The individual survival curves of clg1∆, cek1∆ and
clg1∆ cek1∆ compared to wild type cells.
These graphs replot the data from Figure 5 with error bars for a direct
comparison of each mutant strain with the wild type one. The same wild type
survival curve is used in panels A, B and C. The clg1∆
mutant had a longer lifespan compared to wild type cells (A), while the
cek1∆ mutant had a lifespan very similar to the wild
type strain (B). The clg1∆ cek1∆ double mutant had a
lifespan similar to the wild type strain (C) and the cek1∆
single mutant (D). These data suggest that Clg1p and Cek1p act in the same
genetic pathway to control lifespan. Statistical comparisons between the
different curves are presented in Table S5.