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Fobe Algorithm for Video Processing Applications


Abstract and Figures

In this paper two existing algorithms named as Cross-Diamond Search algorithm CDS and Fast Objected-Base Efficient Three Step Search algorithm are used. The cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. The efficient Three Step Search (E3SS) algorithm requires less computation and performs better in terms of PSNR. Modified objected block-base vector search algorithm (MOBS) fully utilizes the correlations existing in motion vectors to reduce the computations. Fast Objected-Base Efficient (FOBE) Three Step Search algorithm combines E3SS and MOBS. By combining these two existing algorithms CDS and MOBS, a new algorithm is proposed with reduced computational complexity without degradation in quality.
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ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7569
Fobe Algorithm for Video Processing
Christo Ananth1, A.Sujitha Nandhini2, A.Subha Shree3, S.V.Ramyaa4, J.Princess5
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India1
U.G.Scholar, Dept. Of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India2
U.G.Scholar, Dept. Of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India3
U.G.Scholar, Dept. Of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India4
U.G.Scholar, Dept. Of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli , India5
Abstract: In this paper two existing algorithms named as Cross-Diamond Search algorithm CDS and Fast Objected-
Base Efficient Three Step Search algorithm are used. The cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond
search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points
than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. The efficient Three Step Search (E3SS)
algorithm requires less computation and performs better in terms of PSNR. Modified objected block-base vector search
algorithm (MOBS) fully utilizes the correlations existing in motion vectors to reduce the computations. Fast Objected-
Base Efficient (FOBE) Three Step Search algorithm combines E3SS and MOBS. By combining these two existing
algorithms CDS and MOBS, a new algorithm is proposed with reduced computational complexity without degradation
in quality.
Keywords: Block-matching motion estimation, cross-center biased characteristic, cross-diamond search algorithm,
Motion vector.
Block-matching motion estimation is the cardinal process for many motion-compensated video-coding standards
[1]–[5], in which temporal redundancy between successive frames is efficiently removed. It divides frames into equally
sized rectangular blocks and finds out the displacement of the best-matched block from the previous frame as the
motion vector to the block in the current frame within a search window. However, the motion estimation could be very
computational intensive and can consume up to 80% of computational power of the encoder if exhaustively evaluating
all possible candidate blocks. Many fast block-matching algorithms (BMA) were proposed for alleviating the heavy
computations consumed by the brute-force full-search algorithm (FS), such as the three-step search (3SS) [6], the new
three-step search (N3SS) [7], the four-step search (4SS) [8], the block-based gradient descent search (BBGDS) [9], and
the diamond search (DS) [10], [11] algorithms, etc. DS employs a diamond-shaped pattern and results in fewer search
points with similar distortion performance as compared to N3SS and 4SS. Basically, DS performs block-matching just
like 4SS. It rotates the square-shaped search pattern by 45 to form a diamond-shaped one and with its size kept
unchanged throughout the search before the new minimum block distortion measure (BDM) reaches the center of the
diamond. The merits that DS yields faster searching speed can be regarded as: 1) the diamond-shaped pattern, which
tries to be having as an ideal circle-shaped coverage for considering possible directions of an investigating motion
vector and 2) fewer checking points in the final converging step. we propose a novel fast BMAs called cross-diamond
search (CDS) algorithm by introducing a cross-shaped search pattern (CSP) as the initial step, instead of the diamond-
shaped, to the DS algorithm.
A. Cross-Diamond Searching Patterns
The DS algorithm uses a large diamond-shaped pattern (LDSP) and small diamond-shaped pattern (SDSP), as
depicted in Fig. 1. As the motion vectors distribution possesses over 96% CCB characteristics in the central 5X5 DCB
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7570
area, an initial CSP, as shown in Fig. 2. is proposed as the initial step to the DS algorithm, and is termed the CDS
B. The CDS Algorithm
CDS differs from DS by: 1) performing a CCB CSP in the first step and 2) employing a halfway-stop technique for
quasi- stationary or stationary candidate blocks. Below summarizes the CDS algorithm.
A minimum BDM is found from the nine search points of the CSP located at the center of search window. If the
minimum BDM point occurs at the center of the CSP, the search stops. Otherwise, go to Step (ii)
way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply
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Fig 1: Cross Shaped Pattern
Fig.1. shows the starting of Cross Shaped Pattern from which minimum BDM is found from the nine search
points of the CSP located at the center of search window. Extended version of Large Diamond Shaped Pattern and
Small Diamond Shaped Pattern are also shown diagrammatically. It is to be noted that when block distortion measure
occurs at Cross Shaped Pattern center, the searching procedure stops. Or else the algorithm proceeds for Half Diamond
Searching, Searching and Ending Steps.
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7571
Fig 2. LDSP and SDSP
Two additional search points of the central LDSP closest to the current minimum of the central CSP are
checked, i.e., two of the four candidate points located at(±1,±1) .
If the minimum BDM found in previous step located at the middle wing of the CSP, i.e.,( ±1,0)or (0, ±1), and
the new minimum BDM found in this step still coincides with this point, the search stops. (This is called the second-
step stop, e.g., Fig. 4(b)). Otherwise, go to Step (iii).
A new LDSP is formed by repositioning the minimum BDM found in previous step as the center of the LDSP.
If the new minimum BDM point is still at the center of the newly formed LDSP, then go to Step (iv) (Ending);
otherwise, this step is repeated again.
With the minimum BDM point in the previous step as the center, a new SDSP is formed. Identify the new minimum
BDM point from the four new candidate points, which is the final solution for the motion vector.
Fig 3: Flow Chart of the CDS algorithm
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7572
The Fast Objected-Base Efficient (FOBE) Three Step Search algorithm can be summarized as follows:
Step 1)
At the beginning, the outer eight points and middle five points are checked. If the minimum BDM point is found at
the search window center the search will be stopped: otherwise go to step2.
Step 2)
If the minimum point is one of the outer eight points, the procedure is the same as in 3SS, otherwise go to step3.
Step 3)
If the minimum point is one of the small diamond four points, the small diamond moves its search centered to the
current minimum BDM point and continues to search the other points on the small diamond until the minimum is found
at the search window center.
Fig 4:Search Pattern used in the first step of E3SS.
Fig.5: Flow diagram for FOBE Algorithm
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7573
First, CDS algorithm is applied and the results are obtained by calculating the motion vector for the video sequence
selected. This is shown in Fig 6.
Fig 6: Calculated motion vectors for the selected two frames
Fig 7: Splitted frames of the selected video sequence.
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Issue 3,March 2014
Copyright to IJAREEIE 7574
Fig 8: Computations with MAD
Fig 9: Computations with SAD
The corresponding splitted frames of the video sequence is shown in Fig 7.
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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... Finally the liver and tumor regions are separately segmented from the computer tomography image. [46] proposed a system in which the cross-diamond search algorithm employs two diamond search patterns (a large and small) and a halfway-stop technique. It finds small motion vectors with fewer search points than the DS algorithm while maintaining similar or even better search quality. ...
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The journal is published every quarter and contains 200 pages in each issue. It is devoted to the study of Indian economy, polity and society. Research papers, review articles, book reviews are published in the journal. All research papers published in the journal are subject to an intensive refereeing process. Each issue of the journal also includes a section on documentation, which reproduces extensive excerpts of relevant reports of committees, working groups, task forces, etc., which may not be readily accessible, official documents compiled from scattered electronic and/or other sources and statistical supplement for ready reference of the readers. It is now in its nineteenth year of publication. So far, five special issues have been brought out, namely: (i) The Scheduled Castes: An Inter-Regional Perspective, (ii) Political Parties and Elections in Indian States : 1990-2003, (iii) Child Labour, (iv) World Trade Organisation Agreements, and (v) Basel-II and Indian Banks.
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The widespread use of block-based interframe motion estimation for video sequence compression in both MPEG and H.263 standards is due to its effectiveness and simplicity of implementation. Nevertheless, the high computational complexity of the full-search algorithm has motivated a host of suboptimal but faster search strategies. A popular example is the three-step search (TSS) algorithm. However, its uniformly spaced search pattern is not well matched to most real-world video sequences in which the motion vector distribution is nonuniformly biased toward the zero vector. Such an observation inspired the new three-step search (NTSS) which has a center-biased search pattern and supports a halfway-stop technique. It is faster on average, and gives better motion estimation as compared to the well-known TSS. Later, the four-step search (4SS) algorithm was introduced to reduce the average case from 21 to 19 search points, while maintaining a performance similar to NTSS in terms of motion compensation errors. We propose a novel unrestricted center-biased diamond search (UCBDS) algorithm which is more efficient, effective, and robust than the previous techniques. It has a best case scenario of only 13 search points and an average of 15.5 block matches. This makes UCBDS consistently faster than the other suboptimal block-matching techniques. This paper also compares the above methods in which both the processing speed and the accuracy of motion compensation are tested over a wide range of test video sequences
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A block-based gradient descent search (BBGDS) algorithm is proposed in this paper to perform block motion estimation in video coding. The BBGDS evaluates the values of a given objective function starting from a small centralized checking block. The minimum within the checking block is found, and the gradient descent direction where the minimum is expected to lie is used to determine the search direction and the position of the new checking block. The BBGDS is compared with full search (FS), three-step search (TSS), one-at-a-time search (OTS), and new three-step search (NTSS). Experimental results show that the proposed technique provides competitive performance with reduced computational complexity
A new technique for estimating interframe displacement of small blocks with minimum mean square error is presented. An efficient algorithm for searching the direction of displacement has been described. The results of applying the technique to two sets of images are presented which show 8-10 dB improvement in interframe variance reduction due to motion compensation. The motion compensation is applied for analysis and design of a hybrid coding scheme and the results show a factor of two gain at low bit rates.
Based on the study of motion vector distribution from several commonly used test image sequences, a new diamond search (DS) algorithm for fast block-matching motion estimation (BMME) is proposed in this paper. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DS algorithm greatly outperforms the well-known three-step search (TSS) algorithm. Compared with the new three-step search (NTSS) algorithm, the DS algorithm achieves close performance but requires less computation by up to 22% on average. Experimental results also show that the DS algorithm is better than the four-step search (4SS) and block-based gradient descent search (BBGDS), in terms of mean-square error performance and required number of search points
Based on the real world image sequence's characteristic of center-biased motion vector distribution, a new four-step search (4SS) algorithm with center-biased checking point pattern for fast block motion estimation is proposed in this paper. A halfway-stop technique is employed in the new algorithm with searching steps of 2 to 4 and the total number of checking points is varied from 17 to 27. Simulation results show that the proposed 4SS performs better than the well-known three-step search and has similar performance to the new three-step search (N3SS) in terms of motion compensation errors. In addition, the 4SS also reduces the worst-case computational requirement from 33 to 27 search points and the average computational requirement from 21 to 19 search points, as compared with N3SS
The three-step search (TSS) algorithm has been widely used as the motion estimation technique in some low bit-rate video compression applications, owing to its simplicity and effectiveness. However, TSS uses a uniformly allocated checking point pattern in its first step, which becomes inefficient for the estimation of small motions. A new three-step search (NTSS) algorithm is proposed in the paper. The features of NTSS are that it employs a center-biased checking point pattern in the first step, which is derived by making the search adaptive to the motion vector distribution, and a halfway-stop technique to reduce the computation cost. Simulation results show that, as compared to TSS, NTSS is much more robust, produces smaller motion compensation errors, and has a very compatible computational complexity