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How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms


Abstract and Figures

Though MOOC platforms offer quite good online learning opportunities, thereby gained skills and knowledge is not recognized appropriately. Also, they fail in main-taining the initial learner’s motivation to complete the course. Mozilla’s Open Badges, which are digital artifacts with embedded meta-data, could help to solve these problems. An Open Badge contains, beside its visual component, data to trustworthy verify its receipt. In addition, badges of different granularity cannot just certify successful course completion, but also help to steer the learning process of learners through formative feedback during the course. Therefore, a web application was developed that enabled iMooX to issue Open Badges for formative feedback as well as summative evaluation. A course about Open Educa-tional Resources served as prototype evaluation, which confirmed its aptitude to be also used in other courses.
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How to integrate and automatically issue Open
Badges in MOOC platforms
Mario WÜSTER1 & Martin EBNER2
Graz University of Technology,
1Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media, Graz University of
2Educational Technology, Graz University of Technology
Though MOOC platforms offer quite good online learning opportunities, thereby
gained skills and knowledge is not recognized appropriately. Also, they fail in main-
taining the initial learner’s motivation to complete the course.
Mozilla’s Open Badges, which are digital artifacts with embedded meta-data, could
help to solve these problems. An Open Badge contains, beside its visual component,
data to trustworthy verify its receipt. In addition, badges of different granularity cannot
just certify successful course completion, but also help to steer the learning process of
learners through formative feedback during the course.
Therefore, a web application was developed that enabled iMooX to issue Open Badges
for formative feedback as well as summative evaluation. A course about Open Educa-
tional Resources served as prototype evaluation, which confirmed its aptitude to be
also used in other courses.
MOOC, Open Badges, iMooX
Experience Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
1 Introduction
In 2011, Mozilla1 developed an open technical standard, which allows everyone to
issue, earn and display standardized digital badges (Mozilla, 2012). Thereby, digital
artifacts contain embedded meta-data that link back to the issuer, the badge description,
the moment the badge was awarded and also the earner identity. Therefore, everyone
can anytime verify the receipt of those badges by taking the data from the badge and
check their originality on the issuer’s web server. Also digitally signing them ensures
authentication, non-repudiation and integrity.
Open Badges can therefore assist to capture individual learning paths from any envi-
ronment (Elliott, Clayton, & Iwata, 2014), be awarded from multiple sources and for
theoretically limitless individual skills or achievements of any granularity (Finkelstein,
Knight, & Manning, 2013). Learner can manage earned badges centralized and share
chosen ones on places that matter. Thereby, which badges are shared and published is
completely up to the earner. So one can stack together badges that relate to a certain
job description or the earner is especially proud of. Collections of badges can serve as
virtual sumés that capture ones competencies and qualities (Finkelstein, Knight, &
Manning, 2013).
As provision of proper formative as well as summative feedback is essential for the
success of learning processes and their outcomes (Hodges, 2004) it could be beneficial
to use Open Badges as such feedback instrument (Goligoski, 2012). Related studies
like (Laso, Pernías Peco, & Luján-Mora, 2013) and (Cross & Whitelock, 2014) made
confirming experiments which made it highly interesting to investigate how to inte-
grate badging capabilities in MOOCs and in addition, how to automate that issuing
process. The automation aspect is important because MOOCs typically handle a huge
amount of users and thereby manually awarding badges to each course participant is
obviously unfavorable. However, that automation process demands a certain depend-
ency from the underlying learning environment, as user and course data has to be made
available for the badging system to trigger badge awarding properly.
1 Funded by the McArthur Foundation (
How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms
Mario Wüster, Martin Ebner
Our research question therefore was, if and how it is possible to realize the automation
process by simultaneously maintaining simplicity in managing and earning badges.
2 Research Method
The realization of badging capabilities on a MOOC platform strongly followed the
prototyping approach of (Alavi, 1984) and of (Larson, 1986) which basically contains
four stages: identifying and declaring initial requirements, developing a working proto-
type, usage and evaluation followed by revision.
As MOOC platform the Austrian wide system, called iMooX, has been chosen
(Neuböck, Ebner, & Kopp, 2015) (Ebner, Scerbakov, & Kopp, 2015). Founded in
spring 2014 iMooX holds today about 6000 users and 19 courses (Ebner, Scerbakov, &
Kopp, 2015).
We defined three base requirements. First, to enable iMooX to issue digitally signed
Micro- and Meta-Badges that are conform to the Open Badges specification. Second, if
user fulfill certain predefined criteria, those badges should be awarded automatically.
The third and last requirement was that the iMooX system should mostly be considered
as black box, so the badging should be outsourced and performing as independent as
possible. The developed prototype was then used in and evaluated on the Course for
Open Educational Resources 2015 (COER15) where badges have been awarded for
mastering self-assessment quizzes (as Micro-Badge) and course completion (as Meta-
Badge). Suggested minor design changes by voluntary given feedback was then used to
improve the usability.
3 Prototype Implementation
As the iMooX system itself should have been considered as black box, we implement-
ed a service-oriented web application named badgeit. That name adumbrates the action
to badge with it as the badge to issue. It has been realized as Java web application us-
ing Java Servlets (3.1) as controlling- and Java Servlet Pages (JSP) as presentation
technology. It has been deployed on the iMooX’s Tomcat 7.0 web server. For storing
badge and assertion data, a MySQL 5.1 database has been used. However, as the appli-
Experience Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
cation was programmed database-agnostic utilizing Hibernate also various other data-
base systems could have been used.
Signed badges are represented as Java Web Signatures (JWS), secured by a 2048-bit
RSA key. To increase data privacy, the earner identity is always salted and SHA-256
hashed before it is added to the badge assertion. To be file and URL-safe, image data
as well as the JWS header and payload is Base64url encoded.
3.1 iMooX Interaction
Figure 1: Badge awarding process
As earning a badge basically depends on user activities, the badging system has to be
aware of them. In the case of iMooX, especially course data and corresponding user
performances have to be provided. Course data contain the unique course identifier
within iMooX, the corresponding course name and the amount of course specific self-
assessment quizzes. User related data contain the email address of the user as well as
the information, which courses have been attended and which self-assessment quizzes
have been passed. To get that data, badgeit calls two special prepared Groovy scripts,
returning appropriate JSON objects. Conversely, to get earned badges of a certain user,
iMooX calls a specific Servlet appending the system intern user name of the concern-
ing user. The Servlet then checks if new badges have to be awarded and if that is the
case, awards them. Independent thereof, it always returns a list of JSON formatted
badge preview objects of all already earned badges. This procedure is illustrated in
Figure 1.
How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms
Mario Wüster, Martin Ebner
3.2 Badges
Within this study, we considered two badge types, only differing in their defined crite-
ria. One has been awarded for mastering a certain amount of quizzes (Quiz-Mastery-
Badge) and the other one for completing a course (Certificate of Participation Badge).
Just the ratio of passed to all quizzes of a course does not necessarily mean to also
complete the course as additional requirements may be demanded. As example, in the
case of the course under evaluation (COER15), users who passed all quizzes then also
had to answer a special iMooX questionnaire to entirely complete the course.
3.3 Badge delivery
Figure 2: Personal badge collection web page for a user on iMooX.
The automatic awarding process is always triggered by the user, which requires to
assign each badge to a specific course. If one badge should be issued for two distinct
courses, then this badge has to be added twice, certainly with different course assign-
ments. Every time a user navigates to his or her personal badge collection web page
(see Figure 2) within the iMooX environment, the badge look-up process (see Figure 1)
is triggered. As response, a list of already earned badges is displayed to the user. If the
user hovers over the presented badge image, the corresponding description is shown as
tooltip (see Figure 2).
If a user clicks on the download button right beneath each badge (see Figure 2), another
Servlet is called that responds with the complete badge, which means the badge image
with all its needed embedded (baked) meta-data. That approach was used as it maxim-
izes the choice the badge earner has concerning backpacks and further sharing.
Experience Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
4 Evaluation
Quiz 1 & 2
Quiz 1–4
Quiz 1-6
Table 1: COER15 Badges and their criteria
To evaluate the suitability of the developed prototype, it was used in the Course for
Open Educational Resources (COER15), which took place from May to July 2015. The
course was split into six units where each of them implemented one self-assessment
quiz. Such a quiz contained 6 to 10 multiple-choice questions where zero, one, multiple
or all answers were correct. To pass such a quiz required the user to give at least 75%
correct answers. 432 distinct accounts where enrolled to the course, where 124 (28.7%)
of them have been considered to be active as they attended at least one quiz. After
passing all quizzes, the user had to fill out a certain questionnaire regarding the course
and iMooX in general. Those who also did that got a link to their personalized certifi-
cate of participation. In addition, participants earned badges depending on their per-
formance. Achievable badges, their criteria and the amount of actual awards are sum-
marized in table 1.
5 Discussion
The badging system performed well from a functional point of view. There have been
no problems regarding triggering, awarding and data fetching. Due to its service-
oriented approach, that badging system could also be used for any other learning envi-
ronment, as long as it provides the same data structure. The simple design and the
How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms
Mario Wüster, Martin Ebner
amount of features suffice for a smooth usage, also for many courses at once. However,
voluntary feedback given by badge earners revealed some usability issues. First, the
downloaded file was hardcoded set to “badge.png”, but one badge earner wanted to
have that file named similar to the badge name to have instant clarity on his local drive
when downloading multiple badges. Second, linked criteria were represented as simple
JSON strings which was understandably unsightly to read.
6 Conclusion
This paper presented a service-oriented approach to integrate badging capabilities into
the MOOC platform iMooX and pointed out a possible solution for automatically issu-
ing Open Badges based on certain criteria. We used Mozilla Badges due to they are
following an Open approach and are widely accepted. Results revealed the absolute
suitability of the developed web application, which lead to its usage also in other
courses. As there is always something that could be made better, searching for certain
badges and enhanced statistics would increase the back-end experience for those who
manage badges. iMooX could also provide additional information to the user, like
which courses provide which badge and what does a user have to do to earn it. During
the course, the progress for each badge could be displayed, which means to visualize
what is needed to achieve the next badge. Beside others, that information could help to
increase the motivation to make the quizzes, even if that has not been the user’s initial
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Experience Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
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... As orientations and motivations toward learning and learning systems are always changing, new certification processes should be considered. One step might be the integration of badges, which have been shown to help keep up learners' motivation (Santos et al., 2013;Wüster and Ebner, 2016). As Colman (2013) pointed out, participants of MOOCs do not always wish to finish the MOOC as a wholeinstead they are interested in particular segments, weeks or modules (see "personal component" above). ...
... Those who just attend specific modules or select topics do not have any visible acknowledgment of their learning process, which seems to be a fairly typical issue in informal learning processes in general. Badges for portions of the course could help solve this design problem (Wüster and Ebner, 2016). ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to share the lessons learned in implementing specific design patterns within the “Dr Internet” massive open online course (MOOC). Design/methodology/approach: MOOCs are boasting considerable participant numbers, but also suffer from declining participant activity and low completion rates. Learning analytics results from earlier xMOOCs indicate that this might be alleviated by certain instructional design patterns – critical aspects include shorter course duration, narrative structures with suspense peaks, and a course schedule that is diversified and stimulating. To evaluate their impact on retention, the authors have tried to implement these patterns in the design of the “Dr Internet” MOOC. Findings: Statistical results from the first run of the case study MOOC do not indicate any strong influences of these design patterns on the retention rate. Research limitations/implications: With inconclusive statistical results from this case study, more research with higher participant numbers is needed to gain insight on the effectiveness of these design patterns in MOOCs. When interpreting retention outcomes, other influencing factors (course content, pacing, timing, etc.) need to be taken into account. Originality/value: This publication reports about a case study MOOC and gives practical hints for further research.
... The target groups vary between school children, high school diploma, and university degree holders in the Germanspeaking countries. iMooX offers certificates and badges to successful students who fulfilled course requirements at no cost (Wüster & Ebner, 2016). ...
... The transmission to the social-motivated profile is feasible by concentrating on the improvement factors which by then increases the intrinsic motivation while the transmission to the "Play the system" is attainable by focusing on the extrinsic factors. (b) Extrinsic motivation is not enough to lead to the high commitment cluster, therefore, appraising students or recognizing their efforts by providing badges for instance (Wüster & Ebner, 2016) might not transfer students from "Gaming the system" to "Perfect students". (c) ...
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are remote courses that excel in their students’ heterogeneity and quantity. Due to the peculiarity of being massiveness, the large datasets generated by MOOC platforms require advanced tools and techniques to reveal hidden patterns for purposes of enhancing learning and educational behaviors. This publication offers a research study on using clustering as one of these techniques to portray learners’ engagement in MOOCs. It utilizes Learning Analytics techniques to investigate an offered MOOC by Graz University of Technology held for undergraduates. The authors mainly seek to classify students into appropriate categories based on their level of engagement. Clusters afterward are compared with another classical scheme (Cryer’s scheme of Elton) for further examination and comparison. The final results of this study show that extrinsic factors are not enough to make students highly committed to the MOOC, yet, adding intrinsic factors are recommended to improve future MOOCs.
... Gametize [24] MyMOOCSpace [25], [26], [27] SBGF [28] iMOOX [29] OpenHPI [30], [31] MEdit4CEP-Gam [32] INDIeAuthor [33], [34] OneUp [23], [35], [19], [15] ...
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Reward-based gamification strategies are proposed as a promising technique to increase student engagement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), following its success in other small-scale educational settings. However, these strategies imply a number of orchestration tasks (e.g., design, management) that are usually carried out by instructors, and which may hinder their use and adoption. Furthermore, some MOOC distinctive features (e.g., scale, 24/7 availability, etc.) have considerable implications on how these gamification strategies are orchestrated, resulting in an unmanageable instructors’ workload in cases of manual operation. Therefore, an eventual adoption of gamification in MOOCs calls for automatic systems capable of decreasing the additional workload of instructors. The limitations identified in the current solutions (e.g., non-usable graphical interfaces, inflexible gamification designs) led us to propose and develop a new gamification system named GamiTool. An evaluation with 19 MOOC instructors and gamification designers showed the high design expressiveness, usability and potential for adoption of GamiTool. Hence, GamiTool can be used by instructors to improve students’ engagement, and also, by researchers to keep understanding the effects of gamification in MOOC settings.
... Massive Online Open Courses [9,16,17,18] is one of the movements that have used digital badges as a credential since their inception through different course spaces such as edX, Coursera, Miriada X or MOOC INTEF. Like other online training initiatives, this type of informal learning is a natural space for the use of digital badges. ...
... Some researchers suggested cutting course duration in half (LACKNER, EBNER & KHALIL, 2015). Others pushed the concept of grabbing students' attention by looking into boosting the extrinsic factors such as offering badges, certificates and honor awards (WÜSTER & EBNER, 2016). Researchers from Northeastern University of China have noticed that the activities performed by students in the MOOC platform reflect their motivation (XU & YANG, 2016). ...
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) require students’ commitment and engagement to earn the completion, certified or passing status. This study presents a conceptual Learning Analytics Activity-Motivation framework that looks into increasing students’ activity in MOOCs. The proposed framework followed an empirical data analysis from MOOC variables using different case studies. The results of this analysis show that students who are more active within the offered environment are more likely to complete MOOCs. The framework strongly relies on a direct gamified feedback that seeks driving students’ inner motivation of competency. 29.03.2017 | Mohammad Khalil & Martin Ebner
... The survey illustrates how gamification makes learning in MOOCs more entertaining which results in an increased motivation and completion rate among students. Such tools can be badges (Wüster & Ebner, 2016), reward points, progress bars or colorful gauges. ...
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Learning Analytics is an emerging field in the vast areas of Educational Technology and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). It provides tools and techniques that offer researchers the ability to analyze, study, and benchmark institutions, learners and teachers as well as online learning environments such as MOOCs. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are considered to be a very active and an innovative form of bringing educational content to a broad community. Due to the reasons of being free and accessible to the public, MOOCs attracted a large number of heterogeneous learners who differ in education level, gender, and age. However, there are pressing demands to adjust the quality of the hosted courses, as well as controlling the high dropout ratio and the lack of interaction. With the help of Learning Analytics, it is possible to contain such issues. In this publication, we discuss the principles of engaging Learning Analytics in MOOCs learning environments and review its potential and capabilities (the good), constraints (the bad), and fallacy analytics (the ugly) based on our experience in last years.
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MOOCs are seen as an important measure to open up universities to new target groups. In this chapter, two new variants of the usage of MOOCs in European higher education are highlighted: First, openly licensed MOOCs can be used as part of microcredential offers with university accreditation. Second, openly licensed MOOCs can be made available to other universities as an integrated resource and offer within European University alliances. This chapter discusses legal (such as copyright issues), organizational (such as processes), and technical issues (such as LTI, eduGAIN) for these new developments. An important requirement for this is that MOOCs are available as open educational resources (OER): Open licenses that allow the reuse, modification , and republication of educational resources ("open education resources") are another opportunity to open up and share university offers. This chapter is based on experiences of the national Austrian MOOC platform, the microcredential implementation of Graz University of Technology, as well as first ideas concerning the integration of openly licensed MOOCs within the unite! University alliance of nine European technical universities.
Conference Paper
Full-text available is the Austrian MOOC platform founded in 2014. This platform offers free, openly licensed online courses for all, so called Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs). It aims to offer university education in an innovative and digital way.In this article, we will briefly look at the history of the platform and its main milestones till now. Finally, a few possible development steps will be pointed out and discussed.
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Massive Open Online Courses, kurz MOOCs, sind einer der Trends im Bereich des tech- nologiegestützten Lehrens und Lernens. Daher ist es wenig verwunderlich, dass alle Bildungssektoren davon profitieren können. Am Beispiel der MOOC-Plattform iMooX. at wird in dem Beitrag die Sichtweise auf diese Form von Online-Kursen dargelegt und gezeigt, auf welch vielfältige Weise diese die Bildung der Gesellschaft erweitern können. Insbesondere ist durch das Aufkommen neuer (medien)didaktischer Formen der Einsatz beträchtlich erweitert worden, sodass MOOCs zukünftig wohl noch eine größere Rolle spielen werden.
Conference Paper
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) haben sich mittlerweile als eine neue Form von Bildungsangeboten auch in Europa weitgehend etabliert. Anhand von iMooX, der ersten und einzigen MOOC-Plattform Österreichs, wird im vorliegenden Beitrag verdeutlicht, welche Rahmenbedingungen für die Etablierung einer solchen Plattform geschaffen werden müssen, welche Zielgruppen angesprochen werden und was Teilneh- mer/innen zu einer Kursteilnahme motiviert. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick darüber gegeben, welche strategischen Maßnahmen für den nachhaltigen Betrieb einer MOOC-Plattform durch Hochschulen notwendig sind und worin das Weiterentwicklungspotenzial von MOOCs bestehen kann.
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Open online learning courses such as cMOOCs and xMOOCs differ from conventional courses yet it remains uncertain how, and if, existing common yet costly practices associated with teacher-driven formative and summative assessment strategies can be made to work in this new context. For courses that carry no charge for registration or participation, authors of open online courses have to consider alternative approaches to engaging, motivating and sustaining study and for helping participants manage, plan and demonstrate their own learning. One such approach is that of open badges or similar such visual public symbols that communicate to others a particular quality, achievement or affiliation possessed by the owner. This paper reports the role, reception and use of open badges in two ‘massive’ open online courses delivered in 2013 with attention to varied functions of badges and the a distinction between formative and summative applications. The paper will then draw upon data from end of course surveys, which specifically asked about badges, pre-course surveys, and user comments made during the course on platforms such as Twitter to examine what value participants ascribed to the open badges. Although there was found to be a broadly positive response to badges in both MOOCs, the reasons for this were often very different, and approximately a quarter of respondents remained sceptical or concerned about their role. The paper concludes by reflecting on the open badge as a formative instrument for providing the learner with an indication of progress and achievement.
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This paper addresses the construct of motivation as it relates to learning. Questions that will be discussed are (a) What is motivation, (b), how can motivation be incorporated in the instructional design process, and finally, (c) what motivational techniques have been used successfully in e-learning settings? Some general background information on motivation will be discussed. Two instructional design models for motivation will be described and examples of best practices for Web-based learning will be supplied.
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The learning management system (LMS) has dominated Internet-based education for the past two decades. However, the traditional LMS is failing to keep pace with advances in Internet technologies and social interactions online. To support technological diversity, current frameworks such as the e-learning framework (ELF), the IMS abstract framework, and the open knowledge initiative (OKI) have defined the initial steps toward service-oriented e-learning platforms. Next-generation platforms will be based on these service-oriented visions. The authors discuss LMS evolution and present core challenges that must be addressed to achieve information interoperability in next-generation e-learning platforms
As higher education costs rise in the United States, there have been frequent debates about why students might choose alternate options and avoid taking on large loans in pursuit of degrees. Even optimistic educators have agreed that access to academic institutions and experience need to be made more affordable. It seems unsurprising that discussions about the value of education—particularly from elite universities—coincide with the creation of alternative forms of accreditation for intended adoption by professionals (both degreed and not) to showcase skills to improve their futures. "It's often difficult to get recognition for skills and achievements gained outside of school," begins the description for the search engine organization Mozilla's Open Badges program, a project that is in development and slated to publicly launch this spring. The non-profit and open Internet advocate is creating a badge infrastructure as a way for people to use the web to share their expertise and experiences with potential employers and partners for the purpose of gaining "jobs, community recognition, and new learning opportunities." Beyond presenting work history and digital skills, it seems to be a novel approach to legitimizing informal learning experiences, particularly for people who are trying to promote or reposition themselves. FIGURE 1. Visual introduction to badging plans as laid out by Mozilla Open Badges. As creator of the free badge infrastructure, Mozilla offers access to the source code for the badges. It takes the stance that "it should not be up to individuals to have to craft their own infrastructures and mechanisms to make their learning visible." In the spirit of decentralization, the badges for "lifelong learners" will be created and offered by third parties (as described in detail later) and will serve as the content for the infrastructure that Mozilla is building.
One of the most imaginative and successful user interfaces and generally improving effectiveness of application development INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROTOTYPING. techniques for clarifying the productivity and is a methodology called With waiting time for new applications running into several years and those applications failing to meet the users needs, managers as well as users have been searching for more efficient and effective approaches to systems development. Prototyping, as an application methodology, has evolved into professional and the user. system a real design option and development for both the MIS This paper reports on the growing body of knowledge about prototyping. It begins by reviewing the changing role of data processing, the challenges facing the MIS organization, and the traditional approach to application development. It then defines prototyping followed by the step-by-step prototype development process. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as the cost and efficiency of prototyping, will be discussed followed by the essential resources neccessary to effectively prototype applications. In conclusion, to illustrate the benefits of prototyping, the speaker will present success stories of systems developed using the prototyping approach.
A two-phased research project comparing the prototyping approach with the more traditional life cycle approach finds that prototyping facilitates communication between users and designers during the design process. However, the findings also indicate that designers who used prototyping experienced difficulties in managing and controlling the design process.
Digital Medien in Arbeits-und Lernumgebungen
  • Künz
Künz, Digital Medien in Arbeits-und Lernumgebungen (pp. 148-155). Lengrich: Pabst.
Exploring the use of micro-credentialing and digital badges in learning environments to encourage motivation to learn and achieve
  • R Elliott
  • J Clayton
  • J Iwata
Elliott, R., Clayton, J., & Iwata, J. (2014). Exploring the use of micro-credentialing and digital badges in learning environments to encourage motivation to learn and achieve. In J. M.-K. In B. Hegarty (Ed.), Rhetoric and Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology, (pp. 703-707).