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The book-trailer is a marketing resource created by publishing houses in order to spread and promote books in the digital environment. This article presents the findings of a research study focused on book-trailers as a paratext (Gray 2010) which may be used to develop the literary competence in the context of Pre-School classrooms. The results obtained show the importance of the book-trailer as a tool to develop the literary competence.
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... However, beyond their role as a tool promoting reading on the social networks, they can also reach an important level as an instrument for training readers. Along these lines, authors like Basaraba (2016), Bilushchak, Radkovets and Syerov (2020), Dimova, Slavova-Petkova and Luchev (2018), Grøn (2014), Ballester and Ibarra (2017), Lebrun, Lacelle andBoutin (2018), Lluch, Tabernero-Sala andCalvo (2015), Romero-Oliva et al. (2019), Romero-Oliva, Heredia-Ponce and Trigo-Ibáñez (2020), Rovira (2013Rovira ( , 2015, Tabernero-Sala (2015a, 2015b, 2018b and Tabernero-Sala and Calvo-Valios (2016) have examined in depth the possibilities offered by book trailers as a tool for developing reading-literary competence. ...
... From the results presented, it is inferred that the production of a book trailer involves a reflexive and indepth reading of the book on which it is based. In the previous line of research (Ballester e Ibarra, 2017;Basaraba, 2016;Bilushchak et al., 2020;Dimova et al., 2018;Grøn, 2014;Heredia-Ponce et al., 2020;Lebrun et al., 2018;Lluch et al., 2015;Romero-Oliva et al., 2019;Romero-Oliva et al., 2020;Rovira, 2013Rovira, , 2015Tabernero-Sala, 2015a, 2015b, 2018bTabernero-Sala & Calvo-Valios, 2016), the study conducted evidences, from observation and from the vicissitudes represented in the written reflections of students and in the interviews and discussion groups, how the teacher trainees approach this virtual promotional epitext to the extent that it represents a discursive multimodality in keeping with the digital society and how, through it, they perform the reading and analysis of the children's works. In this sense, the qualitative analysis of the data offers categories linked to four relevant aspects in higher education contexts: reading for re-writing between digital and analog paradigms (Lluch et al., 2015;Cordón-García, 2018); the shared construction of knowledge in the group proposal in line with fostering the critical reading that reflects in depth within the framework of hybridization (Wolf, 2020); an approach, thanks to the multimodal nature of the tool, to the pillars of discursive construction (ellipsis, metaphors, pacing of the sequences) in the virtual re-writing (Bader, 1976) and the intuitive projection of the emotional dimension of the discourse in the book trailer, from the perspective of a reading that generates mediation for the purpose of persuasion ). ...
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The new multimodal reading ecosystem currently contributes to the proposal of forms of mediation that take into account the hybridization of digital and analog paradigms. In this context, illustrated books intended for children can constitute an area of interest, since their discursive and aesthetic codes contribute to the development of multimodal reading strategies and to the positioning of the child reader before the information, at the same time that they generate pleasant reading and knowledge-building experiences. Accordingly, today’s publishing market requires a learning process from the mediator in order to develop the corresponding strategies with which to approach children’s books. Previous research has focused on the book trailer as a virtual epitext for the promotion of publications, and it has analyzed the identity of this tool to demonstrate its effectiveness in the promotion of reading. Along these lines, and with the purpose of verifying how this tool behaves in the introduction of future teachers to children’s books, an intervention is proposed that is based on the creation of book trailers. A total of 860 students from the Early Childhood and Primary Education teaching degree programs participated in the intervention. It included qualitative research that analyzed the documents/epitexts created by the students, written reflections within the framework of this project and the discourse collected a posteriori in interviews and discussion groups on the experience. The results reveal the potential that creating book trailers has for introducing teacher trainees to illustrated children’s books within the framework of the digital society.
Resum Aquesta investigació aborda la formació del nou cànon literari no acadèmic que es crea i es difon a través dels entorns virtuals entre iguals: concretament en blogs literaris o blogs que parlen de lectura i que ho fan en català. Actualment, la prescripció lectora tradicional pateix un procés de crisi i/o transformació per raons diverses. L’entorn virtual –i, en concret, la seua essència pública i participativa– ha generat canvis irreversibles, en totes i cadascuna de les esferes en què es desenvolupa. Tant en la creació, amb noves manifestacions literàries, individuals o col·lectives que eixamplen i desborden els límits del concepte tradicional de literatura i d’autoria; com en la recepció, la crítica literària i la prescripció lectora. Ens interessarà analitzar la identitat virtual amb què es presenten els administradors i administradores d’aquests blogs, molts dels quals utilitzen altres xarxes socials, com ara Instagram, per a difondre els seus continguts.
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Las redes sociales se han convertido en los últimos años en los espacios de relación y comunicación más habituales, sobre todo para los jóvenes, condicionando sus hábitos de expresión. En consecuencia, los autores literarios, la literatura, su enseñanza y las prácticas que de ello se derivan se hacen eco de esa influencia e impacto. El objeto de este trabajo es analizar la producción científica en español, en revistas especializadas, indexadas en Dialnet, en relación con la literatura y las redes sociales, desde el año 2016 hasta la actualidad. Se pretende identificar las prácticas vinculadas a la educación literaria en el contexto educativo español, determinando los aspectos más relevantes de estas. Se aplica una metodología sistematizada de selección, usando los estándares PRISMA y un análisis de contenido. Los resultados evidencian la escasez de estudios sobre el tema, pese al uso cada vez más generalizado de las redes, la necesidad de formación y alfabetización, y la utilización de las redes como recursos en Secundaria, en prácticas relacionadas con la literatura, la lectura y la escritura creativa. Especialmente destacan las experiencias con YouTube para el fomento de la lectura, y la escritura y narrativa con Instagram y Twitter.
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The most recent research studies in the field of reading describe a new cultural ecosystem in which analog and digital reading coexist and contribute to transform what is read, either through the way reading is performed or by promoting reading. In this context, the training of critical readers is particularly important, an aspect emphasized by UNESCO and the curriculum frameworks based on its premises. In order to provide data for reflection on this question, this paper presents an essentially qualitative and interpretive documentary study of a sample of 836 virtual epitexts that promote children’s picturebooks. The selected documents consist of the postings by 45 publishing houses between 2020 and 2022 on their YouTube and Vimeo channels. The results of the content analysis present the current tendencies in digital promotion of children’s books and the strategies most likely to encourage critical reading. The insistence on the author’s presence, the emphasis on the materiality of the book as an object, the strengthening of artistic discourse and the hybridization of reality and fiction, among other aspects, all propose a type of reading that favors the development of critical thinking. The results are complemented by a selection of virtual epitexts suggested to mediators and readers as resources of interest in promoting critical reading in socio-educational contexts.
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The aim of this study is to examine how one mode can transform into different modes by reproducing the writers’ cognitive perceptions based on transmedia storytelling. This was done using a minute-long eBook trailer created through the program Animoto. This article explores affordances for four different modes—texts, images, music, and space—as well as Animoto, a digital tool, in digital multimodal composition. The participants were 136 Korean EFL students from a Korean university whose CEFR level was mostly A2-B1. The data were gathered from their eBook trailer creating process, a questionnaire, and an individual interview. This study found that images, texts, music, and space are important considerations in constructing meaning in sequence but combining more than one mode offers better learning effects for writing. The participants’ reactions were that Animoto is a good fit for digital composition and computer skills are essential in digital writing. There was a preference for digital compositions with various modes over traditional text-based writing since they deemed traditional text alone to be limited in transmission. The results suggest that implementing a digital tool with effective guidelines for various modes is a good way to compose digital eBook trailers that help EFL learners to write.
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En el marco de la sociedad de la información se asiste a un cambio de paradigma en la lectura caracterizado por la convergencia del soporte papel y del digital, y por sus consecuentes desafíos. En este contexto, los libros ilustrados de no ficción se muestran como un formato de gran vitalidad editorial. Se trata de obras abiertas, sujetas a la interpretación crítica del lector, que se alejan del discurso enciclopédico tradicional en la confluencia entre arte y conocimiento. Como forma de promoción, el book-trailer se define como un peritexto virtual que genera significados, orienta la lectura y proyecta un lector modelo, inmerso en la cultura de la web social. Con la finalidad de identificar las claves que determinan este lector, se ha realizado un estudio exploratorio, sustentado en el análisis de contenido, sobre las características del book-trailer de libros ilustrados de no ficción dirigidos a la infancia. Como muestra, se seleccionaron 397 book-trailers de 50 editoriales. Los resultados de su análisis revelan que desde la promoción del libro de no ficción se define un modelo de lectura que incide especialmente en la fisicidad y en su propuesta artística, en una lectura interactiva, fragmentada y libre y también guiada, en la solvencia que proporciona el reconocimiento de la autoría y en el aprendizaje vinculado al componente lúdico y emocional a través de la hibridación como eje de construcción. Se concluye que el book-trailer del libro ilustrado de no ficción evidencia un lector implícito curioso y reflexivo en consonancia con las necesidades que la sociedad digital del siglo XXI plantea en materia de lectura.
In this chapter, the need of the integration of media and information and communication technologies in the literary education is addressed, not only from the point of view of the training in access to information and diffusion, but also in terms of the communicative situations of production and reception of literary texts. In this sense, the authors analyze the potential of digital storytelling in teacher training as a tool for the acquisition and development of basics competences, the promotion of creativity and the adquisition of the multimodal literacy of students. This research focuses on the use of book trailers as a way to enhance reading habits acquisition and to make students discover the pleasure for literary reading.
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As ICT continues to grow as a key resource in the classroom, this book helps students and teachers to get the best out of e-literature, with practical ideas for work schemes for children at all levels. Len Unsworth draws together functional analyses of language and images and applies them to real-life classroom learning environments, developing pupils' understanding of 'text'. The main themes include: What kinds of literary narratives can be accessed electronically? How can language, pictures, sound and hypertext be analysed to highlight the story? How can digital technology enhance literary experiences through web-based 'book talk' and interaction with publishers' websites? How do computer games influence the reader/ player role in relation to how we understand stories?
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"Exploring the myriad connections and connotations of a wide array of paratextual materials ranging from movie trailers to action figures, Gray deftly challenges established conceptions of textuality, and opens up intriguing and important new dimensions in media and cultural studies. This is an invaluable contribution, and will change how we think about, and make, media."
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In the light of the analysis of the reading responses of young immigrants - the targets of the study - and assuming that literary reading builds up our identities (Barthes, 1979, Bruner, 2002; Larrosa, 2003, -among others-); in this research we focus on analyzing and reflecting on the possibilities that the literary discourse offers as a means of (re) constructing immigrant students' identities in the processes of receiving and learning Spanish as a second language. For this purpose, we draw inspiration from the sociological theories on literary education and the emotional approach to literature (Petit, 1999, 2001, 2008, 2009), Rosenblatt's transactional theory (2002) and the reading responses theoretical trend (Sipe, 2000, 2010). Moreover, we draw on Lewis's concept of distance (2000) and Meek's ideas regarding literature as a scaffold to access literacy. Emilia Ferreiro's investigation on writing as an identity marker and Freinet's theories regarding the free text leads us to create a blog and to analyse its possibilities as a stimulating tool for reading and writing.
How Picturebooks Work is an innovative and engaging look at the interplay between text and image in picturebooks. The authors explore picturebooks as a specific medium or genre in literature and culture, one that prepares children for other media of communication, and they argue that picturebooks may be the most influential media of all in the socialization and representation of children. Spanning an international range of children's books, this book examine such favorites as Curious George and Frog and Toad Are Friends, along with the works of authors and illustrators including Maurice Sendak and Tove Jansson, among others. With 116 illustrations, How Picturebooks Work offers the student of children's literature a new methodology, new theories, and a new set of critical tools for examining the picturebook form.
Traducción de: Actual minds, possible worlds Este libro viene a cubrir y complementar el estudio de los procesos cognoscitivos que se han centrado excesivamente en la capacidad sistemática y la construcción lógica del pensamiento. Así pues, el autor se dedica a la "modalidad narrativa" de imaginación que permite producir literatura y reconstruir mnémicamente crónicas, y dar sentido a la experiencia.
Álbumes y otras lecturas
  • T Durán
Durán, T. Álbumes y otras lecturas. Análisis de los libros infantiles, Barcelona: Octaedro, 2009. Print.
LIJ 2.0. Estudiando la literatura infantil y juvenil en la web social
  • J Rovira-Collado
Rovira-Collado, J. "LIJ 2.0. Estudiando la literatura infantil y juvenil en la web social." Lenguaje y Textos 37 (2013): 161-71. Print.