Berendsohn, W. G., Anagnostopoulos, A., Hagedorn, G., Jakupovic, J., Nimis, P. L., Valdés, B., Güntsch, A., Pankhurst, R. J. & White, R. J.: A comprehensive reference model for biological collections and surveys. – Taxon 48: 511‐562. 1999. ISSN 0040‐0262.
The article describes an extended entity‐relationship model covering biological collections, i.e. natural history collections of biotic origin; data collections used in floristic or faunistic mapping, survey, and monitoring projects; live collections such as botanical or zoological gardens, seed banks, microbial strain collections and gene banks; as well as novel collection kinds such as of secondary metabolites or DNA samples. The central element in the model is the unit, which stands for any object containing, being or being part of a living, fossilised, or conserved organism. The unit may be gathered (observed or collected) in the field and derived units may recursively emerge from it through specimen processing, breeding or cultivation. In addition, units may form associations (e.g. host/parasite), ensembles (lichen on a rock with fossils), and assemblages (herd, artificial grouping). Gathering events, specimen management (acquisition, accession, storage, preservation, exchange, ownership), and taxonomic or other identifications relate to the unit and are treated in detail. Geographic and geo‐ecological data have not been fully modelled; taxonomic (name) data and descriptive information are treated by reference to other published models.