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Figure S7

  • Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine


The individual survival curves of clg1∆, cek1∆ and clg1∆ cek1∆ compared to wild type cells. These graphs replot the data from Figure 5 with error bars for a direct comparison of each mutant strain with the wild type one. The same wild type survival curve is used in panels A, B and C. The clg1∆ mutant had a longer lifespan compared to wild type cells (A), while the cek1∆ mutant had a lifespan very similar to the wild type strain (B). The clg1∆ cek1∆ double mutant had a lifespan similar to the wild type strain (C) and the cek1∆ single mutant (D). These data suggest that Clg1p and Cek1p act in the same genetic pathway to control lifespan. Statistical comparisons between the different curves are presented in Table S5. (TIF)
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