 2014b).
This study aimed to present a literature
review on the characteristics and applications of
avocado (Persea americana), and its health benets
and potential uses of this poorly processed raw
material in Brazil.
The avocado crop
The avocado tree originally from Mexico
and Central America belongs to the Lauraceae family,
genus Perseal and comprises two subgenres: Persea
and Eriodaphne. The avocado grown for agricultural
interests belong to two species of the genus Persea, being
divided into three botanical varieties: Persea americana
Miller var. Drymifolia (Mexican species); Persea
americana Miller var. American (West Indian species);
and Persea nubigena Miller var. Guatemalensis
(Guatemalan species) (KOLLER, 1992).
The main climatic requirements of the
avocado tree are related to the temperature and rain
fall, and the varieties behave differently according to
their race. The Antillean race (common), originating
in the lowland regions of South America and Central
America, has large fruits of piriform shape, with low
oil content (less than 8%), and is resistant to low
temperatures, supporting up to -2°C. Varieties of the
Guatemalan race, originating from the highlands of
Central America, have fruit round in shape, with late
maturation and higher oil content (8-20%), and are
more resistant to the cold than the Antillean race,
which resist up to -4°C. In contrast, the Mexican
races, originating in the highlands of Mexico and the
Andes, are characterized for small fruits and high oil
content (greater than 20%), and are the most resistant
to low temperatures (up to -6°C) (ALMEIDA &
The avocado tree has a very high fruit yield,
reaching a production of 138kg at 7 years after planting.
It is a perennial plant and can be grown on rough
locations, not competing with the annuals adapted to
at lands (BLEINROTH & CASTRO, 1992).
The fruits of variety Quintal are hybrids
of Antillean and Guatemalan races, large sized (500-
800 grams), piriform, with green-smooth skin, yellow
esh, medium to large seeds, and relatively loose
within the fruit. It is the most consumed variety in
Brazil, and its lipid fraction comprises approximately
63% of omega-9 fatty acids (KOLLER, 1992). The
avocado of the variety Hass is the most exported
worldwide and has an average size of 180 to 300g
(BORGES & MELO, 2011).
Avocado growth and development is
intense, differing from other fruit species. After
harvest, the fruit completes maturation, with major
changes in metabolism and higher respiratory rate,
and thus high production of ethylene, being highly
perishable under environmental conditions leading to
the production of high amounts of waste. In this sense,
the avocado pulp processing can contribute to its best
use, either as a food product or for oil extraction
(KLUGE et al., 2002; SENAI, 2006; ROCHA, 2008).
Fruit care and conservation
In addition to its natural perishability,
several factors such as mechanical damage,
compression and cut, physiological, chemical and
biochemical changes are responsible to changes
in color, aroma, taste and texture of the fruit
(SANCHES et al., 2008).
Although immediate external effects are
not observed after impact, the pulp may be partially or
completely dark when the fruit is ripe (BLEINROTH &
CASTRO, 1992; SANCHES et al., 2008). In the post-
harvest, refrigerated packaging (4-7°C) is recommended
to delay rot development. Wax application can also
improve the appearance and increase the fruit’s shelf life
by reducing the transpiration rate and metabolic activity
(DARVAS et al., 1990).
The cold storage to improve conservation
can negatively affect lipids concentration and the
longer the storage at low temperatures, the lower
the fat content of the fruit (TREMOCOLDI, 2011).
KLUGE et al. (2002) showed that the variety Quintal
Avocado: characteristics, health benets and uses.
Ciência Rural, v.46, n.4, abr, 2016.
can be stored for 14 days at 7°C and 85-90% relative
humidity and then the commercialization can be at
room temperature for 3 to 4 days.
Another inconvenience that depreciates
the commercial value of the avocado is the enzymatic
browning catalyzed by the enzyme polyphenol oxidase
(PPO) and the degradative reactions of peroxidase
(POD). The activity of these enzymes in various
fruits and vegetables leads to considerable economic
losses, in addition to reducing the nutritional and
sensory quality. In some avocado varieties, the PPO
activity increases after climacteric fruit ripening, with
differences between varieties of the same species
(LUÍZ et al., 2007). To control enzymatic browning
reactions, acidulants such as citric acid may be added
to preserve the fruit and to enable its use in food
products (LUGO et al., 2006).
Whereas avocado is a climacteric fruit,
the plant hormone ethylene can be controlled to
extend its shelf-life using chemical compounds. For
this purpose, the compound 1-methylcyclopropene,
ethylene action inhibitor has been used. Its application
can be in a gaseous state, being effective for 24 hours
at 20°C and at concentrations ranging from 30nL L-1
to 500nL L-1 (PEREIRA et al., 2010).
Nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of
Avocado is consumed in various forms
in northern South America, Central America and
Mexico, as puree salads, seasoned with salt, pepper,
vinegar and other condiments, as well as being used
in the preparation of other dishes (KOLLER, 1992).
In Brazil, the ripe fruit is more appreciated, together
with sugar, honey and liqueurs, and consumption
is inuenced mainly by its sensory and nutritional
characteristics (LUÍZ et al., 2007).
The pulp content in several varieties
is between 52.9 and 81.3%, relative to fruit
mass (TANGO et al., 2004). High lipids and low
carbohydrate levels remain in avocado pulp after
water removal, thus conferring a high dry matter
content to the product. Therefore, it is considered
one of the few cultured fruits presenting the lipid
fraction as the major component (TREMOCOLDI,
2011), which can reach up to 25% of the fruit portion
(HIERRO et al., 1992; ABREU et al., 2009).
The avocado pulp contains from 67 to 78%
moisture, 13.5 to 24 % lipids, 0.8 to 4.8% carbohydrate,
1.0 to 3.0% protein, 0.8 to 1.5% ash, 1.4 to 3.0%
ber, and energy density between 140 and 228kcal
(SOARES & ITO, 2000). Avocado has four (4) times
more nutritional value than any other fruit except
banana, containing proteins (1 to 3%) and signicant
levels of fat-soluble vitamins (FRANCISCO &
BAPTISTELLA, 2005), folic acid, and appreciable
amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium,
phosphorus, sulfur and silicon, and vitamins E, B1, B2,
and D (DEMBITSKY et al., 2011).
The fruit stands out on potassium levels
(339mg 100g-1) when compared to other fruits, which
regulates muscle activity and protects the body from
cardiovascular diseases (CANCIAM et al., 2008). It
also represents a source of glutathione, a powerful
antioxidant that acts on potentially carcinogenic
compounds (WANG et al., 2012).
Bioactive compounds in avocados
In addition to the important major
compounds, avocado contains substantial amounts of
bioactive compounds such as phytosterols, especially
in the lipid fraction, and the main representative is
the β-sitosterol (SALGADO et al, 2008b; SANTOS
et al, 2014b). Diets rich in phytosterols can lead to the
reduction of the total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
(LOTTENBERG, 2002). A 17% decrease average in
blood cholesterol levels was observed in a study in
Mexico with 45 volunteers who consumed avocado
once a day for one week (BORGES & MELO, 2011).
Phytosterol is a substance of vegetable
origin whose structure is very similar to cholesterol.
Its mechanism of action in the body involves the
inhibition of intestinal cholesterol absorption and
decreased hepatic cholesterol synthesis. According
to BRUFAU et al. (2008), it acts on total plasma
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol without affecting
HDL and blood triglycerides. The benet of
cholesterol reduction also comes from replacing
saturated by unsaturated fats, which promote a
decrease in total cholesterol and LDL and an increase
in HDL levels (SALGADO et al., 2008a).
The β-sitosterol in avocados also has
a special effect on immunity, contributing to the
treatment of diseases such as cancer, HIV and
infections. In relation to cancer, it works by suppressing
carcinogenesis and in HIV by strengthening the
immune system (BOUIC, 2002). This compound
enhances lymphocytes proliferation and natural
killer cell activity, which inactivates invading
microorganisms (BOUIC et al., 1996). In addition,
studies have shown that the β-sitosterol activity is
an aid in weight loss by reducing compulsive eating
binge and fat accumulation in the abdominal region
(SENAI, 2006; MURTA, 2013).
The health effects of sterols and stanols
have been the subject of several studies. Some authors
750 Duarte et al.
Ciência Rural, v.46, n.4, abr, 2016.
have demonstrated a 25% reduction in the risk of
coronary heart disease with the consumption of 2g of
such compounds per day, which are included in the
formulations of margarines, spreads, and vegetable
oils by esterication without affecting vitamins
solubility (TURATTI, 2002).
The avocado oil variety Margarida contains
a greater diversity of sterols, and β-sitosterol represents
71.8% of the total sterols, besides lower cholesterol
levels (0.3%), which can achieve up to 2.3% in other
varieties (SALGADO et al., 2008b). SANTOS et al.
(2014b) investigated the oil from Fortuna avocado
extracted with petroleum ether and subjected to drying
under forced air (40°C), and found 87.6% β-sitosterol,
12.41% campesterol, and 0.04% stigmasterol of the
total phytosterols. Avocado also has a carotenoid
named lutein that helps protect against prostate
cancer and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular
degeneration (JOHNSON, 2005).
Avocado oil
The avocado pulp contains high lipids
content, which makes the pulp the portion of greatest
interest. Lipids vary from 5 to 35%, being formed
mostly by unsaturated fatty acids (60-84%) (BORGES
& MELO, 2011). The avocado varieties with lower
core and shell percentages are most interesting for oil
extraction due to higher pulp yield, and the variety
Quintal stands out (TANGO et al., 2004).
The high moisture content in fresh pulp
is the main obstacle for obtaining avocado oil as it
affects the extraction yield and production costs.
Thus, the varieties most suitable for oil extraction,
considering 18% lipids and low moisture levels in
the pulp are: Hass, Fuerte and Glória, followed by the
varieties Collinson, Anaheim, Itzamna, Wagner, Ouro
Verde, Carlsbad and Mayapan (TANGO et al., 2004).
The traditional cold pressing method for
vegetable oils was replaced by solvent extraction.
Although some authors have reported a yield of 59%
in oil extraction from eshy pulp when using hexane,
this value decreased to 12% when acetone was used as
solvent (ABREU et al., 2009). However, the hexane
residue in the extracted oil and cake may pose risks.
SANTOS et al. (2013) evaluated the
extraction yield of Fortuna avocados oil as a function
of the drying process (freeze-drying or air ow:
40 to 70°C) and extraction method (pressing and
solvent) of a pulp containing 5 to 6.5% moisture.
The authors reported oil contents between 25 and
33% by cold pressing and between 45 and 57% by
solvent extraction, while the freeze-drying method
showed higher oil yield than the oven drying under
forced air. The enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction
has emerged as an alternative and environmentally
friendly extraction process (ABREU et al., 2009).
The small avocado oil volume currently
produced by some countries is used in its raw form
by the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries,
once its unsaponiable fraction is responsible for
regenerative properties of the epidermis. Avocado oil
is easily absorbed by the skin, with high absorption
power of perfumes, which is of great value to the
cosmetics industry. In addition, it easily forms an
emulsion, ideal for the manufacture of ne soaps
(TANGO et al., 2004).
In comparison to other vegetable oils,
avocado oil is characterized by having high levels of
monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic and palmitoleic
acids), low polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic
acid), and relatively high levels of saturated fatty
acid (palmitic and stearic acids). This fatty acid
composition is inuenced by the cultivars, maturity
stage, anatomical region of the fruit, and geographic
location for plant growth (TANGO et al., 2004).
ROCHA (2008) has reported that avocado
oil from the varieties Wagner, Fortuna, Hass and Fuerte
had higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acid (MFA)
ranging from 59 to 72% of total fatty acids, followed
by saturated fatty acids (SFA), from 17 to 23%, and
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to a lesser extent
with levels ranging between 10 and 14%.
SANTOS et al. (2014a) determined the
fatty acids prole of Fortuna avocado, evaluating the
effect of the pulp drying process (freeze-drying or air
circulation: 40 and 70°C) and oil extraction method
(solvent or pressing). The authors reported that oleic
fatty acid represented more than half of the total fatty
acids of this raw material, together with substantial
amounts of unsaturated linoleic and palmitoleic acids.
They also veried that the dehydration of the pulp
can affect the fatty acid prole since the oil extracted
from the lyophilized pulp contained higher levels of
unsaturated fatty acids. With respect to the extraction
method, no signicant effects were observed.
Avocado oils from the varieties Northrop,
Duke, Wagner, Quintal, and Fuerte are characterized
by having more than 63% oleic acid, while the oils
from the varieties Rincon, Barker, Waldin, Prince
and Panchoy showed less than 50% of this fatty acid.
Palmitic acid content ranged between 15.38 and
32.37% in oils from different varieties. Therefore,
the avocado variety affects the levels of palmitic acid
and oleic acid, once varieties with high oleic acid
levels had low palmitic acid levels and vice versa
(BLEINROTH & CASTRO, 1992). In addition to
Avocado: characteristics, health benets and uses.
Ciência Rural, v.46, n.4, abr, 2016.
its fatty acid composition, these oils contain other
bioactive minor components such as tocopherols,
squalene, b-sitosterol, campesterol, and cycloartenol
acetate, with positive effects on health (DEMBITSKY
et al., 2011; SANTOS et al., 2014b).
Besides the possibility of using pure
avocado oil as a substitute for olive oil, the combination
of olive oil and avocado oil to replace olive oil
mixtures (mainly using soybean oil) usually offered by
the internal market is a promising alternative to reduce
costs of Brazilian olive oil imports (SALGADO et
al., 2008b). Avocado oil for salad dressings should be
submitted to winterization to eliminate the saturated
triglycerides, which can cloud the oil stored at low
temperatures (SALGADO et al., 2008b).
Although the lipid extraction process
generates large accumulation of pulp residues in the
processing industries, the high ber content of this
by-product allows its use for preparation of our
to be used in bakery products like cookies, breads,
and pasta thereby increasing the supply of ber-rich
products (CHAVES et al., 2013).
Applications and forms of preservation of avocado
The processed products of avocado pulp
include the paste, puree, and guacamole. Guacamole
is a fruit pulp seasoned with salt, onion, lemon, pepper
and tomato, being produced not only in an artisanal
way but also marketed by some US companies
(DAIUTO et al., 2011).
The sensory quality of guacamole of
Hass variety made without chemical additives and
stored under refrigeration was evaluated according
to the type of packaging used. A greater consumers’
acceptance was observed for the product stored in
container with gas barrier when compared to that
stored in polyethylene package (DAIUTO et al.,
2011). Although these authors have also considered
that the heat treatment may have been effective on the
polyphenol oxidase inactivation, it can result in the
development of bitterness and off-avors in avocado,
which changes the guacamole texture, negatively
contributing to a mashed appearance.
CHAVES et al. (2013) studied avocado
pulp Margarida variety dehydrated and defatted by
cold pressing and avocado oil to partially replace
wheat our and butter, respectively, in whole grain
crackers. The authors reported that the our from
avocado pulp, in general, showed characteristics
similar to those of conventional our and whole
wheat our. The biscuits had higher minerals and
ber levels, with good sensory acceptance.
Meat derivatives can also be supplemented
with avocado pulp, since most of these processed
foods contain relatively high levels of saturated fats
in the formulation whose consumption is restricted
by health issues. Thus, an alternative to reduce and
enhance fatty acids balance is the incorporation of
fats or vegetable oils in emulsied meat products
(KAYAARDI & GÖK, 2004; LUGO et al., 2006).
The replacement of animal fats by vegetable oils in
meat products has been studied with positive effects
on the chemical, physical and sensory characteristics
of the products, but with negative effects on water
activity and texture (LUGO et al., 2006).
Products that contain high levels of vegetable
oil, like avocado, are sensitive to oxidation, resulting in
rancidity and hence production of undesirable avors
and loss of quality during storage. ELEZ-MARTINEZ
et al. (2005) demonstrated the possibility to control
oxidative rancidity in processed avocado puree with
the use of α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid.
Several preservation methods have been
studied to obtain a stable avocado pulp, including
pasteurization, drying, oil extraction, freezing, and
freeze-drying (PALOU et al, 2000; SOLIVA et al., 2001;
SOLIVA-FORTUNY et al, 2004). Use of microwave
heating and copper chloride to preserve color of mashed
avocado has been also investigated (GUZMÁN et
al., 2002). Furthermore, chemical reducing agents,
sequestrants, acids, nitrogen atmosphere and vacuum
(SOLIVA et al., 2001) and high hydrostatic pressure
treatment have been studied (JACOBO-VELÁZQUEZ
Avocado seed is underutilized and
represents a large portion of the fruit, thus its use
can be an alternative to reduce the production cost
of edible oil. However, the main problem in the
use of avocado seeds is the presence of phenolic
compounds that exhibit toxicity. Studies have shown
that the seeds can be used in feed for monogastric
animals after extraction of these substances with
ethanol (ICHIMARU et al., 1982). The extract may
present antioxidant activity, once the phenolics
levels in seeds vary from 2.3 to 5.7%. In addition to
the starch and ber, there are other non-nitrogenous
substances present in seeds, ranging from 5.1 to
13.2% (SALGADO et al., 2008a).
Avocado leaves are a pharmaceutical
ingredient widely used in extracts for therapeutic
purposes, and also as teas in folk medicine
(VENDRUSCOLO & MENTZ, 2006), probably due
to the diuretic properties (WRIGHT et al., 2007).
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Phytochemicals as orhamnetin, luteolin,
rutin, quercetin, and apigenin have been isolated
from avocado leaves, which can help prevent the
progress of various diseases related to oxidative
stress (OWOLABI et al., 2010).
Avocado can be an excellent alternative for
industry, especially for pulp processing or oil extraction,
considering its composition and the benets of its
compounds. Furthermore, the great diversity of plant
species should be taken into consideration, since it
provides the spread of cultivation and good availability of
fruit, regardless of the time of year. This crop can be used
for exportation and oil extraction, application in processed
products, or as raw material in the pharmaceutical
and cosmetic industries, generating high value added
products. The pulp residue from oil extraction may also
be used for manufacture of food products.
Several studies have demonstrated the health
benets of a balanced diet with avocado intake, especially
in lowering cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular
diseases. With increasing research on the nutritional
characteristics and avocado benets, it is expected an
increase in production and exploitation of this raw
material in Brazil, as observed in other countries.
The authors thank the research funds from MCTI/
Universal Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e
Tecnólogico (CNPq) 14/2014 agreements nº 443288/2014-3 and
avocado producer Mr. José Carlos Oliveira.
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... The active compounds in avocados, such as unsaturated fatty acids and acetogenins, are important for their health benefits. Unsaturated fatty acids help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels [13][14][15]. While acetogenins have been shown to have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties [16][17][18][19]. ...
... Table 1 highlights the top 20 journals. The journal with the most documents published was "Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery" (61), followed by "Molecules" (23), "Foods" (22), "Industrial Crops and Products" (22), "Bioresource Technology" (21), "Journal of Cleaner Production" (17), "Sustainability" (17), "Antioxidants" (15), "Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews" (13), and "Applied Sciences" (12). The titles between positions 11 and 20 published between 9 and 8 documents each. ...
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In recent years, the consumption of avocado, both fresh and processed, has experienced a significant worldwide increase due to its recognized nutritional value and beneficial health effects. However, this industrial processing generates a substantial amount of underutilized byproducts, primarily the peel and seed, leading to significant environmental and economic challenges. Fortunately, these residues are rich in bioactive phytochemicals, making their recovery an excellent opportunity to enhance the sustainability and profitability of the modern avocado industry. This bibliometric analysis utilizes data from the Scopus platform to explore the comprehensive utilization of avocado waste. By employing a biorefinery approach and computational tools, the study aims to identify and extract value-added compounds with potential applications in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and cosmetic industries. The results highlight that the most relevant research topics are currently focused on sustainable and comprehensive biotransformation of avocado byproducts. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on methods for extracting valuable products, characterizing their properties, and identifying potentially exploitable active compounds. Furthermore, research is increasingly exploring the environmental and economic factors associated with new research advancements, such as emerging environmental regulations, certifications, substitutes, and technological applications. One key gap identified in recent research advancements is the lack of a sustainable diagnostic framework for avocado utilization processes in a cascade system (multiple high-value consumer products and by-products such as bioplastic). This suggests a crucial area for future research efforts.
... Avocado is a tropical fruit with a unique taste, soft texture, and rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats which have many health benefits [1]. This oil-rich fruit is prized worldwide for its nutritional benefits and bioactive ingredients [2]. ...
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Avocados in Bacan Island, South Halmahera Regency, and North Maluku are local accessions with advantages and the potential to be used as local superior varieties. Efforts to preserve and manage avocados in Bacan Island are carried out by characterization, identifying their uses, and documenting them. Variety protection involves a registration process at the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing (PPVTPP) of the Ministry of Agriculture to obtain a certificate of local variety ownership. The aim of this research is to determine the morphological characteristics and economic value of Bacan avocado. The characterization and inventory process were carried out from April to October 2021 in Kampung Makian Village, South Halmahera Regency. Morphological identification includes quantitative and qualitative characteristics of plant parts, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds based on IPGRI avocado description guidelines. Complete data and information on plant characteristics are recorded in standard forms and registered to PPVTPP. The results show that the avocado with the local name Afokat Bacan was registered as a local variety on 23 December 2021 with ownership certificate number 1816/PVL/2021. Afokat Bacan has economic value and is prospective in business development in North Maluku as a source of income and providing employment opportunities for the community. The potential economic value of avocado production in North Maluku in IDR. 27,348,000,000/ year.
... Vargas-Torrico et al. incorporated an AP extract into gelatin/carboxymethylcellulose active films, enhancing their mechanical properties without affecting their integrity. The incor- In pharmaceutics, avocado leaves are widely used due to their therapeutical properties [24]. ALs have been studied as potential antihypertensives, demonstrating an inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme of 73.3%, which causes a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure [25]. ...
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In recent years, the global production and industrialization of avocados has led to the generation of large numbers of peel, seeds, and leaf by-products with significant environmental implications. Current efforts, including the Sustainable Development Goals, aim towards the development of sustainable operations through the valorization of waste. Previous research has focused on studying the rich chemical composition of these avocado by-products. Current studies are working on the isolation of polyphenols, flavonoids, phenolic acids and other bioactive compounds found in avocado peel, seeds and leaves for applications in nutraceutical products in the food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries. The inclusion of these extracts in industrial matrices often requires stabilization technologies such as encapsulation emulsions to ensure the delivery and bioactivity of these target compounds. This review will discuss the global production volumes of avocado and its by-products as well as the potential inclusion in various industries based on their chemical compositions. Additionally, this work addresses the various applications that have been previously proposed for the wastes and their extracts. This review also covers the stabilization techniques previously employed in avocado extract treatment, their applications, and the current challenges and opportunities associated with avocado by-products.
... Objetivo: evaluar la composición centesimal de la harina de semilla de aguacate y las propiedades antioxidantes y antimicrobianas de sus extractos. Metodología: los extractos se obtuvieron macerando la harina de semilla de aguacate deshidratada a diferentes temperaturas ( O fruto (abacate), por possuir vitaminas lipossolúveis, alto teor de ácidos graxos da classe ômega, fitosteróis e tocoferóis, tem sido considerado um dos principais frutos tropicais [2]. Devido a presença de compostos bioativos, além do seu uso como alimento, o abacate é tradicionalmente utilizado para vários fins medicinais como hipotensivo, hipoglicêmico e antiviral, também é aplicado no tratamento de úlceras e doenças cardiovasculares [3]. ...
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Introdução: as indústrias de processamento de frutas geram grande quantidade de biomassa residual que poderia ser reaproveitada. Considerando o elevado volume de resíduos produzidos pelo descarte das sementes do abacate e destacando o alto teor de compostos bioativos, é um produto interessante para ser avaliado. Objetivo: avaliar a composição centesimal da farinha das sementes de abacate e as propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobianos dos seus extratos. Métodos: os extratos foram obtidos por maceração da farinha do caroço do abacate desidratada em diferentes temperaturas (4,25 e 60 °C) utilizando n-hexano e etanol como solventes. Resultados: verificou-se que a farinha é uma excelente fonte de carboidratos, com alto teor de fibras, proteínas e minerais (N, K, Mg e Ca, entre outros). A temperatura da extração influenciou tanto no rendimento como no conteúdo de fenóis totais, atividades antioxidantes e antimicrobianas dos extratos. Os extratos etanoicos obtidos à 60 °C apresentaram maior rendimento (18%) e teor de compostos fenólicos totais (~840 mgEAG/g). Também os extratos etanoicos apresentaram maior atividade antioxidante (IC50= 0,013 mg/mL e 0,018 mg/mL) em temperaturas mais baixas de extração, 4 °C e 25 °C, respectivamente. Já extrato hexanóico obtido à 4 °C apresentou maior atividade antimicrobiana para as quatro bactérias testadas (L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, S. choleraesuis e E. coli). Conclusão: a farinha obtida das sementes de abacate, apresentam alto valor biológico e podem ser usadas como suplementos na alimentação humana.
... Avocado pulp and oil have applications in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Duarte et al. (2016) reviewed the fruit's main attributes: (i) high nutritional value due to its containing lipid-soluble vitamins, proteins, potassium, and unsaturated fatty acids; (ii) health benefits due to the bioactive components of the fruits, including omega fatty acids, phytosterols, tocopherols, and squalene, with phytosterols helping lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases; and (iii) avocado oil uses in developing perfumes, producing avocado oils commercially, and preparing flour for baked goods. ...
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The avocado market has experienced significant growth in recent decades, with Latin America emerging as a key player in production and export. This article provides an overview of the main challenges facing the avocado production chain in the region, examining crucial aspects such as production trends, supply dynamics, evolving demand patterns, and price fluctuations. By addressing these challenges and capitalizing on emerging opportunities, the Latin American avocado industry can enhance its competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience in the global market. This review provides valuable insights and actionable strategies for stakeholders across the avocado production chain, from producers and exporters to policymakers and researchers, offering key working areas for the sustainable development of the avocado industry.
... Avocado (Persea americana Miller) (Lauraceae) evolved in the eastern and central highlands of Mexico, Guatemala, and the Pacific Coast of the Central America (Knight, 2002). Its fruits are low in sugar, high in fiber and fat-soluble vitamins in addition to high levels of protein, potassium, and unsaturated fatty acids (Comerford et al., 2016;Duarte et al., 2016). This fruit tree has not yet gained popularity in Asia (Papademetriou, 2000). ...
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A member of the genus Paranthrenella Strand (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) is reported for the first time from India. This is also the first report of Paranthrenella sp. on avocado (Persea americana Miller). Time of occurrence, nature and intensity of damage as well as biology details are discussed. Symptoms of infestation were confirmed from several places in Idukki district, with an extent of 70% at Attappallam area, Kumily Panchayath, Idukki district, Kerala (9° 37’12’’ N, 77° 9’6’’ E); 76.24% of the branches showed symptoms of drying.
... It has been demonstrated that P. americana possesses great nutritional and therapeutic properties in addition to its industrial uses (Duartel et al., 2016). The chemical makeup of fruit varieties consumed in various regions of the world (Dreher and Davenport, 2013;DuarteI et al., 2016;Indriyani et al., 2016), including some sections of Nigeria, has been reported (Bala and Bashar, 2017; Maitera et al., 2014;Nnaji and Okereke, 2016). The peel of avocados is rich in nutrients and can be used as a food supplement (Rotta et al., 2016). ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the proximate composition and nutritional profile of ripe and unripe Persea americana (Mill) (avocado pears), grown in Imo State, Nigeria. The P. americana (Zutano variation) was purchased from Ihiagwa Market, Owerri West, Imo State, Nigeria. Some of the P. americana fruit was allowed to ripe within three days and the pulps were dried in the laboratory. Proximate composition (ash, crude protein, fat, fibre, total carbohydrate and moisture content) of both the ripe and unripe avocado pear were determined. Furthermore, the nutritional profile was established, including the levels of minerals (Ca and Mg) and vitamins (A, B3, B6, C, D, and K). From the findings, ash, crude protein, fat, fibre, total carbohydrate and moisture content for the unripe avocado pear were: 0.46, 2.73, 9.94, 4.90, 11.74, and 70.23 %, respectively, while the ripe sample were: 1.05, 2.99, 15.98, 4.43, 7.96, and 67.59 % respectively. The Mg and Ca in the ripe avocado were: 30.36 and 28.87 mg/kg respectively, while for unripe sample are: 16.47 and 15.42 mg/kg). The vitamin A, B3, B6, C, D, and K for the unripe sample were 10.05, 0.65, 0.24, 71.91, 5.46, and 2.70 mg/100g respectively, while the ripe avocado pear were 7.68, 0.44, 0.24, 65.69, 3.82, and 3.47 mg/100g respectively. In conclusion, ripe P. americana provides a rich source of nutritional benefits for magnesium, calcium, and/or lipids. Compared to ripe P. americana, the unripe variety is higher in moisture, fiber, vitamins B3, D, C, and A.
... As regards the health threats connected to synthetic antioxidants, the search for natural antioxidants from natural sources has become pertinent for the food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries in recent years (Bhuyan et al., 2016). The high oil content of P. americana can be exploited in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries (Duarte, Chaves, Borges & Mendonça, 2016). Studies so far have shown that phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, carotenoids, tocopherols, acetogenins, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, are the vital antioxidants found in avocado. ...
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This study investigated the phytochemical composition, in vitro antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil of Persea americana seeds (OPAS). The flavonoid and total phenol compositions were quantified using standard colorimetric methods; the antioxidant potentials of the seed were determined using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Pic-rylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays, while the anti-inflammatory potentials were investigated using membrane stabilization (hypotonicity) and heat-induced hemolysis of human red blood cells (HRBC) assays. In addition, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was employed to characterize the phytochemicals in the oil. The nutritional indices (atherogenic index, thrombogenic index, and polyene index) were also calculated. Results indicated high total phenolic and flavonoid contents (25.78 ± 0.68 mg gallic acid equivalent per gram (GAE/g) and 72.69 ± 1.11 mg quercetin equivalent per 100 mg (QE/100 mg), respectively). The oil of P. americana seeds showed dose-dependent (25-400 μg/mL) antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities compared to the standard agents used (olive oil and ascorbic acid). The GC-MS analysis showed the presence of fatty acids including tetradecanoic acid (33.33 %), 9, 12-octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester (20.12 %), n-hexadecenoic acid (7.07 %), and oleic acid (11.60 %). Nutritional indices showed that OPAS had a very low polyunsaturated/saturated (PUFA/SFA) ratio (0.45), hypocholesterolemic/hypercholes-terolemic (0.26), but high atherogenicity index (IA) (4.13) and thrombogenicity index IT (9.47) values. The beneficial potentials of OPAS revealed in this study suggest that it can be harnessed as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in phytomedicine. However, the nutritional quality and culinary suitability of OPAS with different oils require further study.
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Isolation of the bioactive phytoconstituents of the leaves of Persea americana (Lauraceae), yielded, isorhamnetin (1), luteolin (2), rutin (3), quercetin (4) and apigenin (5). Compound 1 has been fully characterized. Compounds were evaluated for their ability to scavenge free radical using DPPH  and H 2 O 2 systems. The IC 50 (mg/ml) of quercetin was 4.82 x 10 -5 ; rutin, 1.37 x 10 -4 ; luteolin, 3.34 x 10 -4 and isorhamnetin, 4.41 x 10 -4 . H 2 O 2 scavenging activity of the compounds was quercetin > rutin > isorhamnetin > luteolin > apigenin > BHA (p > 0.05). From this study it could be concluded that the leaves of P. americana contain antioxidant activity which may be helpful in preventing the progress of various oxidative stress related diseases.
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Marketing of processed avocado without chemical addictive is difficult due to the pulp darkening and sensory alterations during the storage. The aim of this work was to verify the guacamole acceptance produced with addition of α- tocoferol and ascorbic acid conserved by the cold. Guacamole samples were conditioned in polyethylene and polyethylene+nylon packages with and without vacuum application. Packaged samples were submitted to cold treatment: refrigeration, slow and fast freezing. Sensory evaluations were accomplished on the 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 days for the refrigerated treatment and 7, 30, 60, 90 days for the samples submitted to the slow and fast freezing. For sensory evaluation was used the acceptance method (structured 9 point hedonic scale) with a group of forty untrained panelists chosen at random that gave notes to acceptance, appearance, color, texture and flavor parameters. The correlation between acceptance and flavor was 0.84 and for color and appearance was 0.74. Correlations to the other variable were moderate. The sensorial analysis showed that the addition of ascorbic acid and α-tocoferol allows the conservation of the product under refrigeration in polyethylene packages. The product conserved up to 30 days in any packages presented averages of acceptance parameters similar to the evaluation of the first day.
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Phytonutrients can be found in fruits, and the avocado contains four times more beta-sitosterol (phytosterol) and it is one of the best glutathione sources. The phytosterol is a vegetable substance whose structure is very similar to the cholesterol one and its action mechanism involves the intestinal inhibition of cholesterol absorption and the synthesis of hepatic cholesterol. The effect has an influence on the values of total plasmatic cholesterol and LDL without affecting the levels of HDL and triglycerides. The present work had the objective to analyze the influence of the consumption of the Hass avocado on the levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and hepatic and excreted cholesterol. These parameters were investigated in hipercholesterolemic Wistar rats during 30 and 60 days of experiment. At the end of 30 days, the 15% avocado diet reduced the levels of total cholesterol and LDL in comparison to the control. It was observed that for the excreted cholesterol, the best diet was the 25% of avocado since the cholesterol excretion increased with the increase of the avocado concentration. The 15% avocado diet also influenced the levels of hepatic cholesterol.
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Enzymatic extracts were prepared from the avocado pulp (Persea americana Mill.), using the cultivars Quintal, Fortuna and Choquete, in two different maturation stages (green and mature avocados). The avocado pulp (150,00g) was homogenized in blender with 300 mL of sodium phosphate buffer 100mM at pH 7.4 for polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and pH 6.0 for peroxidase (POD). The peroxidase ionically bound was extracted using NaCl solution 1.0M in sodium phosphate buffer 100mM pH 6.0. For the study of the thermal stability the extracts were submitted at temperatures of 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80ºC for periods that had a variation from 1 to 10 minutes and the enzymatic activity was determined using a spectrophotometer (l= 395nm for PPO and l= 460nm for POD). It was possible to observe a fast decline of the enzyme activity in the first four minutes, after this period, with the increase of the temperature and time, the activity continued decreasing, however in a slower way. The activation energy in the studied temperature showed for the portions heat labile and heat resistant presented values inside 12-100 kcal/mol.
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Healthy life habits and an adequate diet, together with a high intake of fruits and vegetables, are associated with reducing the risk of diseases and maintaining health. The avocado oil has bioactive substances that can prevent and control the hyperlipidemia. Since there is little scientific research evaluating the oil potential for human consumption, the present work studied the extraction and refining process of the avocado oil. Firstly, the pulp was extracted from the fruit. The fresh pulp was dried in a stove and then grounded for obtaining the bran. The oil obtained from de bran was extracted and characterized. The results showed that the extraction and refining process of the Margarida avocado variety is technically feasible, and it is an excellent raw material for the food industry. Besides, the fatty acid composition and the sterols presents in the avocado oil are similar to the olive oil. Thus, the avocado oil can substitute the soybean oil, or it can be mixed with the olive oil offering the Brazilian consumers a product of high quality and low cost.
The objective of this work was to prepare biscuits using whole fl our and oil of avocado pulp and evaluate their physicochemical and sensory characteristics. Thus the pulp of the avocado (Margarida variety) was dehydrated, cold pressed to extract the oil and ground for fl our production. In fi ve of the cookies formulations prepared, exception made to control standard formulation, butter and whole wheat fl our were partially substituted by avocado pulp and avocado oil in different proportions. The pulp of avocado (Margarida variety) in general, presented similar characteristics to those described in the literature, while the fl our obtained from the pulp presented similarity to the characteristics of conventional and whole wheat fl our. Cookies prepared with fl our and avocado oil showed higher levels of acidity and moisture that the standard formulation, while the formulations containing higher amounts of avocado fl our had higher concentration of minerals and fi bers. The sensory evaluation revealed good acceptance of cookies, however the formulations with lower proportions of avocado fl our and oil presented the best sensory characteristics.
An ethnobotanical study searching for medicinal plants used by residents and the Community Health Agents from the Family Health Office of Ponta Grossa neighborhood, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul was carried out. The social and cultural information of all interviewers were established using structured interviews. The information about medicinal plants and their therapeutic uses were obtained by semi-structured interviews. The community people use 150 species, distributed in 59 botanical families. Most species are included in the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae families. Leaves and aerial parts are the portions of the plants most used and tea is the form mainly used. The diseases or symptoms most mentioned are those related to the digestive and nervous systems. The popular names were analyzed, where 56 species with ethno-homonyms and 73 species with true or false ethno-synonymous were found.
The influence of different procedures of pulp drying and oil extraction methods on the concentrations of α-tocopherol, squalene and several phytosterols in avocado oil was evaluated. Pulp portions of Fortune variety avocados were dried either by lyophilization or under circulating air at 40 or 70 °C. For lyophilization and for each air drying temperature, the oil was obtained either by cold pressing or with Soxhlet extraction using petroleum ether. The dehydrated pulp (73 % of the pulp weight) yielded 25–33 % oil by cold pressing, and 45–57 % oil by Soxhlet extraction. Infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography with FID and mass spectrometry detection were used to analyze the oils. α-Tocopherol, squalene, cycloartenol acetate, β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol were present in all the oil samples. In comparison to lyophilization, hot air drying resulted in smaller concentrations of α-tocopherol, squalene and β-sitosterol, and larger relative concentrations of campesterol and cycloartenol acetate. On the other hand, extraction by cold pressing produced a smaller amount of oil, with greater concentrations of α-tocopherol and squalene, and lower contents of campesterol and cycloartenol acetate, than Soxhlet extraction. Thus, the oil yield was maximal with lyophilization and Soxhlet extraction, but lyophilization and cold pressing produced oils which had greater concentrations of antioxidants and other bioactive compounds.
Twenty-four avocado varieties from the germplasm collection of the Fruit Center of the Agronomic Institute of Campinas, were evaluated as a possible raw material for oil extraction. The varieties were analyzed concerning the proportions of fruit components (pulp, peel and seed) and the amounts of moisture and fatty substances found in the fresh pulp. The fatty acid profile of the oils extracted from the pulp was determined in most of the varieties, and in some varieties also the fruit seeds chemical composition. The Anaheim, Carlsbad, Collinson, Fuerte, Glória, Hass, Itzamna, Mayapan, Ouro Verde and Wagner fruit varieties presented an oil content in the pulp higher than 18% on a fresh weight basis, which were considered the most suitable for oil extraction. The harvest of these varieties started in May and finished in November. There were highly significant negative linear correlations between the proportions of the fruits pulp and the seeds, the pulp and the peel, between the pulps fatty substances and moisture contents and between the seeds moisture and starch content. The composition of the pulp oil fatty acids and the seeds chemical composition presented great variation among the varieties.