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Recent Developments in Thinking about the Future: An Overview for Policymakers

  • Ecole des Ponts Business School; University of New Brunswick; University of Stavanger


My aim in this lecture is to provide a snapshot of some the recent thinking about why and how we can use the future for decision-making, inside and outside of government. I want to start with an overview of some of the reasons why we invest in thinking about the future and then go on to discuss in greater detail recent developments in the theory and practice of using the future for decision-making.
Adapve Governance
for a Changing World
Edited by
Wu Wei Neng
Can governments and public policies
adapt to succeed and thrive in an
increasingly complex and contested
Drawing from lectures delivered at the
Civil Service College, Singapore, by
leading speakers in governance and
policy, economics, public engagement
and leadership and organisaon
development, this book highlights
new pathways and possibilies for
governments, along with innovave
tools like design thinking and
strategic futures. It represents an
invitaon for policymakers to pracce
adapve governance more
resilient, responsive, collaborave
and entrepreneurial in a rapidly
changing world.
ISBN: 978-981-09-7879-2
Adapve Governance for a Changing World Edited by Wu Wei Neng
Adapve Governance
for a Changing World
Edited by
Wu Wei Neng
ISBN: 978-981-09-7879-2
© 2016 Civil Service College, Singapore
All rights reserved. No part of this publicaon may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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holder, applicaon for which should be addressed to the Civil Service College.
For feedback or comments, please email
Civil Service College
31 North Buona Vista Road, Singapore 275983
About the Civil Service College
The Civil Service College, Singapore is a statutory board under the Public Service Division
with a mission to develop people for a rst-class Public Service. As the public sector’s
core instuon for training, learning, research and sta development, the College builds
strategic capacity in governance, leadership, public administraon and management for
a networked government in Singapore.
Naonal Library Board, Singapore Cataloguing-in-Publicaon Data
Names: Wu, Wei Neng, editor. | Civil Service College, Singapore, publisher.
Title: Adapve governance for a changing world / editor, Wu Wei Neng.
Other tles: Civil Service College lectures
Descripon: Singapore : Civil Service College, Singapore, [2015]
Ideners: OCN 930432184 | ISBN 978-981-09-7879-2
Subjects: LCSH: Public administraon. | Economic policy. | Social policy. | Polical
planning. | Leadership. | Organizaonal change.
Classicaon: LCC JF1351 | DDC 351--dc23
Typeset and printed in Singapore by Design Fusion Pte Ltd.
Overview by Noel Bay 9
A New Generaon of Leaders: 13
Embrace Complexity, Harness Human Nature
Lecture by Eric Bonabeau, summary by Anuradha Shro
Innovaons in Governance and Leadership 21
Lecture by Augusne O’Donnell, summary by Vernie Oliveiro
The Art of Public Strategy 31
Lecture by Geo Mulgan, summary by Celine Lim
Overview by Charmaine Tan 43
Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy 49
Lecture by Anatole Kaletsky, summary by Charmaine Tan
The Return of Industrial Policy 59
Lecture by Dani Rodrik, summary by Alisha Gill
Falling Behind: Income Inequality and Middle Class Disaecon 71
Lecture by Robert Frank, summary by Amanda Chan
Evoluon, Economics and the Origin of Wealth: 83
How Complexity Changes the Way We Think about the Economy
Lecture by Eric Beinhocker, summary by Charmaine Tan
Overview by Alisha Gill 99
E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century 107
Lecture by Robert Putnam, summary by Jeanne Conceicao
Achieving Inclusive Growth 125
Lecture by David Autor and Alan Manning, summary by Amanda Chan
Addressing Complex Social Challenges: 143
Why We Get Stuck and How to Get Unstuck
Lecture by Adam Kahane, summary by Alisha Gill
Creang Public Innovaon through Collaboraon: 151
Government, Business and the Social Services Sector
Lecture by Peter Shergold, summary by Cheryl Wu
Overview by Wu Wei Neng 165
Innovaon in Government: Leveraging Design to Radically 173
Improve Public Policies and Services
Lecture by Chrisan Bason, summary by Noel Bay
Recent Developments in Thinking about the Future: 187
An Overview for Policymakers
Lecture by Riel Miller, summary by Anuradha Shro
Applying Behavioural Insight 201
Lecture by David Halpern, summary by Celine Lim
Overview by Wu Wei Neng 211
Leadership in Our Time: The Era of “Truthiness” and Twier 219
Lecture by Howard Gardner, summary by Kharina Zainal
A New Culture of Learning: Culvang the Imaginaon 229
for a World of Constant Change
Lecture by John Seely Brown, summary by Noel Bay
Formulang an OD Plan and Impacng Organisaon 241
Performance from a Systemic Perspecve
Lecture by Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge, summary by Anuradha Shro
Recent Developments in Thinking
about the Future: An Overview
for Policymakers
Summary by Anuradha Shro*
Dr Riel Miller is currently with the United Naons Educaonal,
Scienc and Cultural Organisaon (UNESCO) in Paris. He is the
former Head of Foresight at UNESCO. His career spans 13 years at the
Organisaon for Economic Co-operaon and Development (OECD),
in the Directorates of Economics; Science and Technology; Educaon;
Territorial Development; and Internaonal Futures Programme;
almost a decade in the senior management with a range of ministries
in the Government of Ontario; and 7 years running an independent
consultancy, Xperidox Futures Consulng. His primary experse is
the design and implementaon of processes that use the future to
understand the present.
* This arcle was revised by Dr Miller to include a number of talks and workshops he
conducted from 2010 to 2014 for policymakers in dierent parts of the world.1 One of
these was his lecture at the Civil Service College on 17 March 2010, menoned above.
Lecture by Riel Miller
“Raonality works best, that is, we generally get the kind
of results that we want, in a world where the choices are
very limited. Now, the reason for that is very simple. When
you structure the environment by rules, laws, and tools and
techniques, the players are constrained in certain direcons.
It is the constraints on the actors that help the decision-
maker. The more unconstrained the environment, through
lack of an eecve arcial structure, the more dicult it is
for people to make choices or to implement their choices in
eecve ways.
- Douglass North,
“Dealing with a Non-Ergodic World:
Instuonal Economics, Property Rights,
and the Global Environment”,
Duke Environmental and Law Policy Forum,
Vol. X, No. 1, Fall 1999
My aim in this lecture is to provide a snapshot of some the recent
thinking about why and how we can use the future for decision-making,
inside and outside of government. I want to start with an overview of
some of the reasons why we invest in thinking about the future and
then go on to discuss in greater detail the recent developments in the
theory and pracce of using the future for decision-making.
Reasons for Invesng in Thinking about the Future
Why do the governments of certain countries decide to think about
the future of their society in more explicit and self-searching ways?
In my experience there are a number of factors. One is size: smaller
countries have a heighted awareness of inter-dependency and hence
the need to think out loud about strategic choices. Another is historical
experience: countries that have undergone periods of rapid catch-up
like Korea, Ireland and Finland are not only sensive to the potenal
for signicant change but also to what comes next. What happens
once a country catches up with leading edge social, economic and
technological condions? What happens when imitaon and the best
pracces of other countries no longer oer sucient inspiraon or
guidance? Finally, there are some governments which realise they are
not alone in pursing the current policy consensus; every jurisdicon
in the world might be chasing similar goals, using similar policies,
hoping for beer and faster innovaon, coming up with producve
research and development, invesng more in educaon, cung-edge
informaon technology, etc. And so they ask: will everyone win the
race? And even if they succeed, will there be more jobs or less? All
these quesons can movate governments to engage in more in-
depth exploraons of the future.
Events can also encourage a wide range of social actors to invest in
thinking about the future. For instance, the 2008–2009 nancial crisis
sparked such eorts from a pre-empve or preventave perspecve.
Oen when things break down there is a tendency to revisit the past,
to wonder where mistakes were made. If something had been done
dierently, could the crisis have been avoided? Why did the economists
not see the crisis coming? Are there ways to avoid a similar crisis or
breakdown in the future? What then needs to be done to ensure that
the experts and visionary leaders are suciently prescient to navigate
a safe passage through crises? All these quesons generate many
opportunies to conduct new research and consultaons about the
future. Yet, as many praccing members of the futures community
can aest, things go back to “normal” aer a while and the interest in
thinking about the future tapers o.
Today there are addional reasons to invest in thinking about the
future: a growing appreciaon and understanding of the complex
emergent nature of reality and our growing desire and capacity
to embrace freedom. For decision-making systems, the crical
188 189
dierence is the extent to which the openness or non-determinisc
character of complexity and freedom is taken into account. For a long
me, decision-making systems and processes were designed to work
with systems assumed to have a high degree of closure. A chess game
is a good example of the systemic assumpons underpinning these
approaches: it is complicated but highly bounded and is a closed
system of given resources, rules and goals. Assuming that reality is
currently a closed system and will remain closed in the future, makes
decision-making easier. In this context computers and stascal data
systems can be very helpful, though this approach can run into trouble
if the theory underlying the model or the quality of the data is poor.
Yet the premise for this kind of decision-making is that we treat reality
as if it was a closed system. However, reality is not a closed system —
it is open and creave!
Because of this, we need a beer understanding of the dierences
and implicaons of integrang complexity into decision-making
systems. How does one take into account “unknowable unknowns”2
or “new” aspects of the present that were previously impossible
to include or address from within exisng closed frameworks? In
short, it is important to take complexity into account today, not only
because we know that the future is not necessarily determined by
the past3, but, more crucially, because we want to embrace freedom
in all its indeterminacy and diversity. Happily, these values seem
to correspond to the basic characteriscs of our emergent and
ancipatory universe, and constute a major reason for developing
humanity’s capacity to understand and use ancipatory systems — in
other words, the future.
This raonale for invesng in thinking about the future can be
illustrated easily if we think about economic transformaons
and nancial crises in complex, open and emergent, eco-system
terms. From this perspecve, banks can be thought of as sharks —
destrucve but also creave in the sense of seng up constraints
that generate and shape the failure or success of emergent
“unknowable unknowns”, at both micro and macro levels. Even the
excesses, the over- and under-shoong of speculaon and prudence,
can be seen as sources of serendipity and creavity — opening
up new, somemes wild opportunies. By taking an open eco-
systems perspecve, we transform both the incapacity to predict
and the inability to avoid failure, death and destrucon, into a way
of embracing complex emergence. Not only can we adopt a more
“realisc” perspecve by acknowledging that excess and failure are
“normal”, we can also embrace the posive side of uncertainty as
a source of both freedom and diversicaon, the laer being the
“gold standard” risk reducon strategy.
How does one reconcile the roles played by novelty and “creave
destrucon” when it comes to decision-making? Are we not obliged
to eventually close the systems we are analysing by adopng
simplifying assumpons and then, ulmately, making an irrevocable
bet? The answer is obviously “yes” and many methods that address
this challenge exist, as discussed extensively by many researchers.4
Much progress is being made; however, one potenally promising
contribuon to the integraon of openness into the decision-making
process arises from a beer understanding of how to use the future.
The main take-away is that a beer understanding of ancipatory
systems and the many dierent ways of “using-the-future” enable
decision-makers to signicantly improve their capacity to take into
account the incredible richness of a creave universe.
As the opening quote from the Nobel Prize winning economist
Douglass North makes clear, so-called raonal decision-making works
best when our choices are very limited. These are circumstances when
we assume that we can structure our understanding of the decision-
making context using a known and given set of rules, laws, tools and
techniques. Under such circumstances the players are constrained
in ways that facilitate a certain type of decision-making. In more
190 191
unconstrained environments, such an approach can ignore crical
factors and miss both opportunies and threats that are outside or
marginal in the context of the assumed framework. In today’s world,
such approaches not only ignore the scienc consensus about
complex emergent reality but also fail to integrate our desire to
develop our capacity to be free.
Today there are addional reasons to
invest in thinking about the future: a
growing appreciaon and understanding
of the complex emergent nature of reality
and our growing desire and capacity to
embrace freedom.
Advancing the Integraon of Complexity into Decision-
Enhancing the integraon of complexity into the decision-making
process remains a signicant challenge to exisng approaches. Moving
forward calls for the recognion of the following four key points.
(1) It is essenal to disnguish search from choice. The processes
for creang a menu are not the same as that of selecng an item
on the menu. Obviously there are many points of interacon
between the arculaon and comprehension of choices and
the selecon of a parcular opon. However, when a choice is
made in the hope that it realises or avoids a parcular future
scenario, it is by necessity founded on a prior explicit or implicit
decision to adopt a set of ancipatory assumpons that closes
the system. This is because the future is not knowable; it does
not exist and can only be imagined by that set of ancipatory
assumpons describing the condions that might apply at a
later point in me. This is why processes that engage people in
arculang their ideas about the future quickly force into the
open the ancipatory assumpons that determine the contours
of such imaginary futures.
(2) The Discipline of Ancipaon (DoA), which I will further elaborate
upon later, oers an ancipatory systems perspecve on using
the future. It disnguishes between three dierent kinds of
future from the point of view of decision-making or conscious
ancipaon.5 The rst two types of ancipaon preparaon
and planning — work within closed system assumpons, for
example, preparing for a conngent event like a disaster, or
planning a birthday party or the construcon of a bridge. The last
type of ancipaon involves the invenon of “open tomorrows”,
otherwise known as “creave” futures that incorporate novelty,
without necessarily applying such futures to the tasks of
preparaon or predicon. Disnguishing between these three
dierent uses of the future provides important analycal and
praccal clarity for the design and implementaon of eorts to
think about the future.
(3) New tools are being created and tested that make it easier to
detect, invent and make sense of the richness of specic,
ephemeral, novel reality. Unlike stascal or scale oriented
systems and processes, these methods are not seeking absolute
descripons of reality that remain constant over me. Rather the
aims and techniques of these “collecve intelligence knowledge
laboratories” facilitate the development of me-place specic
frameworks, models, variables, metrics and vocabularies. These
processes are about appreciang context and making sense of
the dierences and repeons that characterise the present.
Crically, this requires a paral suspension of what is known of
exisng closed systems and previous ancipatory assumpons.
Hence the importance, as an avenue to both sense-making and
192 193
“making sense” of novelty, of being able to rst recognise the
ancipatory assumpons at the origin of the imaginary futures
we use to perceive reality and then to enhance our capacity to
invent new futures.
(4) Fourth, the role of developing Futures Literacy, as a set of
capabilies, may be seen as changing the condions of change
that underpin decision-making, expanding the idea of a human
agency beyond a determinisc framework. Part of what it means
to change people’s capacity to use the future is dicult to
grasp from within the dominant frameworks, both for decision-
making purposes and from the points of view of agencies. The
trouble is the underlying assumpon that the ulity of the future
for decision-making is fundamentally probabilisc and hence
thinking about the future is about calculang the likelihood of a
plan or preparatory measures being successful. Certainly there
is considerable scope for enhancing the way the future is used
from a closed systems perspecve. For instance, being able to
enlarge the menu of choices can be seen as a strong raonale for
bringing a variety of creave techniques to discover, inspire and
create opons within a probabilisc closed system for imagining
the future. However there is another approach to the raonale
for “good” decision-making that oers a more balanced take on
planning versus improvisaon or degrees of closure considered
necessary for “sound” decision-making.
I call the previous eorts to simultaneously operaonalise respect
for two disnct and oen contradictory paradigms “walking on
two legs”. One leg is the familiar use of the future for planning and
preparaon, the second is about non-planning or “not-doing”. The
laer is an alternave perceptual and strategic framework which does
not seek the raonale for current acon on the grounds of a causal
connecon to what might happen in the future. It instead departs
from the dominant belief that a beer future requires pre-empon
or planning; the ancipatory system it is built on enables a dierent
appreciaon of specicity, including a greater openness to novelty
(“unknown unknowns”).
The second leg also plays a crical role in facilitang spontaneity
and improvisaon and potenal sources of diversicaon, to
counterbalance the colonising and path-dependent approaches to
a “beer” tomorrow. Broadening our approach to ancipaon, the
creavity of the universe marked by the occurrence of uncertaines
(“unknown unknowns”) that can disrupt plans, preparaons and
expectaons — turns uncertainty into an asset.
Futures Literacy and the Discipline of Ancipaon
The Discipline of Ancipaon (DoA) describes a set of competencies
that enables Future Literacy (FL). It rests on a clear set of premises
that maps out the nature of the future in abstract and applied
categories. This gives us the means to organise the theory and
pracce of using the imaginary future (i.e., conscious ancipaon). It
also oers a framework for the systemac and cumulave acquision
of knowledge that is characterisc of a specialised discipline.
The DoA consists of three main proposions:
(1) We live in an ancipatory universe that gives rise to many
dierent forms of ancipaon, including ancipatory systems
embedded in non-conscious enes as well as the more familiar
human, decision-oriented systems for preparaon, planning and
improvisaon. The DoA builds on the fundamental recognion
that the universe is ancipatory because of me and moon.
This fact allows ancipaon to be incorporated or expressed in
many forms, processes and systems. One obvious example is a
tree that loses its leaves, another is the human immune system
that ancipates a virus — both are non-conscious forms of
194 195
ancipaon. There is also a whole range of dierent types of
ancipatory systems that humans use consciously.
(2) At a praccal level there are three broad categories of
conscious ancipaon — conngent (“planning”), opmisaon
(“preparaon”) and novelty (“invenon”). Understanding the
dierences and similaries between these three categories
is crucial for the design of eecve ancipatory systems
and processes. Simply put, eorts that aim to achieve the
outcomes required for closed systems thinking and as a form of
determinisc planning, need to be carefully disnguished from
eorts meant to sustain openness, inspire novelty and nourish
improvisaon. This does not mean that there cannot be creave
planning and invenve adapon within the connes of closed,
probabilisc planning, but that the methods and expectaons of
such ancipatory systems may miss or obscure dierences, such
as unnamed or sll unnameable novel phenomena. In parcular,
the novelty that constantly emerges from a vast range of natural,
serendipitous, unintended and intended experimentaon (at the
level of me-place specic context) is oen invisible or obscured
by probabilisc ancipatory systems and processes that are
rooted in the past.
(3) New tools (otherwise known as “collecve intelligence knowledge
laboratories”) for appreciang the specicity of the world around
us, including repeon and dierence, are emerging. In the same
way that rigorous stascal data collecon depends on careful
theory and pracce (i.e., the specicaon of models, variables
and data collecon methods), so too are the eorts to grasp
emergent reality as it happens, by using methods that can detect,
invent and make sense of novelty at all levels, including very
limited or local phenomena that characterises the richness of a
specic context.
Applying the capacies of FL to the understanding of the DoA makes
thinking about the future more ecient and eecve, as it provides
a clear set of guidelines for (1) specifying the nature of the task
being undertaken and (2) idenfying the right tools for the task. But
the broader impact of FL is its inherent power of using the future
to understand the present, the choices we see and the decisions we
make. The future can be used like a dye dropped onto a microscope
slide — it provides contrast, reveals system boundaries, intra- and
inter-relaonships, and elements that are new, in ascendance or in
decline. Without suggesng that systemic boundaries are xed, Table
1 represents the ways in which the future can help to idenfy dierent
systems and system boundaries as well as help to clarify the strategic
stance being adopted by decision-makers. For examples, are they
working on reform, conned to a closed system, inside-in endogenous
change? Are they trying to understand how internal or external
novelty and systemic change may alter the nature, percepons or
aconable opons of an exisng and bounded system? Or are they
contemplang orthogonal emergence, the paradigmacally disnct
and at mes novel systems, that might open up ideas of enrely new
strategic opons?
Table 1. Using the future to think about inter- and intra-systemic
Change within the system Change outside the system
Inside-in Inside-out
Outside-in Outside-out
The diagnosc and strategic implicaons of FL are signicant. A beer
grasp of how to use the future enables decision-makers to choose
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methods that are jused on the basis of a theory of what the future is
and therefore the techniques to use to understand it. Understanding
the DoA makes it praccal to move away from a narrow and oen
erroneous use of the future as a target that can be predicted. Of
course, the future can sll be instrumentalised as the source of a goal
that structures percepon and acon, but with the DoA the limits and
dangers of “walking on one leg” become clear.
Today, for governments and policymakers, it is important to disnguish
eorts that explore and leverage novel, emergent complexity from
eorts that hope to colonise the world of tomorrow. Being able to
make these disncons and apply the appropriate tools to their
strategic and policy formaon processes calls for an enhanced capacity
to use the future — they must become FL by gaining an understanding
of the DoA. How leaders respond will tell a strategic story: are they
focused exclusively on inside-in change? Do they grasp novel outside-
out systemic changes and the interacons with exisng systems?
Do they consider extra systemic change as a threat, an opportunity
or just irrelevant? Can they lead by using the future dierently, for
example, by expanding their use of the future to encompass more
than the determinisc planning paradigms of the past?
There is no way of knowing how these choices will aect future
outcomes. However, it is sll the responsibility of those in power to
decide. How they decide to use the future is already an important
choice. In closing, here are a number of currently unresolved dilemmas
that could be recast by developing FL — a change in the condions
of change. How can greater freedom be reconciled with collecve
choice? Can greater diversity be embraced without fragmentaon
and chaos? Can greater creavity be fostered without increasing
burnout and stress? How does one inspire responsibility? Or manage
risks without hierarchy? Or achieve respect for complexity while
sll gaining a depth of understanding? Perhaps a more theorecally
informed and praccally rened way of using the future might oer
new ways of thinking about these issues.
1. A few recent keynote speeches: “Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO
and the Discipline of Ancipaon,” Symposium, Science and Technology
Policy Instute (STEPI), Seoul, South Korea, 22 April 2014; Advancing
Futures Literacy,Conference: Foresight and the Arab World, Arab League
Educaon, Culture and Scienc Organisaon (ALECSO), Tunis, Tunisia, 22
September 2014; “Educaon versus Learning: Changing Concepons of
Agency by Using the Future Dierently,” Annual Conference on Excellence
and Innovaon in Educaon 2014: The Creavity — Innovaon Challenge,
The Internaonal Centre for Innovaon in Educaon, Paris, France, 9 July
2014; “Dawn of the Second Machine Age: Technological Revoluon and
its Eects on Human Capital,” 25th Anniversary Foresight Series, American
Chamber of Commerce Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June 2014;
Ancipatory Leadership: Using the Future to Transform the Present,
Annual Learning Symposium, Associaon of Professional Execuves of
the Public Service of Canada (APEX), Oawa, Canada, 3 June 2014; “Using
Futures Literacy Knowledge Laboratories to Detect and Make Sense of
Change,” All Africa Futures Forum: Transforming African Futures, Wits
School of Governance, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa, 28 May 2014; “Higher School of Economics,” Annual Conference
on Foresight and STI Policy: Cooperaon, Coordinaon, and Challenges in
Foresight, Naonal Research University, Moscow, Russia, 31 October 2013
(video: hp://on-of-the-future/).
2. Ikka Tuomi, “Next Generaon Foresight in Ancipatory Organisaons,”
Background Study for the European Forum on Forward Looking Acvies,
European Commission and Oy Meaning Processing, 28 August 2013.
3. Ilya Prigogine, The End of Certainty (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997).
4. Ralph D Stacey, Strategic Management and Organisaonal Dynamics: The
Challenge of Complexity (Harlow, UK: Financial Times/Prence Hall, 2000);
David Snowden and Cynthia F Kurtz, “The New Dynamics of Strategy:
Sense-making in a Complex and Complicated World,IBM Systems Journal,
42, No. 3, 2003; Nassim N Taleb, An Fragile: Things that Gain from
Disorder (Random House, 2014); Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
(Penguin, 2011).
5. Note these disncons are also relevant to non-conscious ancipaon, but
not at the same level of reality. Evoluonary processes generate ancipatory
systems that fall into these dierent categories, but not due to conscious
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Full-text available
Smart city initiatives can be seen as a powerful driver for exploring future scenarios of contemporary cities through the lens of emerging technologies. Yet, the translation of those visions into actual urban implementations often fails to place the citizen experience at the forefront for the sake of the efficiency and optimization of urban processes and systems. Looking at the future as a design opportunity, this paper offers an alternative perspective to the technocentric and universalist approach on smart cities through a design-driven and human-centric approach. The article draws on a research initiative focused on mid-sized European cities, attempting to bridge the gap between strategic visions and innovative interventions towards a socio-technological hybridization of the city. Selected projects from this initiative present urban scenarios of adaptive street environments, responsive urban safety, and dynamic retail spaces developed through smart city tactics. Resulting from an inductive approach, a threefold design research model is then outlined: (1) grounded vision, addressing the ideation of alternative futures that stem from specific needs or local opportunities; (2) embraced technology, elaborating on the role played by urban technologies in augmenting the inner intelligence of places; and (3) urban co-evolution, fostering a mutually-constructive interaction between the urban players (citizens, researchers and designers, and stakeholders) for collaborative innovation. This framework may ultimately be employed in smart city projects to reveal latent future scenarios and eventually support the design of an environment and infrastructure where various parties can experiment, develop and test ideas, services and technologies in participatory ‘living labs’.
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Governments of the Republic of Korea have an exemplary record in providing leadership through published visions and strategies. This review is inspired by seven such endeavors conducted since 1999. All of these efforts use the future to motivate changes in the present. However, over time there has been a gradual shift in the content of the visions, revealing an unresolved tension between predictive targets based on bench-marking that is effective for emulation and a recognition that on the frontier of socio-economic change there are no knowable targets. As a result the capacity of strategic foresight processes to bring complexity and emergence to bear on the identification of opportunities in the present becomes more important. The perspective presented in this review can be summarized in three hypotheses: one is that South Korea is now at the frontier of existing socio-economic models and therefore catch-up and bench-marking are no longer sufficient foundations for South Korea’s vision, although still highly important for incremental improvement and competitive positioning on already existing markets/organizational aspects of society; two is that recent developments in strategic foresight theory and practice are enhancing the capacity to focus on complex, emergent systems that are rich with unforeseeable novelty and, critically, make a practical connection to the processes of sense making and making sense that are the basis for action; and three that South Korea is in a good position to invest in developing its strategic foresight capabilities on the basis of the outstanding track record of previous efforts to use the future for the benefit of all South Koreans.
Full-text available
In this paper, we challenge the universality of three basic assumptions prevalent in organizational decision support and strategy: assumptions of order, of rational choice, and of intent. We describe the Cynefin framework, a sense-making device we have developed to help people make sense of the complexities made visible by the relaxation of these assumptions. The Cynefin framework is derived from several years of action research into the use of narrative and complexity theory in organizational knowledge exchange, decision-making, strategy, and policy-making. The framework is explained, its conceptual underpinnings are outlined, and its use in group sense-making and discourse is described. Finally, the consequences of relaxing the three basic assumptions, using the Cynefin framework as a mechanism, are considered.
Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO and the Discipline of Anticipation Symposium, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) Advancing Futures Literacy
  • A Few
A few recent keynote speeches: " Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO and the Discipline of Anticipation, " Symposium, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, South Korea, 22 April 2014; " Advancing Futures Literacy, " Conference: Foresight and the Arab World, Arab League Education, Culture and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO), Tunis, Tunisia, 22
Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO and the Discipline of Anticipation
A few recent keynote speeches: "Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO and the Discipline of Anticipation," Symposium, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, South Korea, 22 April 2014; "Advancing Futures Literacy," Conference: Foresight and the Arab World, Arab League Education, Culture and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO), Tunis, Tunisia, 22
Annual Conference on Excellence and Innovation in Education 2014: The Creativity -Innovation Challenge, The International Centre for Innovation in Education
A few recent keynote speeches: "Towards a Futures Literate World: UNESCO and the Discipline of Anticipation," Symposium, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, South Korea, 22 April 2014; "Advancing Futures Literacy," Conference: Foresight and the Arab World, Arab League Education, Culture and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO), Tunis, Tunisia, 22 September 2014; "Education versus Learning: Changing Conceptions of Agency by Using the Future Differently," Annual Conference on Excellence and Innovation in Education 2014: The Creativity -Innovation Challenge, The International Centre for Innovation in Education, Paris, France, 9 July 2014; "Dawn of the Second Machine Age: Technological Revolution and its Effects on Human Capital," 25th Anniversary Foresight Series, American Chamber of Commerce Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June 2014;
Using Futures Literacy Knowledge Laboratories to Detect and Make Sense of Change
"Anticipatory Leadership: Using the Future to Transform the Present," Annual Learning Symposium, Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX), Ottawa, Canada, 3 June 2014; "Using Futures Literacy Knowledge Laboratories to Detect and Make Sense of Change," All Africa Futures Forum: Transforming African Futures, Wits School of Governance, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 28 May 2014; "Higher School of Economics," Annual Conference on Foresight and STI Policy: Cooperation, Coordination, and Challenges in Foresight, National Research University, Moscow, Russia, 31 October 2013 (video:
Background Study for the European Forum on Forward Looking Activities, European Commission and Oy Meaning Processing
  • Ikka Tuomi
Ikka Tuomi, "Next Generation Foresight in Anticipatory Organisations," Background Study for the European Forum on Forward Looking Activities, European Commission and Oy Meaning Processing, 28 August 2013.