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Role of NKT cells in the pathogenesis of acute dengue infection

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Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is now being accepted as one of the most effi cacious treatment of varicose vein. As diode laser device for varicose vein treatment, we have today on the medical device market, ELVeS laser and ELVeS laser 1470 both handled by Integral Corporation with manufacturing and marketing approval following Japanese pharmaceutical regulations. These two devices are widely used in Japanese medical clinic and hospitals. Main difference between these two devices are derived from wave length of laser and fi ber.
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Omalizumab depletes free IgE in the blood and interstitial space and inhibits IgE binding to FcεRI on basophils, mast cells, and dendritic cells. We stopped omalizumab treatment after four years. Recurrences of urticaria symptoms were found to be higher in patients with chronic urticaria than recurrences of asthmatic symptoms in severe persistent asthma patients. For the very first time, we used omalizumab in symptomatic therapy of recurrent laryngeal oedema and urticaria attacks in a patient with postoperative pulmonary carcinoid tumor for eight months. During the four years of follow-up, no recurrence was noted in pulmonary carcinoid tumor. Control PET CT results revealed normal findings. After omalizumab treatment, laryngeal oedema and urticaria symptoms were decreased. The most common adverse reaction from omalizumab is injection site induration, injection site itching, injection site pain, and bruising but the package insert contains warnings regarding parasitic infections. While there are no reports of fatal anaphylaxis as a result of omalizumab, some cases have been serious and potentially life-threatening. Therefore, the FDA requires that people receiving omalizumab be monitored in the physician’s office for a period of time after their injections.
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Omalizumab, a humanized mAb that binds to the CH3 domain near the binding site for the high-affinity type-I IgE Fc receptors of human IgE, can neutralize free IgE and inhibit the IgE allergic pathway without sensitizing mast cells and basophils. We found that omalizumab in patients with severe persistent asthma (SPA) was an effective therapy for asthma and the following co-morbid conditions: chronic urticaria (CU), bee venom allergy, latex allergy, atopic dermatitis, food allergy and Samter’s syndrome. Information on the use of omalizumab in treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases has improved our understanding that treatment acts on many levels, including regulating levels of inflammatory proteins, including cytokines (copper-containing alpha- 2-glycoprotein, total antioxidant capacity, MDA, NO, H2O2, CXCL8, IL-10, TGF-β, GMCSF, IL-17, IL-1β), MPV, Hs-CRP, eosinophil cationic peptide, vitamin-D (25(OH)D), homocysteine (Hcy), OX-2, d- dimer, albumin, and sApo-2L. The decrease in Hcy concentrations and increase in 25(OH)D also support the existence of a vascular endothelial protection mechanism. Mediators and cells classically involved in pro-coagulant and anticoagulant pathways together play a role in SPA and CU pathophysiology and omalizumab effect. The mechanism of action of omalizumab in the treatment of asthma is believed to be multifactorial, and includes effects mediated through altered production of redox metabolites, extrinsic coagulation pathway, oxidative markers-related mi RNA, TRAIL-related mi RNA, and regulation of production of known inflammatory proteins.
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