
Development of new field-installable connectors for FTTH

  • Furukawa Fitel Optical Device
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Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) services have achieved wide penetration in recent years, and seem likely to grow even faster in the future. Thus, in the process of servicing subscribers' homes with fiber to provide optical internet access, there is a growing need for shorter work times and lowering requirement for expertise in installation personnel. Specifically in the splicing process-whether mechanical or fusion-it is necessary to handle the excess lengths of fiber that remain after splicing and this has been a time-consuming process. Another problem arises from the need, at the time of service changeover, to cut fibers and then repeat the installation process. In an effort to solve these problems we have developed optical connectors that can be joined directly to drop cables and indoor cables at any point from the aerial closure to inside the subscriber's premises, in several types according to the location in which they are used.

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... In order to realize FTTH (Fiber to the Home) economically, it is necessary to join ends of optical fiber more quickly and to store the joint more easily. To achieve this, various joining techniques had already been developed123, and we have reported the Mechanical Splice4567 for single fiber and the Field-Installable connectors56. However, techniques for faster assembly and techniques that can be applied more easily are required. ...
... A compact and light-weight tool (wedge unit) that can be engaged in the connector beforehand has been developed. This tool has the same function as the tool previously reported [7].Figure 5 shows the structure of the wedge unit. The wedge unit is composed of two wedges and one wedge launcher. ...
We have developed a Field-Installable optical connector which can be assembled easily and quickly in order to realize FTTH (Fiber To The Home) economically. To achieve a high-speed and easy assembly, the Field-Installable optical connector contains a pre-set tool and has the ability to grip the cable within the connector body. The Field-Installable optical connector has a mean connection loss of 0.22 dB and has passed various reliability tests. The test results confirmed that the Field-Installable optical connector can be successfully employed in the field in FTTH.
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