
Magnetometer basics for mobile phone applications

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Use of magnetic sensors is rapidly expanding, driven by user demands in automotive, industrial, military/aerospace and consumer applications. Initially, magnetic sensors were developed and used almost exclusively for navigation and tracking purposes, mostly in the military/aerospace and industrial arenas. A key factor in selecting the right type of sensor is cost. Some manufacturers foresee costs for their chips at less than a dollar for consumer electronic items like mobile phones. Another crucial parameter is sensitivity. Designing a magnetometer with a wider bandwidth can alleviate noise sensitivity levels. The GMR effect discovered in the late 1980s is actually a quantum effect. GMR sensors utilize the quantum nature of electrons that have two spin states, up and down. Conducting electrons with spin direction parallel to the sensor film's magnetic orientation move easily and thus produce low electrical resistance.

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... Two of the many types of magnetometer sensor that are typically used in today's smartphone, are a 'Hall effect sensor' and 'anisotropic magneto resistive' (AMR) sensor [7]. ...
... As these electrons move sideward, it will create a potential difference between two sides of the semiconductor material. This difference is then detected and returned as an output voltage called Hall voltage [7]. ...
... An AMR sensor works based on the magnetoresistant effect on a specific material which causes the material to change the value of its electrical resistance when placed within a magnetic field [7]. ...
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This paper proposes an alternative method for conducting touchless interaction. Using a magnetometer sensor, we attempt to map some common gestures into something that can be understood by a magnetometer sensor. To demonstrate the concept, an application and a punching game that utilize this principlewere developed. Using the application, usersareable to perform a common swiping gesture using a magnetometer sensor. When the gamedetects a punch gesture, it will respond accordingly. The application was tested and compared against an existing touchless interaction technology. The test results showed that there are some aspects where the magnetometer solution is better compared to the existing solution. This suggests that touchless interaction using magnetometersmight have a promising future.
... The magnetic field detected by a magnetometer can either represent the Earth's magnetic field or the resultant magnetic field interactions with ferrous metals or other sources of electromagnetic activity in the magnetometer's environment. A basic, non-MEMS magnetometer measures the magnetic field by the Hall effect, which works by "detecting a voltage across a metallic surface in response to a magnetic field that is perpendicular to the metallic surface" [35], as seen in Figure 3.3. The voltage that is seen across the metallic surface is called the Hall voltage, and can be used to infer how strong the magnetic field is in a given direction. ...
... 3: A model of how a magnetometer measures the magnetic field[35] ...
The fitness device market is young and rapidly growing. More people than ever before take count of how many steps they walk, how many calories they burn, their heart rate over time, and even their quality of sleep. New, and as of yet, unreleased fitness devices have promised the next evolution of functionality with exercise technique analysis. These next generation of fitness devices have wrist and armband style form factors, which may not be optimal for barbell exercises such as back squat, bench press, and overhead press where a sensor on one arm may not provide the most relevant data about a lift. Barbell path analysis is a well-known visual tool to help diagnose weightlifting technique deficiencies, but requires a camera pointed at the athlete that is integrated with motion-tracking software. This camera set up is not available at most gyms, so this motivates the use of a small, unobtrusive sensor to obtain data about an athlete's weightlifting technique. Researchers have shown that an accelerometer attached to a barbell while the athlete is lifting yields just as accurate acceleration information as a camera. The LIFT (Leveraging Information For Training) automated weight lifting coach attempts to implement a simple, unobtrusive system for analyzing and providing feedback on barbell weight lifting technique.
... There are a few types of magnetometers used in consumergrade smartphones. The Hall effect sensor is the most commonly used magnetometer in smartphones and tablets [28]. This kind of sensor produces voltage when the sensor is placed in a strong magnetic field perpendicular to its plane. ...
In this paper, we show that attackers can leak data from isolated, air-gapped computers to nearby smartphones via covert magnetic signals. The proposed covert channel works even if a smartphone is kept inside a Faraday shielding case, which aims to block any type of inbound and outbound wireless communication (Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth, etc.). The channel also works if the smartphone is set in airplane mode in order to block any communication with the device. We implement a malware that controls the magnetic fields emanating from the computer by regulating workloads on the CPU cores. Sensitive data such as encryption keys, passwords, or keylogging data is encoded and transmitted over the magnetic signals. A smartphone located near the computer receives the covert signals with its magnetic sensor. We present technical background, and discuss signal generation, data encoding, and signal reception. We show that the proposed covert channel works from a user-level process, without requiring special privileges, and can successfully operate from within an isolated virtual machine (VM).
... Under these conditions, Young and Freedman 11 report a common value for the gravitational acceleration of 9.80665 m/s 2 . According to the theoretical model, the behavior of the position as a function of time is described by the following equation: (1) where h(t) is the body's position at time t; h 0 and v 0 are the initial position and velocity at t = t 0 = 0 s, respectively; and g is the value of the gravitational acceleration. ...
This paper presents a new and simple methodology to measure the magnitude of gravitational acceleration using a smartphone magnetometer sensor. In this way, we determine the temporal behavior of the magnet’s position previously fixed at different spacings along a ruler in a freefall movement. The experimental data are interpreted within the theoretical model of the free fall of bodies to determine the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. Results show a value close to those obtained by similar methods using other smartphone sensors and a theoretical model near Earth’s surface. Thus, we show a suitable methodology for the classroom, laboratory, or home experimental and inquiry activities. Advances in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology and the manufacture of integrated silicon circuits have made it possible to produce magnetic sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes with low cost, high efficiency, and low power consumption...
... The results approved their use for undergradlevel magnetostatic experiments [4]. The type of sensors used in mobile phones varies, from the most-common Hall effect to GMR (giant magnetoresistance), with some cases of MJT (magnetic-tuneling junction) and AMR (anisotropic magnetoresistance) [5]. Micro-variations of the Earth magnetic field amplitude were also used to provide a means for indoor localization, running a particle filter approach deployed in an Android tablet [6]. ...
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This article explores the magnetic field sensor embedded in mobile phones, and presents some ways to use it together with straightforward software applications. Measurements are processed with features such as averages, georeferencing coordinates, data exporting, visualization, etc, by means of an open-source tool. Covering the hardware part, the sensor magnitude calibration and also its frequency response are discussed. All materials and elements are affordable and easily available. Results show the high potential of its use in class and also for research applications.
... Magnetometers measure the magnetic flux. Common MEMS magnetometer principles are based on the Lorentz force, anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and the Hall effect [122]. In reference to the primarily employed sensor hardware of this thesis, the Hall effect-based magnetometer is described exemplarily (see Fig. 3). ...
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Sports analytics research has major impact on the development of innovative training methods and the broadcast of sports events. This dissertation provides algorithms for both kinematic analysis and performance interpretation based on unobtrusively obtained measurements from wearable sensors. Its main focus is set on the processing of 3D-orientation features and the exploration of their potential for sports analytics. The proposed algorithms are described and evaluated in five exemplary sports. In scuba diving, rowing and ski jumping, the 3D-orientation of the body/boat/skis is determined and further processed to analyze and visualize the motion behavior. In snowboarding and skateboarding, the board orientation is calculated and processed for motion visualization and machine learning. Board sport tricks are automatically detected and subsequently classified for trick category and type. The methods of this work were already partially applied for TV broadcast of international competitions (e.g., Olympics 2018). Additionally, they can support sports science research for establishing thorough investigations and innovative training methods.
... Magnetometers measures the strength and direction of the magnetic field around it [77]. One MEMS magnetometer implementation used in smartphones is the Hall effect method [78], which is currently one of the dominant technologies in consumer electronic devices [79]. A Hall effect sensor is implemented by sending a current through a thin metal plate, and when magnetic field hits the plate perpendicularly it will generate a voltage that can be measured [80]. ...
This article aims to provide a better understanding of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses (ARSG) for assembly operators from two perspectives, namely, manufacturing engineering and technological maturity. A literature survey considers both these perspectives of ARSG. The article's contribution is an investigation of the current status as well as challenges for future development of ARSG regarding usage in the manufacturing industry in relation to the two perspectives. This survey thereby facilitate a better future integration of ARSG in manufacturing. Findings include that commercially available ARSG differ considerably in their hardware specifications. The Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of some of the components of ARSG is still low, with displays having a TRL of 7 and tracking a TRL of 5. A mapping of tracking technologies and their suitability for industrial ARSG was done and identified Bluetooth, micro-electro mechanical sensors (MEMS) and infrared sensors as potentially suitable technologies to improve tracking. Future work identified is to also explore the operator perspective of ARSG in manufacturing.
... Although the average walking speeds ranging from 2Km to 5km [6], whereas the maximum speed of suitcase is 5km/h. The idea illustrated in figure 1, uses accelerometer [7], [8] and magnetometer sensors [9] of smart phone. The accelerometer sensor is used to detect the motion while the magnetometer sensor is used to sense the real time angle of the smart phone. ...
... Magnetic fields are transparent, and in order to be seen, magnetic materials such as iron particles and ferrofluid are required to be brought close to the field where the particles move and form the direction of the field. Magnetometers can be very precise in measuring low frequency magnetic fields and strengths (Cai et al. 2012). In general, there are two types of magnetometers, scalar and vector magnetometers. ...
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This paper demonstrates a novel device visualizing and determining magnetic fields in six different directions. The device can be used in applications such as remote real estate construction sites requiring an inexpensive and powerless method of detection and determination of a magnetic field. The magnetometer uses magnetic properties of nanostructured iron oxide to aid in visualizing the location, direction and strength of magnetic fields. The device utilizes various sizes of permanent magnets which attract and hold the iron oxide nanoparticles in mini channels when there is no external magnetic field in the environment. Upon exposing to a magnetic field stronger than the magnetic strength of the holding magnet, the particles are repelled toward the external field. The magnetometer was fabricated by making tubes in an acrylic block in three dimensions and six directions, and filling them with iron oxide nanoparticles. The inner ends of the tubes were plugged by various sizes of permanent magnets and the outer ends were sealed by glass sheets. The device was exposed to different external fields created by various permanent magnets and successfully tested using a reference Gauss meter. The device was capable of identifying external magnetic fields up to 1455 Gauss.
... The magnetometer, for measuring the intensity of magnetic fields, was firstly created by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1833 [1] and received tremendous progress since then. It has been widely utilized in mineral explorations [2,3], accelerator physics [4], archaeology [5], mobile phones [6], etc. A long-term goal in the community is to pursue magnetometers with ultrahigh sensitivity. ...
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Magnetometers with exceptional sensitivity are highly demanded in solving a variety of physical and engineering problems, such as measuring Earth's weak magnetic fields and prospecting mineral deposits and geological structures. It has been shown that the non-Hermitian degeneracy at exceptional points (EPs) can provide a new route for that purpose, because of the nonlinear response to external perturbations. One recent work [H. Yang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 197201 (2018)] has made the first step to realize the second-order magnonic EP in ferromangetic bilayers respecting the parity-time symmetry. In this paper, we generalize the idea to higher-order cases by considering ferromagnetic trilayers consisting of a gain, a neutral, and a (balanced-)loss layer. We observe both second- and third-order magnonic EPs by tuning the interlayer coupling strength, the external magnetic field, and the gain-loss parameter. We show that the magnetic sensitivity can be enhanced by 3 orders of magnitude comparing to the conventional magnetic tunneling junction based sensors. Our results pave the way for studying high-order EPs in purely magnetic system and for designing magnetic sensors with ultrahigh sensitivity.
... Most modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with magnetic sensors, also called magnetometers. These sensors measure the ambient geomagnetic field intensity for all three physical axes in units of micro Tesla, usually by utilizing the Hall effect [21]. Normally, they are used to estimate the orientation of the device relative to earth's magnetic north and in this way act as digital compasses, e.g., to show the user's current direction in navigation applications. ...
Conference Paper
Recent studies have shown that aggregate CPU usage and power consumption traces on smartphones can leak information about applications running on the system or websites visited. In response, access to such data has been blocked for mobile applications starting from Android 8. In this work, we explore a new source of side-channel leakage for this class of attacks. Our method is based on the fact that electromagnetic activity caused by mobile processors leads to noticeable disturbances in magnetic sensor measurements on mobile devices, with the amplitude being proportional to the CPU workload. Therefore, recorded sensor data can be analyzed to reveal information about ongoing activities. The attack works on a number of devices: we evaluated 80 models of modern smartphones and tablets and observed the reaction of the magnetometer to the CPU activity on 56 of them. On selected devices we were able to successfully identify which application has been opened (with up to 90% accuracy) or which web page has been loaded (up to 91% accuracy). The presented side channel poses a significant risk to end users' privacy, as the sensor data can be recorded from native apps or even from web pages without user permissions. Finally, we discuss possible countermeasures to prevent the presented information leakage.
... Most modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with magnetic sensors, also called magnetometers. These sensors measure the ambient geomagnetic field intensity for all three physical axes in units of micro Tesla, usually by utilizing the Hall effect [21]. Normally, they are used to estimate the orientation of the device relative to earth's magnetic north and in this way act as digital compasses, e.g., to show the user's current direction in navigation applications. ...
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Recent studies have shown that aggregate CPU usage and power consumption traces on smartphones can leak information about applications running on the system or websites visited. In response, access to such data has been blocked for mobile applications starting from Android 7. In this work, we explore a new source of side-channel leakage for this class of attacks. Our method is based on the fact that electromagnetic activity caused by mobile processors leads to noticeable disturbances in magnetic sensor measurements on mobile devices, with the amplitude being proportional to the CPU workload. Therefore, recorded sensor data can be analyzed to reveal information about ongoing activities. The attack works on a number of devices: We evaluated 59 models of modern smartphones and tablets and observed the reaction of the magnetometer to CPU activity on 39 of them. On selected devices, we were able to successfully identify which application has been opened (with up to 90% accuracy) or which web page has been loaded (up to 91% accuracy). We believe that the presented side channel poses a significant risk to end users' privacy, as the sensor data can be recorded from native apps and even from web pages without user permissions. Finally, we discuss possible countermeasures to prevent the presented information leakage.
... The popularity and use of magnetic sensors have exploded in the last decades and, while there are diferent technologies capable of measuring magnetic ields, the most common distribution for mobile devices is the Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) [19]. MEMS is the name given to batch fabrication techniques that allow for the combination of miniaturized (typically in the range of micrometers to millimeters) mechanical and electrical systems that generate a response in the macro scale. ...
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Smartphones are increasingly augmented with sensors for a variety of purposes. In this paper, we show how magnetic field emissions can be used to fingerprint smartphones. Previous work on identification rely on specific characteristics that vary with the settings and components available on a device. This limits the number of devices on which one approach is effective. By contrast, all electronic devices emit a magnetic field which is accessible either through the API or measured through an external device. We conducted an in-the-wild study over four months and collected mobile sensor data from 175 devices. In our experiments we observed that the electromagnetic field measured by the magnetometer identifies devices with an accuracy of 98.9%. Furthermore, we show that even if the sensor was removed from the device or access to it was discontinued, identification would still be possible from a secondary device in close proximity to the target. Our findings suggest that the magnetic field emitted by smartphones is unique and fingerprinting devices based on this feature can be performed without the knowledge or cooperation of users.
... Most magnetometers depend on the amount of voltage that is detected across a metallic element when a magnetic field is present. Therefore, magnetometers are mainly used in electronic compass applications [23,24]. ...
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Smart devices industrial technology allowed developers and designers to embed different sensors, processors and memories in small size electronic device. Sensors are added to enhance the usability of these devices and improve the quality of experience through data collection. However, with the era of big-data and machine learning algorithms, sensors' data may be manipulated by different techniques to infer various hidden information. The extracted information may be beneficial to devices' users, developers and designers to enhance the management, operation, and development of these devices. However, the extracted information may be used to compromise the security and the privacy of humans in the era of Internet of everything (IoE). In this work, we attempt to review the process of inferring meaningful data from smart devices' sensors, especially, smartphones. In addition, different useful applications of machine learning based on smartphones sensors data are shown. Moreover, different side channel attacks utilizing the same sensors and the same machine learning algorithms are overviewed.
... Magnetometer is a device used to detect external magnetic field. Basic magnetometer contains only a thin layer of metal that will detect the change in voltage when placed in magnetic field [1]. Common magnetometers are bulky. ...
... There are a few types of magnetometers used in consumergrade smartphones. The Hall effect sensor is the most commonly used magnetometer in smartphones and tablets [28]. This kind of sensor produces voltage when the sensor is placed in a strong magnetic field perpendicular to its plane. ...
In this paper, we show that attackers can leak data from isolated, air-gapped computers to nearby smartphones via covert magnetic signals. The proposed covert channel works even if a smartphone is kept inside a Faraday shielding case, which aims to block any type of inbound and outbound wireless communication (Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth, etc.). The channel also works if the smartphone is set in airplane mode in order to block any communication with the device. We implement a malware that controls the magnetic fields emanating from the computer by regulating workloads on the CPU cores. Sensitive data such as encryption keys, passwords, or keylogging data is encoded and transmitted over the magnetic signals. A smartphone located near the computer receives the covert signals with its magnetic sensor. We present technical background, and discuss signal generation, data encoding, and signal reception. We show that the proposed covert channel works from a user-level process, without requiring special privileges, and can successfully operate from within an isolated virtual machine (VM).
... Magnetometer is a device used to detect external magnetic field. Basic magnetometer contains only a thin layer of metal that will detect the change in voltage when placed in magnetic field [1]. Common magnetometers are bulky. ...
Conference Paper
Magnetic field detection has been widely accepted in many applications such as military systems, outer space exploration and even in medical diagnosis and treatment. Low magnetic field detection is particularly important in tracking of magnetic markers in digestive tracks or blood vessels. The presence of magnetic fields' strength and direction can be detected by a device known as magnetometer. A magnetometer that is durable, room temperature operation and having non-movable components is chooses for this project. Traditional magnetometer tends to be bulky that hinders its inclusion into micro-scaled environment. This concern has brought the magnetometer into the trend of device miniaturization. Miniaturized magnetometer are usually fabricated using conventional microfabrication method particularly surface micromachining in which micro structures are built level by level starting from the surface of substrates upwards until completion of final structure. Besides time consuming, this method requires many consecutive steps in fabrication process and careful alignment of patterns on every layer which increase the complexity. The issue of miniaturization and complexity of conventional fabrication process has lead to this investigative research. The main objective of this research is to investigate and analyze the best and reliable micro coil for search coil magnetometer. Simulations and analysis for micro-scaled coil that is capable of detecting low magnetic field are done. The expected work include investigation on possible magnetometer of detecting low magnetic field, designing micro scale magnetometer, complete device fabrication processes, testing and characterization of the fabricated prototype device. Based on the results of simulation, a search coil magnetometer of 60µm thickness with spacing of 60µm and 30 turns was designed.
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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities of using a smartphone in physical education classes in elementary and secondary schools. In this work, we have explained the basic principles of the main smartphone sensors, explored the free apps that use them, and found out from the available literature what experiments can be done in school and how to incorporate them in the classroom. Using free apps, we designed and conducted several new, simple smartphone-based experiments. For example, we selected experiments that use natural or everyday objects, making the proposed working method suitable for homework or student projects.
Smart cities make use of the emerging technologies, for example big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI), to improve public administration by the executives. The utilization of IoT permits distinguishing and revealing explicit boundaries identified with various spaces of the city, for example well-being squandered by the executives, farming, transportation, and energy. LoRa advancements, for example, are utilized to create IoT answers for a few smart city areas because of its accessible highlights, yet now and again individuals may imagine that these accessible highlights include network protection hazards. The objective of this chaper is to give a comprehensive survey on the idea of the smart city other than their various applications, advantages, and favorable circumstances and furthermore about the IoT-based sensors and its applications. Furthermore, the majority of the conceivable IoE advancements are presented, and their abilities to converge into and apply to the various pieces of smart city communities are talked about. The possible utilization of smart cities for innovation improvement later on gives another important conversation in this chapter.
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In modern sports, often digitalized sensor systems are applied to monitor amateur and professional athletes. Since latest advances in miniaturization of electronic components and data analysis techniques opened new possibilities in sensor design, tiny measurement devices can easily be integrated into any kind of sports equipment or body-worn accessories. These Wearables have become essential as important data source for state-of-the-art movement analysis and performance indication to support and assess athletes during training and competition. This thesis presents methods and approaches to enable the analysis of wearable data in the field of table tennis. On the one hand, this sport is characterized by a wide range of various playing styles and technical opportunities, making it a rewarding area of research. On the other hand, digitalization in table tennis is still slowly progressing. In order to benefit from the advantages of Wearables in table tennis, this thesis introduces a training and support system comprising of an instrumented racket, multiple analysis algorithms and a feedback application running on a mobile device.
Magnetic field based magnetoresistance (MR) sensors are used in a wide range of applications to detect current, rotation, motion, position, and other parameters. Different sensor types are utilized for sensing magnetic fields. In order of technical progress, the important MR sensors are anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), giant magnetoresistance (GMR), and tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR). Sensors based on the Hall effect are used in clamp ammeters. These were some of the first magnetic sensors used but they suffer from the disadvantages of low sensitivity and nonlinearity. Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) technology has been discovered that is related to thin‐film MR material. It was found that CMR sensors have higher MR characteristics than GMR sensors. The relatively new TMR sensor technology has better temperature stability, high sensitivity, a wide linear range, and does not require a set–reset coil, unlike AMR and GMR technologies. The chapter summarizes the characteristic features of commonly used MR sensor technologies.
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Embedded systems are increasing in many areas, some examples of an embedded system are mobile phones, video game consoles, and industrial monitoring. Currently, interest with embedded systems is concerned with the issues of the providing safety, privacy and security. Security techniques rely on keeping the keys hidden, system can be exposed when the keys are described. We propose a system based on ICMetric that exploits the features of an embedded device to produce the identification of device. This paper proves that unique device features can be utilized to present an identity to a device which can be consumed for the providing security. The ICMetric technology has the facility to protect the systems by exploiting features of device. The proposed system uses the embedded MEMS magnetometer, gyroscope and accelerometer in the myAHRS_plus sensor to create a device ICMetric. An intelligent wheelchair is required which is equipped with the MEMS sensors. The proposed system is built on the features which have been produced by bias values of magnetometer, gyroscope and accelerometer. Reading generated from sensors are analyzed statistically to generate a triple ICMetric numbers used for device identification. The ICMetric number is not stored on the system and can be reproduced when necessary. If the system is attacked, there will be no theft because the ICMetric number is non-store. The proposal system proves that using MEMS sensors to generate an ICMetric number which using for device identification increase authentication and security of embedded devices.
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Health is particularly important family. When a person is sick and hospitalized, the number of family will be limited to just one or two from the patient's family. The family often responds slowly to the critical situation due to the distance traveled from home to hospital far enough. It would be easier if they able to monitor the condition by using a smart watch. it sends the current condition through the API displayed in the mobile application. The Android mobile app will process any data retrieved from the watch then decide the real condition of the patient. This research could support the Internet of Things in the field of health, may improve the chances of life of patients by providing a quicker and accurate information.
Human spaceflight programs are facing new challenges rising from the evolution of the exploration agenda, as well as the changing international panel of actors. Planetary exploration missions will require intensive extravehicular activities (EVA). Simultaneously, the design of such missions will increasingly rely on cooperation between several types of actors: international and public/private. Adapting this paradigm shift requires astronauts, both symbols and key elements of human space exploration, to be fully equipped to explore and share their experiences. Consequently, astronaut mobility during the exploration mission, characterized by spacesuit kinematics, as well as astronaut mobility for space public outreach, characterized by the ability to inspire multiple types of people, are critical for the future of human spaceflight. This thesis focuses on these two elements of astronaut mobility: spacesuit motion and public inspiration for human spaceflight. All of the spacesuits currently in use are gas-pressurized and enable a wide range of astronaut performance. However, the pressurization causes an inherent stiffness, leading to astronauts' fatigue, unnecessary energy expenditure and limited mobility in the spacesuit. Better understanding of spacesuit kinematics is crucial to enable future human space exploration during extreme mobility tasks such as climbing, loping and excavating. Different methods are currently used to assess spacesuit mobility, but they are restricted to laboratory settings and do not measure the interactions between the suit and the person inside the suit. The first objective of this research is to develop a novel method to assess spacesuit kinematics and visualize human-spacesuit interactions. Upper body mobility of different suits was assessed by placing inertial measurement units (IMUs) on the person's body and on the outside of the spacesuit. IMUs incorporate accelerometers and gyroscopes to estimate relative rotation. They are mobile and low power, offering an economical and efficient kinematic tracking capability. A comparison of joint angle amplitude between different pressurization conditions and different motions was performed, and a 3D kinematic visualization tool was developed. While space-based technologies for Earth applications are flourishing, space exploration activities suffer from a lack of public awareness as well as decreasing budgets. Recent robotic exploration missions have positively influenced public perception by utilizing video and social media communication. How can these new communication technologies be used to better serve human spaceflight? How can space agencies and astronauts inspire tax-paying citizens, and thus politicians, to commit to an ambitious, global human spaceflight program based on international collaboration? The second part of the research analyzes how astronauts' use of interactive platforms can increase international public interest in human space exploration. An analysis of the Twitter network related to human spaceflight was performed, measuring how influence and relationships are linked, to better capture the best practices.
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