... A related but contrasting branch of literature is more inductive, linking behaviours related to PG in more particular and exploratory ways than deductive typological studies do. These behaviours include substance abuse (Cheung, 2014;Petry & Champine, 2012;Welte, Barnes, & Hoffman, 2004), depression and anxiety (Chinneck et al., 2016;Martin, Usdan, Cremeens, & Vail-Smith, 2014), maladaptive coping behaviours (e.g., distancing and avoidance strategies; Edgerton et al., 2015;Getty, Watson, & Frisch, 2000;Gupta, Derevensky, & Margret, 2004;Sleczka, Braun, Grüne, Bühringer, & Kraus, 2016), and impulsivity and delinquency (Chamberlain, Stochl, Redden, Odlaug, & Grant, 2017;Mishra, Lalumiere, & Williams, 2017). Although these studies are less concerned with etiological links between these behaviours and PG, they identify novel and nuanced relationships of problem behaviours, especially with respect to how they are moderated via demographic (e.g., gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status) and gambling level risk factors (typically measured by using the Problem Gambling Severity Index [PGSI]/South Oaks Gambling Screen; see e.g., Matheson, Wohl, & Anisman, 2009;Sanscartier et al., 2018;Wong, Zane, Saw, & Chan, 2013). ...