This study is conducted in terms of research and development aiming for developing blended learning model using project-based learning via virtual science laboratory in a science classroom for students in secondary schools. The model could lead students to understand sciences lessons easier and enable to do experiments in lesser time, and encourage them to create new further experiments with curiosity. In addition, the model combines face-to-face learning and learning on online network to optimize the advantages of both methods. The research process is divided into 2 phases: 1) the development of blended learning model using project-based learning via virtual science laboratory, and 2) the affirmation of blended learning model using project-based learning via virtual science laboratory. The research samples are five experts selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments are the model of blended learning model using project-based learning via virtual science laboratory, and the evaluation of the model's appropriateness analyzed by means and standardized deviations statistically. The research result shows that: 1. There are five modules in the model which are 1) Student Module 2) Instructor Module 3) Blended Learning Module from Project-Based Learning and Active learning for students to conducting science projects and to check how much they understand what they have learned 4) Virtual Laboratory Module and 5) Assessment Module. 2. The five experts assessed the instruction model, and pointed out that the developed instruction model is highly appropriate. This shows that the developed instruction model can be used for enhancing analytical thinking skills and evaluation of ability in conducting science projects for secondary students.
... Effective integration requires preliminary stages, such as ensuring access, fostering engagement, and facilitating expert support. The current study reviews extensive literature to frame the deployment of blended learning across three key elements: methods of delivery (Graham et al., 2013) instructional techniques (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016), and the degree of integration (Anthony et al., 2022). Initially, identifying effective mechanisms for the distribution of instructional materials and resources, including computer tools, blogs, social media, and other digital platforms, is essential. ...
... As blended learning principles solidify, numerous investigations have explored its educational impacts on ESL learners' abilities in receptive (Chen & Chang, 2011;Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016) and productive language skills (Chen, 2021) as well as their attitudes toward learning (Wang et al., 2021;Usama et al., 2024). These studies demonstrate this blended learning affects English language skills significantly. ...
Blended learning in ESL contexts has attracted substantial scholarly attention recently. However, the impact of various online input modes on English grammar learning outcomes, particularly for speaking skills, has not been extensively studied. This study evaluates how bi- and multi-modal online inputs impact blended speech training in a primary school. Using a quasi-experimental, between-subjects design over 20 weeks, the study categorized participants into two groups: the bi-modal group (BG, N=32), which utilized online text-and-audio materials, and the multi-modal group (MG, N=32), which engaged with online videos. The assessment of learning achievement was conducted through two speaking tests, a pretest and a posttest. The results revealed enhancements in grammar and overall speaking skills for both groups, with significant performance differences. The study enriches academic literature by providing empirical insights into how different online input modes could optimize blended learning environments and support explicit speaking instruction to improve grammar in primary students’ speaking skills.
... • support students' deep understanding of science concepts and correcting their misconceptions (Bretz et al., 2013;Bruck et al., 2010;Johnstone & Al-Shuaili, 2001) • provide easy access to resources anytime and anywhere and flexible user interfaces that meet user needs and expectations (Afgan et al., 2015;Makransky et al., 2016;Viegas et al., 2018) • can support meaningful learning by linking new information with existing information, thus improving students' conceptual understanding of the material (Aljuhani et al., 2018;Hakím et al., 2016;Papaconstantinou et al., 2020) • reduce equipment needs and offer students more information and the opportunity to work at their own pace while exploring difficult or interesting concepts (Aljuhani et al., 2018;Darrah et al., 2014;Nickerson et al., 2007;Viegas et al., 2018) • may be most beneficial for students with special needs (Viegas et al., 2018) • increase non-cognitive outcomes such as motivation and self-efficacy leading to greater educational and life outcomes (Heckman & Kautz, 2012;Heckman et al., 2006;Makransky et al., 2016) • may be a good way to conduct problem-based learning and develop analytical thinking skills (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016) • can be fun for students as curriculum gamification is added (Aljuhani et al., 2018;Carnevale, 2003) • used as pre-lab exercises, can alleviate real-lab cognitive workload and increase learning outcomes, giving students an effective way to prepare and gain basic knowledge and cognitive skills beforehand, thereby directing their cognitive resources toward the relevant activity in the real lab (Abdulwahed & Nagy, 2009;Makransky et al., 2016) Research demonstrates that the combination of virtual and real labs best leverages the different affordances of each lab (Abdulwahed & Nagy, 2009;Corter et al., 2011;de Jong et al., 2013;Makransky et al., 2016;Nickerson et al., 2007;Perkins et al., 2010;Tsichouridis et al., 2019;Zacharia, 2007). Faculty members argue that VLs are preferred when costly apparatuses and supplies are needed, or dangerous experiments are involved. ...
General education science courses at a Canadian postsecondary institution implemented Beyond Labz virtual science labs. Faculty members teaching vocational science-related courses tested this resource. This qualitative study explores faculty member and learner perceptions of the efficacy of these virtual labs in terms of ease of use, designing hands-on activities, student engagement, and accessibility. Data are collected via a focus group, surveys, meetings, and interview notes. The study found that learners and faculty members may have different perceptions of the importance of virtual labs for the development of various skills. From the data, five themes emerge related to addressing the needs of diverse learners and utilizing multiple affordances of virtual labs. Although science virtual labs are perceived as a useful tool for teaching and learning science, faculty members identify barriers such as the need to develop digital literacy skills and initial training and institutional support when introducing new tools. Recommendations for effective science virtual labs curriculum integration are included.
... Blended learning also creatively connects technology and can meet pedagogical needs during learning (Bruggeman et al., 2021). This blended learning method can help students understand the material (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016). ...
Learning to write scientific articles necessitates the development of creative ideas and concepts in order to produce high-quality work that is also novel. However, learning to write scientific articles has become uninteresting among students due to a lack of interest in reading, ineffective use of digital literacy services to obtain references, and difficulties in creatively expressing ideas in scientific writing. The research goal is to create a learning model for writing scientific articles based on blended learning and creative problem solving. The Plomp model is used in the research method, which has three stages: preliminary, prototype, and assessment. The research yielded a trilogy of models: model books, lecturer books, and student books. The trilogy of models is designed based on the results of needs and context analysis, analysis of learning model characteristics to write scientific articles in universities, and prototypes by designing model books, lecturer books, student books, and assessments. The assessment results show that: (a) the model book is 89,44%, the lecturer's book is 94,44%, and the student book is 91,67% very valid. (b) A practicality test revealed that 85% of model books, 85,71% of lecturer books, and 87,27% of student books were very practical. (c) The practical 87,602% very effective. The characteristics of the blended learning integrated creative problem-solving learning model for writing scientific articles are very interesting and creative when combined with two lecture methods between online and offline (hybrid) using blended learning to improve students' creative thinking skills. The learning process incorporates technology and blended learning components to help students understand and gain new experiences in creative writing of scientific papers.
... The results of the research state that there is an influence of the use of STEM-based digital modules on increasing the HOTS of prospective elementary school teachers. Similar research which stated that the effect of project-based models on the thinking abilities of future elementary school teacher students (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016;Syawaludin et al., 2022). The research results stated that using a project-based model improved the thinking abilities of prospective elementary school teacher students, including higher-level thinking abilities. ...
This research was motivated by the development of a valid and feasible STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model to improve the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of prospective elementary school teacher students. Further research is needed to determine the impact on HOTS of elementary school teacher candidates. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model on the HOTS of prospective teacher students. This research is quasi-experimental research with research subjects as many as 200 prospective teacher students. The research instrument used is a higher-order thinking test. Data were collected through administering tests to research subjects. Data analysis techniques are carried out with prerequisite tests, hypothesis tests, and further tests using the help of SPSS 26. The results showed that there was an influence of the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model in increasing the HOTS of prospective elementary school teacher students. This study concluded that the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model has a positive influence in improving the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of elementary school teacher candidates. The implications of this research can be used as a reference for academics to improve the HOTS of prospective teacher students.
... Learning Management Systems (LMS) were increasingly implemented at universities, which became a platform for providing learning materials and exercise instructions, interactive contact with students, conducting workshops, group projects, etc. [26][27][28][29]. In addition, BL and FC methods have been developed, in which tools for remote working and electronic sharing of teaching resources and materials have begun to play an important role [30][31][32][33]. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of these teaching methods in technical faculties of higher education, where the use of computers and mobile devices in the work of an engineer has become a significant aspect of both the teaching process and professional practice. ...
The period of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a rapid development of innovative education methods, in particular using e-learning and remote work tools. The effects of this development are also post-pandemic changes in formal teaching regulations, in particular in higher education, allowing classes and lectures to be carried out with Blended Learning or Flipped Classroom methods. This paper provides information about a case study of implementing ICT technologies with elements of the mentioned methods in one of the subjects at a technical university. The implemented tools and solutions in the field of e-learning and interactivity are presented, along with information regarding their perception by students during two academic years in the post-COVID-19 period. The analysis of results of these information and student evaluations indicates their generally positive approach to such innovations in the educational path, and at the same time shows significant challenges for teachers to increase the attractiveness and effectiveness of the teaching process and the development of practical, technical skills of students.
... Learning Management Systems (LMS) were increasingly implemented at universities, which became a platform for providing learning materials and exercise instructions, interactive contact with students, conducting workshops, group projects, etc. [26][27][28][29]. In addition, BL and FC methods have been developed, in which tools for remote working and electronic sharing of teaching resources and materials have begun to play an important role [30][31][32][33]. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of these teaching methods in technical faculties of higher education, where the use of computers and mobile devices in the work of an engineer has become a significant aspect of both the teaching process and professional practice. ...
The period of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a rapid development of innovative education methods, in particular using e-learning and remote work tools. The effects of this development are also post-pandemic changes in formal teaching regulations, in particular in higher education, allowing classes and lectures to be carried out with Blended Learning or Flipped Classroom methods. This paper provides information about a case study of implementing ICT technologies with elements of the mentioned methods in one of the subjects at a technical university. The implemented tools and solutions in the field of e-learning and interactivity are presented, along with information regarding their perception by students during two academic years in the post-COVID-19 period. The analysis of results of these information and student evaluations indicates their generally positive approach to such innovations in the educational path, and at the same time shows significant challenges for teachers to increase the attractiveness and effectiveness of the teaching process and the development of practical, technical skills of students.
... Similarly, Owston et al. (2019) suggested a practical blended learning approach consisting of 80% of well-crafted online learning experiences seamlessly interwoven with 20% of face-to-face instruction closely aligned with the online materials. According to Klentien and Wannasawade (2016), BL integrates many pedagogic approaches, such as cooperative learning, discovery learning, expository presentations, and varied delivery means, such as personal communication, broadcasting, and publishing. ...
Theorists and researchers from various fields have examined the definition of education. Education is generally seen as an intentional effort to teach knowledge, develop skills, and shape character. Beyond the general dimensions, much scholarly conversation exists about this phenomenon's specific properties. Education can be perceived as a dynamic process that occurs within formal schooling, instructional techniques, and knowledge gain. Another view sees education as an outcome rather than a process. This notion emphasizes the cognitive and affective circumstances of formal education recipients. The essay elaborated on Hofstede's cultural dimensions and the VARK theory by Fleming. This qualitative research essay and literature review examine the importance of blended learning, culture, learning style, and artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning in higher education. In conclusion. achievement, engagement, involvement, retention, and cognitive results show that BL improves learners' efficacy. BL delivery, performance, assessment, and motivation also affect academic staff success. More excellent racially and linguistically diverse students mean more significant duties for teachers. Today, they must meet educational, institutional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal criteria to serve all students. Different teaching strategies benefit students regardless of their learning style. It means that instructional designers should develop an inclusive learning environment that meets all students' requirements, not just certain learning styles. AI could transform education. AI can improve education, solve critical issues, and speed SDG 4 progress.
... Electronic modules are an example of e-educational materials that fall into the category of interactive educational materials because they combine text, images and video and require user control to use. The learning experience with media is seen as a complex interaction between cognitive and affective aspects (Harris et al. 2022; Hendra Sofyan, Evita Anggereini 2019; Klentien and Wannasawade 2016;Koehler et al. 2013;Shoaf et al. 2022). ...
The purpose of the study was to develop scientific-based E-Modules in biotechnology courses. This type of research is an R&D research with the 4D method. The research sample involved 30 Nutrition students, Muhammadiyah University of Bima. The results showed that the E-Module developed had a high level of feasibility with a percentage ranging from 86. 93% with a very good category. This shows that the developed E-MODUL is suitable for use as teaching material in biotechnology courses. The developed E-MODUL has characteristics that are simple, flexible, interactive, usability, reusable, maintenable, and easily accessible by lecturers and students. The implication is that the developed E-Module can be accessed by students and lecturers of the nutrition study program, bima muhammadiyah university. There is a need for development by involving augmented reality, so that the presentation is based on factual phenomena.
... Virtual laboratories can be deemed to have a significant impact on especially science education when the goals in this area are considered (Ahmed & Hasegawa, 2019). Science classes have essential goals such as teaching students of different ages the scientific information processes and improving their skills of researching this scientific information and problem-solving (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016). Laboratories are very important in achieving the goals of science lessons (Špernjak & Šorgo, 2018). ...
This study is a systematic review that is composed of the analysis of several international studies on the use of virtual laboratories in science education that were selected based on certain criteria. Research data have been attained by reviewing studies that concern virtual laboratories. For this systematic review, 1322 scientific articles published in the Web of Science database between 2013 and 2022, with the keyword "virtual laboratory" in their titles or abstracts, were reviewed. An article review form was used as the tool for collecting data. In determining the papers to be included in the study, the criterion sampling method was used. The sample of the study consists of 30 papers which comply with the inclusion criteria and were accessible in full text. Descriptive and content analyses were used in this systematic review. The studies on virtual laboratories are presented via descriptive analysis on the basis of their distribution by years, distribution by subject fields, distribution by participant levels, distribution by group sizes, methods and patterns, data collection tools, and frequencies of data analysis types. The results of virtual laboratories that these studies acquired were grouped via content analysis under codes, categories, and themes. When the results achieved by these studies are evaluated as a whole, it becomes clear that virtual laboratory applications positively impact science education with respect to different variables.
One of the objectives of Malaysia Ministry of Education is to provide educational opportunities for all Malaysians. Are education opportunities given fairly to all Malaysians who come from two big regions and divided by the South China Sea? The web infancy era, where the World Wide Web (WWW) is blooming fast, has changed the new millennium teaching and learning process tremendously. Although the online learning can reach to students regardless of their location and backgrounds, human contact is still very important in traditional face-to-face learning. Blended learning course comprising online learning and traditional face-to-face learning components is an effective teaching and learning method, where it combines the best from both worlds. Blended learning courses only started a few years ago in Malaysia higher learning institutions to give everybody equal opportunities to study. The key acceptance of blended learning approach and continuing improvement is students' satisfaction. This study focused on students' satisfaction related to the nine components of blended learning (course content, technical, flexibility, community learning, motivation, sharing, feedback, complementary learning and personalized learning) from two locations: urban and rural areas. The study employed a mixed method consisting of a survey questionnaire distributed first to collect the quantitative data and followed by the interview to refine and explain the data. The population of the study consisted of students who enrolled in the Mathematics Blended Learning Course in Sarawak state in semester July-November, 2007. Census was used in the study. The survey instrument was developed and validated using Rasch model. The semi-structured questionnaire was used in qualitative data collection. The quantitative data was analyzed by using SPSS v14.0 whilst the qualitative data was coded by using NVivo software. Results from the quantitative data showed that students were satisfied in all nine components regardless of the location. The grand mean of all components also indicated that respondents were satisfied with blended learning course. This result was supported by the qualitative data.
This book provides a series of proven, practical guidelines for using technology in education, giving the reader an overview of how technological applications in education can be harnessed and developed. The book presents an integrated vision of how technology is related to learning-related change, and how current and emerging experiences can inform future success for those working in this field. A series of 18 key lessons are detailed in the book. These lessons can be applied by those working with educational technology at a number of different levels, including: those taking an institutional or managerial perspective; those responsible for implementing new approaches to learning; those concerned with issues of pedagogy and effective teaching; and those dealing with flexible learning technology. Chapter one focuses on the concept of flexible learning, and in chapter two, flexible learning is related to major changes facing higher education institutions throughout the world. For flexible learning to be implemented, instructors and learners will probably need to make use of technology; chapter three deals these implementation issues. In chapter four, the 4-E Model (presented in chapter three) is used to steer a direction for proceeding in terms of the technology itself. Chapter five focuses more specifically on pedagogical combinations that involve more flexibility and relates them to the instructor's pedagogical decisions based on a new definition of an active student--one of co-contributor to the course study resources and co-member of the course as a learning community. Chapter six suggests a simplified return on investment strategy based on the 4-E Model and involving the institutional, pedagogical and technological perspectives. In chapters one through six, a set of 18 lessons learned are developed, which predominantly argue via literature references and general statements about the authors' own experience. Chapters seven and eight make that experience explicit. Chapter nine argues that there is a new economy emerging for education, and uses the lessons to suggest its characteristics and implications. (Includes subject and author indexes. Contains 194 references.) (AEF)
Este libro aborda el tema del aprendizaje a través de internet, mismo que ha tenido gran impacto en el ambiente educativo, representa un enorme potencial porque podría revolucionar el aprendizaje y el desarrollo, y a su vez, se ha mezclado con los métodos tradicionales de aprendizaje. Precisamente este libro analiza cómo el aprendizaje virtual es una solución funcional que permite a entrenadores y equipo integrar el aprendizaje con un amplio rango de técnicas de aprendizaje más tradicionales.
Effect of project-based learning with different group method on weblog toward analytical thinking ability and basic structure of students in Mathayomsuksa 3 level
Jan 2011
Amparat Nualtong
Amparat Nualtong. (2011). Effect of project-based learning with different group method on weblog toward
analytical thinking ability and basic structure of students in Mathayomsuksa 3 level. Thesis in Master of
Education Program, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University.
Virtual Classrooms Available from: Blended Learning Design: Five Key Ingredients
Jan 2002
Boonker Kuanhavech
Boonker Kuanhavech. (2010). Virtual Classrooms. [Online]. Available from:
Carman, J. M. (2002). Blended Learning Design: Five Key Ingredients. [Online]. Available from: Design_1028.pdf.
The E-learning Fieldbook
Jan 2003
N V Dam
Dam, N.V. (2003). The E-learning Fieldbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.