4/22/2017Further Studies of Autonomic Detection of Remote Staring: Replication, New Control Procedures, and Personality Correlates" by Braud, William, Shafer, Donn...https://www.questia.com/read/1G1-15667545/further-studies-of-autonomic-detection-of-remote-staring1/19Further Studies of Autonomic Detection of Remote Staring:Replication, New Control Procedures, and PersonalityCorrelatesBy Braud, William; Shafer, Donna et al.The Journal of Parapsychology, December1993Further Studies of Autonomic Detection ofRemote Staring: Replication, New ControlProcedures, and Personality CorrelatesBraud, William, Shafer, Donna, Andrews, Sperry, The Journal of ParapsychologyIn a previous paper (Braud, Shafer, & Andrews, 1993), we reviewed the scientific litera-ture dealing with the purported ability to detect when one is being watched or stared at bysomeone situated beyond the range of the conventional senses. Surveys indicated that be-tween 68% and 94% of various samples reported having had staring detection experiencesin their everyday lives. Previous investigations provided suggestive evidence that personswere indeed able to detect, consciously, when they were being stared at under conditionsin which precautions were taken to eliminate possible subtle sensory cues. In particular,positive conscious-guessing results were obtained in two studies in which sensory cueingwas eliminated through use of one-way mirrors (Peterson, 1978) and use of a closed-cir-cuit television system (Williams, 1983).We hypothesized that stronger effects might be obtained if relatively "unconscious" auto-nomic nervous system activity were used as the indicator of staring detection, rather thanconscious guessing. Our reasoning was that autonomic reactions might be less distortedby higher cognitive processes and therefore might provide a purer and more sensitive in-dicator. We presented the results of two original experiments in which sympathetic ner-vous system activation was assessed by means of electrodermal monitoring during ran-
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4/22/2017Further Studies of Autonomic Detection of Remote Staring: Replication, New Control Procedures, and Personality Correlates" by Braud, William, Shafer, Donn...https://www.questia.com/read/1G1-15667545/further-studies-of-autonomic-detection-of-remote-staring2/19domly interspersed remote-staring and nonstaring (control) periods. The monitored par-ticipant was unaware of the number, timing, or scheduling pattern of these two types ofperiods. The possibility of sensory cueing was eliminated through the use of a closed-cir-cuit television system for staring: the starer devoted full attention to the staree's image onthe television monitor. In the first experiment, 16 untrained participants evidenced signif-icant autonomic discrimination, becoming more activated during staring than duringnonstaring periods. In the second experiment, 16 subjects who had been extensivelytrained to become more aware of their interconnections with other people and less defen-sive about their connectedness also evidenced significant autonomic discrimination, butbecame more calm during staring than during nonstaring periods; the starer had beensimilarly trained. As judged by effect sizes, unconscious autonomic detection did indeedappear to yield stronger effects than did previous conscious verbal or motoric detectionassessments.In the present paper, we present our attempts to replicate and extend our previous find-ings. Identical equipment, basic procedures, and analysis methods were used. The firstreplication involved 3 new starers and 30 new starees. The second replication involved thesame starer who had participated in the earlier experiments reported in 1993, but em-ployed 16 new starees. We made two additions in these studies. One of these was the in-troduction (into Replication 2) of an additional empirical control condition. This was a"sham control" in which we treated sessions and data as we did for real staring sessions,but staring did not, in fact, occur; this provided an empirical assessment of the likelihoodof obtaining chance discriminations of otherwise equivalent session segments. The secondimprovement was the introduction of a new personality assessment for the starees in bothreplications. In addition to the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) we had been using inthe original studies, we included an assessment of social anxiety or discomfort in a socialsituation (a Social Avoidance and Distress scale), in order to explore the possible interre-lationships of these personality characteristics with the autonomic staring detectioneffect.METHODSubjects
(4) (PDF) Further studies of autonomic detection of remote staring: Replication, new control procedures, and personality correlates. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284061135_Further_studies_of_autonomic_detection_of_remote_staring_Replication_new_control_procedures_and_personality_correlates [accessed Feb 06 2019].