
Biological potential and economic feasibility of intercropping of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with pulses and oilseeds under different planting patterns on rice fallow land

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A field experiment was conducted during the spring season of 1995 and 1996 at Baruipur, to study the productivity and economic profitability of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)-based intercropping systems on rice (Oryza saliva L.) fallow genetic alluvial land. Intercropping of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) with normal planting of sunflower was found beneficial and sustainable over sole cropping of sunflower. Among the intercrop associations, normal row (45 cm) planting of sunflower with groundnut resulted in maximum sunflower-equivalent yield (26.05 q/ha), land-equivalent ratio (1.52), monetary advantage (Rs 6,238/ ha), net return (Rs 9,130/ha), income-equivalent ratio (2.36) and indicated a modest aggressivity factor (± 0.16), competitive ratio (1.23 : 0.87) and gave a good value for the product of crowding coefficient (K 11.51) and area-time equivalent ratio (1.37), which proved most efficient system among all the intercropping systems.

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... Recently attelnpts are being made to utilise vast Gangetic alluvial lowland rainy season rice fallows availing residual soil n10isture and or with supplemental life saving irrigation (Sarkar et al. 1998). Alnong crops suitable for rice fallow lands, greengrall1 [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] being short duration and photo. . ...
A field experiment was conducted during 2002 to 2003 to study the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with water soaking, 1% KCl, 1% KH 2PO 4, 0.1% (NH 4) 6MO 7O 24 4H 2O, rhizobium culture and foliar spray of nitrate salts with 0.25% KNO 3, 0.50% KNO 3, 0.203% Ca (NO 3) 2 and 0.406% Ca (NO 3) 2 on growth and yield of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] in Gangetic alluvial (Entisol) land at the experimental farm of the Calcutta University, Baruipur. Pre-sowing seed treatments improved growth and physiological parameters like leaf-area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate; yield attributes and increase of grain yield by 14 to 86% over the control. Pre-sowing seed treatment with rhizobium culture and 0.1 % (NH 4) 6MO 7O 24, 4H 2O exerted most conspicuous effect on growth and yield attributes and thereby resulting in 86 and 61% increase in grain yield respectively over dry seed (control). Foliar spray of nitrate salts during 50% flowering stage showed beneficial effect on growth parameters, and yield attributes and recorded higher gram yield ranging from 7 to 23%. Among the foliar spray treatments, spray of 0.406% Ca(NO 3) 2 and 0.5% KNO 3 exhibited maximum increase in grain yield by 23 and 19% respectively over the control. Pre-sowing seed treatment with rhizobium culture along with foliar spray of 0.406% Ca(NO 3) 2 proved most beneficial in greengram production.
Field experiment conducted at BCKV Farm, W. B. with cowpea during pre-kharif season (February to April) in randomized block design with eight levels (control, inoculation with Rhizobium, inoculation+zinc sulphate @ 15 kg/ha as basal, inoculation+ammonium molybdate @ 2 kg/ha as basal, inoculation+zinc sulphate @ 15 kg/ha+ammonium molybdate @ 2 kg/ha, FYM @ 15 t/ha, N:P2O5:K2O @ 20:40:20 kg/ha as basal and N:P2O5:K2O@20:40:20 kg/ha+zinc sulphate@ 15 kg/ha+ammonium molybdate@ 2 kg/ha) revealed that Rhizobium inoculation, application of macro- and micro-nutrient fertilizers and FYM significantly influenced the number of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules/plant, dry matter accumulation in plant shoot, crop growth rate, height of plant, number of pods/plant, green pod yield and seed yield of cowpea, except number of primary branches/plant, number of seeds/pod, pod length and test weight. The seed yield for inoculation with basal application of zinc sulphate and ammonium molybdate was 13.70 q/ha, being significantly better than untreated control with an increase by 54.45%.
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