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Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering
Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad KHALIL, Christian KASTL & Martin EBNER
Graz University of Technology, Educational Technology,
{mohammad.khalil, martin.ebner},
Massive Open Online Courses are remote courses that excel in their students’
heterogeneity and quantity. Due to the peculiarity of being massiveness, the large
datasets generated by MOOCs platforms require advance tools to reveal hidden
patterns for enhancing learning and educational environments. This paper offers
an interesting study on using one of these tools, clustering, to portray learners’
engagement in MOOCs. The research study analyse a university mandatory
MOOC, and also opened to the public, in order to classify students into appropriate
profiles based on their engagement. We compared the clustering results across
MOOC variables and finally, we evaluated our results with an eighties students’
motivation scheme to examine the contrast between classical classes and MOOCs
classes. Our research pointed out that MOOC participants are strongly following
the Cryer’s scheme of ELTON (1996).
MOOCs, Learning Analytics, Clustering, Engagements, Patterns
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
1 Introduction
In the last years, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has been developed rapidly so
that now is including modern online classes in which they are called MOOCs
(MCAULEY et al., 2010). The word MOOCs is an abbreviation of four letters, ‘M’
which is Massive, and it means massive in the number of enrollees than what is in
regular classes. ‘O’ and this is Open, and that is an implication of a field that has no
accessibility limitations. Furthermore, openness also means that these massive courses
should be open to anyone. The second ‘O’ stands for Online where all courses are held
on the Internet without any borders. In the end, ‘C’ means courses, this represented a
structured learning material and is mostly embodied as filmed lectures, documents and
interactive social media such as discussion forums or even social media channels.
The first version of MOOCs was named cMOOCs, which were developed by George
Siemens and Stephan Downes back in 2008, and it adopted the connectivism theory
that is based on the role of social and networks of information (HOLLAND &
TIRTHALI, 2014). After that, other versions of MOOCs become available, but it was
noticeable that the extended MOOCs or so-called xMOOCs attracted the eyes of to-
day’s online courses learners.
One of the prominent and most successful activities of xMOOCs has been done by
Sebastian Thrun in 2011. He and his colleagues launched an online course called “In-
troduction to Artificial Intelligence” which attracted over 160,000 users from all over
the world (YUAN et al., 2013). xMOOCs follow theories that are based on guided
learning and the classical information transmission (RODRIGUEZ, 2012). FERGU-
SON & CLOW (2015) argued that xMOOC is an extended version of cMOOC with
additional elements of content and assessment as well as a larger-scale role of educa-
tors to be part of the content; in other words, an online course for hundreds of learners
simultaneously (CARSON & SCHMIDT, 2012).
The benefits of MOOCs are crystallized to be welfare in improving educational out-
comes, extending accessibility, and reducing costs. In addition, Ebner and his col-
leagues addressed the advantages that MOOCs can add to the Open Educational Re-
sources (OER) movement as well as lifelong learning experiences in TEL contexts
(Ebner, et al., 2014). Despite their advantages, MOOCs suffered from students who
Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad Khalil, Christian Kastl & Martin Ebner
register and afterwards do not complete the courses. This has been cited in several
scientific researches and is now commonly named as “the dropout rate” (MEYER,
2012; JORDAN, 2013). Various investigations have been done to identify the reasons
behind the low completion rates, such as the research studies by KHALIL & EBNER
(2014; 2016), LACKNER et al. (2015). Furthermore, lack of interaction between learn-
ers and instructor(s), and the controversy argument about MOOCs pedagogical ap-
proach, are the negative factors that obstruct the positive advancement of MOOCs. In
addition to all this, recent research publications discussed the patterns of engagement
and the debates about categorizing students in MOOCs (KIZILCEC et al., 2013; FER-
GUSON & CLOW, 2015; KHALIL & EBNER, 2015a).
Since MOOCs include a large quantity of data that is generated by students who reside
in an online crucible, the heed toward what is so-called Learning Analytics steered the
wheel into an integration of both sectors (KHALIL & EBNER, 2016). KNOX (2014)
discussed the high promises behind Learning Analytics when it is applied to MOOCs
datasets for the principles of overcoming their constraints. The needs for Learning
Analytics emerged to optimize learning, and for a better students’ commitment in dis-
tance education applications (KHALIL & EBNER, 2015b).
In this research study, we employ Learning Analytics, using a clustering methodology,
on a dataset from one of the courses offered by the leading Austrian MOOC platform,
. The sought objectives behind clustering are to portray the engagement and
behaviour of learners in MOOC platforms and to support decisions of following up the
students for purposes of increasing retention and improving interventions for a specific
subpopulation of students. In addition, this research study will contribute with an addi-
tional value to ease the grouping of MOOCs participants.
The publication is organized as follow: Section 2 covers the research methodology of
this research study. Section 3 gives an overview about the MOOC platform itself as
well as the demographics of the course. Section 4 covers in details the clustering meth-
odology and data analysis. Section 5 is the discussion and the comparison with the
Cryer’s scheme, while section 6 concludes the findings.
1 (last visited October 2015)
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
2 Research Methodology
This research study is based on data collected by a formal Learning Analytics applica-
tion of the iMooX MOOC-platform. By tracking their traces, the application records
learners actions within the divergent MOOC indicators such as videos, files downloads,
reading in forums, posting in forums and the quizzes performance. In the present study,
a MOOC named “Social Aspects of Information Technology”, shortly GADI (abbrevi-
ated from the original German title), was chosen for further analysis and research.
The collected information after that, which takes the form of log files, was parsed to
filter the duplicated and unstructured data format. The data analysis was carried out
using the R software, and the clustering methodology was performed using an addi-
tional package called NbClust (CHARRAD et al., 2014). We followed content analysis
in which units of analysis get measured and benchmarked based on qualitative deci-
sions (NEUENDORF, 2002). These decisions are founded on sustained observations
on a weekly basis and examination of surveys at the end of the course by one of the
3 Stats and Overview
3.1 The MOOC-Platform
iMooX is the leading Austrian MOOC platform founded by the cooperation of Graz
University of Technology and University of Graz (NEUBÖCK et al., 2015). The of-
fered courses vary in topics between social science, engineering and technology topics
and cope with lifelong learning and OER tracks. The target groups are assorted among
school children, high-school students and university degree holders. Additionally,
iMooX offers certificates and badges to successful students who fulfilled courses re-
quirements at no cost.
Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad Khalil, Christian Kastl & Martin Ebner
3.2 Course Overview and Demographics
Our analysis of portraying learners is based on a summer course provided by Graz
University of Technology in 2015 called “Social Aspects of Information Technology”
abbreviated in German and in this research study as GADI. This course was selected
because it is specialized of being mandatory for the university students of Information
and Computer Engineering (Bachelor-6th semester), Computer Science (Bachelor-2nd
Semester), Software Development, Business Management (Bachelor-6th semester) and
for the Teacher’s Training Certificate of computer science degree (2nd Semester). Fur-
thermore, the course was also opened for external participants and not only restricted to
university students. The main content of the course is based on discussions about the
implications of information technology on society.
The course lasted 10 weeks. Every week includes 2 or 3 video lectures, a discussion
forum, further readings and a multiple choice quiz. Each quiz could be repeated up to
five times. The system is programmed to record the highest grade of these trials.
MOOC’s workload was predefined with about 3 hours/week, and the passing grade for
each quiz was set to be 75%. Students of Graz University of Technology gain 2.5
ECTS (credits) for completing the MOOC but they have also to do an additional essen-
tial practical work.
Finally, there were in summary 838 participants in the course, 459 of them were uni-
versity students, while 379 were voluntary external participants. Because this MOOC is
obligatory to pass the university class, the completion ratio was much higher compared
to other MOOCs. The general certification rate of this particular MOOC is 49%. The
certification ratio of the university students was 80%, and 11.35% of the external par-
Candidates, who successfully completed all quizzes, were asked to submit answers for
a predefined evaluation form. The collected data showed that most of the external par-
ticipants are from Austria and Germany. University students’ average age was 23.1
years old, while the average age of the external participants was 46.9 years old. Table 1
reports the course demographics based on the evaluation results.
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
Table 1: The GADI MOOC Demographics of completed participants
Gender (M/F)
High School
MSc & PhD
4 Clustering and Analysis
The main goal behind clustering is to assign each participant in the MOOC to a suitable
group with common behaviours. Each group should be as distinct as possible to pre-
vent overlaps. The elements in these groups should fit tied to the defined group param-
eters. Therefore, clustering using the k-mean algorithm with the Euclidean distance
was selected as our tool of choice. In order to begin clustering, we labeled the variables
that will be referenced in the algorithm. The expected results should be clustered with
activities and characteristics that distinguish the MOOC participants.
Due to the relations between certain variables, we excluded the high correlated indica-
tors as this will not affect the grouping sequence. As a consequence, the used variables
in clustering were:
1. Reading Frequency: This indicates the number of times a user clicked on par-
ticular posts in the forum.
2. Writing Frequency: This variable determines the number of written posts in
the discussion forum.
3. Videos Watched: This variable contains the total number of videos a user
4. Quiz Attempts: It calculates the sum of attempts that have been spent on all ten
Because of the structure of the examined MOOC, which is obligatory for university
students and opened for external participants, the clustering was done independently in
both groups. The intention of each group could vary. For example, are the university
Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad Khalil, Christian Kastl & Martin Ebner
students attending the MOOC for learning purposes or are they only seeking for the
4.1 Case 1: University Students
In this case, the k value was assigned with a value from 3 to 6, as long as we do not
really want more than 6 groups. The suggested cluster, based on the variables value
and the NbClust package, resulted to four clusters. Figure 1 illustrates the four clusters
of the MOOC university students.
Figure 1: MOOC’s University Students Clusters
Figure 1 shows a cluster amount of four classes. Two of the groups, the blue and the
green are overlapping. The relation between components in x-axis and y-axis is valued
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
at 67.76%. This percentage means that we have nearly 70% of unhidden information
based on this clustering value
. The clusters are characterized as the following:
Cluster (1) with the pink oval shape contains 95 students. This group has low activity
among the four variables. Only 10 students are certified, and the dropout rate is high.
Cluster (2) with the blue oval shape contains 154 students. Most of the participants in
this group completed the course successfully. This cluster is distinguishable by their
videos’ watching.
Cluster (3) with the green oval shape has 206 participants. The certification rate was
94%. Both of cluster 2 and cluster 3 share a high certification rate, but differ in watch-
ing the videos.
Cluster (4) is the smallest cluster, containing 4 students. By observing the variables, we
noticed that the students in this cluster are the only ones that had been writing on the
forums. The amount of certified students in cluster 4 totals to 50%.
4.2 Case 2: External Learners
Figure 2 shows the proposed cluster solution of the external participants who do not
belong to the university class. Again, k value was set to be from 3 to 6. The point vari-
ability shows a competitive rate of 88.89%, which indicates a steep seclusion among
the three groups. The clusters of this case are characterized as the following:
Cluster (1) with the blue oval shape contains 42 participants. The certification rate of
this group is 76.20%. The social activity and specifically reading in forums are moder-
ate compared to the other clusters. Whiles the number of quiz trials is high.
Cluster (2) with the red oval shape holds only 8 participants. The certification rate in
this group is 100%. Participants from cluster 2 showed the highest number of written
contributions and the highest reading frequency in the forum.
and-component-variability (Last accessed, 15th October 2015).
Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad Khalil, Christian Kastl & Martin Ebner
Figure: 2 MOOC’s External Learners Clusters
Cluster (3) with the pink oval shape includes all the other participants. This group
showed a high dropout rate and a completion rate of only 1%.
5 Discussion
Within the previous clustering results in both cases, we studied the values of each vari-
able in each cluster. The next step was to make a classification scale of “low”, “moder-
ate” and “high” that describes characteristics and the activity level of each group. Table
2 shows them for both of the cases, university and external participants.
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
Table 2: Characteristics of each cluster of both MOOC cases
Case: University Students
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Case: External Participants
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
By analyzing the clusters, we think the opportunity to portray students’ behaviours in
the MOOC becomes possible nearby. However, a study by ELTON in (1996), which
examined the general strategies to motivate learners in the classes, meets a similar
scheme of our clustering results. Figure 3 illustrates the so-called Cryer’s scheme,
which shows student behavior within a course. The x-axis represents intrinsic factors,
which are achievements and subject. The y-axis includes the examination preparation,
which is named as the extrinsic factor. It must be stated that this scheme does not only
include the shown specific profiles, but it also contains other learners who reside be-
tween these four profiles.
The students, on the bottom left of the Cryer’s scheme, describe the ones who are not
interested in the course subject nor score positive results.
Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics
Mohammad Khalil, Christian Kastl & Martin Ebner
Figure 3: Cryer’s Scheme Based on Levels of Student Commitment
This class represents Cluster (1) of our university students’ case, and Cluster (3) of
external participants’ case. An appropriate profile name of this cluster would be simply
“Dropout”. This profile shares common patterns of being inactive among all the
MOOC variables. The certification rate in this profile is low.
The class, on the top left in the scheme, describes learners who play the system. This
term comes from a case when students are treated and just doing what instructors want
to do for getting a grade. Using Learning Analytics, some students were determined
watching the learning videos with various skips, or even they start a quiz without
watching the weekly video. Such students were named as “Gamblers”. In spite of cer-
tain questions that are hard to answer without watching a video, some of them could
pass the exams. It should also be considered that the MOOC platform offers up to five
trials per week quiz, which might be the reasons behind a high percentage of gamblers
among university students.
Rebellions are those who show interest in the course, but fail because of bad exam
preparations. In the Cluster Analysis, this group was available in the university stu-
dents’ group, which is represented by Cluster (4). However, it was hard to detect in the
Research Track
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016
external participants’ group. Cluster (4) was distinct for being very active with the
social activities in the forums. We named them as the “Sociable Students”.
The last class is the students whom their commitment is high. “Perfect Students” might
be the appropriate name for them. Every MOOC platform looks to have such students.
With their high certification rate, Cluster (2) in both cases embodied this profile.
6 Conclusion
This research study examined learners’ behavior in a mandatory xMOOC offered by
iMooX. Because the course was also opened to the public, we studied patterns of the
involved students and separated them into two cases, internal and external participants.
Within our research study, we performed a cluster analysis, which pointed out partici-
pants in MOOCs, whether they did the course on a voluntary basis or not. Furthermore,
we found that the clusters can be applied on the Cryer’s scheme of ELTON (1996).
This leads to the assumption that tomorrow’s instructors have to think about the in-
crease of the intrinsic motivation by those students who are only “playing the system”.
Our research study also pointed out that online courses behave very similar to tradi-
tional face-to-face courses. Therefore, we strongly recommend researching on how
MOOCs can be more engaging and creating new didactical concepts to increase moti-
vational factors.
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