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Discernibility in the Analysis of Binary Card Sort Data


Abstract and Figures

In an open card sorting study of 356 facial photographs, each of 25 participants created an unconstrained number of piles. We consider all 63,190 possible pairs of photos: if both photos are in the same pile for a participant, we consider them as rated similar; otherwise we consider them as rated dissimilar. Each pair of photos is an attribute in an information system where the participants are the objects. We consider whether the attribute values permit accurate classification of the objects according to binary decision classes, without loss of generality. We propose a discernibility coefficient to measure the support of an attribute for classification according to a given decision class pair. We hypothesize that decision class pairs with the support of many attributes are more representative of the data than those with the support of few attributes. We present some computational experiments and discuss opportunities for future work.
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Discernibility in the Analysis of
Binary Card Sort Data
Daryl H. Hepting?and Emad H. Almestadi
Department of Computer Science, University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2 Canada
Abstract. In an open card sorting study of 356 facial photographs,
each of 25 participants created an unconstrained number of piles. We
consider all 63,190 possible pairs of photos: if both photos are in the
same pile for a participant, we consider them as rated similar; otherwise
we consider them as rated dissimilar. Each pair of photos is an attribute
in an information system where the participants are the objects. We
consider whether the attribute values permit accurate classification of the
objects according to binary decision classes, without loss of generality. We
propose a discernibility coecient to measure the support of an attribute
for classification according to a given decision class pair. We hypothesize
that decision class pairs with the support of many attributes are more
representative of the data than those with the support of few attributes.
We present s o m e c o m p u t a t i o n a l e x p eriment s a n d d i s c u s s o p p ortunities
for future work.
Card sorting [7] is an accessible technique to elicit data about participant im-
pressions of various stimuli. We consider the analysis of data from a card sorting
study of 356 facial photographs (178 Caucasian and 178 First Nations). The
photographs were laminated on 5 by 4 inch cards. Participants were asked to
view photos one at a time and place each photo on a pile with photos which they
judged to be similar, without disturbing existing piles. The number of piles was
not constrained. Within the 25 participants, the number of piles made ranged
between 4 and 38. For each participant, photos in the same pile were considered
to be rated as similar (distance of 0) and photos in dierent piles were considered
to be rated as dissimilar (distance of 1). In this way, we attached a rating to
each of the 63,190 pairs that can be made from 356 photos. Participants rated
the similarity of each photo in relation to other photos. The smallest unit of
this similarity judgement is the photo pair, so therefore the photo pairs are the
attributes in this information system. Only a small fraction of these comparisons
were made directly, specifically amongst the photo being placed and whichever
photos were visible at the tops of existing piles. The study and a preliminary
?This paper benefitted from discussions with Dominik Ślęzak
analysis has been described elsewhere [4]. From that preliminary analysis, it
was hypothesized that dierent strategies for sorting the photos may be used
amongst the participants studied.
We cont i nu e t o work a t i d ent i f ying and under s t a nding the dierent strategies
that may be at work. The earlier work looked for meaningful ways to distinguish
between 2 groups. In particular, we looked at various qualities inherent in or
identified about the photos as the basis for constructing decision class pairs. In
this paper, we continue the search for identifiable strategies from a quantitative
perspective. Although we still consider binary decision classes, each of these
decision classes may be later further subdivided as required.
Gathering the ratings for each pair of photos (attribute) from each partic-
ipant led to a binary vector of length 25 that became associated with the at-
tribute. Some photos were not recorded during data entry, so the distance for
pairs formed with these photos was -1. Our approach reported here replaced
each -1 within these binary vectors with 0 and 1 in turn to generate all possible
alternative patterns in new binary vectors. In cases when an attribute had an
incomplete original binary vector (containing -1 values), the attribute became
associated with all newly generated binary vectors. Any duplicate binary vec-
tors were removed with the associated attributes moved to the single remaining
instance of the vector. The result of this process was a list 28,379 unique binary
vectors. Following Table 1, each of the vectors was assigned an ID. None of the
unique vectors was the inverse of another vector in the list.
Tabl e 1. Sample binary vectors. Each bit position represents a participant (object).
The table shows the IDs associated with binary vectors: interpreted as integers, vectors
are valued from 0 to 2n11on the left and from 2n1to 2n1on the right. Interpreted
as a decision class specification, all objects with the same value are assigned to the same
decision class. Therefore, a vector and its inverse have the same ID. The first row does
not have an ID because the vector and its inverse do not contain both 0 and 1.
ID Binary Vector Inverse Vector
-000 111
1001 110
2010 101
3011 100
Each bit position in the binary vector represents a participant (object). These
binary vectors have 2 possible interpretations. On the one hand, each vector
represents the values for a particular attribute. A zero (0) indicates that the
particular participant judged the photo pair to be similar (distance = 0). A
one (1) indicates that the particular participant judged the photo pair to be
dissimilar (distance = 1). On the other hand, each vector represents a possible
way to assign the objects into 2 decision classes. Participants with the same
value are assigned to the same decision class. (See Table 1 for more detail.)
The unique vectors distilled from participant data represent only a very small
fraction of the total possible ways to divide 25 participants into 2 groups, yet
they are an appealing starting point because they record real participant be-
haviour. If we look amongst them for evidence of diering strategies employed
by participants in the judgement of facial similiarity, we may be encouraged to
find attributes that allow a highly accurate classifier to be built for a particular
binary decision class specification. We suggest that this is a necessary but not
asucient criterion for identification of “good” decision class pairs. We suggest
that a better indication of “good”-ness for a decision class pair is the number of
attributes from which a highly accurate classifier can be built.
Our approach, reported here, has been to develop a measure of discernibil-
ity that can be easily computed and used to quantitatively assess how well a
particular attribute can be used to discern objects according to a given deci-
sion class pair. These results were calibrated in a small test with the Rough Set
Exploration System [2].
The rest of the paper is organized in the following way. Section 2 discusses dis-
cernibility and develops new measures related to discernibility. Section 3 details
some computational experiments, including the use of the Rough Set Exploration
System [2]. Section 4 presents some conclusions based on the obtained results
and discusses some opportunities for future work.
2 Discernibility
Discernibility is a key idea in rough set theory [6,8], and it can be applied here
to understand participant judgements in 2 ways:
by examining all judgements made by pairs of participants (objects): It is
possible for a pair of participants to disagree about every attribute, in which
case the participants would be readily discernible. It is also possible for a pair
of participants to agree about every attribute, in which case the participants
would be indiscernible.
by examining all judgements made about each attribute: It is possible for
all participants to agree with each other about an attribute, in which case
the attribute would not contribute to the discernibility of the participants.
It is not possible for all participants to disagree with each other about an
attribute, because each participant rates an attribute as either “Similar” (0)
or “Dissimilar” (1). For a given vector, the product of the number of 0’s
and the number of 1’s indicates the amount of “disagreement” (discernibil-
ity). Equation 1 defines the maximum discernibility possible within a binary
vector of length n.
We focus our attention here on those vectors with maximum discernibility
(which contain either 12 zeroes and 13 ones or 13 zeroes and 12 ones). In this
way, we hope to focus on the most informative attributes [1]. By doing so, we
are left with 1705 vectors out of the total 28,379 with which we began.
In these vectors, 156 out of the 300 possible pairs of participants are dierent
(either 01 or 10) and only 300 - 156 = 144 of the possible pairs of participants
are the same (either 00 or 11). Beginning with a vector that specifies the binary
decision classes, we wish to compare it with attribute vectors to see how well
the decision class pair represents the observed data.
Choi et al. [3] present 75 dierent ways to assess the similarity between 2
binary vectors. The task of assessing the discernibility of a binary vector with
respect to another is somewhat dierent. As outlined in Table 1, we consider
that a vector and its inverse represent the same assignment of objects to decision
classes. This interpretation is dierent than Janusz and Ślęzak [5], for example,
who regarded inverse vectors as complementary rather than similar. In our case,
we are concerned with values on diagonals of the contingency table (see Table 2).
Tabl e 2. Contingency table consistent with Choi et al. [3]. Rows labelled as x0and
x1indicate respectively 0’s and 1’s in vector x.Columnslabelledasy0and y1indicate
respectively 0’s and 1’s in vector y.Dcoe(x, y)=1if a+d=nor b+c=n.
x0a c a +c
x1b d b +d
sum a+b c +d a +b+c+d=n
Dmax =((n
2)2when nis even
2)(( n
2) + 1) when nis odd (1)
Dcoe(x, y)= ad +bc
Ddist(x, y )=1Dcoe(x, y)(3)
Given nobjects, there will be n
2pairs of objects. Consider that each of
these objects is assigned to 1 of 2 decision classes. Pairs of objects from dierent
decision classes will be discernible with respect to an attribute if the values for
that attribute are dierent for these pairs of objects. Equation 1 defines the
maximum number of object pairs with objects from dierent decision classes.
Dcoe(x, y),denedinEquation2,compares2binaryvectors(oneadecision
class specification and the other containing attribute values) and computes the
number ob ject pairs from dierent decision classes that have dierent attribute
values over the maximum number of such pairs. The range for the Dcoe(x, y)is
[0,1].NoticethatDco e(x, y)=Dcoe(y, x)for any pair of vectors, xand y.The
coecient is meant to answer the question “Does the attribute with values given
by xhelp to discern objects in decision classes specified by y?” If Dcoe=1
(or close to it), the answer is “Yes”. Either ad or bc =Dmax, which means that
the attribute values match the decision class specification (or its inverse) exactly
(what was earlier called a “splitting pair” [4]). If Dco e=0(or close to it), the
answer is “No”. Either ac or bd =Dmax,andtheattributecontributesnothing
to the discernibility of the decision classes. This value will only occur if all of the
attribute values are the same. Equation 3 defines a distance in terms of Dcoe.
Tabl e 3. Three sample binary vectors, labelled as A, B, and C for brevity, are com-
pared. (Following the convention outlined in Table 1, their numerical IDs are as fol-
lows: A = 350655, B = 350639, and C = 11184810.) To the right of each pair of
vectors is the contingency table for the comparison. Dcoe(A, B)=144/156 = 0.923
and Dcoe(A, C )=(56+25)/156 = 0.519.
ID Values
A 0000001010101100110111111
B 1111110101010011001010000
A112 1
ID Values
A 0000001010101100110111111
C 1010101010101010101010101
A07 5
A15 8
3 Experimentation
Each of the 1705 vectors, in turn, was interpreted as the decision class specifi-
cation, in preparing to apply the rough set attribute reduction methodology [6].
Dcoewas computed for all attribute vectors with respect to the given decision
class specification, and the average coecient was computed for each candidate
decision class specification. We then chose the vectors with the maximum and
minimum average, represented in Table 4. In addition to the interpretation of
support for a decision class specification, the average coecient can also be in-
terpreted as a measure of the importance of the attribute(s) associated with
each vector. In this case, the coecient answers the question “Is this attribute
important in discerning objects?” If Dcoe=1(or close to it), the answer is
“Yes”. If Dcoe=0(or close to it), the answer is “No”.
Tabl e 4 . Max. (Dcoeaverage = 0.590) and Min. (Dco eaverage = 0.515) vectors,
compared. Dcoe(max, min)=0.5.
ID Values
Max. 1111110101010011001000000
Min. 0010101011010101001101001
Min07 6
Min16 6
Hepting et al. [4] focused on reducing the number of attributes required
as input to RSES [2] in order to accurately classify participants according to
a decision class pair. Instead of looking only for the existence of an accurate
classification via RSES, this work is concerned with exploring the limits of an
accurate classification: how many dierent attributes support accurate classifica-
tion according to a specified decision class pair? We hypothesize that candidate
decision class pairs with the support of many attributes are more representative
of the data than those with the support of few attributes.
For both of t h e M in. and Max. vectors, we creat e d b ins for Dcoebetween
0.5 and 1.0 in increments of 0.05. RSES input files were generated to test the
classification accuracy using up to 25 attributes from only 1 specified bin. The
bins, the number of attributes in each bin, and the average coecient value for
the bin are indicated in Table 5.
After creating the various input files, we followed a standard procedure with
RSES [2], as follows: Preprocessing: split the input table of 25 objects into 2
equal parts (1 for training and 1 for testing); Training: calculate up to 10 reducts
from the training data using the genetic algorithm in RSES; Testing: generate
rules from the reducts and test the results by classifying the testing data. Each
input file was processed 10 times and the averages are reported in Table 5: aver-
age accuracy (including standard deviation), average reduct length, and average
number of rules. All results had 100 percent coverage, which means that the
classifier based on the reducts generated from an ensemble of reducts was able
to recognize everything, which is valuable in itself.
Tabl e 5 . Summary of results from 2 sets (Max., left and Min., right) of runs of RSES.
Data from each bin was run 10 times and averages are reported. Dashes indicate that
the bin had no data.
Nbr. Avg. Avg. Std. Av g . Avg .
Bin Attr. Coe.Acc. Dev. Red. Rule
0.95 0 - - - - -
0.90 50.923 1 0 1.32 12
0.85 15 0.853 0.977 0.037 1.88 33.8
0.80 25 0.845 0.992 0.024 1.61 29.4
0.75 25 0.788 0.969 0.040 1.85 35.8
0.70 25 0.731 0.915 0.067 2.46 51
0.65 25 0.692 0.862 0.087 1.92 37.6
0.60 25 0.636 0.846 0.103 2.9 65.7
0.55 25 0.596 0.808 0.075 2.6 54.8
0.50 25 0.545 0.746 0.115 3.53 85
Nbr. Avg. Avg. Std. Av g . Avg .
Bin Attr. Coe.Acc. Dev. Red. Rule
0.95 0 - - - - -
0.90 0 - - - - -
0.85 0 - - - - -
0.80 0 - - - - -
0.75 0 - - - - -
0.70 0 - - - - -
0.65 50.673 0.823 0.089 2.36 19.4
0.60 25 0.634 0.838 0.133 2.67 57.1
0.55 25 0.596 0.769 0.103 2.84 62.8
0.50 25 0.545 0.662 0.121 3.64 82.2
To explore some of the data in Table 5 in more detail, each of Figure 1 (for
the Max. vector) and Figure 2 (for the Min. vector) illustrate the attribute(s)
associated with the vector, a reduct generated from the whole (unsplit) data
table taken from the respective top bin , and the rules associated with that
The computation of the Dcoeis an appealing approach to understanding the
structure of results of card sorting exercises because it can be done very quickly.
The limited experiment presented here has provided encouraging support for our
hypothesis, but more work needs to be done. For example, for the same average
coecient value, is it better to have fewer attributes with higher coecient or
more attributes with lower coecient values?
Rule Dec. Class Nbr. Classified
EF = Similar & AG = Similar 011
EF = Similar & AG = Dissimilar 0 1
EF = Dissimilar & AG= Similar 0 1
EF = Dissimilar & AG = Dissimilar 112
Fig. 1. Photo pairs AB and CD are associated with vector “Max”. Pairs EF and AG are
the attributes in one of the reducts, followed by corresponding rules for classification.
Rule Dec. Class Nbr. Classified
JI = Similar & KL = Similar & MN = Dissimilar 0 2
JI = Similar & KL = Dissimilar & MN = Dissimilar 0 8
JI = Dissimilar & KL = Dissimilar & MN = Dissimilar 0 3
JI = Similar & KL = Dissimilar & MN = Similar 1 2
JI = Dissimilar & KL = Similar & MN = Similar 1 5
JI = Dissimilar & KL = Similar & MN = Dissimilar 1 4
JI = Dissimilar & KL = Dissimilar & MN = Similar 1 1
Fig. 2. Photo pair HI is associated with vector “Min”. Pairs JI, KL, and MN are the
attributes in one of the reducts, followed by corresponding rules for classification.
Many of the vectors with highest average coecients are close to each other.
This leads to opportunities to analyze the structure of the decision classes (rep-
resenting strategies) that are best-supported by the data. By the same token, the
similarity of the photo pair attributes associated with the Max. and Min. vectors
respectively are noticeably dierent - something that provides more support for
this approach.
In hindsight, it is becoming clear that too many (356) photos were used
in the original sorting study. The process outlined here has the potential to
sharply reduce the number of photos considered. If this process can successfully
determine important attributes (such as photo pairs AB and CD in Figure 1),
it may be possible to eectively run card sorting studies with a large number of
stimuli that could be reduced based on this kind of quantitative analysis.
It is not possible to assess how well 2 decision classes are formed without
testing all potential decision classes. There are 16,777,215 (224
1) ways to
create 2 decision classes for 25 participants, and the inexpensive computation of
Dcoecan facilitate their review.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. Emad Almestadi acknowl-
edges the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian
Cultural Bureau in Canada for their support. The comments of the anonymous
reviewers were very helpful in improving the final version of this paper.
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... The 2 pairs of photos shown here (U1 left, U2 right) represent samples from the undecidable (UND) region. Pairs U1 and U2 were highlighted in the study by Hepting and Almestadi[3]. ...
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Facial recognition is routine for most people; yet describing the process of recognition, or describing a face to be recognized reveals a great deal of complexity inherent in the activity. Eyewitness identification remains an important element in judicial proceedings: it is very convincing, yet it is not very accurate. A study was conducted in which participants were asked to sort a collection of facial photographs into an unrestricted number of piles, based on their individual judgements of facial similarity. Participants then labelled each pile. Three different qualities identified in the photos may have been used by participants in making similarity judgements. Choosing photos with the stipulation that half have the quality and half do not, the composition of each pile made by each participant was analysed. A pile is rated as “quality present” (or missing), if it contained significantly more of “quality present” (or missing) photos. Otherwise, it was rated as “quality undecided”. As a result, an information system was obtained with objects corresponding to the participants and attributes corresponding to the pairs of photos. Further, a decision attribute was added for each of the qualities. The decision classes were determined by setting a threshold for the percentage of QU photos. Initially, this threshold was determined by observation. The rough set based attribute reduction methodology was applied to this data in order to build classifiers for each quality. Other thresholds for QU were also considered, based on computational experimentation, in order to improve the accuracy of the classifiers. This paper describes the initial study, the computational approach which includes an important pre-processing step and development of a useful heuristic, the results from the evaluation, and a list of opportunities for future work. Although different participants created quite different sortings of photos, the rough set analysis detected photos with more general significance. This may lead to a practical test for individual abilities, as well as to inferring what discriminations people use in face recognition.
We introduce two notions related to any information system, namely the discernibility matrix and discernibility function. We present some properties of these notions and as corollaries we obtain several algorithms for solving problems related among other things to the rough definability, reducts, core and dependencies generation.
Rough set theory is a new approach to decision making in the presence of uncertainty and vagueness. Basic concepts of rough set theory will be outlined and its possible application will be briefly discussed. Further research problems will conclude the paper.
Although sorting techniques (e.g. card sorts) are widely used in knowledge acquisition and requirements acquisition, they have received little formal attention compared to related techniques such as repertory grids and laddering. This paper briefly describes the main sorting techniques, and then provides a detailed tutorial on one variety (repeated single-criterion sorts), using a worked example. Guidelines for choice and sequencing of techniques are given, both in relation to varieties of sorting technique and in relation to other techniques. It is concluded that the sorting techniques are a valuable part of the elicitor's methodological toolkit.
This article gives an overview of the Rough Set Exploration System (RSES). RSES is a freely available software system toolset for data exploration, classification support and knowledge discovery. The main functionalities of this software system are presented along with a brief explanation of the algorithmic methods used by RSES. Many of the RSES methods have originated from rough set theory introduced by Zdzislaw Pawlak during the early 1980s.
The discernibility matrices and functions in information systems
  • A Skowron
  • C Rauszer
Skowron, A., Rauszer, C.: The discernibility matrices and functions in information systems. In: Slowinski, R. (ed.) Intelligent Decision Support: Handbook of Applications and Advances in Rough Set Theory, vol. 11, pp. 259-300. Kluwer Academic Publishers (1992)
The rough set exploration system. Transactions on Rough Sets III
  • J G Bazan
  • M Szczuka
Bazan, J.G., Szczuka, M.: The rough set exploration system. Transactions on Rough Sets III LNCS 3400, 37–56 (2005)