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Vector Image Model to Object Boundary Detection in Noisy Images



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International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and
Engineering (IJARMATE)
Vol. 1, Issue 2, September 2015
All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARMATE
Vector Image Model to Object Boundary Detection
in Noisy Images
, I.V.Sushmitha Dani
, I.Shibiya Sherlin
, S.Sheba Monic
, A.Sushma Thavakumari
, Christo Ananth
U.G. Scholars, Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli
Abstract A New model is designed for boundary
detection and applied it to object segmentation problem
in medical images. Our edge following technique
incorporates a vector image model and the edge map
information. The proposed technique was applied to
detect the object boundaries in several types of noisy
images where the ill-defined edges were encountered. The
proposed techniques performances on object
segmentation and computation time were evaluated by
comparing with the popular methods, i.e., the ACM, GVF
snake models. Several synthetic noisy images were
created and tested. The method is successfully tested in
different types of medical images including aortas in
cardiovascular MR images, and heart in CT images.
Index Terms—
Noisy Images, ACM, GVF snake models
Image analysis is the extraction of meaningful information
from images; mainly from digital images by means of digital
image processing techniques. Image analysis tasks can be as
simple as reading bar-coded tags or as sophisticated
as identifying a person from their face. Image analysis
operations produce numerical or graphical information based
on characteristics of the original image. They break into
objects and then classify them. They depend on the image
statistics. Common operations are extraction and description
of scene and image features, automated measurements, and
object classification. Image analyse are mainly used in
machine vision applications. Computer image analysis
largely contains the fields of computer or machine vision,
and medical imaging, and makes heavy use of pattern
recognition, digital geometry, and signal processing.
It is
the quantitative or qualitative characterization
of two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) digital
images. 2D images are, for example, to be analyzed
in computer vision, and 3D images in medical imaging.
Image compression and decompression reduce the data
content necessary to describe the image. Most of the images
contain lot of redundant information, compression removes
all the redundancies. Because of the compression the size is
reduced, so efficiently stored or transported. The compressed
image is decompressed when displayed. Lossless
compression preserves the exact data in the original image,
but Lossy compression does not represent the original image
but provide excellent compression. Image compression may
be lossy or lossless. Lossless compression is preferred or
archival purposes and often for medical imaging, technical
drawings, clip art, or comics. Lossy methods are especially
suitable for natural images such as photographs in
applications where minor loss of fidelity is acceptable to
achieve a substantial reduction in bit rate.
Methods for lossless image compression are:
Run-length encoding – used as default method
in PCX and as one of possible in BMP, TGA, TIFF
DPCM and Predictive Coding
Entropy encoding
Adaptive dictionary algorithms such as LZW – used
in GIF and TIFF
Deflation – used in PNG, MNG, and TIFF
Chain codes
Methods for lossy image compression:
Reducing the color space to the most common
colors in the image. The selected colors are
specified in the color palette in the header of the
compressed image. Each pixel just references the
index of a color in the color palette. This method
can be combined with dithering to
avoid posterization.
Chroma sub sampling. This takes advantage of the
fact that the human eye perceives spatial changes
of brightness more sharply than those of color, by
averaging or dropping some of the chrominance
information in the image.
Transform coding. This is the most commonly
used method. A Fourier-related transform such
as DCT or the wavelet transform are applied,
followed by quantization and entropy coding.
Fractal compression.
In [1], Bing Li and Scott T. Acton proposed a novel
static external force for active contours, called the vector field
convolution. The VFC field is calculated by convolving a
vector field kernel with the edge map generated from the
image. Different external forces have been proposed to
improve the performance of snakes. The external forces can
be generally classified as dynamic forces and static forces.
The dynamic forces are those that depend on the snake and, as
Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and
Engineering (IJARMATE)
Vol. 1, Issue 2, September 2015
All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARMATE
a result, change as the snake deforms. The static forces are
those that are calculated from the image, and remain
unchanged as the snake de-forms. The main disadvantage of
this method id only high capture range images can be used
In [2], Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince proposed a
method called gradient vector flow (GVF). The gradient
vector flow fields are dense vector fields derived from images
by minimizing certain energy functional in a variation
framework. The minimization is achieved by solving a pair of
decoupled linear partial differential equations that diffuse the
gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map computed
from the image. The GVF snake also has a large capture
range, which means that, barring interference from other
objects, it can be initialized far away from the boundary. The
disadvantage of the model is resultant value is only closer not
In [3], Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince presents a
new class of external forces for active contour model gradient
vector flow (GVF) fields, are dense vector fields derived from
images by minimizing energy functional in a variation
framework. The minimization is achieved by solving a pair of
decoupled linear partial differential equations which diffuses
the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map
computed from the image. Particular advantages of the GVF
snake over a traditional snake are its insensitivity to
initialization and ability to move into concave boundary
regions. A new external force model for snakes called
gradient vector flow (GVF). The disadvantage of the method
is performance degradation.
In [4], François Destrempes, Gilles Soulez and Guy
Cloutier proposed a new semi-automatic segmentation
method. The intima-media thickness (IMT) is a double-line
pattern visualized by echography on both walls of the
common carotid arteries in a longitudinal image. It is formed
by two parallel lines, which consist of the leading edges of
two anatomical boundaries: the lumen-intima and
media-adventitia interfaces. Semi-automatic segmentation of
the IMT on the far wall of carotid arteries in B-mode
ultrasound images is a useful tool for clinical applications.
Rayleigh distributions have been used to model the local
brightness of the speckle pattern in a B-mode image. The main
disadvantage of this method is only high contrast image can
be used here.
In [5], FrCdCric Leymarie and Martin D. Levine
proposed a explored a new segmentation technique Snakes
can be represented as energy-minimizing splines guided by
external constraint forces and image forces such as lines,
edges, subjective contours, and region homogeneities found
in the image. Furthermore, internal spline forces impose
smoothness constraints on the modeled contours. By
combining and integrating various types of information found
in an image, snakes can lead to results that are at least
comparable with other image-segmentation techniques. The
steady-state criterion for terminating the optimization
procedure is an overly strong one, leading to unnecessary
oscillations and, possibly, the snake receding from a valid
solution. The drawback of the model is, the model contains
multiple processes.
Our proposed system is edge following technique for
boundary detection in noisy images. Utilization of the
proposed technique is exhibited via its application to various
types of medical images. Our proposed technique can detect
the boundaries of objects in noisy images using the
information from the intensity gradient via the vector image
model and the texture gradient via the edge map. The
performance and robustness of the technique have been tested
to segment objects in synthetic noisy images and medical
images including prostates in ultrasound images, left
ventricles in cardiac magnetic resonance images, aortas in
cardiovascular MR images, and knee joints in computerized
tomography images.
It gives more information for searching the boundary of
objects and increases the probability of searching the correct
boundary. The magnitude and direction of the average edge
vector field give information of the boundary which flows
around an object. In addition, the edge map gives information
of edge which may be a part of object boundary. Hence, both
average edge vector field and edge map are exploited in the
decision of the edge following technique.
Fig.1. Overall System Design
The overall system design of the Edge following
technique using the average edge vector field and edge map
method is shown in the figure 5.1 with the deterministic
annealing and nonexpansive mapping. It gives more
information for searching the boundary of objects and
increases the probability of searching the correct boundary.
The results of detecting the object boundaries in
noisy images show that the proposed technique is much better
than the five contour models. The results of the running time
on several sizes of images also show that our method is more
efficient than the five contour models.
Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and
Engineering (IJARMATE)
Vol. 1, Issue 2, September 2015
All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARMATE
Fig.2. Input image
Fig.3. Preprocessed image
Fig.4. Edge map of the image
A New model is designed for boundary detection and
applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images.
Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image
model and the edge map information. The proposed technique
was applied to detect the object boundaries in several types of
noisy images where the ill-defined edges were encountered.
The proposed techniques performances on object
segmentation and computation time were evaluated by
comparing with the popular methods, i.e., the ACM, GVF
snake models. Several synthetic noisy images were created
and tested. The method is successfully tested in different
types of medical images including aortas in cardiovascular
MR images, and heart in CT images.
1. Bing Li and Scott Acton T. (2013), ‘Active contour external force
using vector field convolution for image segmentation’, IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp.
2. Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince L. (2011), ‘Snakes, shapes, and
gradient vector flow’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 359–369.
3. Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince L. (2010), ‘Gradient vector flow: A
new external force for snake’, in IEEE Proceedings on
Conference Computation Visual Pattern Recognition, pp. 66–71.
4. François Destrempes, Gilles Soulez and Guy Cloutier (2009),
‘Segmentation in ultrasonic B-mode images of healthy carotid
arteries using mixtures of Nakagami distributions and stochastic
optimization’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 28,
No. 2, pp. 215–229.
5. FrCdCric Leymarie and Martin Levine D. (2008), ‘Tracking
deformable objects in the plane using an active contour model’,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 617–634.
... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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... The proposed schemes have been implemented in both simulation and experimentations with a real robot, and the results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed concept. [55] discussed about a model, a new model is designed for boundary detection and applied it to object segmentation problem in medical images. Our edge following technique incorporates a vector image model and the edge map information. ...
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The journal is published every quarter and contains 200 pages in each issue. It is devoted to the study of Indian economy, polity and society. Research papers, review articles, book reviews are published in the journal. All research papers published in the journal are subject to an intensive refereeing process. Each issue of the journal also includes a section on documentation, which reproduces extensive excerpts of relevant reports of committees, working groups, task forces, etc., which may not be readily accessible, official documents compiled from scattered electronic and/or other sources and statistical supplement for ready reference of the readers. It is now in its nineteenth year of publication. So far, five special issues have been brought out, namely: (i) The Scheduled Castes: An Inter-Regional Perspective, (ii) Political Parties and Elections in Indian States : 1990-2003, (iii) Child Labour, (iv) World Trade Organisation Agreements, and (v) Basel-II and Indian Banks.
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The goal of this work is to perform a segmentation of the intimamedia thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries in view of computing various dynamical properties of that tissue, such as the elasticity distribution (elastogram). The echogenicity of a region of interest comprising the intima-media layers, the lumen, and the adventitia in an ultrasonic B-mode image is modeled by a mixture of three Nakagami distributions. In a first step, we compute the maximum a posteriori estimator of the proposed model, using the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. We then compute the optimal segmentation based on the estimated distributions as well as a statistical prior for disease-free IMT using a variant of the exploration/selection (ES) algorithm. Convergence of the ES algorithm to the optimal solution is assured asymptotically and is independent of the initial solution. In particular, our method is well suited to a semi-automatic context that requires minimal manual initialization. Tests of the proposed method on 30 sequences of ultrasonic B-mode images of presumably disease-free control subjects are reported. They suggest that the semi-automatic segmentations obtained by the proposed method are within the variability of the manual segmentations of two experts.
Conference Paper
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Snakes, or active contours, are used extensively in computer vision and image processing applications, particularly to locate object boundaries. Problems associated with initialization and poor convergence to concave boundaries, however, have limited their utility. This paper develops a new external force for active contours, largely solving both problems. This external force, which we call gradient vector flow (GVF) is computed as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map derived from the image. The resultant field has a large capture range and forces active contours into concave regions. Examples on simulated images and one real image are presented
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Snakes, or active contours, have been widely used in image processing applications. Typical roadblocks to consistent performance include limited capture range, noise sensitivity, and poor convergence to concavities. This paper proposes a new external force for active contours, called vector field convolution (VFC), to address these problems. VFC is calculated by convolving the edge map generated from the image with the user-defined vector field kernel. We propose two structures for the magnitude function of the vector field kernel, and we provide an analytical method to estimate the parameter of the magnitude function. Mixed VFC is introduced to alleviate the possible leakage problem caused by choosing inappropriate parameters. We also demonstrate that the standard external force and the gradient vector flow (GVF) external force are special cases of VFC in certain scenarios. Examples and comparisons with GVF are presented in this paper to show the advantages of this innovation, including superior noise robustness, reduced computational cost, and the flexibility of tailoring the force field.
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The problems of segmenting a noisy intensity image and tracking a nonrigid object in the plane are discussed. In evaluating these problems, a technique based on an active contour model commonly called a snake is examined. The technique is applied to cell locomotion and tracking studies. The snake permits both the segmentation and tracking problems to be simultaneously solved in constrained cases. A detailed analysis of the snake model, emphasizing its limitations and shortcomings, is presented, and improvements to the original description of the model are proposed. Problems of convergence of the optimization scheme are considered. In particular, an improved terminating criterion for the optimization scheme that is based on topographic features of the graph of the intensity image is proposed. Hierarchical filtering methods, as well as a continuation method based on a discrete sale-space representation, are discussed. Results for both segmentation and tracking are presented. Possible failures of the method are discussed
Snakes, or active contours, are used extensively in computer vision and image processing applications, particularly to locate object boundaries. Problems associated with initialization and poor convergence to concave boundaries, however, have limited their utility. This paper develops a new external force for active contours, largely solving both problems. This external force, which we call gradient vector flow (GVF), is computed as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map derived from the image. The resultant field has a large capture range and forces active contours into concave regions. Examples on simulated images and one real image are presented. 1 Introduction Snakes [10], or active contours, are curves defined within an image domain that can move under the influence of internal forces within the curve itself and external forces derived from the image data. The internal and external forces are defined so that the snake will conform to an object boun...
Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow
  • Chenyang Xu
  • Jerry Prince
Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince L. (2011), 'Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 359-369.