... Students who learn in mastery climate educational settings demonstrate the following: (a) positive attitudes toward learning and effort (Ames, 1992b;Corno & Rohrkemper, 1985;Nicholls, 1989;Treasure, 1997); (b) enjoyment of the work significantly more than in less student-driven climates (Kavussanu & Roberts, 1996;Lloyd & Fox, 1992;Ntoumanis & Biddle, 1999aOmmundsen, Roberts, & Kavussanu, 1998;Theeboom et al., 1995); (c) persistence during learning (Ames & Archer, 1988;Butler 1987;Rudisill, 1991); (d) correlation of effort with success in learning situations (Treasure, 1997); (e) beliefs that success is achieved through intrinsic interest, effort, and cooperation (Walling & Duda,1995); (f) greater satisfaction and lower levels of performance worry (Walling, Duda, & Chi,1993); (g) significant gains in motor performance (Martin, 2001;Theeboom et. al., 1995;Valentini, 1997Valentini, , 1999, increases in perceived competence (Rudisill,1989;Theeboom et. al., 1995;Valentini, 1997Valentini, , 1999, perceived ability (Burton,1989), and perceived sport competence, social acceptance, and scholastic competence (Newsham, 1989); (h) frequent use of effective learning strategies, self instruction, and self monitoring types of thoughts (Ames, 1984a(Ames, , 1984bAmes & Archer, 1988); (i) increases in motivation and sense of self-reliance (Maehr, 1983(Maehr, , 1984; and (j) perceptions of the teacher's behavior toward girls and low achievers are more positive (Duda, Olson, & Templin, 1991;Papaioannou, 1995Papaioannou, , 1998. ...