... The genus Poa has never been revised for more than one geographic region at a time, and in few cases has any one author been involved in revisions for more than one region. Poa has been revised in Europe and Turkey (Edmondson 1978(Edmondson , 1980(Edmondson , 1985, the former USSR (Tzvelev 1976), Siberia (Olonova 1990), Russian Far East (Probatova 1985), Ethiopia andEritrea (Phillips 1989, 1995), Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran (Bor 1968(Bor , 1970, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and the Himalayas (Bor 1952a(Bor , 1952b(Bor , 1960Melderis 1978;Rajbhandari 1991;Noltie 2002aNoltie , 2000b, Malesia (Veldkamp 1994), Australia (Vickery 1970;Simon 1993;Sharp and Simon 2002), New Zealand (Edgar 1986), and USA, Canada, and Latin America (Giussani 2000;Negritto and Anton 2000;Soreng et al. 2003a). A new treatment for China (Liou 2003) includes 231 validly published species, but this number is expected to decline substantially in the Flora of China, english edition (RJS with M. V. Olonova and Guanghua Zhu, in prep; the 575 world species estimate takes into account initial reductions to synonymy). ...