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Functional Neural Network Connectivity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Abstract and Figures

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a chronic illness with debilitating neurocognitive impairment that remains poorly understood. Previous studies have characterized cognitive deficits as a process by which brain abnormalities are inferred from pre-established testing paradigms using neuroimaging with low temporal resolution. Unfortunately, this approach has been shown to provide limited predictive power, rendering it inadequate for the study of neuronal communication between synchronized regions. More recent developments have highlighted the importance of modeling spatiotemporal dynamic interactions within and between large-scale and small-scale neural networks on a millisecond time scale. Here, we focus on recent emergent principles of complex cortical systems, suggesting how subtle disruptions of network properties could be related to significant disruptions in cognition and behavior found in ME. This review, therefore, discusses how electrical neuroimaging methods with time-dependent metrics (e.g., coherence, phase, cross-frequency coupling) can be a useful approach for the understanding of the cognitive symptoms in ME. By providing a platform for utilizing real-time alterations of the perpetual signals as an outcome, the disruptions to higher-level cognition typically seen in ME can be readily identified, creating new opportunities for better diagnosis and targeted treatments.
Neurocognitive impairment in ME model based on vertical brain organization, ascending arousal system (AAS), and cross-frequency interactions involved in the metastable dynamic flow of information in higher cortical function [adapted from Rabinovich, Afraimovich, et al. (2012), Stratton and Wiles (2015), Thatcher and John (1977), Wright et al. (2012)]. A) Crossfrequency interactions (coupling) showing gamma, theta, and delta frequencies are woven together by phase relationships occurring spontaneously across different brain regions at multiple hierarchical levels. If dysfunction exists in any of the sites (e.g., increased delta), the temporal "fabric" changes accordingly. Inefficient cross-frequency coupling within the raw EEG signal can be separated and analyzed by qEEG and electrical neuroimaging methods (Pinal, Zurrón, Díaz, & Sauseng, 2015). B) Brain function at the systems level which is modeled on the vertical organization of the brain circuits in millisecond timings and cycling of oscillatory rhythms (Tristan et al., 2014), accounting for the primary role of arousal promoting nuclei in the brainstem, for example, site 4 (pons) in promoting the encoding and processing of sensory information (e.g., visual stimuli in occipital lobe) influencing the cross-coupled signaling in the dorsal stream of information flow between gamma activity in site 1 (parietal) and site 2 (premotor) coupled with theta rhythms in site 3 (memories recalled by the hippocampus) mediated by prefrontal cortex (filtering out irrelevant stimuli, context-dependent response selection) and cortico-basal-thalamic circuits (anticipatory information), ultimately giving rise to behavior, emotion, and cognition (Fuster, 2009; Rabinovich, Afraimovich, et al., 2012; Stratton & Wiles, 2015). This general hypothesis states that the AAS (dashed green lines) regulates the capacity for neuronal excitability within the information streams (blue arrows) perpetuated by local and long-distance connections within and between networks. Characterizing the metastable dynamics in the brain may be crucial in understanding neurocognitive impairment, particularly in ME; that is, disruptions in signaling at any point (e.g., red arrow pointing to thalamocortical afferent pathways) underpinning information processing deficits and influencing pyramidal neuronal populations in the cortex visible in the qEEG (McCormick & Bal, 1997; Stratton & Wiles, 2015). This model calls for a deeper understanding of dysregulation in the central nervous system in patients; that is, how communication by way of network properties and arousal affects the quality and quantity of the mental representations in the cortex at any given moment in time (Varela, 2014). Within this model, the homeostatic balance of efficient ongoing processing, in turn, produces increased responsiveness of cortical networks that depend on intact subcortical structures. Accordingly, mismatched timings may be indexed by underlying phase mechanisms (Thatcher, North, & Biver, 2014) associated with a variety of conditions such as multiple sclerosis (Yao et al., 2012), autism (Thatcher et al., 2009), Alzheimer's disease (Xu et al., 2008) and short-term memory decline (Pinal et al., 2015). Abbreviations: acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine (DA), histamine (HS), orexin (OR), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (SE).
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! ! ! !
28!|! Vol. 3(1): 28–50 2016 doi:10.15540/nr.3.1.28
Functional Neural Network Connectivity in Myalgic
Marcie L. Zinn*, Mark A. Zinn, and Leonard A. Jason
Center for Community Research, DePaul University, Illinois, USA
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a chronic illness with debilitating neurocognitive impairment that remains
poorly understood. Previous studies have characterized cognitive deficits as a process by which brain
abnormalities are inferred from pre-established testing paradigms using neuroimaging with low temporal
resolution. Unfortunately, this approach has been shown to provide limited predictive power, rendering it
inadequate for the study of neuronal communication between synchronized regions. More recent developments
have highlighted the importance of modeling spatiotemporal dynamic interactions within and between large-scale
and small-scale neural networks on a millisecond time scale. Here, we focus on recent emergent principles of
complex cortical systems, suggesting how subtle disruptions of network properties could be related to significant
disruptions in cognition and behavior found in ME. This review, therefore, discusses how electrical neuroimaging
methods with time-dependent metrics (e.g., coherence, phase, cross-frequency coupling) can be a useful
approach for the understanding of the cognitive symptoms in ME. By providing a platform for utilizing real-time
alterations of the perpetual signals as an outcome, the disruptions to higher-level cognition typically seen in ME
can be readily identified, creating new opportunities for better diagnosis and targeted treatments.
Keywords: myalgic encephalomyelitis; chronic fatigue syndrome; functional connectivity; resting-state networks;
quantitative EEG (qEEG); electrical neuroimaging
Citation: Zinn, M. L., Zinn, M. A., & Jason, L. A. (2016). Functional Neural Network Connectivity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
NeuroRegulation, 3(1), 2850.
*Address correspondence to: Marcie L. Zinn, PhD, Center for
Community Research, DePaul University, 990 W. Fullerton Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60614-3504, USA. Email:
Copyright: © 2016. Zinn et al. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC-BY).
Edited by:
Rex Cannon, PhD, Neural Potential, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Reviewed by:
Rex Cannon, PhD, Neural Potential, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Randall Lyle, PhD, Mount Mercy University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
The 19th-century neurologist John Hughlings
Jackson (18351911) once said that a major
impediment in understanding a neurological disease
is a lack of a method for doing so (York & Steinberg,
2011). This problem has challenged the
investigation of neurological disease for over a
century and, more recently, has posed a significant
challenge for the study of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
(ME).1 ME is a complex, multi-system disease that
has remained poorly understood despite decades of
empirical research (Afari & Buchwald, 2003;
Cockshell & Mathias, 2014; Jason, Zinn, & Zinn,
2015). The most debilitating symptoms pertain to
1For the sake of clarity, throughout this article we will use ME
even though a number of studies use Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(CFS) to describe their patient samples.
neurocognitive dysfunction; that is, symptoms such
as memory impairment, poor concentration and
attention, and slow information processing speed
are reported by nearly all (at least 90% of) patients
as having a severe impact on their everyday living
(Capuron et al., 2006; Cho, Skowera, Cleare, &
Wessely, 2006; Cook, O'Connor, Lange, &
Steffener, 2007; Lange et al., 2005; Marshall,
Forstot, Callies, Peterson, & Schenck, 1997;
Michiels & Cluydts, 2001; Ropper & Samuels, 2009;
Sandman, Barron, Nackoul, Goldstein, & Fidler,
1993; Yancey & Thomas, 2012). This contrasts with
a neuropsychological research base documenting
only modest levels of cognitive impairment (Attree,
Arroll, Dancey, Griffith, & Bansal, 2014; Cockshell &
Mathias, 2014; DeLuca, Genova, Capili, & Wylie,
2009) and a paucity of studies investigating the
relationship with fatigue severity, sleep quality, and
quality of life (Christodoulou et al., 1998; Metzger &
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Denney, 2002; Tiersky et al., 2001; Tiersky,
Johnson, Lange, Natelson, & DeLuca, 1997). These
paradoxical results might be explainable, however, if
one considers the historical context whereby
neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings
typically do not align well with patient self-reports for
patients with brain diseases (DeLuca, 2005; Hillary
& DeLuca, 2007; Luria, 1980).
A number of studies using neuropsychological test
batteries have provided some support for
neurocognitive deficits in ME (Cairns & Hotopf,
2005; Chen, Feng, Zhao, Yin, & Wang, 2008;
Deluca et al., 2004; Majer et al., 2008; Michiels &
Cluydts, 2001; Thomas & Smith, 2009), while others
did not (Cope, Pernet, Kendall, & David, 1995;
Krupp, Sliwinski, Masur, Friedberg, & Coyle, 1994;
Short, McCabe, & Tooley, 2002). Neurocognitive
deficits reported by patients include a lack of mental
clarity/mental confusion, sustained attention deficits,
verbal working memory deficits, longer reaction
times, trouble with multitasking or learning, and
problems with response inhibition (Christley, Duffy,
Everall, & Martin, 2013; Cockshell & Mathias, 2010;
Dobbs, Dobbs, & Kiss, 2001; Hou et al., 2013;
Wearden & Appleby, 1997). Notably, these findings
have been shown by several authors to be unrelated
to psychiatric issues, such as depression, anxiety,
etc. (Cockshell & Mathias, 2010, 2012, 2014;
Dickson, Toft, & O'Carroll, 2009; Smith, Behan, Bell,
Millar, & Bakheit, 1993) as well as pain and
medication effects (Attree et al., 2014; Christodoulou
et al., 1998; Cockshell & Mathias, 2014; Dickson et
al., 2009; Santamarina-Perez et al., 2011).
The assessment of psychiatric influences on
neurological symptoms has been studied for a long
period of time (Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2006)
and remnants of this debate coupled with the
continued absence of an established biomarker
appear to be, in part, what is contributing to
controversy over whether ME is a manifestation of
psychopathology (Cope & David, 1996) or an
independent neurological disorder (DeLuca et al.,
2009). Some investigators have suggested that
patients with ME may be exaggerating cognitive
symptoms (Ocon, 2013), setting unrealistic
expectations (Metzger & Denney, 2002) or
underperforming due to lack of effort (Goedendorp,
Bleijenberg, & Knoop, 2014). Others posit that
emotional or psychological factors are likely
responsible for ME symptomology (Cope et al.,
1995; Fry & Martin, 1996; Mariman et al., 2013;
Warren, Langenberg, & Clauw, 2013; White, 2010),
suggesting environmental effects (Wearden &
Appleby, 1997) or cultural effects, both resulting in
sickness behavior (Abbey & Garfinkel, 1991). More
broadly, among neurological disorders overall, it is
known that the prevalence of depressive symptoms
in people with neurological disorders is higher than
that of non-depressed people by nearly 40 percent
(Fleminger, Oliver, Williams, & Evans, 2003; Stanton
& Carson, 2015).
ME is often misdiagnosed as depression (Griffith &
Zarrouf, 2008), and co-morbid depression in patient
samples has generated debate over whether it is
primary or secondary to ME neurocognitive
impairment (Twisk, 2014). For those patients with
both conditions, it has been shown that ME and
depression are separate disorders sharing some
common features (Hawk, Jason, & Torres-Harding,
2006; Maes, 2011; Pazderka-Robinson, Morrison, &
Flor-Henry, 2004). Depression in ME does not
exhibit symptoms of Beck’s cognitive triad
(pessimism about the self, world, and future), a core
feature of major depressive disorder (Hawk, Jason,
& Torres-Harding, 2006). Fatigue, another
controversial symptom of ME, is a core feature of
major depressive disorder and other forms of
depression, and may share a common neuroimaging
feature with ME, that is, activity in the anterior
cingulate along with its connections (Angelakis &
Lubar, 2002; Olvet et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2015).
The primary difference, however, between ME
fatigue and fatigue in major depression has been
demonstrated empirically to be a reaction to physical
activity; people with ME feel considerably worse
after physical activity (called post-exertional malaise,
PEM), while people with major depression feel better
(Griffith & Zarrouf, 2008). This is an important
distinction, since PEM is a central feature of ME
(LaManca et al., 1998; Nijs et al., 2010), and
inducing patients with depression to maintain some
physical activity is a core strategy for improvement
(Vancampfort, Stubbs, Venigalla, & Probst, 2015).
The presence of depression (or other Axis 1
disorders) in ME could be the phenotype of a
dysregulated central nervous system with the
somatic symptoms as a consequence of the disease
process.2 Regardless of disease etiology, it is well
known that neurocognitive impairment found in ME
exerts deleterious consequences upon the quality of
life for many individuals, and psychiatric factors do
not fully account for their level of functional disability
(Christodoulou et al., 1998). The problem of finding
out what drives this form of neurocognitive
2According to DSM-IV-TR, patients with psychiatric comorbidity
would be classified under Axis III with the psychiatric problem
being secondary general medical!condition, unless it can be
shown that the primary psychiatric condition existed before the
onset of ME.!
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dysfunction with linkage of brain function to patient
symptoms therefore warrants further attention.
Neuroimaging Studies in ME
One crucial issue for ME is a better understanding of
the neurocognitive events that underlie behavior and
cognition following illness onset. The past several
decades have been a time of considerable
fluctuation in views of neurocognitive dysfunction for
ME seen in the contradictory findings since the early
1990s, while neuroimaging investigations have been
unable to establish a clear biological biomarker or
signature specific to ME. In a recent literature
review, Fischer and colleagues (Fischer et al., 2014)
found neuroanatomical differences (using magnetic
resonance imaging; MRI) between some patients
with ME and healthy controls, but there is still no
unifying explanation for the diversity of, or at times
absence of, structural findings. Results in some
studies have suggested involvement of white matter
(Lange et al., 1999; Natelson, Cohen, Brassloff, &
Lee, 1993), but other studies found only grey matter
abnormalities (de Lange et al., 2005; de Lange et
al., 2004; de Lange et al., 2008; Okada, Tanaka,
Kuratsune, Watanabe, & Sadato, 2004; Puri et al.,
2012) and two studies reported no significant
abnormalities in ME (Cope & David, 1996; Perrin,
Embleton, Pentreath, & Jackson, 2010). Regarding
functional characteristics in ME, cerebral
hypoperfusion was found using single-photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT) in some
(Biswal, Kunwar, & Natelson, 2011; Costa, Tannock,
& Brostoff, 1995; Ichise et al., 1992; Schwartz,
Komaroff, et al., 1994) but not all studies (Lewis et
al., 2001; MacHale et al., 2000; Schmaling, Lewis,
Fiedelak, Mahurin, & Buchwald, 2003). Results of
metabolic activity from two positron emission
tomography (PET) studies were inconclusive
(Siessmeier et al., 2003; Tirelli et al., 1998), but
abnormalities involving neurotransmitter
biosynthesis was suggested in a line of more recent
studies (Cleare, Messa, Rabiner, & Grasby, 2005;
Nakatomi et al., 2014; Yamamoto et al., 2012).
Task-evoked studies using blood-oxygen-level-
dependent functional MRI (BOLD fMRI) detected
various functional differences in neural activity in ME
related to motor imagery (de Lange et al., 2004) and
verbal working memory tasks (Lange et al., 2005)
depending upon increasing task load (Caseras et al.,
2006) and fatigue-inducing tasks (Caseras et al.,
2008; Cook et al., 2007; Tanaka et al., 2006).
These studies, however, need replication with larger
sized sample groups. Taken together, the foregoing
results of ME neuroimaging findings are inconclusive
and remain unclear. Despite discovering newer
ways to assess the symptoms commonly reported in
ME neurocognitive impairment, current findings do
not fully account for patient symptoms.
Functional Specialization (Segregation)
The primary reason for the disparity between some
findings may be due to an over-reliance on classical
functional specialization (localizationism models) to
examine ME neurocognitive dysfunction. The
functional specialization model rests on the premise
that individual brain regions are specific and
segregated (Deco, Jirsa, & Friston, 2012; Menon,
2012; Rabinovich, Friston, & Varona, 2012). Gay
and colleagues (Gay et al., 2015) were first to
document regional activation profiles in ME using a
functional connectivity approach, suggesting this
paradigm may hold promise for identifying the
properties of neurocognitive impairment in ME. Due
to the knowledge derived from the NIH Human Brain
Project in the 1990s, the field of cognitive
neuroscience has now established a framework for
which complex brain systems can be studied and
quantified to support new understandings of
cognition and behavior (Thatcher, 2011). Functional
brain connectivity is currently the new paradigm
focusing on distributed neuronal units or the
synchronization of activation of brain regions at rest
or when performing a particular cognitive task
(Bazhenov & Makeig, 2012; Catani, 2011; Catani,
Bodi, & Dell'Acqua, 2012; Rabinovich, Friston, et al.,
2012; Thatcher, 2012). Distributed organization
within large scale dynamic systems involving
multiple brain regions which are spatially distant but
functionally linked act together to form a given
network (Catani, Dell'Acqua, et al., 2012; Friston,
2010; Rabinovich, Friston, et al., 2012; Thatcher,
2011). Within this system, modular organization,
common in complex systems to maximize efficiency,
is achieved through use of a relatively small set of
modules and hubs, whereby local groupings
(clusters) of neurons rely on a small number of long
distance connections in order to maximize the
metabolic expense of wiring (Havlicek et al., 2015;
Menon, 2012; van Straaten & Stam, 2013). In this
manner, dysregulation found within and among
nodes and hubs of functionally specialized networks
may form the primary basis for arriving at a clinical
interpretation of symptoms (Thatcher, 2011, 2012,
2015; Thatcher, North, & Biver, 2005; Thatcher et
al., 2001).
Models of ME Pathogenesis
Despite decades of research, the definitive causes
of ME remain unknown. A common quote in
medicine, “the absence of evidence is not evidence
for absence,” could apply to ME with some similarity,
for example, to Lyme disease where the pathogen
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was serendipitously identified after 72 years
(Pachner, 2012). There are nonetheless some
promising models, which appear to explain patient
symptoms. An infectious pathogen in the etiology of
ME has been proposed but has not yet been
confirmed. Schwartz, Komaroff, et al. (1994)
hypothesized ME may be caused by a viral infection
of neurons, glia, or vasculature. Support for the
deficient metabolism in ME was offered in some
PET and SPECT imaging studies (Costa et al.,
1995; Schwartz, Garada, et al., 1994; Tirelli et al.,
1998). Morris and Maes (2012) proposed an
immune-inflammatory model for ME, which accounts
for fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and
neurocognitive symptoms. Their model suggested
the term “post activity relapse” be used for delayed
abnormal responses to negligible increases in
physical or mental activity that resemble acute
phases of influenza (fatigue, malaise, hyperalgesia,
brain fog). The authors further suggested that
fatigue in ME was suppressing brain function and
modulating the autonomic system. In a combined
voxel-based analysis of four MRI imaging types (T1
and T2 weighted, grey matter and white matter
volume) performed by Barnden et al. (2011),
brainstem abnormalities in ME were found to be
associated with increasing fatigue duration and
hemodynamic scores; white matter atrophy and
neuroinflammation in the midbrain was accompanied
by impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation.
In a comprehensive review, Dickinson (1997) argued
that a viral infection could cause multiple small
lesions in the ascending arousal system (AAS). Due
to its densely compact size, even microscopic
damage to the brainstem could lead to severe
disruptions to sleep state transitions, contributing to
fluctuations in cognitive symptomology (Saper,
Fuller, Pedersen, Lu, & Scammell, 2010; Wright,
Lowry, & LeBourgeois, 2012; Wulff, Gatti, Wettstein,
& Foster, 2010). In a follow-up study by Barnden,
Crouch, Kwiatek, Burnet, and Del Fante (2015)
which controlled for depression and anxiety, the
brainstem was implicated again and compromised
nerve conduction in the midbrain was associated
with upregulation of myelination in the prefrontal
cortex (PFC; dysregulated signal conduction
velocity). The upregulation of myelin (relative to the
diameter of axons) may relate to the energy
consumption of the fibers mediating the PFC to
increase signal conduction velocity and firing
capacity (de Hoz & Simons, 2015) at the expense of
brain efficiency (more energy consuming ionic
channel, axonal transport processes; increased
thickness consuming more energy and taking up
more space).
Brain Efficiency Hypothesis and ME
The brain’s energy expenditure is critically important
given that it weighs approximately 3 pounds, yet it
consumes about 2040% blood oxygen
consumption, a disproportionate rate of consumption
(Raichle, 2010; Shulman, Rothman, Behar, & Hyder,
2004). A significant amount of this baseline energy
is budgeted for neuronal signaling processes and
glutamate neurotransmission by excitatory
glutamatergic neurons (Shulman et al., 2004).
Bullmore and Sporns (2012) explain the state of
affairs in terms of parsimony; there is a continual
drive to minimize the metabolic costs while
supporting or creating adaptively valuable functional
connectivity. Within this system, the brain is seen as
a continual process of negotiating these trade-offs.
Glutamate, the chief excitatory neurotransmitter in
the brain, is a primary factor, particularly due to its
crucial involvement in coupling neuronal activity with
glucose utilization and lactate production through
reuptake by astrocytes (Pellerin & Magistretti, 1994).
Glutamate also plays a key role in regulating α-
Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid
(AMPA) receptors for making adjustments to
synaptic strength (Bredt & Nicoll, 2003). Nucleotide
and protein synthesis secondarily contribute to
energy demand, expanding size of synapses,
creation of new synapses during wakefulness,
regulating excitatory loops, and long-term
potentiation (Kennedy, Beale, Carlisle, & Washburn,
2005). Electrical demands of neurons are more
costly than blood oxygen and glucose, and cortical
excitability is modulated by fluctuations in the
delivery of glucose and adenosine triphosphate
energy to neurons (Raichle, 2010).
However, it remains unclear as to how metabolic
failures within various brain regions affect
neurocognitive function in ME. Recent evidence
regarding many neurological disorders suggests that
metabolic dysfunction can lead to neuronal
hyperexcitability and aberrant neuronal network
activities, causing neural dysregulation and
producing cognitive deficits through chronic
activation of the stress response (McEwen et al.,
2015). This can be seen in several diseases
whereby metabolic changes are known to cause
neural dysfunction (Stranahan & Mattson, 2008),
often with the cognitive effects beginning well before
the physiological ones are evident (Halassa &
Haydon, 2010). Energy deficits can induce
unfavorable changes in resting membrane potentials
and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-induced)
anionic currents, leading to neuronal hyperactivity
that may initiate a cascade of pathological events
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(Holmgren & Scheffer, 2010). Another possible
model posits that neurocognitive dysfunction in ME
may emanate from disruption of top-down control
within the prefrontal cortex with its normal ability to
exert influence over the hypothalamus in modulating
sleep/wake parameters (Barnden et al., 2015;
Wright et al., 2012). Regardless of the underlying
etiology, the “brain fog” (Ocon, 2013) in ME might be
described as a generalized failure in the brain’s
ability to allocate resources in a flexible manner,
resulting in widespread inefficiency and producing a
state that poses a threat to the adaptive mediation of
homeostatic processes. These nonlinear processes
may be interactions between the metabolic system,
stress system, and inflammatory responses in the
immune system (McEwen, 2006). The metabolic
changes can, therefore, be taken as signs of
allostatic load (effects of chronic stress) and though
many of the changes are only partly understood, we
are beginning to understand the chronic disruption in
these systems and how it affects cognition in chronic
disease, especially in ME.
A recurrent theme throughout the ME literature,
neuroimaging in particular, is that patients are
underperforming, compensating, and otherwise
utilizing neural resources more inefficiently than
healthy controls (Caseras et al., 2006; Cook et al.,
2007; de Lange et al., 2004; Lange et al., 2005;
Tiersky et al., 1997). Behaviorally, patients are
typically found to be less responsive, less vigilant,
and slower to react or initiate movements (Tanaka et
al., 2006; Thomas & Smith, 2009; Van Den Eede et
al., 2011). Gay et al. (2016) found evidence of
reduced functional connectivity in patients with ME.
Hypo-connectedness suggests there are fewer links
to distant neurons, possibly driven by a homeostatic
need to reduce energy costs. All nodes within brain
networks can exhibit the same functional properties
but with varying degrees of efficiency and the
resulting propensity for reorganization.
Compensatory activity in the brain appears to be a
mechanism of complex self-organizing systems via
homeostatic processes (Hellyer, Jachs, Clopath, &
Leech, 2015). Nodes are small interacting units in
the topology of a network while hubs are units that
occupy a highly central position in the network. Due
to costly metabolic demands, hubs are more
vulnerable to pathology (Crossley et al., 2014), and
their failure tends to cause greater disruption within
a given network hierarchy (Stam, 2014). Hubs are
also crucial for information integration coming in
from other widely distributed brain regions (van den
Heuvel & Sporns, 2013). The controllability of finite
timings within densely connected areas facilitating
brain states depend on the underlying integrity of
structural connections (Gu et al., 2015; Hagmann et
al., 2008). Local “small world” networks operate with
local groupings (clusters) of neurons relying on a
small number of short-distance connections (thereby
maximizing the energy “expense” of wiring) while
long distance connections between nodes and
modules are inherently less stable (van Straaten &
Stam, 2013). Therefore, dysregulation found within
and among specialized functional networks may
form the primary basis for arriving at a clinical
interpretation of neurocognitive symptoms (Menon,
2011; Stam, 2014).
Examining Spatiotemporal Dynamics in ME
Another important facet of ME cognitive dysfunction
may be the degree to which measurable
spatiotemporal changes in normal dynamic brain
function is occurring, thereby contributing to the
diminishment of cognitive processes involved in
attention, memory, and information transfer rates.
Understanding neurocognitive impairment at the
spatiotemporal level may sufficiently describe what
may be happening to patients because these global
state interactions may underpin disturbances to
homeostatic systems and represent a failure to
adapt in ME, thereby producing measurable deficits
in cognition (Rabinovich, Afraimovich, Bick, &
Varona, 2012; Rabinovich, Friston, et al., 2012).
Highly time-dependent circuits of information flow
involve the coordination of time-series segments of
large neural populations distributed widely within the
brain (Buzsáki, 2006), and the assessment of these
subtleties requires analysis of network interactions
with high spatiotemporal precision, across extended
time periods (Tristan, Rulkov, Huerta, & Rabinovich,
2014). Maintained by an excitatory re-entrant
process that alter their dynamics in the face of
differing task demands, cognition and action depend
upon time-based stability within large-scale brain
circuits (Elson, Huerta, Abarbanel, Rabinovich, &
Selverston, 1999; Hellyer et al., 2015), whether it is
engagement with the environment through sensory
systems or by disengagement from the environment,
using learned experiences (Sporns, 2013). Neurons
are continuously in motion, but it is their
synchronization or lack of synchronization that might
be most important when studying cognitive control
processes (Klimesch, Freunberger, Sauseng, &
Gruber, 2008). Accordingly, spatiotemporal
dynamics are thought to emerge from homeostatic
“tuning” of various factors such as 1) structural
network topology, 2) neural noise, 3) time delays, 4)
connectivity strength, 5) dynamic balance of
excitation/inhibition, and 6) interactions with glial
cells (e.g., changes in myelin microarchitecture; de
Zinn et al. NeuroRegulation! !
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Hoz & Simons, 2015). All of these factors operate
within a narrow window of parameters, outside of
which they operate within a pathological state
(Buzsáki & Watson, 2012; Hellyer et al., 2015).
Each factor co-varies with arousal levels and
cognitive state, factors which are vital to
performance levels of memory, perceptual, and
problem-solving tasks (Tang, Rothbart, & Posner,
Diverse brain activity visible in the
electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrates how
brain function is continually dynamic and in constant
flux (Raichle, 2011), and it reflects the spatially
diffuse synchronization of large masses of neuronal
assemblies which give rise to cognition and behavior
(Thatcher, 2015). Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
methods are well suited for the task of capturing
temporal dynamics at the millisecond time-scale
synchronization of brain processes which are largely
invisible to other imaging modalities such as fMRI,
SPECT, and PET (Thatcher, 2015). Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) provides an excellent static depiction
of white matter and non-dynamic structural mapping
of the cortex. fMRI offers excellent spatial resolution
but the examination of high temporal fluctuations in
connectivity models is limited to constraints of the
hemodynamic signal: indirect measurement of
neuronal activity with low temporal resolution (on the
order of seconds; Poldrack, Mumford, & Nichols,
2011). The spatial resolution of EEG has been
adequately addressed through advancements in
electrical neuroimaging, a promising approach for
noninvasive examination of spatiotemporal
interactions in the millisecond domain for mapping of
intracortical sources in four dimensions (space and
time frequency) through using a variety of distributed
inverse methods (Grech et al., 2008).
Electrical neuroimaging involves source analysis
procedures to examine the cortex of all frequency
bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma)
through spectrally transformed recordings from the
scalp surface using 19-channel EEG (M.A. Zinn et
al., 2014). Accurate estimations of the intracranial
activity can be achieved with application of inverse
methods such as low-resolution electromagnetic
tomography (LORETA) and more recent iterations:
standardized LORETA (sLORETA) and exact
LORETA (eLORETA; Pascual-Marqui, Esslen,
Kochi, & Lehmann, 2002; Pascual-Marqui,
Lehmann, et al., 2011; Pascual-Marqui, Michel, &
Lehmann, 1994). These methods, which allow
cross-validation through voxel by voxel co-
registration to PET, SPECT, fMRI for matching data
to standard coordinate systems, have been used to
characterize spatiotemporal dynamics in patients
with a wide variety of clinical conditions such as
Alzheimer’s disease (Babiloni, Binetti, et al., 2004;
Babiloni, Cassetta, et al., 2006; Canuet et al., 2012;
Gianotti, nig, Faber, et al., 2008; Gianotti, nig,
Lehmann, et al., 2007), mild cognitive impairment
(Babiloni, Carducci, et al., 2013; Babiloni, Del
Percio, et al., 2014; Babiloni, Frisoni, et al., 2006),
other dementias (Nishida et al., 2011; Styliadis,
Kartsidis, Paraskevopoulos, Ioannides, & Bamidis,
2015), epilepsy (Besenyei et al., 2012; Canuet et al.,
2011; Clemens et al., 2010), Parkinson’s disease
(Babiloni et al., 2011; Moazami-Goudarzi, Sarnthein,
Michels, Moukhtieva, & Jeanmonod, 2008), multiple
sclerosis (Papageorgiou et al., 2007), chronic fatigue
syndrome (Sherlin et al., 2007), congestive heart
failure (Vecchio et al., 2015), obstructive sleep
apnea (Toth, Faludi, Wackermann, Czopf, &
Kondakor, 2009), migraine (Clemens et al., 2008),
tinnitus (Vanneste et al., 2010), and Down’s
syndrome (Velikova et al., 2011). LORETA has also
been used to investigate neuropsychiatric conditions
including locked-in syndrome (Babiloni et al., 2010),
anhedonia (Wacker, Dillon, & Pizzagalli, 2009),
obsessive-compulsive disorder (Jones &
Bhattacharya, 2014; Olbrich et al., 2013; Velikova et
al., 2010), posttraumatic stress disorder (Todder et
al., 2012), and major depression (Olbrich, Trankner,
Chittka, Hegerl, & Schonknecht, 2014). Cross-
validation has been demonstrated in multimodal
studies combining LORETA with blood oxygen
dependent fMRI (Mulert et al., 2004; Musso,
Brinkmeyer, Mobascher, Warbrick, & Winterer, 2010;
Vitacco, Brandeis, Pascual-Marqui, & Martin, 2002),
and structural MRI (Worrell et al., 2000), PET
(Dierks et al., 2000; Pizzagalli et al., 2004).
Validation of LORETA is further supported by
localization findings from invasive, intracranial
recordings in humans, as established in several
studies of epilepsy and cognitive event-related
potentials (Volpe et al., 2007; Zumsteg, Friedman,
Wieser, & Wennberg, 2006; Zumsteg, Lozano,
Wieser, & Wennberg, 2006). The promising aspect
of this method is that it allows researchers to create
dynamic causal models of brain networks and
mental states, assessing the informational status of
the individual nodes, linkages and clustering of
connections (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011). Further
advancements have even made it possible to
examine cortical dynamics and interrogate causal
information flow (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2014).
Results using LORETA have already been reported
by Sherlin et al. (2007) by investigating twins with
ME, finding slowing of electrical activity in deeper
brain structures and parts of the limbic system.
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Exploring this further, M. A. Zinn et al. (2014)
collected and evaluated pilot data using eLORETA
to analyze the current source density in 50 patients
with ME compared to 50 healthy controls. This
study found that patients had significantly higher
current source density within delta (13 Hz) affecting
widespread bilateral portions of the frontal lobe and
limbic lobe. Beta sources (1921 Hz) were also
reduced in the medial posterior parietal regions
affecting the sensorimotor region and posterior
cingulate in patients. Furthermore, increased delta
sources were linked to the Multi-dimensional Fatigue
Inventory (MFI-20) reduced motivation subscale in
many regions of the left frontal lobe, with maxima
localized to Broca’s area (Smets, Garssen, Bonke, &
De Haes, 1995). The co-occurrence of delta and
beta in these brain regions may have provided
empirical evidence for a neurobiological basis for
patient symptomology including impairment to higher
cortical functioning. More importantly, dysregulation
in structures such as the parahippocampal gyrus,
anterior cingulate, and insula, prefrontal cortex, and
orbitofrontal gyrus could explain neurocognitive
symptoms in patients (e.g., problems involving
attention, memory, multi-tasking, goal-directedness,
etc.). Limbic regions, when dysregulated, have
generally not been associated with universal
domains of attention, working memory and executive
function, but instead have been associated with
symptoms such as apathy, abulia, reduced
motivation, and impaired attention states known as
negative (deficit) symptoms (Kuzis, Sabe, Tiberti,
Dorrego, & Starkstein, 1999; McPherson, Fairbanks,
Tiken, Cummings, & Back-Madruga, 2002).
Therefore, the importance of negative symptoms in
ME was underscored in this sample. The
association of the MFI-20 reduced motivation scale
and eLORETA sources further suggested a
psychophysiological model may be requisite to
understanding this phenomenon.
Use the same dataset, M. L. Zinn et al. (2014) also
examined qEEG peak alpha frequency (PAF)
computed within the 812 Hz frequency band based
on each participant’s EEG. Mixed ANOVA results
found significantly decreased PAF over 58% of the
entire cortex in patients with ME when compared to
controls. There were significant differences in PAF
at 11 electrode sites (p < 0.05). Two hierarchical
multiple regression models found that subjective
scores on both the MFI-20 and FSS (Fatigue
Severity Scale; Krupp, LaRocca, et al., 1989) as
separate dependent variables predicted fatigue.
Findings were consistent with previous reports of
reduced efficiency of thalamocortical connections in
patients with ME suggesting that PAF measurement
may have both diagnostic and prognostic value in
patients. The widespread nature of the PAF
dysregulation strongly suggests subcortical
pathology with some authors suggesting this
pathology involves the brainstem (Barnden et al.,
2011; Dickinson, 1997; Tirelli et al., 1998). These
studies have set the stage for the next steps using
network analyses and dynamic relationships to
understand a number of cognitive domains where
ME deficits have been found (see Table 1 which
summarizes the qEEG case-control studies on
patients with ME during wakefulness).
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Table 1
Case-control qEEG studies involving ME patients during wakefulness
Significant Findings
Smith, and
Event-related potentials
recorded from Fz, Cz,
Visual potentials:
Checkerboard pattern
Somatosensory potentials:
Median nerve
stimulation from cervical
Cognitive potentials:
Reaction time to audio tone
in ms
Greater P3 latency and duration was
found in ME sample.
Results permit subgrouping patients
by P3 amplitude: those with
attention problems and those with
slower information processing
EEG activity recorded from
Cz to measure peak
frequency and
theta/beta ratio during
eyes closed and serial
7s conditions
Profile of Fatigue-
(PFRS cognitive
difficulty factors
neg. correlated
with serial 7s)
Eyes closed:
ME > HC in theta band (5–7 Hz).
Peak alpha frequency (8–13 Hz)
correlated with a subjective
fatigue rating.
Peak frequency between 420
Hz correlated with theta/beta
ratio and fatigue scores.*
Serial 7s:
ME > HC in theta band (5–7 Hz).
ME < HC in narrow alpha band
(911 Hz).
Sahgal, and
Yue (2004)
58 channel EEG recordings
measured subjects
while performing
handgrip contractions.
ME < HCs in maximum voluntary
contraction force.*
ME > HCs relative power in theta
band, indicating higher cortical
activity after moderate muscle
Sherlin et
al. (2007)
EEG source analysis using
LORETA 3D imaging
method during eyes
closed condition and
serial 7s.
ME twins > healthy twins in delta
(2.03.5 Hz) in left uncus and left
parahippocampal gyrus.
ME twins > healthy twins in theta
(4.07.5 Hz) in cingulate gyrus and
right superior frontal gyrus.
Serial 7s data not reported.
Lind, and
EEG source analysis using
BK Beamformer
algorithm during eyes
open and two cognitive
conditions: word-finding
and dot localization.
Only alpha (813 Hz)
and beta (1420 Hz)
bands were analyzed.
Basic personality
Aptitude Battery
Global source differences were found
in both bands for all three
ME < HCs in alpha during eyes-
closed condition.
ME > HCs in beta during spatial
cognitive condition.
ME > HCs in alpha in Broca's area
during word-finding condition.
Spatial EEG patterns separated both
groups at 83% classification rate in
alpha band during word finding
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Table 1
Case-control qEEG studies involving ME patients during wakefulness
Significant Findings
Neu et al.
Event-related potentials
recorded from Fz, Cz,
and Pz measuring
spectral theta and beta.
P300 assessment with
standard auditory
oddball paradigm
Digit Span
Symbol span
Rey Auditory Verbal
Learning Test
Finger-tapping test
Fatigue Severity
Scale (FSS)
Epworth Sleepiness
Scale (ESS)
Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index
Beck Depression
13 item short
form (BDI)
Hamilton Anxiety
Scale (HAS)
Depression Scale
WAIS: ME > SAHS < HC in both digit
span and symbol span
EEG recordings to
measure coherence
during awake, alert
eyes-closed state
EEG spectral coherence measures
distinguished ME patients from
HCs and MDD groups with nearly
90% accuracy.
M. L. Zinn
et al. (2014)
Used qEEG to measure
peak alpha frequency
(812 Hz) during an
eyes-closed resting
Inventory (MFI-
Fatigue Severity
Scale (FSS)
Found significantly reduced peak
alpha rhythms over 56% of cortex
in patients.
MFI-20, FSS were strongly
associated with peak alpha
frequency (812 Hz).
M. A. Zinn
et al. (2014)
Used eLORETA to
measure current source
densities during an
eyes-closed resting
Inventory (MFI-
Fatigue Severity
Scale (FSS)
ME > HC in delta (13 Hz)
predominately in bilateral
frontal/limbic regions.
ME < HC in beta (1921 Hz) medially
in superior parietal lobule
(precuneus and sensorimotor
Maximal current densities for delta
band in left Broca’s area predicted
by higher scores on the
Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory
(MFI-20), reduced motivation
No associations found with the FSS.
*p < .01.
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Importance of Cross-Frequency
Interactions, Vertical Brain Organization,
and Arousal Systems
All perceptual, cognitive, and emotional processes in
the brain arise from precisely coordinated timings
(Rabinovich, Friston, et al., 2012) with a vertical
organization of structures reflecting the phylogenic
scale and forms of consciousness (including
sleep/coma) beginning with the earliest reptilian
structures (Thatcher & John, 1977). Coupling
between subcortical brain structures (e.g.,
brainstem), the limbic system (e.g., hippocampus)
and the neocortex (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex) allows the brain to achieve multiple levels of
adaptation critical for survival with subcortical
structures exerting influence over the cortex, and
vice-versa. A preponderance of slow-wave (delta,
theta) activity cross-frequency coupled with faster
rhythms (beta, gamma) is equally involved in the
refinement of higher order information processing
(Buzsáki & Watson, 2012; Friston, Bastos, Pinotsis,
& Litvak, 2015). The nesting of brain rhythms
reflects populations of neurons fluctuating in
accordance to a hierarchical system modulated by
ultraslow (~0.1 Hz) frequencies (Buzsáki & Watson,
2012). This effect demonstrates the inter-
dependency of the rhythms; therefore, disruption in
any frequency band could produce significant effects
on the rhythms in other frequencies.
The correlation between lesions in white matter and
increased delta waves was demonstrated by Gloor,
Ball, and Schaul (1977). Bilateral lesions of the
midbrain tegmentum produced bilateral delta activity
in the cortex, while lesions in the reticular formation
produced a gradual change in brain state with
elevated delta rhythms, suggesting signaling
depletion of a biochemical regulator. The authors
explained that the lesions themselves did not
produce delta activity; rather, the lesions interrupted
important afferent connections to the cortex
(deafferentation) from white matter, thalamus,
hypothalamus, or brain stem leading to delta activity.
Elevations in delta activity during the waking state
have been a frequent finding in patients with acute
phases of encephalitis and are correlated with
infection severity, spatial involvement, arousal state,
and metabolic factors (Schaul, Lueders, & Sachdev,
1981; Westmoreland, 2005). African
trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), which has
characteristics similar to ME such as disturbance in
sleep-wake cycles and excessive daytime
drowsiness, is thought to arise from delta disruption
during deep sleep stages (Westmoreland, 2005).
Delta is also implicated in disturbances of white
matter and that is consistent with Purger, Gibson,
and Monje (2015) who described in their review how
varying levels of neuronal activity can result from
subtle changes in myelin microstructure, perturbing
neural function, resonances, and attunement of
cognition and behavior. Similarly, patients with
multiple sclerosis exhibit slow waves (delta) which
tend to wax during symptom exacerbation periods
and wane during remission while cognitive
impairment in those patients is characterized by the
extent and degree of slow oscillations found
(Westmoreland, 2005).
The earliest clinical correlates of brain pathogenesis
are often seen with subtle, fluctuating levels of
attention and arousal (Ropper & Samuels, 2009)
and concomitant alterations in consciousness are
then likely to follow with intracranial disease (e.g.,
infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, vascular, and
traumatic etiologies; Niedermeyer & Lopes da Silva,
2005). In analyzing patients with deep brain lesions,
Luria (1980) noticed that changes in specialized
higher cortical processes remained intact, and he
observed that the primary symptoms manifested by
patients were generalized decreases in “cortical
tone” accompanied by a substantial degree of
slowness and proneness to fatigue, affecting all the
spheres of their activity. Another feature of Luria’s
patients was large fluctuations in symptom severity;
during some hours or days the patients’ symptoms
grew worse, while at other hours or days the same
symptoms took on a milder form. Moreover, the
changes described by Luria are remarkably
characteristic of neurological illnesses involving
central fatigue (Chaudhuri & Behan, 2004) with
striking similarity to ME. Neurocognitive functioning
depends on an intact AAS in promoting effective
transmission across many thalamocortical, cortio-
basal-thalamic, and cortico-cortical circuits operating
continuously during sleep and wakefulness in
accordance with circadian rhythms (Heyder,
Suchan, & Daum, 2004; Wright et al., 2012). The
hierarchical cross-frequency interactions are
mediated by reticulothalamic and monoamine
projections (e.g., acetylcholine in the basal forebrain,
serotonin and norepinephrine in the pons, histamine
and orexin in the hypothalamus, dopamine and
acetylcholine in the midbrain) which serve to
dampen the slower frequencies (delta), reduce the
number of refractory neurons (more neurons
available for allocation), and sustain the generalized
maintenance of alert levels of consciousness (see
Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Neurocognitive impairment in ME model based on vertical brain organization, ascending arousal system (AAS), and
cross-frequency interactions involved in the metastable dynamic flow of information in higher cortical function [adapted from
Rabinovich, Afraimovich, et al. (2012), Stratton and Wiles (2015), Thatcher and John (1977), Wright et al. (2012)]. A) Cross-
frequency interactions (coupling) showing gamma, theta, and delta frequencies are woven together by phase relationships
occurring spontaneously across different brain regions at multiple hierarchical levels. If dysfunction exists in any of the sites
(e.g., increased delta), the temporal “fabric” changes accordingly. Inefficient cross-frequency coupling within the raw EEG
signal can be separated and analyzed by qEEG and electrical neuroimaging methods (Pinal, Zurrón, Díaz, & Sauseng, 2015).
B) Brain function at the systems level which is modeled on the vertical organization of the brain circuits in millisecond timings
and cycling of oscillatory rhythms (Tristan et al., 2014), accounting for the primary role of arousal promoting nuclei in the
brainstem, for example, site 4 (pons) in promoting the encoding and processing of sensory information (e.g., visual stimuli in
occipital lobe) influencing the cross-coupled signaling in the dorsal stream of information flow between gamma activity in site 1
(parietal) and site 2 (premotor) coupled with theta rhythms in site 3 (memories recalled by the hippocampus) mediated by
prefrontal cortex (filtering out irrelevant stimuli, context-dependent response selection) and cortico-basal-thalamic circuits
(anticipatory information), ultimately giving rise to behavior, emotion, and cognition (Fuster, 2009; Rabinovich, Afraimovich, et
al., 2012; Stratton & Wiles, 2015). This general hypothesis states that the AAS (dashed green lines) regulates the capacity for
neuronal excitability within the information streams (blue arrows) perpetuated by local and long-distance connections within
and between networks. Characterizing the metastable dynamics in the brain may be crucial in understanding neurocognitive
impairment, particularly in ME; that is, disruptions in signaling at any point (e.g., red arrow pointing to thalamocortical afferent
pathways) underpinning information processing deficits and influencing pyramidal neuronal populations in the cortex visible in
the qEEG (McCormick & Bal, 1997; Stratton & Wiles, 2015). This model calls for a deeper understanding of dysregulation in
the central nervous system in patients; that is, how communication by way of network properties and arousal affects the quality
and quantity of the mental representations in the cortex at any given moment in time (Varela, 2014). Within this model, the
homeostatic balance of efficient ongoing processing, in turn, produces increased responsiveness of cortical networks that
depend on intact subcortical structures. Accordingly, mismatched timings may be indexed by underlying phase mechanisms
(Thatcher, North, & Biver, 2014) associated with a variety of conditions such as multiple sclerosis (Yao et al., 2012), autism
(Thatcher et al., 2009), Alzheimer’s disease (Xu et al., 2008) and short-term memory decline (Pinal et al., 2015).
Abbreviations: acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine (DA), histamine (HS), orexin (OR), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (SE).
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The role of brain rhythms and vertical brain
organization affecting behavioral performance with
time-evolving variability in brain states may be of
prime importance to ME. The ability to flexibly
switch and maintain brain states to mandate a given
performance level is critical to shifting environmental
demands (Tang et al., 2012) and ME is known for
supporting derangements in set shifting. Delta is
associated with potassium (K+) conductance of the
membrane potential which can be readily abolished
by monoamine-producing nuclei in the pons and
midbrain reticular formation (e.g., acetylcholine or
norepinephrine) for maintenance of normal
consciousness (Steriade, 2006). Severe damage to
the midbrain reticular formation produces coma
whereby lack of sustained input from the neocortex
precludes all function (Nolte, 2009). Cortical arousal
becomes initiated by the cholinergic basal forebrain
which plays a key role in blocking K+ conductance
(Metherate & Ashe, 1993) and strong cholinergic
activity during REM and wakefulness is mainly
responsible for depolarizing thalamocortical neurons
to suppress the occurrence of delta oscillations and
diminished excitation in the cortex (McCormick &
Bal, 1997). Furthermore, the thalamic neurons
projecting to the well-defined areas of the cortex
operate in a different manner, and they have
essentially two physiological modes: tonic mode and
burst mode. Delta rhythms produced by these
particular neurons switch their operating mode from
tonic mode to burst mode where hyperpolarization of
neurons is below the threshold for the tonic mode,
thus interrupting normal relay of information back to
the neocortex (Sherman & Guillery, 1996). During
burst mode, the thalamocortical neurons are
operating with increased calcium (Ca+2) influx,
making them behave differently; they are more
prone to fire in an all-or-none fashion (Zhan, Cox,
Rinzel, & Sherman, 1999). This type of irregular
transmission produces a type of hyper-responsivity
which negates the proper functioning of cortical
systems (Elson et al., 1999; Steriade & Paré, 2006).
The instability might be semantic in that the
remaining information that gets forwarded to the
neocortex is compromised, disrupting the ability of
neocortical systems to perform their task of
discrimination and refinement of incoming sensory
information. Likewise, the instability could be
produced temporally where the message is the
same but the order has been randomized or the
tempo of information is too erratic and, with regard
to attention, making it difficult to process relevant
information (Tristan et al., 2014).
Using EEG Coherence and Phase Metrics to
Investigate ME Neurocognitive Impairment
Using time-dependent EEG metrics such as
coherence and phase within brain rhythms could
form a new conceptual basis of studying
neurocognitive impairment in patients with ME. EEG
coherence was used by Duffy et al. (2011) as a way
of distinguishing ME from depression and healthy
control groups. Coherence is the most widely used
measure which examines similarity between two
cortical regions as well as provides a robust
measure of white matter maturation/disease (Nunez,
Srinivasan, & Fields, 2014). Coherence looks at
phase differences to directly measure the timing of
neural activity to elucidate the coordination of action
potentials (Klimesch et al., 2008) between any two
brain areas and infer a functional relationship is
likely happening (phase coupling; Buzsáki &
Watson, 2012). Areas with higher coherence are
referred to as having increased phase consistency
whereby phase differences are clustering very close
together over time. However, if the phase
differences are fairly scattered over time, there is an
inconsistency of phase differences, and those
neurons become suppressed. This suggests a
fundamental mechanism for selection of neurons:
neurons are very likely to fire together when their
phases are coupled and the firing threshold is lower,
but they become suppressed when their phases are
decoupled due to lack of entrainment (decoupling;
Hughes et al., 2004). More importantly, high
coherence measures demonstrate that neurons are
delivering large quantities of neurotransmitters,
which rapidly turn neurons on/off, and the
neuromodulators, which modulate synaptic
transmission and RNA signaling (Kandel, Schwartz,
Jessell, Siegelbaum, & Hudspeth, 2012). Findings
of intracranial studies show functional coupling in the
frontal cortex and connected areas is essentially
linked to fundamental memory processes (Johnson
& Knight, 2015). Furthermore, a coupling of EEG
signals, in addition to power, has been shown to
modulate temporal attention intervals contributing to
task performance and reaction speed (Stefanics et
al., 2010).
We can understand coherence more
comprehensively by examining control processes for
how the information is being encoded and packaged
through analysis of phase reset mechanisms and
their constituent subcomponents of phase shift and
phase-lock duration. Phase shift and phase lock are
fundamental brain mechanisms continually in flux at
various frequencies and across nodes of networks
during the execution of any behavioral or cognitive
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task. According to Canavier (2015), phase-reset
performs several functions to represent our
thoughts, feelings, and actions: 1) phase alignment
to specific reference points, 2) time windows for
encoding and decoding, and 3) coordination
between mutually connected, phase coupled, brain
regions. Recent evidence demonstrates the
processes of phase reset on human cognition,
especially in clinical disorders (Frey, Ruhnau, &
Weisz, 2015). The homeostatic balance of switching
dynamics between phase shifting and phase locking
and of rhythm patterns has been related to normal
brain function, and instabilities have been implicated
in pathological conditions such as autism (Thatcher
et al., 2009), epilepsy (Chavez, Le Van Quyen,
Navarro, Baulac, & Martinerie, 2003; Le Van Quyen,
Martinerie, Navarro, Baulac, & Varela, 2001),
Alzheimer’s disease (Stam et al., 2002), and
traumatic brain injury (Sponheim et al., 2011).
At any given moment, millions of neurons are briefly
synchronized (phase locked) across domains or
networks within milliseconds and then released
(phase shift), and this process happens continually
with different neurons being involved (Thatcher,
2012). Phase shift refers to the recruitment process
of allocating all available neurons for performing a
given function and typically varies between 40 and
80 milliseconds in length, and it has been shown to
positively correlate with intelligence (Thatcher,
North, & Biver, 2008). Phase lock refers to the
synchronization of phase-shifted neurons selected
for mediating a given function over a sustained
period of time, usually between 100 and 600
milliseconds. For example, phase-locking periods of
100 ms in the alpha band in the auditory cortex was
recently shown to modulate visual perception in the
occipital lobe (Romei, Gross, & Thut, 2012). Longer
phase-lock periods were found to be inversely
correlated with intelligence due to the brief increase
in committed neurons which creates a momentary
reduction in neurons available for other phase shifts
(Thatcher et al., 2008). It is possible to apply this
phase reset model to understanding the inner
workings of the brain in ME. If patients were shown
to have a higher rate of phase resets than normal in
the high beta/gamma range, the information transfer
within neocortical local circuits might be happening
too quickly. Looking further at phase shift and
phase-lock duration, if both of these processes
appeared to be significantly shorter, that might
further suggest there are fewer neuronal resources
allocated in ME for subsequent phase-lock periods.
This could lead to inefficiency as a function of time
and, if both periods of phase shift/lock durations
were too short, that might contribute to an increased
rate of phase reset. Also, with phase-locking
periods being too brief, that would be consistent with
the associated lower rate of information processing
and reaction times found in the ME literature.
To create a better understanding, however, it
becomes necessary to describe the aberrant
coherence and phase within the nodes of large-
scale networks dedicated to maintaining higher
cognitive functions affecting daily living (e.g., spatial
attention, salience recognition, autobiographical
memory, sensation and movement, language and
sound). Cooperative sequencing and millisecond
interactions of dynamic functional systems in the
brain (interconnected groupings) are involved in
overall function at any given moment of time and
can be interrupted by a number of different types of
neurological derangements (Menon, 2011; Sporns,
2013). In addition to hierarchical levels of brain
rhythms, there are also hierarchical levels of nodes
and hub constituents of brain networks. Given their
central importance and susceptibility to failure in
many clinical disorders (Crossley et al., 2014),
coherence and phase analysis within hubs could be
another tool for measuring the functional integrity of
their connections. The degree to which
dysregulation within the nodes or hubs of a given
network is found could serve as an index for the
inefficiency of information processing and greater
energy expenditure, particularly in the compensatory
nodes; the dysregulated nodes and hubs continue to
function while other nodes attempt to compensate
for the information processing deficits, producing
greater inefficiency. More powerful and versatile
data-driven approaches using independent
component analysis to characterize frequencies and
spatial correlations simultaneously might yield new
insights identifying cortico-cortical, cross-frequency
interactions, which can account for compensatory
mechanisms (Calhoun, Liu, & Adali, 2009; Pascual-
Marqui et al., 2011). Unique to exploring the realm
of dynamic connectivity electrical neuroimaging can
capture co-varying correlations of regions, including
connection strength, direction, and spectral
characteristics, from intracranial electric signals.
Dynamic connectivity has recently been shown to
offer more reliability and sensitivity for measuring
network properties in Parkinson’s disease
(Madhyastha, Askren, Boord, & Grabowski, 2015).
Direct paths of effective information flow can be
assessed using newly established metrics such as
isolated effective coherence (Pascual-Marqui et al.,
2014) and phase slope index (Nolte & Müller, 2010;
Nolte et al., 2008), which can be used in causal
connectivity modeling to describe transmission of
preferential oscillations between nodes. In
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summary, using electrical neuroimaging methods
may help identify dysregulated nodes within large-
scale brain networks and dynamic connectivity
models which could better characterize the nature
and extent of neurocognitive impairment in ME.
Clinical Interpretation of Dysregulated Networks
in ME
Clinical interpretation ultimately rests upon linking
the patient’s symptoms to dysregulated nodes and
hubs of large-scale brain systems (Thatcher, 2012).
These large distributed networks were mapped
through numerous neuroimaging experiments
showing areas of endogenous brain activity that
were highly correlated and ultimately referred to as
resting-state networks (Allen et al., 2011; Fox,
Zhang, Snyder, & Raichle, 2009; Raichle, 2011). To
gain a deeper understanding of connectivity
influences of brain disease on cognitive processing,
the assessment of neuropsychological symptoms in
patients can be linked to specific alternations in the
resting-state networks. Initial steps for investigating
neurocognitive impairment in ME could begin with
the default-mode network (Raichle et al., 2001). The
default-mode network is the first resting-state
network to be identified and has been a robust
finding in the literature (Raichle, 2011; Raichle et al.,
2001). The nodes identified in this network include
the medial prefrontal cortex, posterior
cingulate/precuneus, and the bilateral temporal-
parietal junction. Collectively, these nodes are
jointly active during passive momentswhile one is
recalling past events, ruminating, self-monitoring
but they deactivate during initiation of a goal-
directed task (Buckner, 2012). Cognitive symptoms
produced by a failure within this network would
involve decreased attention, mentalizing, decision-
making, self-referential thought, and self-recognition.
The default-mode network has been implicated in
symptoms of a variety of neurocognitive disorders
such as Alzheimer’s disease (Greicius, Srivastava,
Reiss, & Menon, 2004), Parkinson’s disease (van
Eimeren, Monchi, Ballanger, & Strafella, 2009),
traumatic brain injury (Bonnelle et al., 2011), multiple
sclerosis (Zhou et al., 2014), epilepsy (Haneef,
Lenartowicz, Yeh, Engel, & Stern, 2014), autism
(Jann et al., 2015). In ME, the relative interactions
between nodes of the default-mode network could
be examined using phase and coherence metrics
within LORETA to explore temporal dynamics within
a graph theoretical framework; the connectivity of
edges between dysfunctional nodes identified as
hyper/hypo connected according to EEG frequency
band (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011). To show how it
relates to fatigue, the results could then be
regressed against scores on neuropsychological
tests and subjective behavior measures. These
procedures could be then repeated for testing the
integrity of other resting-state networks (e.g.,
salience network, the executive control network,
dorsal/ventral attention networks, visual network,
sensorimotor network, and auditory networks;
(Raichle, 2011) to potentially reveal highly essential
clues specific to ME neurocognitive impairment.
Specific patterns that are identified using the
approach will likely serve as potential targets for
treatment (e.g., EEG biofeedback).
Multi-modal EEG Integration
One of the ultimate goals of neuroscience is to find
ways of bringing together imaging modalities for the
best clinical outcome. Through an integration of
neuroimaging (e.g., EEG/MEG with MRI and fMRI
techniques), we take advantage of what each
modality has to offer to increase our understanding
of adverse conditions in the brain (Liu, Ding, & He,
2006). Electrical neuroimaging findings can be co-
registered with respect to all these imaging
modalities and integrative EEG studies thus far are
yielding important noninvasive insights regarding
state changes in functional brain architecture (Michel
& Murray, 2012). Moreover, DTI modeling of
connections in the brain infrastructure forms the
basis for understanding and cross-validation of the
electric neuroimaging results (Hagmann et al., 2008;
Thatcher, North, & Biver, 2012). Finally, combining
other modalities is one way to expand our novel
approaches for selection of new treatments and
differential diagnosis for patients with ME in
Neural dynamics is fundamental for all types of brain
processes. Targeting neural dynamics in real time
remains attractive but currently poses a significant
challenge to researchers and clinicians, particularly
in ME. Progress in developing better methods to
assess neurocognitive impairment has been limited,
possibly due to the lack of newer methods
developed and perceived redundancy between
animated and static neuroimaging methods. The
potential to assess, and possibly treat,
neurocognitive problems in ME is evident as per the
quantitative EEG methods and preliminary data
presented in this article.
An important area of future research is to better
understand the manner in which neurons
communicate through networks and how that
process is truncated in disease. Although it is fairly
evident that central nervous system connectivity is a
Zinn et al. NeuroRegulation! !
42!|! Vol. 3(1):28–50 2016 doi:10.15540/nr.3.1.28!
likely candidate, much more needs to be known
about its effect upon neurocognitive dysfunction in
ME in order to develop new concepts for the
understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of patients.
Conflict of Interest
The authors confirm that this article content has no
competing interest.
Our thanks to Linda Clark for generously providing
us financial support.
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Received: January 19, 2016
Accepted: January 26, 2016
Published: March 9, 2016
... Exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) is an inverse solution for estimating the cortical sources of current density from scalp electric potentials. This technique provides a way to investigate spatial locations of the brain associated with symptoms in CFS (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011;Zinn, Zinn, & Jason, 2016a). Using lowresolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), Sherlin et al. (2007) investigated 17 pairs of monozygotic twins discordant for CFS during the resting-state (eyes-closed condition) and found increased delta current density in the left uncus and parahippocampal gyrus in twins with CFS compared to healthy co-twins. ...
... Identifying the subtle aspects of brain dysfunction underscores the need for studies of CFS examining EEG signals that reflect cellular electrical conductivity without time-delay and different frequency bands for added information about synchronous brain region activities. Finally, our study demonstrates that eLORETA is a promising tool for recognizing CFS pathogenesis in spatial locations of the brain on a time scale of milliseconds (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011;Zinn et al., 2016a). ...
We investigated central fatigue in 50 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and 50 matched healthy controls (HC). Resting state EEG was collected from 19 scalp locations during a 3 min, eyes-closed condition. Current densities were localized using exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA). The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) and the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) were administered to all participants. Independent t-tests and linear regression analyses were used to evaluate group differences in current densities, followed by statistical non-parametric mapping (SnPM) correction procedures. Significant differences were found in the delta (1-3 Hz) and beta-2 (19-21 Hz) frequency bands. Delta sources were found predominately in the frontal lobe, while beta-2 sources were found in the medial and superior parietal lobe. Left-lateralized, frontal delta sources were associated with a clinical reduction in motivation. The implications of abnormal cortical sources in patients with CFS are discussed.
... Exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) is an inverse solution for estimating the cortical sources of current density from scalp electric potentials. This technique provides a way to investigate spatial locations of the brain associated with symptoms in CFS (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011;Zinn, Zinn, & Jason, 2016a). Using lowresolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), Sherlin et al. (2007) investigated 17 pairs of monozygotic twins discordant for CFS during the resting-state (eyes-closed condition) and found increased delta current density in the left uncus and parahippocampal gyrus in twins with CFS compared to healthy co-twins. ...
... Identifying the subtle aspects of brain dysfunction underscores the need for studies of CFS examining EEG signals that reflect cellular electrical conductivity without time-delay and different frequency bands for added information about synchronous brain region activities. Finally, our study demonstrates that eLORETA is a promising tool for recognizing CFS pathogenesis in spatial locations of the brain on a time scale of milliseconds (Pascual-Marqui et al., 2011;Zinn et al., 2016a). ...
Conference Paper
Abstract Objectives: Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are known to have chronic cognitive impairment known as brain fog accompanied by persistent fatigue. To gain insight into how brain fog is produced, EEG was recorded from 19 scalp locations with link-ear reference during a 3-minute, eyes-closed task in 50 CFS patients and 50 healthy control subjects, matched for age (range 28 to 74 years), gender, and educational level. The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) and the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) were likewise administered to the same group of patients. Using the EEG data, current densities were localized and computed from 1-30 Hz with exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) from 6,239 cortical grey matter voxels based on each patient’s EEG. Non-parametric statistical mapping (SnPM) and linear regression analyses were used to evaluate the differences in current densities in each Brodmann area grouping of cortical grey matter voxels. Results: Frontal, temporal, parietal, limbic and sub-lobar regions of interest (ROI’s) demonstrated significantly different current densities in CFS patients when compared to healthy controls (HC). Statistically significant differences were found in the delta (1-3 Hz) and in the beta 2 (19-21 Hz) frequency bands in both the left and right hemisphere. Delta sources were found predominately in the frontal and limbic regions of interest (ROI) with beta2 sources found predominately in central and superior parietal ROI’s. Linear regression models, predicting current density from the MFI-20 reduced motivation subscale, found increased delta in the left frontal, temporal, parietal, limbic and sub-lobar ROI’s. eLORETA was able to detect evidence of widespread cortical hypoactivation in CFS patients as demonstrated by increased delta and decreased beta2 sources. Delta is an index of overall arousal level produced by hyperpolarized neural populations driven by thalamo-cortical loops. Taken together, our findings provide objective quantification of central nervous system dysregulation in CFS sufferers. A model of prolonged subcortical deregulation is hypothesized to explain the results.
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CFS/ME International Conference 2018 National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise, Qld 26-27 November 2018 Abstract Title: ME/CFS: NDIS and the Disability Hurdle Authors: Geoffrey Hallmann Background: B.Bus.(Hons), LLB (Hons). DipLegPrac, DipFinPlan; Chair of ME/CFS (Australia), PhD Candidate (Southern Cross University); Masters of Public Health Student (Griffith University) Question: What is the position of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (‘NDIS’) with respect to claimants MyalgicEncephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (‘ME/CFS’)? Methods: A literature review was conducted with respect to the background and purposes of the NDIS, with a specific emphasis upon ME/CFS. Direct feedback from the National Disability Insurance Agency (‘NDIA’) with respect to its policy and the foundation for it was obtained. Publicly available grey literature was accessed to identify current issues affecting NDIS claimants with ME/CFS. Results: The NDIA is currently assessing claims on the basis that ME/CFS is not a permanent condition. The primary reason for the NDIA’s position is a misinterpretation of piece of 2006 research known colloquially as the Dubbo study and reliance upon long outdated guidelines. Conclusions: The NDIA is does not presently have an established policy for claimants with ME/CFS, and the current view of permanency is flawed, hence people with ME/CFS are being turned away from the scheme. Abstract Submission: Established by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, the NDIS was formally rolled out on a national basis on 1 July 2016. The NDIS has not been without controversy, A recent report by Flinders University identified that NDIS recipients were received around half of the assistance that they had received prior to the introduction of the scheme (Mavromaras, et al., 2018). The scheme currently operates on a staffing cap, hence is heavily understaffed (Productivity Commission, 2017). The NDIS spends approximately 10 million a year defending matters involving claimants contesting the decisions of the NDIA. Approximately 40% of appeals yield an improved outcome (Productivity Commission, 2017). A review of the AAT caselaw reveals no cases have been decided with respect to ME/CFS presently. There are a number of cases pending (ME/CFS Legal Resources, 2017). The current anecdotal evidence identifies that ME/CFS applicants are not succeeding in their claims (Reilly & Buchanan, 2018; Emerge, 2018; Hutchinson, 2018; Ludlam, 2018). ME/CFS is a debilitating condition. For the majority, it is permanent (ME/CFS Legal Resources, 2017). The NDIA deny the condition is permanent and are relying upon the 2006 Dubbo Infection Outcomes study (Hickie, et al., 2006) to assert that “many individuals recover without intervention over weeks or months, but approximately 10% will meet the criteria of ME/chronic fatigue syndrome at six months”. The NDIA claim that “[o]f these, a small subset may go on to suffer from both severely disabling and prolonged (greater than 5 years) ME/chronic fatigue syndrome” (Faulkner, 2018). The NDIA rely upon the 2002 Australian CFS guidelines (Loblay, et al., 2002) and the UK’s NICE guidelines (Turnbull, et al., 2007). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise therapy (GET) are considered the evidence based management of the condition – despite significant evidence to the contrary. Both guidelines are under review, with a particular focus upon the appropriateness of CBT and GET, both of which are of questionable value (Vink & Vink-Niese, 2018; Various Authors, 2017). ME/CFS is not currently a “List B” condition, hence not presumed to be a disability. The current stance is therefore making it near impossible for people with ME/CFS to succeed. The NDIS require more contemporary insight into the condition to assist them to a more realistic view of ME/CFS claimants. References: Emerge. (2018, October). National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Retrieved October 12, 2018, from Emerge: Faulkner, C. (2018, August 17). Personal Communication from NDIA. Hickie, I., Davenport, T., Wakefield, D., Vollmer-Conna, U., Cameron, B., Vernon, S. D., . . . Lloyd, A. (2006). Post-infective and chronic fatigue syndromes precipitated by viral and non-viral pathogens: prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal, 333(7568), 575. doi: Hutchinson, S. (2018, April 10). OPINION: NDIS must recognise chronic fatigue syndrome or suicide will follow. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from The Feed: Loblay, R., Stewart, G., Bertouch, J., Cistulli, P., Darvenzia, P., Ellis, C., . . . Toulkidis, V. (2002). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Clinical Practice Guidelines. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(6 May), S17-S46. Ludlam, S. (2018, May 12). To the #MillionsMissing With ME/CFS Something Remarkable is Happening. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from The Guardian: Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., Goode, A., Walton, H., Smith, L., . . . Flavel, J. (2018). Evaluation of the NDIS. Finliders University, National Institute of Labour Studies. Adelaide: Department of Social Services. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from ME/CFS Legal Resources. (2017, November 13). Submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from Parliament of Australian: Morton, R. (2018, May 17). NDIS legal bill hitting 10m a year. The Australian. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from Productivity Commission. (2017). National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs. Australian Government, Productivity Commission. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from Reilly, A., & Buchanan, R. (2018, August 24). ME/CFS National Disability Agreement Review Submissio. Retrieved October 12, 2018, from Productivity Commission: Turnbull, N., Shaw, E. J., Dundson, S., Costin, N., Britton, G., Kuntze, S., & Norman, R. (2007). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy): Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myagic Encephalomyelitis (or Encepaholpathy) in Adults and Children. London: Royal College of General Physicians. Various Authors. (2017). Special Issue: The PACE Trial. Journal of Health Psychology, 22(9), 1103-1216. Retrieved from Vink, M., & Vink-Niese, A. (2018). Graded Exercise Therapy for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is Not Effective and Unsafe. Re-Analysis of a Cochrane Review. Health Psychology Open, July-December, 1-12. doi:
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A 66-year-old man with progressive supranuclear palsy returned to clinic for review. His wife was upset and finding it difficult to cope. She described him as ‘completely lazy’, as he just sat in his chair all day watching television, even though he could still do things for himself. She felt that he could not be bothered to speak to her anymore because he was ‘obsessed with TV’. He did not seem to engage with the visits to the grandchildren that she arranged. He said that he felt fine apart from the problems with his walking. The neurologist was confident that the patient was not depressed, and that the wife's concerns reflected the apathy that is often very pronounced in progressive supranuclear palsy. By explaining to the man's wife that these problems were due to his disease, their relationship improved and she felt more able to cope with caring for him. A 75-year-old man attended clinic with his wife. She had worried about him for over a year, as he had become increasingly withdrawn. He used to enjoy going to the local pub but now stayed at home all day. He seemed less concerned about his personal appearance, about which he used to be meticulous. More recently, she had noticed that he had become forgetful. On examination, he had a mild episodic memory deficit but no impairments in other domains. He was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment but the presence of apathy suggested a high risk of him developing Alzheimer's disease. He did not improve with a trial of antidepressant treatment but had useful input from an occupational therapist. His apathy improved after he started a cholinesterase inhibitor a year later, when his cognitive symptoms had progressed.
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Anhedonia is a prominent symptom in neuropsychiatric disorders, most markedly in major depressive disorder (MDD) and schizophrenia (SZ). Emerging evidence indicates an overlap in the neural substrates of anhedonia between MDD and SZ, which supported a transdiagnostic approach. Therefore, we used activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies in MDD and SZ to examine the neural bases of three subdomains of anhedonia: consummatory anhedonia, anticipatory anhedonia and emotional processing. ALE analysis focused specifically on MDD or SZ was used later to dissociate specific anhedonia-related neurobiological impairments from potential disease general impairments. ALE results revealed that consummatory anhedonia was associated with decreased activation in ventral basal ganglia areas, while anticipatory anhedonia was associated with more substrates in frontal-striatal networks except the ventral striatum, which included the dorsal anterior cingulate, middle frontal gyrus and medial frontal gyrus. MDD and SZ patients showed similar neurobiological impairments in anticipatory and consummatory anhedonia, but differences in the emotional experience task, which may also involve affective/mood general processing. These results support that anhedonia is characterized by alterations in reward processing and relies on frontal-striatal brain circuitry. The transdiagnostic approach is a promising way to reveal the overall neurobiological framework that contributes to anhedonia and could help to improve targeted treatment strategies.
Experimental and theoretical approaches to global brain dynamics that draw on the latest research in the field. The consideration of time or dynamics is fundamental for all aspects of mental activity—perception, cognition, and emotion—because the main feature of brain activity is the continuous change of the underlying brain states even in a constant environment. The application of nonlinear dynamics to the study of brain activity began to flourish in the 1990s when combined with empirical observations from modern morphological and physiological observations. This book offers perspectives on brain dynamics that draw on the latest advances in research in the field. It includes contributions from both theoreticians and experimentalists, offering an eclectic treatment of fundamental issues. Topics addressed range from experimental and computational approaches to transient brain dynamics to the free-energy principle as a global brain theory. The book concludes with a short but rigorous guide to modern nonlinear dynamics and their application to neural dynamics.
Experimental and theoretical approaches to global brain dynamics that draw on the latest research in the field. The consideration of time or dynamics is fundamental for all aspects of mental activity—perception, cognition, and emotion—because the main feature of brain activity is the continuous change of the underlying brain states even in a constant environment. The application of nonlinear dynamics to the study of brain activity began to flourish in the 1990s when combined with empirical observations from modern morphological and physiological observations. This book offers perspectives on brain dynamics that draw on the latest advances in research in the field. It includes contributions from both theoreticians and experimentalists, offering an eclectic treatment of fundamental issues. Topics addressed range from experimental and computational approaches to transient brain dynamics to the free-energy principle as a global brain theory. The book concludes with a short but rigorous guide to modern nonlinear dynamics and their application to neural dynamics.
Objective: To examine the integrity of the default mode network in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). Previous functional neuroimaging experiments have studied executive deficits in patients with PD with regard to task-related brain activation. However, recent studies suggest that executive performance also relies on the integrity of the default mode network (ie, medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and lateral parietal and medial temporal cortices), characterized by a deactivation of these cortical areas during the performance of executive tasks. Design: We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate cortical deactivations during a card-sorting task (retrieval and manipulation of short-term memory contents) compared with a simple sensory-motor matching task. In addition, a functional connectivity analysis was performed. Setting: Tertiary outpatient clinic. Participants: Seven patients with mild to moderate PD (not taking medication) and 7 healthy controls. Main Outcome Measure: Cortical deactivations. Results: Both groups showed comparable deactivation of the medial prefrontal cortex but different deactivation in the posterior cingulate cortex and the precuneus. Compared with controls, patients with PD not only showed less deactivation of the posterior cingulate cortex and the precuneus, they even demonstrated a reversed pattern of activation and deactivation. Connectivity analysis yielded that in contrast to healthy individuals, medial prefrontal cortex and the rostral ventromedial caudate nucleus were functionally disconnected in PD. Conclusions: We describe specific malfunctioning of the default mode network during an executive task in PD. This finding is plausibly linked to dopamine depletion and may critically contribute to the understanding of executive deficits in PD.