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Tjong et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Copyright © February, 2016; IJPAB 9
The Study of Dermatoglyphic in Simian Crease Group (The Human Masukake-
Gata) at Minangkabau Ethnic, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Muthiara Hidayah, Djong Hon Tjong* and Dewi Imelda Roesma
Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 27.01.2016 | Revised: 11.02.2016 | Accepted: 15.02.2016
Dermatoglyphic is the scientific study of the skin ridge patterns on the fingers, toes, palms of hands and
soles of feet all primates
. Dermatoglyphic is used as a tool for detection a number of diseases which have
a strongly heredity basis and also to detect abnormality. Additionally, dermatoglyphic is also used in
forensic of individual identification, physical anthropology, human genetics and medicine
2, 3
A number of studies on dermatoglyphic showed the correlation between finger print patterns and
palm crease with the disease and psychological characters of human
. However, a study on psychological
trait which is associated to dermatoglyphic in human with simian line is very rare. Simian line or also
called simian crease is the transversal lines on the palms which usually use as one of characteristic
features in people with Down’s syndrome. Naming of simian crease based on the line of palms which
similar to primates
4, 5, 6
. Seven out of a hundred people in Japan have a simian crease and is often found in
members of genius families. This group was called the masukake-gata. People with this type hand are
strongly individualistic and emotionally irregular
Available online at
ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016)
Research Article
The research on dermatoglyphic study based on finger print patterns, total finger ridge count, total
number of triradius, a-b ridge count and atd angle in simian crease group (the human Masukake-
gata) was conducted at Minangkabau ethnic. The study used a purposive sampling method for the
simian crease group and random sampling for the normal group. Data processing used qualitative
and quantitative descriptive method and it was carried out in the Laboratory of Genetics and Cell
Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra. The results showed that the finger print pattern on the simian
crease group was significantly different to the normal group. There was increased frequency of
whorls in simian crease group. While the total finger ridge count, total number of triradius, a-b
ridge count and atd angle on simian crease group were not significantly different to the normal
group. The atd angle was recommended to be one of the other markers to predict rapidly trisomy 21
besides simian crease on palmar and proposed to no longer define the simian line just as
characteristic of people with Down’s syndrome.
Key words: dermatoglyphic, simian crease.
Cite this article:
Hidayah, M., Tjong, D.H. and Roesma, D.I., The Study of Dermatoglyphic in Simian Crease
Group (The Human Masukake-Gata) at Minangkabau Ethnic, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Int. J. Pure App.
Tjong et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Copyright © February, 2016; IJPAB 10
The simian crease is a familiar feature of Down’s syndrome
. Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder with
abnormalities of chromosome 21 which resulted in patients with the physical and mental retardation
According to Global Down’s Syndrome Foundation, the average IQ of a person with Down’s syndrome
usually has a very low level of intelligence
. However, based on our observation, the simian crease is
also found in peoples with a normal until high level of intelligence without any disorder. Therefore, it is
possible that the presence of simian crease in the palm of the hand can be considered not to be used as an
identifiers patients with Down’s syndrome in the future.
Dermatoglyphics as well as palm creases are helpful in revealing the anthropological
characteristics of the populations of different ethnic origins
. In this study, we try to find the
characteristic of dermatoglyphics in simian crease group at Minangkabau ethnic (West Sumatra). The
results on this study are expected to be a reference to early detection of the tendency of the character or
nature and level of intelligence of children with simian crease so that the existing potential in those
children can be developed better. MATERIAL AND METHODS
The samples comprised of 30 students with simian crease on palmar (simian crease group) and 30
students without simian crease (normal group).
The dermatoglyphics taken consisted of fingerprint patterns and palms print. Right and left
palmar and digital prints were obtained by ink procedure
. The prints were obtained on A4 plain papers,
already marked right and left, and spaces provided for biographic information. A record of individual
biographical data consist of name, age, place and date of birth, gender, ethnicity, blood type and
medical history obtainable by interviews.
Prediction level of intelligence (IQ) was performed using a Windows-based computer application, are
unique IQ tests were designed by Andrew Lankin (2000) and IQ test shots by Anders Ditlev Jensen and
Mensa Danmark. Scores will be averaged from the results of the test.
The average IQ scores obtained from normal group and simian crease group are shown in Table 1. The
frequency of fingerprint patterns of the normal group and simian crease group and chi-square test are
shown in Table 2. The percentage of fingerprint patterns on every both finger of each hand and sequences
are available in Table 3. The average of total finger ridge count, total number of triradius, total a-b ridge
count and atd angle with t-test on normal group and simian crease group are shown in Table 4. Figure 1
shows the percentage of allergy history that found in normal group and simian crease group.
Table 1. The average IQ of normal group and simian crease group
Group Total Ratio Average
Normal 30 63,5-141,5 106,78
Simian Crease 30 93,5-150,5 113,72
Table 2. The frequency of fingerprint patterns on right and left hand of the normal group and simian crease
group and chi-square test
Group Total Whorl Ulnar Loop Radial Loop Arch X
n % n % n % N %
Normal R 150 43 28,67 100 66,67 4 2,66 3 2,00 0,272
L 150 43 28,67 98 65,33 5 3,33 4 2,67
300 86 28,67 198 66,00 9 3,00 7 2,33
Crease R 150 60 40,00 86 57,33 3 2,00 1 0,67 6,96
L 150 67 44,67 70 46,67 8 5,33 5 3,33
300 127 42,33 156 52,00 11 3,67 6 2,00
Tjong et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Copyright © February, 2016; IJPAB 11
Table 3. The percentage of fingerprint patterns on every both finger of each hand (I-V) and sequences
Finger Group W UL RL A Sequence
I N 41,67% 56,67% 1,67% 0,00%
SC 55,00% 45,00% 0,00% 0,00%
II N 28,33% 51,67% 11,67% 8,33%
SC 48,33% 35,00% 8,33% 8,33%
III N 15,00% 81,67% 1,67% 1,67%
SC 28,33% 70,00% 0,00% 1,67%
IV N 40,00% 58,33% 0,00% 1,67%
SC 53,33% 41,67% 5,00% 0,00%
V N 18,33% 81,67% 0,00% 0,00%
SC 26,67% 68,33% 5,00% 0,00%
Description: N= normal, SC= simian crease, I= thumb, II= index finger, III= middle finger, IV= ring finger, V= little
finger, Bold numeral show the value of the highest frequency of the fingers.
Table 4. The average of total finger ridge count, total number of triradius, total a-b ridge count and atd angle
with t-test on normal group and simian crease group
Group Total finger ridge count Total number of triradius Total a-b ridge count atd angle
Normal 128,40
Crease 137,50
7,61 14,03
0,68 35,53
0,88 40,30
Fig. 1: The percentage of allergy history that found in normal group and simian crease group
The average of IQ from simian crease group higher than normal group (Table 1). According to Asano
peoples with a simian crease are often found in the members of genius families. Classification by
Wechsler in Nur’aeni
categorize the normal group included average class and the simian crease group in
bright normal class
Tjong et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Copyright © February, 2016; IJPAB 12
classified simian crease into three types, namely F1, F2 and F3 shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2: Three types of simian crease
F1 F2 F3
Table 5. Types of simian crease and the highest IQ scores in simian crease group
No. Type Total The highest IQ
1. F1 1 137
2. F2 29 150,50
3. F3 0 0
Simian crease type F1 is often found in technicians, doctors (especially surgeons, radiologists, and
dentists), engineers and scholars. People with it frequently have IQs of above 130 and usually have good
powers of judgement and analytical thought. There is no information about the average of IQ in simian
crease type F2 and F3
Simian crease type F1 was also found in one of our samples who is a medical student with 137 IQ score.
However, the highest score (150,50) was found from an engineering student who has a simian crease type
F2. Simian crease type F2 found among 29 out of 30 samples. Simian crease type F3 was not found in our
research. According to Asano
the simian crease type F3 is very rare (1: 100) and is usually found in
people with congenital disorders.
In childhood and youth, peoples with simian crease type F2 are often physically frail and
especially afflicted with bronchial and cardiac ailments, but they have good artistic stense and perception
and are frequently people of genius. The simian crease type F2 is easily transmitted genetically and has a
high likelihood of appearing in twins
. Based on this study, peoples with simian crease type F2 did not
have a history of heart disease or throat. However, we found a history of some allergics more higher in
simian crease group than normal group (Figure 1).
The frequency of finger print pattern on the right and left hand in normal group and simian crease group
was not significantly different (p < 0,05, Table 2). Frequency of finger print pattern on the right hand and
left hand in both groups expressed a balanced, thus the frequency of attendance of each fingerprint pattern
on the right hand will be equal to the left hand of each group.
The frequency of fingerprint pattern between the normal group and the simian crease group was
significantly different (p > 0,05, Table 2). Ulnar loop patterns in normal group (66,00%) higher than
simian crease group (52,00%). Whorl patterns in normal group (28,67%) smaller than simian crease
group (42,33%).
In general, the proportion of the loop patterns on hand ranged between 60-70%, while the whorl
patterns between 25-35%
3, 13
. Thus, it can be stated that there was increased frequency of whorl patterns
in simian crease group. For the frequency of radial loop and arch patterns in both groups were almost
equal. According to Table 3, the highest frequency of whorl patterns were found on the same finger in
normal group and simian crease group (the fingers I and IV). The highest frequency of ulnar loop patterns
were found on the same finger in both groups (the fingers III and V). The highest frequency of arch
patterns were also found on the same finger in both groups (the second finger/index finger). According to
Bener & Erk
, in general the type of whorl patterns often appear on the fingertips I and IV, then the type
Tjong et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 9-14 (2016) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Copyright © February, 2016; IJPAB 13
of loop patterns often appear on the fingertips III and V, the type of arch patterns often appear on the
fingertips II at right and left hand in both men and women were influenced by genetic factors.
The highest frequency of radial loop patterns were found on the same finger in normal group and simian
crease group (index finger/the second finger). Radial loop patterns commonly found on the second finger.
However, in simian crease group, radial loop patterns were also found on the fingers IV and V of 5.00%,
while the normal group of 0.00% (Table 3). The presence of radial loop patterns on the fingers IV and V
are very rare and can be used as a marker of a simian crease group.
The average amount of total finger ridge count, total number of triradius, a-b ridge count and atd angle on
simian crease group were not significantly different to the normal group (Table 4).
Medical experts always using simian crease as a marker in Down’s syndrome. These patients
have significantly different atd angle
. The atd angle of Down’s syndrome more larger than both groups
of this study, between 70
in Andalas Medical Magazine (2002). Therefore, the atd angle was
recommended to be one of the other markers to predict rapidly trisomy 21 besides simian crease on
palmar. Based on our research, it was estimated that if a child has a simian crease on the palms and the
atd angle almost equal to the normal people (33
), it can be foreseeable that the child does not have
the genetic disorder Down’s syndrome, but has a high degree of intelligence. However, if the child has a
simian crease on the palms and the atd angles very different from normal people (70
), it can be
foreseeable that the child has a genetic disorder Down’s syndrome.
The finger print pattern on the simian crease group was significantly different to the normal group. There
was increased frequency of whorls in simian crease group, while the total finger ridge count, total number
of triradius, a-b ridge count and atd angle on simian crease group were not significantly different to the
normal group. The atd angle was recommended to be one of the other markers to predict rapidly trisomy
21 besides simian crease on palmar and proposed to no longer define the simian line just as characteristic
of people with Down’s syndrome.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Syaifullah, Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin and Dr. Tesri
Maideliza for their valuable comments, supports, discussions and suggestions throughout the course of
this work.
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