
[Population health risk from chemical air pollutants in a city with developed pulp and paper industry]

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Objective: to assess an effect of chemical contaminants contained in emissions of pulp and paper mill on prevalence respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in population of Novodvinsk. The average annual concentrations of chemicals of concern were calculated by modeling. A prevalence of population was studied by using of the primary medical documentation in sex among children from 0 to 17 and adults from 65 and older Hazard index (HIi) was used to assess the non-cancer health effects. Unit risk was used to calculate individual cancer risk (CR). Testing of null hypothesis was conducted by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and ?2. The hazard index for respiratory tract (HIi = 3,54; 95% CI: 3.34-3.70) and cardiovascular system (HIi = 0.78; 95% /DE: 0.74-0.82) in the district close to the Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill (APPM) were higher than in remote districts. In this district the prevalence of bronchial asthma in boys (30.7+13.8%), women (47.0+9.8%) and men (127.4+45.2%) was the highest. Also in this district the prevalence of hypertension among women (139.1+14.4%) and men (311.5+56.1%), diseases of veins among women (48.2+10.8%) and diseases of upper respiratory tract among men (177.0+36.4%) was higher than in remote districts from the APPM. The level of CR in the district located close by the APPM was acceptable (1.0 (10-5; 95% CI: 9.0 (10-6-1, 18(10-5).

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... As of date, air pollution and its influence on health of population is one of the most actual problems [3,5,8,9]. Analysis of clinical and experimental works proved direct correlation dependency of the level of air pollution and frequency of origin of pulmonary pathology [2,7,[10][11][12]. ...
... As of date, air pollution and its influence on health of population is one of the most actual problems [3, 5, 8, 9]. Analysis of clinical and experimental works proved direct correlation dependency of the level of air pollution and frequency of origin of pulmonary pathology [2, 7,101112. It has been established that the main pathogenetic link in the development of pulmonary diseases is disorder of the surface activity of lung surfactant, whose synthesis and secretion is done by the alveolocytes of II type [1, 6]. ...
Zaiats L.M., Savchuk R.M., Zukow W. Ultrastructural changes of alveolocytes of ii type and surface activity of lung surfactant under the influence of air pollutants. Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;4(10):33-38. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Retrieved from DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5115.7765 The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1107. (17.12.2013). © The Author (s) 2014; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Radom University in Radom, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. Conflict of interest: None declared. Received: 10.06.2014. Revised 07.09.2014. Accepted: 02.10.2014. ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF ALVEOLOCYTES OF II TYPE AND SURFACE ACTIVITY OF LUNG SURFACTANT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AIR POLLUTANTS Zaiats L.M., Savchuk R.M., Zukow W. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland Abstract The condition of lung surfactant system of 72 male white rats of “Vistar” line in two zones was studied in dynamics (30, 60, 90 days) using electronic-microscope and physical methods. Zone I – ecologically clean zone, zone II – distant part of the city with developed industry. The sampling of lung tissue for electronic-microscopic examination was carried out under ketamine anaesthesia. For examination of the surface activity of lung surfactant was used bronchoalveolar lavage obtained after washing of lungs by physiological solution. There was determined that in the conditions of industrial atmosphere pollution the surface activity of lung surfactant decreased as a result of dysfunction of ultrastructural organization of alveolocytes of II type. The most expressed changes of the lung surfactant system were observed after 60 days of influence of air pollutants. In the alveolocytes of II type is observed the development of edema. A-II nuclei are increased in volume and have karyoplasms of low electronic-optical density. Perinuclear space is dilated. Mitochondria are increased in volume with shortened and disoriented cristas. Components of Golgi apparatus and granular endoplasm grid are dilated. The quantity of ribosomes on membranes of the latter is reduced. In addition to that, fragmentation of membranes of granular endoplasm grid is observed. Significant part of the lamellar bodies is partially filled with phospholipid materials. The surface activity of lung surfactant decreased. Key words: air pollutants, lungs, alveolocytes of II type, surfactant.
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Introduction. Environmental pollution remains a significant problem worldwide, is the cause of increased mortality and, in turn, a factor in reducing life expectancy. The influence of the environment and pollution of the atmospheric basin by aeropollutants, causes mainly the development of diseases not only of the respiratory system, but also of the cardiovascular, digestive, and endocrine systems. Objective. To study the epidemiological situation and the prognostic significance of risk factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications in persons living in different ecological-biogeochemical zones. Materials and methods. A study on the relationship of risk factors to health indicators, classified as health and environmental monitoring, was conducted with the participation of 263 men and 35 women aged 18-65 working in industrial (chemical) production. According to catamnesis, 367 cases of men and women aged 39-57 were analysed. Results. The conducted studies show the effect of aeropollutants on the progression of the atherosclerotic process with coronary heart disease.
Objective. To give medical and ecological evaluation for the epidemiology of colon cancer (CC) between 2000 and 2010 in Arkhangelsk oblast (AO) by the data of regional population cancer registry (ARCR). Materials and methods. Data on all cases of CC (C18.0-C18.9) in the AO in 2000-2010 were extracted from the database of the ARCR. The incidence and mortality from CС by sex, age, place of residence and tumor location studied. Adjustment for age was performed using WHO 2000 age standard. Data on population number were extracted from Arkhangelskstat. Results. Over the study period, 3267 cases of the CC were registered. Crude and standardized CC incidence increased during the period by 44.3% and 27.44, respectively. Mortality from CC in 2010 was 12.5 per 100 000 population. Epidemiological indicators are higher than in average in Russia, showing the same dynamics. Probability to get CC progressively elevates with age accounting 5.5 and 8.1 vs 190.3 and 142.3 per 100 000 male and female population at age 40-49 vs 70 years and older, respectively. Crude CC incidence in AO is higher in the female population while standardized one was higher among males. This is explained by a much smaller proportion of the males in older age groups and confirms the importance of standardization. The CC incidence rates are lower in rural population comparatively to urban one. Levels and trends of CC incidence among inhabitants of cities with pulp and paper plants were similar to that in other cities of AO. Conclusions. Epidemiological model for CC in both AO and Russia in whole shows progressively increasing incidence and mortality with relatively small gap between them and substantially differs from that in developed countries. Pulp and paper industry does not influence on CC incidence.
The cross-sectional epidemiological study has been performed to identify peculiarities of health risk factors perception by different categories of medical workers in the Vologda Hospital. Radioactive (91.4 %), chemical (87.6 %) and microbiological (73.7 %) pollution was perceived by the respondents as bringing the highest risk to health. The average risk factors included genetic and biological factors (61.7 %), emergency situations (58.8 %) and lifestyle factors (45.0 %). Physical and climatic factors and factors of life quality were perceived to be least hazardous. There were detected statistically significant differences in subjective perception of certain risk factors between doctors and nursing staff.
With the application of the method of risk assessment, there have been studied effects of chemicals in food on the population health in the Omsk region in the period 1996-2012. The level of contamination of food with chemical carcinogens increased in the periods 1996-2004 and 2009-2012. The population carcinogenic risk was 5 × 10⁻⁴ and 6.6 × 10⁻⁴ respectively (the levels unacceptable for the population on the whole). The risk of noncancer effects was assessed taking into account influence on the critical organs (systems). The value of the hazard index (HI) > 1 (not acceptable) in the period 1996-2004, was received for the effects on the nervous system (central and peripheral), the cardiovascular system and skin; in the period 2009-2012, the critical organs and systems were the endocrine, cardiovascular, central nervous, urinary systems, the gastrointestinal tract, the blood system, the immune system, skin. Generally in the period 1994-2012, the levels of toxicants’ effects in food increased, what caused an increased number of the organs (systems) - targets. Due to the content of chemicals, mainly arsenic, the main food groups with adverse effects on the human body were bakery goods and products of grain processing.
In the article, there have been presented the results of the occupational diseases risk prediction in assemblers of vessel metal hulls (VMH) of the Northern Region Machine Building Plant. Assessment of the VMH assemblers working conditions has been made on the ground of the materials of the assessment of workplaces and sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the working conditions composed for the patients suspected of having occupational diseases according to Guidance P 2.2.2006-05. The occupational diseases risk has been predicted on the ground of the hygienic criteria of assessment of working conditions, as well as the regulatory and methodical documents approved in the established procedure. It has been determined that according to the harmful factors impact stated in Guidance P 2.2.2006-05, the VMH assemblers working conditions were referred to hazard classes 3.2 and 3.3 described by high antecedent risk of occupational diseases in the period of working activity, what was confirmed by the long-term average annual levels of occupational morbidity that significantly (p<0.001) exceeded similar indices in the control group (employees of the machine workshops). On the ground of the made assessment of the working conditions and the results of the occupational diseases antecedent risk prediction, managerial decisions focused on preservation of the VMH assemblers health should foresee implementation of top-priority measures for reduction of local vibration and noise generated by hand tools, as well as optimization of microclimate parameters and labor burden reduction.
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The growing incidence of child cancer in the Republic of Dagestan testifies troubled environmental situation. This is why it is critical to define dependence between child cancer incidence and impact of environmental factors in the Republic’s regions with troubled environmental conditions. In this study for the first time, we have conducted a comprehensive medical and ecological monitoring and an analysis of the total child cancer incidence in the Republic of Dagestan based on our multiyear data. The key methods of used research were a routine and look back analysis of the regional health indicators, the cartographic method, mathematic and cartographic modeling and the methods of medical and geographical analysis. We have identified epidemiological peculiarities of the child cancer incidence. A cartographic document has been made to show a geographic association of child cancer with different regions and towns of the Republic. Ecological, geographical and epidemiological assessment based on mathematical and cartographic modeling made it possible to divide the territory of the Republic into districts according to the degrees of environmental problems and to forecast the child cancer incidence. The results of this research can be used in working out a policy and strategies in the field of social and economic development, environmental monitoring and the healthcare system in the Republic of Dagestan; they will help to develop scientifically based recommendations for cancer prevention important for the Republic’s districts, which can be used by the Dagestan Ministry of Health institutions to screen the children’s health status.
A comparative analysis of the trace elements content (Cr, Cu, Ni) in the hair of the surveyed groups of people with skin diseases and healthy persons (the control group) living in Surgut, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra, has been conducted. It has been determined, that the content of the trace elements in the hair of the groups of patients with dermatoses and healthy people differed significantly. It has been found that the content of the trace elements in the hair of the examinees with skin diseases compared to the control group was significantly higher. The Chrome concentration was the maximum.
The complex studies on assessing the microecological status of the upper respiratory ways (URW) have been performed in schoolchildren of senior classes living in centers of chemical industry. Some features of adaptive-compensatory responses of the immune system have been determined. The result analysis of the microecological and immunological studies of the respiratory tract allowed to detect inhibition of the respiratory ways colonizational resistance, changes in the qualitative properties of the microorganisms, decreased local immunity of URW and common organism resistance. Disorders of the microecological status of the teenagers’ respiratory ways mucosa in body disadaptation can result in development of clinically pronounced pathologies and aggravation of the respiratory organs’ diseases.
Currently around the world, environmental pollution remains a significant problem causing increased mortality rates and a factor of reduced life expectancy. Admittedly, influence of the environment that is pollution of atmosphere with air pollutants, results in preferential development of the respiratory system diseases. However, effects of different pollutants on human bodies are not limited only to bronchopulmonary changes. Recently, a number of studies were conducted and proved a relation between levels and types of atmospheric air pollution and diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems. Earnest data about harmful effects of air pollutants on the cardiovascular system was obtained in the recent decade. In the review, there has been analyzed information both about the relation between different cardiovascular diseases and the aeropollutants' effects and their possible pathogenetic interrelations.
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