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A study of students' achievement in algebra: Considering the effect of gender and types of schools


Abstract and Figures

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and also the rules for manipulating those symbols, which are used to represent numbers and quantities in mathematical formulae and equations. It is needed and used in our everyday lives. The purpose of this study was to examine students' performance in algebra related to gender and types of schools.The research sample consisted of 317 students (135 boys and 182 girls) from three types of schools in Malaysia ie; national schools, Islamic-religious schools and boarding schools. Data were collected through an instrument known as the Algebra Achievement Test (AAT), and were then analyzed quantitatively using a two-way ANOVA test. Research findings showed that there were statistically significant main effects for gender and types of schools towards students' achievement in algebra. However, no interactional effects were found between gender and types of schools that could influence the results obtained.It is concluded that gender and types of schools do effect students' achievement in algebra.
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European Journal of STEM Education, 1:1 (2016), 19-26
Copyright © 2016 by Lectito BV, Netherlands
ISSN: 2468-1954
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A study of students' achievement in algebra:
Considering the effect of gender and types of
Salmiza Saleh1* & Muhamad Asyraf Abdul Rahman1
1 Universiti Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and also the rules
for manipulating those symbols, which are used to represent numbers and
quantities in mathematical formulae and equations. It is needed and used in
our everyday lives. The purpose of this study was to examine students’
performance in algebra related to gender and types of schools.The research
sample consisted of 317 students (135 boys and 182 girls) from three types of
schools in Malaysia ie; national schools, Islamic-religious schools and
boarding schools. Data were collected through an instrument known as the
Algebra Achievement Test (AAT), and were then analyzed quantitatively
using a two-way ANOVA test. Research findings showed that there were
statistically significant main effects for gender and types of schools towards
students’ achievement in algebra. However, no interactional effects were
found between gender and types of schools that could influence the results
obtained.It is concluded that gender and types of schools do effect students'
achievement in algebra.
earth, rock,
middle school (ages 11-14),
Published online:
3 Feb 2016
10 Feb 2016
02 Mar2016
DOI: 10.20897/lectito.201603
Algebra has always been one of the main subjects in mathematics the world over. This fact is concurred by
65 countries around the world which participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA), including Malaysia. This is probably due to the fact that algebra is the door to the extension of complex
arithmetic articulations, and a progression leap from concrete to abstract concepts in learning mathematics
(Skouras 2014). The placement of algebra, as subject of study in mathematics within a school’s syllabus, might
be different as some countries might offer it in an integrated syllabus, while others might employ it as unified
body strands within their mathematics curriculum, like algebra, arithmetic and geometry.
In Malaysia, algebra is integrated into the mathematics syllabus via chapters. It is first introduced to students
at the primary school level, and the syllabus progresses into the more comprehensive and advanced stages at
the secondary school level. To ensure proficiency in mathematics, students generally have to sit for mathematics
classes for at least four to five periods a week. However, regardless of the fairly well thought of syllabus, the
Malaysian average mathematics output, as found by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), was still lags far behind other Asian nations such as Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and also Singapore
(Mullis et al. 2004). Furthermore, Malaysia has never performed well in mathematics in PISA, and is known as
one of the worst performers in 2012, when it ranked below 50, together with countries such as Columbia, Peru
and Albania. In addition, the analysis of TIMSS-2007 showed that Malaysia scored the lowest, with only 24%
and 2.1 points, which ranks far below the International Average Score, set at 34% with 0.3 points, and has to
European Journal of STEM Education, 1:1 (2016), 19-26
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settle for the last place, even below Thailand and Indonesia. In the Malaysian context, the condition gets worse,
as there is a lack of data for researchers to further investigate the factors affecting mathematics achievement,
especially at the secondary school level (Lim & Saleh 2002; Lim 2003).
This has led to more interest in many parties to investigate students’ achievement in mathematics, as the
subject has always been correlated with greater chance of employment, better wages and higher on-the-job
productivity (Geary & Hamson 2000). With that reason, it is significantly important to recognize the factors
that affect students’ mathematics achievement, in order to make good progression and prediction for the future,
relating to mathematical decisions. However, this paper will focus only on equity, in relation to two dimensions:
gender and types of schools.
Each student is unique in terms of acquiring knowledge in learning. In terms of results, student performance
may be poor, not necessarily because they do not have the skills, but more to the fact that they have not been
able to optimize their skills (Bandura 1977). Some said that it is important to measure student achievement in
mathematics, as their achievement in high school can have a direct and influential effect on their mathematics
performance at the tertiary level (Ismail & Awang 2007). Furthermore, according to the Centre for the Study
of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (SCTEEP) at Boston College, a test in mathematics is also used
to describe students’ overall achievement in a non-hierarchical way. Hence, assembling a student’s overall
results may just be the right kick start needed to assess and elicit a wider range of skills from students, in algebra.
As previously mentioned, it has been found that Malaysian students’ achievement, particularly in the subject
of mathematics, is on a heavy decline. Analysis showed that in TIMSS-1999, Malaysia was placed 10th out of 38
participating countries, with an average score of 519 points. It was the highest place that Malaysia has ever
reached, as it then flunked to 16th out of 46 countries in TIMMS-2003, with an average score of 508 points,
before falling down further to 20th place out of 50 participating countries in TIMSS-2007, with a score of 474
points. The downward spiral got worse in TIMSS-2011, when Malaysia stumbled to 26th place with 440 points,
and continued its decline in PISA 2012, when it ranked 57th place in mathematics, out of 74 countries which
took part in the examination.
It is an irrefutable fact now that Malaysian students are facing a problem in mathematics proficiency, and
much can be said about their achievement in mathematics, compared to their counterparts worldwide, and even
within neighboring countries. The disparity is obvious, when comparison is made with Singapore, our closest
neighbor. Ismail and Awang (2008) found that more than 50 percent of students in Singapore scored higher
than the average score of 603 in TIMSS-2003, compared to only 10 per cent of student in Malaysia who
managed to do so in the same exam. By comparing the contents tested in TIMSS, such as geometry,
measurement, fractions and algebra, researchers found out that Singaporean students have always scored
significantly higher than Malaysian students, regardless their gender. Results also showed that girls have always
outperformed boys in every area tested, with girls averaging a mean of 53.0, while boys generally hover around
the mean of 47.0.
Based on the secondary data of TIMSS-1999, Ismail and Awang (2007) found that there was a significant
difference between Malaysian boys’ and girls’ performance. The research shows that out of 5,577 Malaysian
students (girls - 55.2 per cent, boys - 44.4 per cent) involved in TIMSS-1999, aging on average of around 14.4
years old, with a standard deviation of 0.36, girls outperformed boys in mathematics. Four years later, using the
same procedures, Ismail and Awang (2011) once again found out that girls (M = 479.88, SD=75.94) still scored
better than boys (M = 468.27, SD = 80.37) in their test. The results were analyzed using data from TIMSS-
2007, which involved 4,466 students from 150 schools in Malaysia. This finding was consistent with the results
obtained from TIMSS-2007 participating countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Armenia, Moldova, Singapore,
Philippines, Cyprus, Jordan and Bahrain (Ismail & Awang 2008; Mullis et al. 2008) This pattern continuously
shows that girls consistently score higher than boys in mathematics in a stable manner, most everywhere around
the globe.
Likewise, in the context of students’ perceptions towards the mathematics classroom environment and
mathematics achievement, Rajoo (2013) also found that girls performed better than boys. Using 445 students
as his research sample, Rajoo (2013) found that girls tend to be more involved (more active and joyful) during
mathematics lessons, as compared to boys. In relation to that, a study conducted by Abd. Razak, Thien and
Darmawan (2014) found that there was also a significant relationship between teachers’ gender and eighth grade
student achievement in mathematics. In their research entitled “Relationship of Students and Classroom-level
Variables with TIMSS 2011 Mathematics Achievement in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand”, it was found that
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teachers’ gender had a significant impact towards eighth grade student achievement in mathematics.
Furthermore, when students’ scores were correlated with teachers’ gender, in the context of Malaysia, the results
also showed that female teachers taught better than male teachers. However, unlike the previous studies,
Ainuddin Dahlan et al. (2010) found that there was no significant difference between boys and girls
achievements in four national schools in Kuala Lumpur, in terms of mathematics results in the Lower-
Secondary National Examination (PMR).
Besides gender, studies also show that school types also effect students’ achievement in mathematics
(Lubienski & Lubienski 2006; Newhouse, 2006; Lubienski, Lubienski & Crane 2008; Esposito 2010). In the
context of Malaysia, there are many different types of schools that have been set up to cater to the different
needs and levels of students nationwide. Among the mainstream schools are national schools and national-type
of schools (open to all residents, regardless of race, religious beliefs and gender), boarding schools (special
school for selected high achievers), and Islamic religious schools (to Muslims who want to learn more about
the teaching of Islam). It is a well known fact that boarding school students have always scored high marks in
mathematics (particularly in the Malaysian standard examinations) compared to students from other schools
(Nordin, et al. 2003). National and national-type rural schools students, on the other hand are generally left
behind in terms mathematics achievement (Baharun et al. 2008). As elements in Islam are manifested through
various aspects of the educational system (Joseph, 2008), the number of Islamic religious school is also on the
rise. However, there is not much research done pertaining this type of school in the country. Although previous
studies show that generally, students from religious schools perform better than those from public and private
schools (Chubb & More 1990; Jeyness 2002, 2008; Nordin et al. 2003), this fact cannot yet be corroborated in
Malaysia. There is lack of data available in relation to the comparison of students’ academic achievement among
different types of schools in Malaysian, as the issue is seen as ‘sensitive’ by the Malaysian Government (Joseph
2006, 2008).
What are the effects of gender and types of school on student’s achievement in algebra?
a. Is there a significant main effect in terms of student’s achievement in algebra between boys and girls?
b. Is there a significant main effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra amongst national schools,
religious schools and boarding schools?
c. Is there a significant interaction effect between gender and types of schools in terms of students’
achievement in algebra?
This research adopted a survey research design to collect the required data. Purposive sampling technique
has been used to select the schools and students. A total of 317 students (see Table 1) from 12 schools (four
national schools, four Islamic religious schools and four boarding schools) with the similar status (government
aided high performing school) were required to complete a test known as the Algebra Achievement Test (AAT)
within 60 minutes, administered during the school hours. The AAT consisted of 30 multiple-choice questions
(5 questions on knowledge, 17 questions on concept and 8 questions on higher order thinking skills). Data
obtained were then analyzed quantitatively using Two-Way ANOVA analysis.
What are the effects of gender and types of schools on students’ achievement in algebra?
Table 2 shows mean and standard deviation for gender in national schools, religious schools and boarding
schools. Table 2 shows that the total mean score for boys (M = 20.73, SD = 4.82) is lower than the total mean
Table 1. Number of samples for national school, religious school and boarding school
Types of schools
National school
Religious school
Boarding school
European Journal of STEM Education, 1:1 (2016), 19-26
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score for girls (M = 22.02, SD = 4.22). Regardless of the types of schools, it can be concluded that girls (N =
182) outperform boys (N = 135) in algebra achievement in each school.
Table 3 shows results for Levene’s test of equality of error variances. The significant (p) value is 0.03 (>
0.01), implies that the assumption for homogeneity of variance is not violated. Therefore, it can be said that
each school and gender has equal variance in the mean scores of algebra.Table 4 shows results for the test of
between-gender and types of schools effect.
Is there a significant main effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra between boys and
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference in terms of students’ achievement in algebra
between boys and girls.
Table 4 shows that there is a statistically significant main effect for gender [F (1,311) = 10.83, p = 0.00].
Although the effect size for gender is small, with eta squared value 0.03 (Cohen, 1988), it gives significant
impact to a large sample (in this case, N = 317) (Pallant 2001). Thus, the alternative hypothesis cannot be
rejected due to the p-values results (0.00 < 0.01). Hence, there is a significant main effect in terms of students’
achievement in algebra between boys and girls.
Is there a significant main effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra amongst national
schools, religious schools and boarding schools?
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant difference in terms of students’ achievement in algebra
amongst national schools, religious school and boarding school.
Table 4 shows that there is a statistically significant main effect for schools [F (2, 311) = 25.57, p = 0.00].
The effect size for schools is considered as large (eta squared = 0.14). Thus, the alternative hypothesis cannot
be rejected due to the p-values results (0.00 < 0.01). Hence, there is a significant main effect in terms of students’
achievement in algebra amongst national schools, religious schools and boarding schools.
Table 2. Mean and standard deviation for gender in national schools, religious schools and boarding schools
Std. Deviation
National school
Religious school
Boarding school
National school
Religious school
Boarding school
National school
Religious school
Boarding school
Table 3. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances
Sig (p)
*The mean difference is significant at 0.01 level
Table 4. Tests of between-gender and types of schools effect
Types III Sum of
Mean Square
Partial Eta
Corrected Model
Gender * School
Corrected Total
*The mean difference is significant at 0.01 level
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Is there a significant interaction effect between gender and types of schools in terms of students’
achievement in algebra?
Alternative hypothesis: There is an interaction effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra between
gender and types of schools.
Table 4 shows that there is no statistically significant interaction effect gender*schools [F (2, 311) = .06, p
= 0.94]. The profile plot is shown in Figure 1. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is rejected (p-value = 0.94
> 0.01). It can be concluded that there is no interaction effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra
between gender and types of schools.
The results show that boarding schools’ students (both boys and girls) outperform Islamic religious schools’
and national schools’ students in algebra achievement. Boarding schools’ students obtain the highest mean
score in the test administered, followed by Islamic religious schools’ students and national schools’ students.
This may be due to the reason that boarding schools generally induct the best students and offer the most
conducive learning environment, compared to the Islamic religious schools and national schools. Compared to
national schools, the Islamic religious schools also take in better students and present a more conducive learning
environment than national schools.
On the overall, it was found that girls (M = 22.02, SD = 4.22) outperform boys (M = 20.73, SD = 4.82) in
terms of achievement in algebra, in all types of schools. Results obtained are parallel with the findings of Ismail
and Awang (2007, 2012), Alkhateeb (2001), the US Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistic (2001), Mullis et al. (2008) and Rajoo (2013). However, the results are inconsistent with the findings of
the American Institute of Research (2005), which found that boys perform better in things related to application
The results are also in line with Freeman’s (2005) findings, in which girls are found to develop greater
confidence in their abilities to adopt with mathematical concepts and merge well with curriculum and
assessment methods. Boys seem to understand the concepts of algebra faster than girls. However, girls often
outperform boys as they tend to immerse themselves in practices and homeworks in order to polish their
understanding about abstract concepts. Moreover, boys generally seem to view that doing homework as non-
masculine-like (or feminine-like), and thus explains the reason why girls tend to become more superior in
algebra, as compared to boys (Ainuddin Dahlan et al. 2010).
Moreover, this research finding is correlated with the research done by Ainuddin Dahlan et al. (2010), which
found that even though boys have advantages in spatial and mathematical abilities, girls have always been
consistent in adopting themselves with the curriculum. Besides, girls can most often tolerate lengthy lectures
Figure 1. Profile plot for interaction effect between gender and types of schools
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(traditional approach) given by the teacher, as the lower level of testosterones in their body makes it possible
for them to adopt with this type of instruction, and as a result, excel more in mathematics. Compared to boys,
girls also favor learning that involves solving problems related to real world situations, thus making them
perform better in examinations.
Apart from that, girls also seem to outperform boys because the teacher-gender ratio is imbalanced at
schools in Malaysia. Research by Abd. Razak, Thien and Darmawan (2014) showed that students who were
taught by female teachers scored higher in eighth grade mathematics test, compared to those who were taught
by male teachers. At the moment, according to the Educational Management Information System [EMIS]
(2014), there is a huge gap between female teachers (127,030) and male teachers (55,385) at the secondary
school level in Malaysia. This explains the reason for the learning style and curriculum at schools, which is more
female-biased, where the interaction effect between teacher-gender and students’ achievement has been found
significant (Dee, 2006). On the contrary, the current findings also disagree with the research findings by
Antecol, Eren and Ozbeklik (2012), which found that female teachers will lead to poorer results in mathematics
among girls, not boys.
This study has found that there is (i) a significant main effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra
between boys and girls, (ii) a significant main effect in terms of students’ achievement in algebra amongst
national schools, religious schools and boarding schools, and (iii) no interaction effect in terms of students’
achievement in algebra between gender and types of schools.
The findings of this study provide direct implications on the implementation of mathematics education in
Malaysia, especially at the secondary level. There are several things that can be addressed in the context of
student interest in mathematics. The Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) policy-makers should focus on
the fair distribution of educational resources, particularly for the national and Islamic religious schools.
Undoubtedly, teachers must also have the credibility and the responsibility to educate mathematics as equally
fair as they can, without being biased towards any gender. And, ultimately, the school environment should also
be cultivated towards fostering students’ interest in mathematics more, as the benefits of this far outweigh other
types of improvements for the students’ future in the real world. Conclusively, the implications of this research
could serve as referral data for the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE), to enable them to better monitor
the gaps in terms of students’ mathematics achievement amongst national schools, religious schools and
boarding schools. Furthermore, educators should also be more creative and active in teaching mathematics, to
ensure a more meaningful and fruitful participation of both boys and girls in learning process. Gender-
imbalance in achievement at schools, if not remedied properly, may contribute to a wide gender gap, especially
in terms of university enrollment, at the tertiary level.
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... Studies by Asoma et al. (2022) showed that contexts appeared to influence the solution paths when solving Mathematical word problems. On the contrary, Saleh and Rahman (2016) reported no significant differences in contextualized word problems. However, Arnawa et al. (2019) found differences in gender ability in problem-solving. ...
... Thus, the critical P-value obtained (.960, 2-tailed) was greater than the alpha level of .05 and the confidence interval included 0, indicating that the difference in mean scores between male and female students was not statistically significant. Therefore, the researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis and concluded that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females in terms of their ability to solve algebraic word problems (Saleh & Rahman, 2016). The results in Table 5 show that some students were not attempting some test items, indicating a lack of confidence or understanding of the concepts involved. ...
... On the contrary, Saleh and Rahman (2016) reported no significant increase in student achievement when mathematical word problems were contextualized. This argument notwithstanding, Pratiwi and Widjajanti (2020) showed many students neither master the mathematical context nor the real-life context of the problem. ...
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Algebra involves rules of operations, signs of operations, equations, and algebraic structures. Previous studies have indicated that students often struggle with mathematics in both academic and real-life contexts. Hence, this study explored how students handle word problems in both mathematics and real-life contexts. The study utilized a cross-sectional design to examine these issues in the developing world, specifically targeting junior high school students in Ghana. A total of 200 students, comprising 91 males and 109 females from various public Junior High Schools, were randomly sampled. The research categorized problems into mathematics context and real-life context, with analysis further divided into 'attempt statuses' (either 'attempted' or 'not attempted') and 'performance statuses' (either 'correct' or 'wrong'). Follow-up interviews, each lasting 15 minutes, were conducted with three groups of both male and female students. The results from the independent samples t-test revealed that the mean score for male students (M =15.37, SD =3.435) was not significantly different from that of female students (M = 15.35, SD = 3.619). It was observed that male students attempted all word problems, while female students did not attempt some problems. The study concluded that there is no statistically significant difference in the ability of male and female students to solve algebraic word problems. The lack of attempts by female students on some items suggests a potential lack of understanding in context problems. It is recommended that teachers employ multiple representations, technology tools, and metacognitive strategies to help bridge these gaps.
... Considering that algebraic representation of arithmetic content involves writing one expression after another, or simpler equations equivalent to another equation, and similar aspects, it turns out that the presence of clear and systematic notes of algebraic representations of concepts means much more to female students compared to male students. The research results of Saleh & Rahman (2016), which indicate better achievements of female students in algebra compared to male students, provide additional confirmation of this conclusion. ...
... Another difference in the attitudes of students of different genders concerns the importance of using a pen tablet in the implementation of arithmetic mathematical content because solving these tasks step by step with appropriate algebraic notation is something students, especially female students, are accustomed to in regular mathematics classes that take place in face-to-face school environments. This attitude of female students can be linked to their higher levels of achievement in working with algebra content, confirming the findings of earlier studies (Murugan & Rajoo, 2013;Saleh & Rahman, 2016). ...
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The inability to directly communicate mathematical content through various representations of concepts presented a significant challenge after the shift from face-to-face teaching to distance mathematics education in Serbia. Some mathematics teachers attempted to overcome this gap by using a pen tablet during mathematics classes. The aim of this research is to determine the attitudes of upper-grade elementary and high school students about whether the meaningful use of a pen tablet by teachers contributes to the quality of distance mathematics education. The examined sample included 202 students from upper elementary and high school. The research results indicate that students are indeed aware of the benefits of teachers using a pen tablet to achieve learning outcomes. In most specific statements, there are no significant differences in the attitudes of elementary and high school students, as well as differences in attitudes in relation to gender. Specifically, girls, to a greater extent than boys, agree with the statement that the use of a pen tablet helped them better understand the teaching and learning contents, as well as that there are more benefits to using a pen tablet in classes that cover arithmetic (algebra) topics. On the other hand, high school students, to a greater extent than elementary school students, perceive the use of a pen tablet in math classes as more effective and consider it more helpful during learning in mathematics classes.
... Rahman and Saleh, on the other hand, conducted research (N = 317) on students' performance in algebra content. The data suggest that students from Islamic boarding schools had the highest average score, followed by students from Islamic religious schools and national school pupils (Saleh & Rahman, 2016). This at least demonstrates that children from Islamic boarding schools perform good academically. ...
... This is why this variable has no impact on working memory systems. According to research (Saleh & Rahman, 2016) Islamic boarding school pupils are better at algebra. This finding surely inspires educators to further reformulate learning in order to maximize the potential of pupils, particularly those in Islamic boarding schools. ...
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The goal of this research is to investigate models relating to psychological aspects of mathematics learning, such as math anxiety, scaffolding, math attitude, and working memory. This study included 548 junior high school students from public schools and Islamic boarding schools. The analytical method utilizes analysis of variance, bivariate product moment supported by SPSS, and Smart PLS 3 for path analysis. Model fit criteria (SMSR < .05; RMS Theta < .102; NFI > .9). The model fits based on the SRMR value .000 < .10 dan NFI 1 > .90. The findings show that students from public schools and Islamic boarding schools are different in terms of math anxiety, scaffolding and math attitude. Path analysis shows that math attitude mediates the interaction between math anxiety and scaffolding on working memory. Furthermore, scaffolding has a direct impact on working memory. The implications of the study's findings have been discussed in this article.
... Earlier studies involving TIMSS data mostly concentrated on separate examination of the factors influencing mathematics achievement or science achievement (Caponera & Losito, 2016;Eriksson, Helenius & Ryve, 2019;Geesa et al., 2019;Henry, Nistor, & Baltes, 2014;Ismail et al., 2018;Lay & Chandrasegaran, 2016;Mohtar et al., 2019;Mokshein, 2012;Mubarak & Abdul Razak, 2017;Saleh & Abdul Rahman, 2016). For example, Geesa et al. (2019) explored the influence of home resources and attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics achievement in South Korea, Turkey, and the United States while Saleh and Abdul Rahman (2016) examined the effects of gender and school type on students' achievement in algebra. ...
... Earlier studies involving TIMSS data mostly concentrated on separate examination of the factors influencing mathematics achievement or science achievement (Caponera & Losito, 2016;Eriksson, Helenius & Ryve, 2019;Geesa et al., 2019;Henry, Nistor, & Baltes, 2014;Ismail et al., 2018;Lay & Chandrasegaran, 2016;Mohtar et al., 2019;Mokshein, 2012;Mubarak & Abdul Razak, 2017;Saleh & Abdul Rahman, 2016). For example, Geesa et al. (2019) explored the influence of home resources and attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics achievement in South Korea, Turkey, and the United States while Saleh and Abdul Rahman (2016) examined the effects of gender and school type on students' achievement in algebra. Contributing factors of science achievement using TIMSS data were studied by Mokshein (2012), Lay and Chandrasegaran (2016), Mubarak and Abdul Razak (2017), and Ismail et al. (2018). ...
... These include policies and interventions to improve access to high-quality education, reduce socioeconomic segregation, foster inclusive school environments and address the root causes of social inequalities. Gender differences have been observed in different subjects, including mathematics (Ajai & Imoko, 2015;Saleh & Rahman, 2016). As scholars work to address the underrepresentation of girls at the senior school level of mathematics, gender disparities in mathematics achievement have become a significant concern (Asante, 2010). ...
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This study examined the influence of gender and school location differences on students' academic progress in Algebra among senior secondary students in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study focuses on underrepresentation and societal prejudices in mathematics. The quasi-experimental study included 356 SS 2 students from eight public senior secondary schools, with a pretest-posttest control group design consisting of 211 and 145 students from urban and rural schools, respectively. A multiple-choice Algebra achievement test comprising 50 items with a reliability coefficient of 0.93 was presented to the selected sample which lasted for 12 weeks. The data collected were analysed using ANCOVA, which focuses on two research questions and three hypotheses. The results show no significant difference in Algebra achievement based on gender disparities. However, considerable variations were discovered based on school location, with urban area students outperforming those in rural locations. The findings also revealed a substantial interaction effect between gender and school location on student achievement. The study indicated that learners of Mathematics should be handled equally by the teacher during the class, regardless of gender, and that a conducive learning environment that will accommodate both male and female pupils should be implemented, regardless of school location.
... Studies conducted in Nigeria show that poor achievement of students in linear algebraic expressions is the main reason for failure in mathematics, especially at junior secondary schools (Banerjee and Subramaniam, 2012;James and Adewale, 2015;Salmiza and Muhamad, 2016;Marilou and Charita 2022). Learning of linear algebraic expression requires the students to actively participate in constructing knowledge, which could lead to creativity and high cognitive reasoning. ...
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The study looked into how well students in Uyo, Nigeria, learned algebra using the Problem-Based Learning approach. Three research questions and three hypotheses were used to guide the study. Quasi-experimental design was used. 3,173 Junior Secondary One (JS1) students constituted the population, and sample of 124 students. Three professionals (mathematics lecturers and teachers) validated developed instruments for data collecting tagged Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT). The instrument's reliability was 0.73. The mean, standard deviation, and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with a 0.05 level of significance level were used to analyse the study's data. Gender findings on achievement of students was not statistically significant while Problem-Based Learning method (PBL) had significant effect on achievement of students. According to the findings, it was recommended, that math teachers embrace the PBL technique in the classroom to improve students' proficiency with algebraic operations.
... Since decades ago, algebra is used in our daily lives to represent numbers and quantities in mathematical formulae and equations (Kilpatrick & Izsak, 2008;Saleh & Rahman, 2016). Algebra is also a gate-keeper course determining for entry into most colleges and whether the students can go on to the higher-level STEM courses (Remillard et al., 2017). ...
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In this study we focused on one of the recurring issues in the learning of mathematics, which is students’ errors and misconceptions in learning algebra. We investigated Year 7 students on how they manipulate and interpret letters in solving routine algebraic problems to understand their thinking process. This is a case study of qualitative nature, focusing on one pencil and paper test, observation, and in-depth interviews of students in one particular school in Brunei Darussalam. The themes that emerged from interviews based on the test showed students’ interpretation of letters categorized as “combining” - which involved the combining of numbers during addition, “equating a letter as 1” – where a letter in any algebraic expression is considered to be equal to 1, “misconception of equal sign” – where students see equal sign as taking the value or letter which is closest to the equal sign, “inconsistency with own rule” – where students made up their own misguided rules but utilize other rules for similar situation and finally, “seeing letters as an abbreviations for objects” – where students consider the letters as representing objects.
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Mathematics is a tool for achieving educational and economic goals and aims in a nation or society. Thus, being good in mathematics will pave the way to excel in other subjects. Algebra has always been one of the main subjects in mathematics all over the world. This is probably due to the fact that algebra is the door to the extension of complex arithmetic calculations. This study therefore examined proficiency in algebraic equation as predictors of secondary school students’ performance in mathematics in Benin Metropolis. To achieve this, four research questions were raised. The design of this study was survey. The population of the study consisted of all the public junior secondary schools in Benin Metropolis, Edo State. One thousand one hundred and forty (1,140) students from 38 junior secondary schools serve as the sample for the study. The instrument for the data collection was an achievement test constructed by the researcher, which was drawn from past Basic Education Certificate Examination conducted by the National Examination Council for the 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 academic sessions. The validity of the instrument was presumed to have been carried out by the National Examination Council, being an examination body saddled with the responsibility of conducting examinations in Nigeria. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 and it gave the reliability indices of 0.90 and 0.93 respectively. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, two-way Analysis of Variance, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r). The finding that emerged from the study revealed that the level of students’ proficiency in solving algebraic equations and mathematics was low. A significant relationship existed between proficiency in solving algebraic equations and students’ performance in mathematics, and sex was not a determining factor in students’ proficiency in algebraic equations and performance. It was recommended among others that teachers should ensure that students are well taught using various methods that will promote their comprehension of mathematical concepts.
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This study investigated influence of Partitive Variation Teaching Strategy (PVTS) on male and female Basic Five Pupils' algebraic motivation, understanding and performance in Benue state, Nigeria. The quasi experimental, pretest-posttest design was adopted for the research. Two schools were systematically selected in Zone B education zone of the state. There were 113 pupils (54 male, 59 female) in the two schools. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The experimental procedure took 6 weeks from training to completion. The pupils were taught using carefully prepared lesson plans based on the Partitive Variation Teaching Strategy (PVTS). There were three instruments used for the study: The Algebra Motivation Questionnaire (AMQ), algebra performance test (APT) which was an objective test and the Algebra Understanding Test, which was theory. The data collected were analysed using SPSS for Windows analytical software. Means and standard deviations were used to answer the research questions. Means and standard deviations were used to answer the research question while multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) as well as analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that there was no statistically significant difference where F (2, 110) = 1.47 and p = 0.24> 0.05 in the mean motivation rating of the respondents in the experimental group in terms of gender. Also, there was no statistically significant influence, where F (1,110) = 0.08 and p = 0.78> 0.05 on the understanding ability and F (1, 110) = 0.33 and p = 0.57> 0.05 for performance between male and female pupils. It was concluded that the partitive variation teaching strategy was not gender biased and therefore should be used for the effective teaching and learning of algebra at the basic level of education.
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Research has shown that mathematics achievement in students is influenced by psychological factors such as mathematics anxiety. Weaknesses among students in learning mathematics in particular will affect the efforts of various sectors in making Malaysia a fully developed nation by 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement among secondary school students in Selangor, Malaysia. The research examined the differences in mathematics anxiety according to gender as well as the differences in mathematics achievement of students based on the level of mathematics anxiety. The study involved195 Form Four students (86 male and 109 female). The instrument used to measure differences was adapted from the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scale. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to determine the mean, frequency, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The findings of the study indicated that there is mathematics anxiety among secondary school students. The t-test showed that the mean difference between mathematics anxiety and gender is not significant. The ANOVA test showed that there were significant differences in achievement based on the level of mathematics anxiety. Thus, math anxiety is one factor that affects student achievement. Therefore, teachers should strive to understand mathematics anxiety and implement teaching and learning strategies so that students can overcome their anxiety.
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Mathematics learning and achievement is one area of research that has gained momentum in recent years because of its importance as a subject in the school curriculum and its usefulness as a prerequisite for developing the quantitative and analytical skills. However, studies on factors affecting mathematics achievement in Malaysia are limited both in terms of the number as well as the scope. It is the aim of this study to take a closer look at the relationship between student and background factors and mathematics achievement among secondary school students in Malaysia using the most recent Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 data. The results suggested that female, educational resources, students’ attitude, homework and school environment have significant positive effect on mathematics performance. The two factors having opposite effects are age of the students and language spoken at home. Mathematics performance is found to decrease with increasing age and students who did not speak the language of the test at home have significantly higher scores than those who did. These results have important implications especially for educators as well as policy makers involved in education
This book explores gender differences in math performance--and why males outperform females on high stakes standardized tests but not in the classroom. These differences are important because scores on such tests are generally used in decisions that have important consequences for students such as college admissions and job placement. The contributions in this volume present a variety of theories and research that help to explain the differences, and highlight the consequences. Illustratively, if females receive lower scores on the tests, they are likely to be exposed to fewer opportunities thereafter.
A common problem shared by many institutions of higher learning around the world today is the wide discrepancy in the enrollment of males and females. Although the gender gap inpublic universities has been widely highlighted in Malaysia, it is believed this problem may be inextricably linked to gender differences in achievement at the school level. It has been suggested that accommodating gender differences in learning styles in schools could help bridge the gender gap. Therefore, this study attempted to identify the extent of the gender gap by comparing the self-reported results of a national standardized test, the Lower Secondary Examination or Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR), of 411 Form Four students from four secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. Respiondents also completed the Felder and Soloman (1991) Index of Learning Styles (ILS), which determined their learning styles on four subscales: Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal and Sequential-Global. The study found a significant gender difference in achievement but not for learning styles. The majority of respondents were Active, Visual and Sequential. However, a binary logistic regression model found gender, Sensing and Visual learning styles to be significant predictors of achievement. Therefore, accommodating these learning styles in particular, may promote the academic achievement of students. Future teachers should consequently be equipped with practical knowledge of learning styles in the hope of increasing achievement across genders, thus narrowing the gender gap in schools and lead to more gender-balanced university classrooms capable of nurturing quality human capital amongst both women and men. © Common Ground, Nadia Ainuddin Dahlan, Nor Azian Md Noor, Sharifah Muzlia Syed Mustafa, Khadijah Said Hashim, Voviana Zulkifli.
This essay reviews the literature on the effects of religious commitment on adolescent behavior. While the body of research on the effects of religious commitment of adolescents on their overall lives is still relatively small, that literature indicates that religious commitment tends to be associated with higher educational outcomes and a lower incidence of illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, and premarital sex. Some are reluctant to acknowledge these effects, while others champion desirable qualities in adolescents, especially educational excellence and socially responsible behavior, without incorporating their true source--religious convictions. Many of the reasons for this reluctance are rooted in the general culture, which since the 1960s marginaltes religion in America, and seeks to exclude it from the public square. Yet, based on research findings, contemporary society would benefit from encouraging adolescent religious commitment.
Recent analyses challenge common wisdom regarding the superiority of private schools relative to public schools, raising questions about the role of school processes and climate in shaping achievement in different types of schools. While holding demographic factors constant, this multilevel analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics data on over 270,000 fourth and eighth graders in over 10,000 schools examines differences among schools on five critical factors: (1) school size, (2) class size, (3) school climate/parental involvement, (4) teacher certification, and (5) instructional practices. This study provides nationally representative evidence that both teacher certification and some reform-oriented mathematics teaching practices correlate positively with achievement and are more prevalent in public schools than in demographically similar private schools. Additionally, smaller class size, more prevalent in private schools, is significantly correlated with achievement.
A meta-analysis was undertaken, including 41 studies to determine the infl uence of Catholic and Protestant schools. The analysis examined studies undertaken at both the elementary and secondary school level. The results indicate that both Catholic and Protestant school students do better than their counterparts in public schools. In addition, Protestant school students excelled more than their Catholic counterparts on most standardized tests, but Catholic school students did better than their Protestant school counterparts on non-standardized mea-sures. The signifi cance of these results is discussed.