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Relationship between position sense and
reposition errors according to the degree of
upper crossed syndrome
Seo-Yeung gu, MS, PT1), gak Hwangbo, PhD, PT1), Jeon-HYeong Lee, PhD, PT2)*
1) Department of Physical Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, Daegu University, Republic of Korea
2) Department of Physical Therapy, Daegu Health College: 15 Yeongsong-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 41453,
Republic of Korea
Abstract. [Pur pose] The purpose of this study was to compare reposition errors in subjects with upper crossed
syndrome to examine the effects of upper crossed syndrome on position senses. [Subjects and Methods] A sample
population of 60 subjects was randomly divided into three groups of 20: a normal group, a mild group, a moderate
group. A cervical range of motion device was attached to the head of each subject using st raps and the reposition
errors of cervical exion, extension, r ight lateral exion, left lateral exion, right rotation and left rotation were
measured. [Results] The normal group showed smaller reposition errors than the mild group and the mild group
showed smaller reposition errors than the moderate group but none of the differences among the three groups was
signicant. [Conclusion] Reposition errors increased in the order of the normal, mild, moderate group but the differ-
ences were not signicant. In addition, the degree of the subjects’ postural misalignment was higher in the moderate
than in the mild group. These results demonstrate that cervical spine position sense declines as postural misalign-
ment becomes more severe.
Key words: Upper crossed syndrome, Position sense, Reposition error
(This article was submitted Oct. 13, 2015, and was accepted Oct. 30, 2015)
Ofce workers or students who spend long periods in front of a computer or at a desk begin to adopt a forward head
posture, with the head forward of the spinal center line, when maintaining a normal spinal posture becomes difcult while
sitting for work1). A forward head posture causes mechanical stress on the neck. Due to the muscle imbalances resulting from
the stress, some muscles are inhibited and weakened and other muscles tend to lose tensility2). This muscle imbalance leads
to a vicious cycle that includes bent shoulders, shoulder rises, and abnormal postures of the shoulder blades. The vicious
cycle also leads to weakening of the muscles below the neck, such as the rhomboid muscles, the anterior serratus muscle, and
the lower trapezius muscle, and hardening of the antagonist muscles, such as the greater pectoral muscle, the upper trapezius
muscle, and the musculus levator scapulae, due to stiffeness. Janda dened this phenomenon as upper crossed syndrome
Proprioceptive senses are the senses used to control the positions and motions of the trunk and parts of the body in space4).
Proprioceptive senses related to the spatial recognition of the head require not only information from the vestibular organs
and visual information, but also proprioceptive sense information from the cervical spine5). Proprioceptive senses perform
two important roles in the neck: they provide information on posture and motion of the cervical spine to the central nervous
system, and they provide cervical reexes for stability and protection of the cervical spine6). Pathology, injuries, muscle fa-
tigue, and aging have been reported as causes of damage to cervical spine positional senses, and recent studies have reported
J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 28: 438 –4 41, 2016
*Corresponding author. Jeon-Hyeong Lee (E-mail: coordi18@naver.com)
©2016 The Society of Physical Therapy Science. Published by IPEC Inc.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attr ibution Non-Commercial No Derivat ives (by-nc-nd)
License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd /4.0/>.
Original Article
The Journal of Physical Therapy Science The Journal of Physical Therapy Science
that position sense declines in patients with damage to the cervical spine or who complain of pain7, 8).
Therefore, the present study aimed to compare the reposition errors of subjects with upper crossed syndrome to examine
the effects of upper crossed syndrome on position sense.
In the present study, lateral photos were taken of 200 undergraduate students of D University. In total, 60 subjects (39
females, 21 males) were selected, based on the photos and they were divided into three groups (normal, mild, moderate) of
20 subjects per group based on the classication criteria of the experiment. None of the subjects had any musculoskeletal
system disease, pain, or neurologic symptoms, and all the subjects voluntarily agreed to participate in this study after receiv-
ing sufcient explanation about the study method and purpose. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Daegu
University. The subjects’ mean age was 22.3±0.33 years, their mean heights were 166.20±1.43 cm in the case of the normal
group, 167.30±1.28 cm in the case of the mild group and 167.40±1.73 cm in the case of the moderate group and their mean
weights were 59.05±1.73 kg in the case of the normal group, 62.70±2.24 kg in the case of the mild group and 59.60±2.31 kg
in the case of the moderate group.
All the subjects who participated in the experiments were instructed to sit on a chair with a backrest, to position their
ankle, knee, and hip joint at 90° and to face forward.
Photos were taken using smartphones to classify the degrees of the upper crossed syndrome, and the photos were analyzed
using Dartsh software (DFKOREA, Korea). The distances between the lateral center line of the shoulder and the lateral
center line of the ear were measured, and those with the lateral center line of the shoulder positioned less than 1 cm forward
from the lateral center line of the ear were classied as the normal group, those with the lateral center line of the shoulder
positioned 1–2.5 cm forward from the lateral center line of the ear were classied as the mild upper crossed syndrome group,
and those with the lateral center line of the shoulder positioned 2.5–5 cm forward from the lateral center line of the ear were
classied as the moderate upper crossed syndrome group9).
A cervical range of motion (C-ROM Basic, Performance Attainment Associates, USA) device was used to measure joint
position senses in the neck region. The C-ROM device was attached to the head of each subject using straps, and the subject
was instructed to wear an eye patch to block visual information to place the head in the neutral position, and to freely move
in various directions to relieve tension. When joint position senses were measured, external effects that might confuse the
subject’s proprioceptive information or cause sensory fatigue, such as noises and skin irritation, were blocked. For the
measurement, the C-ROM device was put on the head of the subject, and the shoulders of the subject were xed by the
experimenter so that the movements would not be affected by other parts of the trunk. The experiment was conducted by
instructing the subject to move the head to make a neck angle of 30°, which is 60% of the normal range of motion (ROM) of
the neck10). The subject was instructed to maintain the angle of 30° for three seconds in order to recognize the angle, return to
the neutral position and to make the angle of 30° again two times repeatedly without assistance, while taking a rest for three
seconds between measurements. Flexion was measured rst followed by extension, right lateral exion, left lateral exion,
right rotation, and left rotation.
To compare reposition errors among the three groups, differences from 30° as a reference value, which is 60% of the
full ROM, were measured as absolute values and compared using one-way ANOVA and the least signicant difference
(LSD) was used for post-hoc comparisons. The PASW statistics ver. 12.0 program was used for all statistical analyses with
a signicance level of α = 0.05.
The subjects showed gradually bigger reposition errors in the order of the normal, the mild and the moderate group but
none of the differences between the three groups was signicant (p>0.05) (Table 1).
Tab le 1. The comparison of repositioning errors in cervical movement
Motion Normal Mild Moderate
Flexion(°) 3.10±0 .18 3.43± 0.32 3.93±0.66
Extension(°) 3.58± 0 .18 4.30±0.50 4.60± 0. 55
Right Bending(°) 2. 05±0.17 2.35±0.34 2.85± 0.36
Left Bending(°) 3.0 0 ±0.15 3.30±0.30 3.88±0.46
Right Rotat ion(°) 5.00±0.27 5.35±0. 20 5.85± 0.66
Left Rotation(°) 5.28±0.26 5.45±0. 22 5.65±0.44
Mean±standard error
Normal: nor mal group, Mild: mild group, Moderate: moderate group
J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2016
Subjects with upper crossed syndrome generally sit or stand with stooped postures, compared to other subjects. In a study
of biomechanical changes in the trunk among sitting postures, Caneiro et al. reported that larger degrees of exion of the
dorsal spine and the lumbar spine appeared in stooped postures than in upright postures11), and the reason was that forward
postures with the chin positioned forward appear in stooped postures, putting the upper cervical spine into extension and the
lower cervical spine into exion12). In a study that examined the effects of different sitting postures on neck proprioceptive
senses, Jung et al. reported that position senses were poorer in stooped postures than in normal postures13) and Lee found that
subjects with severe forward head postures and larger reposition errors had poorer neck position senses14). The results of the
present study show that the mild group had smaller reposition errors than the moderate group but the differences were not
signicant; also, the degree of the subjects’ postural misalignment was higher in the moderate group than in the mild group.
Therefore, cervical spine position sense declined as postural misalignment became more severe. In a study of the relationship
between the habit of laterally bending the neck and position senses, Kim reported that position senses declined in those
who had incorrect postures15), and Bolton stated that as the longus colli muscle, a deep neck muscle, acts as a neck posture-
maintaining muscle, proper neck postures are maintained thanks to the information delivered from the muscle spindles
located in the longus colli16). Kirsch and Garza noted that in chronic neck pain patients, appropriate location information
could not be provided due to the atrophy of the longus colli muscle17). Therefore, from these results it can be inferred that if
such inappropriate postures are continuously maintained, the position senses of the cervical spine can decline further.
Jung et al. reported that the position of the head is recognized through appropriate proprioceptive senses, and information
for maintaining proper postures needs to be continuously provided13). Therefore, in relation to the postures of the cervical
spine, habits to develop correct posture are considered necessary to prevent the occurrence of damage or pain due to decline
in position sense.
Studies of the diverse causes of declines in neck position sense involving subjects from many age groups are considered
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