
Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids (Macronutrients)

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... The protein requirements for infants and children are higher to promote healthy growth. 41 The requirements for protein also increase during pregnancy and lactation. There may be subgroups of persons for whom higher intakes of protein are beneficial, such as athletes, community-dwelling older adults, 42 and people with obesity who are dieting for weight loss. ...
... The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for fat is 20 to 40% of energy intake across life stages (Table 1). 41,67 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, recommends that less than 10% of daily calorie intake come from saturated fat, beginning at 2 years of age. 67 Less than one fourth of people in the United States reported consuming less than the recommended 10% of calories as saturated fat in the 2015-2018 period. ...
... The term functional fiber refers to isolated, extracted, or synthetic, nondigestible carbohydrates with proven beneficial health effects. 41 Total fiber intake represents the sum of dietary and functional fiber intake. Higher intakes of total dietary fiber are associated with laxation and improved glycemic control. ...
... Because similar mechanisms for levodopa transport also occur at the BBB, this competition may also contribute to post-prandial motor fluctuations 40,50 . In PD, large cross-sectional studies have reported average protein intake is around 1.2 g/kg/day (1.5-fold higher than the Recommended Dietary Allowances [RDA]) 51 and correlated with a higher daily levodopa dose 52,53 . For PwP who experience significant motor fluctuations, the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) have included LPD and PRD as potential complementary therapeutic diets for PD management in their guidelines [54][55][56] . ...
... There is no standard definition adopted for LPD but is generally accepted as limiting protein consumption below the RDA for adults ( <0.8 g/kg of body weight per day) 51 . With the exception of 2 studies 37,57 , the use of LPD has not been thoroughly investigated. ...
... Authors concluded the LPD tended to "potentiate and stabilize the therapeutic effect of levodopa" but no motor disability scales or scores were reported. In general, prolonged protein intake of 10 g/day is not recommended due to inability to satisfy whole body protein turnover and increase risk of deficiency 51 . ...
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Administration of levodopa for Parkinson’s disease (PD) has remained the most effective therapy for symptom management despite being in use for over 50 years. Advancing disease and age, changing tolerability and gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction may result in change in dietary habits and body weight, as well as unpredictable motor fluctuations and dyskinesias. Dietary proteins which convert into amino acids after digestion are implicated as major factors that inhibit levodopa absorption. For people living with PD (PwP) who experience motor fluctuations, low protein diets (LPD) and protein redistribution diets (PRD) may be effective and are often recommended as a non-pharmacologic approach for improving levodopa bioavailability. However, there is a lack of consensus on a standard definition of these diets and appropriate treatment algorithms for usage. This may be due to the paucity of high-level evidence of LPD and PRD in PwP and whether all or specific subgroups of patients would benefit from these strategies. Managing diet and protein intake with proper education and monitoring may reduce complications associated with these diets such as dyskinesias and unintentional weight loss. Additionally, alterations to medications and GI function may alter levodopa pharmacokinetics. In this narrative review we focus on 1) mechanisms of dietary protein and levodopa absorption in the intestine and blood brain barrier, 2) dietetic approaches to manage protein and levodopa interactions and 3) practical issues for treating PwP as well as future directions to be considered.
... Beslenme planı, Tıp Enstitüsü (IOM) 2009 önerilerine göre; fetal/neonatal ve maternal sağlığı korumak, glisemik hedeflere ulaşmak ve gereksinim kadar ağırlık kazanımı amacıyla yeterli enerji alımını sağlamalıdır (34). Amerikan Diyabet Derneği (ADA) gebelikte uygun ağırlık artışını sağlayacak enerji alımını önermektedir (13). ...
... Tıp Enstitüsü (IOM), gebelikte ağırlık kaybını önermemektedir. Ancak fazla kilolu ve obez kadınlar için ılımlı bir enerji kısıtlaması yapılabileceği belirtilmektedir (34). Amerikan Diyabet Derneği (ADA) ile Alman Diyabet Derneği ve Alman Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Derneği (DDG-DGGG), GDM'li obez kadınlar için günlük enerji ihtiyacının %30-33 oranında kısıtlamasının güvenli ve etkili olduğunu belirtmiştir (13,35). ...
... Amerikan Diyabet Derneği (ADA) ile Alman Diyabet Derneği ve Alman Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Derneği (DDG-DGGG), GDM'li obez kadınlar için günlük enerji ihtiyacının %30-33 oranında kısıtlamasının güvenli ve etkili olduğunu belirtmiştir (13,35). IOM, gebelik öncesinde zayıf bireyler için (BKİ<18,5 kg/m²) 12,5-18,0 kg, normal ağırlıkta olan bireyler için (BKİ 18,5-24,9 kg/m²) 11,5-16,0 kg, kilolu bireyler için (BKİ 25,0-29,9 kg/m²) 7,0-11,5 kg ve obez bireyler için (BKİ ≥ 30,0 kg/m²) en az 5-9 kg ağırlık kazanımı önermektedir (34). ...
İlk kez gebelikte -genellikle ikinci veya üçüncü trimesterde- ortaya çıkan ve gebelik süresince devam eden hiperglisemi, Gestasyonel Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) olarak tanımlanmaktadır. GDM hamilelikte en sık görülen tıbbi komplikasyonlardan biridir ve gebeliklerin yaklaşık %14'ünü veya küresel olarak her yedi doğumdan birini etkilemektedir. Bu derlemede amaç, GDM gelişiminin önlenmesinde ve yönetiminde diyet örüntüsü, enerji dengesi ve besin ögelerinin önemini tartışmaktır. GDM gelişiminde diyet örüntüsü ve içeriği oldukça önemlidir. Özelikle kırmızı/işlenmiş et ürünlerinden zengin beslenme, yüksek doymuş yağ ve kolesterol alımı, çoklu doymamış yağ alımının azalması ve hayvansal kaynaklı protein alımının fazla olması ile GDM gelişimi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Yapılan çalışmalarda Batı tarzı beslenme modeli ile glisemik yükü yüksek ve düşük posalı beslenmenin GDM oluşma riskini arttırdığı, Akdeniz Diyetinin ise GDM oluşumuyla ilişkili olmadığı bulunmuştur. GDM yönetiminde, gebelik süresince optimal glisemik kontrol sağlanmalıdır. Bunun için, diyetisyen tarafından geliştirilmiş bireye özgü planlanmış tıbbi beslenme tedavisinin, ilk terapötik strateji olduğu belirtilmektedir. Diyetin karbonhidrat, protein ve yağ örüntüsüne dikkat edilerek gebelikte uygun ağırlık artışını sağlayacak yeterli enerji alımı ve besin ögeleri gereksinimleri sağlanmalıdır. Fiziksel aktivitenin arttırılması, yeterli ve dengeli beslenme düzeni ve psikolojik olarak iyi olma haliyle yaşam tarzı değişikliği, GDM gelişiminin önlenmesi ve yönetiminde etkin bir yöntemdir.
... Low vitamin D in women is linked with a myriad of health consequences such as an increased risk of heart disease, acute illness, stress fractures, muscle pain/weakness, and inflammatory injuries. Vitamin D deficiency is defined as having < 75 nmol/L of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D or < 30 nmol/L of vitamin D [137]. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for female individuals aged 13-70 years and 800 IU per day for female individuals aged > 70 years [137]. ...
... Vitamin D deficiency is defined as having < 75 nmol/L of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D or < 30 nmol/L of vitamin D [137]. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for female individuals aged 13-70 years and 800 IU per day for female individuals aged > 70 years [137]. For active women, vitamin D levels could directly affect muscle strength and performance, recovery from exercise, and bone health. ...
... Therefore, vitamin D supplementation is recommended for women across the lifespan and across all activity levels. Additionally, a focus on dietary vitamin D through foods such as fish, cheese, and some cereals is an important consideration for women [137]. Vitamin D is fat soluble, which means it needs to be consumed with at least one serving of fat. ...
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Women are the largest consumers of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements can play a role in health and performance, particularly for women. Growing evidence and innovations support the unique physiological and nutrient timing needs for women. Despite the need for more nutrition and exercise-specific research in women, initial data and known physiological differences between sexes related to the brain, respiration, bone, and muscle support new product development and evidence-based education for active women regarding the use of dietary supplements. In this narrative review, we discuss hormonal and metabolic considerations with the potential to impact nutritional recommendations for active women. We propose four potential areas of opportunity for ingredients to help support the health and well-being of active women, including: (1) body composition, (2) energy/fatigue, (3) mental health, and (4) physical health.
... A meta-analysis of adults showed that protein intake is one of the primary anabolic stimuli for the biosynthesis of muscle proteins [3]. Therefore, the current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of protein intake for adult is 0.8 g/kg/day [4]. However, there are still some disadvantages to using proteins involved in bone formation. ...
... Currently, in the general adult population (≥18 y/o), the RDA for protein intake is 0.8 g/kg/day [4], which has remained unchanged over the past 70 years. Adequate protein intake is essential for continuous turnover and remodeling because proteins make up 50% of the bone and 1/3 of the bone mass. ...
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Background Low protein intake (LPI) has been suggested as a treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, protein intake is essential for bone health. Methods We studied the database of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005–2010. Basic variables, metabolic diseases, and bone density of different femoral areas were stratified into four subgroups according to different protein intake (DPI) (that is, <0.8, 0.8–1.0, 1.0–1.2, and >1.2 g/kg/day). Results Significant differences were found among all lumbar area bone mineral density (BMD) and T-scores (p < 0.0001). There was an apparent trend between a decreasing BMD in the CKD groups with increasing DPI in all single lumbar spines (L1, L2, L3, and L4) and all L spines (L1-L4). Compared with DPI (0.8–1.0 g/day/kg), higher risks of osteoporosis were noticed in the subgroup of >1.2 g/day/kg over L2 (relative risk (RR)=1.326, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.062–1.656), subgroup >1.2 g/day/kg over L3 (RR = 1.31, 95%CI = 1.057–1.622), subgroup <0.8 g/day/kg over L4 (RR = 1.276, 95%CI = 1.015–1.605), subgroup <0.8 g/day/kg over all L spines (RR = 11.275, 95%CI = 1.051–1.548), and subgroup >1.2 g/day/kg over all L spines (RR = 0.333, 95%CI = 1.098–1.618). However, a higher risk of osteoporosis was observed only in the non-CKD group. There was an apparent trend of higher DPI coexisting with lower BMD and T scores in patients with CKD. For osteoporosis (reference:0.8–1.0 g/day/kg), lower (<0.8 g/day/kg) or higher DPI (>1.2 g/day/kg) was associated with higher risks in the non-CKD group, but not in the CKD group. Conclusions In the CKD group, LPI for renal protection was safe without threatening L spine bone density and without causing a higher risk of osteoporosis.
... Most notably, the lack of difference seen in dietary intake of n-3 PUFAs among SES groups may be attributable to the low concentrations of n-3 PUFA intake for the entire cohort, regardless of SES. The median maternal intake of ALA in our cohort was 1270 mg/day, which is below recommended as per adequate intake of 1400 mg/day in pregnancy [43]. While there is no universal recommendation for dietary intake of EPA + DHA, several organizations have developed their own guidelines. ...
... While there is no universal recommendation for dietary intake of EPA + DHA, several organizations have developed their own guidelines. The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization Expert Consultation on Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition 2010 provided maternal intake recommendations of at least 300 mg/day of EPA + DHA in pregnancy, with at least 200 mg/day in the form of DHA for optimal fetal development [43,44]. In the same year, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published guidelines opting for 250 mg/day of EPA + DHA in adults, with an additional recommended 100-200 mg/day of DHA in pregnancy and lactation [5]. ...
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Omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) play a crucial role in fetal growth and neurodevelopment, while omega-6 (n-6) PUFAs have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Previous studies have demonstrated that socioeconomic status (SES) influences dietary intake of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs, but few studies have evaluated the association between maternal and cord plasma biomarkers of PUFAs and socioeconomic markers. An IRB-approved study enrolled mother–infant pairs (n = 55) at the time of delivery. Maternal and cord plasma PUFA concentrations were analyzed using gas chromatography. Markers of SES were obtained from validated surveys and maternal medical records. Mann–Whitney U tests and linear regression models were utilized for statistical analysis. Maternal eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (p = 0.02), cord EPA (p = 0.04), and total cord n-3 PUFA concentrations (p = 0.04) were significantly higher in college-educated mothers vs. mothers with less than a college education after adjustment for relevant confounders. Insurance type and household income were not significantly associated with n-3 or n-6 PUFA plasma concentrations after adjustment. Our findings suggest that mothers with lower educational status may be at risk of lower plasma concentrations of n-3 PUFAs at delivery, which could confer increased susceptibility to adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes.
... Foi verificado também se foi elaborada por nutricionista ou outro profissional, nas dietas que constavam essa informação. Os macronutrientes foram comparados com as recomendações preconizadas em porcentagem pelo Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2005), que recomenda o consumo de 45-65% de carboidrato, 10-35% de proteína e 20-35% de lipídio sobre o VET da dieta. Sendo assim, foram considerados valores excessivos os que estavam acima do percentual máximo estabelecido para cada macronutriente e valores insuficientes aqueles que estavam abaixo do percentual mínimo de cada macronutriente. ...
... Os carboidratos são responsáveis por compor a maior parte da alimentação humana, devendo ficar entre 45 a 65% do VET (IOM, 2005), sendo que sua função mais importante para o organismo é fornecer energia para as células, especialmente para as do cérebro. Após a ingestão deste macronutriente, é feita a conversão em glicose, que pode ser armazenada tanto como glicogênio hepático como também mus-cular. ...
... This study used breast milk's nutrient content of developing country 15 and Indonesia Food Composition Table 2017 for complementary food. Energy Estimated Requirements (EER) calculated for individual energy requirement based on age and body weight 16 . The prevalence of inadequate energy intake used Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) fixed cutoff as the proportion of the intake below requirement 13 . ...
... It assessed the probability of population at risk in inadequate intake, which the intake is below EAR 13 . Estimated micronutrients requirement used a basic formula of Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) 16 . A particular case for determining the probability of iron inadequacy used table The Institute of Medicie (IOM) 1-5 19 . ...
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Background: Poor quality and quantity are the main factors that contribute to the increasing inadequacy of micronutrients intake such as Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Vitamins A, and C since the complementary food was introduced at 6 months of infant’s age. Objectives: To analyze the prevalence and risk factors of inadequate micronutrients intake among children aged 6-23 months in Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study used Individual Food Consumption Survey 2014 data from Indonesian Health Study and Development Agency involving 1575 children aged 6-23 months as the total subjects. Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) was measured by eight food groups for children under two years old. The prevalence of inadequate micronutrients intake used the probability approach. Binary logistic regression was used as a multivariate test to determine the risk factors of inadequate micronutrients intake. Results: The highest prevalence of inadequate micronutrients intake was vitamin C, while the lowest was zinc, with overall inadequate multiple micronutrients intake being 61.9%. About 57.7% and 15.9% of subjects were low in energy intake and achieved the MDD, respectively. Lived in rural area [OR=1.37(95%CI:1.06-1.77)], low education mother [OR=1.71(95%CI:1.32-2.22)], low energy intake [OR=6.22(95%CI:4.84-7.99)] and not achieved MDD [OR=4.84(95%CI:3.47-6.75)] were more likely to have inadequate micronutrients intake, while not consuming breast milk were less likely to have inadequate micronutrients intake in children [OR=0.55(95%CI:0.43-0.71)]. Conclusions: Almost two-thirds of subjects were inadequate in overall multiple micronutrients. Low energy intake and not achieved MDD were the highest risk of inadequate micronutrients intake of subjects, instead of low mother education and living in rural areas.
... Para a construção do banco de dados relativos à composição energética e de nutrientes foi utilizado o software Excel . Para a análise nutricional da dieta, adotou-se como parâmetro as recomendações publicadas pelo Institute of Medicine (IOM) [11][12][13][14][15][16] , intituladas Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs), que contempla a energia e a maioria das vitaminas e minerais. Para a análise do consumo de colesterol adotou-se a recomendação proposta pela American Heart Association, revista por Lichtenstein et al. [17] , a qual preconiza a ingestão de até 300 mg/dia de colesterol para crianças a partir dos dois anos de idade como uma das metas para reduzir o risco de doenças cardiovasculares. ...
... No que diz respeito à energia, foram adotadas como referência as equações preditivas da Necessidade Estimada de Energia (NEE) [16] , definida como a ingestão energética diária, necessária para manter o balanço energético, de acordo com a idade, sexo, peso, altura e nível de atividade física, consistente com uma boa saúde. Cabe registrar que para o cálculo da NEE foi considerado o nível de atividade física ativo, por tratar-se de escolares que além de se envolverem com as atividades familiares voltadas à agricultura, frequentemente mostraram-se sujeitos a distâncias significativas entre a escola e suas residências, o que poderia gerar um incremento na demanda energética. ...
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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o consumo de energia e nutrientes e a adesão ao Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) por escolares com idade entre 7 e 14 anos. Estudo transversal, realizado com 150 crianças e adolescentes, ambos os gêneros, matriculados na rede pública de ensino de Piedade (SP). O consumo alimentar foi obtido por Recordatório 24 horas. Para a análise do consumo de energia e nutrientes foram utilizadas como referência as Dietary Reference Intakes e os valores obtidos foram analisados de acordo com os percentis de consumo. Os dados referentes ao PNAE foram obtidos por meio de entrevista individual contendo questões referentes à alimentação oferecida nas unidades de ensino. Metade da amostra revelou consumo de energia inferior ao valor médio estimado (1890 kcal). A maioria dos escolares exibiu ingestão de fibras, cálcio e vitamina A insuficiente (90%, 90% e 75%, respectivamente). Para as demais vitaminas e minerais, foi observado, para menor proporção de alunos, consumo inferior ao conteúdo preconizado. No que diz respeito ao PNAE, 81,3% informaram consumir as refeições distribuídas na escola. Cerca de metade (52%) registrou frequência de adesão considerada efetiva (de quatro a cinco vezes por semana). Quanto à opinião sobre o PNAE, 66,4% dos alunos entrevistados declararam que não apreciam as preparações e/ou alimentos oferecidos. Tendo em vista a ampla adesão ao PNAE e a expressiva proporção de alunos que revelaram consumo insatisfatório para a maioria das vitaminas e minerais analisados, estudos que envolvam o planejamento das refeições distribuídas nas escolas poderão contribuir para complementar a ingestão de energia e nutrientes necessários para o crescimento e desenvolvimento.
... Незаменимые жирные кислоты, входящие в состав молока коз, выполняют в организме несколько структурных и функциональных ролей [2]. Помимо источника энергии, они являются исходными субстратами для синтеза в организме человека биологически активных веществ (эйкозаноидов), а также ключевыми компонентами фосфолипидов клеточных мембран, обеспечивая их текучесть и проницаемость [12]. Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты уча-Abstract. ...
Корма составляют основную часть себестоимости продукции в молочном козоводстве. В связи с этим использование побочных продуктов агропромышленного производства поможет удовлетворить высокий спрос на питательные компоненты рациона. С целью улучшения показателей продуктивности коз зааненской породы в их рацион включали 15% (по массе) кориандрового жмыха. В результате в молоке увеличилось содержание олеиновой и линоленовой жирных кислот соответственно на 3,6 и 0,5%, что повысило его функциональный потенциал. Feed makes up the bulk of the cost of production in dairy goat farming, and the introduction of agro-industrial by-products into animal diets can help meet the high demand for nutritional components of diets. In order to improve the productive performance of Saanen goats, coriander cake was introduced into the animal diet in an amount of 15% (by weight). It was found that the content of oleic and linolenic fatty acids in goat milk increased by 3.6% and 0.5%, respectively, which increased the functional potential of this product.
... The models were adjusted for misreporting of energy intake classifying the individuals as plausible reporters, under-reporters, and over-reporters. Usual energy intake was compared to the estimated energy requirements (EER) assessed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) equations stratified for sex and nutritional status [22,26]. The ratio between energy intake and energy requirements (EI/EER) was classified into the categories of energy misreporting according to the cut-off points determined by Huang [28], and obtained by the following equation: ...
... A semente de abóbora possui vitamina A, vitaminas do complexo B, e minerais como o cálcio, ferro, potássio, fósforo, silício, magnésio e sódio (Carvalho et al. 2009;Silva, 2006). O teor de fibras alimentares pode variar de 29,5 a 64,87% Santangelo, 2006), sendo recomendado um consumo entre 21 a 38g/dia para indivíduos acima de 19 anos (Institute of medicina, 2002). ...
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Around 1.3 billion tons of food are thrown away every year in the world, and it is estimated that 60 kg/per capita are wasted in Brazil. As a result, the UN's 2030 schedule includes among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), number 12, which deals with responsible consumption and production, involving the social, environmental, economic and institutional dimensions. By using food in its entirety and/or its fractions (peels, seeds, stalks and leaves), there is a reduction in waste, environmental impacts and food production costs. Pumpkin seeds are nutritionally rich and can be used in many different applications, including as flour. Pumpkin Seed Flour (PSF), produced from Cucurbita maxima L., was evaluated for yield, physical, physicochemical and chemical characteristics. The flour yield was 93.9%, the water absorption index confirmed the low presence of starch and the solubility index confirmed the presence of soluble solids. In composition, it presented a high percentage of fibers, lipids and proteins, characteristic of oilseeds and legumes. FSA does not contain gluten and can nutritionally enhance foods for celiac patients.
... A partir desta média os macronutrientes e micronutrientes foram comparados com as Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) (INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE, 2005). Para os macronutrientes (carboidratos, proteínas, lipídios totais), foram considerados os valores de Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) relacionados à variação de distribuição aceitável de macronutriente, que se refere à faixa de ingestão do macronutriente dada como porcentagem, sendo utilizados os valores de referência preconizados para adultos, uma vez que não existem valores de referência específicos para idosos. ...
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Objetivou-se associar o estado nutricional, o consumo alimentar e a pressão arterial com o risco cardiovascular de mulheres idosas. Estudo transversal, quantitativo e descritivo, realizado entre agosto e setembro de 2022, com 18 mulheres acima de 60 anos, que frequentavam os clubes de mães de um município do Rio Grande do Sul. O estado nutricional foi avaliado por meio do cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e classificado segundo a Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS, 2002). O consumo alimentar foi analisado por meio de três recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas cadastrados no software DietSmart® versão 2018. Foram analisadas ingesta de valor energético total, carboidratos, proteínas, lipídios totais, monoinsaturados, poliinsaturados, saturados, colesterol, fibras e sódio, as quais também foram comparadas com as recomendações diárias das Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) (IOM, 2005; IOM, 2019). Para a análise do risco cardiovascular utilizou-se circunferência do pescoço (CP) sob o protocolo de Ben-Noun et al. (2006), para mulheres. A pressão arterial (PA) foi aferida com monitor de pressão arterial digital da marca Omron®, sendo classificada conforme a 7ª Diretriz Brasileira de Hipertensão Arterial da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC, 2016). Os dados foram analisados através de porcentagens e pelos Testes de associação: Teste Exato de Fisher e Teste t-student para uma amostra. Os resultados foram considerados significativos a um nível de significância máximo de 5% (p≤0,05). Resultados: Das idosas avaliadas, 50,0% (n=9) apresentaram excesso de peso para IMC, 77,8% (n=14) risco cardiovascular para CP, 44,4% (n=4) hipertensão estágio I e 22,2% (n=4) hipertensão estágio II para níveis de PA, sendo que 66,7% (n=12) tinham diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). O sobrepeso/obesidade foi significativamente relacionado ao risco cardiovascular para CP (p=0,041). O consumo de carboidratos foi significativamente superior entre as idosas sem risco cardiovascular (p=0,026) e maior consumo de colesterol foi relacionado com aquelas que apresentaram risco cardiovascular para CP (p=0,019). Para sódio e gordura saturada, o consumo diário foi significativamente superior à recomendação (p=0,001). Para fibras, o consumo foi significativamente inferior a recomendação diária enquanto a ingesta de gordura monoinsaturada ficou significativamente abaixo do limite máximo de consumo diário tolerável (p=0,001). Não houve associação significativa para as variáveis de consumo alimentar e estado nutricional segundo as classificações de IMC (p≥0,05), assim como dos níveis de PA com a CP e de diagnóstico de HAS com CP (p=1,000). Conclusão: O sobrepeso/obesidade foi associado ao risco cardiovascular. Idosas sem risco cardiovascular consumiam mais carboidratos e aquelas com risco cardiovascular mais colesterol. O consumo de sódio e de gordura saturada ficou acima da recomendação, sendo o de fibras inferior. Já a ingesta de gordura monoinsaturada foi adequada. Não houve associação entre consumo alimentar e estado nutricional, assim como entre níveis de PA e diagnóstico de HAS com risco cardiovascular.
... Finally, data on dietary reference intakes of nutrients and elements were compiled from Dietary Reference Intakes Datasets from the USA, Canada [59], and the EU [60][61][62][63]. The contribution of 100 g of dried and fresh T. arenaria to the daily intake of each nutrient and element was calculated considering the dietary reference intakes values previously compiled. ...
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Terfezia arenaria is a desert truffle native to the Mediterranean Basin region, highly appreciated for its nutritional and aromatic properties. Despite the increasing interest in this desert truffle, T. arenaria is not listed as an edible truffle authorized for trade in the European Union. Therefore, our objective was to showcase T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical composition and volatile profile. The nutritional analysis showed that T. arenaria is a good source of carbohydrates (67%), proteins (14%), and dietary fibre (10%), resulting in a Nutri-Score A. The truffle’s volatile profile was dominated by eight-carbon volatile compounds, with 1-octen-3-ol being the most abundant (64%), and 29 compounds were reported for the first time for T. arenaria. T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical compositions were similar to those of four commercial mushroom and truffle species, while the aromatic profile was not. An electronic nose corroborated that T. arenaria‘s aromatic profile differs from that of the other four tested mushroom and truffle species. Our data showed that T. arenaria is a valuable food resource with a unique aroma and an analogous composition to meat, which makes it an ideal source for plant-based meat products. Our findings could help promote a sustainable future exploitation of T. arenaria and ensure the quality and authenticity of this delicacy.
... The amounts in mass of each macronutrient consumed vary throughout life as does the person's level of physical activity, since they depend on the metabolic demands of each one. Metabolism, in turn, depends on the individual's physiological conditions, which is calculated with some empirical relations defined by IOM (2002). In the same way that Rahman Silva & Annamalai (2008) assume that the physical activity impact can be estimated with the product between the calculated metabolism and a physical activity level (PAL). ...
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Abstract The literature reveals the application of the laws of thermodynamics for predicting life span and the effects of the physical activity level on longevity. But the vastly simplified literature models seem to suggest a reduction in duration of life with increased activity level, which is the opposite of medical recommendations, that means that exercises increase the longevity. The main objectives of this paper are to re-present the previous model, check and confirm the previous results and improve the model by formulating a simplified phenomenological relation between life span, specific entropy generation of the body (SEG-life, in MJ/kg.K) and physical activity level. The model was validated considering different individuals. In this study, it is suggested that the principle of cumulative entropy generation limit should be relaxed in function of lifestyle and type of exercise performed during life, differently from what it is defined by the literature. So, it is proposed a relax to the limit on SEG-life as a result of various physical activity levels.
... Procedeu-se a análise da rotulagem por meio de checklists elaborados pelos pesquisadores em conformidade com as legislações vigentes do Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normatização e Qualidade Industrial -INMETRO (2021) e da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária -ANVISA (BRASIL, 2002(BRASIL, , 2006(BRASIL, , 2012 (BRASIL, 2003(BRASIL, , 2005, para crianças de um a 10 anos, ou nas ingestões dietéticas de referência (INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE, 1998, 2001, 2005 ...
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Os preparados sólidos para refrescos artificiais (refrescos artificiais) estão cada vez mais presentes na rotina alimentar das pessoas, especialmente das crianças. Entretanto, sabe-se que não há uniformização das embalagens deste tipo de produto e, no que tange às informações nutricionais, percebe-se que eles são ricos em açúcares e alguns aditivos, muitas vezes em descompasso com as recomendações nutricionais. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em comparar os valores de nutrientes declarados nos rótulos com as ingestões diárias recomendadas para crianças menores de 13 anos, observando-se as recomendações da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e do Institute of Medicine. Para a coleta de dados realizou-se visitas ao comércio varejista, em Diamantina/MG, para identificação dos produtos (marcas e sabores) e análise da rotulagem nutricional. Foram analisados os rótulos de 127 produtos, sendo que todos apresentaram os itens obrigatórios da rotulagem geral, considerando-se a legislação brasileira em vigência à época do estudo. Com relação à informação nutricional, foi possível constatar que, em todos os produtos, a quantidade de carboidratos, calculada com base nos dados dos fabricantes, era superior à preconizada nas recomendações nutricionais. Ainda foram detectadas divergências entre os teores de sódio declarados com as ingestões diárias recomendadas para crianças menores de 13 anos. Os teores de vitaminas C (em 84 produtos) e de vitaminas A, B1 e B6 (em 12 produtos) também extrapolaram as necessidades nutricionais das crianças. Concluiu-se que as a composição dos refrescos artificiais em pó expressa na rotulagem apresenta desacordo em relação às ingestões recomendadas, o que pode contribuir para situações de excesso de nutrientes, promovendo possíveis desordens metabólicas nos consumidores.
... These nutrients are effective in protecting against cardiovascular, inflammatory, and chronic diseases [22,23,24]. Regarding the ALA content of nuts and seeds, 28 g of hempseed, or walnuts exceeds the Adequate Intake for ALA, which is 1.1 g/day for women, and 1.6 g/day for men [25,26]. Oils rich in ALA, such as flaxseed and hempseed ones, are effective in analyzing the effects of ALA. ...
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) represent the leading cause of global mortality with 1,7 million deaths a year. One of the alternative systems to drug therapy to minimize the risk of CVDs is represented by alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid of the Omega-3 series, known for its cholesterol-lowering effect. The main purpose of this review is to analyze the effects of ALA and investigate the relevant n-6/n-3 ratio in order to maintain functionally beneficial effects. Concerning the lipid-lowering preventive effects, ALA may favorably affect the values of LDL-C and triglycerides in either adult and pediatric populations and it has a positive and protective effect against hypertension, suggesting that ALA is an useful diet-related antihypertensive compound. According to the 2009 EFSA statement, dietary ALA may contribute to reducing the risk of CVDs, thanks to anti-hypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic and cardio-protective effects.
... Dietary analyses included that 5 different diet groups (Control, 70% MetR, 90% MetR, 50% SAAR and 65% SAAR) ( Figure 1A). All diets provided nutritionally adequate levels of SAA according to Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) (19 mg/ kg/day) and Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) (15 mg/kg/ day) values for total SAA (Supplemental Figure 1) (37). Diets were designed based on an energy intake of 2500 kcal/day and a body weight of 70 kg, with caloric intake individualized based upon energy requirements. ...
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Objectives Dietary restriction of methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys) delays the aging process and aging-related diseases, improves glucose and fat metabolism and reduces oxidative stress in numerous laboratory animal models. Little is known regarding the effects of sulfur amino acid restriction in humans. Thus, our objectives were to determine the impact of feeding diets restricted in Met alone (MetR) or in both Met and Cys (total sulfur amino acids, SAAR) to healthy adults on relevant biomarkers of cardiometabolic disease risk.DesignA controlled feeding study.Setting and ParticipantsWe included 20 healthy adults (11 females/9 males) assigned to MetR or SAAR diet groups consisting of three 4-wk feeding periods: Control period; low level restriction period (70% MetR or 50% SAAR); and high level restriction period (90% MetR or 65% SAAR) separated by 3–4-wk washout periods.ResultsNo adverse effects were associated with either diet and level of restriction and compliance was high in all subjects. SAAR was associated with significant reductions in body weight and plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL, uric acid, leptin, and insulin, BUN, and IGF-1, and increases in body temperature and plasma FGF-21 after 4 weeks (P<0.05). Fewer changes occurred with MetR including significant reductions in BUN, uric acid and 8-isoprostane and an increase in FGF-21 after 4 weeks (P<0.05). In the 65% SAAR group, plasma Met and Cys levels were significantly reduced by 15% and 13% respectively (P<0.05).Conclusion These results suggest that many of the short-term beneficial effects of SAAR observed in animal models are translatable to humans and support further clinical development of this intervention.
... Total energy intake to maintain body mass is a necessity, but protein intake per se is required for the maintenance of a positive nitrogen balance and preservation of lean body mass, including muscle. National guidelines recommend the consumption of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for adults regardless of adult age [52]. However, a persistently growing body of literature has evidenced higher protein intake as a protective measure to the maintenance of lean body mass and muscle mass throughout aging [53,54]. ...
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This narrative review highlights recent advances and ongoing trials using nutrition approaches for healthy aging. Focus will be placed on nutrition therapies that target cognition (“the mind”) and mobility (“the muscle”), both critical components to maintaining a high quality of life for older adults. For “the mind,” two seemingly incongruent therapies are being investigated to improve cognition–the MIND diet (high in carbohydrates and anti-oxidant fruits and vegetables) and the ketogenic diet (low in carbohydrates, high in fats). For “the muscle,” a focus on protein and energy intake has dominated the literature, yet a recent clinical trial supports the use of whole-grains as a tool to improve whole-body protein turnover–a primary regulator of lean body mass and muscle. Finally, emerging data and clinical trials on caloric restriction have solidified this strategy as the only nutritional approach to slow intrinsic factors of whole-body aging, which may positively impact both “the mind” and “the muscle.”
... For instance, MNT has been employed for the treatment of GDM because carbohydrate (CHO) is the main causative agent as a result of its impact on glycaemia. According to the Institute of Medicine, pregnant women require a minimum of 175 g CHO per day, and low-CHO diets already in use traditionally for the treatment of GDM have proven to be safe [36]. Moreover, MNT has been reported to be critical in the management of other types of DM and as such has significantly impacted patients, especially women and newborns [37]. ...
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) underscores a rising epidemic orchestrating critical socio-economic burden on countries globally. Different treatment options for the management of DM are evolving rapidly because the usual methods of treatment have not completely tackled the primary causes of the disease and are laden with critical adverse effects. Thus, this narrative review explores different treatment regimens in DM management and the associated challenges. A literature search for published articles on recent advances in DM management was completed with search engines including Web of Science, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, using keywords such as DM, management of DM, and gene therapy. Our findings indicate that substantial progress has been made in DM management with promising results using different treatment regimens, including nanotechnology, gene therapy, stem cell, medical nutrition therapy, and lifestyle modification. However, a lot of challenges have been encountered using these techniques, including their optimization to ensure optimal glycemic, lipid, and blood pressure modulation to minimize complications, improvement of patients’ compliance to lifestyle and pharmacologic interventions, safety, ethical issues, as well as an effective delivery system among others. In conclusion, lifestyle management alongside pharmacological approaches and the optimization of these techniques is critical for an effective and safe clinical treatment plan.
... The daily mean (and range) energy recommendation for infants born at term, from zero to six months is 90 (72-108) kcal/kg; the protein recommendation is 1.5 g/kg. [12] Preterm infants, by contrast, require 110-130 kcal/kg and 3.5-4.2 g/kg protein per day. ...
Human milk’s variable macronutrient composition is a necessary consideration when caring for very low birthweight infants. Targeted fortification is the practice of fortifying human milk using its known composition from human milk analysis, rather than its assumed macronutrient values. Utilization of human milk analyzers to measure the protein, fat, lactose, and energy composition within human milk samples has allowed the translation of this practice into the clinical setting. This review discusses the rationale of why targeted fortification is an important practice, what barriers exist in its implementation in the clinical setting, and what research gaps remain to be addressed.
... The weight equivalent of each raw ingredient consumed by the mother or the child was obtained by multiplying the proportion consumed in the total mixed dish by the weight of each raw ingredient in the recipe [22]. The energy and proteins requirements were estimated using the Institute of Medicine's dietary reference intakes (DRI) [23]. Energy requirements were calculated according to age, weight, height, and physical activity level. ...
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Background: Despite micronutrient supplementation and food fortification strategies carried out for decades, micronutrient deficiencies remain prevalent among children under 5 years old in rural area in Senegal. The OR4FOOD project was implemented as a preventive and long-term approach to reduce malnutrition through biofortification. Objective: We aimed to assess the baseline dietary intakes and nutritional status of the mother-child (6-23 months old) pair in a rural community in Senegal. Methods: Dietary intakes were assessed using dietary recall questionnaires and weight food records. All foods and beverages consumed from waking to bedtime were quantified, and nutrient intakes were calculated. The nutritional status was measured by anthropometry. Results: Results showed that 77.2% of children had low dietary diversity score. Only 18% of them received an appropriate complementary feeding according to the minimum acceptable diet. Cereals and legumes were among the most consumed food groups, whereas orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) and animal food products were rarely consumed. Median dietary intakes of iron, zinc, and vitamin A were lower than the recommended dietary allowances. Acute malnutrition and stunting affected 14.6% and 16.9% of children, respectively. Overall, 20.8% of mothers were underweighted, and overweight/obesity affected 23.1% of them. Conclusion: Malnutrition remains prevalent in rural areas of Senegal and affects both mothers and children. Furthermore, their nutrient requirements were not covered by the diet. Millet and cowpea being widely consumed, optimizing their iron and zinc content through biofortification and the introduction of OFSP might improve micronutrient intakes and would be promising strategies to prevent child malnutrition.
... Para calcular o EER, foram utilizadas as equações de predição de gasto energético total, considerando idade, sexo, peso, estatura e atividade física, além do estado nutricional (IOM, 2005). A análise do consumo de lipídios e carboidratos foi avaliada pelos valores de referência das DRI's (IOM, 2002(IOM, , 2004, com ajuste para o sexo e idade. ...
A prevalência de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) tem aumentado nas últimas décadas, destacando-se em sua etiologia fatores de risco modificáveis relacionados à alimentação desbalanceada. A circunferência da cintura (CC) é um método simples para avaliação do risco cardiometabólico, relacionada ao excesso de adiposidade abdominal. Considerando que os universitários constituem grupo potencialmente em risco para DCV, em função de mudanças em hábitos de vida acarretadas pela vida acadêmica, objetivou-se descrever a prevalência de obesidade abdominal e avaliar os fatores associados nessa população. Estudo transversal foi realizado a partir de dados dos prontuários de universitários assistidos nos anos de 2016 a 2019 em ambulatório nutricional de Universidade em Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram avaliados dados antropométricos (peso, altura, CC e dobras cutâneas), dietéticos (recordatório alimentar), e socioeconômicos dos pacientes. Os resultados evidenciam a maior parte dos acadêmicos como eutróficos (50,3%), contudo foram identificadas altas taxas de sobrepeso e obesidade (41,0%), excesso de gordura corporal (84,1%) e de risco para DCV (34,0%). A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi menor entre os indivíduos eutróficos, quando comparados aos com sobrepeso e obesidade (p<0,01); e a prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi 1,79 vezes maior entre os sedentários quando comparados aos que praticavam atividade física. As demais variáveis não apresentaram associação significativa ao desfecho investigado. Conclui-se que os universitários apresentam diversos fatores que configuram risco para o desenvolvimento de DCV, reforçando a necessidade de ações de promoção à saúde visando a adoção de um estilo de vida mais saudável e prevenção de doenças. Palavras-chave: Obesidade Abdominal. Doenças Cardiovasculares. Consumo Alimentar. Estudantes. Abstract The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has increased in the past decades, and its etiology includes modifiable risk factors related to an unbalanced diet. The waist circumference (WC) is a simple method to evaluate the cardio metabolic risk, related to the excess of abdominal adiposity. Considering that college students are a group potentially at risk for CVD due to lifestyle changes brought by the academic life, the aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of abdominal obesity and to assess the associated factors in this population. Cross-sectional study, based on medical records data of college students assisted in the years 2016 to 2019 in a nutritional outpatient clinic of a university in MatoGrosso do Sul. Anthropometric (weight, height, WC and skin fold measurement), dietetics (food record) and socioeconomic data were evaluated. Results demonstrate the majority of university students as eutrophic (50.3%), however high rates were identified of overweight and obesity (41.0%), body fat excess (84.1%) and CVD risk (34.0%). The prevalence of abdominal obesity was lower among eutrophic individuals when compared to those with overweight and obesity (p<0.01); and the prevalence of abdominal obesity was 1.79 times higher between physically inactive when compared to those who practice physical activities. The other variables did not show a significant association with the investigated outcome. Many risk factors set college students at CVD risk and reinforce the need for health promotion actions to stimulate a healthier lifestyle and disease prevention. Keywords: Abdominal Obesity. Cardiovascular Diseases. Food Consumption. Students.
... Similarly, adhering to the Mexican "fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, DP2" was associated with higher intake of folates, vitamin C, pyridoxine, and potassium, but a lower intake of SFAs. Nonetheless, the intakes of vitamin D and calcium in Italian women and folates, pyridoxine, and potassium in Mexican women were still below the general Recommended Dietary Allowances values [38]. Altogether, these findings confirmed previous evidence that traditional dietary patterns-especially those rich in plant-based foods-are likely to be of higher quality in terms of micronutrients beneficial to health [30,39]. ...
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Traditional diets are known to be beneficial; however, both Italian and Mexican populations are gradually moving away from the Mediterranean and traditional Mexican diets. Since women play a key role in safeguarding dietary traditions and may reflect population dietary changes, we aimed to identify Italian and Mexican women's current dietary patterns (DPs) and characterize their nutrient content. Cross-sectional analyses were separately conducted on two convenience samples of 811 women from Southern Italy and 215 women from Western Mexico. Food frequency questionnaires, 24 h recalls, and a principal component analysis (PCA) approach were used to derive a posteriori DPs. In Italian women, the first DP was characterized by the consumption of legumes, vegetables, and fish (8.8% of the total variance), while the second DP was characterized by snack foods, processed meats, and non-olive oils. In Mexican women, the first DP was characterized by the consumption of meats and processed foods (12.6% of the total variance), while the second DP by fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In both populations, adhering to the DPs rich in healthy foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fish) was associated with a higher quality of diet in terms on nutrient content. However, adherence to the Western-type DPs was more common among women of younger age (p < 0.035). Thus, more extraordinary efforts are needed in promoting each country's traditional healthy diet, especially among the new generations.
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Objective: To analyze the association between ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and cardiometabolic, biochemical, and inflammatory risk factors in children in a metropolis in Northeast Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study using baseline data from a community-based controlled trial was carried out with 151 children from public schools in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil aged 7 to 10 years. Dietary consumption was assessed using 24 h food recall, and UPF consumption was estimated using the NOVA classification system. Anthropometry (BMI for age), blood pressure, biochemical parameters (ALT, AST, GGT, cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, triglycerides, fasting glucose, HbA1c, HOMA-IR, creatinine, urea, hs-CRP), and cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17a, IFN-γ, and TNF-α) were also assessed. Results: Children in the third tertile (highest UPF consumption) had higher serum concentrations of LDL-c (p-value = 0.04) and ALT (p-value = 0.01), with a trend towards higher AST (p-value = 0.06). Total energy (p-value = 0.01), trans fatty acid (p-value = 0.02), and sodium (p-value = 0.04) intakes were higher in the highest tertile, whereas protein (p-value < 0.01) and fiber (p-value < 0.01) intakes were lower. Concentrations of IL-17A (p-value = 0.01) and IL-10 (p-value = 0.04) were significantly higher in the second tertile. Multiple linear regression showed that UPF consumption was significantly associated with increased LDL-c, ALT, and AST concentrations. Conclusions: High intake of UPFs was associated with dyslipidemia, elevated liver enzymes, and inflammatory changes in children. Dietary interventions are needed to reduce UPF consumption and prevent cardiometabolic and liver disease in childhood.
Edible insects represent a viable option to address the current need for nutritious, safe, and eco-friendly foods. People native to the Amazon region have a long-standing tradition of consuming edible insects that are relatively unknown elsewhere. This research aimed to characterize the chemical, nutritional, and microbiological composition of the edible larva of the palm weevil Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (chontacuro) from the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador. The larvae proved to be rich in lipids (∼50 %), proteins (∼20 %), fiber (∼6 %), and oleic acid, one of their predominant fatty acids along with palmitic acid. The larvae are also rich in vitamins (B6, B9, A, and E) and are a source of β-carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. No evidence of toxic elements (metals) or pathogenic microorganisms was observed. In general, chontacuro larvae proved to be a safe and nutritious food, managing to fully or partially cover several of the Dietary Reference Intakes for several nutrients.
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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil nutricional de praticantes de basquete sobre rodas antes e após intervenção nutricional. Estudo de cunho longitudinal, quase-experimental, caráter quali-quantitativo, com 13 jogadores de basquete sobre rodas, com idade entre 25 a 62 anos, voluntários, divididos em grupo Intervenção (GI) n=7, e controle (GC), n=6. O GI recebeu plano alimentar e orientações nutricionais mensais. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, antropométricos e consumo alimentar. O GI apresentou redução média do índice de massa corporal, relação cintura/estatura, circunferência da cintura, dobra cutânea tricipital e subescapular. Segundo índice de massa corporal, 85,7% do GI apresentou excesso de peso após intervenção, e apesar de 42,9% apresentarem algum grau de desnutrição para dobra cutânea tricipital no final do estudo, não foi verificado risco de déficit do tecido muscular conforme circunferência do braço. Analisando percentual de gordura, verificou-se aumento de risco de doenças associadas à obesidade para GI, na avaliação final. Conforme o consumo de nutrientes no final do estudo, em média, foi verificada ingestão adequada para carboidratos e proteínas, e inadequada de lipídios para GI. Através dos resultados, constata-se necessidade de intervenção nutricional em maior frequência e duração, visando a melhorias do estado nutricional, rendimento esportivo, e qualidade de vida.
During pregnancy, proper nutrition plays a vital role in maternal health and fetal development. However, emerging research suggests that nutrition can also influence epigenetic modifications, which are implicated in various health outcomes, including developmental disorders and chronic diseases. On the one hand, maternal nutrition can directly impact the fetal epigenome. For example, inadequate intake of folate and other methyl donors has been linked to altered DNA methylation patterns in the offspring. On the other hand, maternal nutrition can indirectly influence the epigenome through its effects on both maternal and fetal metabolic health. These alterations may contribute to an increased risk of metabolic disorders and chronic diseases in the offspring later in life. Emerging evidence suggests that maternal nutrition can also induce transgenerational epigenetic modifications, meaning that the effects may be passed on to subsequent generations. For these reasons, exploring the relationship between nutrition and epigenetic modifications during pregnancy is of utmost importance for prenatal care and public health initiatives. This field of research highlights the significance of a balanced and nutrient-rich diet for pregnant women to optimize pregnancy outcomes and to promote health of future generations.
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Sea cucumber is an invertebrate that has a high value in the medical and food industries in terms of its valuable structural compounds. This study aimed to investigate the chemical composition, amino acids, and minerals of the body wall belonging to two species of sea cucumber including Holothuria leocospilota and Stichopus herrmanni in Chabahar Bay. Samples were collected by a diver at the specified depth. Chemical compounds such as moisture, ash, protein, and fat were 89.71%, 32.10%, 21.46%, and 8.66% for H. leocospilota, respectively. Also, the amounts of these compounds were 92.77%, 60.03%, 8.60%, and 11.33% for S. herrmanni, respectively. Fifteen amino acids including eight essential amino acids and seven non-essential amino acids were measured in the body wall of S. herrmanni and H. leucospilota. The predominant amino acid was alanine (29.01%) in S. herrmanni and glycine (43.78%) in H. leucospilota. According to the results, significant differences were observed between essential and non-essential amino acids in S. herrmanni and H. leucospilota (P < 0.05). 21 minerals were measured in the body wall of these sea cucumbers. The predominant macro element in the body wall of S. herrmanni and H. leucospilota was calcium and its amounts were 1798.3 mg / 100 g and 4517.8 mg / 100 g, respectively. Macro elements were not significantly different in both species. Also, micro and toxic elements did not show a significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). The results of this study indicate the high nutritional value of S. herrmanni and H. leucospilota.
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Eating disorders (EDs) are among the most dangerous mental illnesses, that are characterized by high mortality rates, multisystem comorbidity, and an often chronic and relapsing disease course. EDs occur most commonly in the female gender, with a ratio of 10 females to 1 male for anorexia nervosa (AN). We present the case of a 15-year-old Saudi boy who presented with weight loss (BMI 11.6 kg/m²) and began to have symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in prayer and ablution. His first treatment plan was psychoeducation. He then developed a fear of gaining weight and began to count calories; he was diagnosed with AN and started on olanzapine 2.5 mg. The patient had a history of multiple admissions due to electrolyte imbalance, hypokalemia, hypoglycemia, and anal fissure due to constipation, and was prescribed olanzapine 5 mg, fluoxetine 20. His last admission was the worst, as he became semi-comatose with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 13, was diffused and disoriented to time and person, unable to walk or sit, and was uncooperative in answering questions. During admission, we changed the fluoxetine to paroxetine 25 mg and increased the olanzapine to 10 mg, and the patient showed a huge improvement physically and mentally. This case emphasizes the significance of including paroxetine in the treatment of diagnoses for AN to prevent unnecessary wasting of time and effort.
Background Prospective studies investigating the association among fruit, berry, and vegetable consumption and the risk of islet autoimmunity (IA) and type 1 diabetes (T1D) are few. Objectives In this cohort study, we explored whether the consumption of fruits, berries, and vegetables is associated with the IA and T1D development in genetically susceptible children. Methods Food consumption data in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) cohort study were available from 5674 children born between September 1996 and September 2004 in the Oulu and Tampere University Hospitals. Diet was assessed with 3-d food records at the age of 3 and 6 mo and annually from 1 to 6 y. The association between food consumption and the risk of IA and T1D was analyzed using joint models adjusted for energy intake, sex, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotype, and a family history of diabetes. Results During the 6-y follow-up, 247 children (4.4%) developed IA and 94 (1.7%) T1D. Furthermore, 64 of 505 children with at least 1 repeatedly positive autoantibody (12.7%) progressed from islet autoantibody positivity to T1D. The consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with decreased risk of IA [hazard ratio (HR): 0.83; 95% credible intervals (CI): 0.72, 0.95, per 1 g/MJ increase in consumption] and the consumption of berries with decreased risk of T1D (0.60; 0.47, 0.89). The consumption of banana was associated with increased risk of IA (1.08; 1.04, 1.12) and T1D (1.11; 1.01, 1.21). Only the association between banana and IA remain significant after multiple testing correction. Conclusions In children genetically at risk for T1D, the consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with decreased risk of IA and consumption of berries with decreased risk of T1D. In addition, the consumption of banana was associated with increased risk of IA and T1D.
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Increasing the availability of alternative protein from insects is important for solving food shortages. Not only are insects a rich source of protein, but using insect as ingredients could reduce food waste. Insects are thus a potentially valuable ingredient for food industries and even sustainable food. The three-dimensional production of food for future food has gained attention owing to its potential to reduce autonomous food production and produce sustainable food. This study investigated the printability and rheological properties of a high-protein food system derived from mealworms and guar gum used to improve printability. The stability and rheological properties were analyzed for various printing parameters. The results indicate that the yield stress of the mealworm paste dramatically increased (39 to 1096 Pa) with even a small guar gum concentration resulting in an increase (0 to 1.75%). Increasing the guar gum concentration thus resulted in a mealworm paste that had a more significant value of hardness and cohesiveness but reduced adhesiveness (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of guar gum increased viscosity, and caused the paste to exhibit a shear thinning behavior and ability to support itself and was thus more stable. In summary, introducing guar gum resulted in a mealworm paste with rheological properties more suitable for printing in terms of printability and stability.
A percepção da imagem corporal é influenciada pelas interações entre oser e o meio em que vive. As responsabilidades e instabilidade psicossocial no inícioda vida adulta, associadas às mudanças referentes ao ingresso na universidade, tornam universitários vulneráveis às pressões estéticas exercidas pela sociedade, especialmente entre as mulheres. Objetivou-se verificar a prevalência da insatisfação com a imagem corporal e sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, atividade física, sono, antropométricas e dietéticasde mulheres universitárias. Estudo transversal, a partir de dados secundários de 214 universitárias assistidas em ambulatório nutricional de universidade no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram coletados dados antropométricos (peso, estatura, ecircunferência da cintura), dietéticos (recordatório 24 horas) e protocolo de percepção da imagem corporal (Silhouette Matching Task). A associação entre as variáveis foi verificada através de regressão logística multinomial. A média de idade foi 22,3 + 2,7 anos. Os resultados evidenciam elevada prevalência de insatisfação corporal entre asparticipantes(87,4%),sendoque70,1% apresentaram insatisfação pelo excesso de peso. A circunferência da cintura e associou à insatisfação da imagem corporal pelo excesso de peso. Não houve associação entre a insatisfação e a magreza ou com as demais variáveis investigadas. Destaca-se a proporção de mulheres (58,9%) com estado nutricionaladequado, mas que apresentam insatisfação com a imagem corporal. É de extrema importância que no âmbito das universidades sejam realizadas ações e projetos contínuos de assistência nutricional e psicológica, especialmente entre mulheres universitárias.
Este artigo teve como objetivo investigar a alimentação complementar ofertada aos lactentes de 6 a 12 meses de Palmas, TO. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 177 crianças que eram atendidas em Centros de Saúde da Comunidade de Palmas-TO, entre abril e novembro de 2021. Foram aplicados, um questionário com informações socioeconômicas, demográficas, de saúde, do aleitamento materno, e um Recordatório Alimentar de 24 horas para avaliar a alimentação complementar. Foram feitas análises descritivas das variáveis e os testes T-Student, Mann-Whitney, Qui-Quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher. Adotou-se nível de significância a 5%. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria das crianças consumiam energia acima do recomendado, especialmente devido ao consumo frequente de alimentos ultraprocessados (p=0,006). As famílias de baixa renda demonstraram maior propensão ao consumo desses alimentos (p=0,007). Observou-se inadequações nos consumos de ferro (70,5%) das crianças, bem como a interrupção precoce do aleitamento materno. A introdução de alimentos complementares ocorreu em idade inferior à recomendada, ofertando alimentação complementar precoce, com alimentos ultraprocessados (p=0,03). Verificou-se que as crianças expostas às telas consumiam alimentos ultraprocessados com maior frequência, em comparação com aquelas que não tiveram contato (p=0,017). É de suma importância abordar questões como desmame precoce e exposição a telas e a oferta de alimentos ultraprocessados, a fim de melhorar as práticas alimentares e promover uma alimentação saudável para as crianças em Palmas.
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O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a produção científica sobre os hábitos alimentares de mulheres que se encontram no período do climatério. Elaborou-se uma revisão integrativa, com os descritores “climatério” OR “menopausa” AND “comportamento alimentar” OR “hábitos alimentares” OR “padrões alimentares”, no Portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, com artigos publicado até o ano de 2020. Foram encontrados 185 artigos, sendo que apenas 10 atendiam aos critérios de elegibilidade estabelecidos. Verificou-se que, de forma geral, a maioria das mulheres estudadas estava na classificação pós-menopausa e apresentaram ingestão heterogênea dos grupos de alimentos avaliados. Quanto ao estilo de vida a maior parte delas estava com sobrepeso’ e o número de fumantes foi expressivo. Com a análise dos artigos, percebeu-se que as alterações no estilo de vida são frequentes em mulheres na menopausa, sendo necessários estudos para se avaliar a relação entre as mudanças hormonais e os hábitos alimentares deste grupo populacional.
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Down Syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder. Studies have sought the mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of diseases associated with DS, as well as the factors that contribute to changes growth and development. Thyroid dysfunctions as well as micronutrient deficiencies have already been evidenced. Zinc is one of the micronutrients involved in the processes of cell differentiation, height growth, neurological development and immune defense, and its deficiency can lead to damage in children with DS. There are no studies in Brazil and the real magnitude of this deficiency is not known in the general population and more specifically among those with DS. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of zinc in children and adolescents with and to verify the response to supplementation of this micronutrient, proposing an assistance protocol for this population. A case-control clinical study and a randomized clinical trial, accomplished in 2020 and 2021, in an outpatient service of a University Hospital, with a convenience sample. Case Group: children and adolescents with DS, paired by sex and age with the control group, without the syndrome (1:1), wirh the laboratory analysis of erythrocyte and serum zinc dosages, in addition to assessment of dietary zinc intake. Study approved by the Research Ethics Committee. The results shows differences between groups were significant in relation to birth weight (p=0.04), and regarding the level of erythrocyte zinc (p<0.001), lower in the control group, despite the fact that the diet of both groups did not show insufficiency in the consumption of this micronutrient. We considerer that with the improvement of care for these children and adolescents will promote better growth and development, impacting their quality of life and that of their caregivers. In opposition to what is described in the literature, children and adolescents with Down syndrome presented better adequacy of the nutritional status of zinc than the control group. The results highlight the relevance of regular follow-up in a health care service, with integral care and multidisciplinary team, from the first months of life.
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Background: Plasma sulfur amino acids (SAAs, i.e., methionine, total cysteine (tCys), total homocysteine (tHcy), cystathionine, total glutathione (tGSH) and taurine) are potential risk factors of obesity and cardiometabolic disorders. However, except for plasma tHcy, little is known about how dietary intake modifies the concentrations of plasma SAAs. Objective: To investigate whether intake of SAAs and proteins or diet quality are associated with plasma SAAs. Methods: Data from a cross-sectional subset of The Maastricht Study (n=1145, 50.5% men, 61 [IQR: 55, 66] years, 22.5% with prediabetes and 34.3% with type 2 diabetes) were investigated. Dietary intake was assessed with a validated food frequency questionnaire. Intake of SAAs (total, methionine and cysteine) and proteins (total, animal and plant) were estimated from the Dutch and Danish food composition tables. Diet quality was assessed with the Dutch Healthy Diet index, the Mediterranean Diet Score and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension score. Fasting plasma SAAs were measured with LC/MS-MS. Associations were investigated with multiple linear regressions with tertiles of dietary intake measures (main exposures) and z-standardized plasma SAAs (outcomes). Results: Intake of total SAAs and total protein was positively associated with plasma tCys and cystathionine. Associations were stronger in women and in those with normal body weight. Higher intake of cysteine and plant proteins was associated with lower plasma tHcy and higher cystathionine. Higher methionine intake was associated with lower plasma tGSH, while cysteine intake was positively associated with tGSH. Higher intake of methionine and animal proteins was associated with higher plasma taurine. A better diet quality was consistently related to lower plasma tHcy concentrations, but it was not associated with the other SAAs. Conclusion: Targeted dietary modifications might be effective in modifying plasma concentrations of especially tCys, tHcy and cystathionine, which have been associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disorders.
O estudo teve por objetivo identificar o consumo de suplementos alimentares entre atletas de diferentes modalidades de atletismo, avaliar se o consumo alimentar de macronutrientes atendem as recomendações nutricionais. A amostra foi composta por 30 atletas das diferentes modalidades do atletismo, com foco em atividade competitiva. Para caracterização do grupo de estudo foram coletados os seguintes dados: idade, sexo, peso e estatura. Para conhecer o consumo alimentar, foi utilizado o Recordatório Alimentar de 24 horas em triplicata, sendo realizada a coleta em dois dias não consecutivos da semana e um dia do final de semana. Para quantificar os macronutrientes ingeridos pelos atletas foi utilizado o software Dietbox. A análise dos dados foi descritiva com apoio do programa BioEstat 5.0. Participaram da pesquisa 30 atletas de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 16.5 ± 4.41 anos, que apresentaram peso médio de 60.43 ± 22.81 kg . A partir da análise dos Recordatórios de 24 horas, foi observado que 17% dos atletas faziam uso de suplementos alimentares, desse total, 40% utilizavam suplementos de origem proteica, sendo estes suplementos ingeridos por conta própria (40%) prescritos por nutricionista (20%), médico (20%) ou profissional da educação física (20%). Além disso, também foi observado que 67% dos entrevistados apresentaram dieta hipoglicídica, 73% dos participantes consumiam dieta hiperproteica e 43% dieta hiperlipídica. Conclui-se que o consumo de macronutrientes não está adequado para a modalidade esportiva, com exceção da proteína que está adequada para a modalidade praticada, sendo necessárias estratégias de educação nutricional para atletas, com abordagens sobre alimentação saudável e adequada, como também sobre o consumo de suplemento alimentar, sendo que este deve ser indicado após avaliação da real necessidade, ambas realizadas pelo profissional nutricionista.
This review discusses the current technological approaches successfully used to fortify yogurts with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The PUFA sources, inclusion strategies, effects of the fortification process on the yogurt’s properties, as well as the health benefits of the PUFA-fortified yogurts are systematically presented. The main PUFA sources explored have been fish, algal, and flaxseed oils, and walnut. Oils, seeds, nuts, vegetable flours, oil-in-water emulsions, and encapsulated emulsions may be added to obtain fortified yogurts. The effects of PUFA fortification depends on the technological approach used. Diet supplementation with PUFA-fortified yogurts reveals cardio-protective effects and cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
Background: Limited research evidence exists on the effects of red meat on gut microbiota in human adults. Objective: We aim to assess the effects of consuming a Healthy U.S.-Style Dietary Pattern (HDP), without or with unprocessed or processed lean red meat, on gut microbiota and fecal short-chain fatty acids levels (SCFA) in healthy young adults. Secondary outcomes are cardiovascular disease risk factors. Methods: We conducted a randomized-controlled, cross-over trial with three 3-week dietary interventions, each separated by a 5-week washout period with habitual dietary intake. Nineteen participants (8 females, age 26 ± 4 years old, BMI 23 ± 3 kg/m2) consumed three study diets in random order: 1) healthy lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (LOV); 2) LOV plus 3 ounces/day of cooked unprocessed lean red meat (URM); and 3) LOV plus 3 ounces/day of cooked processed lean red meat (PRM). Fecal and fasting blood samples were collected before and during the last 2 weeks of each intervention. We measured fecal bacterial community structure using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (V4 region, primers 515F-806R). Community diversity, structure, and taxonomic composition were computed using Mothur v.1.44.3. Results: The addition of unprocessed or processed lean red meats to a LOV HDP did not influence short-term changes in bacterial taxonomic composition. Independent of red meat intake, the HDP led to changes in 23 bacteria; reductions in serum total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C concentrations; but no changes in fecal SCFA, serum triglycerides, HDL-C, TC/HDL-C ratio, or blood pressures. With data from all 3 diet interventions combined, changes in some bacteria were associated with improvements in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TC/HDL-C ratio, and triglycerides. Conclusions: Healthy young adults who adopt a HDP that may be vegetarian or omnivorous only including lean red meat experience short-term changes in gut microbial composition, which associate with improvements in multiple lipid-related cardiovascular risk factors. Clinical trial registry number and website: NCT03885544,
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Purpose To investigate the association between redox status in erythrocytes and skeletal muscle with dietary nutrient intake and markers of physical fitness and habitual physical activity (PA). Methods Forty-five young physically active men were assessed for body composition, dietary nutrient intake, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory capacity and habitual PA. Blood and muscle samples were collected to estimate selected redox biomarkers. Partial correlation analysis was used to evaluate the independent relationship of each factor with redox biomarkers. Results Dietary cysteine intake was positively correlated (p < 0.001) with both erythrocyte (r = 0.697) and muscle GSH (0.654, p < 0.001), erythrocyte reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG) (r = 0.530, p = 0.001) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity (r = 0.352, p = 0.030) and inversely correlated with erythrocyte protein carbonyls (PC) levels (r = − 0.325; p = 0.046). Knee extensors eccentric peak torque was positively correlated with GR activity (r = 0.355; p = 0.031) while, one-repetition maximum in back squat exercise was positively correlated with erythrocyte GSH/GSSG ratio (r = 0.401; p = 0.014) and inversely correlated with erythrocyte GSSG and PC (r = − 0.441, p = 0.006; r = − 0.413, p = 0.011 respectively). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was positively correlated with step count (r = 0.520; p < 0.001), light (r = 0.406; p = 0.008), moderate (r = 0.417; p = 0.006), moderate-to-vigorous (r = 0.475; p = 0.001), vigorous (r = 0.352; p = 0.022) and very vigorous (r = 0.326; p = 0.035) PA. Muscle GSSG inversely correlated with light PA (r = − 0.353; p = 0.022). Conclusion These results indicate that dietary cysteine intake may be a critical element for the regulation of glutathione metabolism and redox status in two different tissues pinpointing the independent significance of cysteine for optimal redox regulation. Musculoskeletal fitness and PA levels may be predictors of skeletal muscle, but not erythrocyte, antioxidant capacity. Trial registration Registry:, identifier: NCT03711838, date of registration: October 19, 2018.
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Dietary nutrient composition is essential for shaping important fitness traits and behaviours. Many organisms are protein limited, and for Drosophila melanogaster this limitation manifests at the level of the single most limiting essential Amino Acid (AA) in the diet. The identity of this AA and its effects on female fecundity is readily predictable by a procedure called exome matching in which the sum of AAs encoded by a consumer’s exome is used to predict the relative proportion of AAs required in its diet. However, the exome matching calculation does not weight AA contributions to the overall profile by protein size or expression. Here, we update the exome matching calculation to include these weightings. Surprisingly, although nearly half of the transcriptome is differentially expressed when comparing male and female flies, we found that creating transcriptome-weighted exome matched diets for each sex did not enhance their fecundity over that supported by exome matching alone. These data indicate that while organisms may require different amounts of dietary protein across conditions, the relative proportion of the constituent AAs remains constant. Interestingly, we also found that exome matched AA profiles are generally conserved across taxa and that the composition of these profiles might be explained by energetic and elemental limitations on microbial AA synthesis. Thus, it appears that ecological constraints amongst autotrophs shape the relative proportion of AAs that are available across trophic levels and that this constrains biomass composition.
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INTRODUÇÃO: A sarcopenia é um distúrbio muscular esquelético que acomete frequentemente a população idosa. Ocorre de maneira progressiva e aumenta a probabilidade de fraturas, quedas, incapacidade física e mortalidade. OBJETIVO: Apresentar atualizações sobre os principais métodos diagnósticos, de classificação e de intervenção nutricional no tratamento de idosos sarcopênicos. MÉTODO: Revisão narrativa de literatura após busca de publicações indexadas nas bases de dados BVS, PubMed e SciELO, livros didáticos e consensos de sociedades e associações brasileiras e internacionais. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os métodos atuais de diagnóstico são o DEXA, impedância bioelétrica, testes de desempenho como o timed up and go, teste de caminhada, Short Physical Performance Battery, força de preensão palmar, questionário SARC-F e medida da circunferência da panturrilha. O mais novo consenso Europeu de determina três estágios classificação da sarcopenia. As intervenções nutricionais incluem oferta energética adequada por meio de carboidratos e lipídeos, contribuição proteica para síntese muscular e vitamina D. CONCLUSÃO: A sarcopenia é um distúrbio que classifica-se basicamente em três estágios, desde pré-sarcopenia atéseu estado mais severo. Os meios para o diagnóstico incluem análise dos compartimentos corporais, principalmente a musculatura esquelética, testes de força, desempenho físico e questionário, sendo métodos complementares. As atualizações relacionadas à intervenção compiladas na presente revisão demonstraram a essencialidade da oferta de carboidratos e lipídeos para garantir fornecimento energético adequado, enquanto a ingestão proteica atua na síntese muscular. O maior destaque paraproteínas está na garantia da oferta de aminoácidos essenciais, principalmente leucina e seu metabólito HMB. A suplementação proteica pode ser necessária a fim de atingir a recomendação diária. O destaque entre os micronutrientes está na ingestão adequada da vitamina D que atua na otimização da contração muscular.
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Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of food consumption and body composition on bone parameters in adolescent soccer players. Methods 148 male soccer players aged 12 to 18 years participated in the study. Body composition were assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, comprising bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) of total body without head (TBLH), lumbar spine (L1-L4) and right femoral neck (RFN). The bone geometry variables measured were Femoral Strength Index (FSI), Buckling Ratio (BR), Section Modulus (Z), Cross-sectional Moment of Inertia (CSMI) and Cross-sectional Area (CSA). Food intake was analyzed using the 24-hour food recall. Somatic maturation was estimated by the Peak Height Velocity equation. For the statistical analysis, the Stepwise multiple linear regression was used, with p-value of <0.05. Results Regarding food consumption, there was a high protein intake and low calcium intake. Lean mass was a predictor of BMC of TBLH (R² = 0.524), L1-L4 (R² = 0.492) and RFN (R² = 0.405); BMD of L1-L4 (R² = 0.407) and RFN (R² = 0.27); Z (R² = 0.683), CSMI (R² = 0.630) and CSA (R² = 0.640). There was a negative correlation between protein intake with bone mass and bone geometry parameters. Conclusion In adolescent soccer players, lean mass was a predictor of bone parameters, and high protein intake was negatively associated with bone mass and geometry.
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Meeting nutritional needs is one of the key challenges to establish a long-term human presence in inhospitable environments. The limited resupply opportunities, as well as the launcher payload carrying capacity, makes the development of lunar habitats challenging in nature. It is ideal to maximize the amount of payload available for mission-related equipment and other essential subsystems. A self-sustainable system allows to reduce the payload mass dedicated to nutrition. Hydroponic agriculture provides an alternative to solve the demanding requirements inherent to sustainable long-term human spaceflight. This paper explores whether a hydroponics system can sustainably meet the nutritional demands of a manned lunar station on a long-term basis. A top-level design study was developed by deriving the nutritional requirements of physically-active crew members. Suitable crop types were identified and evaluated, and an optimal nutritional combination was chosen with a selection matrix. Several existing analog missions were considered to assess the most suitable system architecture. The parameters of the optimal crop mix were then applied to dimension the system, and key budgets were obtained and analyzed. The results indicate that the proposed LuNG system is suitable for a three-person lunar habitat. LuNG presents high calorific efficiency, low labor intensity, and flexibility. With additional inputs, it is possible to meet the major macro-nutrient requirements. LuNG is compatible with circular life support systems and can contribute to the overall balance of such ecosystems. These findings help to highlight the viability of hydroponics as a tool to sustainably address the nutritional requirements. Hydroponics is a promising area that enables long-term human space exploration. This technology can also be applied in terrestrial contexts, as societies seek to develop more secure and sustainable food supply chains.
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A doença celíaca (DC) é uma condição autoimune que afeta o intestino delgado, desenvolvida em indivíduos geneticamente susceptíveis como consequência da ingestão de glúten. O tratamento da DC consiste unicamente ou preferencialmente no consumo de uma dieta livre de glúten rigorosa por toda a vida, visto que seu seguimento leva à recuperação intestinal e melhoria clínica. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a adequação nutricional da dieta livre de glúten (DLG) consumida por celíacos adultos no município de Sobral, CE. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, quantitativa, descritiva e transversal, com celíacos adultos, através da aplicação de um registro alimentar. A DLG apresentou elevado consumo médio de lipídios e proteínas, porém baixo de glicídios. Houve insuficiente ingestão de fibras, ácido fólico, cálcio e magnésio, mas elevado consumo de niacina, piridoxina e zinco. O estado nutricional dos celíacos deve ser monitorado constantemente, para manter a sua qualidade de vida.
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Muscle builders frequently consume protein supplements, but little is known about their effect on the gut microbiota. This study compared the gut microbiome and metabolome of self-identified muscle builders who did or did not report consuming a protein supplement. Twenty-two participants (14 males and 8 females) consumed a protein supplement (PS), and seventeen participants (12 males and 5 females) did not (No PS). Participants provided a fecal sample and completed a 24-h food recall (ASA24). The PS group consumed significantly more protein (118 ± 12 g No PS vs. 169 ± 18 g PS, p = 0.02). Fecal metabolome and microbiome were analyzed by using untargeted metabolomics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, respectively. Metabolomic analysis identified distinct metabolic profiles driven by allantoin (VIP score = 2.85, PS 2.3-fold higher), a catabolic product of uric acid. High-protein diets contain large quantities of purines, which gut microbes degrade to uric acid and then allantoin. The bacteria order Lactobacillales was higher in the PS group (22.6 ± 49 No PS vs. 136.5 ± 38.1, PS (p = 0.007)), and this bacteria family facilitates purine absorption and uric acid decomposition. Bacterial genes associated with nucleotide metabolism pathways (p < 0.001) were more highly expressed in the No PS group. Both fecal metagenomic and metabolomic analyses revealed that the PS group’s higher protein intake impacted nitrogen metabolism, specifically altering nucleotide degradation.
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