
Bocconia frutescens distribution on the Island of Hawai`i

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Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in. Bocconia frutescens, or plume poppy, is a large erect shrub listed as a noxious weed by the State of Hawai`i. Surveying was conducted in 2003 to document the distribution and population densities in Wood Valley (Ka`ū District), Honomolino and Manukā (South Kona District). Ground surveying was conducted along 80 transects in addition to roadside and aerial surveying. Bocconia was distributed across 1,522 ha in Wood Valley, 82 ha in Honomolino, and 34 ha in Manukā. Bocconia was a severe pest within young (5 to 10-m tall) Eucalyptus plantations in Wood Valley, with fruiting individuals observed in all sampled parcels. Lower plant densities were observed in interiors of mature Eucalyptus forest adjacent to severely infested plantations, principally in gaps and streambeds, suggesting an affinity for high light levels and soil disturbance. Cane lands harbored mature Bocconia, although at a much lower density than Eucalyptus plantations, with less than 100 individuals/ha versus greater than 500 individuals/ha. Higher densities were observed along roadsides within cane lands. Bocconia was not observed within native, closed-canopy `ōhi`a and koa forests in the adjacent Ka`ū Forest Reserve, except along one jeep trail. Bocconia populations in Honomolino occur in a mosaic of habitats including rangelands, `ōhi`a forest and woodlands and residential areas. Bocconia at Manukā occurs primarily in `ōhi`a-dominated native mesic forest. This project was carried out under a cooperative agreement with the Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa.

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... observation). The species was intentionally introduced as an ornamental plant in Hawai`i in the early 1900's (Wester 1992), but has now been listed as a noxious weed by the State of Hawai`i (Benitez and Saulibio 2007). In Costa Rica, the species has been recorded between 100 and 3300 m on both Atlantic and Pacific slopes (INBio 1997(INBio -2006Hammel et al. 2007), and is commonly found in middle to high elevation cloudforests, along road sides, river banks, open fields, and light gaps (K. ...
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Liriomyza mystica Boucher & Nishida, sp. n., and Liriomyza prompta Boucher & Nishida, sp. n. are described from Costa Rica. Both species were reared from leaves of Bocconia frutescens L. (Papaveraceae). The latter species was also reared from B. arborea S. Watson. Larvae of L. mystica mine primary veins of large, relatively old, mature leaves, and L. prompta mine blades of small to large, mature leaves. These represent the first record of agromyzids feeding on Bocconia. Biological information is also given and illustrated.
This datasheet on Bocconia frutescens covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Vectors & Intermediate Hosts, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Author Note: A population of five plants was observed at Hawaiian Ocean View Estates in early One plant was apparently cultivated, and four plants were observed and removed in a nearby`ōhìa woodland. Additional surveys and notification of the landowner are recommended
Author Note: A population of five plants was observed at Hawaiian Ocean View Estates in early 2005. One plant was apparently cultivated, and four plants were observed and removed in a nearby`ōhìa woodland. Additional surveys and notification of the landowner are recommended. LITERATURE CITED
Bocconia frutescens field survey.Hawaìi Community College Forest TEAM
  • D M Benitez
Benitez, D.M. 2002. Bocconia frutescens field survey.Hawaìi Community College Forest TEAM. Unpublished dataset. Hilo.
Plants ofHawaìi, Reports
  • F Starr
  • K Starr
  • L Loope
Starr, F., K. Starr, L. Loope. 2003. Plants ofHawaìi, Reports, Bocconia frutescens. (