The present study explored the effect of vocally expressed emotions on duration perception. Recordings of the syllable ‘ah’ spoken in a disgusted (negative), surprised (positive), and neutral voice were subjected to a compression/stretching algorithm producing seven durations ranging from 300 to 1200 ms. The resulting stimuli served in a duration bisection procedure in which participants indicated whether a stimulus was more similar in duration to a previously studied 300 ms (short) or 1200 ms (long) 440 Hz tone. Behavioural results indicate that disgusted expressions were perceived as shorter than surprised expressions in both men and women and this effect was related to perceived valence. Additionally, both emotional expressions were perceived as shorter than neutral expressions in women only and this effect was related to perceived arousal. Event-related potentials showed an influence of emotion and rate of acoustic change (fast for compressed/short and slow for stretched/long stimuli) on stimulus encoding in women only. Based on these findings, we suggest that emotions interfere with temporal processes and facilitate the influence of contextual information (e.g., rate of acoustic change, attention) on duration judgements. Because women are more sensitive than men to unattended vocal emotions, their temporal judgements are more strongly distorted.