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Mine KARAGÜLLE MD, PhD1, Gyorgy NAGY MD, PhD2, Istvan
BARNA3, Yasemin BARUT MD4, Halim İŞSEVER PhD4, Müfit Zeki
Press Therm Climat 2011;148:79-86
© Société française d’hydrologie et de climatologie médicales, 2011
As a similar traditional but still widely in use procedure, Sauna’s physiological and
health effects have been more intensively investigated, even though the claims for bene-
ficial effects of hamam are a lot, this is not the case for hamam. Through the 20th century,
one could hardly find any documented evidence concerning the effects of hamam on
human. It is only very recently that hygienic conditions and risk of mycological conta-
mination in hamams have been reported.
Considering the above mentioned facts, we planned a study to evaluate the physiolo-
gical effects of a classical hamam session in healthy subjects. We also aimed to investi-
gate the possible biochemical mechanisms of expected effects by measuring the
Nitrate/Nitrite (NN) and Beta-Endorphin (BE) production.
Materials and Methods
Apparently healthy volunteers were asked to take part in the study during their visit to
Çemberlitaş Hamam, one of oldest historical hamams in Istanbul still in use, which was
built in 1584 by the great architect of Ottaman Empire, Mimar Sinan [cichocki]. Only
the volunteers without previous or present serious disease, and who were not on
prescription drugs were enrolled. Recruited subjects were not regular hamam users and
their last hamam visit was at least a week ago. A total of 15 volunteers, 8 females and 7
males (mean age 25 years ; range 23-54) were admitted to the study. The demographic
characteristics of the study participants have been summarized in Table 1.
Study has been carried out according to Helsinki Declaration. All subjects gave written
informed consent for participation in the study.
1Department of Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul University,
Istanbul, Turkey. Courriel :
Istanbul Tip Fakultesi, Tibbi Ekoloji & Hidroklimatoloji, Millet cad. 126, Çapa, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey
2Department of Rheumatology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
3Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
4Department of Public Health, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
5Polyclinic of the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God in Budapest, Hungary
Table 1. Subjects Demographics
After 15-30 minutes of rest in the entrance hall of the hamam, subjects underwent a clas-
sical hamam ritual; consisted of 20-30 minutes stay depending on the desire of the each
subject in hararet (the hottest part of a hamam) in lying supine position on the belly
stone. Then they experienced a kese massage ; scrubbing the skin during a bracing
massage lasting about 10 to 15 minutes. Later, this procedure was followed by a foam
massage for another 15 minutes, ending up a washing up period thoroughly with luke-
warm water. The total time spent in the session was about an hour. Subjects returned to
entrance of hamam where all measurements and blood sampling have been carried out
before and after the session.
Blood pressure (BP), sublingual temperature (ST), heart rate (HR), respiration rate (RT),
bodily pain and psychological status were monitored during the study. Beta-Endorphin
(BE) and Nitrate/Nitrite (NN) levels were determined before and 1 and 15 minutes after
the session. HR and RT were measured by an experienced physician and a nurse. Bodily
pain was evaluated on a visual analog scale (VAS) 0-100 mm, where 0 indicates that
subject is pain free and 100 having maximal pain. To assess the psychological status, we
have used the Likert scale (a rating scale from 1 to 5) to measure the strength of agree-
ment with the statement “I am psychologically relaxed at the moment” : 1- strongly
disagree, 2- somewhat disagree, 3- undecided, 4- somewhat agree, 5- strongly agree.
A 10 ml of venous blood sample were obtained before and after the session, for BE and
NN determination. Blood samples were centrifuged, aliquoted and stored frozen at -
20ºC. Beta-endorphin immunoreactivity was quantified by direct and specific radioim-
munassay. Antiserum was raised in rabbit, radioactive tracer was prepared from human
beta-endorphin and Na125I, the crossreactions with BE-related peptides were also deter-
mined. For human plasma 100 µl aliquots were assayed without previous extraction and
the bound/unbound radioactivity was separated by the second antibody method. Serum
Nitrate/Nitrite levels (stabile in vivo markers of NO production) were measured. Serum
nitrate was reduced to nitrite by Escherichia coli nitrate reductase and measured by a
colorimetric assay (Greiss reaction SIGMA).
The evaluations of continuous variables which are distributed normally were made with
the paired-t test. Variables that do not show a normal distribution were made with the
Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Statistical significance was accepted for p<0.05 for results
that were two tailed. All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.5.
Total ; Male/Female 15 ; 10/5
Age, years (Mean, Min-Max) 25 (23-54)
Weight, kg (Mean, Min-Max) 70 (50-82)
Height, cm (Mean, Min-Max) 170 (157-186)
BMI, kg/cm² (Mean, Min-Max) 23.9 (19.11-27)
La Presse thermale et climatique 2011;148:79-86
Mean Beta-Endorphin levels before the hamam entry was 12.01 mfol/ml (SD, 5.95) and
did not change significantly after the hamam ritual : 12.12 (SD, 5.98) (p=0.4).
Mean Nitrate/Nitrite levels before the hamam entry was 0.769U/L (SD, 0.197) and did
not change significantly after the hamam ritual : 0.818U/L (SD, 0.201) (p=0.3). These
results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Nitric oxide and Beta-Endorphin levels before and after the classical
hamam (Turkish bath) session
SD : Standard Deviation, a : Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test (based on negative ranks)
Mean systolic blood pressure was 119.3 mm/Hg (SD, 8.8 mm/Hg) before hamam and
116 mm/Hg (SD, 12.9 mm/Hg) after hamam. This slight decrease was not statistically
significant (p=0.207). Mean diastolic blood pressure was 76.7 mm/Hg (SD, 7.2 mm/Hg)
before hamam and 74 mm/Hg (SD, 10.7 mm/Hg) after hamam. Again this slight
decrease was not statistically significant (p=0.334). Mean respiration rate was 19.8
respiration/min (SD, 3.9) before and 20.1 (SD, 3.9) after the hamam session. This slight
increase in respiration rate was not statistically significant (p=0.756). Mean sublingual
temperature before hamam was 36.5ºC (SD, 0.42ºC) and after hamam 37.1ºC (SD,
0.49ºC). This rise in sublingual temperature was in physiological range, but was statisti-
cally significant (p< 0.001). Mean heart rate was 84.5 beats/min (SD, 11.1 bpm) before
and 94.3 beats/min after (SD, 13.1). This small increase of heart rate in physiological
range was statistically significant (p=0.014). These results are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. The results of physiological measurements before and after hamam session
SD : Standard Deviation, SEM : Standard Error Mean. a : Paired t-test.
Nitrate/Nitrite (U/L) Beta-Endorphin (mfol/ml)
Before After Before After
Mean (SD) 0.769 (0.197) 0.818 (0.201) 12.01 (5.2) 12.12 (5.98)
Median 0.69 0.78 12.20 13.70
(Min-Max) (0.49-1.04) (0.53-1.29) (2.00-18.70) (1.30-20.80)
Significance p=0.496 p=0.842
Systolic Blood Diastolic Blood Sublingual Heart Rate Respiration
Pressure Pressure Temperature beats/min Rate
mmHg mmHg ºC respiration/mn
Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Mean 119.3 116 76.7 74 36.5 37.1 84.5 94.3 19.8 20.1
(SD) -8.83 -12.98 -7.23 -10.55 -0.42 -0.49 -11.09 -13.06 -3.93 -2.78
(SEM) -2.28 -3.35 -1.86 -2.72 -0.1 -0.12 -2.86 -3.37 -1.01 -0.72
Significanceap=0.207 p=0.334 p<0.001 p=0.014 p=0.756
Press Therm Climat 2011;148:79-86
© Société française d’hydrologie et de climatologie médicales, 2011
Mean bodily pain score (VAS, 0-100) was 18.8 (SD, 14.9) before the hamam indicating
that subjects were pain free and significantly decreased to 7.1 (SD, 6.3) after the hamam
(p=0.003). Mean psychological status score (Likert scale, 1 to 5) was 4 (SD, 0.9) before
the hamam use and significantly increased to 4.7 (SD, 0.5) thereafter (p=0.003). These
results are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. The results of bodily pain and psychological status scores before and
after hamam session
SD : Standard Deviation, SEM : Standard Error Mean, a : Paired t-test.
Classical hamam session caused a significant decrease in mean bodily pain scores (VAS)
and a significant improvement in psychological scores (Likert Scale) indicating a pain
relieving and a mental relaxing effect in healthy individuals. These effects are expected
due to the thermal factors (high humidity and temperature) of hamam medium and the
other physical factors of the ritual procedures such as massage, foaming and water
pouring that follow the hyperthermic stay in the main room of hamam (hararet). This
assumption can be justified with the other results of our study we have found ; statisti-
cally significant slight increases in sublingual temperature and in heart rate. These
changes occurred within physiological ranges and can be taken as indicators of a mild
hyperthermia that developed during stay in the hararet. Moist heat exposure, massage
treatment and warm water application are all known to induce above mentioned effects
that were seen after the hamam ritual.
After the classical hamam use we have found no significant change in the serum levels
of BE and NN (as an indicator of NO production), although we found significant
improvement in bodily pain and psychological status. NO and BE have been taken as
markers of possible biochemical mechanisms of mental and physical relaxing effects as
well as cardiovascular effects such as vasodilatation that are expected to occur.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a diffusible, multifunctional, transcellular messenger which has been
implicated in numerous physiological and pathological conditions. NO is widely utilized as
a signaling molecule in cells throughout the body, carrying out numerous roles but most
notably regulating local vascular tone and blood flow. In general, it is presumed that NO
will cause local vasodilatation, thus increasing oxygen delivery. In our study, expected
thermal vasodilatation due to heat of the “hararet” during hamam ritual did not seem to be
Bodily Pain, VAS Psychological Status,
(1-100 mm) Likert (1-5)
Before After Before After
Mean 18.8 7.1 4 4.7
(SD) -14.93 -6.29 -0.92 -0.45
(SEM) -3.85 -1.62 -0.23 -0.11
Significanceap=0.003 p=0.003
La Presse thermale et climatique 2011;148:79-86
related an increase production of NO. In a study, it has been claimed that sauna therapy,
which allows thermal vasodilatation and improves vascular endothelial dysfunction may
induce NO production. But, we could not demonstrate such an increase of NO production,
since we have found no significant change in NN levels after hamam exposure.
Beta-endorphin (BE), a neuropeptide consisting of 31 amino-acids, is a derivative of
pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). POMC is the precursor to ACTH as well as to other
bioactive peptide hormones, such as the opioid peptide BE, and alpha-MSH, which plays
an active role in skin pigmentation. The family of endorphins comprises alpha-, beta-,
gamma-, and sigma-endorphins ; of these, BE plays an outstanding role in the mecha-
nisms of pain. BE effectively reduces pain, alters hunger and sex hormone levels.
Laughing increases BE levels in the brain. In addition to physical exercise, several forms
of physical therapy and electrotherapy may increase serum BE levels. But, contradictory
data are available about the effect of heat on BE levels. No significant change in serum
BE levels was reported following 1 hour sauna therapy of 12 healthy volunteers, again
an other study reported variable BE changes (no significant effect) in 11 healthy women
after a Finnish sauna bath. We have also not measured significant change in BE plasma
levels in healthy persons from both genders. By contrast, Vesconi and co-workers
reported increased BE levels following sauna therapy. According to the data of
Kukkonen and colleagues although BE levels in healthy subjects did not change in 80
centigrade heat and following steam therapy, 100 centigrade heat increased BE levels.
Concerning the effects of sauna bath on BE levels although they are not conclusive, our
study did not yield evidence that Turkish bath has effects on BE.
Whilst our results did not show changes in NN and BE, sauna bathing has been shown
to induce changes in these biomarkers. However, the thermal conditions are different in
sauna than hamam ; the air temperature in sauna is about 80 to 90ºC ; which is higher
than hamam where it would range between 35-45°C and the relative humidity of sauna
medium is about 40-60 %, whereas it is as high as 100 % in hamam. Furthermore the
other treatments (scrubbing, foam massage and water pouring) which are included in the
hamam session are not comparable with sauna procedures.
So, the observed effects of the traditional Turkish Hamam procedure, pain reducing and
mental relaxation effects do not seem related to any change in the measured biomarkers. We
could speculate from these results in two ways ; firstly the well being sense of human is not
consequently occurs parallel or is not a consequence of the production of the biochemical
markers in the plasma. Secondly, if any elevation of BE occurred in cerebrospinal fluid did
not get into the plasma or the first part of the ritual (in which the heating effect plays major
role) caused an elevation on the examined BE and NN, but later during scrubbing and
foaming and cooling with lukewarm water, measured levels of hormone and biologic
messenger might be decreased that we could not demonstrate any change.
Even though we could not demonstrate significant changes in BE levels and NN levels
(NO production) the subjects continued to feel better after the procedure. Here other
mechanisms might be involved. For instance gate-control theory in pain perception may
provide an explanation of the pain-relieving effect of hamam. Body surface is stimulated
Press Therm Climat 2011;148:79-86
© Société française d’hydrologie et de climatologie médicales, 2011
by heat, humidity, “kese” massage, foaming and poured water successively. All these
stimuli could decrease the pain sensation in the study subjects. Mental relaxation may be
a secondary phenomenon and is probably the result of this effect. Other biochemical
markers involved in pain sensation would be another option to explain the hamam
effects on pain and psychological status. Finally, hamam session presumably has not
caused a stress at all, since in the literature, it is a well known fact that the stress causes
an augmentation in BE level.
We have found significant increases although slight in heart rate and in body tempera-
ture indicating a passive warming of the body during hamam bathing. Systolic and dias-
tolic blood pressure lowered after hamam session most probably again due to thermal
effect, but this was very small and not significant. After the Hamam intervention, neither
the respiration rate nor the blood pressure has significantly changed and only a parallel
slight physiological increase of heart rate and body temperature has been observed. We
assumed that the first part of the ritual ceremony (in which the heating effect plays main
role) caused an elevation in body temperature and heart rate, but during later procedures
such as scrubbing, foaming, massaging and cooling with lukewarm water counterba-
lanced this effect and kept them in physiological levels. Or an exceptional hypothesis
here could be postulated that besides the thermal effects, scrubbing the skin may lead a
release of substance P thus in turn is resulting a vasodilatation. This assumption could
also explain the mild decrease measured in blood pressure when the subjects left hararet,
the main component of a hamam where all procedures have been performed.
Indeed the study itself has limitations in methodology and yielded limited results, but it
is the first study ever on the topic. As an observational study with no control group, our
study did not allow us to clarify the above mentioned assumptions. Since no follow up data
are available, it remains unclear how long it takes for the effects to fade (which could be
within as little as one hour or two), and because of the lack of a comparison, there is, of
course, no evidence that people who visit a hamam do better than those who don’t.
A Turkish bath session is associated with few, yet expected physiological changes : a
slight increase in core temperature and heart rate and a distinct feeling of relaxation indi-
cating the thermal effects of hamam session. It is unclear yet if these effects are associ-
ated with BE and NN release. Hamam ritual seems to be a safe traditional thermal, phy-
sical and hydrological procedure (see below).
A classical traditional hamam ritual has statistically significant health effects
in healthy individuals :
• a pain reliving effect,
• a mental relaxing effect,
• a slight increase in heart rate,
La Presse thermale et climatique 2011;148:79-86
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