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  • Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak
Annals of Dental Specialty Vol. 2; Issue 1. Jan Mar 2014
Amit Kumar Tamrakar,1Manu Rathee,2 Rizwana Mallick, 3 Surekha Dabas 4
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
2. Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
4. Dental Surgeon, CHC Ferozpur Bangar, Haryana
CAD/CAM is an acronym for Computer-Aided Designing
and Computer-assisted Manufacturing. Over the past 25
years, CAD/CAM technology has become extremely
popular. It is widely being used, in dental laboratories and
in dental offices, to design and machine various restorations
viz. veneers, inlays, onlays, crowns, fixed dental prostheses,
implant abutments, cast removable partial dentures and
even full-mouth rehabilitation.1
CAD/CAM technology was introduced in dentistry in the
year 1989, by Mormann & Brandestinni in Germany and
today it is widely used in all the branches of prosthodontics.
Using these CAD/CAM technologies, various types of
restorations and dental prostheses can not only be designed
but also machined with accuracy and precision.2
Objectives and potentials of the CAD/CAM technology
It aims towards eliminating the traditional impression
methods by designing and machining the restoration with
the aid of computer; to produce chair-side restorations and
finally to improve the qualities of restoration.
Stages in prostheses fabrication with CAD/CAM
There are various stages in fabrication of the prostheses
with CAD/CAM technology.
1. Computer surface digitization
2. Computer-aided designing
3. Computer assisted manufacturing
The first stage is the Computer surface digitization. This
technique can be broadly divided into two categories:
1. Mechanical scanning devices.
2. Optical scanning devices.
Optical camera, LASER surface scanning device, three
dimensional (3-D) scanning device (digitizer),
photogrammetry, Moiré fringe displacement, computed
tomography (CT-Scan), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), 3-D ultrasonography etc. are some of the
technologies used for computer surface digitization.
The next stage in CAD/CAM is Computer-aided designing
(CAD). Once the 3-D image is captured through any of the
computer surface digitization techniques, 3-D image
processing is done and the digitized data is entered in the
computer. Finally, curve smoothening, data reduction and
blocking of undercuts can be done at this stage. Designing
of the restoration is done using CAD software, which in
turn send commands to the CAM unit, for fabricating the
Third and the final stage is Computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM). In this stage the milling is done with computerized
electrically driven diamond disks or burs which cut the
restoration from ingots. This process is commonly known
as substractive method.
Other CAM methods are “additive”, for example rapid
prototyping or selective laser sintering. Here, material
wastage can be prevented since there is no remaining
excess material. Some CAD/CAM systems have been
developed which utilize a combination of these two
methods (additive and substractive methods).
Another different rapid prototyping method is 3-D printing,
in which after computer-aided designing, the machine is
used to build (print) a wax pattern of the restoration. Then
this wax pattern is cast similar to normal lost-wax
technique. Advancement has taken place in such a way that
instead of wax, resin-type material is being used to
fabricate patterns. Rapid prototyping can also be used to
fabricate auricular prostheses.2,3
CAD/CAM technology in fixed prosthodontics
CEREC in Lab system - The tooth preparation die is
secured in the scanning platform and data is captured with a
non-contact laser. A Ceramic block (ingot) is placed in the
milling chamber. Two milling diamonds create the precise
restoration. Porcelain build-up is done which results in an
aesthetically pleasing restoration. Then the fit is confirmed
in the patient’s mouth and required adjustments are done.
CAD/CAM technology in maxillofacial prosthodontics
CAD/CAM is widely used for the fabrication of
maxillofacial prostheses, extraoral radiation devices,
individual respiratory masks and facial protection devices
Three dimensional surfaces imaging is done by using CAD
software. This 3-D surface image aids in the fabrication of
resin model with Lithographic technique and then wax
CAD/CAM technologies are being extensively used in engineering field because of their high precision and accuracy.
These systems have been introduced to dental field in late 1980s and have started being used in various fields of
dentistry. This is an attempt to provide an overview for the application of CAD/CAM in the various branches of
Key Words: - CAD/CAM technology, Restoration, Dental prosthesis
Review Article
Annals of Dental Specialty Vol. 2; Issue 1. Jan Mar 2014
pattern is made. Of this completed wax pattern, once again
computer assisted three dimensional imaging is done. Data
is entered in computer and prosthesis is milled by computer
aided milling machine. Thus, a silicone maxillofacial
prosthesis is fabricated using CAD/CAM technology.
CAD/CAM technology in removable partial denture
Fabrication of cast partial dentures can be done using Co-Cr
Alloys or commercially pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V
Alloy by utilizing CAD-CAM technologies.
William et al have demonstrated a method of fabrication of
removable partial denture framework design using
CAD/CAM technologies. Using CAD/CAM software the
removable partial denture framework design is built on a
three-dimensional scan of the patient’s cast.4,5
CAD/CAM technology in implant prosthodontics
Computer usage in implant placement (Navigational
technique) has increased in the past decade. Recently with
the use of CAD/CAM application patient-specific
abutments can be fabricated. These CAD/CAM fabricated
custom abutments are designed by computer and
manufactured by computer operated machines for obtaining
unsurpassed accuracy and precision. As they are milled
from medical-grade Titanium, they have superior
biocompatibility and best possible integration with implant
The CAD/CAM fabricated custom abutments carries
advantages like: - precision, milled from titanium, ideal
coronal preparation, correct path of insertion, perfect
emergence profile, 6° angled implant axis, shaped like a
natural tooth and reduced chair time.
Computerized designing of abutment is done and primary
abutment is fabricated from commercially pure titanium via
computerized-milling technique. Another duplicate
abutment is milled, which is functionally identical to
primary abutment, thus reducing chair time.6
CAD/CAM technology in fabrication of surgical guides
for implant placement
Bibb et al described the fabrication of stainless steel
surgical guides for the placement of dental implants for
prosthetic retention using SLM technology. It was first
reported for the manufacture of custom-fitting surgical
Advantages of CAD/CAM systems
No Traditional Impressions.
Produce Chair-side Restorations.
Less appointment.
High Precision and Accuracy.
Improve the Qualities of Restoration.
Eliminates the Use of the Laboratory Equipments
required for Conventional LOST-WAX technique.
Limitations of CAD/CAM systems
Initial High Cost of CAD/CAM Systems.
Time and Cost Investment to Master the technique.
Presently available dental CAD/CAM systems are
unable to incorporate esthetic veneers with strong
cores and frameworks.2
The uses of CAD/CAM in various field of Prosthodontics
are continuously increasing for past two decades. This
technology is not only used in the dental laboratory but
with recent advancements it is also being used in the dental
clinics in making chair-side restorations. This technology is
used to fabricate not only smaller restorations like inlays,
onlays, veneers, crowns, but also larger restorations like
fixed partial dentures, removable partial dentures,
maxillofacial prostheses, implant abutments and full-mouth
CAD/CAM systems, though costly in the initial phase
however the accuracy and the quality of restoration
definitely outweighs its economic factor and undoubtedly
the future of prosthodontics will be led by these CAD/CAM
Acknowledgement: Special thanks to Dr. Shyam Singh
and Dr R. Shakila.
1. Davidowitz G, Kotick PG. The use of CAD/CAM in
dentistry. Dent Clin North Am 2011;55(3): 559570.
2. Uzun G. An overview of dental CAD/CAM systems.
Biotechnol & Biotechnol Eq. 2008;22(1):530-535.
3. Sykes LM, Parrott AM, Owen CP et al. Applications
of rapid prototyping technology in maxillofacial
prosthetics. Int. J. Prosthodont 2004;17(4):454-459.
4. Bibb R, Eggbeer D, Williams RJ. Rapid manufacture
of removable partial denture frameworks. Rapid
Prototyping Journal 2006;12(2):95 99.
5. Williams RJ, Bibb R, Eggbeer D et al. Use of
CAD/CAM technology to fabricate a removable
partial denture framework. J Prosthet Dent
6. Marchack CB. An immediately loaded CAD/CAM-
guided definitive prosthesis: A clinical report. J
Prosthet Dent 2005;93:8-12.
7. Bibb R, Eggbeer D, Evans P et al. Rapid manufacture
of custom-fitting surgical guides. Rapid Prototyping
Journal 2009;15(5):346 354.
Corresponding Author
Dr. Amit Kumar Tamrakar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge,
Faculty of Dentistry,
Jamila Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 110025
Email Id.: -
Tamrakar AK et al
... Optical camera, LASER surface scanning device, three dimensional (3-D) scanning device (digitizer), photogrammetry, computed tomography (CT-Scan), magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), 3-D ultrasonography etc. are some of the technologies used for computer surface digitization [15]. ...
... Finally, curve smoothening data reduction and blocking of undercuts can be done at this stage. Designing of the restoration is done using CAD software, which in turn sends commands to the CAM unit, for fabricating the restoration [15]. ...
... Advancement has taken place in such a way that instead of wax, resin-type material is being used to fabricate patterns [10,15]. 6. Latest innovation in CAD/CAM system allows occlusion to be viewed and developed in dynamic state. ...
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Keywords: CAD/CAM Systems; Components; Fabrication Techniques; Scanner; Restorative Materials In today's fast-paced world, instant gratification is expected to be synonymous with worthwhile results. This also applies to dental treatments. In dental technology, production stages are increasingly being automated every single day. CAD/CAM technology was developed to solve 3 challenges. To ensure adequate strength of the restoration, especially for posterior teeth, to create restoration with a natural appearance and lastly to make the restoration easier, faster and more accurate. This article provides an overview of the development of various CAD/CAM systems, operational components, methodologies, and restorative materials commonly used.
... Using these CAD/CAM technologies, various types of restorations and dental prostheses can not only be designed but also machined with accuracy and precision. [1,2] CAD/CAM technology refers to digital design and manufacture. CAD software recognizes the geometry of an object and designs, whereas CAM software is used for the manufacturing or milling. ...
... 1. Computer surface digitization 2. Computer-aided designing (CAD) 3. Computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) [2] The first stage is the computer surface digitization. This technique can be broadly divided into the following two categories: The next stage in CAD/CAM is CAD. ...
... Also, Tamrakar et al (39) conclude that CAD/CAM systems, though costly in the initial phase, however the accuracy and the quality of restoration outweighs its economic factor and undoubtedly the future of prosthodontics will be led by these CAD/CAM technologies. ...
... In the present study PEEK copings were fabricated with CAD-CAM technique in which, three dimensional virtual image of the specimen was made. Tamrakar AK et al [5] (2014) stated that the designing of the restoration is done using CAD software, which in turn sends commands to the CAM unit, for fabricating the restoration. ...
... Manufacturing those prototypes depends on carving the design from an ingot or a block of material using the CAM system [18,19]. Scaffolds, on the other hand, require having interconnected pores to ensure infiltration with nutrients and ensure cell migration within the material to allow for replacement with healing cells [20]. ...
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Background: Bone grafting has been considered the gold standard for hard tissue reconstructive surgery and is widely used for large mandibular defect reconstruction. However, the midface encompasses delicate structures that are surrounded by a complex bone architecture, which makes bone grafting using traditional methods very challenging. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is a developing technology that is derived from the evolution of additive manufacturing. It enables precise development of a scaffold from different available biomaterials that mimic the shape, size, and dimension of a defect without relying only on the surgeon’s skills and capabilities, and subsequently, may enhance surgical outcomes and, in turn, patient satisfaction and quality of life. Review: This review summarizes different biomaterial classes that can be used in 3D bioprinters as bioinks to fabricate bone scaffolds, including polymers, bioceramics, and composites. It also describes the advantages and limitations of the three currently used 3D bioprinting technologies: inkjet bioprinting, micro-extrusion, and laser- assisted bioprinting. Conclusions: Although 3D bioprinting technology is still in its infancy and requires further development and optimization both in biomaterials and techniques, it offers great promise and potential for facial reconstruction with improved outcome.
... Also, Tamrakar et al (39) conclude that CAD/CAM systems, though costly in the initial phase, however the accuracy and the quality of restoration outweighs its economic factor and undoubtedly the future of prosthodontics will be led by these CAD/CAM technologies. ...
Statement of problem Research-based storage guidelines for 3-dimensional (3D)-printed occlusal devices are lacking. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the dimensional stability of the internal surface of 3D-printed occlusal devices under different storage conditions. Material and methods Maxillary and mandibular dental casts were scanned and exported to a 3D printer to fabricate 30 occlusal devices. The specimens were stored under 3 different conditions (n=10): air dried and stored under natural light (group DL), stored in a dark container with water (group W), and air dried and stored in a dark container (group D). The intaglio surfaces of the occlusal devices were scanned by a laboratory scanner at 4 time points: immediately after polymerization (t0, control), after 1 day (t1), after 7 days (t2), and after 27 days (t3). The dimensional changes of the fitting surfaces between t0 and t1 (Δt1), t0 and t2 (Δt2), and t0 and t3 (Δt3) were measured by using best fit alignment in a surface analysis software program. In addition, comparisons were made between the posterior and anterior sections. Statistical analysis was completed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov, 1-way ANOVA, Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and unpaired t tests. Results The root mean square (RMS) of group DL between Δt1 and Δt2 (P=.002) and between Δt1 and Δt3 (P=.002) showed a statistically significant difference. The RMS of group W between Δt1 and Δt3 (P=.008) showed a statistically significant difference. When the groups were compared with each other at the different time points, the DL group showed a statistically significant difference compared with groups W and D at Δt1. The examination of different areas of the occlusal device (right molar, incisor, and left molar sites) indicated no statistically significant differences in RMS among all groups (P>.05). Conclusions The occlusal devices of group DL showed the least dimensional change of the fitting surface for Δt1 in comparison with group W and D, while no statistically significant differences were found among the groups for Δt2 and Δt3. In terms of the different locations, no statistically significant differences were found among the 3 locations for any given group after 27 days.
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The treatment of auricle defect can be by surgical or prosthetic ear rehabilitation depending on the condition. Current practice by surgeon for prosthetic ear rehabilitation require patient to go for osseointegrated craniofacial implant surgery for retention of the prosthetic ear. Impression technique play a vital role in accurate reproduction of affected and unaffected ears, orientation of the ear during wax try in and fabrication of ear prostheses. Traditionally, the wax pattern was created from the impression taken from patient and the final prosthesis is processed with silicone material. This conventional method has always been time consuming, massive work and caused discomfort to patient. Moreover the accuracy of the final prosthetic sometimes was not satisfied. Improvement in medical imaging technology whereby data from computerized tomography (CT) in 2D format can be converting to 3 dimensional images gave tremendous view for surgeon to visualize the result. A new and impressive advance in the development of additive manufacturing technology is now being able to be applied in medical field. The widespread use of computer-aided design (CAD) combine with computer aided manufacturing (CAM) produced the momentum and desire to translate the 3-D images into physical models. Studies and research have indicated the viability of using medical imaging technology, computer aided design (CAD) and additive manufacturing techniques in prosthetics. This paper proposed a novel method of fabricating the prosthetic ear applying mirror image technique to reconstruct the missing ear, and then fabricate the 3D model of the prosthetic ear using Stereolitography (SLA) technology that will become the master mold to produce the final prosthetic ear. This method eliminates the traditional wax pattern procedure. A clinical study is done onto a patient in HUSM and comparison is made between traditional method vs new approach using computer aided technology. Result showed that there is significant different between traditional and new approach design. The new method also shows time reduction during design and fabrication stage.
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For 20 years, exciting new developments in dental materials and computer technology have led to the success of contemporary dental computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology.
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Purpose The computer‐aided design (CAD) and manufacture of custom‐fitting surgical guides have been shown to provide an accurate means of transferring computer‐aided planning to surgery. To date guides have been produced using fragile materials via rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography (SLA), which typically require metal reinforcement to prevent damage from drill bits. The purpose of this paper is to report case studies which explore the application of selective laser melting (SLM) to the direct manufacture of stainless steel surgical guides. The aim is to ascertain whether the potential benefits of enhanced rigidity, increased wear resistance (negating reinforcement) and easier sterilisation by autoclave can be realised in practice. Design/methodology/approach A series of clinical case studies are undertaken utilising medical scan data, CAD and SLM. The material used is 316L stainless steel, an alloy typically used in medical and devices and surgical instruments. All treatments are planned in parallel with existing techniques and all guides are test fitted and assessed on SLA models of the patients' anatomy prior to surgery. Findings This paper describes the successful application of SLM to the production of stainless steel surgical guides in four different maxillofacial surgery case studies. The cases reported address two types of procedure, the placement of osseointegrated implants for prosthetic retention and Le Fort 1 osteotomies using internal distraction osteogenesis. The cases reported here have demonstrated that SLM is a viable process for the manufacture of custom‐fitting surgical guides. Practical implications The cases have identified that the effective design of osteotomy guides requires further development and refinement. Originality/value This paper represents the first reported applications of SLM technology to the direct manufacture of stainless steel custom‐fitting surgical guides. Four successful exemplar cases are described including guides for osteotomy as well as drilling. Practical considerations are presented along with suggestions for further development.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy, required time, and potential advantages of rapid prototyping technology with traditional methods in the manufacture of wax patterns for two facial prostheses. Two clinical situations were investigated: the production of an auricular prosthesis and the duplication of an existing maxillary prosthesis, using a conventional and a rapid prototyping method for each. Conventional wax patterns were created from impressions taken of a patient's remaining ear and an oral prosthesis. For the rapid prototyping method, a cast of the ear and the original maxillary prosthesis were scanned, and rapid prototyping was used to construct the wax patterns. For the auricular prosthesis, both patterns were refined clinically and then flasked and processed in silicone using routine procedures. Twenty-six independent observers evaluated these patterns by comparing them to the cast of the patient's remaining ear. For the duplication procedure, both wax patterns were scanned and compared to scans of the original prosthesis by generating color error maps to highlight volumetric changes. There was a significant difference in opinions for the two auricular prostheses with regard to shape and esthetic appeal, where the hand-carved prosthesis was found to be of poorer quality. The color error maps showed higher errors with the conventional duplication process compared with the rapid prototyping method. The main advantage of rapid prototyping is the ability to produce physical models using digital methods instead of traditional impression techniques. The disadvantage of equipment costs could be overcome by establishing a centralized service.
Purpose – The aim of this study was to explore the application of rapid manufacturing (RM) to the production of patient specific, custom-fitting removable partial denture (RPD) alloy frameworks. RPDs are metal frameworks designed to retain artificial replacement teeth in the oral cavity. Design/methodology/approach – The study was undertaken by applied case study. An RPD was designed using computer-aided design software according to well-established dental technology design principles, based on a digitally scanned cast produced from an impression of the patient's mouth. The RPD design was then exported as an STL file in preparation for direct manufacture using selective laser melting. Dimensionally accurate frameworks were manufactured in 316L stainless steel and chromium-cobalt alloy. These were assessed for accuracy of fit and function on the patient cast and on the patient in clinic. Findings – This successful case study demonstrates that an RM approach can produce fully functional, precisely fitting RPD frameworks for specific individual patients. Research limitations/implications – The study was based on a single design produced using two materials. Further studies are in progress to show that the results can be achieved on a regular and predictable basis. Practical implications – This study provides some practical guidance for the application described and suggests that similar success may be achieved in related custom-fitting applications. Originality/value – The paper demonstrates the successful application of a novel approach to the design and manufacture of custom-fitting dental devices.
Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) have become an increasingly popular part of dentistry over the past 25 years. The technology, which is used in both the dental laboratory and the dental office, can be applied to inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, fixed partial dentures, implant abutments, and even full-mouth reconstruction. This article discusses the history of CAD/CAM in dentistry and gives an overview of how it works. It also provides information on the advantages and disadvantages, describes the main products available, discusses how to incorporate the new technology into your practice, and addresses future applications.
Dental implants have had a major impact on the treatment of edentulous patients. Fixed complete dentures have allowed removable complete dentures to be replaced with fixed prostheses. A new treatment modality using immediately loaded implants placed with a CAD/CAM surgical template using a flapless surgical technique, then loaded with a prefabricated restorative prosthesis, is presented. This report describes the Teeth-in-an-Hour (Nobel Biocare, Yorba Linda, Calif) treatment provided for a patient.
This article reports on the first patient-fitted chromium cobalt removable partial denture framework produced by computer-assisted design, computer-assisted manufacture and rapid prototype technologies. Once the dental cast was scanned, virtual surveying and design of the framework on a 3-dimensional computer model was accomplished. A rapid prototype machine was used for direct fabrication of the alloy framework. Traditional finishing techniques were applied, the framework was assessed by a clinician in a conventional manner, fitted to the patient, and judged to be satisfactory by both the patient and clinician.