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Abstract and Figures

GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. The data is highly secured and it not only solve the problem of traditional meter reading system but also provides additional features such as power disconnection, reconnection and the concept of power management. The database stores the current month and also all the previous month data for the future use. Hence the system saves a lot amount of time and energy. Due to the power fluctuations, there might be a damage in the home appliances. Hence to avoid such damages and to protect the appliances, the voltage controlling method can be implemented.
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ISSN (ONLINE) : 2395-695X
ISSN (PRINT) : 2395-695X
Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Ecology, Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. 1, Issue 4, July 2015
All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARBEST
G.Poncelina1, M.Poolammal2, S.Priyanka3, M.Rakshana4, Praghash.K.5, Christo Ananth6
U.G.Scholars, Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli1,2,3,4
P.G. Scholar, M.E. Communication Systems, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli5
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli 6
Abstract GSM based AMR has low infrastructure
cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully
automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. The
data is highly secured and it not only solve the problem
of traditional meter reading system but also provides
additional features such as power disconnection,
reconnection and the concept of power management.
The database stores the current month and also all the
previous month data for the future use. Hence the
system saves a lot amount of time and energy. Due to the
power fluctuations, there might be a damage in the home
appliances. Hence to avoid such damages and to protect
the appliances, the voltage controlling method can be
Index Terms—GSM, AMR, Power Management
In those days traditional meters are used for
energy meter reading. At the end of each month a person
from the EB office comes to the home for taking the meter
reading. This takes much time and also causes error in
reading. To overcome this problem, we use GSM based
Automatic Meter Reading system. The development of a
GSM automatic power meter reading system (GAPMR) is
presented in [1]. GAPMR System consists of GSM Digital
power Meters installed in every consumer unit and
Electricity e-billing system at every provider side. It
consists of standard compliance digital kWh power meter
with embedded GSM modem which utilizes the GSM
network to send its power usage reading using SMS back to
energy provider wirelessly. At the power provider side an
e-billing system is used to manage all received SMS meter
reading, compute the billing cost, update the database, and
to publish the billing notification to its respective consumer
through SMS.
The remedy for all the problems like is labor
consuming, errors with electro-mechanical meters, human
errors while noting down the meter readings etc, is the
GPMC GSM based power meter and control system[2]. In
this system the track of the meter reading of each day and the
reading with the user identification number send to the user
as well as to the electricity department and Electricity
e-billing system associated with electricity department will
keep the track of each SMS meter reading and the
appropriate bill get generated at the last day of the month
and the bill is forwarded to user from the server. So there is
no chance of confusion to the user for paying the bill.
Microcontroller is interfaced with the GSM module and
energy meter. According to the power consumption, the
meter reading continuously gets incremented. For the
implementation of this system, a SIM card is required for the
GSM module and an identification (ID) number is allotted to
each customer. According to the requirement of the data,
electricity department can send a message to the particular
customer’s energy meter. When microcontroller receives
the message, its respective port bits are high and an
interrupt signal occurs.
Microcontroller starts to execute to the interrupt service
subroutine until it reaches last instruction of the subroutine.
After the execution of RET instruction, microcontroller
returns to the main program and continues incrementing.
Every one month, the data will be sent to the electricity
board automatically and also the electricity board can access
the system at any time on request. Receiving this meter
reading every month, the bill amount is calculated and sent
to the microcontroller which displays the unit consumed
and the bill amount. Notifying this message on the LCD
display, the customer has to pay the bill on time that can be
done through credit card, debit card or even by net banking.
A separate database is followed by the authority that stores
all the information about each customer and their bill
statement. Failing to pay the bill will lead to the power
disconnection that is again done by the microcontroller by
receiving the message from the electricity board.
ISSN (ONLINE) : 2395-695X
ISSN (PRINT) : 2395-695X
Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Ecology, Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. 1, Issue 4, July 2015
T (inst) = (MC
Cn) / (crystal frequency)
The microcontroller used here is P89C51RD2BN.The
expansion of the part number of this microcontroller is given
The P89C51RD2BN contains a non-volatile 64KB
Flash program memory that is both parallel programmable
and serial In-System and In- Application Programmable.
In-System Programming (ISP) allows the user to download
new code while the microcontroller sits in the application.
In- Application Programming (IAP) means that the
microcontroller fetches new program code and reprograms
itself while in the system. This allows for remote
programming over a modem link. A default serial loader
(boot loader) program in ROM allows serial In-System
programming of the Flash memory via the UART without
the need for a loader in the Flash code. For In-Application
Programming, the user program erases and reprograms the
Flash memory by use of standard routines contained in
ROM. The device supports 6-clock/12-clock mode
selection by programming a Flash bit using parallel
programming or In-System Programming. In addition, an
SFR bit (X2) in the clock control register (CKCON) also
selects between 6-clock/12-clock mode. Additionally, when
in 6-clock mode, peripherals may use either 6 clocks per
machine cycle or 12 clocks per machine cycle. The device
also has four 8-bit I/O ports, three 16- bit timer/event
counters, a multi-source, four-priority-level, nested interrupt
structure, an enhanced UART and on-chip oscillator and
timing circuits. The added features of the P89C51RD2BN
make it a powerful microcontroller for applications that
require pulse width modulation, high-speed I/O and
up/down counting capabilities such as motor control.
The time to execute the instruction is calculated
by using the following expression,
Number of Machine Cycles for an instruction to execute
and Cn is the number of clock cycles for one machine cycle.
For 89C51RD2BN the number of clock cycles for one
machine cycle is 12. For example, if the number of machine
cycles to execute a instruction is 1 and the oscillator
frequency used is 11.0592MHz, the time to execute an
instruction is 1.085s.
Basic Features of 89C51
80C51 Central Processing Unit
On-chip Flash Program Memory with In-System
Programming (ISP)
In Application Programming (IAP) capability
Boot ROM contains low-level Flash
programming routines for downloading
via the UART
Supports 6-clock/12-clock mode via
parallel programmer (default clock mode
after Chip Erase is 12-clock
6-clock/12-clock mode Flash bit erasable and
programmable via ISP
6-clock/12-clock mode programmable
“on-the-fly” by SFR bit
Peripherals (PCA, timers, UART) may
use either 6-clock or 12- clock mode
while the CPU is in 6-clock mode
Speed up to 20 MHz with 6-clock cycles
per machine cycle (40 MHz equivalent
performance); up to 33 MHz with 12
clocks per machine cycle
Fully static operation
RAM expandable externally to 64-kilo
Four interrupt priority levels
Seven interrupt sources
Four 8-bit I/O ports
Full-duplex enhanced UART
Framing error detection
Automatic address recognition
Power control modes
Clock can be stopped and resumed
Idle mode
Power down mode
Programmable clock-out pin
Second DPTR register
Asynchronous port reset
Low EMI (inhibit ALE)
Programmable Counter Array (PCA)
Liquid crystals are a phase of matter whose order is
intermediate between that of a liquid and that of a crystal.
The molecules are typically rod-shaped organic matters
about 25 Angstroms in length and their ordering is a function
of temperature. The molecular orientation can be controlled
with applied electric fields. LCD is made up of two sheets
of polarizing material with the liquid crystal solution
between them. An electric current passed through the
ISSN (ONLINE) : 2395-695X
ISSN (PRINT) : 2395-695X
Available online at
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Ecology, Science and Technology (IJARBEST)
Vol. 1, Issue 4, July 2015
liquid causes the crystals to align so that light
cannot pass through them, which results in display of
character as per the applied voltage in its data lines. The
driver is provided to drive the LCD. It stores the display data
transferred from the microcontroller in the internal display
RAM and generates dot matrix liquid crystal driving signals.
Each bit data of display RAM corresponds to on/off state of
a dot of a liquid crystal
A type of relay that can handle the high power
required to directly control an electric motor or other loads
is called a contactor. Solid-state relays control power
circuits with no moving parts, instead using a
semiconductor device to perform switching. Relays with
calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes multiple
operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from
overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these
functions are performed by digital instruments still called
"protective relays".
GSM was designed to grow and meet the needs
of new technologies. GSM is currently composed of EDGE,
3GSM, and GPSR. Each member of the family is designed
to solve a particular need.
EDGE is an upper level component used for
advanced mobile services such as downloading music clips,
video clips, and multimedia messages. GPSR is designed for
“always-on” systems that are needed for web-browsing.
3GSM is the GSM running on third generation standards for
multimedia services.
GSM Network consists of three main parts:
Mobile Station (MS): carried by the subscriber.
Base Station Subsystem (BSS): controls radio
link with mobile station. Network & Switching
Subsystem (NSS): mobility management and
switching of calls between mobile users, and
between mobile and fixed network users.
GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it
reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the
probability of error is reduced. The data is highly secured
and it not only solve the problem of traditional meter reading
system but also provides additional features such as power
disconnection, reconnection and the concept of power
management. The database stores the current month and
also all the previous month data for the future use. Hence the
system saves a lot amount of time and energy. Due to the
power fluctuations, there might be a damage in the home
appliances. Hence to avoid such damages and to protect
the appliances, the voltage controlling method can be
[1] Amin S. Mehmood, T. Choudhry, M.A. Hanif, 2005 IEEE , A
“Reviewing the Technical Issues for the Effective Construction of
Automatic Meter Reading System” in International Conference on
[2] Bharath, P.; Ananth, N.; Vijetha, S.; Prakash, K.V.J.; 2008
“Wireless Automated Digital Energy Meter” in Sustainable Energy
Technologies, ICSET.
[3] Chih-Hung Wu; Shun-Chien Chang; Yu-Wei Huang; 2004 IEEE
“Design of a wireless ARM-based automatic meter reading and control
system” in Power Engineering Society General Meeting.
[4] Liting Cao, Jingwen Tian and Dahang Zhang, 2006 IEEE “Networked
Remote Meter-Reading System Based on Wireless Communication
Technology” in International Conference on Information Acquisition.
[5] Liting Cao, Wei Jiang, Zhaoli Zhang Oct. 2006, 2009 Automatic Meter
ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conf.
... 1.4v(90s),drawing approximately 150mA at 5v which exceeds the power capacity of the Uno., [5] ...
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In the present day modern world vehicles have become a part and parcel of every one’s life. The main reason behind this violation of emission level being the expurgated combustion of fuel supplied to engine, which is due to the improper maintenance of vehicles. This emission from vehicles cannot be completely avoided but, it definitely can be controlled. With the unfolding of semi-conductor sensors for detecting the various gases, this project aims at using those semiconductor sensors at emission outlets of vehicles which detects the pollution. When the pollution/emission level shoots beyond the already set threshold level, there will be a voice message from the warned list and collects fine from fined list . The pollution detector is connected to the cloud storage through a IOT device and the cloud technology is used to store the database and retrieve data using hadoop tool . GPS and GSM is used as an 3G networking devices.
... An additional advantage of an MCU over an FGPA is that the firmware of the system can be upgraded over wireless communication, which provides greater flexibility. Many MCU venders support in-application programming (IAP) [13,14]. The code together with the IAP concept allow the MCU to program itself, which is an advantage in terms of maintenance. ...
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In this paper; a technique is proposed for reducing the energy consumption of microcontroller-based sensor nodes by switching the operating clock between low and high frequencies. The proposed concept is motivated by the fact that if the application codes of the microcontroller unit (MCU) consist of no-wait state instruction sets, it consumes less energy when it operates with a higher frequency. When the application code of the MCU consists of wait instruction sets; e.g., a wait acknowledge signal, it switches to low clock frequency. The experimental results confirm that the proposed technique can reduce the MCU energy consumption up to 66.9%.
... They are also known as force-sensitive resistor and are sometimes referred to by the initialize FSR. [3] discussed about a system, GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. ...
The world is becoming so much more unsafe for women. Social evils like molestations, dowry, crime against women. Incidents of crime against women have been increasing at an alarming pace in Indian cities, most common incidents being rape, kidnapping, sexual harassment and eve teasing. Security for women is still a major issue . In this age of technology, mobile phone is one gadget almost everyone uses to keep in touch with family and friends. All they need is a device that can be carried around easily and worn whenever the woman feels unsafe. Women safety and security has emerged as a key concern for the country over the recent years.In this project suggests a new perspective to use technology to protect women. The system resembles a smart belt which when activated, tracks the location of the victim using GPS (Global Positioning System) and sends emergency messages using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), to two emergency contacts and the police control room. The system also incorporates a screaming alarm to call out for help . KEYWORDS:GPS,GSM,SHOCKING UNIT,FORCE SENSOR
... But the SMS read by the hearing aid is predefined. [4] discussed about a system, GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. ...
People with hearing loss problem use hearing aids, which are nothing but a audio amplifier. Analog hearing aids are less flexible and are simply designed to gather sound energy and direct it into the ear canal at fixed volumes for all the frequencies of sound. But with the availability of miniature microphone sensors and extremely low power digital signal processors, present day digital hearing aids can be constructed with audiometrical and cognitive intelligence that matches the hearing loss, physical features and lifestyle of the wearer, thus delivering more value and benefits for the hearing impaired person.The objective of the paper is to design a smart earplug system integrated with non-invasive bone conduction technique which is capable of doing advanced audio processing to provide voice enhanced, noise filtered audio for the hearing impaired people. The developed system in this work is compatible to work as an embedded music player, a life activity tracker and a Smartphone companion. It can even translate the SMS that is just received on your Smartphone into voice and feed to ear. Keywords—Bone conduction, earplug, microphone, digital signal processors.
... The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. [4] discussed about a system, GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. ...
Main Aim of the project is to real time monitoring of agriculture field by using IOTReal-Time Automation of Agriculture for Social Modernization of Agricultural System attracts great attention nowadays. Efficient water management is a major concern in many cropping systems in semi-arid and arid areas. Distributed in-field sensor-based irrigation systems offer a potential solution to support site-specific irrigation management that allows producers to maximize their productivity while saving water. Among the important things that may come to the farmers interest is how to control the used of natural sources and natural environment which agriculture depend on. Therefore, this problem has captured farmers interest to implement agro-environmental remote monitoring method in their agriculture industries. This can be implemented in various situations such as in monitoring qualities of soil and water design and instrumentation of variable rate irrigation, a wireless sensor network, and software for realtime in-field sensing and control of a site-specific precision linear-move irrigation system is discussed here. Here the crop field area can be monitored without human interaction. In this paper we have detailed about how to utilize the sensors in paddy crop field area and explained about WSN, sensor applications and the results are implemented. We can also store all the details in the cloud and can be monitored and controlled using IOT. Keywords:Real time monitoring,efficient water management,wireless sensor network,irrigation system.
... This Pitch, roll and yaw direction of Quadcopter. [4] discussed about a system, GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. ...
The main aim of this project is to make a robot which can make a surveillance in all the terrain such as land, air, water. This robot will go to that place and sense that physical environment. And it has a monitoring camera in front of it so that we can see everything through a computer.
... In our system, we use Open CV for the face detection as well as for face recognition. [3] discussed about a system, GSM based AMR has low infrastructure cost and it reduces man power. The system is fully automatic, hence the probability of error is reduced. ...
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Nowadays online exam has been used by most institutions, organizations, schools and colleges for conducting exams. The most commonly used online examination system is conducted by giving user id and password for candidates and then logging into the current web page and answering the questions. It has lot of bugs and anyone can misuse the password and anyone can malpractice in the exam. Thus a need of secure system is required. In this project we use an enhanced model raspberry pi 3. Also we use webcam for capturing the image which captures the image when it detects any motion by using the Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR)and the captured image is sent to the raspberry pi for face detection with the help of openCV. Then, the face detected is compared with the database, to check whether face detected is applied candidate or not , if it matches then webpage on which the questions are available is opened and the candidate can continue with the exam. Thus, it provides a secured online examination system. Keywords—Raspberry Pi 3, PIR sensor, openCV, Face detection, Haar Cascade classifier.
In today’s world, money can be required at anytime or anywhere such as shopping, travelling or health emergencies etc. The need of money can only be satisfied when you are carrying money with you. That also increases the risk of getting robed. Bank is a safest place to keep money. Bank provides Automated teller machine (ATM) which can provide money any where you want. ATM is an easy way to get money, you just need to insert card and password and you just got the money. But what if someone will steal your card and somehow he/she will know your password, it will grant him/her full access to your money. That raise question on present security and demands something new in the system that can provide second level of security. One time password (OTP) is password that validates an authentic user for only one login to the respective system. If user is unauthorized, system will not allow further access. OTP can be generated by using different cryptographic hash functions that provides a fixed string which can be used as second level security at ATM. In generation of OTP there are many factors that can make OTP unique every time it is generated. Factors that can be considered are time at when the user is accessing the machine, account number of the user, mobile number of the user, Location of the user, International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number which is unique for every mobile device. By taking into consideration factors like daily life problem (general problems) that is phone got switched off, battery is down; less coverage of network can affect the OTP solution etc. To avoid application based problem this report also suggest a solution i.e. biometric security; by using biometric security the alternative security will be as same as OTP. In this report, the flow of system I am developing, topics related to ATM banking and security, about OTP and biometric solution are discussed.
Internet of Things(IoT) is rapidly increasing Technology. IoT is the network of physical objects or things embedded with the electronics,software,sensors and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. In this project , we are developing a system which will automatically monitor the industrial applications and generate Alerts/alarms or take intelligent decision using concept of IoT. IoT has given as a promising way to build powerful industrial systems and applications by using Wireless devices. Androids and sensors. Here we introduce Internet on Chips(IoC) using ESP8266. ARM controller which directly across the Wi-fi router without intermediate mobile phone or system. A main contribution of this paper is that it summaries user if IoC in industries with artificial intelligence to monitor and control the industry. In addition also monitors noise level with acoustic sensors and Gas level in the surrounding. Index Terms- Artificial Intelligence, IoT, IoC, Sensors, Embedded Electronics
Conference Paper
This paper implements a wireless ARM-based automatic meter reading and control system (WAMRCS) for distribution automation. The WAMRCS is designed based on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor to deal with power data processing and relay control. In order to provide a cost-effective, wireless, always-connected, two-way data link between utility company and WAMRCS, the WAMRCS sends information of utility usage, power quality and outage alarm to utility company via GPRS network. Compared with analog utility meter reading by manpower, WAMRCS is more accurate, reliable, cost-effective, quick and free from man-made errors. It can provide extra capabilities such as distribution automation, load management and time-of-use rate.
Conference Paper
Electricity is one of the basic requirements of human beings, which is widely used for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. There is a great demand for electricity and in spite of very well developed alternate sources for electricity, there are lot of problems in connection with distribution and metering. The traditional electro-mechanical meters, still widely used today are prone to drift over temperature and time as a result of mechanical nature of the components in the meter. The problem worsens further in collecting the meter readings and generating the bill. In this paper we suggest a method where we utilize telecommunication systems for automated transmission of data to facilitate bill generation and payment of the same at the customerspsila place.
Conference Paper
A networked remote meter-reading system based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology and GSM is presented in this paper. The remote meter-reading system employs distributed structure, which consists of measure meters, sensors, intelligent terminals, management centre and wireless communication network. The intelligent terminal which designed based on embedded system and Bluetooth technology is used to realize acquisition information submitted from meters and sensors control the energy-consuming devices moreover in residence. The message communicated between the intelligent terminal and management centre by dint of GSM network. The structure and function of this meter-reading system are described and the system's hardware and software detailed. The meter-reading task can be finished at the management centre of residence area by using this system. The system has many significant excellences, such as wireless, low-workload, great quantity of data transmission, high-veracity and low-expenses. The using of embedded system improves the stability of wireless data transmission. The remote meter-reading system which can be propitious to administer energy-source and continuous development have abroad application foreground
Conference Paper
In this paper, we have reviewed the technical issues related to the effective construction of AMR system using Microcontroller, while enhancing our understanding about the challenges of designing, wireless communication, programming, interfacing a system. We have developed a prototype for testing its (AMR system using Microcontroller) capability and performance for long time to the varying extent, with a view to effectively consolidate and empirically examine the sending and receiving end hardware and software.
  • Liting Cao
  • Wei Jiang
  • Zhaoli Zhang
Liting Cao, Wei Jiang, Zhaoli Zhang Oct. 2006, 2009 Automatic Meter ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conf.