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This work is part of a research project funded by the NOOR foundation at Taibah University – Madinah – Kingdom of Saudi
Enhancing Computer Accessibility for Disabled
Users – A Kinect Based Approach for Users with
Motor Skills Disorder
Loay Alzubaidi, Ammar Elhassan, Jaafar Alghazo
College of Computer Engineering and Science
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
Abstract-- In this paper, we present an application
as a solution to problems encountered when using
PC’s by users with motor skills impairment. This
application utilizes the Microsoft Kinect Sensor and
its Visual Studio SDK to write code that interacts
with this novel device originally intended for gaming
but now more and more popular with learning,
multimedia and entertainment systems. Preliminary
results from prototype testing show that the system is
usable and has good potential. The intended initial
domain of the application is teaching the Muslim holy
book (Quran), although the ideas and application
software can be adapted as a learning tool for
students with disabilities in general.
Keywords-3D Gestures; Audio; HCI; Hands-Free;
Kinect; Motor Skills Impairment; Quran; Recitation;
Computer users with disabilities are being
offered more and more tools, both hardware and
software based, in order to facilitate the use of
computers and electronic systems. Poorly designed
systems are no longer accepted and a whole new
computer science area (Human Computer
Interaction - HCI) is now dedicated to designing
ergonomic and user friendly interfaces for all users,
including those with disabilities.
In this paper, which is part of a 1-year research
project in developing tools and technologies for
teaching disabled users to read the Muslim holy
book (Quran), we introduce a software application
solution that addresses difficulties faced by users
with disabilities. The initial phase of this research
project targets children with motor skills
impairment. The application will utilize, as
learning aids, the now popular array of sensors and
kits developed for the games industry.
Due to the popularity of SDK’s and abundance
of Visual Studio development expertise for the
Microsoft platform, we utilize the Microsoft Kinect
sensor originally developed for the Xbox 360
games console to take advantage of its ability to
support movement, voice, and gesture recognition
for application development [1]; the sensors ability
to detect movement from up to 20 human body
points such as head, hands, knees and feet is quite
useful for the purposes of this work.
A. Related Work
There is good volume of work in this area
today; some research has resulted in redesigned pc
peripherals that are suitable for users with
disabilities; e.g. Jang et al [2], introduced a novel
mouse that is suitable for pc users with physical
impairment. The preliminary indicators were that
the users performed better with the use of the
customized mouse over the use of the traditional
standard mouse available in the market place.
Other work has been carried out on the use of
Kinect with different HCI applications; R. Francese
et al [3] present two systems designed for 3D
gestural user interaction on 3D geographical maps.
The proposed idea in their research relies on the
use of the Kinect as one of the key components for
detecting 3D gestures in a Human Computer
Interaction application for 3D geographical maps.
Other work includes various games developed for
children with disabilities such as the Super-Pop
Project which developed a game for children with
motor skills impairment, aided by the Microsoft
Kinect sensor [4].
F. P. Martin et al [5] presented a paper
outlining MAS; a flexible and scalable software
platform designed to help people with disabilities.
The software integrates technologies that enable
users to control adaptive games, designed to
explore, measure and develop social and cognitive
skills of children with disabilities. N. Baloian et al
[6] presented a paper for modeling educational
software for people with disabilities. The paper
described common aspects and differences in the
process of modeling real world applications
involving tests and evaluations of cognitive tasks
for people with reduced visual or auditory cues.
J. Small et al [7] presented a paper on Web
Accessibility for People with Cognitive
Disabilities. The study investigated individuals
with developmental cognitive disabilities (DCD)
navigating W3C accessibility-compliant Web sites.
The study concluded that the (2005) web
accessibility guidelines do not sufficiently address
the needs of people with cognitive disabilities. A.
Anderson and C. Rowland [8] presented
empirically-derived draft technical specifications
for a suite of tools to evaluate the cognitive load of
Web Pages. S. Baqai et al [9] presented a vision
for leveraging the emergent role of Semantic Web
Technologies for providing efficient and flexible
means of knowledge modeling, storage, publishing,
reasoning and retrieval from distributed Quranic
knowledge sources. Finally, H. J. Hsui [10]
presented a paper on the potential of Kinect in
Education as an interactive technology and
discussed how it can facilitate and enhance
teaching and learning.
This paper presents a good example of the
design and implementation of a complete system
utilizing current state-of-the-art technologies to
serve as an Interactive tool to enhance the teaching
and learning process. The application in this case
aims to teach the Holy Quran to students with
disabilities. The same concept can be applied to
other learning material and other populations of the
community. The authors aspire to design and
implement this system to serve as a learning aid for
different use in the teaching community at later
stages of the project.
The main aim of this project is to design a suite
of Hand-free Applications for educational purposes
that allow disabled users to use a PC to learn the
Holy Quran (initially). These tools will support a
hands-free operation mode for users with motor
skills impairment. The Microsoft Kinect sensor and
SDK is capable of detecting up to 20 points or
joints in the human body [11] as shown in figure 1
This research project produced an application
that enables the users to operate the majority of PC
functions with their head as an exclusive control
point for the entire application, thus targeting users
with Physical Disabilities particularly those
affecting motor skills.
The user are able to play Audio and Video
media to listen to and watch Quranic lessons and
recitations from various sources while controlling
the application with only head motion.
The main feature of the application is an ellipse
(cursor) that tracks the user’s head motion as an
alternative control point to the mouse in regular
applications. The user will be required to hold the
ellipse over the selected button for 3 seconds to
perform the click event and play the selected
resource. The Kinect SDK is a developer toolkit, a
set of software libraries, for developing
applications that utilize the Microsoft Xbox 360
camera/motion games sensor. This SDK provides
an excellent programming interface to the
Kinect system. The Kinect for Windows SDK
includes drivers that interact with the hardware and
provide a set of API functions for reading data and
status from the camera, sensors, microphone and
motor. The SDK supports Microsoft Visual Studio
programming languages including C# and XAML.
Fig. 1 Sensing Points Supported by Kinect [11]
A. Hardware:
The main hardware components used in this
project are:
• Kinect for Xbox 360 sensor
• Personal computer with a 2.5-GHz (or
faster) processor
• Dedicated Windows 7–compatible graphics
card that supports DirectX® 9.0c with 2-
GB RAM on-board
• 4-GB RAM (6-GB RAM recommended)
B. Software:
The main software components used in this
project are:
• Microsoft Visual Studio including C# and
• Kinect SDK for Visual Studio
• Windows 7 or Windows 8 as the host
development and testing operating system
C. Application Interface hierarchy
The application interface/hierarchy will feature
the following options as illustrated in figure 2
Fig. 2 Application Interface Hierarchy
D. Use Case Diagram
The main functions of the system are shown in
figure 3-Use Case Diagram below. This shows 3
actors and 8 Use Cases. Use cases represent the
main functionality categories that the system
supports, some of the important use cases are
explained here:
Fig. 3 Use Case Diagram
Start and Configure
These use cases are exclusive to the Admin
who can be a helper to the disabled user, including
parent or sibling or classmate. The complexities of
the system will be made very simple so that the
admin tasks can be done by anyone able to use a
PC with Microsoft Windows. Some of the tasks
here include copying the files to the users
workstation, plugging the Kinect sensor in via
USB, restarting the application or rebooting the
system altogether.
The user selects the Audio or Video options.
The system will play ‘amma' part only within these
2 categories. While the video option plays the
common Hafs-Asim recitation, the Audio option
supports all of the 7 recitations. Other parts of the
Quran and other recitations shall be added as the
development progresses further.
Application Interfaces
The application consists of three menus:
a) The Main menu allows the user to select Audio
or Video modes (Figure 4).
Fig. 4 Application Main Page
b) The Video sub-menu allows the user to watch
Quran recitations from (‘amma part’), the user
can select any suraa, by selecting a certain
surah (chapter), the learning/teaching video
will start (Figure 5).
Fig. 5 Video Sub-Menu (تﺎﻴﺋﺮﻤﻟا)
c) The Audio sub-menu allows the user to access
the seven types of recitations (Figure 6) and
from those, they can listen to a chapter from
‘amma part‘ in the selected recitation.
Fig. 6 The Audio Sub-Menu with the Seven Recitations
A complete system was designed and
developed that will enable users with physical
impairment to interact with an application for
learning the Holy Quran. The customized prototype
was tested on a selected user population to provide
insight into the expected behavior and usefulness,
or lack thereof, of the final product.
Pilot Study
Although no field tests were conducted with
disabled users, lab testers have emulated the
targeted uses of the system by using their head
exclusively for controlling and operating the
system. The usability test results show that the
application meets its intended use and provides a
hand-free multimedia environment for disabled
users to learn the Holy Quran. The results of the
usability test indicate that all tasks were 100%
completed by both able and disabled users, though
the satisfaction rate for each task level (which
indicates the difficulty of the task) is 100% for able
users and approximately 57% for disabled users,
while the test level satisfaction (which measures
user’s impression of the overall ease of use)
remained 100% for able users and approximately
73% for disabled users. Zero errors were recorded
by both user groups for all tasks. The results of the
usability test are shown in table 1 below. The task
time (measuring the duration a user takes to
complete the task) shows that, as expected, it
always takes longer for disabled users to complete
the task. Finally, usability problems causing issues
or delays have occurred consistently for disabled
users but never for able users. We note here that the
disabled users operated the system in full including
the hands-free function, and able users used the
standard hand-operated mouse with the system.
Table 1 Usability Metrics – Empirical Results
Usability Metrics – Empirical Results
Task Metric Disabled
Completion Rates 1 1
Usability Problems 1 0
Task Time (seconds) 5 2
Task Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
4 1
Test Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
3 1
Errors 0 0
Completion Rates 1 1
Usability Problems 3 0
Task Time (Seconds) 18 5
Task Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
7 1
Test Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
3 1
Errors 0 0
back to
Completion Rates 1 1
Usability Problems 0 0
Task Time (Seconds) 4 2
Task Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
2 1
Test Level Satisfaction
10 worst 1 best
2 1
Errors 0 0
It is evident that the system operation is
successful with the use of the user’s head
exclusively. The users can switch between the
various menu options by maneuvering the mouse
cursor to the desired screen and button as in the
screenshots above, and by using the “hold the
cursor” option to simulate the click option they
have indeed been able to operate the full spectrum
of functions successfully.
The system was designed and implemented
according to the requirements set for this project.
The customized system provides a hands-free
environment for students with disabilities and
serves as a learning aid for teaching the Holy
Quran. The same concept can be utilized and
expanded to include teaching students other
subjects (science and maths).
The current system is intended only for users
with physical impairment, though it can be used for
a wider range of users with disabilities. A few
functions can be added to the system to make it
more comprehensive. Some of these functions will
be added in the second iteration of this application
while other modification are dependent on the
sensor technology development and will have to
wait until new generations of sensor are developed
and released. Additional functions are derived
from the challenges faced while testing the systems
which include:
• No left/Right Double Clicks – Only Clicks
• Stability of the Cursor – Cursor movement
and control is not as smooth as with a
standard mouse
• No Drop-Down Menu support
• No audio control for users with visual
Statistical usability analysis based on actual
field tests of the system when operated by disabled
users compared to able bodied users is currently
unavailable. The system will be subjected to a
comprehensive field test on the target user
population and a thorough statistical analysis of the
results of that test will be carried out. The system
currently supports part of the Holy Quran, this can
be considered a limitation yet it is the intent of the
authors and developers to cover the Holy Quran in
its entirety in future releases. Work on the second
edition of the application will commence soon and
will include a new requirement, in addition to those
listed above, of utilizing the Kinect's voice
recognition capabilities to enable blind users to
utilize the complete capabilities of the system for
learning the Holy Quran.
Even though this system is initially designed as
a customized interactive environment for the
teaching and learning of the Holy Quran for
students with disabilities, yet the potential use of
this system are far greater.
It is the intention of the authors to setup a
multidisciplinary research group from maths,
science, education and linguistics to design a
comprehensive and interactive system for students
with disabilities to serve as a learning aid for these
users to supplement and complement the school
[1] Kinect for Windows – Retrieved on 8th March
2013 from
[2] M. Jang, J. Choi, S. Lee (2010), “A customized
mouse for people with physical disabilities”,
The 12th International ACM SIGACCESS
Conference on Conference on Computers and
Accessibility, Oct. 25-27, 2010 Orlando,
Florida, USA
[3] R. Francese, I. Passero, G. Tortora (2012), “
Wiimote and Kinect: Gusteral User Interfaces
add a Natural Third dimension to HCI”,
Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2012, Capri Island,
[4] The Super Pop Project. – Retrieved on 8th
March 2013 from
[5] F. P. Martin, R. C. Palcios, A. Garcia-Crespo
(2009), “ MAS: Learning Support Software
Platform for People with Disabilities” 1st ACM
International Workshop on : Media Studies and
Implementations that help Improving Access to
Disabled Users, Oct 23, 2009, Beijing, China
[6] N. Baloian, W. Luther, J. Sanchez (2002),”
Modeling Educational Software for People with
Disabilities: Theory and practice”, Proceedings
of the ACM Conference on Assistive
Technologies, ASSETS 2002, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK, July 8-10, 2002.
[7] J. Small, P. Schallau, K. Brown, and R.
Appleyard (2005), “Web Accessibility for
People with Cognitive Disabilities”,
Conference on Human factors in Computing
Systems, CHI 2005, Portland, Oregon, April 2-
7, 2005, USA
[8] A. Anderson and C. Rowland (2007), “
Improving the Outcomes of Students with
Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: Phase 1
Development for Web Accessibility tool”, 9th
International ACM SIGACCESS Conference
on Computers and Accessibility, October 15-
17, 2007: Tempe, AZ, USA
[9] S. Baqai, A. Basharat, H. Khalid, A. Hassan,
and S. Zafar (2009), “ Leveraging Semantic
Web Technologies for Standardized Knowledge
Modeling and Retrieval from the Holy Quran
and Religious Texts”, International Conference
on Frontiers in Information Technology, 16-18
December 2009, Pakistan\
[10] H. J. Hsu (2011), " The Potential of Kinect
in Education" , International Journal of
Information and Education Technology, Vol. 1,
No. 5, December 2011.
[11] Microsoft Kinect Sensor – Retrieved on
8th March 2013 from