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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1433
Christo Ananth1, A. Ramalakshmi2, S. Velammal3
B. Rajalakshmi Chmizh4, M. Esakki Deepana5
1Assi Prof/ECE, 2, 3, 4, 5UG Scholar/CSE, Francis Xavier Engineering College
Abstract: The innovative congestion control algorithm
named FASTRA (Fast Active Stability TCP) is aimed for
high-speed long-latency networks. Four major difficulties
in FASTRA are highlighted at both packet and flow levels.
The architecture and characterization of equilibrium and
stability properties of FASTRA are robust. Experimental
results of FASTRA outsmart TCP Reno, HSTCP, and
STCP in terms of throughput, fairness, stability, and
responsiveness. FASTRA aims to rapidly stabilize high-
speed long-latency networks into steady, efficient and fair
operating points, in dynamic sharing environments, and the
preliminary results are produced as output of our project.
The Proposed architecture is explained with the help of an
existing real-time example as to explain why FASTRA
download is chosen rather than FTP download. The Paper
is concluded with the results of the new congestion control
algorithm aided with the graphs obtained during its
simulation in NS2. On proper implementation, many safe,
FASTRA downloads and data transfers can be carried over
a high speed internet network.
Index Terms: Congestion Control, FASTRA, HSTCP, Reno
The congestion control algorithm in the current TCP, which
we refer to as Reno, was developed in 1988 and has gone
through several enhancements since. It has performed
remarkably well and is generally believed to have prevented
severe congestion as the Internet scaled up by six orders of
magnitude in size, speed, load, and connectivity, if is also
well-known, however, that as bandwidth-delay product
continues to grow, TCP Reno will eventually become a
performance bottleneck itself. The following four difficulties
contribute to the poor performance of TCP Reno in networks
with large bandwidth-delay products: 1) at the packet level,
linear increase by one packet per Round-Trip Time (RTT) is
too slow, and multiplicative decrease per loss event is too
drastic. 2) At the flow level, maintaining large average
congestion windows requires an extremely small equilibrium
loss probability.3) at the packet level, oscillation is
unavoidable because TCP uses a binary congestion signal
(packet loss). 4) At the flow level, the dynamics is unstable,
leading to severe oscillations that can only be reduced by the
accurate estimation of packet loss probability. These
difficulties are explained in detail in Section II. Here delay-
based approach is motivated. Delay-based congestion control
has been proposed. Its advantage over loss-based approach is
small at low speed, but decisive at high speed, as we will
argue below. As pointed out in delay can be a poor or
untimely predictor of packet loss and therefore using a delay-
based algorithm to augment the basic AIMD (Additive
Increase Multiplicative Decrease) algorithm of TCP Reno is
the wrong approach to address the above difficulties at large
windows. Instead, a new approach that fully exploits delay as
a congestion measure, augmented with loss information, is
needed. FASTRA uses this approach. Using queuing delay as
the congestion measure has two advantages. First, queuing
delay can be more accurately estimated than loss probability
both because packet losses in networks with large
bandwidth-delay product are rare events (probability on the
order 10-8 or smaller), and because loss samples provide
coarser information than) queuing delay samples. Indeed,
measurements of delay are noisy, just as those of loss
probability. Each measurement of packet loss (whether a
packet is lost) provides one bit of information for the
filtering of noise. Whereas each measurement of queuing
delay provides multi-bit information, this makes it easier for
the equation-based implementation to stabilize a network
into a steady state with a target fairness and high utilization.
Second, the dynamics of queuing delay seems to have the
right scaling with respect to network capacity. This helps
maintain stability as a network scales up in capacity. In
Section III, the architecture of the proposed system is
discussed. The architecture is laid to implement the design;
Even though the discussion is in the context of FASTRA, the
architecture can also serve as a general framework to guide
the design of other congestion control mechanisms. Not
necessarily limited to TCP, for high-speed networks. The
main components in the architecture can be designed
separately and upgraded asynchronously. Unlike the
conventional design, FASTRA can use the same window and
burstiness control algorithms regardless of whether a source
is in the normal state or the loss recovery state. This leads to
a clean separation of components in both functionality and
code structure. We then present an overview of some of the
algorithms implemented in our current prototype. A
mathematical model of the window control algorithm is
presented. In particular, FASTRA does not penalize flows
with large propagation delays, and it achieves weighted
proportional fairness. For the special case of single
bottleneck link with heterogeneous flows, we prove that the
window control algorithm of FASTRA is globally stable, in
the absence of feedback delay. Moreover, starting from any
initial state, a network converges exponentially to a unique
equilibrium. In Section IV, the performance of FASTRA is
compared with Reno, HSTCP (High-speed TCP, and STCP
(Scalable TCP), using their default parameters. In these
experiments, FASTRA achieved the best performance under
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1434
each criterion, while HSTCP and STCP improved throughput
and responsiveness over Reno at the cost of fairness and
stability. Section V concludes the paper with scope for future
A. Modeling methods
The congestion avoidance algorithm of TCP Reno and its
variants have the form of AIMD. The pseudo code for
window adjustment is: Ack: w ← w+ (1/w), Loss: w← w-
(1/w) this is a packet-level model, but it induces certain flow-
level properties such as throughput, fairness, and stability.
These properties can be understood with a flow-level model
of the AIMD algorithm. The window of size increases by 1
packet per RTT and decreases per unit time by xi (t) pi (t).
(1/2). (4wi(t)/3 ) packets where xi(t) = wi(t)/Ti(t) packets/sec.
Ti(t) is the round-trip time and pi(t) is the (delayed) end to
end loss probability, in period t. Here 4wi (t)/3 is the peak
window size that gives the ―average‖ window of wi (t).
Hence a flow-level model of AIMD is:
w* i (t) = (1/Ti(t))-(2/3).xi(t).pi(t).wi(t) (1)
Setting wi(t)= 0 in yields the well-known 1/√p formula for
TCP Reno discovered, which relates loss probability to
window size in equilibrium.
P*i = (3/ (2w*i) 2) (2)
In summary (1) and (2) describe the flow-level dynamics and
the equilibrium, respectively, for TCP Reno. It turns out that
different variants of TCP all have the same dynamic structure
at the flow level.
By defining ki (wi, Ti) = (1/Ti) & ui (wi, Ti) = 1.5/wi2. And
noting that
wi (t) = k (t). (1 – (pi (t)/ui (t)) (3)
where we have used the shorthand ki(t)= ki(wi(t), Ti(t)) and
ui(t)= ui(wi(t), Ti(t)). Equation (3) can be used to describe all
known TCP variants, and different variants differ in their
choices of the gain function ki and the marginal utility
function ui, and whether the congestion measure pi is loss
probability or queuing delay. Next, we illustrate the
equilibrium and dynamics problems of TCP Reno, at both the
packet and flow levels, as bandwidth-delay product increases.
B. Problem
The equilibrium problem at the flow level is expressed in (2):
the end-to-end loss probability must be exceedingly small to
sustain a large window size, making the equilibrium difficult
to maintain in practice, as bandwidth-delay product increases.
Even though equilibrium is in flow-level notion, this problem
manifests itself at the packet level, where a source increments
its window too slowly and decrements it too drastically.
When the peak window is 80,000-packct (corresponding to
an "average" window of 60,000 packets), which is necessary
to sustain 7.2Gbps using 1,500-byte packets with a RTT of
l00ms, it takes 40,000 RTTs or almost 70 minutes, to recover
from a single packet loss. The increment function for Reno
(and for HSTCP) is almost indistinguishable from the x axis.
Moreover, the gap between the increment and decrement
functions grows rapidly as wi increases. Since the average
increment and decrement must be equal in equilibrium, the
required loss probability can be exceedingly small at large
wi. This picture is thus simply a visualization of (2). To
address the difficulties of Reno at large window sizes,
HSTCP and STCP increase more aggressively and decrease
more gently.
C. Motivation
The causes of the oscillatory behaviour of TCP Reno lie in
its design at both the packet and flow levels. At the packet
level, the choice of binary congestion signal necessarily
leads to oscillation, and the parameter setting in Reno
worsens the situation as bandwidth-delay product increases.
At the flow level, the system dynamics given by (I) is
unstable at large bandwidth-delay products.
The congestion control mechanism of TCP into four
components in Figure 3. These four components are
functionally independent so that they can be designed
separately and upgraded asynchronously. In this section, we
focus on the two parts that we have implemented in the
current prototype.
TCP Protocol Processing
Figure 1: Architecture of FASTRA
The data control component determines which packets to
transmit, window control determines how many packets to
transmit, and burstiness control determines when to transmit
these packets. These decisions are made based on informa-
tion provided by the estimation component. Window control
regulates packet transmission at the RTT timescale, while
burstiness control works at a smaller timescale. In the
following subsections, we provide an overview of window
control and algorithms implemented in our current prototype.
D. Estimation of Input Parameters
This component provides estimations of various input pa-
rameters to the other three decision-making components. It
computes two pieces of feedback information for each data
packet sent. When a positive acknowledgment is received, it
calculates the RTT for the corresponding data packet and
updates the average queuing delay and the minimum RTT.
When a negative acknowledgment (signaled by three
duplicate acknowledgments or timeout) is received, it
generates a loss indication for this data packet to the other
components. The estimation component generates both a
multi-bit queuing delay sample and a one-bit loss-or-no loss
sample for each data packet. The queuing delay is smoothed
by taking a moving average with the weight η(t) :=
min{3wi(t), 1/4} that depends on me window wi(t) at time t
as follows. The k-th RTT sample Ti (k) updates the average
RTT Ŧi (k) according to:
Ŧi (k+1) = (1 – η (tk) Ŧi (k) + η (tk) Ti (k) (4)
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1435
where tk is the time at which the k-th RTT sample is received.
Taking di(k) to be the minimum RTT observed so far , the
average queuing delay is estimated as qi(k) = Ŧi(k) - di(k).
The weight η (t) is usually much smaller than the weight
(1/8) used in TCP Reno. The average RTT Ŧi (k) attempts to
track the average over one congestion window. During each
RTT an entire window worth of RTT samples are received if
every packet is acknowledged. Otherwise, if delayed Ack is
used, the number of queuing delay samples is reduced so η (t)
should be adjusted accordingly.
E. Window Control Component
The window control component determines congestion win-
dow based on congestion information — queuing delay and
packet loss, provided by the estimation component. A key
decision in our design that departs from traditional TCP
design is that the same algorithm is used for congestion
window computation independent of the state of the sender.
For example, in TCP Reno (without rate halving), congestion
window is increased by one packet every RTT when there is
no loss, and increased by one for each duplicate ack during
loss recovery. In FASTRA, we would like to use the same
algorithm for window computation regardless of the sender.
The congestion control mechanism reacts to both queuing
delay and packet loss. Under normal network conditions,
FASTRA periodically updates the congestion window based
on the average RTT and average queuing delay provided by
the estimation component, according to (5):
W ← min {2w, (1-γ) w + γ ((base RTT /RTT) w + a (w,
qdelay)} (5)
where γ € (0,1),base RTT is the minimum RTT observed so
far, and qdelay is the end-to-end (average) queuing delay. In
our current implementation, congestion window changes over
two RTTs: it is updated in one RTT and frozen in the next.
The update is spread out over the first RTT in a way such that
congestion window is no more than doubled in each RTT.
The function a (w, qdelay) is chosen to be a constant at all
times. This produces linear convergence when the qdelay is
zero. Alternatively, we can use a constant a only when qdelay
is non-zero and a proportional to window. a (w, qdelay) = aw.
In this case when qdelay is zero FASTRA performs
multiplicative increase and grows exponentially at rate a to a
neighbourhood of qdelay >0.
F. High Level Operations
It is important to maintain an abstraction as the code evolves.
This abstraction should describe the high-level operations
each component performs based on external inputs, and can
serve as a road map for future TCP implementations as well
as improvements to the existing implementation. Whenever a
non-trivial change is required, one should first update this
abstraction to ensure that the overall packet-level code would
he built on a sound underlying foundation. Since TCP is an
event-based protocol, our control actions should be triggered
by the occurrence of various events. Hence, we need to
translate our flow-level algorithms into event-based packet-
level algorithms. There are four types of events that
FASTRA reacts to: on the reception of an acknowledgment,
after the transmission of a packet, at the end of a RTT, and
for each packet loss. For each acknowledgment received, the
estimation component computes the average queuing delay,
and the burstiness control component determines whether
packets can be injected into the network. For each packet
transmitted, the estimation component records a time-stamp,
and the burstiness control component updates corresponding
data structures for book-keeping. At a constant time interval,
which we check on the arrival of each acknowledgment,
window control calculates a new window size. At the end of
each RTT, burstiness reduction calculates the target
throughput using the window and RTT measurements in the
last RTT. Window pacing will then schedule to break up a
large increment in congestion window into smaller
increments over time. During loss recovery, congestion
window should be continually updated based on congestion
signals from the network. Upon the detection of a packet loss
event, a sender determines whether to retransmit each un-
acknowledged packet right away or hold off until a more
appropriate time.
Each source I adapt wi (t) periodically according to
wi(t+1)=γ((diwi(t)/(di+qi(t))+ai(wi(t),qi(t))+(1-γ)wi(t) (6)
Where γ € (0, 1), at time t, and ai (wi, qi) is defined by:
ai (wi, qi) = {aiwi if qi=0, ai, otherwise (7)
A key departure in our model from those in the literature is
that we assume that a source's send rate defined as xi (t) =wi
(t)/Ti (t), cannot exceed the through put it receives .This is
justified because of self-clocking: one round-trip time after a
congestion window is increased, packet transmission will be
clocked at the same rate as the throughput the flow receives.
A consequence of this assumption is that the link queuing
delay vector, p(t), is determined implicitly by die
instantaneous window size in a static manner: given wi(t)=wi
for all i, the link queuing delays pl(t) = pl(t) > 0 for all l are
given by:
The equilibrium values of windows w* and delays p* of the
network defined by Equations (6) & (7) can be characterized
as follows. Consider the utility maximization problem.
Max Σ ailogxi s.t. Rx < c (8)
And the following dual problem
Min Σ clpl - Σailog ΣRlipl (9)
G. Corollary
Suppose R has full row rank. The unique equilibrium point
(w*, p*) of the network is defined by (6)—(8) exists and is
such that x* = (xi* = wi/ (di+qi*), ¥i) is the unique maximiser
of (9) and p* is the unique minimiser of (10).This implies in
particular that the equilibrium rate x * is ai – weighted
proportionally fair. Theorem I implies that FASTRA has the
same equilibrium properties as TCP Vegas. It s throughput is
given by
Xi = ai / qi (10)
In particular it does not penalize sources with large
propagation delays di the relation (11) also implies that in
equilibrium source I maintains ai packets in the buffers along
its path. Hence the total amount off buffering in the network
must be at least Σiai packets in order to reach the equilibrium.
Global stability in a general network in the presence of
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1436
feedback delay is an open problem. State-of-the-art results
either prove global stability while ignoring feedback delay, or
local stability in the presence of feedback delay. Our stability
result is restricted to a single link in the absence of delay.
In theorem 2, suppose there is a single link with capacity c.
Then the network defined by (6)-(8) is globally stable, and
converges geometrically to the unique equilibrium (w*,
p*).The basic idea of the proof is to show that the iteration
from w (t) to w (t + 1) defined by (6)--(8) is a CONTRACTION
mapping. Hence w (t) converges geometrically to the unique
equilibrium. Some properties follow from the proof of
Theorem 2.
1) Starting from an initial point (w (0), p (0)) the link is fully
utilized, i.e... Equality holds in (8), after a finite time.
2) The queue length is lower and upper bounded after a finite
amount of time.
Dummy net is configured to create paths or pipes of different
delays, 50, 100, 150, and 200ms, using different destination
port numbers on the receiving machine. We then created
another pipe to emulate a bottleneck capacity of 800 Mbps
and a buffer size of 2,000 packets, shared by all the delay
pipes. Due to our need to emulate a high-speed bottleneck
capacity, we increased the scheduling granularity of dummy
net events. We recompiled the FreeBSD kernel so the task
scheduler ran every 1ms. We also increased the size of the IP
layer interrupt queue to 3000 to accommodate large bursts of
packets. We instrumented both the sender and the dummy net
router to capture relevant information for protocol evaluation.
For each connection on the sending machine, the kernel
monitor captured the congestion window, the observed base
RTT, and the observed queuing delay. On the dummy net
router, the kernel monitor captured the throughput at the
dummy net bottleneck, the number of lost packets, and the
average queue size every two seconds. We retrieved the
measurement data after the completion of each experiment in
order to avoid disk I/O that may have interfered with the
experiment itself. We tested four TCP implementations:
FASTRA, HSTCP, STCP, and Reno (Linux implementation).
The FASTRA is based on Linux 2.4.20 kernel, while the rest
of the TCP protocols are based on Linux 2.4.19 kernel. We
ran tests and did not observe any appreciable difference
between the two plain Linux kernels, and the TCP source
codes of the two kernels are nearly identical. Linux TCP
implementation includes all of the latest RFCs such as New
Reno, SACK, D-SACK, and TCP high performance
A. Overall Evaluation
We use the output of iperf for our quantitative evaluation.
Each iperf session in our experiments produced five-second
averages of its throughput. This is the data rate (i.e., good
put) applications such as iperf receives, and is slightly less
than the bottleneck bandwidth due to IP and Ethernet packet
headers. Let xi (k) be the average throughput of flow i in the
five-second period k. Most tests involved dynamic scenarios
where flows joined and departed. For the definitions below,
suppose the composition of flows changes in period
k=1…..m, and changes again over period k = m+1 so that [1,
m] is the maximum-length interval over which the- same
equilibrium holds. Suppose there are n active flows in this
interval, indexed by i=1……, n.
be the average throughput of flows i over this interval. We
now define our performance metrics for this interval [1, m]
using these throughput measurements.
1) Throughput: The average aggregate throughput for the
interval [l, m] is defined as:
2) Intra-protocol fairness: Jain's fairness index for the
interval [1, m] is defined as:
F € (0, 1) and F = 1 is ideal (equal sharing).
3) Stability: The stability index of flow i is the sample
standard deviation normalized by the average throughput:
The smaller the stability index, the lesser is the oscillation a
source experiences. The stability index for interval [0, m] is
the average over the n active sources:
4) Responsiveness: The responsiveness index
measures the speed of convergence when the network
equilibrium changes at k=1, i.e. when flows join or depart.
Let xi (k) be the running average by period k < m:
For each TCP protocol, we obtain one set of computed
values for each evaluation criterion for all of our
experiments. We plot the CDF (cumulative distribution
function) of each set of values.
B. Real-time application
Torrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for
distributing large amounts of data. Bit Torrent is one of the
most common protocols for transferring large files, and by
some estimates it accounts for about 35% of all traffic on the
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1437
entire Internet. The protocol works initially when a file
provider makes his file (or group of files) available to the
network. This is called a seed and allows others,
named peers, to connect and download the file. Each peer
who downloads a part of the data makes it available to other
peers to download. After the file is successfully downloaded
by a peer, many continue to make the data available,
becoming additional seeds. This distributed nature of Bit
Torrent leads to a viral spreading of a file throughout peers.
As more seeds get added, the likelihood of a successful
connection increases. Relative to standard Internet hosting,
this protocol of the new kind reduces the original
distributor's hardware and bandwidth resource costs. It is now
maintained by Cohen's company Bit Torrent, Inc. there are
numerous Bit Torrent clients available for a variety
of computing platforms. According to isoHunt, the total
amount of shared content is currently more than
1.1 terabytes. A peer is any computer running an instance of
a client. To share a file or group of files, a peer first creates a
small file called a "torrent" (e.g. MyFile.torrent). This file
contains metadata about the files to be shared and about
the tracker, the computer that coordinates the file
distribution. Peers that want to download the file must first
obtain a torrent file for it, and connect to the specified
tracker, which tells them from which other peers to download
the pieces of the file.
Figure 2: RTT (Seconds) of Vs Time (seconds) of FASTRA
and Reno
Figure 2 shows the value of congestion window in packets
w.r.t Time in seconds for FASTRA and Reno TCP. FASTRA
outsmarts the performance of Reno Transmission Control
Protocol in the former Graph with improved performance.
Figure 3: RTT (Seconds) Vs Time (seconds) of FASTRA and
Figure 3 shows the value of Round Trip Time in seconds’
w.r.t Time in seconds for FASTRA and HSTCP. FASTRA
shows improved performance over HSTCP.
Figure 4: Rate (Packets) Vs Time (seconds) of FASTRA and
Figure 5: .Congestion window (Packets) Vs Time (seconds)
Figure 5. shows the Congestion window in Packets versus
Time in seconds of the proposed method. Source 1
(FASTRA) leads other TCPs (Reno TCP, HSTCP, STCP,
Figure 6: Queue Size (Packets) Vs Time(seconds)
Figure .6. shows the Queue size in Packets versus Time in
seconds of the proposed method. Source 1 (FASTRA) leads
other TCPs (Reno TCP, HSTCP, STCP) in forward queue
and backward queue thus beating all other TCPs in following
parameters like Round trip time, Congestion window and
Queue size ensuring a safe secure downloading of
information than the previous used techniques.
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2014.All rights reserved. 1438
The Congestion control algorithm named FASTRA (Fast
Active Queue Management Stability Transmission Control
Protocol) is aimed for high-speed long-latency networks.
Four major difficulties in FASTRA are highlighted at both
packet and flow levels. The architecture and characterization
of equilibrium and stability properties of FASTRA are
robust. Experimental results of FASTRA outsmart TCP
Reno, HSTCP, and STCP in terms of throughput, fairness,
stability, and responsiveness. FASTRA aims to rapidly
stabilize high-speed long-latency networks into steady,
efficient and fair operating points, in dynamic sharing
environments, and the preliminary results are produced as
output of our project. The Proposed architecture is explained
with the help of an existing real-time example as to explain
why FASTRA download is chosen rather than FTP
download. The Paper is concluded with the results of the new
congestion control algorithm aided with the graphs obtained
during its simulation in NS2. On proper implementation,
many safe, FASTRA downloads and data transfers can be
carried over a high speed internet network. On enhancement
of the algorithm, the new algorithm holds the key for many
new frontiers to be explored in case of congestion control.
The congestion control algorithm is currently running on
Linux platform. The Windows platform is the widely used
one. By proper Simulation applications, in Windows we can
implement the same congestion control algorithm for
Windows platform also. The Torrents application which we
are currently using can achieve speeds similar to or better
than ―Rapid share (premium user)‖ application. In our future
work, we work on the implementation of the new tool which
checks the effect of gold plating on the neural network
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