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In vitro maturation of DCs. A) Scheme of the differentiation and maturation process. For differentiation into immature DCs, murine monocytes were incubated only with GM-CSF, whereas human monocytes were incubated with both GM-CSF and IL-4. The surface markers used in this study are shown in the figure (h; human, m; murine). B) Human DC activation. After incubation with either PBS alone (control), cytokine cocktail (positive control) or IBDV-VLP, the immunophenotype of the cells was analyzed by FACS. X and Y-axes represent CD80 and CD86 expression, respectively. The percentages of mature hDCs are shown in each quadrant. C) Murine DC activation. After incubation with either PBS alone (control), LPS (positive control) or IBDV-VLP (2 µg/ml and 0.5 µg/ml), the immunophenotype of the cells was analyzed by FACS. Right; Dot plots allowing the detection of viable and dendritic cells (gated as CD11c+ MHC II+ cells), of two representative samples (control and LPS treated). As shown, around 90% of the cells were CD11c+. Left; Expression levels of the indicated maturation markers of each sample. (TIF)
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